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The Gospel in The Bible Chart

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The Gospel in the Bible

Old Testament Story

Gospel Theme

(Gen. 1&2)

In the beginning, everything was perfect. Peoples relationship with God was perfect and one
day it will be perfect again for those who have trusted in Jesus.

The Fall
(Gen. 3)

God promised that he would send Someone (Jesus) to crush the power of the snake (Satan)
someday. Even in the midst of this sad event, God gives us hope. (Look at Gen. 3:15)

Noahs Ark
(Gen. 6-9)

God washed the world clean by judging those who rejected him as King, but he graciously
offered a way to be accepted by him: trusting in the Messiah that he would one day send to
rescue his people from their sin.

Tower of Babel
(Gen. 11)

People could never get to heaven by themselves. They dont need a tower to reach it, they
need a Savior. People could never reach up to heaven, so heaven would have to come down
to them.1

Gods Promise to Abraham

(Gen. 12)

God promises that all nations would be blessed through Abrahams offspring. That blessing was
Gods promise to send Jesus himself.

Abraham and Sarah have Isaac

(Gen. 12-21)

Just as God gave Abraham and Sarah a miracle baby, God would one day send a miracle baby
who would save the world.

Abraham told to sacrifice Isaac

(Gen. 22)

Many years later, another Son would climb another hill, carrying wood on his back. Like Isaac,
he would trust his Father and do what his Father asked. 2 He was the Lamb of God who would
take away the sins of the world.

The story of Joseph

(Gen. 37-46)

One day God would send another ruler who would be hated, sold for silver, punished even
though he hadnt done anything wrong. But what they meant for evil, God meant for good:
the salvation of the whole world.

The Passover & the Exodus

(Ex. 3-13)

God would one day send a Passover Lamb whose sacrifice would be good once and for all. His
deliverance would last forever.

Parting of the Red Sea

(Ex. 14-15)

God made a way for us when there was no way, just like he made a way for the Israelites to
cross the Red Sea. He sent us Jesus who could take away our sins when we couldnt and made a
way for salvation.

The Ten Commandments

(Ex. 16-17, 19-40)

Gods rules could never be kept perfectly by humans. Only one person could keep the rules
and God sent him to stand in our place so that we could be saved.

Joshua and the Battle of Jericho

(Josh. 3&6)

God brought the Israelites safely into the Promised Land under the leadership of Joshua and
they vowed to worship only the true God. They didnt keep their promise and as a result, they
were punished. But God sent a new Leader (Jesus) with the promise of a New Home (Heaven)

Samuel Anoints David as King

(1 Sam. 16)

God told Samuel to go to Bethlehem to find and anoint Israels next king (David). One day, a
new King would be born in Bethlehem. He would be the Savior of the world.

David and Goliath

(1 Sam. 17)

David was a young hero who fought a giant and one. One day, God would send another Hero
who would fight the biggest giant (sin) there ever was.

Daniel and the Lions Den

(Dan. 6)

Our God is the God who rescues! Just like he rescued Daniel from the lions, he would one day
send a Savior to rescue his people from their sin.

Jonah and the Big Fish

(Book of Jonah)

Jonah didnt think the people of Nineveh deserved Gods forgiveness, so he disobeyed. As it
turns out, Jonah didnt deserve Gods forgiveness. No one does. One day God would send a
Messenger who would willingly take the message of hope to people and offer himself in order
that they might be forgiven.
Printable based primarily on The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones. Printable created by www.whenyourise.com

The Gospel in the Bible

New Testament Story

Gospel Theme

The Nativity
(Lk. 1-2)

Gods greatest Gift came to earth as a Baby. He was named Jesus and was called Emmanuel
which means, God with us. The Savior of the world was here.

Jesus is Baptized
(Mt. 3, Lk. 1&3, Jn. 1)

John the Baptist told people that they needed to be rescued from their sin and that a Rescuer
was coming. Jesus (the Rescuer) then came and asked John to baptize him. It was time. The
Rescuer was ready to begin his mission.

Jesus Temptation in the Desert

(Mt. 4, Mk. 1, Lk. 4)

Jesus was different than Adam and Eve. He didnt give in to Satans temptation. He was unlike
any other human who ever lived. He would do battle with the devil and would suffer, but he
would ultimately win!

Jesus Chooses the Disciples

(Mt. 4, Mk. 1, Lk. 5-6)

Jesus didnt choose disciples who were the smartest, richest and strongest. He chose ordinary
people who needed him a lot, just like us.

Jesus Healing Miracles

(Various Texts)

Jesus healed peoples bodies and began to heal the world that had been broken since Adam and
Eves sin. But he also offered something much better than healing the body. He offered to
heal people from a sickness that everyone has: SIN.

Jesus Miracles Over Nature (feeding

the 5,000, calming the storm, etc.)
(Various Texts)

Jesus is also the Creator of the Universe and it should be no surprise to us that he had full command over nature when he was on earth. He could stop storms, wither trees, create food to
feed multitudes because Jesus is all-powerful. Powerful enough to take away the sins of the
whole world.

Jesus Lets the Children Come to Him

(Mt. 18-19, Mk. 10, Lk. 18)

The disciples thought that Jesus was too busy for kids, but they misunderstood an important
thing. Jesus doesnt love people because theyre important or smart or strong or rich. He
loves them just because. We dont have to earn his love and be special enough. He just gives
us his gift of love freely.

(Lk. 19)

Jesus came to love and die for sinners. Even sinners that nobody else liked. Even sinners who
did the really bad stuff. Jesus love for us isnt based on how good we are.

The Prodigal Son

(Lk. 15)

We can never be too bad for Gods love. Even when we reject him, he still loves us. Gods
children could never run too far, or be too lost, for God to find them. 3

The Last Supper

(Mk. 14, Jn. 13-14)

Every year at Passover the Jewish people celebrated because The lamb died instead of us! 4 But
the time had come for Gods plan to be fulfilled. Jesus was the Lamb who was going to die in
the place of all sinners.

The Garden of Gethsemane

(Lk. 22, Mk. 14, Jn. 18)

Jesus was very sad that he had to die for our sins. Not so much because it was going to hurt
(and it would!), but because he knew in order to do the job God had sent him to do, he would
have to take the punishment for our sin. And do you know what sin does? It separates us
from God. Jesus had never been separated from God his Father and he was very scared to do
so, but he loved us and wanted to glorify God, so he did. What an amazing gift!

The Crucifixion and Resurrection

Gods plan was fulfilled! His one and only Son died in our place. And not only that, he was
more powerful than death and came back to life! Now we can have eternal life through him!

(Mt. 27-28, Mk. 15-16, Lk. 23-24, Jn. 19-20)

Jesus Ascension & The Great Commission

(Mt. 28 and Mk. 16, Lk. 24)

Jesus final message to his disciples was to spread the gospel! It is the beautiful message that he
has taken care of our sin problem that has been here since Adam and Eve and we can have new
life in him!

The majority of these thoughts are a compilation of what others have written. Most of them came from The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones as well as The Big
Picture Story Bible by David Helm.
The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones (p.54)
2. Ibid. (p. 69)
Ibid. (p. 278)
4. Ibid. (p. 286)
Printable based primarily on The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones. Printable created by www.whenyourise.com

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