Noah The Man Without Blemish

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Just Man

By: F.W.C. Neser M.Sc.

Translated from Afrikaans to English

Translators: Prof. Willie Coetzee & his wife Jean

Noah the Man without Blemish


F.W.C. Neser


F.W.C. Neser


F.W.C. Neser
P.O. Box 31571

E-Mail address:

012 379 8954

Office hours:

Monday to Thursday
09h00 to 12h00


Minit Print Pretoria North






Noah the Just Man

This morning we will read together from Genesis 6:1-13.
Genesis 6:1-13:
AND it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of
the earth, and daughters were born unto them,
That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair;
and they took them wives of all which they chose.
And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for
that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be a hundred and twenty
There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that,
when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and
they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which
were of old, men of renown.
And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth,
and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil
And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and
it grieved him at his heart.
And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from
the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing,
and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.
But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.
These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and
perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God.
And Noah begat three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled
with violence.
And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all
flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.
And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me;
for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will
destroy them with the earth.
This will be our reading today and may the LORD bless His word to our
My brother and sister, if you really want to understand something you have
to determine how it originated. You will know a tree by the fruit it produces,
but it all starts in the roots of the tree. Therefore, if we want to understand
the world we live in, we have to investigate the beginning.
Today, I want to talk to you about Noah the man without blemish!

Noah the Man without Blemish

All of us talk in this world today, and I am sure that we can all see and you
dont even have to be a Christian to realise that everything on this earth is
not in place. This earth is unsafe. Things on this earth are dangerous,
unreliable and there is no security. But if we have a look around us in this
world many horribly cruel things are happening.
Because you are but a spot, amongst a huge crowd of people that can
trample upon you, the only way that you will be able to determine what
moved the masses, is to create a distance in order to view events so that
they may be understood.
How can we know and understand what is going on today? Can we
understand? Did God want us to understand and what was His intention?
Was it for us to tell one another, Ah my brother and sister you just have to
believe. Now if only it were like this, I would say Thank you LORD.
However, to believe like a child is also important.
There are surely people amongst us, and I am sure you are here today
because you are one of them, who want to understand the essence of
things. I am such a person, I want to know. If God had meant for us to
only believe, He would not have given us the Bible! He wouldnt have had
everything written down! Then He would not have shown Himself to us and
given us a Genesis, Leviticus, Exodus, and later the Chronicles. Now we
can understand why the Prophet Hosea said:
Hosea 4:6:
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast
rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no
priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will
also forget thy children.
Gods word also says, believe, yes, brother and sister, you only have to
believe, but what is belief? Believe in the word of God. Which part of
Gods word, only a few verses in the Gospels? Verses concerning the birth
and life and death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus? I am saying this in
all piety.
For some people this is enough, but for me it is not. Why then was He
killed and by whom? Why then was He resurrected? When I have a look
at the world and the circumstances we are living in today, I will summarise
it as follows: The seed of Satan and his fallen angels again want to destroy
all Adamites just as in the time of Noah. Thats how I explain the times we
are living in just as in the days of Noah when the world was filled with
violence. Today the world is full of violence and filled with people whose
thoughts are evil, just as in the days of Noah.

Where does it come from?

How can one explain it?
Our Lord Jesus gave us His prophetical statement in:
Matthew 24:36-39:
But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of
heaven, but my Father only.
But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of
man be.
For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and
drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe
entered into the ark,
And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall
also the coming of the Son of man be.

As In the Days of Noah

If the Lord Jesus then tells me just as in the days of Noah, I will
investigate the days of Noah this morning and then I will have a better
understanding. All of us agree and other churches also predict that the
return of the LORD is imminent.
As we have said, there was violence; everything people thought of was evil.
It was indicative of the time in the days of Noah also of the circumstances
today. Another aspect of that time, which is just as prominent today, is that
people didnt understand. People truly didnt know what was happening,
then, just as today, they think that they know.
Let us read:
Daniel 12:10:
(Daniel also writes about the end times and here he writes concerning the
times we are living in)
Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked
shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the
wise shall understand.
Speaking of Daniel my brother and sister listen, he says many shall be
purified, and made white, and tried.
I dont want to scare you. Many preachers and movements say, dont be
negative, thus speak only of prosperity, healing, salvation and victory. It is
true my brother and sister, it is all in the Bible, but it is also in the Bible that
we will be purified and freed from sins and therefore I have to say that to
you as well. As I have said in the beginning of this message, use
opportunities to strengthen yourself in the LORD as the end times are near.
In other words Daniel also says, they didnt understand.

