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Table of Contents

Date: 9 July, 2016
Instructor: Ben Pingel
Course: Visual Media, Section 3
Programs Used: Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop
Objectives: Use InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop to create an informational

I began by deciding on making my brochure for my wife to provide her with something to
give to people who want to know about her teaching violin lessons and her availability to play
gigs. I started sketching with pen and paper what I wanted the brochure to
look like. I quickly decided on a traditional trifold brochure because it is
easily recognized as a brochure. Knowing what my wife wanted on the
brochure helped me to plan it out.
I used Adobe InDesign to create the layout of the brochure. Using
Illustrator I created a simple logo to resemble the scroll on the
end of a violin by combining three circles. Photoshop was useful
when I cut the background out of two pictures. I learned how
to use the quick selection tool to select what I wanted to use
and save the selection so that there were alpha graphics.
This made is possible to wrap the text around the image.
My wife loves the color teal and I wanted to use a
different colour scheme than I had used before so
I went with the split complementary. It goes quite
well with the wood of the violin.
Folding and cutting was not as difficult as I
thought it would be but getting it to print so the
lines were straight on both sides was a challenge.
The printer rarely made it easy on me, when it
would flip the page the lines across the top and
bottom would be crooked on one side and straight on
the other making the cutting difficult because Id lose
more on the front than I wanted to.




Inside Flap

Date: June 11, 2016
Instructor: Ben Pingel
Course: Visual Media, Section 3
Programs Used: Adobe Illustrator and Adobe InDesign
Objectives: Create Letterhead with a watermark for my personal branding.

I used to Adobe Illustrator to create the logo. I went on to use my logo to create my letterhead
and watermark in Illustrator. I used the same logo on the letterhead as my business card,
but made it all white and put it on a blue (from the colour scheme) background.
Laying out the contact information took me longer than anything else in creating
this letterhead. I moved it from left to right, top to bottom. I settled on the top
left by the logo to keep everything in the same area. The flow is better to see
the logo and then the contact information. The watermark is not meant
to be prominant, so the next thing people will see is the content of the
For the watermark I enlarged my original logo and reduced the
opacity of it to 5%. I chose to use my logo to keep repetition
strong throughout the letterhead and my business cards.

Ben Designing
Ben Fagersten
P.O. 21 Rexburg, ID 83440

Business Card
Date: June 11, 2016
Instructor: Ben Pingel
Course: Visual Media, Section 3
Programs Used: Adobe Illustrator and Adobe InDesign
Objectives: Create a business card using an original logo.

I began with lots of sketching to figure out how to get the two letters to work together and to
figure out which letters to use. Once I got something I liked I went to Adobe Illustrator and
created the logo. I typed BF and then right clicked on the text and created
outlines for the letters and ungrouped them, which made the letters
shapes instead of text. I then was able to move them how I wanted. I
flipped the serif on the F to go up rather than down. I had not thought
to rotate my logo until I was working in Illustrator nor had I figured
out how I was going to use the colour scheme. I had been thinking
of colouring the background in order to incorporate my colour
scheme but then I thought to colour the letters, it turned out
much more friendly because of the colours I chose to use but
maintained a professional look.
I was able to use my QR code that brings you to my
wordpress blog. I learned how to trace the lines in the
image so I could change it to a vector graphic enabling
it to increase to any size without pixelating. I played
with it being different colours and on different
coloured background.

Ben Designing

Ben Fagersten
P.O. 21 Rexburg, ID 83440

Web Page
Date: June 26, 2016
Instructor: Ben Pingel
Course: Visual Media, Section 3
Programs Used: Notepad++, Microsoft Paint, and Adobe Illustrator
Objectives: Create a website to display my original logo and explain its creation
process by using HTML and CSS coding.

I used Notepad++ to edit a basic html and css code in order to create the webpage. Before this
project I had never understood html/css coding, much less used it. I started with sketches
to figure out what I wanted my webpage to look like. It proved difficult to make what I
sketched, mostly because I didnt know what the different options I had were called
in css programming. I did get close to what I wanted and am very proud of that.
I knew I didnt want it to be title, logo, content stacked on top of one another,
so I made sure to get some columns going on in the page and if you notice
I got columns within a column...inception! I also knew that I wanted a
background image rather than a plain colour so I went to the css code
and replaced the colour code for an image code and it was as simple
as that. The qualities of this webpage I am most proud of cannot be
appreciated in the print of the design. I added two links to my
page, one that will take you to this blog in a new tab and one
for my email. The email link is set up so that your default
email will open up a new email addressed to me with
the subject Contact from Logo Design Process page.

