Loving Mustafa

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On Loving RasulAllah
An Extract from Q ys Shif



L o vi n g

R a s u lA l l a h


On Loving RasulAllah
An Extract from Q ys Shif


(476-544 AH / 1083-1149 CE)

Translation and Notes

Abu Hasan

On Loving RaslAllh
An extract from Q ys Shif

Original Arabic

Q y ibn Ms al-Yaub al-Mlik

Translation and Notes

Abu Hasan


Abu Nibras, Aqdas, Noori

and everyone who contributed to this book
Cover Image:
A door of the Prophets Mosque / Pic. Abu Hasan

Copyright Ridawi Press

Rab al-Awwal 1437/December 2015
Version 1.0
First Version: December 2015
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Translators Preface
1 The Obligation of Loving Him

2 The Reward of Loving Him


3 Anecdotes of Elders and Imms


4 The Signs of True Love

5 The Meaning of Loving RaslAllh
6 The Obligation of Accepting His Counsel
Appendix :


Appendix D:
Appendix E: Transliteration Key
About the Author


All praise to Allh the Lord of all creation. Blessings and peace upon
our master Muammad the king of creation; the chief of all
prophets and messengers; he was sent with guidance and as a guide to
the world. O Allh! We ask Thee to guide us towards truth and upon
the right path.
This short work is a translation of a short section from Kitb al-Shif
bi Trfi uqq al-Muaf, one of the finest biographies of the
Prophet and perhaps the first of its kind. Someone has rightly said:
kulluhum walud dawa walkin
m ata bish-shif ill yu
Everyone tried a hand at medicine but,
None could find a cure except y

I have mentioned many editions of Shif in the bibliography; this is

because of cross-references and other footnotes, which are not
uniform in all editions. In my experience, I have found older editions
to have very few typographical errors (if any,) and therefore, I have
consulted these editions, wherever need to verify the text [of the
modern digital print] was felt.
wa billhit tawfq.

Abu Hasan
2nd Rab al-Awwal, 1437 / 13th December 2015


Allh tl says:

tsr qponmlk
lkjihg   fedcba`_
O Prophet, tell them: If your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your
wives, your family, the wealth that you have amassed, and business
that you fear will be ruined, and dwellings that delight you; if any of
these are dear to you than Allh and His Messenger, or more precious
than striving in the path of Allh then await the Wrath of Allh; verily,
Allh does not guide the contumacious.1

There cannot be a bigger exhortation or a sterner warning, a testimony

or irrefutable proof concerning the obligation of loving the Prophet ;
and that loving him is an obligation, a matter of the most serious
import2 and the undeniable right of the Prophet . Because Allh tl
has rebuked those who love their wealth, their families and their
children more than Allh tl and His Messenger ; and He has
warned them in these words: ...then await the Wrath of Allh; verily,
Allh does not guide the contumacious. In the end of the verse, Allh
tl has described such people as corrupt, sinful and contumacious;
and he has informed them that they are astray and Allh tl has not
given them guidance.

Srah Al-Tawbah, 9:24.

In Arabic, ami khaarih: of great seriousness, gravity. Qr: it is of great importance

and is highly valued. Khafj: of immense importance in the great benefit it imparts.

Narrated to us fi Ab l al-Ghassn, who also gave me authorisation3 and we

have read this with many others said he: narrated to us Sirj ibn bdullh, the q:
narrated to us Ab Muammad l al-Al: narrated to us Al-Marwaz: narrated to us
Ab bdullh Muammad ibn Ysuf: narrated Muammad ibn Isml: narrated
Yqb ibn Ibrhm: narrated ibn layyah from bdul zz ibn uhayb:

From Anas ibn Mlik that RaslAllh said: None amongst you
has believed, until I have become more beloved4 to him than his
children, his parents and the whole of mankind.5 A similar adth
has been narrated by Ab Hurayrah.
Narrated by Anas from RaslAllh that he said: If a person finds
three things in himself, he has tasted the sweetness of faith. That
Allh and His Messenger are more beloved to him than anyone else;
and he loves another person and loves him not except for the sake
of Allh; and that he dislikes lapsing into disbelief as he abhors being
thrown into fire.6
mar ibn al-Khab reports that he told RaslAllh : You are
more beloved to me than everything else, except for my life in my
bosom. RaslAllh replied: None of you has truly believed until I
have become more beloved to him than his own life. mar said:
By Him, who has revealed the Book to you; now, you are more beloved
to me than my own life. RaslAllh said: Now, O mar.7

Qr: [It means:] even though, I did not hear this from him, nor read it out in his
presence. i.e., permission to narrate under a general authorisation.

This love is not desire or infatuation; rather, respect and giving preference to him,
and to accept his verdict even if it is against ones own liking. [l al-Qari]

Bukhri #14-15, Muslim #69-70, Nasyi 8/115, Tirmidh 2517, Ibn Mjah 67.

Bukhr #21. Muslim, #68.

Bukhr, #6632, i.e., Now, you are a perfect believer, O mar!


Sahl8 said: Whosoever does not consider the dominion of RaslAllh

upon himself in all his affairs, and consider his own self to be the
posession of RaslAllh will not taste the sweetness of his sunnah,9
because he has said: None amongst you has truly believed, until I am
more beloved to him than his own life.

Sahl ibn bdullh al-Tustur

His tradition: whether in practice or whether learning adth.



Narrated Ab Muammad ibn ttb, by my reading in his presence: narrated to us Abul
Qsim tim ibn Muammad: narrated to us Muammad ibn Ysuf: narrated to us
Muammad ibn Isml:10 narrated to us bdn: my father narrated to us: narrated to
us Shbah: From mr ibn Murrah: from Slim ibn Abil Jad:

From Anas that a man came to the Prophet and said: When will
the Hour be? He asked: What have you prepared for it? He replied:
I have not prepared for it [by doing] plenty of prayers, nor fasting, nor
charity; but I love Allh and His Messenger. He said: You will be with
those whom you love.11
Narrated by afwn ibn Qudmah: I migrated [to Madnah] towards
the Prophet and when I came to him, I said: O Messenger of Allh!
Give me your hand so that I can pledge allegiance.12 He gave me his
hand. I said: O Messenger of Allh! Indeed, I love you. He said: A
man will be with whom he loves.13
bdullh ibn Masd has also narrated this in these very words.14
The same has been reported by: Ab Ms15 [al-Ashr] and Anas16
[ibn Mlik] . Ab Dharr [al-Ghifr] has reported a similar adth
in other words.


