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Learning Through Teaching

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Mathematics Education Research Journal

2006, Vol. 18, No. 3, 44-68

Learning through Teaching: A Case Study on the

Development of a Mathematics Teacher's
Proficiency in Managing an Inquiry-Based
Roza Leikin

University of Haifa,

Shelly Rota

CET-Center of Educational Technology,


This study examined the development of a mathematics teacher's proficiency in

managing whole-class discussion in the context of an inquiry-based classroom. We
analysed three lessons taught with the same class by a teacher-researcher. The first
and second lessons were 10 months apart, the second and third lessons were 6
months apart. For each of the three lessons the analysis was carried out at two levels:
macro-level analysis was applied to the general organisation of the inquiry-based
lesson and micro-level analysis was applied to both the teacher's structure of the
discussion and to the quality of the discussion. Based on the two-level analysis we
formulate criteria to define teacher proficiency and demonstrate the enhancement of
proficiency through teaching.

The learning through teaching (LTT) phenomenon is often addressed in research

literature. LTT has been shown to be a critical component of teachers' life-long
learning (Day, 2001), and under the circumstances of educational reform it has a
special significance for new and experienced teachers alike. Ma (1999) noted its
significance and Cobb and McClain (2001) "were surprised at the extent to which
the classroom constituted a learning environment for [a] teacher" (p. 208) during
a year-long experiment. In his analysis of mathematics teachers' awareness,
Mason (1998) reported that many people have discovered that "it is only when
you come to teach something that you really come to understand it" (p. 260).
Lampert and Ball (1999) maintained that teachers in their first years of teaching
generally believed that they learned to teach from experience. For Franke,
Carpenter, Levi, and Fennema (2001), teaching is a 'generative' process in the
course of which teachers accumulate knowledge.
Although experience and expertise are not equivalent terms, teachers'
expertise is usually considered a function of their experience (Darling-Hammond
& Youngs, 2002). Research that compares and contrasts the knowledge and skills
of experienced and novice teachers (e.g., Berliner, 1987; Leinhardt, 1993; Roth,
1998) supports this connection and provides additional evidence of LTT. From
observation of cyclic models of teaching (e.g., Artzt & Armour-Thomas, 2002;
Simon, 1995; Steinbring, 1998), a teacher's ongoing improvement may be
anticipated and reflective mechanisms put in place for such an improvement.
Teachers' ability to learn from reflection is amply documented in action research
studies (Edwards & Hensien, 1999; Jaworski, 1994; 1998; Roth, Masciotra, &
Boyd, 1999; Schifter, 1996; Wood, 2005).

Teachers" Proficiency in an Inquiry-Based Classroom


LTT research concentrates primarily on teachers' continual inquiry into

students' thinking and learning (e.g., Franke et al., 2001; Schifter, 1998). However,
Schifter (1998) points out that "there has been insufficient appreciation of how
the analysis of student thinking can, itself, become a powerful site for teachers'
further mathematical development" (p. 57).
Despite the significance of LTT, the educational community has relatively
limited understanding of changes in teachers' knowledge and skills and of how
these develop in authentic classroom situations. For example, Mason (2002)
proposed that something more than experience is needed in order to learn from
experience. In an effort to investigate the nature of that 'something', the first
author focused her research on understanding how and what teachers learn from
teaching their students (Leikin, 2005a, 2005b, 2006; Leikin & Kawass, 2005). In
particular, Leikin (2006) analysed the transformations of teachers' intuitions into
knowledge and beliefs in the field of mathematics and of pedagogy and, in
another study, Leikin (2005a) analysed mathematics LTT using the case of an
experienced secondary school mathematics teacher. She explained this learning
by the interactive processes that took place in the classroom, and by the teacher's
flexibility, attentiveness, and critical thinking.
The present case study is part of this series of practitioner-oriented studies. It
draws on the teaching of the second author of this paper. We begin with the
understanding that teachers' knowledge, intuitions, beliefs, and skills are the main
prerequisites for teaching proficiency and focus our attention on the teacher's
management of a whole-class mathematics discussion. We aimed to address
Nelson's (2001) concern about "the need to develop more detailed and refined
descriptions of pedagogy" (p. 267). In particular, we were interested in extending
our understanding of teachers' pedagogy in a whole-class discussion. In response
to a claim by Lampert and Ball (1999) that mathematics education lacks a practical
and theoretical language for communicating about teachers' activity, this study
proposes a vocabulary for connecting theory and practice in mathematics teaching.

Inquiry-based Instruction and Teacher Proficiency

Facilitative teaching, in general, and the inquiry-based classroom, in particular,
are central to many reform-oriented curricula that establish, strengthen, and
broaden conjecturing, exploration, and investigation procedures in the
mathematics class (e.g., Ball, 1992; Jaworski, 2003; Lampert, 1990, 2001; Lampert
& Ball, 1999; Schifter, 1996; Wood, 1999; Yerushalmy, Chazan, & Gordon, 1990).
Inquiry-based mathematics classes are consistent with a constructivist view of
knowledge and learning, as they offer challenges to stimulate mathematical thinking
and create opportunities for critical reflection on mathematical understanding
(Cobb, Wood, & Yackel, 1990; Jaworski, 1994, 2003; von Glasersfeld, 1996; Wells,
1999). In inquiry-based whole-group discussion, students and their teacher share
their roles (Forman & Ansell, 2002; Lampert, 2001; Nelson, 2001), and the success
of this practice depends heavily on the teacher's knowledge and skills.
We focus our investigation on LTT in an inquiry-based classroom. In this
challenging context mathematics teachers are expected to be flexible, ready, and


