Data Integrity
Data Integrity
Data Integrity
A sponsored
Data Integrity in
Pharmaceutical Quality
Control Laboratories:
What You Need to Know
By: Loren Smith, Agilent Technologies
Loren Smith
Agilent Technologies
Data integrity problems in pharmaceutical quality control laboratories are driving more regulatory
action than ever before. It is obvious that something has changed to drive all this activity. While
there is plenty of information available, much of it seems to confuse or frustrate rather than clarify
or help. This article will provide clarity to (hopefully) dispel common myths by looking at facts
based on a study of available resources and direct interactions with US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) staff and their consultants. It will discuss how:
to put the current enforcement environment into historical context
to apply critical thinking skills to various myths regarding data integrity
to evaluate current laboratory software and associated
processes against these new expectations
vendors are redesigning laboratory software to help respond to these new realities
Another myth commonly heard is that if a pharmaceutical company is using a particular software system, the FDA will shut
them down. The question takes the form of,
Systems throughout manufacturing organizations and laboratories may have potential weaknesses that could be considered a data integrity risk. If that weakness has not been
exploited, does the FDA have grounds for delivering an observation in a 483 warning letter?
The very clear answer is no. Capability does not equal violation (this is a contentious point worth further discussion). The
analogy is that, while the speed limit throughout much of the
USA is 65 miles an hour, the car I drive has the ability to exceed
130 miles an hour. However, officers must observe a speeding
infraction, via direct witness or electronic means, in order for
them to issue a citation for violating the speed limit. My cars
ability to exceed 65 miles per hour does not justify a citation.
Similarly, in a pharmaceutical company, if potential data integrity
weaknesses have not been exploited for data manipulation or
deletion of data (or other fraudulent activities), then there is no
basis for the agency to issue a citation, 483, or warning letter.
One should expect a detailed conversation with the inspector,
as the focus will turn to procedural controls to ensure that the
known weaknesses are not exploited.
Many software vendors provide a Certificate of Software Validation, or they may issue a certificate that is titled along the lines
of 21 CFR Part 11 Readiness Claims. The reality is that such a
certificate that you might receive from your software vendor is of
extremely limited value, given the fact that the FDA expects the
software to be validated for its intended use by the users in the
environment where it will be used. While vendors should engage
customers in order to build and design systems according to
customers needs, and usually spend considerable time testing
that software before they deliver it, the development and testing
work does not (and cannot) substitute for the customer declaring
their intended use and then validating their system according
to that intended use.
Another related, interesting point is that the US FDA does not
have legal jurisdiction over a vendors informatics software organization. Therefore, (unless the software is registered as a Medical
Procedural versus Technical Controls
with the FDA) any documentation that they might provide
Lets consider the statement: This software is Part 11 compliant. There are a few problems with this statement. First of all it is cannot be recognized by the FDA because of that lack of ena logical impossibility. There are components of Part 11 that are forcement authority. In addition, vendors may be able to provide
not meant to be satisfied by technical controls within a comput- detailed information about their products abilities relative to Part
erized system. For example, CFR Part 11.10(j) requires policies 11, however, that information and the software solution that they
for the use of electronic signatures. This is a requirement that a provide is based on the vendors interpretation of the regulations.
chromatography data system is not going to satisfy. It is an ele- This interpretation may or may not agree with various pharmaceument of the regulation, but it is not something that is expected tical manufacturers, or the FDA itself. The vendors interpretation
to be a technical control. The software, in fact, does not comply cannot substitute for an audit to determine the softwares funcwith regulations. The software itself is inert; software contains tional ability to satisfy regulatory concerns.
the technical controls to support compliance with the applicable
regulations. In addition to technical controls, procedural controls Your Responsibilities: Audit, Assess, and Validate
must also be in place. A discussion about procedural controls Data integrity compliance responsibilities include vendor audits,
versus technical controls is seen quite often in FDA Warning a computer system assessment, and software validation.
Letters, particularly when there are exploitations of gaps in a
When auditing vendors, there is a fourfold dilemma, or a set
systems ability to support technical controls required by vari- of problems that are actually focused on the auditors themselves
ous regulations.
(See Mourrain, J., Therapeutic Innovation and Regulatory SciA standard operating procedure (SOP), used as a procedural ence, Volume 40 (#2), pp. 177-183.).
control, can substitute for a technical control as long as:
The first dilemma is disparity. Regulations are few. The Part
the procedural control/SOP exists,
11 regulation, for example, is a grand total of three pages, not
people are trained on that SOP,
counting the information in the Preamble section of the 1997
the SOP is followed, and
Federal Register entry. Guidelines are many, and interpretations
adherence to the SOP is confirmed by quality
of the guidelines are even more plentiful. The disparity of interoversight and/or compliance auditing activities.
pretation is the problem in many auditing situations. For example,
Very often, however, even if SOPs exist, they are not followed, a customer during an audit might see a regulation a certain way,
and adherence isnt properly verified. Consequently, the FDA will whereas the vendor may look at the regulation differently.
demand system remediation in order to prevent a recurrence
Partiality is also an issue with auditors. Audit reports are parof the behavior.
tial, meaning incomplete. There are certain auditors that feel they
need to have a large number of audit findings. As a result, they will parative evaluations between multiple software or service venhave separate findings for every problem in every SOP, and they dors. The point of all of this activity is that the vendor audit can
will list all of them separately, creating the potential misconcep- contribute to a risk-based validation strategy (a la FDAs General
tion that the audit report is good simply based on volume. Other Principles of Software Validation, Section 6.3): the better job a
auditors may take examples and put them into a very few large vendor is doing, (theoretically) the less work required during
observations in order to support their case for a major finding in software validation.
an audit. It is possible that neither of these types of reports will tell
the whole story of what was learned during the audit.