This is Imm Bukhr.


Bukhr, #6171. Muslim, #2639. That is, supererogatory prayers and fasting [Qr].




abarn Cf. Majma al-Zawyid 9/364. Tirmidh, Nasy Cf. Manhil al-af #946


Bukhr #6168, Muslim #2640.


Bukhr, #6170, Muslim, #2641.


Ab Dwd #5126, Tirmidh, #2392-2393.


In a narration of [Mawl] l , the Prophet took asan and usayn

by the hand and said: Whoever loves me and loves these two, and
their father, and their mother, will be in the same level as mine, on
the day of Judgement.17
It is reported that a man18 came to the Prophet and said: O
Messenger of Allh! Certainly, you are more beloved to me than my
own family and my wealth; and verily, when I think of you, I become
anxious and I am not calmed until I have come to you and have seen
you. When I think about my death and your passing, I know that you
will enter paradise and will be in lofty stations with prophets and if I
enter paradise, I will not see you. Allh tl revealed the following
verse at this juncture:

{zyx wvu
Whoever obeys Allh and the Messenger, they will be with those upon
whom Allh tl has bestowed favours, among prophets, the
truthful, the martyrs and the righteous. And what a beautiful company
they are.19

RaslAllh called the man, and recited this verse to him.20


Tirmidh #3754.


Baghaw in his tafsr says that it was either Thawbn, a freed slave of RaslAllh or
Abdullah ibn Zayd [Shumunn].

Srah Nisa, 4:69.

Waidi mentioned it in his Asbb al-Nuzl, narrated by Sayyidah ayishah .

Majma al-Zawyid, 7/7 and Haytam says: This is narrated by abarn in Mjam

In another adth: There was a man near the Prophet and he was
looking at him without batting an eyelid; [RaslAllh ]asked: What is
the matter with you? He replied: My father and my mother be
sacrificed upon you; I am relishing [these moments] by looking at you.
For, on Judgement day, you will be raised because of your superiority21
[beyond my sight] and Allh tl revealed this verse.22
In the adth of Anas ibn Mlik : Whoever loves me, will be along
with me in paradise.23

aghr and Awsa; all the narrators are trustworthy [thiqt]. Narrated by abarn and
Ibn Mardawayh from Sayyidah ayishah and Ibn bbs [Manhil, #949].
You may will be raised beyond my sight, and I may be left behind; and perhaps I will
not see you there. Hence the verse was revealed to comfort believers and to give them
glad tidings [Qr, Khafji].

Manhil al-af, #950.


Part of a longer adth of Tirmidh, #2687.



Narrated to us Q al-Shahd: narrated al-dhriyy: narrated to us Rz: narrated to us
Juld: narrated to us ibn Sufyn: narrated to us Muslim: narrated to us Qutaybah:
narrated to us Yqb ibn bd al-Ramn: from Suhayl: from his father:

From Ab Hurayrah that RaslAllh said: Among my followers,

those who love me the most are the ones who will come after me, who
will be eager [to see me] and ready to [part] from their families and their
wealth, just for a glimpse of me.24 A similar adth is narrated by Ab
Dharr [al-Ghifr] .
The adth of mar has been mentioned already, wherein he said to
the Prophet : You are more beloved to me than my own life. adth
of similar meaning have also been reported from other companions.
bdah, the daughter of Khlid ibn Madn25 said: When Khlid went
to bed, his yearning for RaslAllh was immense. He would
remember him and his companions among the Migrants and the
Helpers, and would name them; he would say: They are my first and
my last.26 My heart pines for them. I have been longing [to be with]
them. O my Lord! Hasten my coming to you. He would repeat this
until he was overcome by sleep.27


Muslim, #2832


Very pious tbi; he met nearly 70 companions. He would recite 40,000 tasb
everyday, other than Qurn recitation. He was fasting at the time of his death and his
fingers were placed counting the tasb [Siyar Alm al-Nubal, 4/540]

That is, I am proud of being associated with them and I give precedence to them; I
value them above my own forefathers and my tribe [Khafj, 4/425]. I take everything
from them for my religion: fundamentals [al] and derived [fur] matters [Qr, 2/41].

ilyatul Awliya, 5/210. Siyar Alm al-Nubal 4/539.


It is reported from Ab Bakr that he told the Prophet : By Him,

who has sent you with the truth the Islm of Ab lib would please
me28 more than his Islm [meaning his father Ab Qufahs29 ].
Because the Islm of Ab lib would make you pleased.30
There is a similar narration about mar ibn al-Khab ; that he told
bbs : Your becoming a Muslim is far beloved [and pleasing] to me
than the Islm of Khab,31 as it is more pleasing to RaslAllh .32
Reported by Ibn Isq: about the lady from the Helpers, whose father,
brother and husband were martyred in [the Battle of] Uud, [fighting]
alongside RaslAllh . She asked: How is RaslAllh ?33 They
replied: He is well. Praise to Allh, he is like you wish him to be. She
said: Show him to me, I want to see him. And when she saw him, she
cried: Every calamity is trifle, as long as you are safe.34


Literally: cool my eyes which means give him immense pleasure. This is similar to
the English idiom: apple of his eye. Sayyidun Ab Bakr said this when his father, Ab
Qufah became a Muslim [Khafj]. The idiom coolness of eyes indicates happiness;
one of the tears of happiness are cool and the tears of sadness are warm. [Khafj].

thmn ibn mir ibn mr ibn Kab ibn Sad ibn Tamm, Ab Qufah; he
accepted Islm on the Day of Victory; passed away in 14 AH.
Ibn skir in his Trkh narrating from Ibn mar . [Cf. Manhil, #945]. Ab lib
is RaslAllhs uncle, who loved him and served him; but unfortunately did not
become Muslim.

Sayyidun mars father.


Bayhaq and Bazzr from Ibn mar [Cf. Khafj]; Majma al-Zawyid, 9/268.


Literally: What did RaslAllh do?


She meant: I do not care for any adversity, any hardship nor saddened, as long as
you are safe. [Khafj].

l ibn Ab lib was asked: How was your love for RaslAllh ?
He replied: By Allh! He was far more beloved to us than our wealth,
our children, our fathers and mothers and more [beloved] than cold
water in intense thirst.35
Zayd ibn Aslam reports: mar set out one night on his patrol and he
saw a light in a house. He [approached it and saw] an old lady spinning
yarn and she was saying:36
The righteous have praised37 Muammad and sent blessings
The virtuous and the good have prayed for blessings upon him
You are a pious worshipper, you stay awake weeping at dawn
Alas, death comes in many ways,
How will I be united with the Beloved (Prophet ) in the abode38

[Sayyidun] mar sat down and began to weep, as mentioned in a

lengthy anecdote.39


Manhil al-af, #957.


