Abhijit Strategy For Phy

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Reading List for Physics Paper-1

I have provided a detail reading list for paper-1 of Physics (Mains) for Civil Services
Examination and Indian Forest Service....the no of books that i have mentioned are much
more than what is generally referred to...well some of the books are just reference books and
some are the text books which are to be covered in a more extensive manner.....
I would also recommend all to go through the blog of Supreet Singh Gulati (IAS All India
Rank-2, 2008)...He has provided a very detailed and good strategy for the preparation of
Physics syllabus...Even i got benefited from his strategy....
1. Mechanics: Reference Books:
Mechanics by D.S.Mathur,
Theoretical Mechanics (Schaum Series) by Murray R Spiegel
Classical Mechanics by Goldstein,
Mechanics by B.S.Agarwal (B.S.A)
An Introduction to Mechanics by Klepner & Kolenkov,
Classical Mechanics: Gupta Kumar Sharma
Introduction to Classical Mechanics by R.G. Takwale, P.S. Puranik
Introduction to Special Relativity by Robert Resnick
Theory of Relativity by Gupta & Goyal
Relativistic Mechanics by Satya Prakash,
Electrodynamics by D.J.Griffiths
Problems in General Physics by I.E.Irodov.
1(a) Mechanics of Particles:
Laws of motion, Conservation of energy & momentum: - prepare from D.S.Mathur, B.S.A

Applications to rotating frames, Centripetal & Coriolis acceleration:- do the derivation from
Klepner and Kolenkov, solve different problems of Coriolis force from Brilliant tutorials,
Takwale & Puranik, B.S.Agrawal
Gravitational Field & Potential due to spherical bodies, Gravitational Self Energy: - Prepare
all examples from D.S.Mathur, B.S.Agrawal, H.C.Verma, J.C.Upadhyay.
Two body problem, Reduced Mass: Prepare it from D.S.Mathur, B.S.Agrawal
Rutherford Scattering, Centre of mass and Laboratory reference frames: Prepare the
Rutherford Scattering part from Modern Physics by Arthur Beiser, Goldstein, Gupta Kumar
Sharmawhere as the Centre of mass and Laboratory frames are best given in Goldstein
please solve some of the examples given in Gupta Kumar Sharma with regard to the Centre
of mass and Laboratory frames correlating with Rutherford Scattering.
1(b) Mechanics of Rigid Bodies:
System of particles; Centre of mass, angular momentum, equation of motion, conservation
theorems for energy; momentum & angular momentum: Prepare it from D.S.Mathur,
B.S.Agrawal, Gupta Kumar & Sharma, J.C.Upadhyay
Rigid body, Degree of freedom, Eulers theorem: prepare it from Gupta Kumar Sharma,
Goldstein, Schaum SeriesThe proof of Eulers theorem can be done from Takwale &
Angular Velocity, angular momentum, moments of inertia, Theorems of parallel and
perpendicular axes, equations of motion for rotation: Prepare it from Gupta, Kumar &
Sharma, Klepner & Kolenkov, D.S.Mathur, H.C.Verma, B.S.Agrawal, Schaum Series.
Di & tri-atomic molecules, molecular rotation : from D.S.Mathur, Banwell for tri-atomic
Processional motion, top, Gyroscope: prepare from Klepner & Kolenkov, Gupta Kumar &
Sharma, Schaum Series, Takwale & Pauranik ( solve old questions on this topic)
1(c) Mechanics of Continuous media: prepare it from D.S.Mathur, J.C.Upadhyay,
1(d) Special Relativity: Every year almost 40-60 marks questions are asked from this topic so
this topic should be covered in an extensive manner, now focus more on the momentum 4vector, Minkosky diagram
Reference books are: Relativity by Garg & Goyal, Relativity by Robert Resnick, Relativity
by Satya Prakash, Chapter 12th of Electricity & Magnetism by D.J.Griffiths, one chapter in

