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182 Random Silly Objects (RPG)

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Objects for them to find (10s will result in a potion being found as well):

Wand of Create Wand. (Comes with 1 charge, creates 1 Wand of Create Wand.
Disintegrates into gas when out of charges.)
Ring of Bureaucratic Wizardry: I swear this is real. The official description:
"When a wizard casts any spell while wearing the ring, a sheaf of papers and
a quill pen suddenly appear in his hand. The papers are forms that must be
filled out in triplicate explaining the effects of the spell, why the wizard
wishes to cast it, whether it is for business or pleasure, and so on. The forms
must be filled out before the effects of the spell will occur. The higher the
level of the spell cast, the more complicated the forms become. Filling out the
forms requires one round per level of spell."
Ring of Detect Fingers (glows in the presence of fingers.)
The Cloak of Visibility: Just a very, very gaudy cloak
Cloak of the Bushy Disguise: Grants the wearer the ability to transform a
short bush when crouching.
Bowl of Watery Death
Mirror of Dwarven Beauty- any woman who looks in it instantly grows a beard
( gains +2 Cha when dealing with Dwarves)
Wand of Misplaced Objects
Ring of Miscommunication. At first, it looks like a ring of Tongues, and works
like that for an entire day after being worn. After the 24 hours of being
constantly worn, it immediately binds itself to the player, unable to be
removed except by magical means (im thinking an increasing dispel magic or
a specialist npc check) Once the main curse starts, the player is forced to
only speak 1 random language, which changes each day (he can understand
all the languages he normally would + the random one from the ring, but he
can only speak the random one, even with telepathy).
Ring/Amulet of Cursing: -5 to all Charisma skill checks since everytime you
try one you curse. Even Intimidate is affected because you curse at the wrong
time making you sound foolish instead of initimidating.
Druid's Yoke
Gloves of Reception: When cupped to the ear, allowed the user to hear
whatever sounds were being made at whatever location he was looking at,
regardless of distance (as long as he had line of sight).
Brooch of Number Numbing
Fish Dust

Wand of Pointing: casts really minor light spell, useful vs cats.

Amulet of Referring To Oneself In 3rd Person: Early onset narcissism.
Rock of Returning: S'funny, could have sworn I threw that thing away.
Decanter of Endless Milk: Unfortunately, the milk expired centuries ago.
Quill of Rage: An ordinary quill that will only write when you scribble in the
corner to make sure it is working.
Tasha's Hideous Bowler: An enchanted hat so utterly unfashionable that it
causes anyone within a 20ft radius to point and snigger, but only when the
wearer isn't looking.
Ring of Doom: Allows the wearer to discern the location of any enemies
hidden behind secret doors or walls. However, the only way to discover
hidden foes is by knocking on every surface of the room to the tune of "Shave
and a haircut" until the enemy is compelled to finish it.
Boots of Banana Resistance: You now have advantage on any Dex(acrobatics)
rolls when slipping on a banana.
Ring of Mutual Ignorance This ring makes you unnoticeable to people who
you are not aware of. This often leads you to bumping into a person your
trying to stealth around, where by ruining the magic.
Wand of Persistent Drizzle: Everyone within an 80' radius gets damp and
miserable after 1D6 turns.
The Murderstein. A mug that fills with ale after you kill an opponent. The
quality depends on the quality of the opponent. Holds 10 charges.
Girdle of Kobold Strength - Makes your strength score 6 (yes this would have
been a decent bonus to carry capacity on a few characters over the years)
Belt of many pouches: has storage room for all the magic components, coins,
trinkets, and similar small items you will ever own. Requires a DC 25 Int
check to remember which pouch a particular item is in.
Sword of Misplaced Ownership; "Oi! That's my sword!"
Dancing Pole: Often mistaken by the name for a weapon capable of fighting
independently of the wielder, upon speaking the command word, this cursed
staff instead plants itself into the ground vertically, and forces the wielder to
remain in the square, affected as if by a failed save against Otto's Irresistible
Dance. In addition, the cursed individual's AC is lowered by 1 every round
that he or she remains dancing, as the individual's armor is slowly peeled off
piece by piece (this is an exception to normal removal time for armor).
Unarmored individuals are not affected in this manner. At the end of each

affected round, the cursed individual may attempt a CHA save (DC 15).
Success causes the dancing to stop.
Plotable Hole: This tear in the fabric of storyline/continuity-space can be
exploited to cause NPCs to suddenly remember that they were killed, like, 8
sessions ago, and suddenly change the time of day as the Powers That Be are
reminded that they just said the sun was shining and it couldn't possibly be
Invisible Sack - A simple burlap sack big enough to fit about a cubic foot of
material inside it. Anything inside the bag becomes invisible. If you stick a
hand in it, you too become invisible. The bag, however, is visible. It can be
turned inside out, which renders it invisible but objects placed inside can
clearly be seen.
Breeches of Trust: Once per day, the wearer makes very uncomfortable
advances on a random party member
Bag of It's Got To Be In Here Somewhere: Functions as a bag of holding, but is
constantly filled with random junk in addition to the contents. It always takes
a full hour to find the item(s) one wishes to take out of it, during which the
character cannot gain the benefit of a short rest.
The Toupe of Tilting: It just never sits on your head in a natural position.
The Sword of Everstriking. A greatsword+1 that had a very "double edged
sword effect". If you need a 13 to hit and rolled a 7 you took 6 damage and
the attack hit. If you rolled a 2 and needed a 19 you took 17 damage and you
hit etc. You had no choice you always hit...it was a matter of how much
damage you took in doing so. We saw more tense last stands from using this
than I can count. Many a fighter and barbarian fell victim to their own sword
in a blaze of glory.
Keeping your Cool Elven box: A wooden box filled with ice, overall the size of
a kleenex box. Mysterious Elvin carvings line the boarder. When placed in a
room, after 5 minutes it will change the room temperature to 65 degrees
Farenheit. (Air conditioning, could be useful in desert terrains or near lava)
The Blind Candle - A candle which when lit, gives off no light, and whose
flame is invisible. However, anyone looking in the direction of the candle with
their eyes closed can see the flame, even if it's on the other side of an
obstacle, so long as it's within range (120ft)
The Red Shirt: The wearer is sure to die horribly and forces the opponents to
cackle in an evil way while it happens.
Book: Learn How to Make People Think You Speak Bear (+1 Bluff)
Book: Sangrinch's Sandwich Identifier (+1 Gourmet/Chef Profession)