I read from Luke 21, for this congregation, a well-known text.

Luke 21:34-36:
And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be
overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this
life, and so that day come upon you unawares.
For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of
the whole earth.
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted
worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to
stand before the Son of man.
Here we have two classes of people, the one class being the people with
surfeiting and drunkenness. The meaning of surfeiting is to be rich, to have
more than enough, living the rich and good life. Those of us sitting here
most probably dont know this life style as we are used to a simple, normal
life style, but you ought to go to the outside world and take note of it. I also
just hear about the things that rich people are living this type of life of
surfeiting and drunkenness.
Unfortunately I dont have time to elaborate on this aspect today. Look at
history and the origin and fall of civilisations. The moment before it
happens, because actually it destroys itself, you will find two classes of
people, they sift and sort themselves out. A small group will be very rich,
make money easily and throw it around as we will throw sand and stone.
To them it means nothing. They live with surfeiting and drunkenness
because they can normally control this. However, the majority of people
will be busy with the daily tasks of what life expects from them.
My brother and sister, this congregation of ours and most of the children of
the LORD will fall into this category. Therefore I want to tell you this
morning, just as the rich people are warned, you and I are also warned.
Dont allow worries and troubles to get you down and prevent you from
being prepared for the return of the LORD. This is a very serious warning!
They will not understand - when I had a better look at this understand I
found it very interesting. In Matthew 13 the Lord Jesus gives us His
parables and in verses 10 and 11, I found these very interesting words:
Matthew 13: 10-11:
And the disciples came, and said unto him, Why speakest thou
unto them in parables?
He answered and said unto them, because it is given unto you to
know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not

I have been wondering about this for a long time, not only when I prepared
for this message. Lets carefully observe the days of Noah. All the people
were corrupted because of these sons of God who had mixed with the
daughters of men and then created a new race on earth. This race was in
conflict with God and rebelled against Him. On closer look they have
infiltrated man on earth to such an extent that there was hardly any seed of
God left, only Noah.
Therefore the world as it was at that time could not continue.
God had to do something drastic. In the next generation after Noah, the
smallest little part, which came from Noah, would physically be lost and
then God would have no entry to this world what so ever! God can do
anything. He can even rip open your heart (pardon the harsh words) and
say, I want to come and stay here!
But where are your rights?
Where is your approval?
If a father threatens to spank his son if he doesnt put his arms around his
fathers neck and tell him he loves him and that he is the best father in the
world, will he gain anything if his son then does as he is told? I dont think
Our Heavenly Father also does not want to force us to love Him. He
doesnt appreciate forced love like this; thus He wouldnt have had other
options if He hadnt intervened drastically with the flood of water. Noah
was the only one who remained loyal to God because he loved God.

In the Time of Jesus

In the time of our Lord Jesus, this seed just carried on and had a severe
grip on a part of Gods nation to which He was called. It was only but a
small section of Gods nation as the largest section was on the outside and
that is why He sent His disciples to the lost sheep of Israel. They were
on the outside, they were widely spread and lost. That is what the apostles
according to history did, but according to the Word, Jesus had to go to
Jerusalem because He had to die there. This is where He had to pay the
price and determine the way.
Most of those people could not understand as the seed in them were
adulterated and they were not meant to understand. That is also the
reason why the Lord Jesus spoke to them in parables and why only the
disciples could understand.
Today I have to make a drastic statement, a severe statement; for which I
will be crucified and alienated even more. I want to tell you, just as in the
days of Noah. Jesus also said: it will be as in the days of Noah. Not only
the violence, not only their evil thoughts; they also didnt understand. Why
couldnt they understand? Why were they full of violence? Because they

were full of Satans seed. There was only a small group left. Only a small
group, and just as it was with the conflict of Noah, so will todays conflict be
for that small group.

