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The Management Control

System Package of IKEA

a Case Study

Bachelor thesis in Business Administration

Management Control
Spring term 2010
Ingemar Claesson
Maria Berglund
Gustav Rapp

Examination thesis in Business Administration, School of Business, Economics and Law,
University of Gothenburg, Management Control, Bachelor thesis, Spring term 2010
Authors: Maria Berglund and Gustav Rapp
Tutor: Senior Lecturer Ingemar Claesson
Title: The Management Control System Package of IKEA Bckbol a Case Study
Background and problem: In an article from 1984, Kaplan concluded that the research that
had been developed in the area of management accounting and management control from
1925 to that point had little or no influence on the real organizations, who should be the
beneficiaries. As of today the opposite problem from what Kaplan found in 1984 can be
spotted, there are almost too many choices in accounting and management control. With the
background just proposed we found it interesting to see how a company like IKEA, which
opened their first store as early as 1958 (IKEA, 2010), works with management control today.
Purpose: The first objective of this thesis is to describe the management control system
package of IKEA Bckebol. The second objective is to describe what management control
systems are used at various organizational levels and analyze how the different management
control systems in the company relate to each other.
Methodology: With a qualitative approach we interviewed five managers at IKEA Bckebol
and one employee at the Swedish head office. The interviews were done with managers on
various levels which had responsibility for personnel, business, sales and/or financially related
issues. Since the thesis is focused on one single company there are no intentions to make any
general assumptions of the results.
Analysis and conclusion: IKEA Bckebol has a strong corporate culture but they use a large
amount of more detailed and specific measurement systems to further enhance their
management control system package. They also use guidelines and procedures, even though
the staff is encouraged to take responsibility and make their own decisions. Cultural controls,
results controls and action controls are used at all levels of the organization, but action
controls are slightly more frequently used at the sales staff level. IKEA Bckebols MCS
package includes many different management controls and MCS, where we think that some
are complementary and some overlap.
Suggestions for further studies: We think that management control systems as a package
and how the various systems interact and relate to each other, needs more research since we
had problems to find suitable theories concerning this area. Another suggestion for further
studies would be to analyze how cultural control is managed in different countries by
multinational corporations. Our last suggestion is to study several companies in the retail
industry to be able to make comparisons, which would enable patterns to be discovered.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank those who made this thesis possible to write.
First and foremost we want to thank the people we have met and interviewed at IKEA
Bckebol, who responded very well to us and answered all our questions during our work. We
would also like to thank our tutor, Ingemar Claesson, who has supported us and given us
valuable guidance. In addition, we want to thank our thesis group that has given us insight
into their interesting work which also provided us with helpful inspiration.
Last but not least, we want to thank each other for good cooperation.

Gothenburg, June 1, 2010

Maria Berglund

Gustav Rapp


Table of Contents
Abstract ................................................................................................................................................ i
Acknowledgements ..............................................................................................................................ii
1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background - The History of Management Control and Management Accounting ..................... 1
1.2 Contribution of the Study .............................................................................................................. 2
1.3 Problem Formulation ..................................................................................................................... 2
1.4 Purpose of Study ........................................................................................................................... 3
1.5 Limitations of the Study ................................................................................................................ 3
2. Methodology....................................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Qualitative Research Method ........................................................................................................ 4
2.1.1 Case study............................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Choice of Industry, Company and Respondents ........................................................................... 4
2.2.1 Industry and business ............................................................................................................. 5
2.2.2. Respondents........................................................................................................................... 5
2.3 Data Collection .............................................................................................................................. 5
2.4 Reliability and Credibility ............................................................................................................. 6
3. Theory ................................................................................................................................................ 7
3.1 Management and Management Control ........................................................................................ 7
3.2 Management Accounting and Management Control ..................................................................... 7
3.3 Management Control, Management Control Systems and Management Control Systems
Package................................................................................................................................................ 8
3.3.1 Cultural controls ..................................................................................................................... 8
3.3.2 Planning .................................................................................................................................. 9
3.3.3 Cybernetic controls................................................................................................................. 9
3.3.4 Reward and compensation .................................................................................................... 11
3.3.5 Administrative controls ........................................................................................................ 11
3.4 Merchants Management Control Alternatives ........................................................................... 12
3.4.1 Results controls .................................................................................................................... 12
3.4.2 Action controls ..................................................................................................................... 13
3.4.3 Personnel controls ................................................................................................................ 13
3.4.4 Cultural controls ................................................................................................................... 13
3.4.5 Control system tightness....................................................................................................... 14
4. Empirical Data................................................................................................................................. 16


4.1 History and Facts about IKEA .................................................................................................... 16

4.2 Interviews at IKEA ...................................................................................................................... 17
4.2.1 Cultural controls ................................................................................................................... 17
4.2.2 Administrative controls ........................................................................................................ 18
4.2.3 Planning ................................................................................................................................ 19
4.2.4 Cybernetic controls............................................................................................................... 20
4.2.5 Rewards and compensations................................................................................................. 24
5. Analysis ............................................................................................................................................ 25
5.1 IKEA Bckebols Management Control System Package .......................................................... 25
5.2 The Combination of Merchants Control Alternatives at IKEA Bckebol ................................. 27
5.3 Management control systems used at various organization levels .............................................. 29
5.4 The Relationship between the Various Management Control Systems....................................... 30
6. Concultion ........................................................................................................................................ 31
6.1 Suggestions for Further Studies................................................................................................... 32
References ............................................................................................................................................ 34
Articles .............................................................................................................................................. 34
Published sources .............................................................................................................................. 35
Electronic sources.............................................................................................................................. 35
Interviews .......................................................................................................................................... 35
Other sources ..................................................................................................................................... 35
Appendix 1 Organization Structure ................................................................................................ 37
Appendix 2 Questionnaire .............................................................................................................. 38


1. Introduction
The introduction chapter starts with a background presentation of the history of management
control and management accounting. With the background in mind we present the
contribution of the study and the problem formulation. This further leads to an establishment
of the purpose of the study and its limitations.

1.1 Background - The History of Management Control and Management

The need for management control arose after the Industrial Revolution and gave companies
the opportunity of greater growth and expansion than what had been possible earlier. Larger
parts of the value chain were situated within these new and greater companies instead of being
spread on different locations in smaller companies or single persons. After these great
changes, companies started to require financial measures as business ratios and transfer
pricing, and from that point the development of different types of management controls and
accounting controls began (Kaplan & Johnson 1987).
The DuPont Company is often considered to be the inventor of the modern management
control (Kaplan 1984). In the early 1900s, DuPont decided to organize itself by dividing the
organization into separate functions, e.g. manufacturing, sales and purchasing. Every single
one of these functions had their own manager who could be very specialized in how to
manage the specific function. Hence, the senior managers did not have to be involved much in
those activities and could fully focus on things as long-term strategies. It was this type of
decentralized organization that made DuPont realize that they needed a performance
measurement system. They launched a new accounting measure, Return on Investment (ROI),
because they thought it would be more accurate to use than the old measures which measured
earnings and profits as a percentage of sales or costs. DuPont along with General Motors are
considered as the pioneers in this area and were also involved in creating different types of
decentralized organizations, budgeting and planning cycles (Kaplan, 1984).
In an article from 1984, Kaplan discussed what had happened in the development of the area
from 1925 to that point. He considered that not as much as expected had happened between
1925 and 1984. Of those new ideas that had been presented, many were just academic theories
which had little or no influence on the real organizations, who should be the beneficiaries.
The research on this area is also criticized for its inability to be able to make generalizations
and that it only describes theory instead of taking it a step further (Zimmerman 2001). Malmi
and Granlund (2009) are as well critical of the research made, and the perspective of it. They
describe the problem as; theories in an applied field such as management accounting
research should provide explanations that are useful for those we study managers,
organizations and society. Furthermore they discuss how research could be done to be more
helpful for those who actually need it.

As of today the opposite problem from what Kaplan said in 1984 can be spotted. Today there
are almost too many choices in accounting and management control, and they are not as well
studied as the older theories and tools (Malmi and Granlund, 2009). There is also another
problem with the new theories and tools; companies and organizations seem to have too much
faith in them and use them in an uncritical way. They are considered as the solution of all
management problems. Examples of these new theories and tools are; activity-based-costing
(ABC), business process reengineering (BPR), balanced score cards (BSC) and total quality
management (TQM). These systems are often expensive to acquire and use, and companies
perhaps do not evaluate the relation between costs and benefits of the systems they use, or
why they use it at all. Are they used just because they are modern and all the competitors use
it, or do they really create value for the company (Siverbo and kesson 2009)?

1.2 Contribution of the Study

With the background just proposed we find it interesting to see how a company like IKEA,
which opened their first store as early as 1958 (IKEA, 2010), works with management control
today. In 1998, IKEA had sales of 50 billion SEK and 38 000 employees. Nine years later, in
2007, the sales had almost quadrupled to 182 billion SEK and the number of employees had
more than tripled to a total number of 120 000 (Bertil Torekull, 2009). With such a huge
expansion rate the importance of a well-functioning management control system becomes
crucial for their success. People have different beliefs and goals that they want to achieve,
which makes it challenging for the management of the company to make every employee take
actions in line with what is desirable.
In this thesis we aim to describe the management control system of IKEA as a package. There
are many reasons why management control system as a package is interesting to study. An
argument is that much research has been done focusing on only one theme or practice which
sits within a broader control system and context (Malmi and Brown, 2008). If not taking into
consideration the links between different management control systems, the way in which the
components of the management control systems relate to various contingent variables will
lead to erroneous conclusions (Fisher, 1998).

