Using Stata With The Fundamentals of Political: Science Research
Using Stata With The Fundamentals of Political: Science Research
Using Stata With The Fundamentals of Political: Science Research
Science Research
Paul M. Kellstedt and Guy D. Whitten
Department of Political Science
Texas A&M University
c Paul M. Kellstedt and Guy D. Whitten 2009
1 Overview
1.1 Getting startedlaunching Stata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.2 Which version? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.3 Reading commands in this appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7 Multiple regression
7.1 Standardized coefficients . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.2 Post-estimation diagnostics in Stata for OLS . . .
7.2.1 Identifying outliers and influential cases in
7.2.2 Detecting multicollinearity in OLS . . . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
In this document we provide a guide for how to produce the statistics and graphs for our
book using the Stata program. This guide is not intended as a comprehensive introduction
to StataThere
are numerous books intended to serve this purpose.1
The ordering of topics in this appendix is intended to follow closely the ordering of topics in
the book. After a couple of brief discussions of housekeeping issues (keeping track of your
work and getting data into the program), we present the statistical and graphical tools in
roughly the order in which they occur in the text. Throughout this guide we refer to specific
sections of our book The Fundamentals of Political Science Research (FPSR).
For an up-to-date listing of such books we recommend going to Statas website at
Once you are sitting in front to a computer on which Stata has been properly installed, you
can launch the program by double-clicking on the Stata icon or by finding the Stata program
on your start menu. We suggest launching the Stata program and working through this
appendix in front of a computer with a copy of FPSR.
Once you have successfully launched the Stata program, you will normally see one large
window with a row of textual headings (starting with File, then Edit etc) at across the
top followed by a row of icons (a picture of an envelop openning, a picture of a floppy disc,
etc). Within the main Stata window, you will see three other windows labeled Review,
Results, and Command. If you are seeing all of this, you are ready to go.
Which version?
This document has been written using version 9.2 of the Stata program on a Windowsbased computer. Most of these commands will work with different versions of the Stata
program and on different platforms. The main exceptions to this involve graphics commands.
Statas graphic commands changed substantially between versions 7 and 8. Thus, most of the
graphics commands that we cover in this appendix will not work in versions earlier than 8.0.
All of the commands covered in this appendix should work in later versions of StataIf
are working with a later version that 9.2 and are having problems, type version 9.2 in the
command line and then hit the Enter key. This will revert the program back to version
Throughout this appendix, when we present Stata commands in their text versions, we write
out commands in typewriter type and present generic statements within those commands in
italics. So, for instance, the command to use a data set called test.dta which is located
in the directory c:\mydata will be presented as:
use c:\mydata\test.dta
The command to use a data set without a reference to a specific data set will be presented
use filename
In the command above, the fact that filename appears in italics indicates that this is a
generic (as opposed to specific) reference and therefor when you write this command, you
must choose the appropriate text to replace what is in italics.
Another important part of Stata syntax is the various options that come with different commands (different commands have different options available with them). In the text versions
of commands, options appear to the right of a comma after the main command syntax. So,
for instance, if we see the following command:
use filename, clear
we know that Stata will use whatever filename we have specified and that the clear option
has been chosen. In this case, the selected option tells Stata to clear its data area before
opening the specified data set.
In almost any mainstream statistical program today, there are multiple ways to accomplish
the same tasks. In Stata , almost any command can be executed using pull-down menus,
typed commands in the command window, or typed commands in a do-file window. The
choice of which of these options to use is a matter of personal comfort. But regardless of
which way you find that you like to issue commands, it is critical that you keep track of your
work. Any time that you work with data, you should have the following questions in mind:
1. If I put these data and my work with them aside for a month, would I be able to go
back and exactly recreate my work?
2. If I put these data and my work with them aside, would someone else be able to go
back and exactly recreate my work?
If the answer to both questions is yes, then you have done a good job keeping track of your
All of this emphasis on keeping track of your work may seem tedious, especially when you
consider the second question. But keep in mind the crucial role that our statistical hypothesis
testing plays on the road to scientific knowledge (see Chapter 1). When a researcher comes
up with a hypothesis test that supports a new theory or challenges an established theory, the
first thing that other researchers will want to do is to replicate their work. Initial replication
of another researchers work may involve either recreating the same results with the original
data or the collection of new data and attempting to recreate the same results. Either way,
it is crucial that the researcher who is replicating someone elses work be able to repeat what
they did.