Book: Victor Von Vagnut's Troll Training Handbook (+1 Handle Animal)
Book: Water to Wine and Other Fun Tricks at Sea (+1 Sleight of Hand)
Book: Is Hair Really Necessary? - a book for the bald/ going bald (+1
Intimidate if bald/balding)
Think Wizard - Mail order magazine (+1 Identify Magical Objects)
Potion of Delusion. Its technically not curse but its my favorite item ever. I'll
tell you why: In a AD&D-esque game (OSERIC I believe is the name of the
system) we went to go fight a black dragon. Little did we know that Black
Dragons could breath underwater and that there would be no reason for its
lair to have any air. Needless to say some of us died but as we were slowly
going back on a raft we found a belt of potions, all electric blue, and I said
"I'm tired of not using these unmarked potions." And immediately quaffed
one an asked "So... What does it do?" To which the DM said: "What do you
want it to do?" "Taste Delicious?" I say. "Sure." says the DM. "Turn me into a
Black Dragon?" "Sure." says the DM. "I dive into the water and attack the
dragon's lair!" I say. "Okay everyone else sees him drink the potion and jump
into the water." Says the DM who begins laughing. Note I'm a Paladin in Chain
Mail. Needless to say my character dies. No cursed by any means but unlabelled potions are fun. And Potion of Delusion is awesome.
Gorilla Glass- This elegant looking wineglass does nothing unusual until it is
filled with liquid and someone attempts to drink from it. The drinker must
make a dc15 dex save or take 8d6 bludgeoning damage when the liquid turns
into an enraged adult gorilla mid-sip. The gorilla tries to kill the drinker until
one of them is slain, at which point the gorilla evaporates.
Water-Carrier of the Ancients: An enchanted 10ft pole that can be used to
carry two buckets (buckets sold separately) of water or other liquid without
spilling a drop, regardless of what else is occurring and whether or not it
should be physically possible, until set down. This does not prevent the
character from falling, being tripped, etc., only prevents the liquid from
Mat of the Insufferably Flexible: this rubberized flexible mat is brightly
colored. When the user utters the command phrase and spends half an hour
performing the appropriate ritual, they gain a +2 bonus to all dexterity
checks for 24 hours. However, they must constantly tell everyone around
them how amazing it is and that they just simply have to try it.
Bar of EXTREME CROSS TRAINING: this heavy, knurled steel bar is 3' long.
When the user utters the command phrase, the bar will extend and affix itself
to two points on opposing walls. The bar can easily support the users weight,
and after spending a half hour performing the appropriate ritual (Pull ups),
they gain a +2 bonus to all strength checks for 24 hours. The are compelled
to tell everyone they meet about their new awesome training regimen and

how its the only way to properly get fit.

Ring of Cartoon Physics: You are immune to gravity, until someone points it
out or draws attention to it.
Periapt of Wisdom: Whenever you fail a knowledge check, you are instantly
reminded that you failed it. You are, after all, wise enough to know how dumb
you are.
Broach of Color Changing - A cheap trinket sold for the novelty of a broach
that changes color based on your emotional state, allowing for analysis
therein. It actually changes color based on ambient temperature.
Wand of Turning Undead Spins the undead 180 degrees around.
Wand of egg: Summons one egg. This may be boiled and eaten. It may be
summoned above somebodys head. Or under your hat. Or something. Slightly
useful, but not very.
Boots of horror walking: These boots activate when you are chasing
somebody. While your opponents run for their lives, you appear to walk
calmly after them, even though you are actually moving at full speed. This
has no other effect than making you look scary.
Saddle of Llama taming: When put on a wild llama, it makes the animal
completely tame, and it may be ridden like a horse. Only Works on llamas.
Amulet of Demon-Summoning: According to the inscription, the user may
summon a specific Glabrezu named
Qztxychtwdgb'xxiygh'fljjk'zmvpcdr'kkftpsl to their service if they can correctly
pronounce his name. The inscription does not mention that mispronouncing it
instantly transports the user to the Abyss without any equipment whatsoever.
Gloves of Expression: The wearer expresses everything they say with
flamboyant hand motions.
Rod of Wandering: upon activation, this rod teleports itself and the user's
belongings, but not the user, to a random location on the same plane.
Staff of lesser Dimension door: Teleports user up to 1 foot in any direction.
Ring of the repentant Thief: Adds a +5 bonus to slight of Hand checks to steal
objects of direct monetary value. Objects or coins of equal value belonging to
the thief appear in their place if successful. If the thief does not have
sufficient funds to "pay" for the item, the check automatically fails.
Gloves of Lock Picking: The wearer receives advantage on Intelligence checks
to determine what type of lock would be best suited to install on a particular
door, hatch, or chest (e.g., padlock, deadbolt, etc.).

L.M.S.S (Little Man Syndrome Sword) - Weapon (longsword), Uncommon

(requires attunement by a dwarf, halfing or gnome.)
Once attuned, the sword magically adjusts in length to become 2x your
height, becoming a weapon one size larger than you. In addition, the sword
gives you the following properties:
You gain advantage on Cha (persuasion) checks against yourself.
You gain disadvantage on all Cha (Intimidation) checks.
-2 to attacks and damage because of the size difference.
Curse: While wielding this sword, you believe it to be a lengendary magic
item, and have the need to brag about how awesome it is. If you are not able
to get someone to listen to your bragging about the sword within 1 minute of
pulling the sword from it's sheath, make a Cha (persuasion) check against a
DC10. If succesful, you convince yourself that everyone around you are losers
and shouldn't be allowed to know how awesome the sword is. On a failure,
you go into a rage and must attack the largest creaure or object within
walking speed until you inflict 2x the maximum HP of that creature.
Bag of Bags - When found this bag contains 1d100 bags and it generates 1
bag per day holding a maximum of 100 bags. These bag are of very cheap
construction and have no sale value.
Camel of Water Storage: A magical, living camel, that can drink several
hundred gallons of water and store them indefinitely, for the owner to
retrieve when needed. The method of retrieval is, however, not for the fainthearted.
Skillet of Flapjacks: Advantage on Dex checks to flip an egg or pancake being
cooked in the skillet. Improvised weapon, 1d4 bludgeoning.
Stuffed Alligator of Importance: When a wizard hangs up this stuffed reptile in
his laboratory, it will make the laboratory look much more genuine and
'mage-ish'. This may add a +1 to Diplomacy or Intimidation checks on the
wizards behalf, when he is in his study.
Music Box of Soul-Crushing Sorrow: this wind-up clockwork device plays an
impossibly sad melody while showing Silent Images of mistreated animals.
User has an overwhelming urge to complain about someone cutting onions
and go hug their dog.
Hat of Truth Detection Has the appearance of a stylish hat with a gem stone
adornment which lights up when the wearer is being deceitful. Attuned,
cannot be removed until the curse is broken or the wearer is deceased. Once
the curse is broken the hat changes appearance.
Tooth of the Fairy This magic tooth is placed in the mouth after the fresh

removal of a natural tooth. It then seals itself in place of the old tooth for the
next 24 hours. During this time you gain large diaphanous wings which have
no capacity to aid the user in any physical manner. At the end of 24 hours the
tooth leaves the wielders mouth, and 1d4 gold pieces appear beneath their
Slippers of Sleepwalking: This pair of enchanted footwear activates when put
next to you bed or bedroll. When you sleep, these slippers cause you to sit
up, and put them on. You will then go sleepwalking.
Intellectual Pipe: Holding this dapper pipe in your mouth makes you look
thoughtful and clever, giving you advantage on Bluff checks to look smart. It
does nothing to make you act, sound, or be any smarter. Any creature that
has heard you speak is immune to the pipe's effects.
Cup of Last Comfort: This badly-dented tin cup from an ancient legionary
chaplain's field kit holds about 8 ounces of liquid. Any drink administered to a
dying creature from this cup tastes pleasant, dulls all pain, and makes the
imbiber vividly remember their happiest moments until the imbiber either
dies or is healed by other means. It has no other effect, and does not affect
creatures for whom death is not imminent.
Amulet of Delay: sounds made by the wearer delayed 1d4 rounds
Earmuffs of Songs: A special theme song plays for your character (out of no
where) every time he does something interesting, but he can't hear it himself.
Presto's Hat: When they cast a spell using the magic hat, pick a word at
random. The player must immediately create a rhyme using that word which
also described what the spell should do. If they quickly and correctly do so,
then apply a random beneficial effect (metamagic, secondary healing or
protection effect, auto-hit, etc). If they delay, stumble in their words, or can't
think of anything, they lose the spell and something weird happen.
The Infinite Book of Magic Reading: This book is indecipherable without the
use of the Read Magic spell. The front and back cover of the book are covered
in runes which, when deciphered, promise to teach the reader of every page
of the book how to cast spells more efficiently. The first page of the book
contains a modified version of the spell Read Magic, which can only be used
to read the second page, which contains a modified version of Read Magic
which can only be used to read the third page, etc. The book has an infinite
number of pages.
Scroll of Literacy: Caster becomes Literate
Coin of Indecision: A gold coin with the word "YES" on one side and the word
"NO" on the other. If it is flipped while asking a question, the coin always
lands on edge.