Just as God had to do something drastic in the time of Noah, otherwise
there would not have been any one with the seed of God left, He will do
something drastic today. This is the explanation and this is the reason for
the conflict. How do you and I persevere by the grace of God? I want to
put it to you brother and sister, we have the same seed as that of Noah,
and therefore you and I are facing the same challenge as Noah was facing
then. I will explain this to you later on. Thus you can not (excuse the word
I use, but through lack of a better word) continue to serve God in such a
lazy, careless way!
Lets have a look at:
Hebrews 11:7 - we are talking of Noah - - - By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with
fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house;
Genesis 6.13-22 by which he condemned the world, and became heir of
the righteousness which is by faith.
Lets have a look at what Noah did, we have to do the same.
By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet.
Didnt we receive a godly warning?
Was the LORD not good to us by revealing His word to us?
Is the LORD not good that He gave us an identity?
Is the LORD not good to give us the Bible in a language we can
Is the LORD not good that He gave us the insight so that we could
understand His word and that we are capable of recognising the end
Is there not a godly warning in the end times were living in?
Noah received a godly warning concerning something not seen before.
There had been no flood of waters yet so they mocked him, carrying on like
maniacs. Just remember, it was the seed of Satan and fallen angels. They
must have gone on like crazy just as they are doing with you and me. If we
stand out, they will scorn even more. Then there are those who will react
just like a tortoise who retreats into its shell, because they are being

But that is exactly what we must do - stand out, let them accuse and
make fun of us, we are busy with what is as yet not seen. God has told us
so just as He has told Noah. We understand it, the others dont.
Warned of things not seen as yet, moved with fear prepared an ark to the
saving of his house.
My brothers and sisters are you still moved by holy fear? Some of us dont
even move at all, we just sit. Noah moved. It must have been a huge task
to collect and gather all the material for the ark in time. On top of it I think
Noah was a man with an exceptional personality. I think he has used many
of those scorners and carriers of Satans seed to chop the wood and
everything else he required. He had the personality and the energy to do
so. When everything was done he called the animals and even they
obeyed him. Noah had a nation of God in him, just as a descendent of
God who has the genes of God.
That is why the LORD promised us the Holy Spirit to also experience that
energy and spark. A true child of God has an inheritance of authority which
you and I must get hold of, so that we also can move move with authority.
He completed the ark for the salvation of his family. He started working in
reverent obedience. You and I must also start working in reverent
obedience. Ask the LORD this morning, I dont want to chastise you, but
there is such little movement amongst us, we, the people who know the
exact truth.

Sons of God
Let us look into this matter at greater length. We have discussed it before
so you are familiar with it. You will also find it on several of my cassettes, it
is also written in our books, but lets have a fresh look at it today.
Genesis 6:1-2:
AND it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of
the earth, and daughters were born unto them,
That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair;
and they took them wives of all which they chose.
The word men in the original Hebrew is Adam!
Remember at that stage the races were not mixed. A true, pure race of
God existed. They must have been beautiful people, both the sons and the
daughters were so pretty because there was no impurity in them. All of
them were the same kind, no wonder they were so beautiful.

They had a good time. It was wonderful to observe the beautiful girls as
beautiful creations of God. A good-looking person is nice to look at. Today
Satan is still doing it. I will be frank this morning. We are all people and we
have men in this congregation. Praise God if you are not guilty, because it
is an ego boost for a man to have succeeded with a beautiful girl. Is it not
true? You can say amen if it is true! This is the truth because it is Satan.
Today it is still the same.
What I will tell you might shock you, you might not agree but you can at
least think about it.
The sons of God saw.
Let me give you a few translations of: sons of God.
The Septuagint says - Angels of God;
The New English Bible says - the sons of the gods;
The Good News Bible says - super natural beings.
In other words, it was super natural beings who saw the daughters of men,
whom they chose to have their children with. This was the start of a brand
new race.
Where are these descendants today?
They are with us and they are busy to swamp us.
God will have to step in, intervene; otherwise the same will happen as what
happened in the time of Noah: God then intervened with the Deluge that
prevented total eradication of the Adamic race. God will intervene once
more, only this time with fire.
I believe this is what Psalm 91 tells us.
In the time of Noah it was the ark, this time it will be the shelter of the
Almighty (Ps 91:1). Read the whole of Psalm 91 with care. The thousand,
which will fall at your side and the ten thousand to your right hand can only
happen with the last judgement of an atomic judgement.
Lets have a closer look at these sons of God.
Jude verse 6:
And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own
habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness
unto the judgment of the great day.
Angels which kept not their first estate, this means that they had left their
domain, indicating the area where they were allowed to move. These
angels had homes and angel bodies but they left them to adopt human
bodies and homes.
The word used for homes in Greek is oiketerion and only appears twice in
the Bible.
2 Corinthians 5:2:
For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our
house which is from heaven.

