M&a Framework
M&a Framework
M&a Framework
been published in the Journal of Accountancy and Finance, 13 (2), Spring 2013.
When a decision maker is presented with a proposed deal, the first stop is to ensure a concise and
unambiguous understanding of the firms overall strategy and growth strategy (as depicted first 3 layers
of the decision tree described in Exhibit I) such as:
Overall Strategy: Pizza Planet is in the fast food pizza business. We win customers because we
offer the most convenience (most locations in best spots) and a good value (good tasting product at
good price).
Growth Strategy: We have two growth engines: more stores/purchase points (both through de
novo store openings and acquisitions) including international locations and expanding the number
of products we sell through our stores.
Developing concise, unambiguous strategy statements is more difficult than one might expect; see
Collis & Rukstad (2008) for advice on developing succinct and meaty strategy statements.
Next, a clear statement of the deal thesis is needed such as Acquiring Speedy Italian brings us the
skills and recipes needed to expand our menu to include many Italian dishes and will allow us to increase
our penetration of the dinner-time customer segment, The acquisition of Pizza DBrazil expands our
store footprint in the important South American growth market, Our purchase of Flying Pizzas expands
our store presence in airports throughout the world, or FrozenPie brings us the expertise and
distribution relationships to extend our convenience to our customers freezer through grocery store
frozen distribution of our product.
With a clear description of the firms strategy and a concise rationale for the deal, the decision maker
can now validate the deal using the tools described below. The first section of the framework utilizes the
classical models and theories of strategy. Section II applies models that were developed to understand
M&A value creation. Section III examines if the acquirer is the best parent for the target firm. Section IV
utilizes tools that stress test the investment thesis based on common causes of M&A failure. The
framework presented in this article is analogous to the portfolio of diagnostic tools used by a medical
doctor. Just as a physician uses a variety of tests and diagnostics to fully understand the patients
condition, the diagnostics presented here can be used to provide a multi-dimensional understanding of a
proposed deals investment thesis.
efficient scale. Scale deals sound bites sound like We can lower their costs by utilizing our dealer
network or Our combined resources give us the strength to succeed. The capabilities rationale relates
to acquiring new talent such as R&D capabilities. While it is helpful to distinguish these three primary
rationales, most deals have a benefits related to all three rationales. However, the scope, scale,
capabilities trichotomy is very useful screen. The primary rationale amongst these three views should be
clear. If the deal team cannot agree on this fundamental view of the deal, it points to a blurry and
fractured investment thesis.
A word of caution on scope deals: The M&A trail is littered with ill-advised expansions of scope that
stretched the boundaries of the firm to incredulous degrees. Did it make sense for Pepsi to own North
American Van Lines? Quaker Oats owning Fischer Price Toys? Reebok (shoes) owning Boston Whaler
(boats)? There is a rich base of classical literature on diversification and the boundaries of the firm such
as Porter (1987) and Coase (1937) as well as more recent theories on relatedness and adjacency that
find that errors in business boundaries is the most frequent and dangerous form of strategic error (Zook
2003, 2004, 2010).
Buy Versus Build
As depicted in Exhibit I, the path from strategy to acquisition should address the buy versus build
question why are we proposing to buy this company rather than use organic development? Key
dimensions of this question are speed, cost, risk and unique assets. Speed to market is a common
rationale for using an M&A rather than organic development. Regarding costs, it is often difficult to
compare the cost of organic development versus M&A. Many view organic development as less
expensive than M&A; however, the full costs of organic growth are difficult to measure and most likely
understated. While the financial systems at most companies might capture the most obvious direct costs
such as R&D and advertising, other secondary costs such as costs for employees working partially on the
project (or product or market) and partial use of other resources are likely not captured. On the M&A
side, it is helpful to apply some cost per metrics. For instance, if the average cost to develop and launch
a new product organically is $x, then one can take the premium for the M&A transaction and also express
it in a cost per product acquired measure. A more obvious example is the cost of acquiring new customers
(Selden & Colvin, 2003). If the rationale for the deal is to acquire the targets customer book, the deal can
be considered by comparing the cost-per-customer-acquired (deal price/# of customers) versus the cost to
acquire a new customer organically.