1.3 Problem Formulation

IKEA is a Swedish company that is growing rapidly and expanding into several countries in
the world. IKEA has had a huge success and uses almost the same control systems in every
store all over the world (Interview 1, 2010) which makes it interesting for us to describe and
analyze one of them. Our principal research question, with its sub questions are:
1. What are the components of the management control system package at IKEA
a. How do the various management control systems relate to each other?

b. What management control systems are used at different levels of the


1.4 Purpose of Study

The main objective of this thesis is to describe and analyze the management control system
package of IKEA Bckebol. We will also describe how some management control systems
are used at various organizational levels as well as how the different management control
systems in the company possibly relate to each other.

1.5 Limitations of the Study

The focus of this study is to describe the management control systems used by managers to
direct employees behavior. This means that our ambition is to leave out the subject of
management accounting as it is defined by Horngren (2004). The definitions of management
accounting and management control will be presented later in the theory section.
Considering the size of IKEAs organization and the time we have deliberated to this study, it
is reasonable for us to limit the study to include one store and the management control
systems controlling this store from higher levels of the organization. We will also focus on the
internal environment, which means we will not consider most of the external environment that
is not crucial to the understanding of the management control system package within the

2. Methodology
In this chapter we will describe how we chose to do the thesis, which type of method we used
and why. We will also present which type of sources we used in the theoretical part and how
we collected the information for the empirical part.

2.1 Qualitative Research Method

This thesis will be written by the Qualitative Schools of Thought, because as described by
Berg (2009, p. 2) the fruitfulness and often the greater depth of understanding we can
derive from qualitative procedures. Our aim is to understand the management control system
of the certain company we have chosen. We have no ambitions to make any general
assumptions based on this single study, in contrast to if we had chosen to do a quantitative
research study on several companies. Due to the complexity of management control system
packages and the timeframe of this thesis, a greater study was not possible to do with
maintained quality.
2.1.1 Case study
The thesis will be formed as a case study, which, according to Berg (2009), is suitable to the
idea of studying one single object. It could also have been a good idea to study two different
companies and then make a comparison, as our first thoughts were. But instead we chose to
work with one single company, IKEA, as we decided to include the entire management
control systems package, and not just parts of it. We concluded that with the time we had, this
was the best way to form this thesis. The type of case study we have chosen to use is the
abductive case study, since we wanted to have the opportunity to return to the theory even
after empirical materials had been collected (Alvesson & Skldberg, 1994). As explained
earlier, management control system packages are very complex and may contain many
various parts. It would have been very hard to write about all those possible parts in the theory
without the thesis becoming too large. Of course all theory parts could have been written in
advance and then pulled out of the thesis in case of not being needed, but that would also have
been too much work within the timeframe we had. Hence, we first wrote some essential
theories and other things that were likely to be used and after the interviews adjustments were
made on certain parts and others were added.

2.2 Choice of Industry, Company and Respondents

In this section we explain why we chose to work with IKEA and which parts of the
organization we chose to focus on. In addition, we will explain how we were able to get the
type of information we needed to do the thesis in the way we wanted.

2.2.1 Industry and business

The idea of this study emerged when we made a smaller case study of the management
control system package of a smaller company in our most recent course in management
control and management accounting. We thought it would be interesting to make a larger
version of this case study on a larger company, with more time, to really study it at a much
deeper level.
IKEA is one of the most famous companies in Sweden and much is talked about the culture of
IKEA. We found it interesting to study the whole management control systems package at a
company as large as IKEA and since they have been very successful we figured they must be
good at what they do. IKEA is also suitable to study because it is easy to define what their
businesses are, a low-cost company. We chose to study IKEA from the perspective of one
single store. There were two alternative stores due to their geographic proximity; Kllered and
Bckbol in Gothenburg. Because we wanted to collect information by doing interviews we
thought it would be easiest to choose a store close to us to be able to visit as many times as
possible without having to struggle with traveling to different locations. We made contact
with both stores and from IKEA Bckebol we received a contact immediately, which is why
we chose to concentrate the study at that certain store.
2.2.2. Respondents
We made five personal interviews at IKEA Bckebol and one phone interview with an
employee at the Swedish head office, which is called Service Office (SO). We started by
interviewing one of the managers with financial responsibility to discuss if it would be
possible for us to gather the type of information we needed to do the thesis the way we
wanted. The people we came in contact with at IKEA Bckebol helped us choose which
functions and what people were most suitable to interview to gather the information we
needed. We decided to interview managers at various organizational levels and functions to
be able to understand how management control is used in different parts of the organization.
To be able to get as much information as possible from the interviews, all of our respondents
have been treated anonymously.

2.3 Data Collection

The information in the theory part has mainly been collected from articles and books. These
have been searched for at the library of The School of Business, Economics and Law at the
University of Gothenburg, mainly by their online searching services. More specifically we
have used GUNDA to search for books and databases for articles and old thesis. The
databases primarily used are Business Source Premier and Science Direct. To find useful
articles and books we started searching in the references in the textbook used in our course in
Management control and Management Accounting. We also looked at the references in old
thesis and of course searched in databases with expressions and words that we knew, such as;
management control, management control systems, management control system
package and the names of various theories that we had studied earlier. We were not able to

obtain any financial information about IKEA from the people we interviewed, which is why
we used the information given on IKEAs own webpage.
To collect information for the empirical part we chose to do interviews with six employees at
IKEA. All interviews were made in the same way; we sent a questionnaire a few days before
the interviews to the person or persons that we had made appointments with. The reason why
we sent the questionnaire beforehand was to enable them to prepare and understand what
subjects we wanted to discuss. The questionnaires were individually designed for each
interview and we also had follow-up questions that we could use if needed. All the interviews
were recorded on tape which enabled us to listen to them again to make sure that we had the
correct information. Some notes were also made by the interviewed persons, which we later
received and could use. If we discovered, after the interviews, that we needed any further
information we e-mailed those questions, or if possible, asked them at our next interview.

2.4 Reliability and Credibility

The selection of articles and books to use in this thesis has been done carefully. We have
primarily searched for articles that are peer reviewed, quoted in many other articles or
written by people that are famous for their research in the subject and may be trusted as
reliable. We have also tried not to rely on a single source too much; hence, we have studied
what others have written on the same subject, so that this thesis should be as reliable as
Since IKEA is not listed on any stock market and owed by a foundation, financial information
about IKEA was difficult to obtain. The figures that were most up-to-date were the ones we
found at IKEAs website, which is the reason why we chose to use those figures even though
they might not be the most reliable.
During our work with this thesis we discovered that IKEA is quite restrictive with their
financial information but we believe that the people we interviewed were truthful. Hence, we
consider the information we got from the interviews as trustworthy.

3. Theory
In this chapter, we will examine the main theories of management control. Before stating the
definitions of management control systems (MCSs) and management control system packages,
we will first give an explanation to management, management control and management
accounting. We will also review the theories that describe the parts included in a MCS
package as well as different kinds of control alternatives. Furthermore, a theory concerning
the effectiveness and relations between various MCSs is presented.

3.1 Management and Management Control

Management is defined in several ways in the literature written on the subject, but all have
something to do with the process of allocating resources and direct activities to fulfill the
organizations overall objectives. Management is a broad subject and can be divided into
smaller elements such as product development, operations, marketing/sales and finance. The
management processes can also be separated into smaller parts, and that is objective setting,
strategy formulation and management control. Objective setting is a necessary process to
formulate and sometimes reconsider the direction and destination of the company. If the
objectives are not set it is impossible to determine if the resources are allocated in the right
way and if the right activities have been performed. Strategy formulation is the process where
organizations find out how to use their resources to meet their objectives. The management
processes of objective setting, strategy formulation and management control is a process
continuum (Merchant and Van der Stede, 2007).
In 1965, Anthony wrote the classical definition of management control as; the process by
which managers assure that resources are obtained and used effectively and efficiently in the
accomplishment of the organizations objectives (Otley et al. 1995. p. S32). This definition
has lead to a somewhat narrow approach to the management control subject, because it was
mostly based on accounting and left out the human behavioral aspect.

3.2 Management Accounting and Management Control

As we are student at the School of Business, Economics and Law, University of Gothenburg
we have taken a course called Ekonomistyrning. This is a Swedish subject that is often
claimed to be a mix of the English subjects management accounting and management control.
The objectives of management accounting is to support decision-making and find a fair
method to calculate costs, while the objectives of management control is to motivate
employees to achieve the organizations goals, find indicators casually linked to the
organizations goals (leading indicators) and swerve for different kinds of pitfalls (Horngren,

3.3 Management Control, Management Control Systems and Management

Control Systems Package
A definition made by Malmi and Brown (2008) clearly illustrates the behavioral aspect of
management control and MCS; Those systems, rules, practices, values and other activities
management put in place in order to direct employee behavior should be called management
controls. If these are complete systems, as opposed to a simple rule (for example not to travel
in business class), then they should be called MCSs (Malmi and Brown, 2008, p. 290). This
definition of MCS does not include the information systems only aiming at supporting
decision-making, which is not the case with the definition made by Anthony in 1965 (Otley et
al. 1995) or Simons (1995).
In many companies there are often a set of MCSs and this has in earlier research been called a
MCS package (Malmi and Brown, 2008). Merchant and Van der Stede (2007) mean that a
MCS can be one system as well as a set of control systems. The reason why it is more
accurate to call it a MCS package instead of just a MCS is that the different MCSs often have
been implemented at different times and for different purposes (Malmi and Brown, 2008).
Furthermore, with the use of the term MCS package there will not be any confusion about
whether we refer to one system or a set of them.
A number of concepts of a MCS package have been presented in earlier research, where one
is presented by Simons (1995). Another typology of the conceptually constitutes of a MCS
package, made by Malmi and Brown (2008), is illustrated below.