Leikin & Rota

able to change their hypothetical learning trajectories in order to connect lesson

development to their students' conjectures (Leikin 2005a; Leikin & Dinur, 2003;
Simon, 1997; Wood, 1999, 1998). Classroom discussion, as an integral part of an
inquiry-based environment, requires the development of particular teaching
skills. In a longitudinal study on the development of mathematical
argumentation in elementary school classroom Wood (1999) pointed out that a
productive mathematics discussion was characterised intellectually and socially
by the "manner in which the teacher created an environment in which children
were expected to participate in the examination, critique, and validation of their
mathematical knowledge through reasoned discourse" (p.188). To manage
productive mathematics discourse the teacher must create a social context that
supports students' conceptual development (Cobb, Wood, & Yackel, 1990;
Lampert, 2001; Wood, 1999, 2001). The creation of this context provides teachers
with opportunities for learning in the classroom (Wood, 2001).
In this study, lesson organisation is one of the indicators of the teacher's
proficiency in the classroom. Its importance for the learning process is well known
(e.g., Artzt & Armour-Thomas, 2002; Lampert, 2001; Leinhardt & Greeno, 1986;
Stigler & Hiebert, 1999). Lesson organisation may be considered as consisting of
several phases usually constituting a sequence of teaching-learning experiences
(Artzt & Armour-Thomas, 2002; Wood, 1999). As the nature of the mathematical
task shifts toward exploration, the organisation of mathematics lessons, and the
structure of the whole-class discussion, in particular, being to change (Forman &
Ansell, 2002; Lemke, 1985, 1990; Mehan, 1979; Wells, 1999). Therefore, in this study,
discussion structure constitutes an additional indicator for teacher skilfulness. We
probed the development of one teacher's proficiency in an inquiry-based class.

The Study
The Purpose and the Questions
Shelly, the teacher-researcher, initiated facilitative teaching (Nelson, 2001) in the
third year of her teaching and introduced her students to an inquiry-based
learning environment. The purpose of the current study was to analyse outcomes
of LTT that Shelly experienced in two years of managing inquiry-based
mathematics. As noted above, lesson organisation and discussion structure
served as two main indicators for the analysing Shelly's proficiency. We based
our exploration around two research questions:
(1) How does the organisation of inquiry-based lessons change over time?
(2) How does the structure and the quality of discussion change over time?

The case study considered the process of Shelly's LTT as a continuous process of
solving pedagogical and mathematical problems (for the use of case study as an
investigation of learning, see Patton, 1990). According to Stake (2000), a case study
incorporates observations and analyses of human activity in a certain place and time.
Our study investigated a particular period in the development of Shelly's career.

Teachers" Proficiency in an Inquiry-Based Classroom


In addressing the first research question we relied on the categories of lesson

organisation described in the literature. We consider introduction, investigation,
and whole-class discussion as the main stages of the inquiry-based lesson (Artzt
& Armour-Thomas, 2002, Wood, 1999). To answer the second research question
we described categories named "discussion actions" (see below for details)
following a qualitative research paradigm rooted in the grounded theory
approach (Strauss & Corbin, 1990). We analysed Shelly's classroom discourse
and sought to qualify discussion actions as they emerged from the analysis of the
three lessons. The categories were formulated initially when we analysed the
first lesson. We then refined the categories when they were applied to the second
and the third lessons. The fact that one of the researchers was also the teacher
whose practice was being investigated called for special sensitivity to her roles as
both teacher and researcher. Her role as a teacher strengthened the reflective
elements of the analysis. At the same time, we tried to minimise the effect of her
experience as a mathematics teacher on her views as a researcher. In developing
categories of discussion actions we were mindful of the extensive research that
addresses whole-class discussion (Forman & Ansell, 2002; Lampert, 2001; Sfard,
Nesher, Streefland, Cobb, & Mason, 1998).

The Teacher
Shelly had been a beginning primary school mathematics teacher during the
three years preceding the experiment we analyse. During these years, she was
dissatisfied with several features of her communication with the students. Class
routines were not always sufficiently crisp; questions and needs of some of the
students were not always answered or addressed; lessons were not sufficiently
structured; the objectives of the lessons, usually well defined, often remained
unachieved. Moreover, Shelly was disappointed with the learning outcomes: the
answers, achievements, and the pace of progress of her students.
In the second year of her teaching she contacted the mathematics educator
who coordinated the mathematics program at her school and together they
organised a development team specializing in materials for an inquiry-based
mathematics class (Friedlander, 1997; Friedlander & Rota, 1996a, 1996b, 1997).
When the first version of the materials was developed, at the end of the third
year of her teaching, Shelly started experimental implementation of these
materials. While developing the materials, team members discussed the
mathematics of student activities and the importance of different types of class
organisation: a small-group approach to tasks and a whole-class discussion were
clearly integral parts of the activity. Our study explored the development of
Shelly's proficiency in the course of the 15-months teaching experiment
(following Cobb, 2000; Cobb et al., 1990), which was intermittently videotaped.
We subsequently carried out the analysis of the videotaped lessons.