Ring of Giant's Strength: Designed to be like a Belt of Giant's Strength but

only smaller, this ring gives tremendous strength, but only to the finger it's
put on do to being poorly made. It also re-sizes itself to fit any person, but
only on the pinky, again due to being poorly made.
Solar Powered Lamp- This magical lamp functions perfectly when in sunlight.
When in dim/dark areas, the light ceases to function.
Carpet of Instant Orchestra: When this carpet is unfurled and put on the
ground, an orchestra will instantly appear on it and start playing. They will do
this until the carpet is rolled up again.
There are several types of Carpets of Instant Orchestras:
Carpet of Instant Harp Trio
Carpet of Instant Banjo Band
Carpet of Instant Peruvian Pipe Players
Carpet of Instant Military Brass Band
Carpet of Instant Tuba Quintet
Carpet of Instant Bagpipe Deluxe Band
Wand of Bellybuttons: This wand has 4 charges (recharges 1d4 each dawn).
You can expend 1 charge to create an additional bellybutton upon somebody
within 15 feet, or alternatively, rob someone within 15 feet of his bellybutton.
One person can have up to three bellybuttons, even with this wand's effects.
Hydra's teeth. comes in bags with 2d4 teeth. Upon being thrown into soil,
they immediately develop into the skeletons of warriors...which don't; do
anything, as they're just skeletons. After 5+1d6 rounds, all skeletons decay
into ash, or immediately upon casting a necromancy spell
Arrow of Sleighing "When this powerful item is drawnin a bow, in a combat
situation, it immediately expands and unfolds into a full-size, four-place
Potion of Potions:When this potion is mixed with another potion, both become
a Potion of Potions.
Pour a potion of potions in the alchemist's/Artificer's lab's main water source.
They can now no longer brew any potions but Potions of Potions.
Thingy of Random Weaponry: (also known as the Swiss Army Thingy) This
unshapely thing (made of metal and wood Things - about the size of a Wand)
can change shape and turn into a random weapon on the push of a button.
When the button is pushed, roll a D20. The Thingy turns into one of the

following weapons:

1 - A normal Longsword 2 - A Longsword +1 3 - A normal Shortsword 4 - A

Shortsword +1
5 - A normal Rapier 6 - A Rapier +1 7 - A normal Longbow 8 - A normal Sling
9 - A normal Spear 10 - A normal Dagger 11 - A Dagger +1 12 - A normal
13 - A normal Catapult 14 - A normal Trebuchet 15 - A normal Whip 16 - A
Whip +1
17 - A normal Greataxe 18 - A Greataxe +1 19 - A normal Greatsword 20 Greatsword +1

The Thingy changes shape and functions as the weapon type for 2D6 rounds.
It then reverts to it's Thingy shape Again, and is inert for 2D6 rounds. The
button can then be pushed again.

Thingy of Assorted Polearms: (also known as the Polearm Emporium Thingy)

This unshapely thing (made of metal and wood Things - about the size of a
Wand) can change shape and turn into a random polearm on the push of a
When the button is pushed, roll a D20. The Thingy turns into one of the
following polearms:

1 - Glaive or Glaive-guisarme (roll 1D2 for type) 2 - Voulge 3 - Guisarmevoulge

4 - Spetum 5 - Bill or Bill-guisarme (roll 1D2 for type) 6 - Partisan 7 - Ranseur
8 - Military fork 9 - Morning Star 10 - Fauchard, Hook fauchard or Fauchardfork (roll 1D3 for type)
11 - Lucern hammer 12 - Halberd 13 - Bec de corbin 14 - Bardiche 15 - Awl
16 - Trident 17 - Mancatcher 18 - Spear or Long spear (roll 1D2 for type)
19 - Lance (roll 1D4 for a Light/Jousting/Medium/Heavy Lance) 20 - Greatclub

The Thingy changes shape and functions as the polearm type for 2D6 rounds.
It then reverts to it's Thingy shape Again, and is inert for 2D6 rounds. The
button can then be pushed again.

Dagger of Antivenom: When somebody afflicted with the Poisoned Condition

take a Critical Hit from the Dagger of Antivenom, the Poisoned Condition is
automatically removed.
Stone of Sinking: When put into liquid, this magical Stone will always, always
sink to the bottom. Bonus: If put into the air, the stone will fall towards the
greatest force of gravity near to it.
Staff of Compensation: An oversized staff that heavily insiuates the wielder
may be compensating for something. This staff will be associated with the
wielder until either they, or the staff are completely annihilated. If the wielder
was not compensating before acquiring the staff, they are now.
Morningstar Cactus Seeds: When sown in sandy soil, these seeds will grow
cactusses (cacti?) that, when harvested, can be used in combat as
Morningstars. It takes about 6 mounths for the seeds to grow to an
appropriate size, and they only need to be watered now and then.
Relics of Saint Bobrick: Holy nail clippings of the (very) obscure Saint Bobrick.
These are stored in a small and unremarkable ivory box. The Relics do posses
some powers, and members of his (even more obscure, and slightly
deranged) cult will do almost anything to acquire them. The person carrying
the holy nail clippings will receive visions of the obese and loudly crying and
lamenting Saint on a daily basis. These visions tend to come at inopportune
moments, and they are impossible to 'turn off'. The Saint never tell anything
useful, he just cries and laments. Undead find it slightly unpleasant (and
annoying) to come too close to the Relics, and must pass a DC8 Wis Save to
move within 30 feet of them.If you can find a way to glue the nail clippings to
your own fingernails (there are 5 nail clippings), the weapon in this hand will
do +1 damage to undead.
Chopsticks of Speed-Eating: A set of elegant bamboo chopsticks, that allows
the user to eat at half the time it would usually take to consume one meal.
The Chopsticks are hollow, and allows the user to ingest soup or beverages in
half the normal time as well.Some use this ability to get drunk in half the
Cigar of the Grand Smoker It never ends. Can come as a pipe or cigarette as
well. Saves you a lot of money, but for every 1 year you don't quit smoking,
you have a cumulative 2% chance of dieing. Tieflings and dwarves are imune
to dieing from smoking.
Egoist's minute dungeon Did you ever dream of crossing to the dark side?