Assessing the Softwares (and the Vendors)
Another auditor issue is variability. Auditors, to no ones Compliance Support
surprise, are human. Some auditors will obsess over certain Assessing a softwares compliance support ability requires
subjects such as disaster recovery, while others are consumed attention to all of the regional regulations where a regulated
with Part 11.
company does business or may intend to do business. Some
Legibility (not in the handwriting sense) is next (but perhaps regulated companies, if they are solely doing business within the
not last). The auditor may be able to communicate the issues US, or solely within Europe, may choose to pay attention only
that they found during an audit, however, they are often chal- to Part 11, or only Annex 11 requirements. Part 11 and Annex
lenged to communicate the so what?; the computerized sys- 11 share commonalities. However, any software evaluation for
tem impact on patients, to the product, and to data integrity.
compliance should be based on evidence rather than hearsay
What is the solution to these audit dilemmas? The solution is a (that shiny Part 11 Certificate).
model, rather than a checklist, the components of which include:
Agilent, like many other vendors, receives numerous cus procedures,
tomer checklists, and provides a straightforward response with
training of personnel,
product answers. However, it is important that the evaluation of
software development activities,
the responses be based on evidence, rather than being strictly
testing activities,
limited to what the vendor has said the system will do. Areas
quality management systems, and
for review should include data integrity issues, access controls,
audit trails, device checks, etc., as per applicable regulations.
The latter is often irrelevant unless the vendor takes custody This review is valuable during a software assessment process
of the GxP records in, for example, a cloud-based application. because observed gaps indicate where procedural controls or
Using a model approach, scoring can make what is a fairly customization may be required. Feedback to the vendor regardsubjective process into an objective measurement system that ing any gaps observed is therefore important so that the procesupports a defensible individual vendor audit, as well as com- dural controls or custom solutions do not become permanent.
Figure 1: How Agilent is responding: system design
pushing for more technical controls, prioritizing technical controls over procedural controls, and prioritizing prevention controls over detection controls. 21 CFR Part 11.10(a) talks about
systems needing to have the ability to detect invalid or altered
records. That is the only part of the regulation that actually
talks about detecting records that may have been manipulated
through nefarious means. The remainder of the controls are
preventive. So yes, detection controls are important, but prevention controls are better. Prioritizing online records over hard copy
printouts has also been emphasized. The FDA cannot always
trust the paper thats being handed to them.
Another example of system design is the use of an online
audit trail review, as illustrated in Figure 1. There are a lot of
systems that may allow the generation of audit trail reports
in printed form, but Agilents new CDS version has a built in
tool that allows a user to electronically review electronic audit
trails entries. These audit trail entries are organized by type,
an online review can be performed, and electronic signatures
These examples serve to demonstrate how Agilent is applying critical thinking to redesigning laboratory software to help
respond to the new regulatory compliance realities.
A Sponsored Q&A
LC/GC: Do pharma companies typically do onsite audits at Agilent to review SOPs, et cetera
or are these audits typically paper audits?
Loren Smith: Approximately 90 percent of the informatics soft- Loren Smith: There are a lot of old systems that still get used in
ware product audit requests that Agilent receives are paper regulated labs and the systems work perfectly fine to do what they
audits, and the remaining 10 percent will actually come and do do. But the work around for this is a heavy dose of procedural
on-site audits. However a paper audit is not evidence based. controls that would include handwritten records. Depending on
It is based on declarative statements, or whatever Agilent the criticality and the risk of the particular process thats involved,
chooses to say, consequently there is nothing in the way of or that the system is addressing, the procedural requirements
verification of anything that is said in a paper audit. Paper au- may need to go as far as a second person verification of informadits are typically performed by box checkers; people doing tion or actual concurrent witnessing of the work being performed.
the paper audit so that they can say that they did it. Some The purpose of the audit trail is to be able to tell the story or reconcustomers will use a paper audit as a preamble to an on-site struct the history of an electronic record, not just the creation of
audit to get a rough idea of Agilents position before they that record but also the changes or the deletion of records. If the
come on-site.
system has limited or incomplete audit trail ability then the record
must be supplemented in some other way, often taking the form
paper records, for example, a use notebook next to an instruLC/GC: Some say that [purchasing] the IQ-OQ
package [as a complete validation solution] is a myth. ment. Technical controls make everybodys life much simpler.
Loren Smith: The IQ-OQ package itself is real, not a myth. However,
the IQ-OQ package is necessary but insufficient because it does LC/GC: Will new data systems eliminate
not satisfy all of the FDAs requirements for validating a computer- all need for procedural controls?
ized system. For example, the IQ-OQ package does not include Loren Smith: No; procedural controls will always be required. For
validation planning documentation or validation summary reporting. example, the procedures for granting users access to a data
The IQ-OQ package also does not include requirement specifica- system or the procedures for changing, modifying, or removing
tion, user requirements, a functional specification, or traceability a persons access to a data system would be an example of a
from the IQ and OQ test themselves to the users requirement either procedure required by the regulation that the data system is not
user requirements or functional specification.
necessarily going to be able to address. Currently, the data system can create those accounts and change user privileges. But