Most view organic growth as less risky than acquired growth because organic growth is a series of
smaller investments and decisions whereas an acquisition is a larger, singular bet. While most managers
are sensitive to the risks of M&A such as over-paying and integration execution, similar risks of organic
growth are often understated. In many industries, the failure rate for organic growth is quite high
perhaps higher than M&A deal failure rates even reverse-engineering a targets product is more difficult
than often understood. Also, it is often difficult to forecast the cost and time to develop a new product or
enter a new geography. Few new products make it out of R&D and those that do sometimes fail think
New Coke.
One additional consideration is a targets ownership of unique assets that cannot easily be built
organically such as intellectual property/patents, licenses or other barriers to entry, physical assets such a
prime locations and raw materials access/reserves.
Ally or Acquire
If the proposed acquisition is superior to the organic development option, the next test is to determine
if the objective can be better accomplished by contract or some type of alliance rather than full
acquisition. Thinking on the contracting question is rooted in the foundational work by Ron Coase (1937)
that found the primary issue of using contracts was the existence of transaction costs. Between contracts
on one extreme and full acquisition on the other extreme, there is a continuum of control options such as
non-equity alliances, equity alliances, and joint ventures. Bruner (2004) suggests that the alliance versus
acquisitions issue rests on two variables: the need for control and the need to manage risks. Contracts
work well if need for control is low and level of risk is low. Conversely, if there are high needs for control
and managing risk, his decision tree would suggest full ownership acquisition. Various types of alliances
fall between these two extremes depending on the degree of desired control and risk management.
Dyer (2004) developed a model that allows managers to consider if an acquisition or alliance is the
better structure to accomplish their strategic objectives. His model has three dimensions: type of
synergies, nature of resources, and market conditions. If synergies are reciprocal (firms work together
closely sharing tasks and knowledge such as hospital beds and inpatient surgery) then an acquisition is
more effective; whereas, if the synergies are only somewhat interdependent (such as airlines and hotels),
then an alliance may be more effective. Regarding resources, Dyer suggests that firms that need to
combine hard resources such as manufacturing operations are likely to use acquisitions whereas firms that
combine soft resources such as R&D staff might use alliances more often. Data collected by BCG (2005)
indicates that alliances to secure soft resources such as expertise receive favorable reactions from
investors. If market conditions are very uncertain (changing customer behaviors, regulatory uncertainty,
rapid technological change, etc.), Dyer suggest alliances; however, if there is intense competition for the
target (or its assets), a full acquisition is warranted. Dyer (2004) provides a decision rubric to evaluate
whether the firms situation is better suited for acquisitions or alliances.
Core & Adjacency
One of the most robust resources for understanding corporate growth strategy and M&A deal
rationale is the work by Bains Chris Zook on core and adjacency (Zook & Allen, 2003; Zook, 2004;
Zook & Allen, 2010). His work implores a company to understand its core business and exploit it fully
before too quickly jumping to M&A as a growth strategy. His adjacency map is a tool to help
companies visualize how a company uses deals to push out and expand on various frontiers which he
defines as product, channel, customer, forward/backward integration, geography, and white space. He
also provides a framework to discern if the proposed deal is a near adjacency (higher probability of
success) or distant adjacency (high risk). Zooks work offers several questions to validate an investment
Have you focused enough on your core business? Invested enough? Demanded enough?
Does the deal put your core business at risk?
Does the deal create value or is it just succumbing to the pressure to grow? (Zook offers some
interesting research demonstrating that an unhealthy pressure to grow is a frequent cause of bad
Is the deal an attempt to modify or transform our core? (transformation deals are difficult and risky)
For the proposed deal, is the type of adjacency clear? (product, channel, customer, etc.)
Is the deal a far or near adjacency? Far deals are more risky. Near adjacency is characterized
by high degree of shared/common customers, shared distribution channels/sales process,
shared/common capabilities such as production or marketing, shared/common competition.
Will we be in the top three in the space after the deal?
Are we pursuing only one opportunity at a time? (Executing multiple deals is more risky.)
Are we changing only one variable? (Changing multiple variables is more risky.)
Bowers research provides one of several categorization models that help clarify the rationale for a
deal (Bower, 2001). He offers five types (described below) based on different strategic objectives.
Decision makers can place their deal into one of his categories and consider the major concerns raised by
Consolidate excess capacity: Can we quickly rationalize costs? How long will it take the industry to
right-size and restore margins/profitability?
