26 Weka

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WEKA tutorial exercises

These tutorial exercises introduce WEKA and ask you to try out several machine
learning, visualization, and preprocessing methods using a wide variety of datasets:
• Learners: decision tree learner (J48), instance-based learner (IBk), Naïve
Bayes (NB), Naïve Bayes Multinomial (NBM), support vector machine (SMO),
association rule learner (Apriori)
• Meta-learners: filtered classifier, attribute selected classifiers (CfsSubsetEval
and WrapperSubsetEval)
• Visualization: visualize datasets, decision trees, decision boundaries,
classification errors
• Preprocessing: remove attributes and instances, use supervised and
unsupervised discretization, select features, convert strings to word vectors
• Testing: on training set, on supplied test set, using cross-validation, using TP
and FP rates, ROC area, confidence and support of association rules
• Datasets: weather.nominal, iris, glass (with variants), vehicle (with variants),
kr-vs-kp, waveform-5000, generated, sick, vote, mushroom, letter, ReutersCorn-
Train and ReutersGrain-Train, supermarket

Tutorial 1: Introduction to the WEKA Explorer

Set up your environment and start the Explorer
Look at the Preprocess, Classify, and Visualize panels
In Preprocess:
• load a dataset (weather.nominal) and look at it
• use the Data Set Editor
• apply a filter (to remove attributes and instances).
In Visualize:
• load a dataset (iris) and visualize it
• examine instance info
• (note discrepancy in numbering between instance info and dataset viewer)
• select instances and rectangles; save the new dataset to a file.
In Classify:
• load a dataset (weather.nominal) and classify it with the J48 decision tree
learner (test on training set)
• examine the tree in the Classifier output panel
• visualize the tree (by right-clicking the entry in the result list)
• interpret classification accuracy and confusion matrix
• test the classifier on a supplied test set
• visualize classifier errors (by right-clicking the entry in the result list)
Answers to this tutorial are given.
Tutorial 2: Nearest neighbour learning and decision trees
Introduce the glass dataset, plus variants glass-minusatt, glass-withnoise, glass-mini-
normalized, glass-mini-train and glass-mini-test
• Explain how classifier accuracy is measured, and what is meant by class noise
and irrelevant attributes
Experiment with the IBk classifier for nearest neighbour learning:
• load glass data; list attribute names and identify the class attribute
• classify using IBk, testing with cross-validation
• repeat using 10 and then 20 nearest neighbours
• repeat all this for the glass-minusatt dataset
• repeat all this for the glass-withnoise dataset
• interpret the results and draw conclusions about IBk.
Perform nearest neighbour classification yourself:
• load glass-mini-normalized and view the data
• pretend that the last instance is a test instance and classify it (use the Visualize
panel to help)
• verify your answer by running IBk on glass-mini-train and glass-mini-test
Experiment with the J48 decision tree learner:
• load glass data and classify using J48
• visualize the tree and simulate its effect on a particular test instance
• visualize the classifier errors and interpret one of them
• note J48 classification accuracy on glass, glass-minusatt and glass-withnoise.
• interpret the results and draw conclusions about J48.
Compare nearest neighbour to decision tree learning:
• draw conclusions about relative performance of IBk and J48’s performance on
glass, glass-minusatt and glass-withnoise.

Tutorial 3: Naïve Bayes and support vector machines

Introduce the boundary visualizer tool
Introduce the datasets vehicle, kr-vs-kp, glass, waveform-5000 and generated.
Apply Naïve Bayes (NB) and J48 on several datasets:
• apply NB to vehicle, kr-vs-kp, glass, waveform-5000 and generated, using 10-
fold cross-validation.
• apply J48 to the same datasets.
• summarize the results
• draw an inference about the datasets where NB outperformed J48.
Investigate linear support vector machines:
• introduce the datasets glass, glass-RINa, vehicle and vehicle-sub
• apply a support vector machine learner (SMO) to glass-RINa, evaluating on the
training set
• apply the classification boundary visualizer, and also visualize the classification
errors (separately)
• describe the model built and explain the classification errors
• change SMO’s complexity parameter c option and repeat
• comment on the difference c makes.
Investigate linear and non-linear support vector machines:
• apply SMO to vehicle-sub, again evaluating on the training set
• apply the classification boundary visualizer, and visualize the classifier errors
• change the “exponent” option of the kernel “PolyKernel” from 1 to 2 and repeat
• explain the differences in the test results
• add/remove points in the boundary visualizer to change the decision boundary’s