Fig.1. Management control systems package (Malmi and Brown, 2008, p. 291).

Thus, the MCS package can be separated into five groups; cultural controls, planning,
cybernetics controls, rewards and compensations and administrative controls. Each of these
will be explained below.
3.3.1 Cultural controls
A definition of organizational culture is the set of values, beliefs and social norms which
tend to be shared by its members and, in turn, influence their thoughts and actions
(Flamholtz et al, 1985, p. 158). Cultural control can be used to control behavior in three
different ways. The first is when the organization deliberately searches and employs
employees with certain desired values. The second is in some way the opposite of the first; the

organization instead tries to change the values of their employees. The last way is to tell the
employees how the organization wants and expects them to act, as well as which values they
should have, whether the employees really agree on them or not (Malmi and Brown, 2008).
The organizational culture may sometimes be beyond the control of managers but is indeed a
control system when it is used to control the behavior of employees. The typology above
shows three aspect of cultural control; value-based controls, symbol-based controls and clan
controls (Malmi and Brown, 2008). Values

Simons (1995) has described a form of control systems based on values that he calls beliefs
systems. This is a set of organizational definitions that is communicated formally by senior
managers and reinforced systematically to provide basic values and directions that senior
managers want their subordinates to adopt. These core values are linked to the strategy of the
company. Sometimes beliefs systems are created and communicated thorough such
documents as credos, mission statements, and statements of purpose (Simons, 1995). Symbols
Symbol-based controls are a form of culture control that is illustrated visually. For instance
through the special clothes or uniforms they wear or a special design of offices (Malmi and
Brown, 2008). Clans

Malmi and Brown (2008) mean that there are distinct subcultures within an organization that
can be called clans. Merchant and Van der Stede (2007) define clan-based controls in almost
the same way; people often define themselves as groups, based on e.g. profession and
organizational unit or division. The clans in an organization work by the establishment of
certain values and beliefs through the ceremonies and rituals they perform.
3.3.2 Planning
Planning can serve as a way of setting goals for the organization itself as well as the different
functions of the organization. Hence, it is an ex ante form of control that guides or direct
employees. It is the main carrier for promoting goal congruence between the individual and
the organization (Flamholtz et al., 1985). Planning can be separated into two broad
approaches; action planning and long-range planning. Action planning has a tactical focus and
is the planning of goals and actions within the nearest future of about 12 months. Long-range
planning has a more strategic focus with the planning of goals and actions for the medium or
long run. It is important to understand the difference between simply planning for future
activities as oppose to including the process of building employees commitments to these
plans (Malmi and Brown, 2008).
3.3.3 Cybernetic controls
A simple explanation of cybernetics is made by Marginson (1999) who explains it as; the
study of control in and of systems (p. 204). However, in the context of the typology above,

made by Malmi and Brown (2008), they use the definition made by Green and Welsh (1988);
By cybernetic, we mean a process in which a feedback loop is represented by using
standards of performance, measuring system performance, comparing that performance to
standards, feeding back information about unwanted variances in the system, and modifying
the systems comportment (p. 289). In MCS research, four basic cybernetic systems have
been identified; budgets, financial measures, non-financial measures and hybrids (e.g. the
balanced scorecard). Budgets

Budgets are a form of cybernetic controls that are central to, as well as a foundation of, MCS
in most organizations (Malmi and Brown, 2008). The budget process runs all year round and,
in general, companies are budgeting for one year at a time. It is common to let the budget year
cover the same period as the financial year since the financial results often correspond to the
outcome that is compared to the budget (Kullvn, 2009).
The budget process can be separated into four parts which are the budget set-up, follow-up,
analysis and usage. The budget set-up involves the process of retrieving and setting of the
budget. This can be designed in three ways; through build-up, break-down or iterative. The
build-up design starts at the bottom of the organization and the budgets at different levels add
up to the companys budget. The break-down design works in the opposite way and starts at
the top of the organization, while the iterative design is a mix of the build-up and break-down
designs (Kullvn, 2009).
The second part of the budget process is budget follow up and this is where the final result is
compared and evaluated to the budget. The variations between outcome and budget are
analyzed and thereby the company can learn and make interventions. It is common that the
budget follow-up constitutes the base for the reward- and compensation system (Kullvn,
The third part of the budget process, the budget analysis, involves studying the system itself,
which includes learning from the budget process that has taken place. In this analysis the
organization can learn from old mistakes and become even better in the next budget process
(Kullvn, 2009).
The last part of the budget process is the budget usage process and it deals with the use of the
information gathered through the whole process. One way of using the information is to
spread it. In that way the information can put pressure on the employees to work harder for
the companys goals, and also create understanding for what is important and thus make the
employees work against the right targets (Kullvn, 2009). Financial measurement systems

A financial measurement system is where employees are held accountable for specific
financial measures. Financial performance measurement systems are not the same as budget
systems since the budget is a broad and complete technique, while financial measurement

systems can be used in a much narrower fashion. However, there can be links between these
systems since certain information and measures used in the financial measurement systems
derive from the budget (Malmi and Brown, 2008).
Financial performance measures can be either market oriented or accounting oriented.
Market-based measures show the change in market value or stock value whereas accountingbased measures can be defined in residual terms (e.g. net income after taxes, operating profit,
residual income, or economic value added) or in ratio terms (e.g. return on investment, return
on equity, return on net assets) (Merchant and Van der Stede (2007). Non-financial measurement systems

Non-financial measures may be used to overcome the shortcomings of the financial measures
and to identify the drivers of performance (Malmi and Brown, 2008). Examples of nonfinancial measures are market share, sales growth, inventory turnover and customer
satisfaction (Merchant and Van der Stede, 2007). Hybrid measurement systems

The hybrid measurement systems comprise both financial- and non-financial measures. An
early approach to the hybrid measurement system is the system of management by objectives
(MBO), but nowadays the most dominant one is the balanced scorecard (BSC) (Malmi and
Brown, 2008).
Norton and Kaplan (1992) mean that no single measure of performance is sufficient enough to
provide a clear performance target or focus attention to the critical areas of the business. The
BSC allow managers to look at the company in four different perspectives; customer
perspective, internal perspective, innovation and learning perspective and financial
perspective (Norton and Kaplan, 1992).
3.3.4 Reward and compensation
The reward and compensation systems aim at motivating employees and create congruence
between the objectives of the individual and the organization (Malmi and Brown, 2008).
Salary and bonuses are perhaps the most common form of rewards, but there are plenty of
others where many are nonmonetary. Rewards can also be separated into positive and
negative, where positive rewards refer to things that employees appreciate and negative
rewards refer to punishments or just absence of positive rewards. Some examples of positive
rewards, except salary and bonuses, are; autonomy, power, recognition, promotions, titles, job
security, vacations, time off and stock options. Examples of negative rewards are; interference
in job from superiors, loss of job, no promotion, zero salary increase and public humiliation
(Merchant and Van der Stede, 2007).
3.3.5 Administrative controls
Administrative controls direct behavior through the organization of individuals and groups,
monitoring of behavior, making employees accountable for their behavior and by specifying

how tasks should be performed. Administrative controls can be separated into three
categories; organization structure, governance structure and policies and procedures. Organization structure

Some researchers do not consider the organization structure and design as a tool for
management control, but as the design and structure of an organization are modifiable by
managers it can indeed be included. By using a specific structure in the organization,
managers can encourage certain types of contacts and relationships (Malmi and Brown,
2008). Flamholtz (1983) argues that organization structures promote functional specialization
and control through reducing the variances in behavior and increasing predictability. Governance structure

According to Malmi and Brown (2008) governance includes the formal lines of authority and
accountability, as well as the systems which are in place to ensure that representatives of the
various functions and organizational units meet to co-ordinate their activities both vertically
and horizontally (p. 294).
The governance structure deals with the structure and composition of the board, as well as its
management and project teams. Examples are meetings and meeting schedules that create
agendas and dead-lines which direct the behavior of organizational members (Malmi and
Brown, 2008). Policies and procedures

To control by procedures and policies are a bureaucratic way of organizing the processes and
behavior of a firm. These forms of controls include standard operating procedures and
practices as well as rules and policies. Examples of policies and procedures are behavioral
constraints, pre-action reviews and action accountability (Malmi and Brown, 2008).