the book of Mechanics by Klepner & Kolenkov, also there are some very good examples
available in I.E.Irodov (this book is famous for IIT-JEE exam)
In CSE 2008 mains exam of physics, a numerical was asked from the Relativity by Robert
Resnick. This was a solved example from that bookso please do all the solved examples
from this book.
There were some good questions asked in Indian Forest Service exam so do solve them, esp a
question of Lorentz transformation in both the directions, and a good question was asked in
IFS2009 exam.
2. Waves and Optics: Main books are
Waves by B.S.Agrawal
Waves by N.K.Bajaj,
Waves by H.J.Pine
Optics by Ajoy Ghatak
Optics by Brijlal and Subramaniyam
Fundamentals of Optics: Jenkins & White
2(a) Waves: There are some good examples given in H.J.Pine, do solve themalso there
were some good questions asked in the Indian Forest Service Exam, solve them.
2(b) Geometrical Optics:
Laws of Reflection & refraction from Fermats principle: solve all the solved and unsolved
questions from Ghatak, Brijlal & Subramaniyam, B.S.Agrawal
Prepare Thin Lens Formula from Fermats Principle (given in Brijlal & Subramaniyam)
Matrix method in Paraxial optics:- Thin lens formula, nodal planes, system of thin lenses: - do
it from B.S.Agrawal, Brijlal & Subramaniyam.
Chromatic and Spherical Aberration: - prepare it from B.S.Agrawal, Ajoy Ghatak, Brijlal and
Subramaniyam.Solve IAS2007 compulsory question on aberration, this question was an
unsolved example from Ajoy Ghatak.
Prepare the topic of Circle of Least Chromatic Aberration from Brijlal and Subramaniyam.
Solve old question of Indian Forest Service on Lens for D1D2= 4D2

2(c) Interference: Interference of Light, Youngs experiment, Newtons rings, Interference by thins lens films: do
it from B.S.Agrawal, Brijlal & Subramaniyam, Ajoy Ghatak
Multiple Beam interference & Fabry-Perot Interferometer: - Prepare it from Ajoy Ghatak,
Ajoy Ghatak, Brijlal and Subramaniyam
Prepare the Chromatic Resolving Power of Fabry-Perot Interferometer (question asked
IFS2007) from Ajoy Ghatak, and also from Jenkins & White.
2(d) Diffraction: - Prepare it from B.S.Agrawal, Ajoy Ghatak, Brijlal & Subramaniyam
Prepare diffraction by a circular aperture & the Airy pattern from Ghatak
Solve and practice numerical on diffraction grating
2(e) Polarization & Modern Physics: Ajoy Ghatak, Brijlal & Subramaniyam, B.S.Agrawal
Prepare it from Ajoy Ghatak, Brijlal & Subramaniyam
Prepare the topic of attenuation from Brijlal & Subramaniyam.
Spatial and temporal Coherence : prepare it from Ajoy Ghatak, Brijlal & Subramaniyam
In Holography, refer Jenkins and White & Brijlal & Subramaniyam to write answers on Leikh
& Upathkis (CSE2003 question)
3.Electricity & Magnetism: Main books are
Electrodynamics by D.J.Griffiths,
Electricity & Magnetism by D.C.Tayal
Chopra & Agarwal
Electricity and Magnetism by Satya Prakash
Schaum Series
Laplace & Poisson equations in electrostatics & their applications: Do it from D.J.Griffiths
(try all the solved and unsolved examples on this topic)solution manual for the Griffiths is
available on the Internet so download it and make use of it.Also do problems from the

Schaum Series, there are some good examples given in this bookA good no of solved
examples are there in D.C.Tayal, Chopra & Agarwal and also in Satya Prakash.
Energy of a system of charges: calculate the energy of a uniform spherical sphere, Shell;
hexagon, square etcso solve the energy problems in dielectrics..solve all the unsolved
problems of D.J.Griffithsa good no of solved examples are in D.C. Tayal so prepare
Method of images and its applications: refer D.J.Griffiths, Chopra & Agarwal, Chang,
D.C.Tayal, Satya Prakashalso solve the conducting sphere in uniform electic field by the
method of images.
Magnetic Shell: do it from D.C.Tayal, Satya Prakash, also solve the question of Shell came in
the CSE mains exam of 2007
Uniformly Magnetized Sphere : do it from Griffiths (problem 6.15 of Griffiths).please see
the solution manual of Griffiths to know the way things are to be writtenalso solve the
problem of uniformly magnetized sphere in uniform electric field from Griffiths
Dielectric and Polarization: do it from Griffiths( all solved and unsolved examples) and also
from D.C.Tayal, Chopra & Agrawal, Satya Prakash
Ferromagnetic materials, hysteresis, Energy losses: do it from D.C.Tayal, Satya Prakash etc
(b) Biot-Savarts Law
Amperes Law: do it from Griffiths, Schaum Series
LCR Circuit: solve all the cases of LR, LC, RC & LCR circuits with & without emfalso
solve all the questions of previous years asked from this topic prepare the concept of
Acceptor & rejecter circuit in case of RC and LR circuits.these topics have been dealt in
good detail in D.C.Tayal
4. Thermodynamics: Recommended books are:
Thermodynamics & Statistical Physics by Satya Prakash.
Thermodynamics,Kinetic Theory & Statistical Thermodynamics by Sears and Salinger
Thermodynamics by Garg & Bansal
Thermodynamics by B.S.Agarwal
Thermodynamics by Dittaman & Zemansky
Thermodynamics by Loganathan

