Tibaldi 1995
Tibaldi 1995
Tibaldi 1995
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A large number of landslides occurred during two seismic events (respectively, 6.9 and 6.1 Msw) on 5 March 1987 in the
Ecuadorian Andes. These landslides have been mapped, digitized, and coregistered with topography at 1:50,000 scale. Geometry
of coseismic and Holocene faulting has been assessed integrating field and geophysical data. Landslide distribution and Holocene
tectonic features have been compared with earthquake foci, geological deposits, slope area, inclination and orientation, and
vegetation cover. The macro-seismic field deduced by landslide distribution is ellipse-shaped with the major axis striking NNE
and coinciding with the trend of the coseismic and Holocene faults. Landslide distribution also shows a correlation with respect
to the dip-direction of these faults and the orientation of mountain slopes. Slopes parallel to the coseismic fault planes, sloping
towards WNW, are almost unaffected by landsliding, while this increases on the slopes at high angle to the fault plane and lying
along its strike. If these results could be confirmed in other areas, a method of reconstruction of geometry of seismogenetic faults
from topographic effects appears feasible.
1. Introduction
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2. Holocene faults
2. I. Structural field data
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Fig. 4. Epicentre distribution map of period 1903-1987. Numbers I, 2 and 3 refer to microseismicity analyses discussed in the text. Letters refer
to focal mechanisms: b and c after Barberi et al. ( 19881, e after Woodward and Clyde ( 19811, Schmidt projection, lower hemisphere; black
arrows show the horizontal direction of the P-axis. CO Cordillera Occidental, 1V lnterandean Valley, CR Cordillera Real, SAZ Sub-Andean
Zone. Box shows location of Fig. 8. Location given in Fig. 1.
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Fig. 5. Isoseismic map of the 5 March, 1987 earthquakes (after Barberi et al., 1988). The degree of intensity is indicated for each line. Black
boxes represent the two main shock epicenters with magnitude (Msw). The smaller sinuous lines are three isolines encircling areas of landslide
different density ( 1-39%, 40-59% and 60-100%). Location given in Fig. 1.
3. L a n d s l i d e s a n d t o p o g r a p h y
In the study area several small landslides of rock fall
and soil slide type are located along already k n o w n
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faults which create dislocations in rock walls. Exhumation of steep surfaces coinciding with the fault plane
creates the conditions for the occurrence of rock falls.
For example, the rock fall deposit A in Fig. 6 is due to
right-lateral strike-slip sllifting of the southern lava
block which is no longer supported by the former
adjoining northern lava block. Different degrees of vegetation colonisation on the various landslide deposits
mark various collapse episodes repeated through time.
In order to distinguish between these landslides and
those produced by the 5 March 1987 seismic events,
all the area was studied on pre- and post-earthquake
photo series. The March landslides are also easily identified on the photos because of the high difference in
reflectance between the exhumed rock and the surrounding jungle.
Several thousands of landslides affected an area of
about 2000 km 2, depicting a catastrophic scenario. The
presence of such a large number of collapses may be
referred to a series of contemporaneous causes. First of
all, a particularly intense rainfall regime affected the
area in the four weeks preceding the earthquakes. The
precipitation during February 1987 was heavy, with a
value of 600 mm, which probably induced soil saturation. Such a value is about twice the average monthly
precipitation recorded in the area during the years
1975-1984 (Fig. 7). Other causes which could have
contributed to the exceptional phenomenon are: the
relatively large seismic magnitude of the two events
which occurred within a short time interval, the abun]
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Fig. 8. Isolines of the percentage of slid area measured with grid cells of 1 sq. km (0, 1, 4, 7, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100%). Areas encircled by dashed lines and marked C L are cloud
covered. The black dot is the summit vent of Reventador volcano. Location given in Fig. 4.
,4. Tibaldi et al / G e o m o r p h o l o g y
4 ,7
0 0 40
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Fig. 10. Aerial photo showing different spatial frequency of landslides on mountain slopes with different orientations. Large side of picture is
about 8 km (photogram N, 24099 R-128, authorization n. 930634-IGM-d 3459). Location given in Fig. 2.
Fig. 11. Aerial photo showing a lava flow of the Cayambe volcano affected by maximum landslide density along the slope facing toward ESE
and minimum density along the slope facing in the opposite direction. Large side of picture is about 8 km (photogram N. 24206 R-129.
authorization n. 930634-IGM-d 3459). Location given in Fig. 2.
4. Conclusions
W e are i n d e b t e d to A. C a v a l l i n for c o - o p e r a t i o n in
s o m e o f the c o m p u t e r elaborations. W e a c k n o w l e d g e
m a n y s u g g e s t i o n s o n an early v e r s i o n o f the m a n u s c r i p t
b y A. C a n c e l l i a n d t w o a n o n y m o u s referees, and
i m p r o v e m e n t s to the E n g l i s h style b y A . M . H a r v e y . All
the authors are grateful to E L C - E l e c t r o c o n s u l t for
logistical support. A.T. benefitted f r o m a Ph.D. grant
by M i n i s t e r o Italiano della P u b b l i c a I s t r u z i o n e a n d a
f e l l o w s h i p b y Istituto N a z i o n a l e di G e o f i s i c a - G r u p p o
N a z i o n a l e p e r la V u i c a n o l o g i a .
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