According to the narration, the sixth line was added by Sayyidun mar:
l muammadin altul abrr / all layhit ayyibn al-akhyr
qad kunta qawwman bukan bil asr / y layta shir wal many awr
hal tajman wa abb al-dr / wa mara faghfir lah y ghaffr


alt means to show reverence to him in this world by elevating his mention and to
proclaim his greatness; and in the hereafter by increasing his reward and exalting his
station [l al-Qr, Shar al-Shif 2/42].

According to commentaries, dr or dwelling refers to this world or the hereafter and
the meaning changes accordingly. How can I join the Beloved before I die, so where is
death that I die and see my Beloved. OR: Death comes in many forms and I have
died in his love, then why do I not see him? As a poet has said:

One who does not die by the sword, will die without;
The sources are various, but the malady is one.

bdullh ibn al-Mubarak in Al-Zuhd, 362-363.


It has been reported that the leg of bdullh ibn mar became numb;
he was told: mention the person who is most beloved to you, and you
will feel better. He called out loudly: O Muammad!40 And his leg
became normal.41
In the final moments of [Sayyidun] Bill , his distraught wife
exclaimed: Alas, the agony! And he said: The joy! Tomorrow I will
meet my beloved ones; Muammad and his party.42
A similar adth is narrated about udhayfah ibn al-Yamn .
It is reported that a lady asked Sayyidah ayishah to show her the
grave of RaslAllh ; so she showed it to her. The lady began to weep
and wept until she died.
When the polytheists of Makkah were taking Zayd ibn al-Dathinah
out of the sanctuary to kill him, Ab Sufyn ibn arb43 asked him: I
ask you in the name of Allh, O Zayd! Tell me, dont you wish that
Muammad was [here] with us now in your place and killed instead;
and that you were [safe] with your family?
Zayd replied: By Allh! I do not wish that Muammad is hurt by
[the tiniest] thorn where he is now and that I should be sitting with
my family. Ab Sufyn said: I have not seen anyone love someone as
much as the companions of Muammad love Muammad .44

According to scholars, it is not permissible to call upon RaslAllh by his name;

one should say Y RaslAllh instead. In a similar incident, Ibn bbs mentioned
RasulAllahs name without the y.


Kitb Ibn al-Sunn Cf. Adhkr of Imm Nawaw, #895-896; Adab al-Mufrad #967.


In another narration: companions instead of party.


He was not a Muslim at that time; he became a Muslim during the Victory of Makkah.


Bayhaq, Cf. Manhil, #960. The incident of Zayd ibn al-Dathinah in Bukhr, #3045.

Narrated by Ibn bbs : When a woman came to RaslAllh [after

migration], he would ask her to swear an oath in the name of Allh
[concerning her migration] that she had not left because she detested
her husband, or from one land to another in the greed of [better
prospects]; and that she had left only in the love of Allh and His
[bdullh] ibn mar stood by the body of [bdullh] ibn al-Zubayr
after he was martyred, and said: By Allh, as far as I know, you were
a person who prayed and fasted and you loved Allh and His


Musnad Bazzr, #2272.


Ab Yal in his Musnad.



Know, that when someone loves something, he gives preference and
precedence to it; he is eager to be in agreement, in conformity with it.
Otherwise, he is not truthful and just a false claimant of love. Thus, one
who claims to love the Prophet exhibits certain signs; the foremost of
which are: to follow his example and be adherent to his sunnah;47 to
follow him in his speech and in his actions; and to obey his commands
to do or abstain from something; to emulate him in every state
whether in comfort or in adversity, whether one likes it or not, as said
by Allh tl:

Tell them: If you [truly] love Allh, then follow me; Allh will love you
and forgive your sins.48

And to forego ones own liking and to give precedence to his

command,49 and to that which he has recommended.

And those who were [already] living in this city and [had accepted]
faith and have befriended those who came to them as refugees, and
do not crave for anything that is given to others, and give precedence
to the [emigrants], in spite of being in dire need themselves.50


His tradition.


Srah Al mrn, 3:31.


Shara because, his command is law.


Srah ashr, 59:9


[One of the signs] is to be [willing to] earn the anger, resentment and
disapproval [sukh] of people, for the sake of pleasing Allh tl.51
Narrated to us the Q and fi Ab l: Narrated to us Abul usayn al-ayraf and
Abul Fal ibn Khayrn, and they both said: Narrated to us Ab Yal al-Baghdd:
Narrated to us Ab l al-Sinjiy: Narrated to us Muammad ibn Mabb: Narrated to
us Ab s: Narrated Muslim ibn tim: Narrated to us Muammad ibn bdullh alAnr: From his father: From l ibn Zayd: From Sad ibn al-Musayyib and he said:

Anas ibn Mlik said: RaslAllh told me: My son!52 If it is

possible for you [to rise in the] morning and [retire in the] evening
such that you do not bear any malice, hatred or jealousy53 towards
anyone,54 then certainly do so. And then he told me: My son! That
is from my tradition [sunnah] and whoever revives55 my tradition
has [truly] loved me; and whoever loves me, will be with me in


Allh tl loves those who obey Him those who fulfill His commands and abstain
from that which He has forbidden and those who love whom He loves and despise those
whom He dislikes. One should strive to please Allh tl even if it displeases others.
Thus, one should be adherent to the sharh and be mindful of it, even if ones parents
or friends are unhappy about it. A true Muslim will not hesitate to say that
homosexuality and adultery are sins, and that disbelievers will certainly go to hell; he or
she will not please people by earning the Wrath of Allh tl, by saying/doing things
just to avoid bad press or ridiculed on the media or fear of being mocked by people. In
other words, be prepared to earn the displeasure of people, seeking to please Allh.


In a adth: I am for you [Muslims] like a father, and I teach you... [Ab Dwd #8]


Ghish: Lit. deception, fraud, disloyalty, treachery etc. But here, it means iqd and
asad: malice and envy [Qr, Khaffj].


This does not contradict the other statement that one should bear love or hatred only
for the sake of Allh. Hate for the sake of Allh tl is not bad.