3.4 Merchants Management Control Alternatives

According to Merchant and Van der Stede (2007) companies and other organizations have
four management control alternatives: results controls, action controls, personnel controls and
cultural controls.
3.4.1 Results controls
The basic thinking of results controls is that you do not tell your employees how to do things,
but what you want them to achieve and how they will benefit if they achieve it. For example,
a manager tells an employee that he wants him to produce ten units a week, and if he succeeds
he will receive a reward of $20. By these actions the manager may control his employees to
do what he desires without interfering too much in their work practices. The process of results
controls include four steps; the first is defining the dimensions on which results are desired,
the second is measuring performance on these dimensions, the third is setting performance


targets for employees to strive for and the last is providing rewards to encourage the behaviors
that will lead to the desired results.
Results controls are usually used on professional employees who are considered to be able to
work effectively without being told how to do things, but instead work efficiently towards
targets. It is also often used on managers, for example a manager of a certain division in a
company receives a goal from his superiors that the division should produce 20 units a week,
he may then organize and control his subordinates in the way he thinks is best to reach the
target (Merchant and Van der Stede 2007).
3.4.2 Action controls
Action controls are somewhat the opposite of results controls; employees are told what to do
and how they should do it, e.g. by rules and procedures. By trusting that the employees will
do as they are told the manager reaches the targets. The difficulty with this is that the rules
and procedures must be optimized, or else the employees will do everything wrong, despite
their doing what they were told by their managers (Merchant and Van der Stede 2007). Malmi
and Brown (2008) call this control alternative policies and procedures, which is just one of
three parts in what they call administrative controls.
3.4.3 Personnel controls
Personnel controls refer to the assumption that employees by nature want to control
themselves. Managers do not have to tell employees what to do and then monitor their every
move to be sure that they do the tasks that where intended. The assumption is that employees
like to perform well for themselves and this should result in a well-performing company.
Unlike, or at least not as much as results and action controls, these types of controls require
more careful selection of employees. Everyone have to be fully qualified for the position they
occupy in the organization to make it possible to use personnel control. Motivation is another
important aspect to make this work; managers have to keep their employees constantly
motivated. This may be achieved by training, further work related education or different types
of rewards (Merchant and Van der Stede 2007).
3.4.4 Cultural controls
Where personnel controls trust the ability that people want to perform well, cultural controls
rely on the ability that groups make people perform. It is easier for the group to keep up the
values and approaches the organization aims at. In the group, or organization, everyone is
supposed to take responsibility and care of everyone else and the peer pressure is important.
The idea is that the group should motivate itself; the assignment of the managers is in this
case to instruct the group in what to be motivated to do. To their help managers can use things
as codes of conduct or group rewards and if the group performs well the group will receive a
reward. If only group rewards are provided the individual employee will try to do his/her best
to make the group perform well, instead of just caring about themselves.
If cultural control will succeed or not may be determined by natural causes in the environment
of the companies or organizations. Different countries and cultures have different views on

groups, individualism and collectivism (Hofstede, 1981). As written above the cultural
controls are sometimes divided into three different parts; clans, values and symbols (Malmi
and Brown, 2008).
3.4.5 Control system tightness
The benefit from any well-functioning MCS is that the likelihood that the company will
achieve its objectives increases. This benefit can be described in terms of MCS tightness (or
looseness), where a tight MSC increases the probability that the employees will take actions
that is desirable by the organization. Managers often use more than one kind of management
control alternative to tighten control. Sometimes these controls overlap and sometimes they
are complementary, which enables the combination of them to create tight control over all of
the factors critical to the organizations success (Merchant and Van der Stede, 2007).
Whether a results control is tight or loose depends on the characteristics of the definitions of
the desired result areas, the performance measures, and the reinforcement or incentives
provided. According to Merchant and Van der Stede (2007); For management control to be
considered tight in a results control system, the results dimensions must be congruent with the
true organizational objectives; the performance targets must be specific, with feedback in
short time increments; the desired result must be effectively communicated and internalized
by those whose behaviors are being controlled; and if results controls are given exclusively in
a given performance area, the measures must be complete (p. 118-119). Congruence
problems can exist because the management does not understand the organizations true
objective or the measure dimensions do not reflect the organizations true objectives
(Merchant and Van der Stede, 2007).
For a results control system to be tight, the performance measures also have to be; precise,
objective, timely and understandable. If the performance measures used do not possess these
characteristics the control system cannot be considered tight since behavioral problems are
likely. Furthermore, if rewards (or punishments) are directly and definitely linked to the
accomplishment (or nonaccomplishment) of the desired targets, the MCS is more likely to be
tighter (Merchant and Van der Stede, 2007).
Action control systems can be considered tight only if it is likely that employees will
consistently perform the actions desired to achieve the companys objectives, and not take any
undesirable actions. Examples of action control types are behavioral constraints, preaction
reviews and action accountability. Behavioral constraints can be either administrative or
physical, where administrative constraints are e.g. restricting decision making to higher
organizational levels or separating sensitive duties among a larger number of employees.
Physical constraints are e.g. locks on desks and software and electronic security systems.
Preaction reviews can be considered tight if the reviews are frequent, detailed, and performed
by diligent, knowledgeable reviewers. Preaction reviews can be performed at different levels
of an organization and includes, for instance, preaction reviews made by top managers before
making a large investment or reviews made by the finance department before purchasing
pencils or office furniture (Merchant and Van der Stede, 2007).


The tightness of the action accountability controls depends on characteristics of the

definitions of desirable (and undesirable) actions, the effectiveness of the action-tracking
system and the reinforcements (rewards and punishments) provided. The definitions of
actions must be specific, well communicated, complete and congruent with actions that will
lead to the achievement of the true organizational objectives. An effective action-tracking
system is where employees can be certain that their actions will be noticed relatively quickly.
Punishments are more common in action-control contexts than in a results-control context,
since they often include employee violations of rules and procedures (Merchant and Van der
Stede, 2007).
As concluded by Merchant and Van der Stede (2007), in most cases, the degree of control
provided by personnel/cultural controls is less than tight. Tight personnel/cultural controls are
most likely to be found in charity and voluntary organizations, where employees feel some
kind of satisfaction by doing good, or in family businesses, where the interest of the family
employees are the same as the organizations. However, in some other organizations, where
they use multiple forms of personnel and cultural control, there seems to be tight
personnel/cultural control (Merchant and Van der Stede, 2007).
According to Merchant and Van der Stede (2007), the effectiveness of the steps that can be
taken to tighten personnel control is hard to assess. In contrast, cultural controls are often
powerful and stable. Some organizations have strong cultures because of their few deeply
held and widely shared beliefs and values. Hence, except for companies with strong cultures,
tight control probably cannot be obtained by the use of personnel/cultural controls alone
(Merchant and Van der Stede, 2007).


4. Empirical Data
The first section of this chapter includes a presentation of the history and other essential facts
of IKEA. The second section includes the empirical information we obtained during our
interviews with the people at IKEA Bckebol and the Swedish head office.

4.1 History and Facts about IKEA

IKEA was founded in 1943 by Ingvar Kamprad in Smland, Sweden and during the first five
years he sold pens, wallets, picture frames, tablecloths, clocks, jewelry, and nylon stockings.
Ever since the start up of the company it had a clear low-cost profile. In 1948, furniture was
introduced in the sales assortment, which was produced by local manufacturers. The furniture
had a positive response from customers and the company expanded. In 1958, the first IKEA
store was opened in lmhult which covered a total of 6700 square meters and by that time it
was the largest furniture showroom in Scandinavia. During the 1970s and 1980s IKEA
expanded into many different countries such as Switzerland, Germany, Australia, Canada,
Austria, the Netherlands, France, the USA, the United Kingdom and Italy. This expansion has
continued and since the turn of the century stores has opened in both Russia and Japan (IKEA,
Today IKEA employs 123,000 people in 25 countries and, in 2009, the total sales were 21.5
billion euro. In Sweden there are 17 IKEA stores where IKEA Bckebol employs about 400
people (Interview 3, 2010). About 80 % of total sales are made in Europe, 15 % in North
America and 5 % in Asia and Australia. IKEA has 31 purchase offices in 26 countries which
enable them to be close to their 1220 suppliers. Most purchases are made in Europe, 67 %, but
their largest purchase country is China which contributes to 20 % of total purchases. IKEA
also has 28 distribution centers and 11 customer distribution centers in 16 countries (IKEA,
2010). They are famous for using flat packages which make the shipping more efficient
though it means that customers have to assemble the furniture themselves.
The vision of modern-day IKEA is to create a better everyday life for many people and
their business concept is that low prices shall give well-designed, functional interior
decoration articles that everybody is able to purchase. IKEAs personnel idea is to give
employees the opportunity to develop as persons, so that they can be even more effective
(IKEA folder, 1999). These guidelines are not just spoken of but also written down in folders
and handed out to all employees or potential employees. IKEA offer solutions of interior
decoration for every room of a home at different styles and models to fit everybodys tastes.
All products are designed by IKEA of Sweden and they also give every product a specific
name, such as BILLY and KLIPPAN (IKEA, 2010).
IKEA uses a so called price- and quality ladder which is divided into low, medium and high.
It is in the low price-quality segment they compete against their competitors, but it is actually
in the high price-quality segment the largest price gap exists compared to their competitors.

To offer different qualities and prices is a way of fulfilling different customers needs. A
family might need a high quality frying pan while a student might not. Hence, at IKEA, the
price is matched to utilization value (Interview 3, 2010).