Replication may seem like a distrustful exercise but, keep in mind that one of our rules of
the road (again, from Chapter 1) is to consider only empirical evidence. Replication is a
very serious consideration of another researchers empirical evidence. Boring results seldom
get replicated. Thus, rather than being distrustful or insulting, replication is actually high
An excellent way to keep track of your work in Stata is to open a log file. This is usually
done at the very beginning of your work session. You can choose one from the following three
different ways to open a log file:
Using the pull-down menu commands: To start a log from the pull-down menus, leftclick on File, then Log, then Begin... . This will prompt you to name a file and
the location in which this file should be saved. When you are finished with your Stata
session, you
From the Command window or the Do-file editor : Type log using filename
If you wish to work by writing your commands and running them from a command file, you
can launch a fourth window, called a Do-file by left-clicking on Window, then left-clicking
on Do-file Editor, and then left-clicking on New Do-file. Once inside a do-file, you can
write commands and execute them from your do-file. Your do-file can be saved, closed, and
re-accessed as a separate file. A do-file has the advantage that you can keep notes in it about
what your are doing so that you have the notes and the commands that you executed all in
the same place.
In a do-file, each line is assumed to be a separate command. To execute a line, you simply
select it by left-clicking on it and dragging across the text.2 You then execute the command
line by clicking on the icon third icon from the left at the top of the do-file window. This
icon, which looks like a piece of paper with writing on it next to a downward pointing blue
arrow, tells Stata to execute the current commands. Be sure to click on this icon and not
the icon to the right which is the equivalent of telling Stata to execute the entire do-file.
Notes in a do-file
You can keep notes in a do-file. In order to make a distinction between lines that contain
your notes and lines that contain your commands, you should place a star * in front of
your lines of notes. If you accidentally run such a line, there will not be a problem because,
when Stata reads a * in front of a line, it automatically ignores the rest of that line.
Keeping notes
One of the best ways to keep track of what you have done is to write about it in a separate file
or in a notebook. An obvious worry about writing about what you are doing while you are
doing it is that you might work more slowly. However, what you lose in working speed is likely
to be more than made up for by avoiding the mistakes that writing allows you to avoid. We
agree wholeheartedly with the words of Diedre McCloskey that writing is thinking. And,
in this case, slowing down and thinking about what you are doing will often save you time
in the long run.
Not surprisingly, Stata works best with Stata data sets. Stata data sets are identifiable by
the extension .dta. If you are working with a data set that is not a Stata data set, the best
way to get it into Stata is to use a data translator program such as Stat/Transfer which can
move data from whatever format you are using into the Stata format. Once you have done
this, you can open the data set one of three ways:
Using the pull-down menu commands: To start a log from the pull-down menus, left2
You will find that you actually do not need to select an entire line. Once you have selected any portion
of a line, Stata assumes that you wish to run that entire line.
click on File, and then Open. This will prompt you to select a file or to switch
folders until you find the file that you want to open.
From the Command window : Type use filename and hit return.
From the Do-File Editor : Write use filename and run this command line.
Stata can also read in ASCII files using the insheet command.
If you make your own data set, we recommend that you enter your data into a spreadsheet
and then convert your spreadsheet into Stata format using a data translation program. As
we mentioned earlier, a popular data translation program is Stat/Transfer.
Variable names should convey as much information about a variable as possible. They should
be designed for use in such a way that they prompt your memory of what you did when you
created the variable. When creating variable names in Stata you should keep in mind the
following list of concerns:
Variable names must begin with a letter. So vote1984 is allowed but 1984vote is
Variable names may not contain spaces. For instance, presidential vote is allowed,
but presidential vote is not a valid name for a single variable.
Stata is sensitive to whether a letter is capitalized or not. This means that vote1984
and Vote1984 do not refer to the same variable.
In practice, you will find that variable names longer than 10 characters are pretty
When you acquire someone elses data, the first thing that you need to do to work with it
in Stata format is to convert it into one of the data formats that Stata can read. The easiest
way to to do this is with a data translation program like Stat/Transfer.
When working someone elses data, it is important to get to know each variable with which
you intend to work. To get to know each variable, we recommend reading any documentation
that comes with their data set. Many data sets have accompanying text files, often called
codebooks that explain how the cases were selected and the various variables measured. A
careful read through of this material will help you to know a data set and to avoid making
mistakes. We also recommend that you produce descriptive statistics and/or descriptive
graphs for each variable before you run any hypothesis tests with more than one variable.