By emulating it and aiding it [Khafj]. By acting upon it and spreading it, by learning
and teaching; in another narration: He who loves my tradition [Qr].


Tirmidh, #2687 and he classed it asan/fair. [Manhil, #963].


Whoever has all these attributes is perfect in the love of Allh and His
Messenger ; and those who fall short in some aspects, are flawed in
their love, but will not fall outside the definition of love.
The proof for the above, is the vindication of RaslAllh for the
person who was punished for drinking wine, when one of the
companions cursed him and said: How many times are you brought
for this [crime] The Prophet said: Do not damn him, for he loves
Allh and His Messenger.57
One of the signs of the love of the Prophet , is to mention him often
and remember him always; because, one who loves something talks
about it all the time.58
Another sign [of love] is to constantly yearn for meeting him
because, the one who loves is eager to meet his beloved.
In the adth of Ashrs,59 when they approached Madnah, they were
singing [in eager anticipation]:60
To meet our friends, the morrow beckons
[The Master] Muammad and companions61


Bukhr, #6780. Manhil, #963.

Vide adth of Sayyidah ayishah reported by Daylam in Musnad al-Firdaws:

Whoever loves something, mentions it often [Qr]. Ab Nuym [Manhil, #965]

Ab Ms al-Ashry and his tribe from Yemen, when they arrived in Madnah in
the seventh year after emigration (7 AH) [Khafj]. From Yemen or Abyssinia [Qr].



Irtajaza: to recite poems, chanting in rhythm, to sing; or to say a poetic verse in the
rajz metre, even though this couplet is in the wfir or the hazj metre [Khafj].

ghadan nalq al-aibbah :: muammadan wa abah; . Bayhaq from Anas in

Dalyil [Cf. Manhil #966]. In another narration: ghadan nalq al-aibbah :: muammadan
wa izbah [Qr].


It has been mentioned earlier that Bill has said similarly [yearning
to meet RaslAllh and his companions].
mmr62 said a similar thing before he was martyred.
We have also mentioned earlier, a similar anecdote about Khlid ibn
Madn [yearning to meet RaslAllh and his companions].
Among other signs of love in addition to mentioning him often is
to revere him and give him utmost respect; to mention him with
deference and esteem; and to display humility and servility due to a
servant [in the presence of his master] upon the mention of his name.63
Isq al-Tujb64 said: When the companions of the Prophet
mentioned him after his passing, they would speak in utter humility,
utmost reverence and with extreme awe; they would weep when he was
mentioned .

mmr ibn Ysir , the companion was martyred by the army of Muwiyah in
iffn in the year 36 AH. He fought alongside our master l . Ibn Salamah said: I saw
mmr on the day of iffn and he asked for something to drink. His wife brought him
[a glass of] milk and after drinking it, he said: On this day, I will meet my loved ones;
RaslAllh promised me that the last thing I would drink in this world would be
milk. He then went out to fight and was martyred. RaslAllh foretold that: mmr
will be killed by a group of rebels and this also proves that our Master l may Allh
tl ennoble his blessed face - was in the right [Khafj]. Majma al-Zawyid, 9/298.

In our times, we see Wahb-Salafi preachers and other talking-heads mention

RaslAllh , as if they are talking of any other ordinary person. Many such speakers
just call him by his name. Is this adab? These very speakers prefix lengthy titles to their
own shaykhs, even kings and benefactors: His Highness, King so-and-so His
Majesty, prince such-and-such His Eminence, shaykh XYZ. But when talking about
RaslAllh , they say: Muammad said this, Muammad did that and some lowlife
vermin do not even have the decency to say the blessings after his name.

Isq ibn Ibrhm al-Tujb [d.352 AH] was a famous Mlik imam and muaddith.

Thus was the case with many among the tbin: some of them wept65
out of immense love and yearning for the Prophet ; while some others
quivered in awe and admiration.
Another sign of truly loving RaslAllh , is to love those who were
beloved to him and [who became eminent] because of him such as the
Ahl al-Bayt, the members of his household and his companions among
the Emigrants and the Helpers.66 And to be enemies of those who bear
enmity with them;67 and to dislike those who hate them or curse them.68
RaslAllh has said concerning asan and usayn : O Allh!
Indeed, I love these two; [You too] love these two.69
In another narration, concerning asan , he said: O Allh! Indeed,
I love him [You too] love whoever loves him.70
RaslAllh said: Whoever loves these two [asan and usayn ]
has loved me; and whoever loves me has loved Allh. Whoever hates
these two, has hated me; and whoever hates me hates Allh.71


Khushu, khu: to consider oneself insignificant and to display abject humility;

and the feeling of awe; iqsha-rrat julduhum, lit. they trembled in their skins.


Muhjirn, Anr.


Like the Khawrij; one should not discuss disagreements or wars of the companions
amongst themselves [Khafj].


Such as the Rfis, who curse the Companions and hurl profanities at them. Those
who curse, slander, insult or deride the Companions is a dog of those in hell.[Qr].


Bukhr, #3747; Muslim, #2421; Tirmidh, #3794; narrated by Usmah ibn Zayd .


Bukhr, #3749, Muslim #2421-2422; narrated by Ab Hurayrah .

Ibn Mjah, #143; narrated by Ab Hurayrah ; Nasy in Sunan al-Kubr, #8112.

Thus, whoever hates Allh tl has disbelieved in Allh [Qr].


RaslAllh has said: Allh, Allh! [Fear Allh] concerning my

companions.72 Do not make them targets after me.73 Whoever loves
them, loves them for the sake of my love;74 whoever hates them, then
he hates them out of hatred for me.75 Whoever hurts them has
harmed me; and whoever hurts me has harmed Allh whoever
harms Allh, it is nigh that [Allh] will seize him [in His Wrath].76
And he said about Lady Fimah : She is a part of me. Whoever
angers her has angered me.77
He told [our mother] ayishah about Usmah ibn Zayd : Treat
him with affection, because I love him.78
He said: Love of the Helpers [anr] is a sign of faith; and their
hatred is a sign of hypocrisy.79
In the adth of Ibn mar :Whoever loves the Arabs, does so in my
love; and one who hates them, does so out of hatred for me.80


And do not speak ill of them, because they are beloved to me [Qr].


Ghara: target, hadaf. That is do not target them [for criticism] behind my back
during my life in this world, and target them for criticism after my passing away from
this world. In some copies, it is ra instead of ghara; but obviously, it is a typo [Qr].