Entropy: - prepare all the derivations related to entropy from Garg & Bansal, Sears &
Salinger, Dittaman & ZemanskyPractice various numerical given in B.S.Agarwal, related
to entropy so that if a numerical comes in the exam then one will be able to solve the same.
Otto & Diesel Engines:- This topic in best given in the Satya Prakash book.prepare it
thoroughly and also see the 2003 CSM question on Otto Engines
Gibbs Phase Rule: - Prepare its derivation from Garg & Bansal .this topic has never been
asked in the exam so this can be a potential question in the exam
Chemical Potential:- prepare the derivation (from Garg & Bansal) that Chemical Potential
is equal in all the phases
Thermodynamic Potential: - Prepare a write-up on this topic from Sears & Salinger
Maxwell-Boltzman Distribution of Molecular Velocities:- prepare it from Loganathan, Garg
& Bansal, Sears & Salinger
Almost every year a numerical is asked from this topic in the Indian Forest Service
Examinationand all these numerical have been sourced from Thermodynamics by
Loganathan.so practice them carefully
Transport Phenomena:- Topics under this head are Thermal Conductivity, Thermal Viscosity,
Coefficient of DiffusionPrepare all these topics from Garg & Bansal, Sears &
Salinger..also prepare the analysis of these coefficients from a Physical Chemistry book
by P.W.Atkins (8th Edition)
Equipartition theorem :- prepare it from Sears & Salinger, and Satya Prakash
Dulong-Petit, Einstein & Debyes theory of specific heat capacity of solids: do it from
SatyaPrakash, Sears & Salingerevery year one to two questions are asked from this
A compulsory question asked in CSE2005 regarding the Law of Corresponding States in
Specific heats of Solids is given in a chemistry book named Physical Chemistry by Alberty
& Silbey
Maxwell relations and its applications:- Prepare a write-up on this topicprepare all the
derivatios & deductions from Sears & Salinger, Garg & Bansal, Dittaman & Zemansky, Satya
Prakash, Loganathan
Clausius & Clayperon Equation: - Solve numerical on this topic. It is important to convert
every variable into S.I. unit and then solve the numerical.
Prepare Cequi from Loganathan book

Adiabatic Demagnetization:-prepare it from Garg & Bansal, Sears & SalingerPrepare

concept of magnetic temperaturealso solve some numerical on this topic......
Joule-Kelvin Effect: - Prepare it from Garg & Bansalsolve JT for different gas equations
(given in Sears and Salinger)Integrate Joule-Kelvin equations, Solve numerical on this
(b) Statistical Physics: Macro & Microstates: - prepare basics from Satya Prakash, Sears & Salingersolve some
small numerical on this topicplease go through the all the solved and unsolved examples
given in Sears & Salinger book.solve old Indian forest Service Exam equations on this
Statistical Distributions: - prepare from Sears & Salinger, Satya Prakash.solve all in Chapter
examples of Sears & Salinger.go through the in-chapter problems of H.C.Verma of
Quantum Mechanics
Solve IFS2009 question on statistical distributions..It was taken directly from
Fermi-Dirac distributions & its applications to specific gases: - Prepare electronic specific heat
of solids, solve numerical on Fermi theory of specific heat.Solve IFS 2009, IFS2008
question on this topic.solve some of the numerical regarding Fermi Pressure, Fermi
Energy, Bulk Modulus for Fermi Gas
Prepare black-body radiation from Satya Prakash,Garg & Bansal and from Sears & Salinger
do solve some of the numerical on this topic
Bose-Einstein distributions & its applications:- Prepare CV for Bose-Einstein statistics
Concept of Negative Temperatures: - Prepare it from Sears & Salinger, Garg & Bansal

Strategy for Physics Paper-II

1. Quantum Mechanics:
Syllabus: Wave-particle duality; Schrdinger equation and expectation values; Uncertainty
Principle; Solutions of the one-dimensional, Schrdinger equation for a free particle
(Gaussian wave-packet), particle in a box, particle in a finite well, linear harmonic oscillator;
Reflection and transmission by a step potential and by a rectangular barrier; Particle in a three
dimensional box, density of states, free electron theory of metals; Angular momentum;
Hydrogen atom; Spin half particles, properties of Pauli spin matrices.

