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Kober 5 BB: suitable for cooler environments and diverse soil compositions, ran
ging from heavy to light, or even stony as long as it not too calcareous. It is
a vigorous plant that is perhaps not suited for overly fertile soil.
Approved clones: Kober 5 BB VCR 102, VCR 423, VCR 424.
S0 4: medium vigour rootstock which can even be placed in heavy soils provided
they are not asphyctic or prone to chlorosis. This rootstock is not recommended
for varieties which are susceptible to rachis desiccation and for terrains with
unbalanced magnesium, potassium and calcium levels.
Approved clones: S0 4 VCR 105, ISV-VCR 4, ISV-VCR 6.
420A: moderate vigour rootstock suitable for dry environments and heavy soils,
even slightly chlorosis-prone. While initial development is slow especially in c
older terrain, it subsequently induces an excellent vegetative-productive balanc
Approved clones: 420A VCR 103.
161.49: limited vigour and discrete resistance to limestone allow for use in di
fferent environments, especially in medium and high density plantations. Positiv
ely influences the quality of the wines, particularly whites.
Approved clones: 161.49 VCR 112, VCR 123.
5 C: with characteristics quite similar to Kober 5 BB; it differs in its greate
r adaptation to poorer soils.
1103 P: : vigorous and elastic rootstock having a very high degree of grafting
affinity with all varieties. It is drought resistant and suits almost any soil,
even clay-calcareous ones.
Approved clones: 1103 P VCR 107, VCR 119, VCR 498, VCR 501.
110 R: suitable for harsher environments and soils not excessively calcareous,
generally poor and dry. It is a typical rootstock for warm and dry environments.
Approved clones: 110 R VCR 114, VCR 418, VCR 424.
140 Ru: highly vigorous, high resistance to drought and calcareous soils. Not a
lways able to induce the right growth-production balance in the vinifera mate, w
ith a consequent decline in the quality of the grape.
Approved clones: 140 Ru VCR 120.
775 P: vigorous, suitable for not too heavy soils even if dry or moderately cal
779 P: highly vigorous, rustic, adapts to poor and difficult soils. It has an e
xcellent resistance to drought though it is less adaptable than 1103 P to calcar
eous soils. Is currently used little due to its less than optimal compatibility
with many varieties.
Rupestris Du Lot: has good vigour and good resistance to active lime. Resistant
to drought, but best not to use it in soils that are too compact.
Approved clones: Rupestris Du Lot VCR 109.
101.14: : induces an earlier ripening thanks to its short vegetative cycle and
low vigour. Suitable for cool, moist and non-calcareous environments.
3309 C: weak in vigour, is well suited to medium-textured soils not chlorosis-p
rone and not dry. Its low vigour allows for good use in dense plantations destin
ed for the production of high quality wines.
Schwarzmann: of sufficient vigour, it is also suitable for clayey soils and dry
terrains. It is more rustic than 3309 C and 101.14.
Approved clones: Schwarzmann VCR 122.
196.17: has excellent vigour and a low resistance to active lime. It grows well
in acidic, dry, stony, poor and even sandy soils.

Gravesac: has good vigour, weak resistance to calcareous soils but adapts very
well to acidic soils.
41 B: has good strength and high resistance to calcareous soils, can be used in
hot and chlorosis-prone environments or even in northern regions provided it is
n't not in the presence of cold, heavy and asphyctic soils.
Approved clones: 41 B VCR 117.
Fercal: has a high resistance to calcareous soils, higher than that of 41 B and
140Ru. Vigorous, sensitive to magnesium deficiency and can be used in soils whe
re the presence of active lime is hardly tolerated by other rootstocks.

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