Statement of Purpose

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Ever since my childhood, the airplanes flying overhead were always a

fascination for me. This curiosity propelled me to further acquire knowhow of various types of airplanes that fly all around the globe. I believe
this is the prime motivation for me to take up my post-graduation in
Aerospace engineering from IIT Bombay.
My thirst for technical knowledge and a curiosity for physics behind
machines took me to pursue my B.Tech degree in Mechanical Engineering
from Govind Ballabh Pant Engineering College, Pauri (an Autonomous
College of Govt. of Uttarakhand). During the course of my learning in
graduation, I was exposed to the vast expanse of courses like Heat
Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Solid Mechanics. This gave me a much
needed insight into concepts involved in energy and momentum transfer,
an overview of fluids interaction with various objects and the way different
materials behave under the action of various dynamic and static loads.
I believe that best understanding for a subject is developed when its
theory is being experienced by practical ways and methods. Therefore I
have supplemented my theoretical studies with appropriate projects
concerning these areas.
I participated in BAJA-SAE India, an event for the undergraduate
engineering students, organized globally by the Society of Automotive
Engineers (SAE), USA. This project massively contributed in my conceptual
and practical learning of all the subjects I studied during my
undergraduate course. Along with this, the contemplation of various
hurdles along the journey gave me a deep insight into team-work and
other managerial skills required in a multi member project. I expect that
my active participation in this event would influence my further learning
and grasping of facts in the courses that I take in future regarding
Aerospace Engineering.
The arena of engineering is an ever expanding one where the boundaries
between its various fields are becoming increasingly blurred. To have an
integrated approach is the way forward. Consequently, I have participated
in a workshop on Ornithopter (fundamentals, design and demonstration)
held at IIT Roorkee. From this workshop I got the first hand knowledge on
the inter-relation of various engineering backgrounds that makes possible
for an object to fly.
I have also attended training courses at Central Institute of Tool Designing
(CITD), Hyderabad on various designing and analyzing software such as
CATIA and Ansys. The knowledge of these softwares has surely made me
understand the design attribute of any mechanical system and would help
in the Aerodynamic designing and analysis in the research field.

The behaviour of materials when subjected to adverse conditions always

grasped my interests while learning the science of CAE (Computer aided
engineering). During my final year of undergraduate studies, I worked on
a project titled Assessment of damage in Kevlar Composite plate using
Abaqus". My work on this project provided me with better understanding
of the behaviour of the Kevlar plate under impact of a bullet. With the help
of the knowledge acquired by me in this project, I would be able to add
upon this the fields of Structural Dynamics and Fracture & Fatigue in

Career Objectives
I would very much like to work in the area of Aerodynamics associated
with Aerospace Structural Mechanics. The ways in which I can contribute
in this area is by learning Aerospace Structures, Structural Dynamics and
material assessment & optimization for reduction of weight of aircrafts. I
would very much like to contribute my strengths and work in the area of
Aerodynamics associated with renewable energy sources.
Six or seven years from now, I see myself as part of a leading research
group, giving significant inputs in the field of Aerospace engineering. A
PhD/MS in Aerospace engineering is therefore an elemental step towards
this goal.

My Preparation
The ordeals of my academic course and the projects that I have been
involved in have prepared me for a career in research. The necessity of
conforming to a deadline, the purpose of continuously refining your
methods, the benefits of arduous testing, the value of gathering and
analyzing data, the ability to power through and recover from
unproductive periods and failed experiments, finding alternative ways to
attack problems and ultimately the most important fact of always going
ground up from the fundamentals to solve your problems these traits
have become ingrained in me through a well-rounded and exacting
curriculum coupled with the projects I have done.
It is my inherent and ardent nature to spend time and delve deep into a
problem irrespective of time boundaries; and I have tried my best to keep
my grades least affected by this. I have always been able to show good
results in lab and project courses with my sincere efforts and diligence.

Based on input from my project supervisors, at my institute and my own
research, I have concluded that the Aerospace Engineering program at IIT
Bombay is one of the best programs to pursue research in the field of
Aerodynamics. The state of art facilities in the departmental research labs

and the renowned faculty associated with them has been the driving force
in my decision to apply to IIT Bombay.
I am fully aware that a research career requires a constant, well-directed
and whole-hearted effort. I also acknowledge the kind of dedication,
resilience and resolve that it calls for. Keeping in mind the gravity of the
responsibility the course offers, I feel that I am adequately prepared, both
in having the technical qualifications, and in having the right mind-set for
research work. I look forward to a long and mutually beneficial relationship
with IIT Bombay.
1. Name: Shubham Aggarwal
2. Programme of Study: M.Tech.
Aerospace Engineering


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