It is particularly important to know what values represent missing values when you are
working with someone elses data. In Stata missing values are represented as a period (.),
but in some data sets a missing value will be assigned a numeric value. If you do not know
about this, you may mistake a missing value for an actual value and come to faulty conclusions
as a result.
When you are working with a data set, you will often want to make changes before you
conduct your analyses. We have already stressed the important of keeping track of your work.
This is especially crucial when you are making changes to a data set. Another important
part of changing a data set is to always be able to go back to the data set with which you
started working. We highly recommend that you save the original data under a different
name after you make changes to it and that you preserve the original data set.
Recoding variables
It is often the case that we want to recode our variables before we use them to test hypotheses.
As an example, lets say that we want to test a theory about what makes someone more or
less likely to vote for an incumbent presidential candidate. If we are using survey data from
the 2004 National Election Study, the variable V045026, with a variable label Voter: Rs
vote for President provides a useful measure of our dependent variable. We can see from
the NES codebook that the possible values for this variable are 1. John Kerry, 3. George
W. Bush, 5. Ralph Nader, 7. Other, and 9. Refused. For our purposes, the we want to
distinguish between those voters who voted for the incumbent (the 3s), and those who voted
for someone else (the 1s, 5s, and 7s). Survey respondents who refused to say who they voted
for present a bit of a dilemma but, since we do not know whether they voted for or against
the incumbent, the safe thing to do is to treat them as missing for our variable. One of the
best ways to conduct a recode is to create a new variable equal to the old variable and then
recode the new variable. This is particularly helpful in this example because the old variable
name V045026 did not convey very much information to us. Here are the commands that
we can use in a do-file (or submit one at a time in the command window) to create the new
variable that we want:
generate bushvote=V045026
recode bushvote 3=1 1=0 5=0 7=0 9=.
If we read through the lines of code, in the first line the command generate tells Stata that
we want it to create a new variable and then we name the new variable, bushvote, and set
it to equal V045026. On the second line of code we tell Stata that we wish to recode the
variable bushvote and then provide a list of first the old values and then the new values to
which they will be changed such that 3s become 1s, 1s become 0s, 5s become 0s, 7s become
0s and 9s become missing values. Our newly recoded variable, bushvote is now equal to
1 for voters who voted for Bush, 0 for voters who voted for someone other than Bush, and
missing for voters who refused to tell us for whom they voted. Following from the guidelines
that we gave in the section on naming variables, our new variable name should help us to
remember what the values mean. If we want to, we can also create a variable label and/or
value labels.
Any time that you recode a variable, it is important to produce a table to check that you
have done what you set out to do with your recode command. We provide an example of
this below in the section on tables.
Selecting cases
When we are testing our hypotheses, it will sometimes be appropriate to analyze data from
only a particular subset of the total number of cases in our data set. We have seen such an
example in the section above on recoding variables. Because some of the respondents to the
2004 NES refused to report who they voted for, they are not appropriate for testing a theory
about voting behavior. By setting values for such cases as missing (equal to .) for the variable
bushvote, we have ensured that these cases will not be a part of any analysis involving this
one variable. Another way to select cases for an analysis is to delete all cases that we do
not want from our data set or to issue an order as a part of our analysis command that only
certain cases be included in the analysis being conducted. We recommend the second practice
and will include examples of it throughout our discussion of specific commands. If, however,
you decide that you wish to drop certain cases, you can issue the following command:
drop if condition
Where the condition can be a reference to the values of one or more variables. So if, for
example, we wanted to drop all of the voters who refused to say who they voted for from the
NES data set, we could issue the following command:
drop if V045026==9
In this example, the two consecutive equal signs translates into is exactly equal to, so this
expression tells Stata to drop all cases where the variable V045026 is exactly equal to 9. In
general we recommend against dropping cases like this but, if you feel strongly compelled
to do so, it is very important that you follow the recommendation in the section Changing
someone elses data of saving the changed data set under a different name so that those
values cases are not permanently lost.
Once you have your data in Stata it is important to get to know your data. In Chapter 6 we
discussed a variety of tools that can be used to get to know your data one variable at a time.
In this section we discuss how to produce and present such information. An important first
step to getting to know your data is to figure out the what is the measurement metric for
each variable. For categorical and ordinal variables, we suggest producing frequency tables.
For continuous variables, there are a wide range of descriptive statistics.
