Chapter 9 Technical Surveillance Countermeasures

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Chapter 9

Technical Surveillance Countermeasures

This chapter covers the Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM) Program in place at
DOE HQ to fulfill the requirements of DOE Manual 470.4-4A, Information Security Manual,
Section DTechnical Surveillance Countermeasures (hereafter called the TSCM Manual), which
is OUO and therefore is not available electronically through the DOE directives system website.
A copy of the TSCM Manual is available through the Points of Contact listed below or by
requesting a copy through the DOE directives system. It is distributed only to those authorized to
receive OUO information.
Certain TSCM procedures and activities are OUO or classified and thus are not included in the
The HQ Technical Security Program is assigned to AU-1.2. The TSCM Program Manager
is also designated as TSCMOM for HQ.
The TSCM Program provides expert technical and analytical capability to detect, deter,
isolate, and nullify technical surveillance penetrations directed at classified and sensitive
unclassified information and technical security hazards within DOE facilities. It also
educates employees about the TSCM Program and associated technical and physical
security risks and vulnerabilities.
The TSCMOM carries out the requirements of the TSCM Program for HQ and serves as the
point of contact for HQ TSCMOs. The TSCMOM must ensure that TSCMOs receive the
required training to fulfill the responsibilities for their respective HQ element.
Any area or item may qualify for TSCM services or experience a TSCM incident;
consequently, all HQ employees should be familiar with the TSCM Program and its
procedures and requirements.

HQ Implementation Procedures
Technical Surveillance Countermeasures Officer:
The Head of each HQ element must appoint, in writing (see Attachment 900-1), a TSCMO
to serve as the liaison between the TSCMOM and the HQ TSCM Team for all activities
requiring TSCM support.
TSCMO responsibilities are fully identified in the TSCM Manual, but the following
responsibilities are emphasized:

Chapter 9-1

Prior to the beginning of each fiscal year and or when an area requiring TSCM
service is identified or deactivated, provide a list of these areas requiring recurring
TSCM services to TSCM Program Manager as outlined in the TSCM Manual.

Coordinate onsite assistance for the HQ TSCM Team to ensure strict adherence to
need-to-know and OPSEC principles for TSCM activities.

Ensure that all permanent personnel located within an area designated for a TSCM
service are aware of TSCM requirements, with emphasis on reporting procedures and

Coordinate unrestricted access within service areas during TSCM services.

Coordinate the introduction of any equipment necessary for TSCM activities or

services to be carried out.

NOTE: TSCMO training is provided periodically by the TSCMOM and HQ TSCM Team
or upon request by a TSCMO.

Requesting TSCM Services:

Anyone may request TSCM service because of circumstance or specific events. Such a
request should be made through the elements TSCMO, since possible classification issues
or sensitivities are involved with the request. Information regarding an upcoming TSCM
service may be classified, and information must be disseminated on a strict need-to-know basis.
All requests for TSCM services must be made in writing to the TSCMOM in AU-1.2 for
approval and scheduling. A TSCM Service Request Form, available from the TSCMOM,
can be used to request TSCM services. The TSCM Service Request Form can be obtained
through the Points of Contact, below. A derivative classifier must review and appropriately
classify all requests for TSCM services before submittal. Where unforeseen TSCM services
are required and time or sensitivity is a consideration, verbal requests are authorized over a
STE or in person. In either case, the request must not be made from the same area where the
requested service is to be conducted or an item is to be inspected. A written request,
appropriately classified, must follow a telephonic or in person request.
The requestor should make a request as far in advance as possible so that the HQ TSCM
Team has time to resolve any scheduling conflicts for TSCM services. The requestor must
coordinate access to the area as required by the HQ TSCM Team and ensure any other
security requirements are met.
The TSCMOM validates requests for services by activity, sensitivity of information, threat,
locations, etc. Requests are not necessarily validated based on classification levels of

Chapter 9-2

After a request has been submitted, validated, and approved, a member of the HQ TSCM Team
is designated as a point of contact for the request, develops a date/time for the service, and makes
any other necessary arrangements. All TSCM activities are then coordinated through the
elements TSCMO and/or a designated point of contact identified in the request.
Some of the reasons to request a TSCM service in an area identified as a TSCM area may
include, but are not limited to:

Renovations or modifications to the area.

Renovations/upgrades to equipment, furniture, and/or protection systems within the


Unrestricted/unescorted access by unauthorized individuals.

Changes to security operations procedures that could facilitate the compromise of

information and material.

Discovery or suspicion of a technical penetration, an unauthorized device, or a

technical security hazard.

Items received from foreign governments as gifts.

Classified/sensitive briefings, conferences, meetings, and seminars.

