Judging A Horoscope

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1. Lagna becomes strong due to following factors:

a. Occupation of a benefic planet in Lagna
b. Having an aspect of a benefic planet
c. Vargottam Lagna
d. Lagna is aspected by the Lagna Lord
e. Lagna in Subha Karthari Yoga
f. Karaka is Sun. Sun should be placed well. The Strong Sun will provide Good Health,
matured soul, abundant spiritual progress, secures high position, promotion/financial gain
from Govt.
2. Lagna Lord becomes strong when:
a. When LL is Vargottam
b. When exalted
c. When posited in the own/Moolatrikona/friends House
d. When posited in angles or in Trines
e. When associated in benefics
f. When aspected by benefic planets
g. When the planet is hemmed between benefic planets (Subha Karthari)
h. When the planet goes into benefic Navamsha or benefic Drekkana
a. Moon: Moon is karaka for mind. Mind controls over the body that is why a strong
Moon extends good resistence. Moon becomes strong when: (Also crosscheck from
b. When the Moon is associated with many planets. (benefic planets)
c. When the Moon is posited in angle or in Trine.
d. If the benefic planets are posited in the 6th, 7th and 8th houses from the Moon(Adhi Yoga)
e. If the Moon is Vargottam
f. If the Gaja Kesari Yoga is formed
g. If the Moon is having Paksha Bala
4. To Judge General Strength of a Horoscope attend to:
a. Lagna (explained)
b. Lagna Lord (explained)
c. Dispositor
d. Aspects (Benefic planets aspect will enhance good results)
e. Conjunction (Benefic planets conjunction will enhance the good results)
f. Karaka: Karaka should be well placed both in D-1 and other Divisional charts. Also cross check
the chart from Karakas. For example for wife see the 7 th house from Venus, for education see the
4th house and 5th house from Mercury, for children see the 5th house from Jupiter, for profession
see the 10th house from Saturn, for mother see the 4th house from Moon, for father seethe 9th house
from Sun, for co-born (younger) the 3rd house from Mars, for elder brother see the 11th house from
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1. Dispositor: when a planet is posited in a sign, the Lord of that sign is known as dispositor of the
planet. For example, for Aquarius Lagna, Venus is posited in the 2 nd house where exalted, the lord
of that house (Pisces) is Jupiter. If Jupiter is posited in Trines, angles, or in good houses, we can
expect good results. If the Jupiter is posited in 6-8-12 houses, may diminish the effects.
Principle of bhavata bhavam: while examining the strength of a house simultaneously assess the
strength of that house which is equidistant from the relevant house as the relevant house is from
Ascendant. For example while examining the 2nd house, also examine the 3rd house also. From 2nd house,
the 2nd house is the 3rd house. That is why if Jupiter is posited in the 3rd house, makes a man wealthy.

Similarly 3rd from 3rd house is the 5th House. A natural benefic as the 5th Lord posited in the 3rd house may
make a man happy with his younger co-born. 5th house is the 9th house from 9th. (house of Luck).
2. Badhaka: 11th for Movable; 9th for Fixed and 7th for Dual signs are badhaka sthanas and their
lords are known as badhakas or badhakapati or badhakesh. A badhaka forth obstructions,
impediments, sorrow and misery and causes harm. It has been observed that if Kharesh (lord of
22nd Drekkana or the 8th lord Drekkana Chart) or dispositor of Mandi is posited in the
badhakasthana, only then it acts as a badhakastana and its lord as badhaka.
3. Upachaya Sthanas: 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th houses are known as such. These are houses of growth
and expansion. Benefic planets help make money easily while malefic help make money through
struggle and hard labour.
4. Shadvargas are D-1, D-2, D-3, D-9, D-12 and D-30. Vimshopak bala of these vargas are
6,2,4,5,2 and 1 respectively. Vishopak bala of D-1=6+D-9=5=D-3=4 totalling to 15 out of 20
points in shadvargas. Hence it is very important to analyze the chart by keeping the three charts of
D-1, D-9 and D-3 for better results.
5. Divisional charts can be analyzed in the same manner as D-1.
6. Analyze the Lagna Lord of D-1 and Lagna Lord of Divisional chart for friendship. Mutual
friendship promotes the significations of Divisional chart in the life of the native.
7. In D-12, for mother, take 4th house as ascendant and analyze the chart.
8. For younger siblings Mars needs to be analyzed in D-1 and as well as in D-3.
9. D-1 LL and D-3 LL if exalted in the both the charts, the native will born in Royal/wealthy family.
10. If D-1 LL and D-3 LL in trines: the native will be highly religious
11. If the D-1 LL and D-3 LL in own house: the native will have leading personality.
12. If D-1 LL and D-3 LL in friendly house: the native will be learned, disciplined, from respectable
13. D-1 LL and D-3 LL are in Angles: the native will be from Royal family, highly reputed or
wealthy family.
14. If the 3rd Lord aspect Lagna in D-1, D-9 and D-3, the native will come up with his own efforts
and his younger brother will reach very high status in his life.
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15. If the Ascendant is in 1st Drekkana (o to 10 degrees) in D-1 chart, then the 3 rd house of D-1 and D-

3 are same which is good for relationship of siblings.

16. If the Lagna (Kumba) is in 2nd Drekkana, then D-3 Lagna is 5th H, i.e. Gemini. From Gemini the

3rd H is Leo. Which is the 7th house of D-1. 7th House represents spouse, partnership, public
image,then the relationship is SUPERIFICIAL. They tend to be friendly in public, but will have
wide gap internally.
17. If the Lagna (Kumba) is in 3rd Drekkana, then the Lagna of D-3 falls in the 9 th from it. Hence
from the D-3 Lagna, 3rd house is for siblings. The 3rd of house of D-3 is the 11th house of D-1
chart. 11th house indicates gains, desires, income, eleders etc., Hence the relationship between the
brothers purely materialistic in nature.
18. Comparing the D-1 Chart and D-9 Chart:
a. Compare the Lagna of D-1 and D-9. Vargottam Lagna is very good.
b. If the Lagna is also Vargottama it will be very good. The natives Lagna karakatwas will be
very good. The health of the native will be very good. (Karaka for health and 1 st house should
be very well placed)
c. If the Lagna Lords of the Rasi Chart and D-9 Charts are friends, the relationship of husband
and wife will be good.
d. If the planets are in exaltation houses in both the charts will give good results. If a planet is
debilitated in D-1 and exalted in D-9, we can expect the good results. If a planet is exalted in
D-1 and debilitated in D-9, we can not expect good results.
e. If the planet is well placed in Rasi chart and also in good amsha in D-9 will give good results.

If the planet is posited in 6th, 8th or 12th amshas in Navamsha chart will not give good results.
If the planet is posited in inimical place in D-9, gives adverse results.
a. If a planet posited in 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10 and 11th houses from divisional chart lagna gives good
results. If a planet posited in 3,6,8,12 houses will give bad results.
b. Mars in the 6th house in divisional chart gives good results.
c. Mercury in 8th house in D-4 only gives good results.
d. Saturn in 8th house holds good in D-8 only.
e. Only natural benefic and natural malefic aspects should be considered in the divisional chart.
The aspect of Jupiter in divisional chart will nullify the bad effects (except debilitated

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