4.2 Interviews at IKEA

All the empirical material in this section was obtained during the interviews. We interviewed
managers at different levels with involvement in personnel, sales, financial and business
related areas at IKEA Bckebol. We also made one phone interview with an employee at the
Swedish Service Office (SO). An example of a questionnaire is attached in appendix 2.
4.2.1 Cultural controls
Every new employee is carefully selected to fit the profile of how IKEA wants them to be and
the employees need to know how important the core values are for IKEA. The education and
other credits are not the most important thing when they search for a new employee. The
personality, what type of person you are and which values you have are more important.
Hence, selection of employees is important and IKEA Bckebol tries to employ people that
already have the right values and beliefs to fit the culture. This corporate culture includes
entrepreneurial spirit and a momentum to do things, as well as being active and to be able to
take responsibility at work when the chances are given. They also think it is important that the
applicants have an interest in IKEA specifically, which is why they only show employment
ads on their own website. They believe that if the applicant has visited their own website to
look for employment, they have taken the first step to show interest in IKEA specifically.
The founder of IKEA, Ingvar Kamprad, a man that has taken with him the values and spirits
of Smland and Sweden to the global enterprise of today, still has a huge influence on the
company. His values are also expressed in the vision and mission of IKEA, which are to sell
furniture of good quality at low prices to enable the many people to have nicely decorated
homes. Furthermore, Ingvar Kamprads entrepreneurial spirit still influences the way
employees work at IKEA.
To improve the feeling that everyone at IKEA are members of the same group and are
working towards the same goals they are dressed in the same way. Everyone have the same
IKEA-clothes, even the top managers. The idea is that at IKEA everyone should be alike and
every employee should be able to make their own decisions even though the bigger decisions
are made by the managers. They also accentuate the importance of the managers to work as
close as possible to their subordinates. The office of the store is designed as an open plan
office where everyone sits beside each other in the same room. The only closed offices are the
ones used by the HR department, due to the sensitive matters that may have to be discussed
When a new person is employed he or she undergoes an introduction education of three days.
The first day of education is when the new employee arrives to the store for the first time,
receives his/her working clothes and becomes familiar with the store. The second day of

education takes place a month after the employee started working at IKEA and includes
education in safety, selling and customer relations. After another month, the third and last day
of the introduction education takes place and includes education in the history of IKEA,
corporate values and beliefs, personnel ideas and ergonomics. Further education is provided
depending on position and function. To be educated at IKEA, it is important to learn on a
daily basis but IKEA also provide supplementary educations, such as shopkeeper and
leadership courses. Education is also provided when an employee transfer to another
4.2.2 Administrative controls
The administrative controls of IKEA Bckebol are the organization structure, governance
structure and policies and procedures. Each type of control will be presented separately in the
sections below. structure

At the top of the stores organization structure, IKEA Bckebol has a store manager and a
deputy Store manager. At the next level there are eight different functions; logistics, sales,
finance, human resources, local market, KomIn, customer relations and one separate
function for the restaurant. All functions have their own head manager and one deputy
manager. Similar types of this structure are used in almost all of IKEAs stores but there may
sometimes be differences in how the functions are formed.
Above the store organization level every country has a Service Office (SO), which is the head
office for the country. Every SO has their own functions, just as the stores. The functions
within a store do not only report to the store manager but also directly to their counterparts at
the SO. The stores also have several support functions that are used by several stores or
several countries. Every SO reports to IKEA Services in Helsingborg, which is the global
head office for the whole organization. IKEA Services is also formed in a similar way as the
stores and the SO, with the same type of functions. This means that every function at the SO
has a counterpart at IKEA Services to which they report and discuss important questions with.
Both the CEO and other global functions are situated at the head office, except the global
finance function, which is located in Leiden, Holland. Leiden is also where the foundation,
which is the owner of IKEA, is located. The organization consists of several other subsidiaries
and companies that control and manage various parts of IKEA. However, a more meticulous
description of IKEAs organization is not needed to attain the objectives of this thesis. An
illustration of the basic organization structure is provided in appendix 1. Governance structure

To assure that all the information that is essential to control the organization reaches the right
people or departments, IKEA Bckebol has a meeting schedule. This schedule determines
who should be at which meeting, how often the meetings should be held and how long they
ought to be. Firstly, there is a meeting for the store management team which includes the store
manager, the dep. store manager and the eight function managers. Another regular meeting is
the commercial team meeting where people from sales, logistics and communication and

interior design participate. The purpose of these meetings is to discuss how to increase the
efficiency of sales and how to meet the customer needs the best way possible. Furthermore,
there are meetings at all the various functions and at all the various departments. These four
types of meetings enable information to be spread through the whole organization in just two
or three days. There are also other kinds of meetings, for instance daily meetings to make
plans for the day as well as meetings three times per year to make long term plans. Policies and procedures

At all the levels of the store policies and procedures are frequently used. For instance, if a
certain product is about to be replaced by a new one, there are guidelines how it ought to be
done. Even the store itself is built and managed with a kind of pattern, but not as specific as
the ones spoken of before. The sales staff also uses work tasks checklists where each
employee marks the tasks they have performed. All procedures, policies and other guidelines
used are constantly being redeveloped, if someone thinks they could be improved in some
way. Employees may suggest what they think could be done to improve things. However, the
basic idea is that everything should be in line with the vision and mission of IKEA.
4.2.3 Planning
IKEA Bckebol mainly uses two planning control systems; budgets and business plans.
Budgets are for one year ahead and business plans are for approximately three years ahead.
Budgets will be described further in the cybernetics control section. The process of working
out the business plan is concurrent with the process of setting the budget targets. A global
business plan is made by IKEA Services and this business plan is divided into national
business plans by the SOs. The national business plans are further divided into smaller
business plans for the stores. In this way the management at higher levels guides the
management at the lower levels and show what areas they should focus attention to. For
instance, the SO can suggest that the stores should focus on areas such as environmental
knowledge, reaching the lowest price, decrease waiting time in the counters or improve
interior design inspiration.
It is up to the management team of the store to decide what guidelines apply to their store. If
the management team knows that they are already very good at showing interior design
inspiration, they might decide to focus more attention to another area such as decreasing
waiting time in the counters. If they decide to focus attention to decreasing waiting time in the
counters, a target figure is set for that purpose. For instance, if 75 % of the customers are
satisfied with the waiting time in the counters, they might set a target that 90 % of the
customers shall be satisfied with the waiting time in the counters next year.
The process of working out the business plan takes about three months for the store, but the
business plan itself contains both short-term and long-term targets. When a team consisting of
all 35 managers at the store has decided what areas to focus attention to and has set targets
linked to those areas, the various functions and departments develop action plans for how they
can participate in achieving those targets.


Another important planning process is the personnel planning. As the budget is set the store
starts planning the staff schedule for the year ahead. This is an important task since the
personnel cost is one of the largest costs of the store. There are three staffing planners at the
store that exclusively work with scheduling. The goal of the staffing planners is to match
customer needs to working hours, which is planned for each day. Even though this is an
important task it is also a difficult one since the company cannot expect the employees to
work three hours in the morning and then go back to work two hours in the afternoon. To
solve some of these issues they try to implement a cross-functional staff system. For instance,
a worker can start the day in the logistic function and end the day selling in the living room
department. By working at various departments and functions the employees can develop as
persons as well as in their professional role. This also increases the cooperation and
understanding for other departments and functions in the store.
4.2.4 Cybernetic controls
The cybernetic controls of IKEA Bckebol are budgets as well as financial and non-financial
measurement systems. Budgets will be presented separately while financial and non-financial
measurement systems will be presented in the same section due to their high integration. Budgets

Budgets are a quite large MCS at IKEA Bckebol. The budget process starts at the top of the
organization, where the Swedish SO, with some input from the global head office, first set a
forecast for the Swedish market. This forecast looks like an ordinary income statement with
total sales and costs divided into different cost categories. For the sales and every different
cost category there are an index number which shows the difference between this years
figures and last years figures. This national forecast is communicated to the stores and works
as a base for the forecasts made at the store level.
When the store gets the national forecast they make their own forecasts of sales and costs,
where costs are set as a percentage of sales. Even if the Swedish SO think that personnel cost
will increase by 3 %, the store can have another forecast depending on their own assumptions
and background. During the setting of forecasts at the store, they work in files that the SO
have access to at any time which creates and raises communication and discussions. The
whole management team of the store, as well as the heads of the different functions and
departments, contributes in the process of setting forecasts of sales and costs. The sales
forecast is one of the most important ones and the sales manager has a major role in this
process, even though the store manager and the BNO manager have the overall responsibility
of the whole budget process at the store.
During the process of setting the budget, different scenario plans are also made. These
scenario plans are used later on during the budget year if the store forecast higher or lower
sales than what was originally planned. Different scenario plans are made depending on what
the forecast will show, for instance -10 %, -5 %, +5% or +10% of planned sales. The scenario
plans then show how the store should handle costs such as personnel cost, in terms of worked
hours, through the rest of the years. An example is if the forecast shows that sales will

increase 5 % compared to original budget, the number of worked hours will increase by
approximately 3 %. The scenario plans are made beforehand so there will be less discussions
if the plans change.
IKEA Bckebol does not have a strict budget. If the sales forecasts made during the budget
year prove to be too far from originally planned figures, they will not continue to compare to
original budget. Instead they will compare to forecasts and the scenario plans. During the
budget year the store makes their own forecasts and they are the ones that decide whether they
want to increase their sales targets or not. If the sales targets are increased by many Swedish
stores, the Swedish SO might decide to increase the national sales target as well. In the budget
set up, sales have been forecasted week by week and, during the budget year, when a certain
week is approaching, forecasts for each day of that week and for every single department are
made. Financial and non-financial measurement systems

IKEA Bckebol is an organization that uses a lot of financial measures, mainly based on sales
and productivity. Reports are made weekly by the SO and are available as a tool for follow-up
by the stores. Hence, the measurements are mainly made by the SO and the only numbers that
the managers at the store measures themselves are sales on a daily basis. The reports are used
by the store manager and the sales manager as well as all employees that are interested.
Information about yesterdays sales and todays forecasts are called out in the store every
morning. A lot of comparison is made to last years figures, as well as the budget figures,
through index numbers. A table of the financial and non-financial measures has been
compiled and is shown below.