As we discussed in Chapter 6, a frequency table is the best way to numerically examine and
present the distribution of values for a categorical or ordinal variable. In Stata the tabulate
command is used to produce frequency tables. In a do-file or from the command line, the
syntax for this command is:
tabulate variable
This command produces a four-column table in which the first column contains the variable values (or value labels if there are value labels for this variable), the second column is
the number of cases in the data set that take on each value, the third column is the percentage of cases that take on each value and the fourth column is the cumulative percentage
of cases from top to bottom. The data presented in Table 6.1 were obtained by using the
tabulate command on the religious identification variable.
To get a frequency table from using drop-down menus, select Statistics, then Tables,
and One-way tables. Doing this pops up a new menu with a drop-down menu from which
you should select the variable for which you want a frequency table. Once you have selected
your variable, click the OK button at the bottom on of the pop-up menu.
Pie graphs, such as Figure 6.1 in FPSR, are a graphical way to get to know categorical and
ordinal variables. The commands for producing this type of figure in Stata are below.
The syntax to produce a pie graph in a do-file or from the command line is:
graph pie, over(variable )
To produce a pie graph using drop-down menus, select Graphics, then Pie chart. Doing
this pops up a new menu containing a drop-down menu labeled Category Variable. Once
you have selected your variable, click the OK button at the bottom on of the pop-up menu.
Figure 6.3 displays the output from Statas summarize command with the detail option.
This command produces a full battery of descriptive statistics for a continuous variable. From
a do-file or from the command line, the syntax for this command is:
summarize variable, detail
To get this same output from using drop-down menus, select Statistics, then Summaries,
tables, & tests, Summary Statistics, and Summary Statistics (again). Doing this pops
up a new menu containing a drop-down menu from which you should select the variable for
which you descriptive statistics. Once you have selected your variable, click the circle under
Options labeled Display additional statistics, and then click the OK button at the
bottom on of the pop-up menu.
From the discussion in Chapter 6, we can see that Statas summarize command present both
rank statistics and moment statistics to describe the values taken on by continuous variables.
To get a visual depiction of rank statistics, we recommend producing a box-whisker plot like
that displayed in Figure 6.4. From a do-file or from the command line, the syntax for a
box-whisker plot of the values for a single continuous variable is:
graph box variable
To produce a box-whisker plot using drop-down menus, select Graphics, then Box plot.
Doing this pops up a new menu containing a drop-down menu labeled Variables. Once
you have selected your variable, click the OK button at the bottom of the pop-up menu.
To get a visual depiction of moment statistics, we recommend producing either a histogram
(Figure 6.5 and 6.6) or a kernel density plot (Figure 6.7). From a do-file or from the command
line, the syntax for a histogram of the values for a single continuous variable is:
hist variable
To produce a histogram using drop-down menus, select Graphics, then Histogram. Doing
this pops up a new menu containing a drop-down menu labeled Variable. Once you have
selected your variable, click the OK button at the bottom of the pop-up menu.
From a do-file or from the command line, the syntax for a kernel density plot of the values
for a single continuous variable is:
kdensity variable
To produce a histogram using drop-down menus, select Graphics, then Smoothing and
densities, and then Kernel density estimation. Doing this pops up a new menu containing
a drop-down menu labeled Variable. Once you have selected your variable, click the OK
button at the bottom of the pop-up menu.
When we produce descriptive statistics in Stata using either the tabulate or summarize
commands, we get a lot of output. Usually this output is much more than what we need to
present in a paper that describes our variables one at a time. We therefore suggest making
your own tables in whatever word processing program you are working with.
Once you have produced a Stata graph that you want to include in a document, one of the
easiest ways to do so is to right-click on the graph in Stata and select Copy and then rightclick on the location where you want to place the graph in your word processing program
and select paste.
In this section we go through the four different types of bivariate hypothesis tests discussed
in Chapters 8 and 9 and discuss how to conduct these analyses in Stata.
Tabular analysis
In tabular analysis, we are testing the null hypothesis that the column variable and row
variable are unrelated to each other. We will review the basics of producing a table in
which the rows and columns are defined by the values of two different variables, generating
hypothesis-testing statistics, and then presenting what you have found.
From a do-file or from the command line, the syntax for producing a two-variable table is:
tab2 rowvariable colvariable, column
where rowvariable is usually the dependent variable (with its values displayed across rows
in the table) and colvariable is usually the independent variable (with its values displayed
down the columns in the table). The option column tells Stata that, in addition to the
frequency of values (or number of cases) being displayed in each cell, this command produces column percentages for each row beneath the frequencies. As detailed in Chapter 8 of
FPSR, these column percentages allow for the comparison of interestthey tell us how the
independent variable values differ in terms of their distribution across values of the dependent variable. It is crucial, when working with tables of this nature, to put the appropriate
variables across the rows and columns of the table and then to present the column frequencies.