Leikin & Rota

The Data
Overall, 21 of Shelly's lessons were videotaped for purposes of formative
evaluation of the teaching materials. She appeared to be at ease in front of the
camera. At that time she was not aware of the possibility of using these data for
the current study. This paper reports on three of the 21 lessons with the same
group of students based on the following criteria: the lessons had similar
intended structure and videotapes were sufficiently clear to perform content
analysis. The first of the selected lessons was videotaped when the students were
in the middle of 2nd grade, the second when they were at the beginning of 3rd
grade, and the third when they were at the end of 3rd grade.
Intended lesson organisation. Lesson organisation included three main types of
activities: (a) introduction, consisting of teacher actions aimed at establishing the
students' readiness for investigation; (b) investigation, during which the
students tackled a task individually or in small groups, recognising relationships
in the object under investigation, conjecturing, and constructing new meanings;
(c) whole-class discussion, which enabled students to present their ideas
generated at the stage of investigation, to integrate their ideas, and to attempt to
reach a shared meaning. At the introduction stage Shelly presented students with
the problem. During the second stage students were expected to work in small
groups and Shelly helped them by answering questions and by giving clues.
During the last stage students were required to present the results of their
investigations to the class, discuss them, compare different solutions of the
problem, and to negotiate the meaning of the solution. Shelly's role at this stage
was to help students make progress in their presentations, generalise the results,
and end the lesson with a shared mathematical meaning. Mathematical tasks for
all three lessons included a series of questions to be investigated by the students.
Below are the mathematical tasks given to students in the three lessons
considered in this paper.
First lesson. The task was to investigate the relationship between a graph of
discrete points and their common property (from Dice Activity: Friedlander &
Rota, 1996a, see Figure 1). The investigation was carried out in two ways: first,
by drawing graph points on a coordinate plane, given a common property of the
points obtained by throwing a pair of dice, real or imaginary. Examples of these
properties include 'one of the dice always shows the same number', and 'the sum
of the two dice is always the same." The investigation was also carried out by
identifying the common property of the points from observing the graph. In this
paper we refer to the discussion surrounding this latter activity, after the class
had discussed the former.

Teachers"Proficiency in an Inquiry-Based Classroom


Write d o w n the r e s u l t s m a r k e d b y the p o i n t s o n the b o a r d s in f i g u r e 1.

Try to d e s c r i b e all the m a r k e d p o i n t s .








The marked points are ....

The marked points are ....











f h K h f'~ K h K h f'~
<J \JkJ \J <J <J


The marked points are ....

The marked points are ....

Figure 1. Task for the first lesson.

Second lesson. The c h i l d r e n w e r e a s k e d to find m a t h e m a t i c a l c o n n e c t i o n s
( p a t t e r n s a n d rules) in a c a l e n d a r a n d o t h e r tables of n u m b e r s ( f r o m A Calendar:
F r i e d l a n d e r & Rota, 1997, See F i g u r e 2).

1. Divide the 9 numbers into 3 equal groups that have an

equal sum.



2. Can you divide the 9 numbers in a different way?




3. Choose another square with 9 dates on the calendar.

Check whether you obtain equal sums in this square if
you divide it the same way you did before.

Figure 2. Task for the s e c o n d lesson.

Leikin & Rota


A. There are 21 matches in the two boxes. How many matches are hiding in each box
in each of the following cases?
A1. In the white box there are 5 matches
more than in the dark box.
A2. In the white box there are 3 matches
fewer than in the dark box.
!! A3. In the white box there are half as many
matches as in the dark box.
B. There is a total of 16 matches in several boxes. Each box of a given colour (white
or dark) contains the same number of matches. How many matches are hiding in
each box in each of the following cases? Find several answers for each case.
BI: There are 2 white boxes and 2 black boxes.
B2: There are 2 white boxes and 3 black boxes.

Figure 3. Task for the third lesson.

Third lesson. Students were asked to find an u n k n o w n n u m b e r of matches in
two boxes based on certain conditions (from Matches Activity: Friedlander &
Rota, 1997. See Figure 3).

To code the videos we m o v e d b e y o n d our individual impressions in identifying
discussion actions (Stigler & Hiebert, 1999). The data of the three lessons were
transcribed, w a t c h e d multiple times, and discussed to refine the categories and
the role of the interpretations, explanations, and m e a n i n g s that were elicited.
Because teaching is an interactive process we found it necessary to analyse the
d e v e l o p m e n t of the students' discussion actions in order to obtain an indication
of the teacher's professional d e v e l o p m e n t (e.g., E d w a r d s & Hensien, 1999).
A set of categories e m e r g e d to describe the d e v e l o p m e n t of Shelly's
proficiency in the course of the teaching experiment (see below). The two authors
of this p a p e r and an i n d e p e n d e n t researcher coded ten minutes of the transcripts,
with inter-coder agreement of 84%. We discussed the remaining 16% of the
utterances to reach agreement on the coding.
We provide an analysis of the data on two levels: (1) a macro-level analysis
addresses lesson organisation; (2) a micro-level analysis considers the teacher's
and students' discussion actions in the discussion phase of the lesson. Analysis
of the students' discussion actions served both as the setting for the d e v e l o p m e n t
of the teacher's proficiency through practice and as an indication of it. We used
the m e t a p h o r of teaching as problem-solving and applied Schoenfeld's (1985)
time-line presentation of protocol analysis in problem-solving research to both
macro-level and micro-level analyses (see Figures 4 and 6). Using these d i a g r a m s
we analysed the distribution of discussion actions b e t w e e n teacher and students,
the distribution of the teacher's discussion actions a m o n g different categories,


Teachers" Proficiency in an Inquiry-Based Classroom

and the frequency of actions. Additionally, the second level of analysis addressed
the quality of Shelly's discussion actions, and focused particularly on her
questioning. We used "questioning quality" as an indication for teacher
proficiency (see Roth, 1998).

