Scott 314
Scott 314
Scott 314
Unique ID
MWF 11 am - 12
CAL 100
MWF 10 - 11 am
PAI 3.02
Discussion Section
Times and Days
Discussion Section
Section TA
and Grader
Wednesday, 10 - 11
Wednesday, 12
noon - 1 pm
JGB 2.216
Monday, 1 - 2 pm
BUR 212
Monday, 2 - 3 pm
CLA 0.128
Students must attend the discussion section for which they are officially registered .
Conduct in Lecture and Section: I implore you to not use class time to e-mail, update your Facebook
page, instant message, etc. If you are addicted to the your smartphone, laptop, or tablet, consider this
class your social media free zone. Further, I guarantee you that you will not do well in the course if you
are simply looking up long enough to type out whats on the projector screen before you return to see
whether somebody liked your comment about the Cheerios you had for breakfast. In fact, the empirical
research on this topic is clear: people are incapable of learning and retaining information when they are
multi-tasking on their computers (and its a distraction to the people sitting around you that are trying to
learn something). (Thanks to Tim Loving for sharing this with me.)
Teaching Staff:
Instructor, Mike Scott, email: office: GDC 6.304 .
Office Hours: Monday 3 - 4:30 pm, Wednesday 3 - 4:30 pm, and Friday 8:30 - 9:30 am
and by appointment (email me for an appointment)
Office hours are held in the 3rd floor computer lab in the Gates CS complex.
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CS 314 Syllabus
Course Objectives: This is a second course in computer programming. The purpose of the course is to
learn how to use and implement canonical data structures such as lists, iterators, stacks queues, trees,
sets, maps, hash tables, heaps, and graphs. The course also covers testing, reasoning about programs
(pre/post conditions, assertions), debugging, abstraction of data, basic algorithm analysis, recursion,
canonical sorting and searching algorithms, and an introduction to the object oriented concepts of
encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism. Students will be able to implement medium sized
programs using the concepts listed. The course is taught using Java.
This is not an easy course. Succeeding takes a lot of hard work. Here are some tips for success in the
Quantitative Reasoning Flag: This course carries the Quantitative Reasoning flag. Quantitative
Reasoning courses are designed to equip you with skills that are necessary for understanding the types of
quantitative arguments you will regularly encounter in your adult and professional life. You should
therefore expect a substantial portion of your grade to come from your use of quantitative skills to
analyze real-world problems.
Estimates of the required effort for the student who meets the course prerequisites:
4 hours per week of studying
6 - 12 hours per week of programming
1500 - 3000 lines of Java code.
Formal Course Prerequisite:
1. CS312 with a grade of C- or higher
Informal Course Prerequisites: Mastery of the following basic programming topics: data types,
variables, expressions and operators, control structures (looping and decision making), procedures( a.k.a.
functions, methods, or subroutines), parameters, arrays (1d and 2d), simple user defined data types
(records, structures, objects), top down design.
You should be able to design and implement a program in Java based on a problem statement. The
problem should be complex enough that a well designed solution requires the following:
1. 200 - 300 lines of code for a well designed solution
2. uses arrays of records or arrays of objects
3. requires 8 or more procedures / functions / methods for a well designed solution
For example, create from scratch a program that allows two people to play a game of connect 4 on the
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computer. The display can be a simple text based interface. Both players share the same keyboard and
take turns.
Required: Iclicker+ Classroom Response System: Radio Frequency Classroom Response System,
ISBN 9781464120152. The original iClicker or iClicker 2 models are also acceptable.
Recommended data structures book: Data Structures & Algorithm Analysis In Java 3rd Edition
by Mark Allen Weiss, ISBN 9780132576277
Recommended book for recursion: Thinking Recursively with Java by Eric Roberts, ISBN:
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Bring your clicker to every lecture. Participation on the clicker questions is graded.
In order to get credit for a given day you MUST:
register your clicker prior to class and
have your functioning clicker with you and
attempt one or more of the clicker questions during class.
If you do not meet these requirements you will not receive clicker credit for that day.
Class Discussion Tool: I have set up a discussion group for the class on Piazza.
Go to the Piazza web site and join the CS312 - Scott group for The University of Texas at Austin.
I will post class announcements and information to the discussion group.
Post your questions about the class to the discussion group.
Piazza is an official communication channel for this course.
Canvas will be used:
to turn in programming assignments
for feedback on your programming assignments
for course grades
Email: Some class communication will be sent via email. It is your responsibility to keep the University
informed as to changes in your e-mail address. You are expected to check e-mail on a frequent and
regular basis in order to stay current with University-related communications, recognizing that certain
communications may be time-critical. Instructions for updating your e-mail address are available at
You are responsible for checking your e-mail and the class discussion group on Piazza regularly
for class work and announcements.
Software: Required software for programming assignments is described on this web page:
Computing Facilities:
UTCS Microlabs. PCs and Linux machines are available for assignments in the CS Department
microcomputer lab located on the 1st and 3rd floors of GDC, Dell Hall (north wing). You are free
to work on your own computer if you wish.
CS Lab Account:
Students must obtain an account for the CS department microlab. Visit this website to request
account: (If you had an account the previous semester
it should renew automatically.)
