SSC CGL Tier-I Exam 2016 Model Paper: Oòßæ Ýlæ Ê ŠL B Ðéæý Þoìñæ

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l 15

Ol>l l B l
O l 10 l 2016


Questions: 100

English Comprehension
Directions (Q. No. 1-5): In the
following questions, some of the
sentences have errors and some have
none. Find out which part of a
sentence has and blacken the rectangle corresponding to the appropriate
letter (1, 2, 3). If there is no error,
blacken the rectangle corresponding
to (4) in the answer sheet.
1. It sounds (1)/ as though (2)/ you
have a good time(3)/ No error(4).
2. Please don't be angry (1)/ on me.
It (2)/ was not my fault (3)/ No
error (4).
3. The boss ordered (1)/ the servant
to go and (2)/ fetch the cows (3)/
No error (4).
4. The potatoes were (1)/ sold lose,
(2)/ not in bags (3)/ No error (4).
5. Although the sun (1)/ was shining (2)/ but it was not warm (3)/
No error (4).
Directions (Q. No. 6-8): In the
following questions sentences are
given with blanks to be filled in with
an appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the correct alternative
out of the four and indicate it by
blackening the appropriate rectangle
in the answer sheet.
6. Petrol is ___ more by a rupee
from tomorrow onwards.
1) cost
2) costing
3) to cost
4) costed
7. She has great fondness ____
1) to 2) of 3) in 4) for
8. There is no ____ in the compartment.
1) room
2) place
3) gap
4) accommodation
Directions (Q. No. 9-11): In the
following questions, choose the word
opposite in meaning to the given
word and mark it in the answer sheet.
9. Debonair
1) Windy
2) Awkward
3) Balmy
4) Sporting
10. Sumptuous
1) Irritable
2) Meagre
1. As if/ As though is used to
mean "in a way that suggests
As if/ As though should invariably be followed by a past
conditional, and not by a present form. Hence, replace "have"
with "had"
Ans: 3
2. Angry with (persons)
Ex: Father is angry with me.
Angry at (behaviour)
Ex: Teacher is angry at his

Marks: 200

Time: 75 Min.

3) Fancy
4) Sad
11. Innocuous
1) Offensive
2) Harmless
3) Organic
4) Anger
Directions (Q. No. 12-14): In the
following questions, choose the one
which best expresses the meaning of
the given word and mark it in the
answer sheet.
12. Embellish
1) Balance
2) Accomplish
3) Adorn
4) Improve
13. Impeccable
1) Quotable
2) Faultless
3) Faulty
4) Hampering
14. Rigmarole
1) Short-cut
2) Lengthy procedure
3) Unnecessary burden
4) Happy responsibility
Directions (Q. No. 15-17): In the
following questions a part of the
sentence is given in bold. Below are
given alternatives to the bold part as
(1), (2) and (3) which may improve
the sentence. Choose the correct
alternative. In case no improvement
is needed your answer is (4).
15. I did not see him since he wrote
1) I could not see him
2) I shall not see him
3) I have not seen him
4) No improvement
16. Strenuous as it was, they went on
with their task.
1) since it was
2) because it was
3) although it was
4) No improvement
17. Who will provide relief to the
poor in this country?
1) money 2) succour
3) shelter 4) No improvement
Directions (Q. No. 18-20): In the
following questions out of the four
alternatives, choose the one which
can be substituted for the given
words/ sentence and indicate it by
blackening the appropriate rectangle
in the answer sheet.
18. Animals that live in flocks:
1) Pugnacious 2) Gregarious

3) Amphibious 4) Migratory
19. A person who hates women:
1) Misogamist 2) Misanthrope
3) Misologist 4) Misogynist
20. Animals that eat flesh:
1) Herbivorous
2) Graminivorous
3) Carnivorous 4) Piscivorous
Directions (Q. No. 21-22): In the
following questions the first and the
last sentences of the passage are
numbered 1 and 6. The rest of the
passage is split into four parts and
named P, Q, R and S. These four
parts are not given in their proper
order. Read the sentence and find out
which of the four combinations is
correct. Then find the correct answer
and indicate in the answer sheet.
21. 1. Education in India had a
glorious beginning.
P. But after the British rule, it
faced many changes.
Q. It went on for centuries with
the same glory.
R. English as the medium of
instruction had a very great
S. One of the changes was the
introduction of English as the
medium of instruction.
6. As the Britishers left we had a
complexity of opinions regarding English.
22. 1. It is the responsibility of parents to teach the young moral
values in life.
P. Many children take advantage
of their parents busy schedule.
Q. This results in children's
ignorance of social values.
R. The reason behind it is that parents are quite busy now a days.
S. Now a days parents spend very
meagre time with children.
6. As such, the society is going
away from the value system.
Directions (Q. No. 23-25): Read
the following passage and mark the

rude behaviour.
"Angry" never followed by
Ans: 2
3. Fetch itself gives meaning "go
and bring", So, delete "go and"
in the second part.
Ans: 2
4. Lose = Unable to find something.
Loose = Not strictly organized.
So, replace "lose" with "loose"
Ans: 2
5. Delete "but". Here, two conjunctions never go together.
Ans: 3