Results: LTT

Changes in Lesson Organisation

Figure 4 depicts the actual lesson organisation for each of the lessons. The three
types of class activities (introduction, investigation, and whole-class discussion)
are presented on the vertical axis; their occurrence during the three lessons is
shown along the time line (1minute as a time unit on the horizontal axis). The
organisation for all three lessons is presented in the same figure for ease of
comparison between the lessons.
Figure 4 shows changes both in the sequence in which class activities were
performed and in their time distribution. The main change occurred between the
first and second lessons. The second and the third lessons were better organised,
and revealed sharp b o u n d a r i e s between different activities and a clear
correspondence between the actual and the intended lesson organisation. Note
that the task presented to the students in the second lesson was longer than the
task in the third lesson. In the second lesson Shelly summarised the discussion
twice, once to ascertain the students' progress in the investigation and once again
to conclude work on the tasks. In the third lesson students worked on two
shorter tasks, and hence the diagram representing the organisation shows the
introduction-inquiry-discussion pattern twice.
Summ~ discussion
Summau discussion





Figure 4. Organisation of the three lessons.

60 rain


Leikin & Rota

Below are our observations about the differences b e t w e e n the intended and
the actual organisation of the lessons.
I n t r o d u c t i o n . In the first lesson Shelly introduced the task to the students four
times because apparently it was not clear to them. Our analysis shows that the
introduction of the n e w task was not connected with the students' previous
activities and their existing knowledge. By contrast, in the second and the third
lessons n e w tasks were presented to the students with a clear connection to
relevant learning materials studied earlier. In the first lesson students did not feel
they could cope with the task on their o w n and asked the teacher for help several
times. In the first lesson Shelly talked about the preceding activity w i t h o u t
asking the students to look in their notebooks or s h o w i n g t h e m the activity.

Last week I asked you to do something. Do you remember what I

asked? To mark with an " " all the points... Remember? Now it is
exactly the opposite. They give you a board with the points and ask
you to give a description of all the points marked. [see Task 1]

This introduction was unclear to the students. They did not u n d e r s t a n d the
m e a n i n g of "it is exactly the opposite" or h o w the task they h a d p e r f o r m e d the
previous w e e k m i g h t help t h e m to deal with the n e w one. They were not able to
connect the m a t h e m a t i c s of the two lessons and felt that the task confused them.
They raised their h a n d s and asked questions like:

What should we do here?


Here I can't find a sum, so what is the answer?


The videotapes show that in the second and the third lessons the students started
to solve the problem i m m e d i a t e l y after its introduction; they asked few verifying
questions and did not ask for Shelly's help (Figure 4). The following excerpts
d e m o n s t r a t e changes in the introduction of the tasks. The w a y in which Shelly
r e m i n d e d her students about the activities p e r f o r m e d in preceding lessons was
clearly different from the first lesson. This time she connected the tasks to the
previous activities by repeating the instructions of the preceding task and asking
the students to look in their notebooks to check h o w they did it.

Please open at the pages we worked on in the last lesson. Look at the
first page. Let's try to remember what we did here. On the first page
there is a picture of a calendar page with a square of nine numbers
marked [see Task 2]. You were asked to mark some other square of
nine numbers and find interesting ideas about the numbers in the
squares. Who would like to remind us what he or she found?

Shelly allowed her students recall w h a t they did d u r i n g the previous lesson. The
connection was clear and the students approached the n e w activity as a
continuation of the earlier one.

Teachers" Proficiency in an Inquiry-Based Classroom


The Inquiry. The inquiry in small groups during the first lesson was
interrupted several times because Shelly recognized the students' confusion and
decided that they needed an additional introduction of the task. The video shows
that all through the inquiry Shelly did not allow students to do independent
work and often interrupted their work in small groups. Her questions and
comments were intended to direct the students' investigation in the direction of
the initial plan, as seen in the following dialogue between Shelly and Tomer.


[looking in Tamer's notebook and pointing to his written notes] This

is wrong.


What's wrong?


This is not what you were asked to do. You must write something
like "All the numbers are smaller than or greater than."

Throughout the inquiry stage of the first lesson Shelly remained close to her
lesson plan and led her students toward ground that was familiar to her. In the
second and third lessons Shelly granted students much more autonomy, showing
greater confidence that her students were able to work independently. The video
shows her walking around the classroom without interfering with the students'
inquiry work.
We argue that changes in lesson structure were not task dependent because
the three tasks were designed for similar lesson organisation. We found two
interrelated reasons for changes in lesson structure in general and for Shelly's
ability to rely on her students' work in the second and third lessons. First, as
Shelly became aware of the students' progress she grew more confident about
granting them independence. Second, Shelly's growing expertise in managing
inquiry-based lessons accelerated the students' progress and active learning.
That is, students' ability to cope with the inquiry tasks improved as Shelly's
proficiency in managing inquiry-based lessons developed. Detailed analysis of
the students' performance in the three lessons revealed major changes in their
behaviour between the second and the third lessons. Here, however, we focus on
changes in teacher actions. The major change in Shelly's behaviour occurred
between the first and second lessons. We concluded therefore that the
development of teacher proficiency is a precursor of student progress.