Tutorial 4: Preprocessing
Introduce the datasets sick, vote, mushroom and letter.
Apply discretization:
• explain what discretization is
• load the sick dataset and look at the attributes
• classify using NB, evaluating with cross-validation
• apply the supervised discretization filter and look at the effect (in the Preprocess
• apply unsupervised discretization with different numbers of bins and look at the
• use the FilteredClassifier with NB and supervised discretization, evaluating with
• repeat using unsupervised discretization with different numbers of bins
• compare and interpret the results.
Apply feature selection using CfsSubsetEval:
• explain what feature selection is
• load the mushroom dataset and apply J48, IBk and NB, evaluating with cross-
• select attributes using CfsSubsetEval and GreedyStepwise search
• interpret the results
• use AttributeSelectedClassifier (with CfsSubsetEval and GreedyStepwise
search) for classifiers J48, IBk and NB, evaluating with cross-validation
• interpret the results.
Apply feature selection using WrapperSubsetEval:
• load the vote dataset and apply J48, IBk and NB, evaluating with cross-
• select attributes using WrapperSubsetEval with InfoGainAttributeEval and
RankSearch, with the J48 classifier
• interpret the results
• use AttributeSelectedClassifier (with WrapperSubsetEval,
InfoGainAttributeEval and RankSearch) with classifiers J48, IBk and NB,
evaluating with cross-validation
• interpret the results.
Sampling a dataset:
• load the letter dataset and examine a particular (numeric) attribute
• apply the Resample filter to select half the dataset
• examine the same attribute and comment on the results.

Tutorial 5: Text mining

How to increase the memory size for Weka.
Introduce the datasets ReutersCorn-Train and ReutersGrain-Train.
Classify articles using binary attributes:
• load ReutersCorn-train
• apply StringToWordVector, with lower case tokens, alphabetic tokenizer, 2500
words to keep
• examine and interpret the result
• classify using NB and SMO, recording the TP and FP rates for positive
instances, and the ROC area
• interpret the results to compare the classifiers
• discuss whether TP or FP is likely to be more important for this problem
• use AttributeSelectedClassifier (with InfoGain and Ranker search, selecting 100
attributes) with the same classifiers
• look at the words that have been retained, and comment
• compare the results for classification with and without attribute selection
Classify articles using word count attributes:
• load ReutersCorn-train
• apply StringToWordVector, with lower case tokens, alphabetic tokenizer, 2500
words to keep, and wordCount set to true
• examine and interpret the results
• classify using Naïve Bayes Multinomial (NBM) and SMO, recording the same
figures as above
• compare the results with those above for binary attributes
• undo StringToWordVector and reapply with wordCount set to false
• reclassify with AttributeSelectedClassifier (with InfoGain and Ranker search)
using NB and SMO, with 100, 50, 25 attributes
• compare NB with and without attribute selection, and the same for SMO
• compare NB with binary attributes against NBM with word count attributes, and
the same for SMO
Classify unknown instances:
• use NBM models built from ReutersCorn-train and ReutersGrain-train to
classify a mystery instance (Mystery1)
• repeat using SMO models
• comment on the findings
• use the same NBM models to classify a second mystery instance (Mystery2).
Tutorial 6: Association rules
Introduce the datasets vote, weather.nominal and supermarket.
Apply an association rule learner (Apriori):
• load vote, go to the Associate panel, and apply the Apriori learner
• discuss the meaning of the rules
• find out how a rule’s confidence is computed
• identify the “support” and “number of instances predicted correctly” of certain
• change the number of rules in the output
• what is the criterion for “best rules”?
• find rules that mean certain things
Finding association rules manually:
• load weather.nominal and look at the data
• find the support and confidence for a certain rule
• consider rules with multiple parts in the consequent
Make association rules for the supermarket dataset:
• load supermarket
• generate 30 association rules and discuss some inferences you would make from

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