He loves them because he loves me; OR he loves them because I love them [Qr].


Therefore some Mliks consider as apostates, those who insult the Companions, and
therefore deserve capital punishment. Because despising, slandering or insulting the
Companions tantamounts to insulting RaslAllh , which is apostasy [Qr, Khafj].


Tirmidh, #3888. Musnad Imm Amad, #21090, 8/299.


Bukhr, #3714; Muslim, #2449;


Tirmidh, #3844.


Bukhr, #15; Muslim, #74; narrated by Anas ibn Mlik ;.


Bayhaq in Shub al-mn, Cf. Manhil, #973.


In reality, one who loves someone, loves anything that is loved by the
beloved, to the extent that they preferred what he liked in mub81
matters and in personal tastes and otherwise natural inclinations.
Anas said that eversince he saw RaslAllh sifting for [pieces of]
gourd from the bowl: From that day onward, I love [to eat] gourd.82
Then, here is asan ibn l; along with bdullh ibn bbs and
bdullh ibn Jafar who came to Salm and asked her to cook
food that RaslAllh loved to eat.83
Ibn mar would wear shoes made of cowhide,84 and would dye them
yellow;85 because he saw RaslAllh wearing such shoes.86
Among signs of love is to dislike and hate those who are disliked by
Allh and His Messenger; and to deem their enemies, as ones own


Mub is permissible to act upon, without any reproach on omitting it; or vice-versa.


Bukhr, #2092; Muslim, #2041. Dubba: bottle-gourd, calabash. It is said that in a

gathering where Imm Ab Ysuf was present, someone said that RaslAllh liked
the gourd. A man said: But I dont like gourd. Ab Ysuf drew his sword and said:
Repent and renew your faith, or else I will execute you. [Qr]. Imm Ab Ysuf was
the Q, the chief justice and hence he had the authority to do so. Qr also says that
this was because the mans saying was explicitly contradicting the Prophet .
Tirmidh in Shamyil, #179. Salm is the wife of Ab Rfi, and is the slavegirl of
RaslAllh or his aunt afiyyah . She is the one who washed Lady Fimah in
her funeral; also, there are 15 other women-companions named Salm [Khafj].

Sabt: meaning dyed cowhide; hence, nil al-sabtiyyah: pair of cowhides [Qr]; in
the pagan times, only affluent people wore such shoes; there used to be a market named
Sq al-Sabt, hence the name [Khafj].

It need not be bright lemon-yellow; it can be saffron, ochre, beige or any other shade.


Bukhr, #5851; Muslim, #1187.


enemies; and to distance oneself from those who oppose his sunnah and
introduce heresies and [reprehensible] innovations87 in religion; and
consider everything opposed to the sharh as a grave matter.


Such a heresy, or innovation that is opposed to the Sharh [Khaffj]. The famous
Mlik imm, fi Muammad Ab Bakr ibn al-rab [468-543 AH] among the
teachers of Q y, says:
Beware of innovative practices [mudatht al-umr]: Know, may Allh tl give you
knowledge; innovative practice [mudath] is of two categories; an innovative practice that
has no basis [in Islm] except wanton desires and to act upon that dictated by whims is
absolutely invalid [bil qaan]. The innovative practice which is based on a precedent [in
the sunnah] is the practice of the [righteous] caliphs, imms and great scholars [fuala] and
is not a reprehensible innovation or heresy [mudath wal bidh] just because it is termed
novel practice [mudath] or innovation [bidh], because Allh tl has said: Never a new
[mudath] admonition comes from your Lord... [Srah Anbiya, 21:2]. And mar has said:
What a fine innovation [bidh] is this! Indeed, the bidh [innovation] that is reprehensible
and rebuked is that which opposes the sunnah and that which attracts, allures towards
heresies. [riah al-Awadh

f shar al-Tirmidh, 10/147, under adth #2685].

Imm Ibn Rajab al-anbal says:

Bidh means any innovation which cannot be proven by a principle in the sharh [alun lahu
fish sharh yadullu layh]; however, such things which have a basis in sharh, and which
can be proven by a shara principle, it is not considered as a bidh according to sharh,
even though lexically, it is an innovative practice [bidh].

[Jmi al-lm wal ikam,

under adth of rb ibn Sriyah, #28 of Arban].

Imm Nawaw says:
Bida: In sharh, it is an innovation, and which was not present in the time of RaslAllh .
It is categorised as good and ugly [asanah, qabah]. The shaykh and imm and about
whom there is a general agreement upon his being an imm and upon his preeminence and
mastery of the sciences Ab Muammad bd al-zz ibn bd al-Salm said in the ending
of his book Al-Qawid: Bidh is classified as following: Obligatory, Forbidden,
Recommended, Disliked, Permissible. The method to ascertain the category to which a bidh
belongs is to evaluate it against principles of sharh. If it corresponds to the principles of
wjib, it is wjib; and likewise arm, mandb, makrh or mub according to respective
conditions. [Tahdhb al-Asma wal Lught, 3/22; Cf. Qawid al-Kubra].


Because, Allh tl says:

You will not find those people who believe in Allh and in the Final Day
bearing affection for those who oppose Allh and His Messenger...88

And these are the companions of the Prophet , who slayed their loved
ones upon his command and they killed their own fathers and sons.
bdullh ibn bdullh ibn Ubayy said [about his father]:89 If you so
wish, I can bring you his head.90 That is, his fathers head.
Among the signs of loving him , is to love the Qurn, which came to
him and he guided [the world] by its guidance; and modelled his
character according to the Qurn, as Sayyidah ayishah said: His
character was the Qurn.91 Loving the Qurn means to recite it, to act
upon its guidance and to strive to understand it.
Among the signs of loving him , is to love his tradition [sunnah] and
to stay within its bounds, without breaching them. Sahl ibn bdullh
said: The sign of the love of Allh is in loving the Qurn; and the love
of Allh and the Qurn is the love of the Prophet . The sign of the
love of the Prophet , is to love his tradition; and the sign that one loves
his tradition, is the love of the herafter; and the sign that one loves the
hereafter is dislike of this world; and the sign that one dislikes this world
and is distanced from it, is to renounce hoarding [duny] and amassing
worldly wealth except that which is necessary for the hereafter.


Srah Mujdilah, 58:22.


His father bdullh ibn Ubayy was the chief of hypocrites in Madnah; the son, a
devoted and righteous companion said this when his father insulted RaslAllh and
his companions and calling them disgraced.