The word house in 2 Corinthians 5:2 is exactly the same as the word used
in Jude verse 6.
At this moment our house is our body, the Bible describes this as a tent. A
tent is a temporary house. Our bodies also are temporary homes. The
moment we die and we blow out our last breath, we leave this temporary
house and we go to the house the LORD has prepared for us, just as the
angels left their homes to accept a human house. Now this is the very
important and interesting thing I spoke about earlier and what I meant when
I said that you would most probably not agree with me.
Lets read Hebrews 13:2:
Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have
entertained angels unawares.
Entertained angels unawares.
How can you entertain a guest?
You can only entertain a guest if you can see him, if that person looks like a
human being! In other words, there are angels who appear on earth as
human beings even today. They have appeared to Abraham while he was
sitting under the oak trees at Mamre.
They appeared to humans at various other occasions in the time of the
Bible. We are therefore warned to show our hospitality, because we might
be entertaining an angel. This will be a great privilege although we might
not be aware of it. It will obviously be an angel, who has adopted an
earthly human body for a special reason, as it also states in:
Hebrews 1:13-14:
But to which of the angels said he at any time, Sit on my right
hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool?
Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them
who shall be heirs of salvation?
Sent forth to minister for them.
Why would those angels even today then not adopt a human body, by
order of God to perform a task? They performed a task when they spoke to
Abraham. They performed a task when they lead Lot and his family by the
hand out of Sodom when they didnt want to leave. The angels appeared
in human form to perform their duties.
Is there not urgency today? I believe so. I believe if we had eyes to see
we would see how many times we have been saved from great danger by
angels we couldnt see, but who could see us.
I dont want to dwell on this any longer. The point is those angels had their
domain, the area where they could move and perform tasks, just as Satan,
created a new race on earth with bad intentions. It is that race which

created this sinful godless earth so that God was compelled to stop the
As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be with the arrival of the Son of
man. Just as there was an overwhelming majority of this seed of Satan in
the time of Noah, there will be, if we carefully observe the words of Jesus,
as we should, an overwhelming race in our time. So the LORD had only
one option and that was to destroy them with the Deluge. In our time the
LORD will have to destroy again, only this time with fire.
Lets have another look at Genesis 6:11-12:
The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled
with violence.
And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all
flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.
Another word for corrupted is adulterated. I believe the word adultery has a
deeper meaning too. Today when we speak about adultery, it refers to the
planting of foreign seed.
In Hebrew the word for corrupt as stated in Gen. 6:11 is shawkhath which
means to decay or to ruin or to destroy.
Lets read in Jeremiah 13:7:
Then I went to Euphrates, and digged, and took the girdle from the
place where I had hid it: and, behold, the girdle was marred, it was
profitable for nothing.
It was worthless, exactly the same Hebrew word shawkhath meaning, all
flesh had corrupted.
You will also find this word in Jeremiah 18. You can recall the parable of
the two clay vessels in which the potter had to take one of the clay vessels
and put it on the wheel and then he had a look at it.
Let us read how Jeremiah describes it in Jeremiah 18:4:
And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the
potter: so he made it again another vessel, as seemed good to the
potter to make it.
The word marred is the same Hebrew word to describe all flesh had
corrupted his way upon the earth.
Further on we read how he had to make another vessel (Jeremiah 19).
After he had baked the vessel, he had to throw it on the ground so that it
could be shattered. These two vessels are symbolic of the two houses,
which came from Israel. The house of Israel, which was remade after it,
was not to the satisfaction of the potter. It resembles the house of Israel!
The vessel, which had already been made and baked, had to be shattered.