Performance measures



Sales (daily, weekly, monthly) Customer based

- by department
CSI (customer survey)

Sales/working hours

Gross margin

Number of visitors


Value of damaged products

Number of customers

Value of recovered products

Market based

Customers/worked hour in
the counters
Sales/m3 handled

Market survey


Value of damaged
products/value of recovered

Personnel based
Employee survey
Productivity based
Working hours
- by department
Extra internal handling
m3 handled
Supply (stock) based
Stock value
Number of articles in store
Number of aticles that passed
expiraton date

Fig. 2. Performance measures used by IKEA Bckbol

Weekly sales are reported to the store from the SO, which is the overall measure of
performance. Weekly sales are also compared among various stores within Sweden and IKEA
Bckebol often compares and benchmarks to certain other stores that are quite alike. It is
almost like an internal competition of what store obtains highest sales. The outcome of
weekly sales is compared to last years figures and a percentage difference is inferred by the
index numbers.
The numbers of visitors are also measured on a weekly basis, as well as the number of paying
visitors, which are called customers. The weekly sales are also divided by the number of
visitors and customers to obtain a ratio of how much is purchased per visitor and customer
(average receipt). Weekly sales are also reported by each department so that the performance
of every department can be deduced. Numbers on weekly sales, daily sales and sales by
department are available to every employee at the store.
Other important figures are the productivity measures, for instance sales per worked hour.
Every department is measured separately and the outcome is compared to the forecast/budget
as well as last years figures. Another productivity measure is the productivity in the counters,
where numbers of customers are counted and divided by worked hours. The logistic function
gets measured on productivity by the measures managed cubic meters per week and numbers
of extra handling per week. The measure numbers of extra handling needs further explanation.
The goal is for the arriving products to go straight out to the store to be exposed to customers
right away, but sometimes there is not space enough because all remaining units of that

product are not yet sold. If this is the case, the employees have to place the arriving products
in the storeroom which means there will be an extra activity in the logistic process. This extra
activity is what is measured by the numbers of extra handling.
The logistic function also measure stock value, numbers of articles in store and numbers of
articles in store that have passed expiration selling date. On national level, a date is set when a
certain product should be sold out. If there are a lot of units left in stock and they will not be
sold up to the set expiration date, with the normal rate of sales of that article, the store
activates them in various ways to try to sell them in time. However, sometimes they will not
be sold before expiration date even if they are activated. This is what the last measure
mentioned above shows.
Another measurement system they use at IKEA Bckebol is the so called Recovery Index.
This is where the damaged products that cannot be sold, or at least not to the normal price, are
recognized. It is important for the store to control these costs since they make up a large part
of the total cost. The products are divided into different groups depending on the reason why
they cannot be sold at the normal price. For instance, some goods may have been damaged
during transport, some by the stores employees or customers, some are repurchased and some
have been used for display at the store. As far as possible, the store tries to sell these products
by first recovering them to the original state and replacing them back in stock or selling them
at a reduced price. The store tries to lower the number of products damaged and when
products are damaged they try to recover as many as possible. This is not only done to be
able to sell more, but also from an environmental perspective; a kind of recycling.
Apart from the sales and productivity measures, IKEA Bckebol also has more non-financial
measurements systems such as market- customer- and employee surveys. These surveys are
standardized yearly surveys made by external companies and the obtained data are compared
to other stores of IKEA as well as the results of last years survey. The customer survey,
called customer satisfaction index (CSI), is used to identify the largest strengths and
weaknesses of the store in the view of the customers. By analyzing the result of the CSI, the
store can compare their result year by year to be able to recognize improvements or
deterioration. The CSI is often used to the setting of targets in the business plan.
Aside from already mentioned figures, the department managers (which are called
Shopkeepers) use another statistics report made in Leiden, Holland. This report shows figures
like gross margin, product mix, top 30 and top 15 articles sold at different departments. It
enables the Shopkeepers to compare their result to last years result as well as the same
departments at other stores.
The stores sales targets are communicated to the sales staff and all employees shall know
these and the stores performance. The communication of targets and performance is made
through different kinds of channels. Firstly, as mentioned before, every morning a
loudspeaker announcement goes out to the employees before the store opens. For instance, the
loudspeaker announcements include information on yesterdays sales and what index it
corresponds to compared to last year. This informs the personnel about how they are doing
and what to focus attention to that working day. It is also a way to encourage the staff and

create an internal competition where the goal is to reach the targets and perform better than
last year. Secondly, department meetings are held, where important information discussed at
the management teams meetings is provided. Some of the largest departments do not have
department meetings, but instead they inform the sales staff by sending weekly information emails. Furthermore, a weekly magazine is distributed, where all important information is
4.2.5 Rewards and compensations
IKEA uses different types of reward systems in their stores around the world, but in the
future, the goal is to use one single system to make it fairer and easier to evaluate and
administer. At the store level of IKEA Bckebol, they use a premium salary system where the
size of the premium salary is determined by three parameters; sales, costs and customer
satisfaction. Depending on how the store has performed on these parameters, a certain
amount is paid for every hour worked by each employee the past year. The amount paid is not
dependant on what level of the store an employee works, equal amounts are paid for the same
number of hours. They do not use any individual monetary rewards, only group rewards. The
total yearly premium salary does not make up a large percentage of the employees income, at
most about a half months salary. The reward system looks the same at all stores in Sweden
but it is not used in the same way. Some of the stores consider this system to be a very
important motivational factor and highlights it to the employees, whilst in other stores this
system is not considered to be a great motivational factor.
In addition to the usual payroll system, IKEA Bckebol tries to work as much as possible with
feedback and activities to show appreciation. Sometimes the employees get smaller things,
such as products from the store or cake at the staff cantina. The great possibilities of
development and promotion, to another position and/or to another store, are an important
incitement. The idea is that all employees should make individual, self-made plans for what
they want to achieve at IKEA, since there is no predetermined plan for how a career at IKEA
could look like. As much as possible, IKEA tries to use internal recruitment to be able to
satisfy and encourage their employees and assure that the culture stays within the
organization. The employees are encouraged to apply for new posts or placements within the
IKEA group.


5. Analysis
In this chapter we have analyzed the empirical data collected at the interviews on the basis of
the theories described in the theory part. The analysis is divided into sections based on the
objectives of this thesis.

5.1 IKEA Bckebols Management Control System Package

IKEA Bckebols culture is strongly influenced by IKEAs history and ancestry of Smland
as well of the labour culture existing within Sweden, which includes cost-consciousness,
entrepreneurship and equality. It is also obvious that their culture is influenced by their high
focus on sales and other targets. The founder, Ingvar Kamprad, seems to be an important
symbol and his character has influenced, and still influences, the corporate culture. The
culture is shown and reinforced by the clothes they wear, the way they work and their
compensation system.
According to Malmi and Brown (2008) there are three ways of controlling behavior by
cultural control; search for people with certain desired values, change the values of the people
they employ or tell the employees what is expected and how they should act whether they
agree or not. At IKEA Bckebol, the strong corporate culture is mainly maintained and
controlled by ensuring that they hire people with the particular types of desired values.
However, since they do not seem to try to convince or force employees into sharing their
beliefs and culture, the recruitment and selection of employees becomes important. The huge
expansion made in recent years makes this challenge even harder, where it is important not to
stretch to much on their selection criteria.
Another consideration is that the culture is strongly influenced by their history and roots of
Sweden, which might not be shared by people of other nationalities since they have their own
history and beliefs. Hence, to only select employees that already share the right beliefs might
be difficult when expanding to other geographical areas. Since our study does not include the
management control of IKEA in other countries besides a certain store in Sweden, we cannot
say for sure if they use a different strategy for the cultural control outside of Sweden. But if
they have not considered it before, perhaps they have to use other strategies than selection of
employees, e.g. change the values of their employees or make them understand what is
expected and which values they should have, as proposed by Malmi and Brown (2008). This
implies that the employment process in other countries will need to include more education
and perhaps even tighter management control.
The administrative controls are such controls as organization structure, governance structure
and policies and procedures (Malmi and Brown, 2008). Almost every store of IKEA has
similar organization and governance structures as IKEA Bckebol. As mentioned by Malmi
and Brown (2008) the organization structure support communication and control through
certain channels. Communications of guidelines and targets are spread to different levels of


the organization through the organization structure as well the governance structure, such as
regular meetings.
As described by Malmi and Brown (2008) planning can be separated into two broad
approaches; action planning and long-range planning. The long-range plan of IKEA Bckebol
is the business plan, which is made for three years. They also use action plans which are made
for shorter time periods and include more specifically how they can achieve the targets set in
the business plan. Since a global business plan is first made, which is divided into national
business plans and further divided into the business plans of the stores, coordination and
consensus are obtained, even though the business plans of various countries and stores can be
adjusted to their specific conditions. According to Malmi and Brown (2008) there is a
difference between simply planning for the future as oppose to building employees
commitments to the plans. The function and department managers as well as the sales staff are
included in the process of working out the business plans. It seems like IKEA Bckebols way
of building employees commitment is to include them in the process of working out how to
achieve the targets. When the staff feel more commitment it should result in more motivated
staff and it also promotes goal congruence between the individual and the organization, as
described by Flamholtz et al. (1985).
The cybernetic controls of IKEA Bckebol are their budget process, forecast systems and
their financial and non-financial measurement systems. IKEA Bckebols budget process
design has most similarities with the break-down budgetary process described by Kullvn
(2009). Just like the business plan, the budget is first set at the global head office and then by
the SO and the store has to adapt this even though they can affect the numbers by making
their own forecast.
The measurement systems are mainly based on sales and productivity and IKEA Bckebol use
both financial and non-financial measurement systems. According to Merchant and Van der
Stede (2007) financial performance measures can be either accounting oriented or market
oriented and at IKEA Bckebol they use only accounting oriented measures. This is
reasonable since they are owned by a foundation, where market and stock value do not apply.
Sales are measured on a daily basis and weekly sales are compared to budget and last years
sales by the same week. According to Malmi and Brown (2008) there can be links between
the budget system and he financial measurement system. At IKEA Bckebol, the most
obvious link between these systems can be spotted in the sales follow up.
The personnel cost is one of the largest costs of the store and the personnel productivity is
measured by a ratio of sales by each department to the numbers of hours worked by each
department. This enables them to allocate their resources of working hours to match the sales
by each department. The number of visitors also varies between different weeks and days,
which they also try to match as far as possible to the number of hours worked. The
productivity of the logistic function also gets measured carefully. Managed cubic meters and
numbers of extra handling are measured week by week and are compared to sales. In that way
they can spot inefficiencies in their logistic process. Another large cost of the store is the cost
of damaged products. They measure the value of damaged products carefully and try to