Musnad Bazzr, #2708; Cf. Haytham, Majma al-Zawyid, 9/318.


Muslim, #746.

[bdullh] ibn Masd said: Let none of you ask another [whether he
loves Allh and His Messenger] except the Qurn; if he loves the
Qurn, he [certainly] loves Allh and His Messenger.
Among the signs of loving him , is to be kind and compassionate
towards his followers, to give them good counsel, to strive for their
betterment, to ease their hardship and prevent harm from them; just as
he was kind and merciful to his followers.
And the sign of perfect love of RaslAllh , is to be abstemious of
worldly pleasures and to be austere; to give preference to poverty and
frugality [over luxury and comfort].
RaslAllh told Ab Sad al-Khudr : Verily, poverty rushes
towards those of you who love me, faster than the wave gushes from the
top of the valley or from the mountain to the bottom [of the valley
or the mountain].92
In the adth of bdullh ibn Mughaffal : A man told RaslAllh ,
O Messenger of Allh! Indeed, I love you. He said: Look at what you
are saying. The man said: By Allh! Verily, I love you. And he said
that three times. RaslAllh said: If you [really] love me, then be
prepared for poverty and abnegation.93 And he said something similar
as in the adth of Ab Sad [al-Khudr].


Musnad Imm Amad Cf. Majma al-Zawyid, 10/274.


Tirmidh, #2357.


There are various opinions explaining the meaning of love of Allh
and love of the Prophet . There are numerous descriptions about it,
but the difference is not in its reality; rather, the difference is in states
[of those who have described it].
Sufyn94 said: Love means to [diligently] follow the Prophet . It
appears that he was referring to this verse, in which Allh tl says:

Tell them: If you [truly] love Allh, then follow me; Allh will love you
and forgive your sins. And Allh is Forgiving, Merciful.95

Someone said: Love of the Prophet means to believe in aiding him, to

defend his tradition [sunnah] and to be prepared for defending it,96 and
to fear opposing him.
Another has said: Love97 is incessant remembrance of the beloved.
Another has said: Love is giving preference to the beloved.
Another has said: Love means to yearn for the beloved.
Another has said: Love is unquestioning acceptance and ready
agreement with the Will of the Lord Almighty and to love what He
Loves, and dislikes everything the Lord Dislikes.


Sufyn al-Thawr or Sufyn ibn yaynah [Qr].


Srah Al mrn, 3:31.


Defending the sharh, or defending his person from attacks.


Here the love of Allh tal is being discussed [Khafj].


Another has said: Love means that the heart is the inclination and
spontaneous acceptance and concurrence with the beloved.98
All the above descriptions talk about the consequence of love, rather
than the reality of love. In reality, love is the inclination of a person
towards the [preference] of the beloved and concurring with him.99

Now, conforming to the wishes of the beloved, can be either due

to the pleasure one derives in beholding the beloved [which is
gratifying to the the physical senses]. For example, the pleasure
one gets in looking at beautiful pictures; or the bliss, one feels upon
hearing melodious voices; or the relishing of tasty food and drink
etc., towards which every normal human being has a natural

Or for the felicity one attains, upon cognition and realisation of

things that are pleasing to the mind and the heart; and which are
perceived [by the intellect and emotions] as noble and virtuous.
For example, the love of righteous folk and scholars; the love of the
pious, and people known for their beautiful character and those
who do good deeds.101 It is natural for humans to admire such


Agrees to, and accepts whatever the beloved wishes without demur [Khafj].


Some have said that this definition is similar to that said earlier [Khafj]. The author
is probably repeating here because, this is a part of a more detailed definition.


It can be rephrased thus: Any normal human being is naturally inclined towards
things that give pleasure to the senses such as good pictures, or melodious voices and
music or tasty food and drink. Thus, it is natural for one to be attracted towards the
beloved, and concurs with the beloved, because of some trait or quality that is pleasing
to ones physical senses such as beauty, or melodious voice etc.

Such as charity; acts of kindness, compassion and sacrifice etc. In addition to these,
a Muslim admires those who pray, fast, do dhikr and scrupulously adhere to sharh.

traits and feel attracted towards such people and venerate them.
Sometimes, this adoration reaches a point of infatuation and
fanaticism, leading to sectaranism such that communities exile,
violate honour and kill one another.

Or, love for a person can be on account of his favours, for his
largess and his generosity; because it is natural for humans to love
their benefactors.

When you have understood this, and examined these reasons [for love
mentioned above] in the case of RaslAllh , you will realise that all
the three aspects102 hold true for him.
As for his physical beauty and his perfect character;103 we have already
discussed those aspects in the book earlier and there is no need to repeat
it here again.
As for his favours and largess on his followers [ummah], it has also been
discussed already; among which is that Allh tl has described him as
being kind to them,104 merciful to them, guiding them, compassionate
to them, saving them from hellfire, and that he is merciful and kind to
believers, that he is a mercy to all the worlds, that he is the bringer of
glad tidings and a warner of punishment and Divine Wrath; that he calls
towards Allh, by His leave and is a illuminating and radiant light; that
he recites the Qurnic verses to them, cleanses them and teaches them
the Book and wisdom; and that he guides them on the Straight Path.


Physical beauty, perfection of character and his immense favours [Qr].


Since he is physical form is of utmost beauty and as the companions have said that
he was the most beautiful human.


Believers, muminn.

Which other favour can be greater in eminence and of serious import

than his favour upon believers? Which other bounty can be of more
benefit and of common welfare than his largess to Muslims?
Because he is the means for their guidance and deliverance from
ignorance and error; he is the caller to success and honour the means
[of salvation and bounty] from their Lord Almighty; and their
intercessor. He speaks for them105 [the ummah] in the Presence of
Almighty and bears witness [for their faith] and intercedes for them to
attain an everlasting life and eternal bliss.
It will be clear to you that RaslAllh is more deserving of being loved
in reality certainly because the sharh commands you to love him;
but also for the natural inclination we have just mentioned as his
favours [upon the ummah] are abundant, and his generosity
encompasses everyone.
If it is natural for a man to love his benefactor, one who has granted him
favours in this world and given him benefit once or twice, or saved his
life or saved him from danger the harm and pain of which is anyhow
short-lived and [is anyway] for a short period, which lasts only until his
death. Then, [imagine] the favours [of a person] that are everlasting,
and comforts that are never-ending; and deliverance from a
punishment that will never abate, and torment that never subside isnt
such a person more deserving to be loved?
If it is natural to love a king for his benevolence; or a ruler who treats
his subjects well. [or love and admire] an upright judge, known for his
knowledge and noble character, even if he lives far away then, he who
has all these attributes is far worthy of being loved and revered.