How about becoming the main vilain of an arc? Or perhaps you just need
some training. Well, this little orb, when shattered creates a real dungeon
with 4d20 monsters (DM's choice). Now it's up to you to either rule this
dungeon (the player becomes an NPC controled by the DM in this choice,
aparently under a "dominate person" spell) or defeat the monsters in it.
There is really no reward for defeating the monsters, except for the exp, and
if the player is the boss, the players can loot his gear after they defeat him.
It's a nice plot device for players tired of their character, who want to reroll
Quarterstaff of Never-breaking: When used as a weapon, this stout oaken
staff turns into a bolt of raw silk.
Deck of One Thing - Looks like an ordinary deck of cards, but when the cards
are dealt every card is the two of clubs.
Orbs of Dragon Kin - A dragon's "jewels".
The Hat of Disguises: This hat magically cycles through various (poor)
disguises, all of which are extremely overt and attention-grabbing, and none
of which effectively mask the features or identity of the wearer.
Ring of Gaseous Form: This ring transforms the wearer into a gaseous form
for an unlimited time, just like the spell. To end the spell the wearer has to
take off the ring. However, since he and the ring are gaseous, he can't do
that. Let's hope the party has a "Dispel magic" spell in hand.
The King's New Robe: This majestic robe fills you with the might and charisma
of long lost kings. It's power is so grand that no other clothing, jewelry or any
other object may be worn alongside it. Upon wearing the robe, it turns
invisible but you still perceive it as normal. You are immune to fear related to
embarrassment as long as nobody states the obvious upon which you are
immediately pannicked. Immunity to fear or mind affecting effects do not
prevent the effects of this item.
Splitting Bow: Upon pulling the string of this bow, and releasing it, it splits
into two bows that fall at your knees. The arrow is shot as normal. Only one of
these bows is real and can be used again. If the wrong bow is picked up it will
dissappear upon pulling the string. (The DM actually pulled this as a joke on a
partymember that was late for a session. Though the timing could have been
better as this was done against an undead dragon which was the last
monster of an entire campaign arc... )
Breastplate of Calm- Wearer loses all will to fight upon being hit
Compass Compass - This device appears to be a regular compass, but the
arrow always points towards the nearest other compass instead of due north.
Lesser Pearl of Speech - While this item is active, the user can speak another
language, but can only say one phrase. The crafter determines the language

and phrase. The pearl does not confer the ability to understand the given
language, not even the phrase it enables the user to speak.
Gloves of Applauding. These magical gauntlets provide a +1 bonus to all skill
checks, attack rolls, or saving throws within a 60 ft radius of the wearer. After
every successful roll, the wearer must spend an action congratulating
whomever just succeeded, regardless of their attitude towards the wearer. ie,
the wearer applauds hostiles and friendlies alike.
Lens of storytime: How about a Narrative Device? Can't read? No problem! Tis
a magical lens that speaks aloud any words it sees at a steady pace and in a
clear voice. Sadly cannot translate languages. Speaking the command word
"Huh?" will cause the lens to repeat everything it has seen in the last minute,
both louder and slower. Speaking the command word again will continue to
amplify this effect. Take care around explosive runes or ancient scrolls of
forbidden magic.
Pointy Shoes of Usefulness: This footwear seems to be nothing more than a
pair of gaudy and colourful and very pointy pointy shoes. However, when
the command word is spoken, the points of the shoes elongate and stretch
and can grasp small objects (no larger than a Dagger) and hand them up to
the wearer of the Shoes, thus removing the unpleasant necessity of
personally bending down and picking it up. Stylish and brilliant
Bracers of Manly Might will give the wearer a +5 competency bonus on Arm
Wrestling checks and enchant the winner's voice to boom louder than their
opponent's for up to 10 minutes. This time can be extended by 1 minute for
each high-five received before the effect expires.
Random Feather Token
Carpet of Household Cleaning: This is actually no carpet at all, but a living
creature, that looks exactly like a slightly weathered carpet. Most of the time
(about 20 hours a day), the Carpet lies dormant, sleeping so heavily, that it
doesn't even feel if somebody stands on it. When awake, mostly at night
when all is dark, the Carpet will slowly shuffle around, feeding on dust, grease
stains and all small organic Waste, that it can find on the floor. If somebody
turns on the lights, it will lie completely still, and thus some people may
actually own a Carpet of Household Cleaning and not even realise it (though
they may wonder at the generally clean state of their floors). The inoffensive
Carpet can only move across relatively flat surfaces, but may, if hungry, be
able to climb a set of stairs, though this would take it several hours, as it
moves very slowly. The Carpet is no threat to most living creatures, as it is
extremely easy to move out of its way. It will not take on creatures larger
than itself, or creatures that push it away. Dead people may be consumed by
a Carpet. This will take a couple of days, and the Carpet will then regurgitate
all non-digestible matter that the dead person wore. This may explain some
mysterious disappearances. Carpets come in the size from 1 foot across (Very

Young) to about 10x20 feet (for Very Old specimens). Carpets of Household
Cleaning can become quite old, up to about 600 years of age.
Belt of Opening It can cast knock three times a day, but only on itself. The
command word is, "Behold!"
Ear Trumpet of Listening: A very large and ornate hearing aid, fashioned
directly from the horn of a great wooly Rhinocerous. The Ear Trumpet is quite
heavy, weighing in at about 30 pounds, and the user needs both hands to be
able to hold it up to the ear for any length of time. When the Ear Trumpet is
put to the ear, it gives a +1 bonus on Listening attempts. It may also be used
as an Improvised Weapon, though you still need both hands to be able to
apply it effectively.
Shield of Holeyness: This mighty looking defensive implement is a +2 Shield.
Unfortunately, it has quite a few holes in it. These holes has been hidden with
Illusions, so that the shield appears whole and, indeed, unholed. When
somebody attacks the person using the Shield, roll a D6. On a roll of 1-3 the
Shield works normally, providing its AC bonus. On a roll of 4-6, however, an
Invisible hole has been hit, and the user of the Shield gets none of its
defensive bonuses, and instead suffers a total of -2 on AC.
Hatpin of Piercing Bravado: you gain +1 vs Sonic DR while raging, but your
voice is pitched an octave higher while not raging
Boar's Boorish Beltclasp: a stylized boars head beltbuckle that can be affixed
to any magic belt. detect magic reveals it grants a +1 to Aid Another. Upon
being worn it has a faint illusion whenever someone of the opposite sex sees
you from the corner of their eye you appear to be leering at them.

Breeches of Confidentiality This finely made pair of trousers gives advantage

on saving throws against spells and effects that would allow the wearers
mind to be read, such as Detect Thoughts. However, the wearer is overcome
by an almost uncontrollable urge (Charisma DC 25 save to avoid) to relate
potentially embarrassing secrets, about themselves or their companions, or
the details of any secret mission they might be undertaking, whenever in a
social situation, i.e. talking to anyone not in their adventuring party.
Amulet of the Plain The wearer of this rather cheap looking necklace gains a
Charisma score of 8.
Belt of Apparent Invulnerability This unassuming thin belt made of braided
black leather allows it's wearer to apparently ignore the effects of an attack;
which appears to miss, bounce off, or otherwise fail to damage the wearer
regardless of the severity of the attack. Likewise, secondary effects like
knockback, disarming, and so on take the appearance as intentional actions
(throwing the weapon and missing, rolling on the floor with laughter) rather