Changes in Discussion Actions

We used microanalysis to examine the structure of whole-class discussions in the
three lessons. To characterise changes in the discussion structure we first
analysed the transcripts to identify various types of teacher discussion actions.
At more advanced stages we realised that the same categories of discussion
actions also describe student participation in mathematical discussion. In
analysing changes in the discussion structure as an indication for changes in
teacher proficiency, we address distribution, frequency, and the quality of
Shelly's discussion actions.


Leikin & Rota

Main Types of Discussion Actions

The students' learning activities were focused mainly on solving mathematical
problems and constructing their personal mathematical meaning. Shelly's
activity, by contrast, was focused primarily on solving teaching problems and
supporting the students' construction of mathematical meaning. Following
Forman and Ansell's (2002) statement that teacher and students alike are
"involved in revoicing each other and listening to, reflecting on, clarifying,
expanding, translating, evaluating and integrating each other's explanations" (p.
272), we attempted to look closely at the discussion transcripts and identify the
main teacher and student discussion actions.
First, based on the transcripts of the three lessons, we identified three themes
of discussion actions: stimulating initiation, consisting of actions that begin the
discussion of a new mathematical question; stimulating reply, referring to actions
that stimulate the continuation of a discussion and are connected with prior
utterances; and summary reply, consisting of actions that conclude the discussion
of a particular question. We added the "listening and watching" theme as
complementary to the three other themes. Next, within the first three themes we
defined categories of discussion actions: questioning, translating a
representation, exact repetition of (other) students' utterances, constructing a
logical chain, stating a fact, and providing feedback. Figure 5 suggests a model
of teacher discussion actions by systematising the relationships between
different actions. As reflected in Figure 5, we maintain that discussion actions
have a dual nature: as with problem-solving algorithms and strategies, they can
be taught effectively; and as with heuristics, it is difficult to explain and predict
when to apply them (for this distinction between algorithms and heuristics in
mathematics problem solving, see Schoenfeld, 1985). We use the categories listed
in the model in our analysis of changes in discussion structure.
Questioning. This category includes utterances that presented students with
a problematic situation asking them to find a solution for it, for example, posing
a problem, starting a new stage in the discussion, or changing the problem.
Teacher and students may ask a question that was planned or may refer to a
student's conjecture, statement, or difficulty. Thus, the questioning category was
subdivided into sub-categories according to the purposes of the utterance (e.g.,
'opening' questions such as "Who is ready to present a solution?" 'promoting'
questions like "And then what did you do?" and 'clarification' questions like "Why
did you take [these numbers] one and two?" or "What can you tell us about the
points on this diagonal line?" or "Let's check whether this result is correct"). Note
that teacher and the student utterances were categorised as questioning without
relation to their semantic structure. Questioning appeared primarily during the
two stimulating stages, and stimulating initiation appeared only in question form.
Translating a representation. Teacher and student actions of symbolic
representation or graphic representations of other students' utterances (rewording, writing, or drawing on the board) were considered translations of
representations. This category and the construction of a logical chain usually
appeared together.


Teachers" Proficiency in an Inquiry-Based Classroom

Discussion actions

T/S promotes
start of


T/S promotes
continuationof a


T/S closes a
stage of

I Repeatingstudent ICnstructinga

representation utterances


Moving into New Mathematics Territory

Figure 5. Teachers' discussion actions.




Leikin & Rota

Exact repetition of (other) students" utterances. This action by the teacher or a

student was employed for various purposes, e.g., to continue the discussion, to
stress some student's ideas, to encourage reasoning about the correctness of
conjectures raised during the discussion, to clarify what had been said, or to
verify that ideas were clear and properly understood.
Constructing a logical chain. Chains were of the "'if-then" type. Initially,
constructing a logical chain and translating a representation was considered a
complex explanation, but later we subdivided complex explanations into two
categories because often translations were either performed without the
construction of a logical chain or were not part of the construction of the logical
Stating a fact. This category included teacher and student statements of
mathematical or meta-mathematical facts. Mathematical facts were usually not
stated in a logical chain, but verification of a fact usually resulted in constructing
a chain or in translating a representation.
Providing feedback. These discussion actions included reflective evaluation of
other students' solutions. Figure 6 shows the coded transcript of the discussion
segment in the third lesson.

Changes in the Structure and Quality of the Discussion

Figure 7 shows a time-line diagram of the discussion structure of each lesson.
The vertical axis represents the teacher's discussion actions. We analysed the 10
concluding minutes of each discussion. The 10 minutes were divided into 300
units of two seconds each (Figure 7). Similar diagrams were constructed for the
students' discussion actions, as we zoomed in on the teacher's listening to the
students, but within the space constraints of this paper we present only the
diagrams charting the teacher actions. However, we use some of the findings
derived from analysis of the students' discussion actions as supplementary data
to support our arguments about the development of the teacher's proficiency in
managing the whole-class discussion.
We used several criteria to analyse the structure of the teacher's discussion
actions in a way that enabled a comparison of the diagrams of the three lessons
(Figure 7): (1) the distribution of discussion actions between teacher and
students; (2) the distribution of the teacher's discussion actions among different
categories along the time-line; (3) frequency of the actions; (4) quality of the
actions. The first three criteria are depicted in the diagrams (see Figure 7); the
fourth is a qualitative criterion which we address throughout the data analysis
without using the diagrams.
A comparison of the diagram of lesson 1 with those of lessons 2 and 3
(Figure 7) reveals that in the last two lessons Shelly provided students with more
opportunities to talk and to present and explain their findings. She spent more
time listening to the students. We found students not only answering Shelly's
questions but also asking questions, translating representations, and rewording
other students' answers. Student participation in the discussions in lessons 2 and
3 was more active and Shelly's participation became more responsive. We

Teachers"Proficiency in an Inquiry-Based Classroom








O.K. [Ben is raising his hand]

Ben, how did you do it?"