Implores Allh tl to forgive his sinful ummah; when people are speechless in awe
and trepidation, and nobody is permitted to speak, except RaslAllh [Khafj].

[Our master] l has said describing his attributes: Whoever saw

him for the first time106 would be filled with awe, and when stayed with
him would love him.
We have already mentioned that one of his companions107 would look
at him without a pause; this was out of sheer love for him .


Badhatan: suddenly, spontaneously. Here it means when he first saw him [Qr].


It is Thawbn , as mentioned earlier [Khafj].



It is obligatory to accept his advice. Allh tl says:

{ z y x wvut s q
And nor is [there any blame] upon those who do not find anything to
spend; as long as they are sincere to Allh and His Messenger. The
righteous [will not be reproached]. And Allh is Forgiving, Merciful.108

Concerning naah for Allh and His Messenger, commentators

have said that it means: as long as they are sincere [mukhlin] Muslims
in private and public.
Narrated to me Q Faqih Abul Wald and I read it aloud in his presence: Narrated to
us usayn ibn Muammad: Narrated to us Ysuf ibn bdullh: Narrated to us Ibn bd
al-MuMin: Narrated to us Ab Bakr al-Tammr: Narrated to us Ab Dwd and he
said: Narrated to us Amad ibn Ynus: Narrated to us Zuhayr: Narrated to us Suhayl
ibn Abi li: from a ibn Yazd:

From Tamm al-Dr that RaslAllh said three times: This

religion is good counsel. This religion is good counsel. This religion
is good counsel. The people asked: To whom, O Messenger of Allh?
He replied: For Allh, His Book, His Messenger, the leaders109 of
Muslims and their common folk.
Scholars have said that it is obligatory to give good counsel for Allh,
for His Messenger, for leaders of Muslims and their common folk.


Srah Tawbahi, 9:91.


Ayimmah: leaders. Here this refers to Muslim rulers.


Imm Ab Sulaymn al-Bust [al-Khab] said: Naah, or good

counsel is a intended to mean that the person is a well-wisher of those,
to whom counsel is given. It is not possible to give a one-word
synonym110 that can explain all the connotations of that word. Lexically,
it means sincerity [or ikhl], as one says: naatul l I distilled
the honey. That is: I separated the honey from wax.
Ab Bakr ibn Ab Isq al-Khafff said: Naah is good advice and
harmony; it is derived from ni, which means the thread used to
stitch a cloth. Ab Isq al-Zajjj has said something similar.
Naah for Allh means: One should bear true faith, in the Oneness111
of Allh; and to believe in Attributes that are befitting His Majesty; to
believe that He is Transcendent112 from certain attributes which are
impossible to attribute Him with; to be inclined towards all that He
Likes and is Pleased with; to stay away from all that He Dislikes; and to
be sincere and diligent in worshipping Him.
Naah for His Book means: to believe in it [as the Word of Allh]; to
practice upon its injunctions, to recite it in a beautiful manner, to
display humility during recitation, to respect it; to understand what is
in it, and to defend it against false interpretations113 and criticisms of
heretics and [islamophobes] and atheists.


In some versions: It cannot be explained in one sentence jumlah instead of kalimah.






Such as the Study Quran released recently by a group of western academics. This
Qurn does not have the original Arabic text in the first place; it is translated by a
group of scholars known to be perennialists those who believe that all religions lead
to truth and salvation; they do not believe that ONLY Islm is the true religion.

Naah for Allhs Messenger : To accept and to attest to his

prophethood; to obey his commands and to abstain from all that he has
This was Ab Sulaymns explanation.
Ab Bakr [al-Khafff or Ajuriyy] said: Naah for the Messenger
means to aid him, to support his cause, to assist him, to defend him
both during his life in this world and after his passing; and to revive his
tradition, to defend his sunnah [from criticism and attack], to propagate
and teach his sunnah, to model oneself upon his noble character and
adopt his beautiful manners.
Ab Ibrhm Isq al-Tujb said: Naah for RaslAllh means: to
attest to the truth of everything he brought, to hold fast unto his
sunnah,114 to propagate his sunnah and exhort people to follow it, to
invite people towards Allh, His Book and His Messenger and to act
upon his sunnah.
Amad ibn Muammad said: It is obligatory for the heart to believe in
naah115 for RaslAllh , that is to be loyal and faithful to him.
Ab Bakr ibn al-Ajuriy, among others, has said that Naah for
RaslAllh has two aspects: naah during his life in this mundane
world; and naah after his passing away. In his life in this world, to
assist him and his companions, support and defend him and bear
enmity with his enemies; to hear and to obey his every command and
to spend ones own life and wealth for his sake as Allh tl has said:


That is to hold fast unto adth both knowledge and practice. [Qr].


The meaning of which has been explained above [Khafj].



Among believers are those men who fulfilled their promise to Allh;
among them some have fulfilled their vow, and others among them
are looking forward to [fulfill the vow] and they did not change116

And Allh has said:

And they aid Allh and His Messenger; they are the truthful ones.117

Naah after his passing is to respect him, revere him and be mindful
of his esteem and preeminence; to love him immensely; to be steadfast
and diligent in following his sunnah and acting upon his example; to
learn and to understand Divine Law [sharh] that he has given; to love
the members of his household [Ahl al-Bayt] and his companions; to
abstain from opposing his sunnah, or straying away or distorting it or
diverting from it, or disliking it or hampering its promulgation. And to
be kind and benevolent to his ummah, to investigate and learn about
his lofty character, his manners and follow him and be steadfast and
patient in following his sunnah. Thus, according to this commentary,
naah is one of the fruits of love and we have discussed the signs of
love earlier.
Abul Qsim al-Qushayr has said that mr ibn al-Layth, one of the
kings of Khursn and a famous revolutionary, better known by his title
affr died. Someone saw him in his dream and asked him: What
did Allh tl do with you? He said: Allh tl forgave me. He was


Srah Azab, 33:23.