Reference Books are:

1. Quantum Physics by H.C.Verma ( Latest Edition)
2. Quantum Mechanics: Concepts and Applications by Nouredine Zettili
3. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics (2nd Edition) by David J. Griffiths
4. Schaum's Outline of Quantum Mechanics, Second Edition
5. Quantum Mechanics by Ghatak and Loganathan
6. Quantum Mechanics by Satya Prakash
7. Problems in General Physics: I.E.Irodov ( do chapter of Quantum Mechanics)
(First Three books are a must read for Quantum Mechanics)
Do all the problems from the latest edition of Quantum Physics by H.C. Verma
Do all the solved and unsolved questions from Zettili
Do all the questions (both Solved and unsolved) from GriffithsIn 2008 mains exam, three
10 marker questions were from this book.
Schrdinger equation for a free particle (Gaussian wave-packet) is a topic from where very
few questions have been askedso prepare it thoroughly.do the derivation from Quantum
Mechanics by Griffiths
Reflection and transmission by a step potential and by a rectangular barrier: Try and prepare it
for 30 markers
Free Electron Theory of Metals: in this topic prepare the electrical Conductivity, Para
magnetism of free electrons, Thermionic emission of electrons, also prepare the success and
failures of Free Electron Theory
Hydrogen Atom: do proper derivation and practice it at least 50 times otherwise u will not be
able to reproduce it in the exam.
Prepare the derivation of Spin Half ParticlesIn IAS2008 exam a 10 marks question was
asked from this topic.

2. Atomic and Molecular Physics:

Stern-Gerlach experiment, electron spin, fine structure of hydrogen atom; L-S coupling, J-J
coupling; Spectroscopic notation of atomic states; Zeeman effect; Frank- Condon principle
and applications; Elementary theory of rotational, Vibrational and electronic spectra of
diatomic molecules; Raman effect and molecular structure; Laser Raman spectroscopy;
Importance of neutral hydrogen atom, molecular hydrogen and molecular hydrogen ion in

astronomy; Fluorescence and Phosphorescence; Elementary theory and applications of NMR

and EPR; Elementary ideas about Lamb shift and its significance.
Reference Books are:
1. Atomic and Molecular Physics : Raj Kumar (a must read)
2. Quantum Physics of Atoms, Molecules, Solids, Nuclei, and Particles : Resnick and Eisberg (a
must read)
3. Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy: Banwell (a must read)
4. Concepts of Modern Physics: Arthur Beiser
5. Problems in General Physics: I. E. Irodov
6. Schaum's Outline of Modern Physics
Raj Kumar and Banwell both are good for Atomic and Molecular Physics and are must
Do read the chapter of Atomic Physics from Resnick and Eisberg
There is one good chapter on Atomic Physics in Beiser so read that.
Do solve all the end of the chapter problems of Banwellmany of them were asked in
previous examinations
Prepare the Stern Gerlarch Experiment from Resnick and Eisberg
Electron spin : Prepare a good write up from Resnick and Eisberg
Laser Raman Spectroscopy: do not waste your time on searching this topic as hardly
any material is available on internet.
Prepare good derivation for fine structure of Hydrogen Atom, by combining the
concepts of Eisberg and also from Quantum Mechanics Griffiths
Prepare the experimental set up for Zeeman Effect
Elementary theory and applications of NMR can be read from Nuclear Physics book by
Some good problems of Atomic Physics are mentioned in Irodov so do solve them
Prepare the role of 21cm line in Astronomydo not waste much time on finding the
role ofmolecular hydrogen and molecular hydrogen ion in astronomyhardly any
material is available on internet also.
Do solve some of the examples from Schaum's Outline of Modern Physics

Do Solve previously asked questions of Molecular Physics as many of them are

repeatedly asked. In fact it would be good if one prepare model answers of these
questions. This helps a lot during the exam in compressing the answers in the given
marks format.