Accounts take at least a day for account to become active. Please request your account as soon as
possible. Even if you do not work in the lab, you will use this account to turn in your homework.
These accounts are only for the CS microlab, and not any other labs or networks at UT. This
account is not the same as your UT Direct account.
Schedule: A schedule of lecture topics, reading assignments, and assignment due dates is available
online, via the class web page, The schedule page
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contains links to slides for the lectures, assignments, and online readings. Readings are to be completed
before class. The schedule is subject to change.
Grading: The class components used to determine your final average are:
Component Type
Number Points
participation in
1 each
Quizzes in
discussion section
Exam 1, 2/25, 7 9 pm
Exam 2, 4/14, 7 9 pm
Programming assignments, iClicker participation , and quizzes can count no more than 330 points
towards your final average. Programming assignments, iClicker participation , and quizzes add up
to 364 points. There are 30 points of "slack" in these non-exam grading components. This slack
(and slip days explained below) is to account for any problems that may occur during the semester
that cause you to miss one of these non-exam components. (Such as illness, family emergencies,
hardware problems, etc.) Quizzes and iClicker participation cannot be made up for any reason. For
assignments there is some leeway. See the explanation of slip days below.
The final letter grades will be assigned based on your total points. The maximum possible points is
1000. The basic grade cutoffs are: <600 = F, 600 - 699 = D, 700 - 799 = C, 800 - 899 = B, >= 900
= A. Plusses and minuses (+ and -) shall be assigned to scores within 25 points of the cut offs.
So for example total points 875 to 899 earn a B+ and total points 900 to 924 earn an A-.
Note, points are NOT added to your final total. The "slack points" are handled by basing your
final average on 1000 points instead of 1034 points. There are 1034 points available in the course.
Non-exam component points are capped at a maximum of 330. In other words, earning more than
330 points on the non-exam components will NOT result in points being added to your exam
Depending on the results of an exam, exam scores may be adjusted. If so, exam scores may stay
the same or improve. Exam scores will never get worse due to a adjustment. No other class
components (assignments, clicker participation, or quizzes) are curved.
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You have 6 slip days (max of 2 per assignment) to use through out the term on your assignments if
you are not able to turn an assignment in on time. See the assignments page for details on how slip
days work. Slip days are to account
for life circumstances (My hard drive crashed!! I got a virus downloading an mp3!!) and
emergencies. Do not use your slip days frivolously. If you use up your slip days, late assignments
will not be graded and the grade is a 0. Failure to follow instructions on turning in assignments
may result in the loss of slip days or points.
The required format and procedures for turning in assignments are available at that are not turned in
with the correct format and name will cause you to lose slip days, lose points, or receive a 0 on
the assignment. We do not have the manpower to handle special cases.
Quizzes are given at the beginning of most discussion sections. If you are not present when the
quiz is completed you receive a 0 for that quiz. Quizzes cannot be made up under any
circumstances. Quizzes are not curved. Quiz grading will be: 10 for a perfect quiz, 7 - 9 for minor
mistakes, and 6 or less for little or no effort.
There are two out of class exams. Wednesday, February 25 and Tuesday, April 14. The
midterms are 7 - 9 pm.
If you have a conflict please email the instructor as soon as possible.
If a student misses an exam with a verifiable excuse the remaining exams will count for the
missed exam.
If you believe an error was made on grading an assignment or exam, you must submit your
complaint via email, along with supporting evidence, to your grader within 5 days of the date the
teaching staff first attempted to return the assignment or exam to you. After the 5 days have passed
the grade is final.
You may request a regrade of an exam if you feel the grading criteria was not applied correctly. To
ensure accuracy the entire exam will be regraded and your score may go down.
Grade distributions. Based on the roughly 1100 students who have taken CS314 from me:
71% of the students earned a C- or higher: 24% A's, 26% B's, 21% C's
14% earned a D or F.
15% dropped or withdrew from the class, grade symbols Q or W.
Guiding Principle - No whining: Feedback and concerns about the course are always welcome;
legitimate grading errors that are identified in a timely fashion will certainly be corrected, but whining is
counter-productive and will only irritate those who evaluate your work to determine grades. Realize if
you ask for a regrade "because it can't hurt" your score may actually go down if we find more errors
and problems.
Important Dates for Changing Academic Status and Dropping the Course: Refer to the Registrar's
academic calendar for the deadlines for changes in academic status. Highlights are:
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Friday, January 23: Last day of the official add/drop period; after this date, changes in registration
require the approval of the department chair and usually the students dean.
Wednesday, February 4: (12th class day) Last day to drop for a possible refund. Last day to add a
Monday, April 6: Last day an undergraduate student may, with the deans approval, withdraw
from the University or drop a class (Q drop) except for urgent and substantiated, nonacademic
reasons. Last day a student may change registration in a class to or from the pass/fail or credit/no
credit basis.
After Monday, April 6, students must go to the academic advisors in their college Dean's office if
they wish to drop or withdraw from the class.
To be eligible for an incomplete (UT uses the symbol X to indicate incompletes) you must have
a letter grade of C- or better and a written, verifiable excuse for missing the last test. This is a
necessary but insufficient condition for receiving an incomplete.