Srah ashr, 59:8.


asked: For what? He replied: One day, I went up on the hill and saw
my army it was a great host and I was impressed by it. At that time, I
wished that if I was present in the time of RaslAllh , I would have
aided him and supported him. Allh tl rewarded me for that wish
[good intention] and forgave me.
Counsel [naah] for Muslim leaders: One should obey them in what
is right and aid them in what is truthful and upright; to advise them to
be truthful and do the right thing; to keep reminding them of
righteousness and justice and to warn them, when they are neglectful,
or appraise them of what is hidden from them such as conspiracies
against them; to forsake rebellion and sedition or provoking and
instigating people against rulers or sowing hatred against them.
Counsel for common Muslims: is to guide them towards what is good
for them; to help them in their religious and worldly affairs; to support
them by word and deed; to warn the neglectful and heedless; to teach
the ignorant; to assist the needy; to uphold their privacy; to ward off
harm and danger from them and to strive for their benefit and


Appendix E





Similar Sound






t in French trois










d in French dais





trilled r as in rose













similar to hose
no English equivalent
voiceless pharyngeal fricative
similar to Scottish loch
no english equivalent

pharyngeal s
no English equivalent
similar to daughter
no English equivalent
pharyngeal t
no English equivalent
pharyngeal z
no English equivalent





Similar Sound

, , ,


voiced pharyngeal fricative

no English equivalent



as in French r
voiced uvular fricative




a guttural k
voiceless uvular stop
no English equivalent





























Similar Sound





a or a-


iy or i-y

u or u-




separator to distinguish between

sounds represented by letter



separator to distinguish between

sounds represented by letter



to indicate an elision


separator when elongation

follows a vowel

In transliteration of Arabic names, the definite article al is not transcribed always for
readability, though it is incorrect in the original. The following rules are followed:

The al is retained when used as an auxiliary, as in Abu Bakr al-Bayhaq and

Badruddn al-yn.


It is omitted when used alone, as in Bayhaqi or yn.


It is retained when the full name of the book is transcribed, but omitted when
the book is known by its popular name like Durr al-Mukhtr.


1. Kitb al-Shif, Q y; published by Dubai International
Holy Qurn Award, Third Edition, Dubai, UAE, 2013.
2. Kitb al-Shif, Q y; with the marginalia, Muzl al-Khaf
n Alf al-Shif of llmah Amad al-Shumunn [d.872 AH],
published by Maktabah al-riyyah, Beirut, Lebanon, 2006.
3. Kitb al-Shif, Q y; Kaml Basyn Zaghll (editor);
published by Muassasah al-Kutub al-Thaqfiyyah, Third
Edition, Beirut, Lebanon, 2001.
4. Kitb al-Shif, Q y; Dr al-Fikr Edition, Beirut,
Lebanon, 2002. [Digital Typeset].
5. Kitb al-Shif, Q y; with marginalia, Muzl al-Khaf of
llmah Shumunn, Dr Kutub al-lmiyyah, Beirut, Lebanon.
6. Intih f Khatmi al-Shif li-y, fi Shamsuddin
Muammad al-Sakhw [d.902 AH], Dr al-Bashyir alIslmiyyah, Beirut, Lebanon, 2001.
7. Manhil al-af f Takhrji Adth al-Shif, Imm
Jalluddn bd al-Ramn al-Suy [d.911 AH]; Muassasah
al-Kutub al-Thaqfiyyah & Dr al-Jinn, Beirut, Lebanon,
8. Shar al-Shif li Qd y, Mull l al-Qr, Dr Kutub allmiyyah, First Edition, 2001. [Digital Typeset].
9. Shar al-Shif li Qd y, Mull l al-Qr, Dr Kutub allmiyyah (Reprint). Originally composed and printed by
Matba al-thmniyyah, 1319 AH.


10. Nasm al-Riy f Shar Shifa al-Q y, Shihbuddn

Khafji; bd al-Qadir a edition, Dr al-Kutub al-lmiyyah,
Beirut Lebanon, 2001. [Digital Typeset].
11. Nasm al-Riy f Shar Shifa al-Q y, Shihbuddn
Khafji; with Shar al-Shif of l al-Qr on the margins. Dr
al-Kutub al-rab (Reprint), Beirut, Lebanon. Originally
printed by Mabah al-Azhariyyah al-Miriyyah, 1327 AH.
12. Azhr al-Riy f Akhbri y, in five volumes; by
Shihbuddn Amad ibn Muammad al-Maqarr al-Tilimsn,
republished under the aegis of the Council for Publication of
Books of Islamic Heritage, jointly sponsored by the the two
governments of Morocco and the UAE. Originally printed by
Mabah Felah.
There is considerable variation in the numbering of adth in
various editions of Tirmidh. The edition I have used for crossreferencing here is:
13. Jmi al-Tirmidh, edited and numbered by idq Jaml alr, Dar el-Fikr, Beirut, Lebanon. First edition, 2002.




Shaykh al-Islm Q y ibn Ms al-Yaub, Abl Fal d was
born on the 15th of Shbn, 476 AH (1083 CE) in Ceuta.118
glosses on various texts, his other important works are :
1. Ikml al-Mlim f Shar a Muslim: A super-commentary
on a Muslim. translation of the Qurn in Urdu.
2. Kitb al-Shif bi Tarfi uqq al-Muaf: A commentary
on the Arabic work Al-Mtaqad al-Muntaqad by Imm Fal
ar-Rasl al-Badyn.119
3. Mashriq al-Anwr l a al-Athr: A five volume
supercommentary on Radd al-Mutr of Imm Sayyid
Muammad Amn Ibn bidn al-Shm,120 which is arguably,
the most widely used anaf text in latter times.
4. Al-Ilm f ab al-Riwyah wa Taqyd al-Sam
5. Bughyatur Ryid lim Taammanahu adth Umm Zar
minal Fawyid
6. Mjam al-Shuykh
7. Al-Ilm bi udd Qawyid al-Islm
8. Tartb al-Madrik f Manqib al-Imm Mlik wa A-buh


Ceuta or Sabta in Arabic, is one of the two autonomous cities of Spain, situated on
the north-coast of Africa sharing a border with Morocco. It was a part of Cadiz province
in southern Spain since the middle-ages and became an autonomous city in 1995.

Passed away in 1289/1872.


Passed away in 1252/1836.


9. Tanbht al-Mustanbiah
10. Ghunyah

The Imm passed away in Marrakesh at the of age 68, on Friday,121 the
9th of Jumd al-khirah, 544 AH (1149 CE). May Allah tl have
mercy on him and be well pleased with him.


In the Islamic calendary, night comes before day; thus the night following Thursday,
would be Friday night.


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