A Mathematical Theory of Communication: Jin Woo Shin, Sang Joon Kim
A Mathematical Theory of Communication: Jin Woo Shin, Sang Joon Kim
A Mathematical Theory of Communication: Jin Woo Shin, Sang Joon Kim
Paper review
This paper opened the new area - the information theory. Before this paper, most people believed
that the only way to make the error probability of transmission as small as desired is to reduce the
data rate (such as a long repetition scheme). However, surprisingly this paper revealed that it does
not need to reduce the data rate for achieving that much of small errors. It proved that we can get
some positive data rate that has the same small error probability and also there is an upper bound
of the data rate, which means we cannot achieve the data rate with any encoding scheme that has
small enough error probability over the upper bound.
For reviewing this noble paper, first, we summarize the paper at our point of view and then discuss
several topics concerned with what the paper includes.
The paper was categorized as five parts - PART I: Discrete Noiseless systems, PART II: The Discrete
Channel With Noise, PART III: Mathematical Preliminaries, PART IV: The Continuous Channel,
PART V: The Rate For A Continuous Source.
We reconstruct this structure as four parts. We combine PART I and PART III to 2.1 Preliminary. PART I contained the important concepts for demonstrating the following parts such as
entropy and ergodic source. PART III extended the concept of entropy to the continuous case
for the last parts of paper. PART II,IV,V dealt with discrete source and discrete channel case,
discrete source and continuous channel case and continuous source and continuous channel case
respectively. We renamed each PARTs and summarize them with this point of view.
There are three essential concepts which are used for developing the idea of the paper. One is
entropy to measure the uncertainty of the source and another is ergodic property to apply the AEP
theorem. The last is capacity to measure how much the channel allow to transfer the information.
To measure the quantity of information of a discrete source, the paper defined entropy. To define
the measure H(p1 , p2 , , pn ) reasonably, it should satisfy the following three requirements:
1. H should be continuous in pi .
pi log pi
**we use h for representing the entropy in continuous case to avoid confusing that with the entropy
H in discrete case.
Ergodic source
In the Markov process, we call the graph is ergodic if it satisfies the following properties:
1. IRREDUCIBLE: the graph does not contain the case of two isolated nodes A and B, i.e. every
node can reach to every node.
2. APERIODIC: the GCD of the lengths of all cycles in the graph is 1.
If the source is ergodic then, with any initial conditions, Pj (N ) approach the equilibrium probability when N and for j. Equilibrium probability is as following:
Pj =
Pi pi (j)
The paper defined capacity as two different ways and in Theorem 12 at page 25, it proved these
two definitions are identical. Two different definitions are as following:
(T )
1. C = limT log N
where N (T ) is the number of possible signals and T is time duration.
2. C = M ax(H(x) H(x|y))
Discrete source and Discrete Channel case means that the source information is discrete value and
the received data that are sent through the channel are also discrete values. In this case the paper
proved the famous theorem (Theorem 11 at the page 22) that there is a rate upper bound that we
can achieve the error-free transmission. The detail theorem is as following:
Theorem 1. If the discrete source entropy H is less than or equal to the channel capacity C then
there exists a code that can be transmitted over the channel with arbitrarily small amount of errors.
If H > C then there is no method of encoding which gives equivocation less than H C.
For proving this theorem, the paper used the assumption that the source is ergodic. With this
assumption, we can use the AEP theorem and the result is the above theorem.
There are several examples that make sure the result of the theorem and the last one is interesting
for us. The last example is a simple encoding function whose rate is equal to the capacity of the
given channel, i.e. the most efficient encoding scheme in that channel. The reason why this code is
interesting is that it is [7,4,3] Hamming code - the basic linear code.
In a continuous channel, the input or transmitted signals will be continuous functions of time
f (t) belonging to a certain set, and the output or received signals will be perturbed versions of
these.(Although the title of this section includes discrete source, a continuous channel assumes a
continuous source in general.) The main difference from the discrete case is the domain size of the
input and output of a channel becomes infinite. The capacity of a continuous channel is defined in
a way analogous to that for a discrete channel, namely
P (x, y)
C = max(h(x) h(x|y)) = max
P (x, y) log
P (x)P (y)
P (x)
P (x)
Of course, h in the above definition is a differential entropy.
If the logarithmic base used in computing h(x) and h(x|y) is two then C is the maximum number
of binary digits that can be sent per second over the channel with arbitrarily small error, just as
in the discrete case. We can check this fact in two aspects. At first, this can be seen physically
by dividing the space of signals into a large number of small cells sufficiently small so that the
probability density P (y|x) of signal x being perturbed to point y is substantially constant over a
cell. If the cell are considered as distinct points the situation os essentially the same as a discrete
channel. Secondly, in the mathematical side, it can be shown that if u is the message, x is the
signal, y is the received signal and v is the recovered message, then
h(x) h(x|y) H(u) H(u|v)
regardless of what operations are performed on u to obtain x or on y to obtain v. This means
no matter how we encode the binary digits to obtain the signal, no matter how we decode the
received signal to recover the message, the transmission rate for the binary digits does not exceed
the channel capacity we defined above.