3. Nuclear and Particle Physics:

Basic nuclear properties-size, binding energy, angular momentum, parity, magnetic moment;
Semi-empirical mass formula and applications, mass parabolas; Ground state of deuteron,
magnetic moment and non-central forces; Meson theory of nuclear forces; Salient features of
nuclear forces; Shell model of the nucleus - successes and limitations; Violation of parity in
beta decay; Gamma decay and internal conversion; Elementary ideas about Mossbauer
spectroscopy; Q-value of nuclear reactions; Nuclear fission and fusion, energy production in
stars; Nuclear reactors. Classification of elementary particles and their interactions;
Conservation laws; Quark structure of hadrons; Field quanta of electroweak and strong
interactions; Elementary ideas about unification of forces; Physics of neutrinos.
Reference Books: In nuclear physics no book covers the whole syllabus so one will

have to refer all the books that I have mentioned.although I have tried to cover
almost everything in my hand written notesso u can read from there
1. Nuclear Physics by S.B.Patel
2. Nuclear Physics by D.C.Tayal
3. Nuclear Physics by S.N.Ghoshal
4. Nuclear Physics by Pandya & Yadav
5. Concepts of Modern Physics: Arther Beiser
6. Quantum Physics of Atoms, Molecules, Solids, Nuclei, and Particles : Resnick and Eisberg
7. UGC Net Guide on Physics
Note: To start with read all the chapters related to Nuclear Physics from both Arthur Beiser
and Resnick & Eisberg...S.N.Ghoshal is one of the best book for Nuclear Physics
Nuclear Size: Prepare the concept of nuclear size and also the experiments to judge
nuclear size. Do it from S.B.Patel, S.N.Ghoshal.
Binding Energy: do it from all the books as it has a lot of concepts like binding fraction,
properties of binding energy curve
Parity : mainly the concept of parity is to be prepared
Magnetic Moment : basically the concept of magnetic moment is to prepared from
Resnick & Eisberg and also from D.C.Tayal & S.N.Ghoshal.also prepare the
measurement of the magnetic moment of neutron from S.B.Patel

Semi-empirical mass formula and applications, Mass Parabolas: Prepare the derivation of
Semi-mass formula from Beiser and also from S.N.Ghoshal.Prepare the application of
Semi-mass formula (like the use of Semi-mass formula for Alpha-decay, Mass Parabola,
-disintegration of mirror nuclei) from D.C.Tayal and S.N.Ghoshal.
Ground state of deuteron, magnetic moment and non-central forces: Prepare the properties
of the deuteron from D.C.Tayaland prepare the derivation that deuteron has one state,
from S.N.Ghoshal and from S.B.Patelsee IAS 3003 & IFS 2007 question on this topic
Meson Theory of Nuclear Forces: prepare it from S.B.Patel
Nuclear Forces: prepare it from S.N.Ghoshal and from D.C.Tayal (prepare a 20 marker on
this topic)
Shell Model of the Nucleus: Prepare the Shell model theory from Resnick & Eisberg...for
other topics please refer to S.H.Ghoshal, Pandya & Yadav and D.C.Tayal....Do solve IFS
2008 question asked on this topic....it is important that we should not leave any sub-topic
in this topic list...
Violation of parity in beta decay: Prepare IAS 2005 question on this topic....read the betadecay from Resnick & Eisberg and also prepare it from D.C.Tayal and also from
S.N.Ghoshal....properties of beta decay spectrum can be read from D.C.Tayal....
Selection Rules for beta decay from page-155 of Ghoshal....prepare Fermi theory of beta
decay and also Kurie plot....A 20 marker may be asked on explaining the functioning of
beta ray Spectrometer so prepare that....Riens & Kowans experiment to detect neutrino
can be prepared from S.B.Patel
Gamma decay and internal conversion: Prepare it from S.B.Patel, selection rules for
Gamma decay, method to estimate energy of gamma decay, processes by which gamma
ray loses its energy (CSE 2006 question) from Arthur Beiser. Prepare internal
conversion & experimental determination of internal conversion coefficient from
S.B.Patel and D.C.Tayal.
Mossbauer Spectroscopy: prepare it from S.N.Ghoshal, S.B.Patel, Resnick & Eisberg and
D.C.Tayal.prepare theory of Mossbauer Spectroscopy and also its application in
detail.all the previous year questions of CSE and IFS on this topic must be solved..
Prepare Q-value of Nuclear Reactions from S.B.Patel and Arthur Beiserprepare
problems on Q-value from all the books so that different kinds of problems are covered.
Nuclear fission should be prepared from S.N.Ghoshal, D.C.Tayal and S.B.PatelPrepare
Bohr-Wheeler Theory of Nuclear Fission from Pandya and YadavPrepare the Quantum
effects in nuclear fission from D.C.Tayal
Energy production in stars: read it from Beiser and also from Resnick & Eisberg...
Prepare Nuclear Reactors from Pandya and Yadav, D.C.Tayal and S.N.Ghoshal....Prepare
IFS 2011 question on this topic....very few questions have been asked from this topic so