Students experiencing significant nonacademic problems (extended health problems or family
emergencies) should contact the CNS Deans Office (WCH 1.106, (512) 471-4536) or the Dean of
Students Office ( for assistance.
See the College of Natural Science Guidelines and Procedures page for more information.
Academic Dishonesty: Taken from the CS department Code of Conduct.
"The University and the Department are committed to preserving the reputation of your degree. It means
a lot to you. In order to guarantee that every degree means what it says it means, we must enforce a strict
policy that guarantees that the work that you turn in is your own and that the grades you receive measure
your personal achievements in your classes:
Every piece of work that you turn in with your name on it must be yours and yours alone unless
explicitly allowed by an instructor in a particular class. Specifically, unless otherwise authorized by an
Students may not discuss their work with anyone except the instructor and other members of the
instructional staff (instructor, TA, lab proctor or partner on a pair assignment).
Students may not acquire from any source (e.g., another student or an internet site) a partial or
complete solution to a problem or project that has been assigned.
You are responsible for complying with this policy in two ways:
1. You must not turn in work that is not yours, except as expressly permitted by the instructor of each
2. You must not enable someone else to turn in work that is not theirs. Do not share your work with
anyone else. Make sure that you adequately protect all your files. Even after you have finished a
class, do not share your work or published answers with the students who come after you. They
need to do their work on their own. This means do not post your solution code to any public web
site such as pastebin. Also, do not post your work to the web even after you have completed
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The penalty for academic dishonesty will be a course grade of F and a referral of the case to the
Dean of Students. Further penalties, including suspension or expulsion from the university may be
imposed by that office.
One final word: This policy is not intended to discourage students from learning from each other, nor is
it unmindful of the fact that most significant work in computer science and in the computing industry is
done by teams of people working together. But, because of our need to assign individual grades, we are
forced to impose an otherwise artificial requirement for individual work. In some classes, it is possible to
allow and even encourage collaboration in ways that do not interfere with the instructor's ability to
assign grades. In these cases, your instructor will make clear to you exactly what kinds of collaboration
are allowed for that class."
For CS314 the policy on collaboration is modified as follows:
If you are repeating the course you may reuse code you completed on your own. You may NOT use
code from a program you worked on as part of pair or code that was from a program involved in
an academic dishonesty case. You must start from scratch on any and all programs that:
were part of an academic dishonesty case
you worked with a partner during a pervious semester
you are working with a partner this semester
You are encouraged to study for tests together, to discuss methods for solving the assignments, to help
each other in using the software, and to discuss methods for debugging code. Essentially if you talk
about an assignment with any one else you are okay, but the moment you start looking at someone
else's source code or showing someone else your source code you have crossed the line into cheating.
You should not ask anyone to give you a copy of their code or, conversely, give your code to another
student who asks you for it. Similarly, you should not discuss your algorithmic strategies to such an
extent that you and your collaborators end up turning in exactly the same code. Discuss high level
approaches together, but do the coding on your own.
Examples of cheating are many and include accessing another student's account, looking at someone
else's solution code, copying or downloading someone else's solution code, referring to solutions from
previous semesters, having another student walk you through the solution and how to code it, having
another student perform significant debugging of your code, having antoher student write your code for
you and / or allowing others to copy of access your solution code. This means you shall not look on the
internet for code to solve your problems.
Examples of allowable collaboration include discussions and debate of general concepts and solution
strategies and help with syntax errors.
The code you can reuse in this course are:
1. You may use any code you develop with the instructor, TAs, or proctors.
2. You may use code (with attribution) from the class slides and the class coding examples.
3. You may share additional test cases and expected results of test cases. You may not share
solution code or experiment code.
You shall not make use of code you find from other sources including the world wide web.
Materials from the web should only be used for educational purposes. Thus, you can read about
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linked lists and look at examples of linked list code, but you must not copy any code from the web
or be looking at any of this code from the web when writing anything you turn in. If you discuss an
assignment with another student or look at examples from the web you should employ the World
of Warcraft Rule:
World of Warcraft Rule: After a discussion with another student or looking at example code you
should do something that has nothing to do with computer science or programming for al least
half an hour. Playing World of Warcraft or other similar activity. (Watching a sitcom, reading a
book, working on another class.)
You are also allowed to post short segments of code (2 lines or less) of code that are giving you syntax
errors to the class listserv in order to get help on fixing the syntax error.
If you have any doubts about what is allowed, ask the instructor.
Plagiarism detection software will be used on assignments to find students who have copied code
from one another.
For more information on Scholastic Dishonesty see the University Policy on Scholastic Dishonesty
Religious Holidays: By UT Austin policy, you must notify me of your pending absence at least fourteen
days prior to the date of observance of a religious holy day. If you must miss a class, an examination, a
work assignment, or a project in order to observe a religious holy day, you will be given an opportunity
to complete the missed work within a reasonable time after the absence.
Students with Disabilities: students with disabilities may request appropriate academic
accommodations from the Division of Diversity and Community Engagement, Services for Students
with Disabilities, 471-6259,
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