This vessel resembles the house of Judah so that it can never again
function as the house of Judah!
According to the prophets it will only fulfil its function again when it reunites
with the house of Israel and the two become one in the hand of God. But
the word marred or corrupted is the same. Thus, all flesh had corrupted
his way upon the earth!
Because the seed of Satan and of the fallen angels had been added.
Now lets continue with this matter. I am sure you will agree, as I
understand it: Jesus said, as in the days of Noah it will be with the arrival
of the Son of man. Then all flesh on this earth must be corrupted,
In other words, most people on earth are not from the seed of God!
Isnt this terrible?
Even within Israel, the seed of Satan can be found.
Now let us go back to Genesis 6:9:
These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and
perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God.
The Hebrew word used here for just is tamiym and the meaning is:
Entire, without blemish, physically perfect, pure stock.
Noah was from a pure race. This word is used 46 times in the Bible for
animals, which had to be offered. These animals had to be pure and
without physical blemish.
Important to note - physically without blemish.
One of these 46 references are given to us in Exodus 12:5:
(Here the exodus from Egypt had begun and Israel had to offer a lamb
without blemish).
Your lamb shall be without blemish, a male of the first year: ye shall
take it out from the sheep, or from the goats.
Without blemish - tamiym, the same word used for Noah as he was
Ezekiel 46:4, 6, 13:
And the burnt-offering that the prince shall offer unto the LORD in
the Sabbath day shall be six lambs without blemish, and a ram
without blemish.
a lamb without blemish - tamiym.
And in the day of the new moon it shall be a young bullock without
blemish, and six lambs, and a ram: they shall be without blemish.
Again tamiym.



Thou shalt daily prepare a burnt-offering unto the LORD of a lamb

of the first year without blemish: thou shalt prepare it every
Without blemish.
Thus, this word just used to describe Noah, now listen carefully, the
meaning of this word is not intended to describe Noah as good hearted or
honorable. The Holy Spirit, who is the author of these words, wrote these
words so that we could seek the truth. Daniel says; only those who look
and search will find this wisdom and the others will not understand it.
Noah was physically pure, he was the only one left with the Adam seed in
Therefore - Genesis 6:9:
These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and
perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God.
Let us stay with the word just.
Obviously he was just, therefore it will not be necessary to discuss his
honorability and use the word pure again. That wont be necessary. The
Holy Spirit has put it to us so that we could see he was physically pure.
Also we have to add pure among his contemporary generations.
Generations: According to the Strongs Concordance, 8435 tledh
which comes from the word Ylad (Strongs 3205) which means, to bear,
to beget, lineage. Thus generations will mean descent, family, history, birth
and so forth.
Noah was tamiym. He was without blemish. That is what is meant by this
Unfortunately ministers and pastors preach that Noah was
honorable amongst his generations and that he was the only one left
amongst them with a noble heart. This is not necessary if we understand
that the people around Noah already had the wrong seed in them. This is a
double confirmation that the pedigree of Noah was pure.
Gesenius states it as follows: generations, family, races, genesis, geniality,
pedigree in other words your family tree! Because of Noah it is now
obvious why such a huge emphasis was placed on the integration and
mixing of the races. The seed of Satan wants to adulterate and corrupt the
seed of God. This is what happened in the time of Noah and it is also
happening today!
Therefore, Noah was the last pure Adamite. His life was according to his
genes. Because of the right genes, the correct seed in him, he was a just
(pure) man, and he was also a fair person. Obviously Adam was a fair
man. What I am saying, is that before Adam sinned, he had been pure, he
had been made to the hand of God, to the image of God and yet he sinned.


This does not mean that if you have the pure seed in you, you are without
sin, or incapable of sinning. The fact that you carry the pure seed makes
you even more the target of Satan, just as he had targeted Adam. You can
be disobedient although you have the correct seed in you and you will also
pay the price just as Adam did.
Please do not look at a brother or a sister this morning and smugly think
they have sinned and are therefore not from the pure seed. Beware, you
are the target of the devil. He who thinks he stands let him take heed lest
he fall.