than as the effects of the attack. The wearer takes damage as normal, only
the appearance of damage is negated.The belt must be warn for 24 hours to
work, and only appears to negate the first blow damaging attack after each
short rest. The effects of the wound reveal themselves after twenty-four
hours, and True Sight will reveal the true extent of the damage done.
Belt of Apparent Vulnerability This unassuming thin belt made of braided
black leather allows it's wearer to suffer grievously from an attack; which
appears pierce through, sever, or mangle the wearer within an inch of his life
regardless of how minor the attack; or even if the attack misses or the wearer
is actually invulnerable to it. The wearer takes damage as normal, only the
appearance of damage is amplified. The belt must be warn for 24 hours to
work, and only appears to amplify the first blow potentially damaging attack
after each short rest. The effects of the wound reveal themselves after
twenty-four hours, and True Sight will reveal the true extent of the damage
done. Rumors persist that some small number of cursed Belts of Apparent
Vulnerability that actually do cause the wearer to be reduced to 1 HP or less
with any attack; but the owners of such items would have long ago died to
skinned knees and vicious mosquito feedings and thus are unable to verify
the truth of these rumors.
Weapon of the not sealed fate: Weapon counts as magical for the purposes of
overcoming damage reduction, but it can under no circumstances score a
critical hit.
Dwarven Rum of Vision - when this potion is drunk (all 26 oz of it as an action)
you gain the benefits of True Sight for 1 hour. You also become stunned and
poisoned for the next 3 hours, you count as "charmed" by all creatures
interacting with you for 6 hours and following your next long rest (or
sleeping) you gain a level of exhaustion.
Scroll of Nose: When the magical words on this scroll is spoken, a large and
sensitive nose will appear in the middle of the scroll. Anyone within 10 feet of
the Nose can ask it to identify smells around it. The Nose can identify exactly
what kind of creatures have passed within the immidiate vicinity within the
last 24 hours. The name of the type of creature will appear in writing on the
scroll. The Nose is able to track individual creatures with 100% certainty, only
creatures teleporting or leaving the plane of existance on which the Nose is,
will cause the Nose to loose the scent. The Nose will be active for 10 minutes,
after which it will let out a mighty Sneeze (like the Gust of Wind spell cast by
a 10.th level caster), the Nose will diassappear and the Scroll torn apart.
Anti-Vermin Bedroll. It repels all bugs, insects, and other vermin of 2 hp or
The Broach of Pedantry:This cursed broach confers a +2 to perception
checks... but only for minor details, such as this item. It is clearly an amulet
but it's named The Broach of Pedantry. The wearer of this amulet is

compelled to explain to everyone they talk to about the details of this amulet.
This cursed item may not be removed by anyone unwilling to wear it. Incribed
on the back is "Pedantry, it's a curse. Sorry!" - Whibla
Amulet of Participation - This Faux Bronze medallion has a stylized sunburst
design and an image of a runner on the sun. Engraved on the back is the
Phrase "Thank you for Participating!" This amulet ensure your non-proficient
skill checks generate a roll of 5 (modified by your stats). Every time.
Additionally the character cannot place in the top 3 in any skill or stat
contests (or automatically come last in contests with 2 or 3 participants)
regardless of final skill results. Any class features or abilities that grant a
bonus to these non-proficient rolls are negated while it is worn. Wearing the
amulet also ensure you will be ignored my most foes so long as more
'dangerous' and 'skilled' opposition is available regardless of your actual
lethality/vulnerability.The amulet is of course - cursed - and cannot be
removed without remove curse being cast on you.
Meat Shield: A flat, round living being, looking a bit like a non-flying Flumph,
but without spikes, eyestalks and tentacles. Meat Shields live in rainforests,
where they slowly wriggle about on the forest floor, hunting for slugs and
other slow lifeforms.Meat Shields are found in sizes between about Bucklersize and up to Great Shield-size. They vary a lot in appearance; some look
armored, almost like tortoises, whilst others appear like naked flesh. Some
even resemble pizzas. If you catch a Meat Shield (which is really easy, as they
are quite slow) and press your arm against its stomach, it will instinctively
grasp unto the arm with its little legs, making it possible to wield it like a
Shield. It will hold onto the arm until it is tickled under its chin, on the inside
of the Meat Shield. If fed well, mostly with slugs and a cupfull of brackish
water, the Meat Shield may become quite attached to its owner and can be
trained to come crawling when called for. A Meat Shield, when worn,
functions precisely like an ordinary Shield, adding an AC bonus. It will,
however, take damage when used in combat. Every time an opponent roll to
hit you, and miss you by a single point, the Meat Shield is hit instead, and
takes damage. When the Meat Shield reach 0 HP, it dies and loosen its grip,
falling to the ground. A Meat Shield regenerates spectacularly fast, about 1
HP per hour, but if it is reduced to 0 HP, it stays dead.

Young Meat Shield (Buckler size): 10 HP. Adult Meat Shield (Normal Shield
size): 15 HP. Old Meat Shield (Great Shield size): 20 HP.

A Meat Shield may be roasted and eaten. It is quite tasty (a bit like chicken),
but you need strong jaws.
Belt of the Mouse: A fine belt, made of gray and furry mouseskin. When you

put on the belt, you are immidiatly transformed into a small grey mouse. The
belt, however, stays the same size, and the only way to return to your
original shape is to get somebody to fasten the belt around you again,
something that you cannot possibly do yourself, while in mouseshape. Note
that the belt only transforms you into a mouse if you willingly put the belt on
yourself. Whether you are aware of the belts effects or not, doesnt matter.
Any number of people can be Mousyfied at the same time. You retain your
intelligence, wisdom and HP, but all your other stats are reduced to mousestats, while you are a mouse.Spells like Polymorph and Wish are needed, if
you want to re-shape a Mousyfied person without using the belt on them
Sword of Sizing: This sword is always 1/2 an inch shorter than the distance to
its target. It cannot strike objects or creatures in any way. The wielder has
advantage on Dexterity Checks to conceal the blade.
Atlas of the Forlorn Wanderer: A thin volume with heavily engraved bronze
covers. Each time the book is opened it displays a different collection of hand
drawn maps and charts, always of terrain just over a day's journey from the
bearer's present location.
Amulet of Hope: A crude artifact of goblinoid or orcish make. When placed
upon a newborn of a normally-evil-aligned species within an hour of birth, and
worn continuously for a year and a day (after which it may be removed), the
alignment of the wearer will be set to True Neutral (and can be changed by
the wearer's own choices and actions afterward), and the wearer will not pass
on a hereditary predilection for evil to the wearer's offspring.
Dragon Figurine: A figurine made from some material that looks like a dragon
of one of the Chromatic dragons. If held by the owner in hand, or in the
owner's pack, the figurine provides a +1 to all dice rolls. During combat, the
Figurine transform into a full sized dragon of the designated color who selects
one of the party members at random and goes to extreme efforts to retrieve
party member who then is carried off in a random cardinal direction. After the
combat ends, the Dragon returns with the party member and transforms back
into the Figurine.
Demon Figurine: A figurine made to look like a Pit Fiend/Balor (big winged
demon/devil) that gives the owner a +1 to all dice rolls as long as it is with
the owner. During combat, the figurine transforms into an actual demon/devil
and it attempts to make a bargain with who/what-ever is the closest target
with enough intelligence (Minimum 10). After combat, the figurine changes
Book of Mostly Useless Magic Items: A book on how to acquire or create the
various items that have been come up with in this thread.
Book of Dragon Seduction: A book about how to seduce a dragon, slightly
burned and previously owned.

Book of Rubbish Artifacts: A book that continues information to find Artifacts,

that happen to be completely rubbish or useless.
Book of Bard Scams: A book continuing useful information about all possible
scams carried out by Bards. The book has only one page, the title page, and
asks for 5 gold coins for the rest of the ink for the pages in the book. The
money can be placed into the book after which the rest of the book is filled
with pages saying repeatedly, "You numbskull, this book is a Bard Scam."
Joke Book of Self-Writeousness: This one just writes itself, really.
Wand of Catnip: Makes you irresistible to cats! Warning: Not tested on the
Panthera genus or displacer beasts... our crack team sent out to test upon
them has yet to return. Worry not. They should be back in the next day.
Probably. Side effects may include everyone you know being unsure whether
you are alive or dead every time you are nowhere to be found, especially
when hiding in a box
Ring of Joy: The wearer of this ring will feel constantly happy, no matter what
happens around him. In this way, the wearer is immune to effects or magic
that cause Fear and the like. Charm effects will still work, and the wearer will
be very happy about it. In strained situations (as dictated be the GM) the
wearer will have to make a DC 15 Will Save to resist giggling or laughing out
loud. When a character is using this ring, the player is recommended to
roleplay the character as annoyingly happy, constantly making overly
positive comments, jokes and songs. The Ring of Joy is slightly addictive to
wear. When taken off, the former wearer has to resist a DC 15 Will Save. If
failed, he will immidiatly attempt to put the ring back on again. He will have
to be restrained for an hour before this compulsion wears off. If the save
resisted, he is fine, but feels rather depressed until he has spend a long rest.
A chipped earthen bowl: Once per day, this nameless artifact may be filled
with water, which will be transformed into an exact copy of a soup or stew
which the user fondly remembers from their childhood. It might be a
grandmother's secret recipe, or the stew from the temple refectory a kind
acolyte gave them on a cold night, or the venison stew cooked on the
campfire during their first hunting trip, or any such fond memory the user
might have. If used by a being of evil alignment, the water will instead turn to
Belt of Portliness - This cursed belt, once donned, cannot be removed unless
the wearer eats enough for it to become very tight, at which point the buckle
can be undone normally.
Dremik's Fish Stick - Another of the Archmage's creations, this magic wand
allows the user to use the spell "Command" when a command word is spoken
first... but it only works on fish. Essentially, one points the stick at a fish, and
says "Fish, I command thee _____" and an indicated command will be followed

to the best of the ability of that fish.