Geographic roll-up: Can we retain customers and sales/service talent? How quickly can we capture
back-office synergies? What are the key integration risks as we standardize processes?
Get new product or new market: How different is this product and/or market do we understand it
or is it a distant stretch? Is this a easy plug and play or bolt-on deal or does the deal change our
size and/or scope so greatly that it puts our core business at risk?
Get R&D: How will our due diligence validate that we are getting the intellectual property and/or
talent we think we are getting? Will the talent stay?
Industry Turbulence: If your core industry is changing, are we ready to make this bet based on our
view of the industrys future? Do we have a vision of our path to the future industry structure and
how does this deal help us move along that path? Given the turbulence, does this deal increase our
flexibility or reduce it? Is our integration strategy flexible so as to adapt as the industry changes?
What can we do to preserve our options and hedge our bets?
McKinsey Archetypes
Research by McKinsey finds that most M&A deals fall into several archetypes, some more successful
than others (Goehart et al., 2010). The successful deal types include: improve the target companys
performance, remove/consolidate excess capacity, accelerate targets access to market, get
skills/technologies/capabilities at a lower cost and/faster than internal development, and pick winners
early to develop their business. More difficult approaches to M&A include roll-ups, consolidate to
improve competitor behavior, do a deal to transform/fix the buyers business, and buy cheap.
The purpose for considering the proposed deal in terms of McKinseys archetypes or Bowers
categories is not that labeling provides much value the benefit is considering how your deal fits within
these frameworks. This consideration will help the deal team clarify the deals rationale and communicate
it more effectively.
After using the tools presented in Section II, a decision maker will have a more fulsome
understanding of the deal thesis having considered it from multiple perspectives and will likely have
determined if this specific acquisition is likely to be an effective tactic to accomplish the overall strategy.
When evaluating an acquisition, the most primary question to ask is Does the acquisition fit us? An
important second perspective is to ask what value we bring to the target - to ask Are we the best parent?
The best parent question can be decomposed into two sub-questions:
What is our normal parenting style? (rarely can an acquirer change style)
What parenting style is best for the target?
Some view this as an integration question; however, it is not simply a question of how we will
approach the 6-24 month integration phase, but, rather, it goes to the core question of how the two entities
will relate on an ongoing basis to maximize value. Below are four views on these parenting questions that
are helpful when evaluating a proposed deal.
Porter (1987) provides a robust discussion of M&As role in strategy including the parenting issue.
He describes four paradigms for the relationship between an acquirer and a target:
Portfolio Management (banker and reviewer): mostly hands off except executive
selection/coaching, must buy right to win, sometimes add value by sourcing capital; typical
outcome is they underperform and someone buys them/splits it up.
Restructuring (intervener): restructuring industry, not just the company; once restructuring is
done, need to sell company since not add on-going value.
Transferring Skills (synergies between businesses): transfer skills; cannot be just similar activities,
activities must be a key source of competitive advantage.
Sharing Activities (share activities in the value chain): examples would be Proctor & Gamble
sharing distributing system across multiple businesses and General Electric service/repair force that
serves multiple product families.
Porter posits that #3 and #4 are the better strategies for corporate buyers.
Best Owner?
Another perspective on parenting is provided by Campbell, Goold, Alexander (1995). When
considering a proposed deal, Campbell emphasizes that the parenting question is not simply a matter of fit
but that the deal must meet a superior test: Are you the best parent? Or, said another way: What
businesses should this company own rather than some other owner? It is not sufficient to have a good
fit; the target should be able to create more value as part of your organization than it could as part of any
other organization or as an independent company.
They also provide another interesting insight: It is difficult for parent organizations to behave in
fundamentally different ways toward different businesses in their portfolios.[it is] easier to change the
portfolio to fit the parent organization than to change the parent organization to fit the business.
(Campbell et al., 1995).
Also, to ensure clarity on parenting issues, they recommend a decentralization contract which
defines the relationship between the parent and the business. Looking forward to integration, they
suggest an acquirer consider which organization structure, management processes and philosophy will
foster superior performance.