The Time Is At Hand

We live in the time as described in:
Revelation 22:10-14:
And he saith unto me, Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this
book: for the time is at hand.
He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let
him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still:
and he that is holy, let him be holy still.
And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give
every man according as his work shall be.
I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the
Blessed are they that do his commandments that they may have
right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the
Just as in the time of Noah, there were only a few people left, so will it be in
the last days, only a remnant will be left.
Matthew 24:21-22:
For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the
beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.
And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh
be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.
I want to declare today that this will be the last effort of Satan to wipe from
the face of earth the seed of God. Just as God had to intervene in the time
of Noah, God will have to intervene once more to protect His seed.
Therefore I believe that the immediate future will be tremendously
challenging for all of us. We have to remain close to the LORD and to one
another, His cherished children.
If a jackal wants to catch a sheep he first makes a lot of noise to send the
herd flying and the one who leaves the herd will be caught. Let us stick

together, encourage and pray for one another, let us as a remnant, stay
intact until Jesus comes.
He will not take longer as required.
Let me read to you Isaiah 10:20-22:
And it shall come to pass in that day, that the remnant - - - - (The ladies will know what a remnant is, but to illustrate, it is the last piece
of material left on a roll, a remnant. Sometimes so small that you can hardly
do anything with it. This is how it is meant to be understood).
Let me carry on with verse 20:
- - - - of Israel, and such as are escaped of the house of Jacob,
shall no more stay upon him that smote them; but shall stay upon
the LORD, the Holy One of Israel, in truth.
The remnant shall return, even the remnant of Jacob, unto the
mighty God.
For though thy people Israel be as the sand of the sea, yet a
remnant of them shall return: the consumption decreed shall
overflow with righteousness.
The consumption decreed.
Just as the LORD decreed the seed of Satan and the fallen angels with the
flood, so the LORD will do in this time.
Where will you and I stand then?
Also in Jeremiah 23:3 we read:
And I will gather the remnant of my flock out of all countries whither
I have driven them, and will bring them again to their folds; and
they shall be fruitful and increase.
Here we find the remnant of my flock!
Praise the LORD!
Also in Luke 12:32:
Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you
the kingdom.
Praise the LORD!
We are being deceived and the devil is the impostor on our pulpits, to
beguile Gods nation by telling them there is no difference between races,
we are all one before God and we have to love our neighbour etcetera.
Our nation is frightfully being deceived. This is Satans last onslaught.
In Jesus Prophecy we are warned four times with the words: Beware,
Beware, Beware, and Beware. He warned us to beware of deception.
There will be ministers and so-called prophets who will perform great
miracles to such an extent that even the very elect will be deceived.

For this reason you are called a racist at the slightest demand for a pure
In the book The Road to Damascus we read the unctuous rectitude that
God is the God of the poor, God is the God of the suppressed. God is
everyones God, one shouldnt discriminate against Blacks or Coloured
My brother and sister we will be the accused. The whole theology was
taken over by Satan. You will have to know the LORD and you will have to
know His word and be loyal to Him.
In my book Apartheid (1955) I wrote that we had to teach the black man
the Gospel and the Word so that he will know who he is and who we are. If
we had explained their position to them, we wouldnt have had these
problems today, as they wouldnt have put themselves on an equal footing
with us and claim that they have been done an injustice.
May the LORD bless us as He did with Noah so that we will also be the
just people before God in these last days.


Something about the Author

F.W.C. Neser was trained as a Scientist but is a dedicated Christian since
his youth. To him the Bible is the Word of God from Genesis to Revelation.
Very early in his life he came to realise that man himself is the cause of all
wars, depressions, famine, droughts, disease, and misery here on earth.
He saw that God had given his absolute Law to Israel, his chosen people
and had promised that should they live thereby they would be free of all
adversity and would then act as Gods exemplary nation on earth.
A matter of importance, which became clear to Neser, was that Israel was
neither the Jew nor the Church. It was with gratitude that he eventually
discovered the great truth, namely that Israel was in fact the Germanic,
Anglo-Saxon and Celtic peoples.
With the imminent Second Coming of Christ, Israel will come to a true
regeneration, will be filled with the Holy Spirit and with Jesus the Messiah
as their King, they will lead the world back to a state of perfect harmony
with God.
F.W.C. Neser has written the following books:
Afrikaans Books available from Ekklesia.