To produce a two-variable table using drop-down menus, select Statistics, then Summaries, tables, & tests, then Tables, and then Two-way tables with measures of association. Doing this pops up a new menu containing a drop-down menus labeled Row
variable and Column variable. Once you have selected your variables, click on the box
labeled Within-column relative frequencies and then click the OK button at the bottom
of the pop-up menu.
In Chapter 8 we discuss in detail the logic of Pearsons chi-squared test statistic which we
use to test the null hypothesis that the row and column variables are not related. To get
this test statistic and the associated p-value for a two-variable table in Stata from a do-file
or from the command line, the syntax for producing a two-variable table is:
tab2 rowvariable colvariable, column chi2
where rowvariable is usually the dependent variable (with its values displayed across rows
in the table) and colvariable is usually the independent variable (with its values displayed
down the columns in the table). The option column tells Stata that, in addition to the
frequency of values (or number of cases) being displayed in each cell, this command produces
column percentages for each row beneath the frequencies. The option chi2 tells Stata to
report a chi-squared test statistic and the associated p-value.
To produce a two-variable table using drop-down menus, select Statistics, then Summaries, tables, & tests, then Tables, and then Two-way tables with measures of association. Doing this pops up a new menu containing a drop-down menus labeled Row variable
and Column variable. Once you have selected your variables, click on the boxes labeled
Within-column relative frequencies and Pearsons chi-squared and then click the OK
button at the bottom of the pop-up menu.
We recommend that you make your own tables in whatever word processing program you
choose to use instead of copying and pasting the tables that you make in Stata . The first
reason for doing so is that you will think about your results more closely when you are
producing your own tables. This will help you to catch any mistakes that you might have
made and to write more effectively about what you have found. Another reason for doing so
is that tables constructed by you will tend to look better. By controlling how the tables are
constructed, you will be able to communicate with maximum clarity.
As a part of making your own tables, you should have the goal in mind that your table
communicates something on its own. In other words, if someone only looked at your table,
would they be able to figure out what was going on? If the answer is yes, then you have
constructed an effective table. We offer the following advice ideas for making useful tables:
Give your tables a title that conveys the essential result in your table
Make your column and row headings as clear as possible
Put notes at the bottom of your tables to explain the tables contents
Difference of means
Difference of means tests are conducted when we have a continuous dependent variable and
a limited independent variable.
When we use graphs to assess a difference of means, we are graphing the distribution of the
continuous dependent variable for two or more values of the limited independent variable.
Figure 8.1 shows how this is done with a box-whisker plot. The syntax for doing this is:
graph box depvariable, over(indvariable )
Where depvariable is the name of the continuous dependent variable and indvariable is the
name of the limited independent variable.
To produce a box-whisker plot using drop-down menus, select Graphics, then Box plot.
Doing this pops up a new menu containing a drop-down menu labeled Variables. Once you
have selected your dependent variable, click the tab labeled By and select the independent
variable, then click the OK button at the bottom of the pop-up menu.
In Figure 8.2 we produced a kernel density plot of the distribution of our continuous dependent variable for the two values of our limited independent variable. The syntax for
producing this figure involves Stata creating two separate plots and overlaying them. The
syntax for doing this is:
As before, depvariable is the name of the continuous dependent variable and indvariable is the
name of the limited independent variable. The condition in this case is that the independent
variable is equal to a particular value. The k in the command above tells Stata that you
are going to overlay a second twoway plot.
To conduct a difference of means t-test such as the one discussed on pages 146-150 of FPSR,
the syntax is:
ttest depvariable, by(indvariable )
To conduct a difference of means t-test using drop-down menus, select Statistics, then
Summaries, tables, & tests, then Classical tests of hypotheses, and then Two-group
mean-comparison test. Doing this pops up a new menu containing a drop-down menus
labeled Variable name and Group variable name. Select your continuous dependent
variable from the drop-down menu labeled Variable name and select your limited independent variable from the drop-down menu labeled Group variable name. Once you have
selected your variables, click the OK button at the bottom of the pop-up menu.
Correlation coefficients
We can examine the relationship between two continuous variables in a scatter plot such as
Figure 8.3 in FPSR. The syntax for producing such a figure is:
twoway scatter depvariable indvariable
Using a drop-down menu select Graphics then Twoway graph. On the resulting menu
click Create on the Plots tab. Click the button labeled Basic Plots and select Scatter
under the menu labeled Basic plots: (select type). Then use the pull-down menus to
select your dependent variable as the Y variable and your independent variable as the X
variable. Once these selections have all been made, click Submit.