I took all the twenty one matches. I put

two on one side and after every two on
one side I put two on the other side,
two on one side and one on the other.
I did sountil I had seven in one box
and fourteen in the other.

Listening to students



Why did you take two and one, two

and one?

Stimulating reply:



Because two divided by one equals

one and half of two is one.

Listening to students



Half of two is one.
Did you understand what Ben did?

Summary reply:

Feedback Stimulating
initiation Questioning


Stimulating reply:


Stimulating reply:


Stimulating reply:




Two divided by one equals one.

Listening to students



Two divided by one equals two

[Shellydraws on the board while
talking to the class].
What Ben said was that he took half
of two is one, right?
So every time he took two and put
them here he put one there, add two
here and one there until he had no
matches left.
How many did you have here?
[Shelly is pointing to the writing on
the board].

Stimulating reply:

Stating a fact

Stimulating reply:

Translating a

Stimulating reply:


Figure 6. E x a m p l e of a c o d e d t r a n s c r i p t ( f r o m the d i s c u s s i o n in L e s s o n 3).

Leikin & Rota


observed a decrease in her initiating and summarising actions. A decrease in

teacher initiation is associated with the teacher's reflectiveness and ability to
manage the discussion based on student initiatives and responses. In this case,
Shelly learned to trust her students' ability to summarise the discussion and to
ascribe greater value to their summarising contributions.
In all three lessons stimulating initiation always took the form of a question
asked by Shelly. In no lesson did students raise questions that initiated the
discussion of a new mathematical topic or concept. Stimulating initiation actions
were relatively minor in all three discussions. In the ten concluding minutes of
the discussion Shelly initiated new topics of the discussion only three times in the
first lesson, and twice in the second and third lessons. The main difference
between lessons in this category of discussion actions was in the quality of the
questions Shelly asked. In the first lesson Shelly asked 'closed' questions
requiring short answers regarding computation results and mathematical facts.
Questions asked to initiate discussion in the second and third lessons were more
open, requiring students to analyse and explain the manner in which they found
their answers and to reflect on the reasoning involved in the small-group
investigation procedures. A typical question for the first lesson was: "What is the
answer for this question?" In lessons 2 and 3 Shelly asked questions of the type
"How did you find the answer?"
As shown in Figure 7, in all three lessons most of the teacher's discussion
actions were categorised as stimulating reply. Shelly reacted to student actions
and tried to manage the discussion based on their ideas. As expected for the
stimulation category, the most common discussion action was asking a question. The
diagrams (Figure 7) show a clear difference in the time spent on this kind of action
in the different lessons. In lesson 1 she spent 37% of the discussion time asking
questions. In lessons 2 and 3 she asked questions for 16% and 19% of the discussion
time. We attribute this change to the development of Shelly's trust in her
students' ability to make progress in the discussion without her continual direction.
Not only did the number of questions Shelly asked to stimulate continuation
of the discussion change, but so did the quality of the questions improve. The
change proceeded through the two periods of investigation, from lesson 1 to
lesson 2 and from lesson 2 to lesson 3 in a spiral, rather than linear, fashion. In
the first lesson the questions asked directed students with precision to particular
"correct" answers, mostly very short, so that every single step of the discussion
was under the teacher's control. For example, Shelly asked:

What is common to all the points in the third board?

She may have started with a rather general question, but she immediately
narrowed it by focusing the students' attentions on the coordinates of one
particular point:

Who can tell us what are the coordinates of the first point?


Two and one.

Teachers" Proficiency in an Inquiry-Based Classroom


~ z

Lesson i


Lesson 2




Lesson 3

Figure 7. S t r u c t u r e o f t h e t e a c h e r ' s


a c t i o n s o v e r a 10 m i n u t e


Leikin & Rota


When one of the students suggested a rather general answer, instead of asking him
to explain how he got the answer, she continued asking him narrowing questions:

If you divide one number by the other you will always get 2.


4 divided by 2 is...




6 divided by 3 is...



In the discussion in the lesson 2 Shelly's questions led students to reason about
h o w they arrived at their solutions. They were of the type: " H o w did you do it?"
" H o w did you find it? .... If this is the w a y you found the sum, then h o w did you
find each of the numbers?" These questions required students to describe the
procedures they performed to obtain the answer. In lesson 3 Shelly began asking
questions that provided students with the opportunity and freedom to ask their
own questions and express their opinions about other students' answers, and to
perform meta-level analysis of their solutions. For example, during lesson 3
Shelly gave Ron the opportunity to share his answer with the class (see Figure 3
for the task):

Ron, please [what did you do?].


Am... ah... I took from the eight, eight, zero, zero and zero I didn't
take one from each eight because I knew it fit only two digits so I took
off from each eight three so I took overall six. Then I divided six by
three and I got two, two, and two.

We can describe the progress in the quality of Shelly's questions during the
a chain:
q u e s t i o n s ~ reasoning-directed questions.
Changes observed in the other categories of discussion actions also
demonstrate growth in Shelly's skills in m a n a g i n g the whole-class discussion.
For example, the diagrams (Figure 7) show that exact repetition of other students"
utterances was more frequent in lesson 2 than in lesson 1, and in lesson 3 more
than in lesson 2. We attribute this rise in frequency to Shelly's improved ability
to use student utterances in designing the discussion storyline. Use of students'
ideas led to teacher-student cooperation. In the following excerpt Omer explains
to the class h o w he found his answer to the task in Figure 3.