Available TSCM Services:

TSCM services are tailored to meet local operating conditions based on the level of threat
and potential vulnerabilities. TSCM services are categorized as recurring or special.
Recurring TSCM services are conducted on a schedule that provides the highest protection
standards for highly sensitive information as outlined in the TSCM Manual. Special TSCM
services are conducted on a non-recurring basis or for a unique reason.
The following TSCM services are available at HQ:
1. TSCM Survey A TSCM Survey, which includes anomaly resolution and
penetration investigations, is the most comprehensive of the TSCM operational
activities. The TSCM Survey includes thorough instrumented, physical and visual
examinations by the HQ TSCM Team to identify the presence of technical
surveillance devices, technical security hazards and weaknesses, and physical
security weaknesses.
2. TSCM Inspection A TSCM Inspection is a limited activity addressing specific
concerns. An inspection evaluates the changes to the operating environment and
ensures that no vulnerabilities were created by modifications. Inspections also are
required to assess the technical integrity of furnishings, electronic equipment,

Chapter 9-3

proposed or completed construction, gifts or installation of items not previously

examined by the HQ TSCM Team.
Areas subject to recurring services are required to have TSCM inspections of
equipment, furnishings, etc., when items enter the facilities.
3. TSCM In-Conference Inspection A TSCM In-Conference Inspection is a limited
service, normally provided in conjunction with classified/sensitive briefings,
conferences, meetings, and seminars, in an area that is not normally secured but must
be employed due to the size of the specific activity or the unavailability of suitable
space in secure areas. This is primarily a limited inspection of the technical
attributes of the facility before, during, and (as necessary) after the activity.
The requester must coordinate access to the area as required by the HQ TSCM Team
and ensure that any other security requirements/approvals are met and that any
required security measures (e.g., seals on the doors, signs, sealing doors at night,
escorts) are completed.
4. TSCM Advice and Assistance TSCM Advice and Assistance is a service conducted
before and or during construction or renovation of a new or existing area to ensure
that appropriate physical and technical security standards or vulnerabilities are
addressed prior to procurement to avoid costly modifications. This service is also
appropriate prior to the purchase, replacement, installation, and going live with
electronic systems, such as video teleconferencing systems and telephone systems.
This service includes a review of proposals, blueprints, plant-in-place records, asbuilt drawings, or any documentation in place before and during construction.
5. TSCM Education TSCM educational efforts include presentations, briefings,
literature, or other means by which the HQ personnel become familiar with the
TSCM Program and the technical threat to their facilities, equipment, or activities to
minimize the possibility of compromising sensitive information.
6. Special TSCM Services These services occur infrequently. They are conducted to
meet unforeseen circumstances or protection needs according to conditions of local
threat or vulnerabilities, regardless of classification level, and are usually event
driven. These services do not nullify the requirements of other security disciplines
where a temporary increase in protection levels must be applied because of the
specific nature of the activity (classified or sensitive).

TSCM Policies:
Application and recommendations of the technical and physical security standards for
special service areas and services are subject to the discretion of the TSCMOM, based on
recommendations of the HQ TSCM Team.

Chapter 9-4

All items and systems (personal and government-owned) located in an area undergoing a
TSCM service is subject to inspection by the HQ TSCM Team. If an item is found to be
compromising information, the device is subject to confiscation. The item may be sent to a
laboratory for analysis, including destructive analysis, if necessary.
Activities or events that prevent the adequate conduct of the service required or requested
may be terminated by the HQ TSCM Team and will be annotated in the TSCM activities
A TSCM service is considered compromised when individuals, associated with or located
within the area where the service is being conducted, carelessly or deliberately make
reference to the fact of the service, including use of abbreviated and familiar terms (bugs,
sweeps, taps, etc.). Such compromises, whether inadvertent or deliberate, may result in a
security infraction. The HQ TSCM Team Chief determines whether a TSCM service has
been compromised. In the event of a compromise, termination of the service may be
necessary and will be annotated in the TSCM service report.

Discovery or Suspicion of a Technical Surveillance Device:

Discovery of a technical surveillance device or system or suspicion of the existence of such
a device or system in any HQ or DOE contractor facility in the Washington, DC area must
be reported immediately to the TSCMOM. The report should be made in person but may be
made via a STE phone. The report must be made from outside the facility where the
suspected surveillance exists. Do not voice the discovery within the immediate area, which
includes the suspect room and all other rooms/areas above, below, and adjacent to it. Secure
the area to preclude any attempts to remove the discovered device(s) and continue normal
activity in the area without discussing classified information. The TSCMOM will provide
further instructions on how to proceed.
A Special TSCM Service is requested immediately upon the discovery of any technically
hazardous condition, regardless of the type of facility where the condition was discovered.

Points of Contact
For the names and contact information for the positions identified in this chapter, call (301) 9033510 or (301) 903-2644.

Sample Appointment Memorandum (see Attachment 900-1)

Chapter 9-5

Sample Appointment Memorandum



Appointment Memorandum for (Enter name of organization)

This memorandum notifies you of the (enter name of element) employees appointed to the
following security-related positions:
Headquarters Security Officer (HSO) - (Enter Employees Name), Organization Code, Room
Number, Phone Number, Fax Number, E-mail Address
Alternate HSO(s) - (Enter Employees Name), Organization Code, Room Number, Phone
Number, Fax Number, E-mail Address
HSO Representative(s) - (Enter Employees Name), Organization Code, Room Number, Phone
Number, Fax Number, E-mail Address
Operations Security (OPSEC) Representative - (Enter Employees Name), Organization Code,
Room Number, Phone Number, Fax Number, E-mail Address
Alternate OPSEC Representative - (Enter Employees Name), Organization Code, Room
Number, Phone Number, Fax Number, E-mail Address
Technical Surveillance Countermeasures Officer (TSCMO) - (Enter Employees Name),
Organization Code, Room Number, Phone Number, Fax Number, E-mail Address


Alternate HSO(s)
HSO Representative(s)
OPSEC Representative
Alternate OPSEC Representative
Office of Information Security, AU-42
Office of Corporate Security Strategy, Analysis and Executive Protection (AU-1.2)

Chapter 9-6

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