Die Afrikaner -- n Unieke Volk
Ander Evangelie
Segregasie -- Wat s die Skrif?
Die Bedienings Gawes van Jesus Christus
Die Bybel is Waar
Christendom en Kommunisme
Die Boek van Danil
Danil se 70ste Week
Die Derde dag Opstanding van Christus
Deur Lyding na Volmaaktheid
Die Brief van die Apostel Paulus aan die Efsirs
Die Bybel Voorspel Atoomoorlog
Die Doop, in watter Naam (pamflet)
Die Duiwel


Die Fondament van die Christelike Lewe
Die Gawes van die Heilige Gees
God se Groot Week
Goddelike Genesing
Die Profeet Hosa
In die Oppersaal
Insig in die Verlede en die Hede bring Uitsig op die Toekoms
Israel in die Nuwe Testament
Die Israelwaarheid - TV Onderhoud
Die Boek van Jesaja
Jesus van Nasaret
Die Boek van Jol
Die Kerk van Rome en die Mens van Sonde
Krag van die dwaling
Die Kruis
Moses en sy Kusitiese Vrou
Mure van Jerusalem
Na die Dood Wat Dan?
Die Name van God
Die Nuwe Hemel en die Nuwe Aarde
Die Boek van Openbaring
Die Openbaringe van die Apostel Paulus
Die Opraping
Die Brief aan die Romeine
Rusland in Profesie
Die Sabbat
Die Slang van Gnesis 3
Sommige Aspekte van die Werk van die Heilige Gees
Tempel van God
Terwille van die Engele
Troos troos my Volk s julle God
Die Twee Sade op Aarde.
Die Tyd van die Heiden
Verblinding van Sinne


Die Groot Verdrukking
Die Verlore Tien Stamme van Israel Deel 1
Die Verlore Tien Stamme van Israel
Versterk mekaar in n tyd soos hierdie
Die Vrug van die Heilige Gees
Waar het Kain sy Vrou Gekry?
Waarom die Bybel die Eet van Varkvleis Verbied
Wat die Bybel ons Leer Aangaande die Heilige Gees
Wat die Bybel ons Leer Aangaande die Mens
Wat die Bybel ons Leer Aangaande God
Die Wederkoms van Christus
Die Wet van die Here
Wie is my Naaste?
Wie was Hulle?

Nuwe byvoegings:

Hoe sal ons ontvlug
Wat ek vrees kom oor my
Laat U wil geskied
Die Arsenale van God
Die kinders van God
Noag die Opregte
Ken U Vyand
Die Groot opdrag
Die Wonderlike Wreld van Mre
Die Volk en Verootmoediging
Die Troon van Dawid
Die Huidige Wreldstelsel
Galsirs 3
Uitlander en Vreemdeling/ Griek of Jood


English Books available


After Death What Then?
Segregation What saith the Scripture?
The Bible Predicts "Atomic War"
The Book of Joel
The Book of Revelation
Christianity and Communism
Daniels 70 week
The Great Tribulation
The Israel Truth T.V. Interview
The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel Part 1
The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
The New Heavens and the New Earth
The Origin, History and Destiny of the White Race
The Past the Present and the Future in the Light of Scripture
The Rapture
Russia in Prophecy
The Serpent of Genesis 3
Why the Bible Prohibits Pork
World Affairs

New Additions:

Sons of God
The Two Seeds Upon Earth
The Bible is True
Noah the Man Without Blemish
Israel in the New Testament
Moses and his Cushite wife
Unpublished writings 1953
The Wonderful World of Tomorrow
The Book of Isaiah
Who is Thy Neighbour?
The Book of Romans

Reference Library: Books on various subjects are also available.

Audio Cassette / CDs and Videos also available
There are about 3000 audio cassette / CDs and a number of videos
available wherein pastor F.W.C. Neser messages are recorded.
Visit our website: where you can download
1500 sermons/teachings as well as 100 Afrikaans/English books by
Pastor F.W.C. Neser. All downloads are free.
E mail address:
Use this address when ordering books/CDs/or DVDs or to contact the
office. See page 2.


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