Rain Bow - This longbow, when fired into the air, causes a rainbow to appear
for 1d10 minutes. That's pretty much it though.
Robe of the Retired Archmage - This comfy magical robe, when worn, causes
the wearer to give up adventuring immediately. Instead, they spend their
time reading, clipping coupons, complaining about "kids these days," and so
Breech cloth of Goblinkind - This filthy rag worn about the nethers allows the
wearer to speak fluent Goblin, but smells so badly that all Charisma checks
are made with disadvantage.
Ring of Greater Dragon Mastery: A ring that makes one Elder (Oldest) dragon
of a random color a close personal friend of the wearer alone. Also makes the
wearer the automatic enemy of any who are an enemy to the new friendly
Book: What Secrets Does Lightning Keep From Thunder? (+1 Knowledge
Book: The Excretory System of Goblins: With Illustration (+1 Crit range
against Goblins)
Book: A Necromancer's Encyclopedia of Glamour - Why raise zombies when
you can raise -sexy- zombies?!
Book: The Well-Known Followers of the Omnipresent Thief God. The god of
thieves is everywhere. That explains the random little stuff that always goes
missing.Fortunately, his followers have all been arrested, probably because
they are well known to be thieves.
Amulet of the Faithful: Requires attunement. This amulet shelters a devout
believer in the deity whose holy symbol it depicts from X/day fear effects,
where X is equal to 1/4 character level, rounded down, minimum 1. There is a
1-in-1000 (0.1%) chance, rolled by the DM in secret, that a character facing
insurmountable odds and fervently praying with the utmost sincerity will
receive the full effects of Divine Intervention
Dwarven Salt-Pork: A brief foray into other preserved foods besides the
legendary dwarven bread within the borders of a Wild Magic Zone resulted in
this peculiar (in)edible, which is so indestructible it is reputed to have chipped
the tooth of a dwarven god. It can be boiled for 24 hours in 5 gallons of water
to produce a weak but nourishing broth, but the meat itself will remain as
rock-hard, inedible, dry, and completely preserved as it was before boiling.
Unfortunately, no method of duplicating it has been discovered, since if the
technique could be applied to the leathery shell of a Meat Shield, the
resulting plate would be superior to adamantite.

Blade of Dragon's Bane- Dragons are now the bane of your existence while
wielding this sword. You are now vulnerable to any dragon's attacks, and all
damages for any dragons' attacks are now calculated with twice as many
damage dice for you, AND critically damage you on a roll of 14 or higher, and
you automatically fail any saving throw against dragons' attacks... on the plus
side, it is a +1 sword... against everything BUT dragons and kobolds.
Battlefield Map: Requires attunement. A 3' by 3' leather sheet covered in a
grid of 1" squares. Once combat has begun, it instantly and automatically
displays a constantly-updating rough sketch of the terrain the user could
currently see, complete with the positions of enemies and allies the user
could currently see, if they weren't looking at the Battlefield Map instead of
the battlefield.
Ring of Spotting Using this ring, you can create a small dark spot, a half inch
in diameter, on any surface, mundane or magical. This spot cannot be
washed or cleansed away.
Stone Scope Seems to be a slightly overlarge spyglass, but made of solid
granite. When the wide end is placed against a natural stone wall, the user
can look through the scope to see through 20' of stone. All other materials,
including air and water, appear opaque through the scope.
Crawling Tattoo: A masterful magical tattoo, looking like a nasty insect (like a
centipede) or a spider. This tattoo will move about on the wearers body from
time to time. Roll on this table to see where the tattoo is when it is needed: 1:
Right arm 2: Left arm 3: Chest 4: Back 5: Backside (ahem) 6: Left leg 7: Right
leg 8: Head
Once per day the wearer is able to make an attack, using the appropriate
body part whereupon the tattoo happens to be, and, if the target it hit, he,
she or it will have to make a DC 18 CON save or be Poisoned. Attacks with
arms or legs suffers no penalties on attacks, but attacks with other body
parts may have to be rolled with Disadvantage, and possibly some other
penalties as well. You may have to discard some armor and clothing as well to
be able to attack properly with the tattoo.
Queen's Royal Pardon: A piece of paper pardoning the holder from having
exposed the Queen (closest one in area) to massive humiliations where the
punishment results in death.
The Wizzard's Hat: This hat with the word, Wizzard, on it imbues the wearer
with immense luck at surviving what ever bad events continue to happen to
the wearer. As long as the wearer is suffering in some fashion, they will live
through whatever event occurs and get to have tea & biscuits with Death (or
an avatar of a Death domain deity) who will make bets on the wearer's
survivability. Should the PC ever state that they know the hat will make them
live no matter what, the hat disappears taking it's magic with it. The hat can

only be passed on through a lover's kiss or by failing to properly protect a

weird little tourist man/woman who dies, shaming the wearer for not being a
proper wizard.
Book of Most Powerful Spells: This spell book claims to hold the most powerful
spells in the world. In reality it holds the most likely depictions to completely
distract the caster from remembering anything about spells or magic.
Gauntlets of Plant Strangling: A set of heavy, studded and powerfully-looking
steel gauntlets, hated by druids everywhere. When fighting plant opponents,
the wearer of the Gauntlets can chose to drop anything else he was carrying
in his hands, and use the Gauntlets to punch the plant. In this case the
Gauntlets works as a pair of +3 Clubs. If a Critical Hit is scored (even if the
plant is normally immune to critical hits), the wearer of the Gauntlets has
grabbed hold of the plant with both hands, and are strangling it (keeping its
life-giving sap from going to its vital parts or something) and has in effect
Grappled it as well. Every round that the plant is being strangled, it takes an
automatic 2D10 (+ attackers STR bonus) points of damage.The only way for
the plant to get out of the stranglehold, is to make a DC 15 STR Save.Against
all other (non-plant) opponents, the gauntlets work as ordinary gauntlets,
following the use for these. Please note that Myconids and other fungus
creatures are not plants, and are thus unaffected by the special abilities of
the Gauntlets of Plant Strangling.
Book of Ancient Secrets - Written in a lost tongue, this book contains the
many now-useless secrets once held by peasants of a dead society. Although,
if you look hard enough, you might find aplot hook useful one.

Book of Wise Wisdom - Despite the title, and the fact that the book is
enchanted, the book doesn't contain many useful points of wisdom...
however, having it on your person allows you to acquire the common sense
(and WIS 10) of a common man. (Hey, could be a plus for certain people.
Looking at you, WIS-dumped barbarians.)