I knew that it couldn't be a one-digit number plus a one-digit

number and it also couldn't be a two-digit number plus a two-digit,
so I tried to find a one-digit number and two-digit number.


Why couldn't it be a two-digit number plus a two-digit number?


A two-digit number plus a two-digit number would be too big and a

one-digit number plus a one-digit number would be too small.

Teachers"Proficiency in an Inquiry-Based Classroom


But ten plus ten is twenty. Isn't it too big?


But the difference between them [ten and ten] is not 5 [this does not
fit the conditions].


The frequency of translating a representation in Shelly's discussion actions

increased from lesson 1 to lesson 2. It was a rare activity in lesson 1, more
common in the discussion in lesson 2, when Shelly wrote on the board student
ideas and oral presentations. Analysis of this discussion action demonstrates growth
in Shelly's ability to connect the discussion to her students' ideas. In lesson 3 the
frequency of translating representations decreased. To explain this observation
we turned to the analysis of the students' discussion actions and found that they
performed translation of representations mainly in lesson 3. Thus, the actual
discussion trajectory became linked to the students' ideas by means of the
autonomy granted to students during the discussion. We account for our finding
that Shelly stated a fact only in lesson i and constructed a logical chain only in lesson
3 through the changes in the quality of mathematics during the discussion.
Shelly's actions categorised as summary reply also altered during the
investigation period. In lesson i her s u m m a r y replies included asking questions,
translating representations, stating facts, and providing feedback; in lessons 2
and 3 these actions were mainly providing feedback to student actions and
repeating student utterances, mostly in the form of summarising student ideas or
constructing them into a logical chain. This attests to an improvement in the
quality of the mathematics in the students' replies to each other, especially in
lesson 3. For example, when Ben finished explaining his answer to task 3B he
said that he knew that the number of matches in each black box must be bigger
then five and that the number of matches in each white box must be smaller then
five. This statement fits two of the three possible answers. Ran's comment led
Ben to a more specific answer and allowed him to correct his statement:

I have to say something to Ben. He said that one side of the equation
must be bigger than five, and it's wrong because.


Yea, you' re right except the four, four, four [in the white boxes] and
two and two [in the black boxes].

We have described changes in Shelly's discussion actions, which were

distributed differently between and within the three main categories of actions
and were of different frequency. The observed changes in lesson organisation, in
discussion structure, and in the quality of the discussion actions indicate the
development of Shelly's proficiency in managing the inquiry-based lesson. In her
reflective analysis of the lessons Shelly pointed out that in lesson 1 she felt she
needed to proceed according to her initial plan, but that in lesson 2, and even
more in lesson 3, she felt more secure in basing the discussion on the students'
conjectures. Shelly became more flexible (i.e., changed her initial plans), more
cooperative (i.e., more inclusive of students' ideas), and more able to show trust
(i.e., more trusting in the students' ability to make progress in mathematical
investigation and in whole-class discussion).

Leikin & Rota


Changes in Students" Discussion Actions

We address changes in student discussion actions only briefly, a s s u m i n g that
student progress is an indicator of d e v e l o p m e n t in teacher proficiency (Edwards
& Hensien, 1999). In our analysis of student discussion actions, using the same
categorisation as in teacher actions, we observed modifications both in the
distribution and frequency of the student discussion actions and in their quality.
In the first lesson students took an active part in whole-class discussion 36% of the
time, in the second lesson in 56% of the time, and in the third lesson 50% of the time.
In lesson i stating a fact was the students' most frequent discussion action in
answering questions. In lesson 2 stating facts was less frequent, and in lesson 3
we observed changes in the nature of the action: students presented the
conditions set out in the problem and linked t h e m to their solutions. In lesson 3
stating a fact was used by the students both to describe the solution and to justify
the answer. This change is obvious w h e n c o m p a r i n g the following two excerpts.
Excerpt from lesson 1 (Task 1 discussion):

Four divided by two?




So what is between this number and this number [points to two and

Excerpt from lesson 3 (Task 3b discussion):


OK, the first possibility you said is four, four, four, and four. Is that






Because four plus four is...


Four times four is sixteen.

Together with changes in the nature of stating a fact actions, in lesson 3 there was
an i m p r o v e m e n t in the quality of m a t h e m a t i c s in the students' statements. We
observed students constructing a logical chain only in the discussion in lesson 3:

Besides the possibility with the four matches I knew that in the other
possibilities on one side there must be more then five [in each black
box] and on the other side must be less then five [in each white box].


Why is that right?


Because if we put five in the two dark boxes, and into the other three
also five, then the sum would be greater than sixteen. In this case
even if we put in four it would be greater than sixteen (see figure 3B).

Teachers" Proficiency in an Inquiry-Based Classroom


The other advance in the students' discussion actions was translating representations,
which they performed mostly in lesson 3. The nature of the feedback that
students provided to each other also changed from statements like "the answer
is r i g h t / w r o n g " to explanations of why it was so. We also found changes in the
duration of student discussion actions. In lesson i their actions were very short;
in lessons 2 and 3 they become longer and more elaborated.