6. To indicate a plan/ arrangement

"Be + Infinitive" is used.
Ans: 3
7. Fondness - for, Fond-of
Ans: 4
8. Room = A little space Ans: 1
9. Ans: 2
10. Ans: 2
11. Ans: 1
12. Ans: 3
13. Ans: 2
14. Ans: 2
15. Here, present perfect should be
Ans: 3
16. although it was
Ans: 3
17. succour
Ans: 2
18. Ans: 2
19. Ans: 4

correct answers to the questions

given below based on the passage.
The two dominant features of our
age are science and democracy. They
have come to stay. We cannot ask
educated people to accept the deliverances of faith without rational
evidence. Whatever we are called
upon to accept must be justified and
supported by reason. Otherwise our
religious beliefs will be reduced to
wishful thinking. Modern man must
learn to live with a religion which
commends itself to his intellectual
conscience, to the spirit of science.
Besides, religion should be the
sustaining faith of democracy which
insists on the intellectual and spiritual development of every human
being irrespective of his caste, creed,
community, or race. Any religion
which divides man from man or
supports privileges exploitation, wars, cannot commend itself to us today.
23. In the passage it is said that
1) should aim at the intellectual
growth of all people
2) should strengthen religion
3) should work for spiritual development of every human
4) Both 1 and 3
24. Which of the following is correct?
1) A good religion supports wars
if necessary
2) A good religion grants a number of privileges to people.
3) A good religion divides man
from man
4) A good religion supports democratic system.
25. The writer of the passage stresses
the importance of:
1) Religion
2) Science
3) Science and democracy
4) Democracy
General Intelligence
& Reasoning
26. Which of the following word pair
is not related in the same way as
20. Ans: 3
21. Ans: 2
22. Ans: 1
23. Both (1) and (3)
Ans: 4
24. Ans: 4
25. Ans: 3
26. The word "Nature" can be formed from the letters in "Returnable". Similarly, the words
can be formed in all the cases
except (3). The word "Mediate"
cannot be formed from the
letters "Demonstration".
Ans: 3
27. Herring, Gombessa and Barracuda are fish. Whale is a ma-


27. Find the odd words/ letters/ numbers out from the given alternatives.
1) Herring
2) Gombessa
3) Barracuda 4) Whale
28. Select the one, which is different
from the other three responses.
1) Lion
2) Goat
3) Tortoise
4) Centaur
29. Ichthyology : fish ::
Herpetology : ?
1) Birds
2) Reptiles
3) Insects
4) Frog
30. Quack : Duck :: Bray : ?
1) Ass
2) Horse
3) Frog
4) Cat
31. After interchanging and +, 12
and 18, which one of the following equations becomes correct?
1) (90 18) + 18 = 62
2) (18 + 6) 12 = 20
3) (72 18) 18 = 70
4) (12 + 6) 18 = 38
32. In the following question, number of letters are skipped in between by a particular rule. Which
of the following series observes
the rule?
Directions (Q. No. 33-34): In each
of the following questions, arrange the
following in a logical order.
33. a) Poverty b) Population
c) Death
d) Unemployment
1) a, c, b, d
2) a, b, c, d
3) b, d, a, c
4) b, a, c, d
34. a) Are
b) Pens
c) Without
d) refill
1) d, c, a, b
2) b, a, c, d
3) b, c, d, a
4) d, b, c, a
35. In the following, 5 letters have
been skipped between two letters. Which of the following observes the rule given above?
1) RXD
2) ABE
3) PQT
4) LMQ

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Ans: 4
28. Centaur is a greek mytholological animal.
Ans: 4
29. Study of reptiles is Herpetology.
Ans: 2
30. The sound Ass makes is "bray"
Ans: 1
31. (12 6) + 18 = 20
Ans: 2
32. The letters skipped in between
the letters in the series are four.
Ans: 2
33. Ans: 3
34. Ans: 2
35. Ans: 1

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