Fork of Feeding - This mystic silver fork is used by aristocrats for

consumption. There was an accident making this one, though, so while its
original purpose, to turn colors in the presence of curses as well as poisons, is
intact, it cannot keep itself from commenting on how "bloody ****ing good
this food is."
Book of Sage Advice - Reading this mystic manual grants the reader a
permanent increase in their knowledge about sage and its use in cooking.
Feather of Leaping - Unfortunately offers no protection against the inevitable

Mirror of Vanity: A user may invoke this mirror to see themselves from a thirdperson perspective. The user may freely move their perspective to see
themselves from any angle. This view disregards all mundane and magical
effects that might impede the user's view (including darkness, natural or
magical blindess, illusion, etc.) and works irrespective of whether the user
normally casts a reflection. However, the user cannot see anything but
themselves while under this effect. The user can stop the effect at any time.

Mirror of Ultimate Vanity: As mirror of vanity, but the user cannot freely end
the effect.

Mirror of Broken Things: Legend says the original mirror of broken things was
made as a gift to appease a warlord's insatiable taste for destruction.
(Legend also says its maker died horribly after presenting the gift.) The mirror
reflects a world where all things have been destroyed to the fullest extent.
Buildings char and crumble, creatures are maimed and broken, works of art
are defiled. Nothing that is not reflected in the mirror may be perceived
through it--a shattered wall reveals nothing but an indistinct, reflective
"Bees? Bees. BEES!" - A wooden plank with a small hook in the back to allow
it to be hung, engraved with 3 words (Bees? Bees. BEES!) and several small
images of bees around the border. Activates when someone looking at the
sign says "Bees?" as a question. At this points the sign will summon 6d6
swarms of angry bees in the nearby area and causes the sign to say "Bees."
in a level bored tone. The summon effects ends when someone exclaims
"BEES!" within 100' of the sign or once every one near the sign leaves or dies
or all the bees are destroyed. At this point the sign can be activated again,
summoning more bees. Summoned bees do not grant EXP and vanish when
Wand of Redemption / Wand of Second Chances: Usable only on a deceased,
Evil-aligned creature whose spirit has departed from their mortal form but has
spent no longer than one day in their afterlife destination. When this wand is
used on such a creature, the creature, if willing, reincarnates as an adult of a
small harmless animal species, typically a bird, losing all experience points
and class levels but retaining its memories and mental statistics (prior to the
effects of magical items, spells, and/or level progression thereon) and gaining
the ability to communicate with members of its new species in the typical
manner of such species. The creature thus reincarnated is immune to any
magic that would alter its physical form, such as Polymorph, and cannot gain
experience points or class levels as an Awakened creature. The reincarnated
creature will live no more than seven years before dying of old age. Its
alignment may change during this time period without penalty.

Book: The Territories' Early Bards - 'The Early Bard Gets the...song about the
Dagger of Rage Reduction: This ornate magical dagger was made specifically
for a Barbarian who wanted to look more civilised and suave. As such a thing
is hard when you are frothing at the mouth and berserking, this dagger helps
with that. When wielded, the Dagger of Rage Reduction allows a Barbarian to
Rage as usual, but instead of being a screaming madman, the Barbarian will
speak gently and politely, never raising his voice and never getting his
clothes, beard and hair ruffled.He may still be knee-deep in gore and
shredded limbs, but you can't get it all.A winners item for the Barbarian who
aspires for a more genteel look.
Hatstand of Brilliance: The Hatstand of Brillance is a surprisingly useful
device. When Attuned to its location, the hatstand allows up to 4 hats or
helmets to be hung upon it.
The individual hat (or helmet), will, after being hung on the Hatstand for a full
24 hours, give its wearer a random ability boost. Roll a D4 and consult the
table below:

1: +1 Intelligence
2: +1 Wisdom
3: +1 Charisma
4: The ability to telepathically send messages to friendly intelligent creatures
within 20 feet.

This ability lasts for 1 hour after the hat (or, indeed, helmet) is put on.
The Hatstand of Brilliance will Attune to its location after being left hat-(or
helmet-)less for 48 hours.
Apprentice's Spellbook The book was written by a perpetual apprentice,
whose name has long since been obscured from the name plate on the book
due to the various mishaps that have happened to the spellbook. Inside is
knowledge of every single cantrip and 1st level spell....if only you can both
decipher it or even find it. Due to the various incidents the spells themselves
seem to move from page to page, blotting and unblotting diagrams and
sentences or even outright being false, as if someone copied it down wrong.
After completing a long rest name as many cantrips as you are allowed due
to class(es) and as many first level spells you are allowed due to spell slots.
Make an arcana check for each spell and cantrip chosen .DC 10 for class
spells and DC 15 for non-class spells. A class chosen by magic initiate counts

as class spells. If you succeed the check then you may cast that spell as if it
was a class spell for you. Failing the check means you cannot cast that spell,
it is as if the notes were almost but not quite right or included extra
information that was not necessary usually but affects the weave (feel free to
make up some magicbabble like the spell for some reason requires the dew of
an oak tree for reagents rather than what is normally needed, the spell
doesn't seem to work otherwise).
Key to the City: When the command word is spoken, the Key will, in a dead
language from ancient times, recount expressions of praise and gratitude for
the exploits of the great hero to whom it was bestowed in antiquity. (DC 15
History check: The city, and the kingdom it was part of, were destroyed a
thousand years ago by dragons.)
Didgeridoo of drowsiness: A 10 foot long hollow log that is inscribed with
ancient, mysterious and beautiful markings. It weighs about 25 pounds.When
played correctly, the Didgeridoo causes immediate drowsiness and gives
everybody within 60 feet Disadvantage on all rolls unless they make a DC 18
CON Save. This includes the player of the instrument.Note that this also
affects creatures that cannot hear and/or otherwise is immune to being tired,
such as undead. This is due to the deep vibrations that the Didgeridoo sends
out when played upon.Even Silence Spells have no effect on the
Didgeridoo.Due to the difficulty of playing the Didgeridoo correctly (it takes a
lot of breathing and mumbling), the player must make a DC 15 CON Save at
the start of every round. If failed, the player will be unable to play the
Didgeridoo again until after a Long Rest.
Amulet of Recursion: A pendent with an Ouroborus design. Remains in the
wearers possession until a chest or storage device is opened, when the
pendent appears in the chest or storage device, often covered in dust.
Happens every time a chest or storage device is opened.
Wand of Recursion: When a charge is expended, the wand recharges by one
charge. 50 charges.
Ring of the Rum: A wooden ring with a tiny barrel of rum set on it. A wonder
of magical miniaturization, the barrel is actually an magical Barrel of Rum,
just really, really small (about one fifth of an inch long). When a command
word is spoken the Ring of the Rum will produce a tiny amount (one drop) of
the finest and tastiest rum. This ability can be used once every Short Rest.
The tiny Barrel of Rum was originally created by a tribe of exceptionally small
Pixies that lives on the island of Smfolk. It was stolen and fastened onto a
wooden ring by a pirate wizard Halfling chef, who thought it was a marvelous
little thing (which indeed it is)
Squeaking Oil Found in a battered brass flask, this oil will perfectly lubricate
the joints or hinges of any door, chest, shutters, armor, pulleys, metallic
golems, etc. Said joints will move smoothly and easily (and will grant