Summary and Discussion

We have presented a microanalysis of the structure of inquiry-based lessons and
of whole-class discussions in three lessons by the same teacher with the same
students, ten months and six months apart. In the first lesson the teacher was at
the beginning of her experience managing inquiry-based classes. Her proficiency
developed in the course of her teaching experience without any professional
development intervention. We consider our findings an indication that the act of
teaching presents an opportunity for teachers to learn.
To perform a precise analysis of LTT, we narrowed our definition of teacher
proficiency from the range that appears in the research literature (e.g., Berliner,
1987; Leinhardt, 1993; Noddings, 1992) to lesson organisation and discussion
structure. Precise lesson organisation, discussion structure that reflects teacher
flexibility (more responsive than active behaviour), and the quality of teacher
discussion actions served as indicators of teacher proficiency. The changes in
lesson structure show that Shelly became more proficient in lesson structuring,
which according to the research literature (e.g., Artzt & Armour-Thomas, 2002;
Stigler & Hiebert, 1999), affects the quality of mathematics teaching.
Our findings were presented by means of time-line diagrams similar to
those suggested by Schoenfeld (1985) for analysis of problem-solving strategies
and to those used by Bromme and Steinbring (1994) for analysis of interactive
development of subject matter in the mathematics classroom. We constructed
diagrams of the lesson structure based on the intentional components of the
inquiry-based l e s s o n - introduction, inquiry, d i s c u s s i o n - as defined in the
research literature (Artzt & Armour-Thomas, 2002; Wood, 1999). We took a closer
look at the discussion structure by means of the grounded theory approach.

The Discussion Actions Model

We suggest considering the system of discussion actions developed in this study
as a model for teacher discussion actions. We defined four themes for discussion
actions. Two of the themes were subdivided into six categories of teacher actions
(Figure 5). Our categories are consistent with Lampert's (2001) description of
management of whole-class discussions, where lessons are divided into episodes
according to the teacher's roles in the discussion, and with Forman's and Ansell's
(2001) social participation structure of the classroom. In Lampert's terms, all the
teacher actions were intended to lead students into new mathematics territory
(Figure 5). As noted earlier, we consider teacher and student roles in the inquirybased class to be almost symmetrical. For example, in Figure 5 all the actions are
attributed to both teacher and students.


Leikin & Rota

We suggest that the model is useful for diagnostic purposes. By addressing

the distribution of actions between the teacher and the students and between the
classes of actions, as well as the frequency and duration of the actions in the
course of the discussion it is possible to analyse teacher proficiency. The model
includes quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the teacher's and the
students' discussion actions. For example, the model reveals that the more
proficient teacher performs more actions of the stimulated reply type, connected
to student conjectures, designing the actual learning trajectory based on student
ideas. Teachers' discussion actions should support and stimulate those of the
students. Teachers should avoid stating mathematical facts, asking questions that
require short unelaborated answers, and providing immediate summarising
replies that impede discussion of students' ideas.
This model can be elaborated and refined. For example, in all three lessons
in this study the teacher performed stimulated initiation in the form of asking a
question. This may have been a result of the students' age or a consequence of
the nature of the mathematical tasks. For example, Leikin and Dinur (2003)
found that stimulated initiation might be performed by students in the form of
stating a fact containing their conjectures that differ from the teacher's
expectations. Our definition of teacher proficiency, which embraces distribution,
frequencN and quality of the discussion actions, can also be refined by implementing
the model in various frameworks for the analysis of teacher lessons.

Applications of the Research to Teachers" Professional Development

and the Heuristic Nature of Teacher Actions
Our model was based on analysis of the work of one teacher who taught inquirybased lessons. Whether it is applicable in the context of other teachers' work and
other teaching approaches remains to be determined. We used the metaphor of
teaching as problem solving in developing the research tools and model for the
current study (e.g., Artzt & Armour-Thomas, 2002; Lampert, 2001). Teachers in
their everyday practice solve mathematical and pedagogical problems. Going a
step further, we suggest that teaching experience develops teachers' heuristics
(Figure 5). As Schoenfeld (1985) has reported, one can effectively teach
algorithms but it is difficult to teach the heuristic of when to apply the proper
algorithm. Heuristic reasoning, and the behaviours that reflect it, are generally
considered characteristics of problem-solvers, whereas heuristic processes may
be viewed as inherent in the problems (McClintock, 1979). In mathematics the
nature and degree of the inherence varies from problem to problem and from
solver to solver, but we assume that most pedagogical problems that teachers
solve when teaching are heuristic in nature. We assume that teaching actions are
teachable, but it may be difficult to explain when to apply a particular teaching
action. In this sense we would like to speculate that teachers' actions are of a
heuristic nature, that is, they are not describable by algorithm.
The model suggested in this paper served as a b e n c h m a r k in the
development of instructional interactions (Leikin, 2005a). It complements studies

Teachers"Proficiency in an Inquiry-BasedClassroom


on the development of teachers' reflective learning (Wood 2005), and of teachers'

learning of mathematics from teaching (Leikin, 2005b; Leikin, 2006). It also
provides additional information about the ways in which the teachers perform
learning m a n a g e m e n t (Jaworski, 1994). We suggest that our categories can serve
as benchmarks in planning and analysing discussions, and m a y be useful in
different professional d e v e l o p m e n t programs for mathematics teachers that
focus on the issue of whole-class inquiry-based discussion.

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Roza Leikin, Faculty of Education, University of Haifa, Haifa, 31905, Israel. Email:
Shelly Rota, CET-Centre of Educational Technology, Klauzner, 16, Tel Aviv, 61394, Israel.
Email: <shellyr@cet.ac.il>

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