it is still not clear what is the syllabus of this topic...so prepare what u think to be
Classification of Elementary Particles: it is one the most frequently asked question from
particle physics so prepare it from Beiser, Resnick & Eisberg and Pandya & Yadav
For other topics of Particle physics refer Beiser, Resnick & Eisberg, D.C.Tayal, Pandya &
Yadav etc....some of concepts regarding Grand Unified Theory is covered well in
Do all the end of the Particle Physics chapter questions from D.C.Tayal, Pandya & Yadav,
Beiser, Resnick & Eisberg, Modern Physics Schaum Series
Do all the previously asked questions of IFS and IAS on Particle Physics...
Prepare three generation of leptons and quarks and their importance from Beiser
Physics of neutrinos: prepare it from S.B.Patel, S.N.Ghoshal, Resnick & Eisberg

4. Solid State Physics, Devices and Electronics:

Crystalline and amorphous structure of matter; Different crystal systems, space groups;
Methods of determination of crystal structure; X-ray diffraction, scanning and transmission
electron microscopes; Band theory of solids - conductors, insulators and semiconductors;
Thermal properties of solids, specific heat, Debye theory; Magnetism: dia, para and
ferromagnetism; Elements of superconductivity, Meissner effect, Josephson junctions and
applications; Elementary ideas about high temperature superconductivity. Intrinsic and
extrinsic semiconductors; p-n-p and n-p-n transistors; Amplifiers and oscillators; Op-amps;
FET, JFET and MOSFET; Digital electronics-Boolean identities,De Morgans laws, logic
gates and truth tables; Simple logic circuits; Thermistors, solar cells; Fundamentals of
microprocessors and digital computers.
Reference Books:
1. Solid State Physics: - A J Dekker
2. Solid State Physics: - S.O.Pillai
3. Introduction to Solid State Physics (8th Ed): - Kittel Charles (main book)
4. Solid State Physics: - W Neil Ashcroft, David N. Mermin
5. Solid State Physics: - R K Puri and V K Babbar (main book)
6. Solid State Physics: - Satya Prakash
7. Concepts of Modern Physics: Arther Beiser
8. Quantum Physics of Atoms, Molecules, Solids, Nuclei, and Particles : Resnick and Eisberg

9. UGC Net Guide on Physics

Crystalline and amorphous structure of matter; Different crystal systems, space groups;
Methods of determination of crystal structure, X-ray diffraction: Prepare it from Puri and
Babbar, Kittel and also from Ashcroft & Mermin
Scanning and transmission electron microscopes: Prepare it from internet
Band theory of solids - conductors, insulators and semiconductors: Prepare it from Puri &
Babbar, Beiser, Kittel....Prepare one dimensional motion of electron from Resnick & Eisberg
Thermal properties of solids, specific heat, Debye theory: Prepare it from Puri & Babbar,
Magnetism: dia, para and ferromagnetism: Prepare it from Puri & Babbar and also from
S.O.Pillai, Kittel
Elements of superconductivity, Meissner effect, Josephson junctions and applications;
Elementary ideas about high temperature superconductivity : Prepare it from Kittel, S.O.Pillai
and also from Puri & Babbar...do prepare all the derivations of Josephson junction, Meissner
Effect, SQUID etc from Kittel...Prepare answer to 2007 question of IFS on Cuprates &
Electronics: i did not prepare much this portion except some digital electronics, intrinsic and
Extrinsic Electronics...so it is ur choice to prepare it thoroughly.....

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