To generate a correlation coefficient with the associated p-value, the syntax is:
pwcorr depvariable indvariable, sig
The command pwcorr is short for pairwise correlations and can be used to obtain the
correlation coefficients for more than two pairs of variables.
Using a drop-down menu select Statistics then Summaries, tables, and tests, then Summary and descriptive statistics, and then Pairwise correlations. On the resulting menu
click the box next to Print significance level for each entry. Under the drop-down menu
labeled Variables select the two (or more) variables for which you want a correlation coefficient. Once these selections have all been made, click Submit.
Bivariate regression
Multiple regression
Standardized coefficients
In order to obtain standardized coefficients, as discussed on pages 196 and 197, you can add
a comma and the word beta to the syntax:
reg depvariable indvariable1 indvariable2 indvariable3, beta
To do this using the drop down menu, follow all of the instructions above and then click on
the tab titled Reporting before clicking on Submit. On the resulting menu check the
box labeled Standardized beta coefficients and the click Submit.
In Chapter 11 we discussed a number of diagnostic procedures that can be carried out once an
OLS model has been estimated. These procedures are all available in Stata . It is important
to keep in mind that when asked to conduct such an analysis, Stata will always do so using
information from the last regression model that was estimated.
Figure 11.5 shows the results from a lvr2plot which is short for leverage-versus-residualsquared plot. The syntax for producing this type of figure on the last estimated regression
model is:
Using a drop-down menu select Statistics then Linear models and related, then Regression Diagnostics and then Leverage-versus-residual-squared plot. This will produce a new
menu with a series of options. If you just want this plot, you can left-click on Submit.
Table 11.9 shows the five largest DFBETA scores from a regression model. The syntax for
estimating DFBETA scores is:
predict newvariable, dfbeta(indvariable )
Where newvariable is the name of a new variable that will contain the DFBETA value for
each observation and indvariable is the name of the independent variable for which you want
to have the DFBETA calculations made.
Using a drop-down menu select Statistics then Linear models and related, then Regression Diagnostics and then DFBETAs. This will produce a new menu from which you can
select the independent variable(s) for which you want to have DFBETA scores calculated.
Once you have made your selection, you should left-click Submit.
As we discussed on pages 227 and 228 of FPSR, one way to detect multicollinearity is to
estimate a Variance Inflation Factor (or VIF) for each independent variable after you have
estimated your regression model. The syntax for producing this type of figure on the last
estimated regression model is:
Using a drop-down menu select Statistics then Linear models and related, then Regression Diagnostics and then Specification tests, etc.. This will produce a new menu with a
series of options. Under Reports and Statistics (subcommand) select Variance inflation
factors for the independent variables (vif) and left-click on Submit.
As we discussed on pages 233-244 of FPSR, time series data require careful treatment. In
Stata it is quite helpful to identify a data set as a time series (unless told otherwise, Stata
assumes that the data it is working with are from a cross-sectional data set). This is done
with the following syntax:
tsset timevariable
Where tsset is short for time series set and timevariable is the name of the variable that
The commands for estimating binomial logit and binomial probit models in Stata are fairly
similar to the commands for estimating OLS models. For binomial logit, the syntax is:
logit depvariable indvariable1 indvariable2 indvariable3
Using a drop-down menu select Statistics then Binary Outcomes, then Logistic regression. On the resulting menu select your dependent variable from the drop-down menu
labeled Dependent variable and select each of your independent variables from the dropdown menu labeled Independent variables. Once these selections have all been made, click
For binomial probit, the syntax is:
probit depvariable indvariable1 indvariable2 indvariable3
Using a drop-down menu select Statistics then Binary Outcomes, then Probit regression. On the resulting menu select your dependent variable from the drop-down menu
labeled Dependent variable and select each of your independent variables from the dropdown menu labeled Independent variables. Once these selections have all been made, click
Obtaining predicted probabilities for binomial logit and binomial probit models
As discussed in Chapter 11 of FPSR, the results from models with dichotomous dependent
variables can be interpreted in terms of predicted probabilities. To obtain predicted probabilities after a binomial logit or binomial probit model has been estimated, the syntax is:
predict(newvariable ), p
Where newvariable is the name of the new variable that will be constructed in the data set
containing the predicted probabilities from the last model (logit or probit) that was estimated.