recover as many as possible, which is important to be able to be cost-efficient as well as

environmental friendly.
Since the store is large and IKEA Bckebol has so many different articles the management of
stock is important. They use a number of different measures to control their stock level and if
it is necessary they activate products by lowering the price to be able to get them sold.
Thereby, they can maintain a low stock level.
IKEA Bckebol uses both financial and non-financial measurement systems and combines
these into one measurement system, which according to Malmi and Brown (2008) can be
considered as a hybrid measurement system. According to Norton and Kaplan (1992) the
balanced scorecard allows managers to look at the company in four different perspectives;
customer perspective, internal perspective, innovation and learning perspective and financial
perspective. At IKEA Bckebol, three of those perspectives can be spotted; the customer
perspective, the internal perspective and the financial perspective. The innovation and
learning perspective is not measured, even though they seem to work with this area in other
ways, for instance, by providing a lot of learning possibilities and feedback as well as

5.2 The Combination of Merchants Control Alternatives at IKEA

As described by Merchant and Van der Stede (2007) the benefit from a MCS can be
expressed by the tightness or looseness of the MCS. As specified, a tight results control
system must include result dimensions that are congruent with the organizations true
objectives, performance targets that are specific, feedback in short time intervals, effective
communication of the desired result and complete measures if the results control system is
used exclusively (Merchant and Van der Stede, 2007). As we will argue below, we think that
all these factors are met at the store.
Firstly, the measures that the store uses seem to be congruent with the true organization
objectives since they measure sales and costs such as personnel cost and wastage very
carefully. They also use non-financial performance measures such as the customer satisfaction
index which enables them to overcome the shortcoming of the financial performance
measures. Since they take customer satisfaction into consideration they decreased the
possibility of increasing result at the expense of decreasing customer satisfaction, which is
congruent with their true organizational objectives.
Secondly, the targets they use seem to be specific since they use detailed measures to evaluate
their performance, e.g. they not only measure the number of visitors, but also sales per each
visitor and each customer. Furthermore they set specific targets of how high percentage of
customers should be satisfied with e.g. the waiting time in the counters. Thirdly, the
employees get feedback in short time intervals since performance is communicated on a daily
basis as well as more detailed feedback weekly at meetings, and yearly when they e.g. see the


results from the customer survey. Lastly, the desired results are communicated effectively
through their regular meetings and the process of setting the business and action plans.
According to Merchant and Van der Stede (2007), a tight results control system also have to
comprise performance measures that are; precise, objective, timely and understandable.
Furthermore they argue that the results control system is likely to be tighter if rewards (or
punishments) are directly and definitely linked to the accomplishment (or nonaccomplishment) of the desired targets. We think that the performance measures of IKEA
Bckebol meet the characteristics described by Merchant and Van der Stede (2007). The
premium salary system used by the store is also linked to their performance on the desired
targets. Hence, in summation, it seems like the results control system of the store can be
considered as tight.
The action control systems of IKEA Bckebol do not include as many rules, but instead they
have a quite strict organization and governance structure. They also use checklists and
manuals to control the actions of employees. According to Merchant and Van der Stede
(2007) examples of action controls are behavioral constraints, preaction reviews and action
accountability. They further argue that the action control systems can be considered tight only
if it is likely that employees will consistently perform the actions desired to achieve the
companys objectives, and not take any undesirable actions. IKEA Bckebol does not use as
many physical constraints but rather more administrative constraints such as restricting some
decision making to higher levels of the organization. However, in general, the shopkeepers
and sales staff have quite a high influence on their own department of the store and can make
many decisions on their own. Preaction reviews are made quite carefully, e.g. it is only the
financial manager and his deputy officer that can authorize additional purchases and the SO
carefully observes the stores formation of their budget.
The tightness of the action accountability controls depends on characteristics of the
definitions of desirable (and undesirable) actions, the effectiveness of the action-tracking
system and the reinforcements (rewards and punishments) provided (Merchant and Van der
Stede, 2007). The use of checklists that direct what work tasks the sales staff should perform
and the manuals that are used e.g. to assure that the products are placed at the right spots in
the store indicate clear, and quite strict, directives of desirable actions. However, the sales
staff is encouraged to take responsibility and the directives seem to be quite flexible.
The employees actions are supervised by their closest manager and since IKEA Bckebol has
many different organization levels and each has their own manger it is likely that the
managers can track their subordinates actions quite carefully. Furthermore, since the results
control system is tight it is also reasonable to believe that undesirable actions will be
discovered fairly quickly. Reinforcements used are group rewards such as the yearly premium
salary that will be paid if the store has achieved the targets and smaller things such as
products from the store or cake at the staff cantina. To sum up, there is no doubt that IKEA
Bckebol uses action controls and action control systems but we would not consider them
either tight or loose, but rather moderate or average.


As concluded by Merchant and Van der Stede (2007) the personnel/cultural control systems
are rarely tight, except in organizations whose corporate cultures are strong. IKEAs culture
includes cost-consciousness, equality and sales/target focus. These values are prominent and
present in their vision, mission as well as in everything they do. They also emphasize the
importance that every employee should share their values to fit in. This implies that IKEA
Bckebols corporate culture is strong which enables us to conclude that their
personnel/cultural control is tight or at least moderately tight. A table of the tightness of IKEA
Bckebols various management control systems is shown below.

IKEA Bckebol's management control system tightness

Results control (Tight)
- Sales
- Costs
- Gross margin
- Productivity
- of employees
- logistics
- recovery
- supply/stock

Cultural/Personnel control
Action control (Average) (Moderately tight)
- Checklists
- Manuals
- Product placements

- Equality
- Openness
- Fairness
- Thorough selection
- Education/Training

Fig. 3. IKEA Bckbols management control system tightness

5.3 Management control systems used at various organization levels

The cultural control, in terms of values, beliefs and selection, seems to be the same at the
various organization levels of IKEA Bckebol. All employees, no matter what position, wear
the same clothes and in the selection of new employees, it is just as important that an
applicant for the management team has the desired values and beliefs as an applicant for the
sales departments. There is neither any difference in what amount an employee gets in
premium salary depending on what position he/she has. Malmi and Brown (2008) means that
there are distinct subcultures within an organization that can be called clans. As IKEA
Bckebol seems to promote equality, this can be the reason why we have not been able to
detect any clans in the store. It is possible though, that the various stores or other divisions
within the IKEA group form their own subcultures, even though we cannot make any
conclusion considering this hypothesis.
The administrative controls are somewhat different at the various organization levels of the
store. The use of work task checklists for the sales staff and the guidelines of placements of
products within the store indicate that policies and procedures are more common at the lower
levels such as the sales staff. The sales staff is also controlled by guidelines and targets, even
though they are not as tightly controlled by these kinds of MCS as the employees at the higher
levels of the store.

5.4 The Relationship between the Various Management Control Systems

The organization and governance structure affect almost all the MCS to some extent. They
determine the authorization and responsibilities as well as encourage certain types of contacts
and relationships (Malmi and Brown, 2008). IKEA Bckebols organization and governance
structure enable effective communication that is important to all MCS. The distinct
organization and governance structure also enables tight supervision of subordinates of
different levels by the management at the levels above. This makes it easier for the managers
to give instructions, observe their subordinates performance and frequently give feedback in
the action control systems. The organization and governance structure also enables managers
to communicate targets and results effectively in the results control system.
IKEA Bckebols personnel control, e.g. education, and organization structure enable several
rewards, such as personal development and promotions, to be provided. More specifically, the
possibilities of personal development are provided through the various kinds of education, as
well as the fact that managers try to work a lot with feedback. Since the organization structure
also has been designed to include many responsibility areas and various management levels,
there are several possibilities of promotions.
According to Merchant and Van der Stede (2007), managers often use more than one kind of
management control alternative to tighten control. They further state that these controls
sometimes overlap and sometimes complement each other, which enable the combination of
them to create tight control of all factors critical to the organizations success. At IKEA
Bckebol the results control system overlap the cultural and action control systems at the sales
staff level, where targets and responsibility is another motivation factor besides just doing
what they are instructed to do. At the management level of the store, action controls are not
used as much, rather cultural and results controls are used and they seem to slightly overlap
but are mostly complementary. IKEA Bckebols results controls promote high sales, lowcosts and productivity in all operations. Their cultural controls seem to overlap the results
control a little, but most obviously to the extent that it also promotes cost-consciousness.
The non-financial measures may be used to overcome the shortcomings of the financial
measures (Malmi and Brown, 2008). IKEA Bckebols usage of non-financial measures, e.g.
the customer satisfaction survey, is complementary to the financial measures. The premium
salary is also dependant on customer satisfaction which decreases the risk that employees try
to increase the result at the expense of customer satisfaction.