McKinsey (Brandimarte et al., 2001) offers a valuable insight that the best parent might vary over the
lifecycle of a corporation. Their view is that best ownership varies over the corporate lifecycle similar to
the notion that a different type of CEO is often needed during the start-up and growth phases of a
company versus the maturity phases. A target company transitioning from the start-up phase to the
commercialization phase may need a parent with capabilities in marketing, logistics, channel
management, and finance. A target company in the later phases may need a parent with excellent skills in
process improvement and cost reduction. As such, a parent with mostly cost reduction skills might not be
the best owner for a firm in the earlier stages where growth capabilities are needed.
McKinsey (Dobbs et al., 2009) provides an interesting perspective on parenting by asking the
question from the divestiture perspective: Are you still the best owner? They suggest that you consider the
following questions:
What unique links exist between your businesses that add value? (R&D? Distribution?)
What distinctive and replicable skills do you offer?
Do you offer better governance?
Better insight or foresight?
Better access to talent, capital or relationships?
They also explain that best ownership is not permanent - the implication being that companies should
both acquire and divest companies as appropriate if they are no longer the best parent. As such, the
question can be enhanced: Are we the best parent at this time? Like Campbell, they also remind acquirers
to be mindful that targets have different values for different owners.
Integration/Organizational Strategy
While a full integration plan is developed later in the acquisitions process, a valid investment thesis
must have a view as to how the business will be run after the acquisition. A deal rationale based on cost
synergies should have a different integration strategy than a deal meant to acquire new capabilities/talent.
Knez (2012) offers three degrees of integration: autonomous, partially integrated, absorb-assimilate.
Mercer Consulting describes five degrees of integration: fully integrated, operationally integrated,
coupled, loosely coupled, and separate holding (Mercer, 1998). At this stage the deal sponsor should be
able to answer these questions: How do you plan to run the acquired business? What level and type of
integration is best to accomplish the objective of our acquisition? What are the greatest integration risks?
What is the cultural compatibility between our organizations? During due diligence, what data should we
collect on the significant cultural issues? (See Harding & Rouse, 2007)
Section III has reversed the perspective from Is this acquisition a good fit with us? to Are we the
best parent for this target? and provided tools to allow the decision maker to consider if they are the best
owner of this target. As a final method to test the investment thesis, Section IV provides a few additional
checks based on insights from M&A failures.
This final section is a set of tools that might best be categorized as stress tests for an investment
Why Now?
Anand offers a valuable question when considering a deal: Why now? Decision makers would benefit
from considering several dimensions of the why now question including: Is this the right time for the
seller to sell? Why does the seller want to sell now? Is this the right time for us to buy? What else do we
have on our plate that could detract from the success of this deal? In a perfect scenario, when would be
the best time for us to acquire this target? Is our judgment impacted by the pressure to put excess cash to
work? Do we feel pressured to act now because of competing acquirers? Are we fully aware of the other
acquisition opportunities if we decide to take a pass on this deal?
Many acquirers have developed a longer-term view of the M&A process and pipeline which enables
them to have more flexibility as deal opportunities arise. If M&A is viewed as a process with a pipeline,
an acquirer is less likely to succumb to once in a generation opportunity pressure.
Michael Porter (1987) offers three simple but powerful questions:
Are you buying into attractive industry?
Is the cost of entry (premium paid) too high?
Will the target be better off with us as their parent?
Zook (2004) provides a statistical analysis documenting what he phrases as the pressure to grow to
describe the gap between Wall Street growth expectations and actual growth prospects for most
companies. He explores the question: How do you keep Wall Street happy when your industry is growing
at 2% and stock market expects 12%? His research finds that the best performing companies focus on
their core business first and, if they do M&A, they do so mostly in businesses close to their core business.
The stress tests questions would seem to be:
Should you first focus on improving performance in your core business rather than investing time
and money in the proposed transaction?
Is the proposed deal a strong/close adjacency that builds/enhances the core or distracts/detracts
from the core?
Decision Bias
It is important to guard against various forms of cognitive bias when considering the rationale for an
acquisition. Several studies have documented that behavioral issues such as CEO overconfidence, deal
fever, and various forms of cognitive bias may lead to suboptimal decisions about potential acquisitions
(Roll, 1986; Lovallo & Sibony, 2010; Kahneman, 2010; Hayward & Hambrick, 1997; Bliss & Rosen,
2000; Hietala et al., 2003; Lovallo et al., 2007, Finkelstein et al., 2008). Their findings suggest several
questions to be considered when validating an investment thesis:
What assumptions/biases do I have that I may need to manage? What about bias in the deal team?
