Creating Tab Strip in Module Pool Program
Creating Tab Strip in Module Pool Program
Creating Tab Strip in Module Pool Program
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: Each tab of the Tab Strip control is attached with a sub screen. When
Particular tab is clicked by the user then the appropriate sub screen is called and sits
on the sub screen area
Step 1. Create a Module Pool program (Type 'M' ). Right click on the program name and
choose create and click on Screen.
Step 2. Provide the screen number '0001' and click on the continue button.
Step 3. Provide a short description and select Normal screen and then click on the
Layout Button.
Step 4. Create an Input field and a Box by selecting appropriate screen elements from
the left column.
Step 5. Now select the tab strip control element as marked in the left column, drag
and drop it in the screen.
Stretch the tab strip according to the height and width. now double click on the
control and provide the name as shown below ('TAB_STRIP').
Step 6. By default two tabs are automatically provided by the system. If you need
some more tabs then select the push button element and drop it on the tab strip
control on the screen.Double click on each tab and provide the tab name , text to be
displayed and the F-Code value.
Step 7. Now select the Sub Screen Area element from the left column as marked, drag
and drop it inside the tab strip. Now Double click on the Sub Screen Area and provide
the name as 'SSA'.
Step 8. Now Double click on each tab and in the 'REF FIELD' pass the sub screen area
name as shown below.
Step 9. Now the design of the first screen is over. Lets create four sub screen as we
have four tabs in the Tab Strip. Right click on the program name and navigate as per
the below shown path to create a screen.
Step 10. Provide the screen number '0002' and click on the continue button.
Step 11. Provide a short text and select the Sub Screen radio button and at last click
on the Layout tab .
Step 12. Declare some variables in the program . Click on the top Button marked as
red. Provide * in the Table/ Field Name and click on the button 'Get From Program'.
Select some variables as marked and click on the continue button.
Step 13. Create some text Labels for the Fields as shown Below.
Step 14. Now create another screen '0003' for second tab. At last click on the
Continue button.
Step 15. Provide the short text and select sub screen radio button and then click on
the layout button.
Step 16. Click on the button marked as red and provide the table name as 'SCARR' and
click on Get from Dictionary button.Select the fields that you want to display and click
on the Continue Button.
Step 17. Set the attribute of each field as Output only by double clicking on each
Step 18. Lets create another screen for the 3rd Tab . Give screen number as '0004'
and click on continue button.
Step 19. Now provide the short text fro the screen and select the Sub Screen radio
button and at last click on the Layout Button.
Step 20. Click on the button marked as red and provide the table name as 'SPFLI' and
click on Get from Dictionary button.Select the fields that you want to display and click
on the Continue Button.
Step 21. Set the property as Output Only fro each field.
Step 22. Lets create the final screen for the 4th tab. Provide the screen Number
'00005' and click on the continue button.
Step 23. Now provide the short text fro the screen and select the Sub Screen radio
button and at last click on the Layout Button.
Step 24.Click on the button marked as red and provide the table name as 'SFLIGHT'
and click on Get from Dictionary button.Select the fields that you want to display and
click on the Continue Button.
Step 26. The main screen with four tabs in the tab strip and four sub screen design is
ready. Flow Logic of screen '0001'. Define the modules in PBO and PAI in the main
program by double clicking on the Module name in the flow logic.
Step 31. In the modules of the main screen write below code a shown.
Step 33. Now the Screen appears with Attribute tab as active.
Posted 11th August 2013 by S Prasad
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file_extension_unknown = 6
error_execute_failed = 7
not_supported_by_gui = 9
= 10.
IF sy-subrc <> 0.
* MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Step1. cl_gui_frontend_services=>execute method can be used to call any URL. It can
be used to call any webdynpro/fpm application from the program as every
webdynpro/fpm application have an uniuqe URL.
Step3. Still we can open any document by specifying the appropriate executable file,
location of the directory of the file and providing the file name.
Step4. Here is one example how we can open a PDF file by the method
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