In the case of a continuous source, an infinite number of binary digits needs for exact specification
of a source. This means that transmitting the output of a continuous source with exact recovery
at the receiving point requires is impossible using a channel with a certain amount of noise and a
finite capacity. Therefore, practically, we are not interested in exact transmission when we have a
continuous source, but only in transmission to within a certain tolerance. The question is, can we
assign a transmission rate to a continuous source when we require only a certain fidelity of recovery,
measured in a suitable way. A criterion of fidelity can be represented as follows.
(P (x, y)) =
P (x, y)(x, y) dxdy
P (x, y) is a probability distribution over the input and output signals, and (x, y) can be interpreted
as a distance between x and y, in other words, it measures how undesirable it is to receive y when
x is transmitted. We can choose a suitable (x, y), for example,
(x, y) =
[x(t) y(t)]2 dt
,where T is the duration of the messages taken sufficiently large. In discrete case, (x, y) can be
defined as the number of symbols in the sequence y differing from the corresponding symbols in x
divided by the total number of symbols in x.
Practical approach to Shannon limit
This paper amazingly provided the upper limit of data rate that can be achieved by any encoding
schemes. However, it only proved the existence of the encoding scheme that has the data rate
under the capacity. Of course, there are several kinds of provided encoding scheme in the paper
but they are not practical. Therefore, finding a good practical encoding scheme is another issue.
There are many attempts to find an encoding scheme to get closed to the capacity. Currently, there
are two coding schemes that are most efficient. One is Turbo code, and the other is LDPC(Low
Density Parity Check) code.
The encoding schemes of these two codes are quite different. Turbo code is a kind of convolutional code, LDPC is a linear code. However, the decoding algorithms are very similar. They use
the iterative decoding algorithm, which reduces the decoding computational complexity.
These codes have a very high performance(near Shannon limit) but the block size should be large
enough to get the performance. As this paper revealed, the message size should go to infinity to
get the rate that has the negligible error probability. Practically, for get Pe = 107 in Low SNR
(< 2.5dB), the block size should be larger than several tens of thousands. However, practically,
the above kinds of large message block cannot be applied because of the limitation of decoding and
encoding processing power. Therefore it is necessary to find a code that has high performance with
reasonable block size.
The fundamental assumption in the paper is that the source information is ergodic. With this
assumption, the paper proved the AEP property and capacity theorems. Therefore, one curiosity
is arisen that what happens if the source is not ergodic?. If the information is not ergodic, it
is reducible or periodic. If AEP property holds with this source(not ergodic), shannons capacity
theorem also satisfies in this case because capacity theorem is not based on ergodic source but on
AEP property. Therefore, to find a source that is not ergodic and holds AEP property is one of
meaningful works. Following example is one of these sources.
It is not ergodic because of reduciblity. However it has a unique stationary probability, P = [01],
therefore it holds AEP property.
For dealing with a continuous source, Shannon introduced the fidelity concept, which is also called
Rate Distortion. This concept can also apply to the case of a discrete source as follows.
Definition 3. The information rate R of a discrete source for a given distortion(fidelity) is
defined as follows.
R(I) () = min (H(x) H(x|y))
,where P (x) and =
P (y|x)
Consider the case when = 0. In this case, the channel between X and Y becomes a noiseless
channel. Therefore, H(X|Y ) = 0, and R = H(X). Thus, the rate of a continuous source that Shannon defined in this paper turns out to be the generalized concept of entropy(=the rate of a discrete
source) of a discrete source. In other words, entropy of a discrete source is the rate with 0 distortion.
Shannon returned to it and dealt with it exhaustively in his 1959 paper(Coding theorems for
a discrete source with a fidelity criterion), which proved the first rate distortion theorem. To state
it, define some notions.
Definition 4. A (2nR , n) rate distortion code consists of an encoding function,
fn : X n {1, 2, . . . , 2nR }
and a decoding function,
gn : {1, 2, . . . , 2nR } X n
Informally, means the expected distance between original messages and recovered messages.
Definition 5. For a given , R is said to be a acheivable rate if there exists a sequence of (2nR , n)
rate distortion codes (fn , gn ) with limn (fn , gn )
Theorem 6. For an i.i.d source X with distribution P (x) and bounded distortion function (x, y),
R(I) () is the minimum acheivable rate at distortion .
This main theorem implies that we can compress a source X up to R(I) () ratio when allowing
The reason why we selected this paper for our term project thought the most contents which are
contained in this paper already have been studied in the class is that we want to grab the original
idea of Shannon when he opened the information theory. The organization of the paper is intuitively clear and there are a lot of useful examples that help understand the notions and concepts.
The last part about continuous source is the most difficult and confusing to understand and it may
be because it has not been dealt in the class.
We estimate that the notion of entropy and the assumption of ergodic process are the key of
this paper because all fruits are from this root. After this paper came out, many scientists are
involved in this field and there may be a great improvement from the start point. However, even
if the achievement in the information theory has become plentiful it is still under the fundamental
notion entropy and ergodic.
It is a great opportunity to read this paper rigorously. We can get the fundamental idea of information theory and we hope to know more about what we discussed one chapter above.