Do we have issues with CEO decision bias (overconfidence, hubris, empire building,
pressure to grow, etc.)?
Given the risk we may be over-confident in our ability to capture synergies, does this deal still
make sense if we reduced our synergy estimates?
What process do we use to avoid deal fever such as having a second person/team make an
independent/cold review of the deal?
Could our process be impacted because the deal team believes the CEO wants to do the deal?
How does our process encourage/support disconfirming data or perspectives?
Have you defined your walk away point in terms of price and risk?
If the preliminary investment thesis supports moving to additional stages such as due diligence and
negotiation, it is important that the due diligence plan be crafted to mitigate behavioral risks.
Avoiding Deals from Hell
The title of Bruners work, Deals from Hell (Bruner, 2005) is a vivid description of this final
section of deal validation. Work by Nolop (2007), Schrager (2010) and Bruner (2005) have identified
some common pitfalls and errors to consider when making M&A decisions:
Is the deal too complicated?
Is it too tight/no room for error?
How much does it increase risk? What kinds of risks increase?
Are we being pushed by a hot market/market momentum? Dont shop when you are hungry. Buy
when others are not buying.
Are our synergy estimates credible/conservative or inflated/optimistic?
Dont bet the company on one big deal. Big buying small works best.
Does the deal have a clear business/line sponsor?
Dont do a merger of equals; one lives, one dies.
Do we know how to do a merger of this type?
None of the stress tests described above is a singular gate that can stop a bad deal. Rather they are
another set of tools to be used by a decision maker to better understand the rationale and decide if the deal
should go forward.
The goal of this paper is to help decision makers know exactly why they are buying a company and
then test the accuracy and strength of the answer. The framework described in this article began with the
classical models and theories of strategy to consider if the proposed deal is well connected to the firms
core strategy. Section II applied models that were developed to understand M&A value creation such as
Zooks core and adjacency concepts. Section III examined if the acquirer is the best parent for the target
firm. Section IV provided tools that stress test the investment thesis based on common causes of M&A
While the tools presented here can be used early in the deal process to determine if a deal should be
pursued and can also be helpful in the due diligence phase, it is important to emphasize that this
framework is not meant to describe the full diligence process needed to test a deal. This framework helps
understand and validate the investment thesis; however, only thorough due diligence can fully test the
validity of a deal under consideration. In addition to all the typical risk management objectives (financial,
legal, etc.) found in the due diligence phase, it is important that due diligence include strategic due
diligence to collect data and test important strategic dimensions such as a full understanding of customer
(segments, value proposition, defection risk, etc.), competitive (competitive position, possible competitor
response, etc.) and organizational (differences in culture, leadership styles, compensation programs,
people development, etc.).
The tools described here can help a decision maker consider the rationale for a proposed acquisition
in a complete and penetrating manner. Simply requiring a written investment thesis for a deal is more
disciplined than half of the firms doing acquisitions (Zook, 2004). Like a physician that must decide
which tests and diagnostics are best suited to a particular case, a decision maker can use the tools
presented here to obtain a multi-dimensional understanding of a proposed deals investment thesis.
Similar to the medical model, it is often advisable to get a second opinion from another physician; in
the case of M&A, an independent review by someone uninvolved in the deal process (hence, no chance of
deal fever) can provide a valuable objective and dispassionate perspective. Applying the tools presented
here may help a firm improve their decision making and reduce the probability that they pursue an
acquisition that ultimately proves to be a mistake. However, good decision making is not simply running
the tests; the tools must be administered properly. Any bad deal can be validated if the tools are used
in a superficial manner; the tools must be applied with discipline and skepticism about the deal to truly
test an investment thesis and avoid rationalizing an alluring but flawed deal. Using these tools solves the
Type 1 problem of not asking the right questions. The more common and worrisome risk are Type 2
errors errors that occur because the decision maker accepts shallow or faulty answers. The framework
provided here should help reduce Type 1 errors by providing decision makers with the right questions.
To address Type 2 errors, it is the responsibility of executives to provide the discipline to demand deep
and accurate thinking on these questions to increase the probability of M&A success.
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** Mailing Information **
Stephen G Morrissette, 701 Catherine Street, Joliet IL 60435