Date: May 7, 2016
Instructor: Ben Pingel
Course: Visual Media, Section 3
Programs Used: Adobe InDesign
Objectives: Use provided information to create an event flier in greyscale.

In formulating the flier design I reminded myself of the message, to whom it was directed, and
looked to the logos for inspiration. From 8 sketches over the course of 2 days, a design began
to formulate. I then went to Adobe InDesign to put the pen and paper
sketches into a digital format. I used contrast in size and value to bring
out the most important information, ensuring that one could get the
critical information at a quick look. I applied repetition to the design
through the use of lines. I did this by taking the logos gray stripe
and using a similar one to separate the picture from the text and
having the top and bottom be bold black lines. I spent more time
making small design adjustments based on feedback than I did
in placing everything into the design.

Graduate Leadership Conference

Do you want to have the

competitive edge in business?
October 21
8 a.m. 5 p.m.
Lincoln Convention Center
Registration and more information available at
Conference is available to graduating seniors.
Space is limited

Come learn how at Vouant Communications

Annual Graduate Leadership Conference..
Vouant Communications is devoted to helping tomorrows
leaders gain essential leadership skills in the workplace.
During this dynamic three-day seminar, attendees will meet
with top executives of Vouant Communications to discuss
breakthrough leadership techniques, while cultivating
attributes of leadership that will market to any employer.

Date: May 29, 2016
Instructor: Ben Pingel
Course: Visual Media, Section 3
Programs Used: Adobe Photoshop
Objectives: Create an inspirational montage using at least three different images, a
filter, and a quote.

I began the design process by looking at pictures and coming up with text that could go
along with the images. Scouring the web I found 4 images that I thought would go together
nicely and create one image that didnt feel like they were forced together for a project.
I used Adobe Photoshop to layer the photos together then masked each layer so I
could remove the hard edges of the images and create the unnoticeable blend of
one image to another. Once the images came together I had the inspiration for
the text I should use. I put the quote on the image and finally found a font that
would work. I chose to contrast the text through bold and increase in font
size to maintain easy readability in the text because of the complexity
of the image. The words I chose to emphasize are meant to draw
the viewer to the understanding that God is about a you and I

Date: June 5, 2016
Instructor: Ben Pingel
Course: Visual Media, Section 3
Programs Used: Adobe Illustrator
Objectives: Create a new logo for an existing company.

I decided to rebrand a BYU-Idaho student run business that sold pretzels and lemonade. I
sketched a lot of logo possibilities before I came up with some ideas. In Adobe Illustrator I
created three different logos using the pen tool to create my images. Two
were more word based and another was more about the image with the
text as a supplemental part of the design. I got feedback and votes on
which one was most liked and then I refined it. I edited the image to be
in colour, grey scale, and white on a color background.
I learned that it is important to stay away from too many little
details because they can get lost in the resizing process and then
your logo loses the impact it ought to have through identical
logo repetition.

Shortstop Homemade Pretzels & Frozen Lemonade




Event Ad
Date: May 15, 2016
Instructor: Ben Pingel
Course: Visual Media, Section 3
Programs Used: Microsoft Word
Objectives: Create an event advertisement using only the power of Microsoft Word.

This advertisement was created completely on Microsoft Word. I scanned the image and
used Word to delete the background of the scanned image, leaving only the ceramic
art piece. Then I used the shapes tool to create four different boxes, one for each
colour and used the eye dropper tool to draw the colour from the image. Holding
Ctrl+clicking on a box and dragging it allowed me to duplicate the box and change
the shape to the needed dimensions. Using text boxes allowed me to have
freedom with where I placed the text on the design.


Art Exhibit

Proceeds go the American Art Therapy

Association whose belief is that
making art is healing and life enhancing.

The Art Museum

of Eastern Idaho
June 20-25
12p.m. 8p.m.
Admission: $20

Matthews Association

Photo Design
Date: May 21, 2016
Instructor: Ben Pingel
Course: Visual Media, Section 3
Programs Used: Adobe Photoshop
Objectives: Learn to use basic Photoshop editing tools. Edit a photograph that I took
and add design elements, including a quote, in Photoshop only.

It seems like I need to take 100 photos to find 1 good picture in the bunch. I took lots of photos
to get one that could fit with the message I wanted to convey. I used Adobe Photoshop to edit
the image using the levels, vibrance and saturation, selective colour, and
sharpening tools. I tried to create more depth in the image, especially in
the plants. I reduced the whiteness of the water and kept it more blue
throughout. I brought out the rich gold sunlight that was throughout
because I took the picture as the sun was going down. I chose the
design elements of the white stripe because of the ducks neck. It
not only caused repetition in the design but it ended up giving the
impression that you are looking out of a window at the scene.

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