Advantage to opening stuck doors), but will also squeak quite loudly when
moved or opened. Adding more oil will only make the squeaking louder. Using
the oil on bladed weapons will cause them to make a loud "Shing!" when
readied - even if they weren't actually in a scabbard of any kind.
Scroll of Sleep Inducement: This Scroll was created to help an insomniac King.
When you read the Scroll, you must make a DC 18 Con Save or fall fast
asleep. This affect works once every Long Rest.
Deck of Kindling: A magical deck of Playing Cards that is extremely
flammable. If a Card is thrown on the ground, or hit with a very light blow, or
indeed accidentally dropped more than 3 inches onto a hard surface, it will
burst into a small flame that will burn for a single round. If somebody wish to
use the Cards as a weapon, they will work as a thrown weapon with a range
of 10 feet, doing 1 point of Fire Damage. If the Whole Deck is thrown (or
accidentally dropped), it will act as a small grenade, doing 3D6 points of Fire
Damage. There is 52 Cards in this finely crafted Deck.
Seemingly Useless Potion This potion is totally useless. It doesn't seem to do
anything, it's worth 0gp. a DC 25 arcana check reveals that it is a potion of
weightlessness, however it's only strong enough to make the liquid itself not
weigh anything. It doesn't make the drinker weightless.
Tobacco of Non-Inhalation: This magically treated tobacco will, when smoked
either in a pipe, cigar or cigarette, never let it's fumes pass by the smokers
throat, thus ensuring that the smoker can enjoy the taste, and suffer none of
any ill effects that the tobacco may have, such as poisoning, hallucinations,
coughs and the like. This Druids of Rygestop are very keen on clean livin', and
has been known to make Tobacco of Non-Inhalation for anyone who cares to
Random Feather Token
Horn of Horns: A great, golden, 8 feet long horn of eldritch power, made for
the Minotaurs of Oksesteg. When you point the Horn at somebody that you
can see and blow as hard as you can, great Horns will grow on the target's
head. This will have varying effects, depending on the race of the target.
If the target has no horns: 1 foot long horns grows on the head. It is now
impossible to wear normal headgear, such as helmets. The target can use the
horns as a weapon, doing 1D6 points of damage.
If the target already has horns: The horns grow 1 feet longer. The target
now does an additional 1D6 points of damage, when using the horns for
attack. The effect will last for 1 hour. After that, the horns will shrink back into
the target's skull. It is possible to use the Horn of Horns 3 times per Long
Sword of Sun Days: This longsword, polished to a reflective shine, can be

used to reflect the sun's rays into the eyes of an enemy. As an action, a
character in direct, non-magical sunlight can roll a Dexterity check
(proficiency with longswords applies) against a Dexterity (Athletics) check
made by an opponent within 5'. If the opponent loses, they are Blinded until
the end of the player's next turn. The range of this ability increases by 5' for
every hour since the last sunrise.
Belt of Adequacy: Increases all of the wearer's ability scores to 9. For scores
which are already 9 or higher, has no effect. (Requires Atunement)
Jug of Urgency This magical jug always seems to be half full of clear liquid. As
a full round action, you may shake the jug, making a loud sloshing sound; all
creatures within 10' (including yourself) must make a con save DC 10 or be
overcome with the need to urinate. Those affected suffer disadvantage to all
saving throws and their movement is cut in half due to "dancing" until the
pressure is relieved.
Ring of Bureaucratic Wizardry: This ring grants 1 extra spell slot of the
highest level spell slot available to the caster. When that spell slot is used a
stack of forms and quill appear and require to be filled out completely and in
triplicate multiplying the casting time by 2d4. (a single action spell could now
take multiple rounds, etc)
Helmet of Quantum Lock: A helmet of expertly chiseled stone large to fit on
any humanoid medium or smaller. Immediately upon being worn the wearer
turns to stone whenever the wearer is being seen by another humanoid.
NOTE: this item does not require attunement. The wearer is considered
Petrified during this time. A DC20 Intelligence check is required to understand
what has happened.
Flatware of Paranoia: [Common] A standard fork, knife and spoon (often, but
not necessarily, crafted from silver with elaborate artistry) which glow blue if
the food they are in contact with is poisoned.
Assassin's Vial: [Uncommon] Any poison stored in this vial for over 24 hours
will be immune to magical detection for one hour after leaving the vial.
The Sleeping Cap of Mildly Bad Dreams: If placed on the head of a sleeping
humanoid, the humanoid will have bad dreams (but not scary ones), such as
a climbing a hill but never being able to reach the top, or getting into an
argument with a friend/loved one.
Leather Manacles of Safety: once put on, these strangely soft manacles
impart knowledge of a keyword onto the wearer. Once spoken the manacles
unlock, immediately freeing the subject.
Earwig Statuettes: These tiny statuettes (the size of actual earwigs) always
come in pairs. When one is placed in your ear, and the other is placed in
someone else's ear, they allows both users to hear what the other person is

hearing. This can be confusing if there is a lot of noise in both ends. The
Earwig Statuettes will softly bite into the skin of the outer ear and hang on.
They can be seen if somebody looks closely at you from a distance of 10 feet
or less. The Statuettes will only work when stuck in someone's ear, and only
when within 300 feet of one another. It is impossible to place an Earwig
Statuette within somebody's ear without them noticing.
Noisy Boots of Speed: These well-made and stylish boots gives the wearer an
extra +10 feet to his or her Movement Rate. The problem, however, is that
the boots are very squeaky. Very, very squeaky. In fact they are so squeaky
that the wearer gets a whopping -10 on rolls to attempt to move silently. You
actually has to raise your voice to be heard, when you are walking about in
the damn things. But they sure are fast.
Toffee of Chewing This bag contains 1d10 + 10 portions of the Toffee, each
individually wrapped in an clear, inedible wrapper. When a Small or Medium
creature unwraps and eats a portion of this, they are rendered incapable of
speech or other vocalisations. In this state they suffer disadvantage on any
Charisma checks they make and automatically fails any checks that require
speech; they are also unable to cast spell with Verbal components. This
condition lasts for one minute, at which point the creature regains one hit
point and realises they want another piece.
Glasses of Non-Invisibility: The lens on these glasses stay visible even when
the frame and owner are invisible.
Cloak of Protection Racket: This cloak confers a +1 bonus to AC as long as
you pay it 500gp a day, done by inserting money into a pocket inside the
cloak, where-upon it disappears to fund the production of more Cloaks of
Protection Racket. If left unpaid for an entire 24 hours the cloak will flail about
erratically, the wearer must make a DC:30 Dexterety Saving Throw to throw
the cloak off, or both their legs will be broken.
Ring of Smell Storage Captures one odor for later release.
Die of Blame: When this die is rolled by an adventuring party, the person that
rolls the lowest on the die gets blamed for the last mistake made by the
Bag of Kidnapping This burlap bag is of rather nice construction, for burlap,
and even has a draw cord for closing the opening of the bag as much as
possible. It has been treated to resist fire and is a little hard to cut, but it is
only long enough to cover all but the feet of the kidnapped, no matter their
Bracers of Fetchery: The wearer has an insatiable urge to retrieve thrown
Helm Of Brilliance - While worn, you know everything. Literally, everything.

By knowing everything, nothing is exciting. There's no point to adventuring

because there's no thrill in experiencing that which you already know. You
don't answer questions people ask you about your knowledge because their
ignorance disgusts you. With a humdrum personality, you seek solitude and
waste away. While you never willingly take off the helm, if somehow it is
taken off you remember nothing of what you learned.
Boots of the Slug: the player no longer walks as normal, instead skating along
on a slick coating of mucus at 5ft per round (no running). On the plus side,
the wearer can move up walls or even upside down as the spider climb spell
(albeit at 5 ft/rd), and receives a +5 bonus to resist trip attempts. Removable
by remove curse or a liberal sprinkling of salt (at which point they shrivel up
and fall off, useless until re-hydrated).

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