6. Conclusion
IKEA Bckebol has a strong corporate culture that becomes quite apparent when meeting the
employees at the store. The culture of entrepreneurship, cost-consciousness and equality
establish a framework for the employees behavior and demonstrate the direction of the
stores business. The culture shows what is important, but the use of results control systems,
such as budgets and financial/non-financial measurement systems, creates more detailed plans
and targets.
The measurement systems are quite detailed and specific, which make the store know exactly
how they perform and thereby enables them to react quickly and take actions if needed. It
seems like the measurement systems enable them to control their resources efficiently. It also
seems like the store has found suitable measurement systems to control the most important
aspects of their operations that are convergent with their strategy of cost-efficiency and high
turnover. It is reasonable to believe that the detailed measurement systems which enable the
employees of the store to compare their performance to last year as well as other stores, has
an important motivational effect on the employees.
We think that IKEA Bckebols planning process is quite smart since they try to include the
sales staff in the action planning process. Even though the stores management team decides
what areas to focus attention to and set up targets that they want to achieve, they leave the
different functions and their staff to work out how to achieve those targets in the action plans.
We believe that this creates more commitment to the plans and targets which motivates the
staff and influence their behavior in a positive way. It is also most likely that the staff at the
lower levels have the best knowledge of how they can improve working processes in their
own working environment since they have experiences from working in that environment on a
daily basis. From that perspective, IKEA Bckebol can benefit from using their staffs ideas
and knowledge.
The premium salary system at IKEA Bckebol is convergent with their culture of equality,
since the amount given does not depend on what position they employ. It is important that the
culture and the compensation system is convergent, but since the premium salary makes up a
small percentage of their yearly salary it is difficult to say how much this compensation
system influence and motivate the employees. To what degree the premium salary influences
the behavior and motivates the employees is also dependant on how frequently the managers
communicate the link between performance and the premium salary system. However, since
the premium salary makes up a small percentage of the yearly salary and we cannot say for
sure how frequent the link between performance and the premium salary is communicated to
the employees, we believe that other rewards, such as the opportunity of personal
development and promotions, have a greater motivational effect and influence behavior much
more that monetary rewards. The various stores are also situated in places all over the world
and the IKEA group includes so many different lines of business which make the
opportunities for advancement even greater.


There are not many differences between the management control systems used at various
organization levels at IKEA Bckebol. The cultural control seems to be the same at the
various organization levels. The most obvious difference is that policies and procedures are
more frequently used at the lower levels, such as the sales staff, while the employees at the
higher levels at the store, such as the shopkeepers and the management team, are more
controlled by guidelines and targets.
Even though the sales staff is controlled by policies and procedures, we did not expect IKEA
Bckebol to use results control on their sales staff as actively as they do. We believe that they
are able to use results control on the sales staff because they effectively and frequently
communicate results and targets to them, which we believe is not as common in other
companies. As discussed earlier, we also believe that the sales staff is more interested in the
result and more motivated to achieve the targets since they are included in the process of
working out the action plans. However, we have some doubts about the efficiency of the
results control systems used on the sales staff. It is possible that some employees become
motivated by targets while some do not which might be the reason why they use both results
and action controls. Even though we have some doubts about the efficiency of the results
control systems used on the sales staff, we believe it is right to try to use results control at all
levels of the store since it enhances their culture of entrepreneurship and equality.
IKEA Bckebols MCS package includes very many different management controls and
MCS, where we think that some are complementary and some overlap. We have not detected
any MCS that counteract; rather they enhance and clarify each other. The results and cultural
controls overlap to some extent. However, it seems reasonable to use both forms of controls,
since the results controls consist of the set up of targets and more detailed plans which we
believe increase motivation more than cultural controls alone.

6.1 Suggestions for Further Studies

During the work of this thesis we discovered that it was very hard to find information about
management control systems as a package and how the various systems interact and relate to
each other. This is also discussed in some of the articles we have studied and we agree on the
point that if more research was done on this subject, case studies about specific organizations
like this one could be more useful to do. We believe that theories concerning how various
management control systems interact and relate to each other would benefit both science and
Another suggestion for further studies would be to analyze how culture control is managed by
multinational corporations. Is the same type of cultural control used in all countries, or are
different types of cultural controls used depending on geographical area? We think that
IKEAs culture is highly influenced by the Swedish culture and may be difficult to adapt to by
their employees in other countries and cultures. Hence, conducting a study of how IKEA, or
other multinational corporations, use cultural controls in various countries would be

Since we made a case study on one single company, it would also be interesting to make a
comparison with other similar companies in the retail industry or with companies that are
similar to IKEA in other ways such as; low-cost or built by a strong corporate culture. A
comparative study would enable the researchers to discover patterns and evaluate the
effectiveness and influences various management controls system packages have on


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Interview 2, Member of the Management Team, IKEA Bckebol (April 30, 2010)
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Appendix 1 is based on the organization chart we received at one of the interviews at IKEA


Appendix 1 Organization Structure


Appendix 2 Questionnaire

1. Hur ser er organisationsstruktur ut?

a. Finns ett organisationsschema?
b. Vilka olika ansvarsenheter finns det? (Kostnads-, Intkts-, Resultat- eller

2. Hur ser er planeringsprocess ut?

a. Vad r era lngsiktiga respektive kortsiktiga ml?
b. Hur stts dessa ml upp?
c. Vem stter upp mlen?
d. Hur ser ni till att koordinera mlen frn olika funktioner p fretaget?
e. Hur mts utfallet?
Cybernetiska styrmedel

3. Vilka former av ekonomistyrning/ekonomisk planering anvnder ni? (t ex. budget,

nyckeltal, icke-finansiella nyckeltal, Balanserade styrkort)

4. Anvnder ni er av budget?
a. Hur ser er budgetprocess ut?
b. Hur utformas budgeten?
c. Av vem/vilka utformas budgeten?
d. Hur fljs budgeten upp?
e. Hur analyseras budgeten?
f. Hlls anstllda ansvariga fr budgetml?
i. Vilka anstllda r det i s fall?
1. Vilka olika budgetml r de ansvariga fr?
Finansiella nyckeltal

5. Anvnder ni er av finansiella nyckeltal?

a. Vilka finansiell nyckeltal anvnder ni? (kan vara olika beroende p niv i
fretaget samt funktion)
b. Hur fljs de finansiella nyckeltalen upp?
c. Hur analyseras dessa finansiella nyckeltal?
d. Hlls anstllda ansvariga fr finansiella nyckeltal?
i. Vilka anstllda r det i s fall?
1. Vilka olika finansiella nyckeltal r de ansvariga fr?


Icke-finansiella nyckeltal

6. Anvnder ni er av icke-finansiella nyckeltal?

a. Vilka icke-finansiell nyckeltal anvnder ni? (kan vara olika beroende p niv i
fretaget samt funktion)
b. Hur fljs de icke-finansiella nyckeltalen upp?
c. Hur analyseras dessa icke-finansiella nyckeltal?
d. Hlls anstllda ansvariga fr icke-finansiella nyckeltal?
i. Vilka anstllda r det i s fall?
1. Vilka olika icke-finansiella nyckeltal r de ansvariga fr?
Hybridsystem (BSC eller andra system med blandningar av finansiella och icke-finansiella nyckeltal)

7. Anvnder ni er av hybridsystem?
a. Vilket hybridsystem anvnder ni?
b. Vilka nyckeltal anvnds i hybridsystemet?
c. Varfr anvnds just dessa nyckeltal?
d. Hur fljs nyckeltalen i hybridsystemet upp?
e. Hur analyseras dessa hybridsystem?
f. Hlls anstllda ansvariga fr nyckeltalen i hybridsystemet?
i. Vilka anstllda r det i s fall?
1. Vilka olika nyckeltal r de ansvariga fr?

8. Hur ser belningssystemet ut p IKEA?

a. Vilka olika typer av belningar anvnds? (lnekning, bonus, befordringar,
titlar, arbetsuppgifter, ledighet, reserverade parkeringsplatser, semestrar,
erknnande, autonomi)
b. Anvnds olika belningar p olika niver i fretaget?
c. Hur pverkar belningen dig?
d. Hur pverkar belningssystemet fretaget?
Riktlinjer och rutiner

9. Finns regler fr vem som fr ta olika beslut?

a. Finns det ngra faststllda beslutsprocesser?
b. Anvnds frutbestmda rutiner och processer?
c. Hur hanteras ver- och underskott av personal och andra resurser?

10. Hur skulle du beskriva IKEA:s fretagskultur?

a. Hur skolas nya anstllda in i denna fretagskultur?
b. Finns ngra gemensamma vrderingar?
c. r du stolt ver att arbeta p IKEA?
i. Vad r du d mest stolt ver?

d. Hur medverkar fretagskulturen till att uppn fretagets ml?


11. Hur ser er anstllningsprocess ut?

a. Fr personalen utbildning nr de anstlls? Vidareutbildas de kontinuerligt under
tiden de r anstllda?
b. Hur lnge, i genomsnitt, stannar en anstlld hos IKEA?
c. Hur ser arbetsprocessen ut en vanlig dag p IKEA? (fr en sljare)


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