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Jake Spencer:

545 S 2nd E Apt 313.

Rexburg, ID 83440

Event Ad
Business Card
Web Page


A full-bleed color event ad with the purpose of promoting a

fundrasier/opening using only Microsoft Word and a scanner.


Comm 130 Section 07
Lindsey LeFevre


Microsoft Word
Epson Scanner
PDF2JPG.net (PDF converter)


Learn to manage Photoshop layers.

Learn to blend images together smoothly, using masks.
Use filters.
Apply appropriate typography.


I first scanned the picture of the vegetables in the wheelbarrow.

When I inserted the picture I had to enlarge it so that it would
fit as the background. I then created the logo on the bottom
after doing some research of the local farmers markets in
Rexburg. I decided to use the same color as the potatoes so that
it would create flow. As I inserted the title I found it hard to
make the word opening readable. I wanted it to be a different
color that would make the word pop. I decided to add a
transparent box behind title to create that readability. I decided
to put everything on the left side of the page because I felt like
he center and right were already full because of the picture. I
really liked learning how to use Word as a tool to make fliers
and ads. Programs I used: Microsoft Word 2011, Hp desk jet
scanner, PDF2JPG.net (PDF converter).


A color full-bleed event ad to promote a fundraiser using only

Microsoft Word and a scanner.


Comm 130 Section 05
Eric Lybbert


Microsoft Word
Epson Scanner
PDF2JPG.net (PDF converter)


Find, scan and import a high-quality image.

Create a full-bleed design
Use text boxes for layout in Word.
Insert and edit images in Word.


I scanned the bike image, and then used a Word image effect
to delete most of the background. This left a random white
pattern, so I added a shadow to give it an artsy effect. Then I
added boxes with various shades of green in the background for
repetition and organization. I chose one font with contrasting
weights for simplicity. I was surprised at how much I could
do with the hidden design features of Microsoft Word. Now I
know that I could use it in a pinch.



Using typography, a montage using two images to inspire

An insperational montage made by the blending of two or more images, and
the use of typography.



Comm 130 Section 07
Lindsey LeFevre

Adobe Photoshop


Learn to manage Photoshop layers.

Learn to blend images together smoothly, using masks.
Use filters.
Apply appropriate typography.


I first cropped the background image to 8.5 X 11

Then I placed the other image of my friend Alec over the face of Jesus.
I lowered the opacity of Alecs face between 25-50 in order to get the face lined
up with the background image.
Then I added a mask on Alecs face, using the black paint and a 100% opacity,
soft-edged brush, I painted away the image edges.
With a smaller black brush at 10% opacity, I blended the Alecs face with
background image of Christ.
I continued blending both faces by switching between the black brush and
white brush, the opacity varied between 10-30.
I added a start filter on the background image (Soft Light) and changed the
levels so that the skin color would match that of Alecs. I did that on both
I then noticed there was a piece of empty space on the mid left part of
background. I used the pen tool to outline that area, and made it a selection.
I then used the clone stamp tool to copy the green that was above it.
I added some type with two contrasting fonts, moving it to the top right side of
the design so it would be visually appealing.


Promotional flier with the purpose to promote a graduate leadership



Comm 130 Section 07
Lindsey LeFevre

Adobe InDesign


1. Apply the design principles

2. Use appropriate typogrpahy
3. Apply InDesign skills
4. Create project folder with images, logo, and InDesign document to
keep links intact.


Focus Principles: I tried to get the positive and negative space to

intertwine with each other. I used the positive space to outline the
important elements, and the white space to outline the foreground. I
grouped similar elements on the flier, picture and titles together so that
it would flow nicely to the text. My big focus was having everything
align with something else. I felt because it was a professional and
important flier, that having one element connect with another element
would really bring out he unity and importance. Another focus that
I had was to have balance, but at the same time making it exciting. I
decided to put the weight more on the left side, because by doing so it
would make the reader wonder what is on the right side; the date, time
and location. With this technique a person will remember what was out
of the ordinary creating asymmetry. I used different shades of black,
grey, to emphasis the importance of that element. white would signify
vital information, gray would indicate important information, and
black would portray basic information. This use of the principle of value
really helped show the different importance levels. With the typefaces,
I decided to use two sans serif, in order to build contrast I manipulated
the weight and size of each element.



A self taken photograph that was editted/formatted to enhance then

placed in a design.



Comm 130 Section 07
Lindsey LeFevre

Nikon camera
Adobe Photoshop


1. Learn basic photogrpahy skills

2. Size and crop the image.
3. Adjust image brightness. contrast, hue and saturation levels.
4. Use different tools like selection to isolate a portion of the image,
desaturate the selected portion, and use a filter or colorize a portion of
the image.


I first took a bunch of pictures with different color schemes from

the VISUAL focus book so that I had to pick from. As I was taking
pictures I focused on capturing photos with good light, sharp focus,
and nice composition. I then opening my picture in photoshop and
used different editing techniques that include: levels, and sharpness/
blurring the background. As I was using a 118.5 layout, I made sure
to include my original photo, text, and repeating design elements
thought the whole design. To make sure I repeated the same colors
throughout the design I used the eye dropper tool and color picker to
match everything with something else. I also used the ellipse tool to
create the circles around my enhanced picture. I also used that tool as
a cropping tool to get the tree in the middle. Once I had everything
where I wanted, I went along and edited my photo a little bit more
so that I would fit the design. I used the saturation, color balance,
and shadows/highlights tools; along with the lens blur tool to give it
a thicker blur. To fulfill requirements I add the three color swatches
and place them in the bottom right to create asymmetry. I feel like It
created a nice flow as a whole.


Letterhead and business card designed using a personally created logo.



Comm 130 Section 07
Lindsey LeFevre

Adobe Illustrator
Adobe InDesign


1. Create new logo for company

2. Use the basic tools of Illustrator and InDesign


I first used Adobe Illustrator to create a simple logo that described the
purpose of the business card. I imported a picture of a turntable and
traced over it using the pen tool and ellipse tool. Once I create the logo
I opened a new two page Indesign Document and placed my logo .AI
file into this document.
As I decided where to place my logo on the letterhead, I decided to
place the logo in the top left corner of my letterhead. I then placed
my contact information the on top left corner of my letterhead by
typing into a text box. I made my name about 30pts and the contact
information about 8pts to be able to fit all the information and also
create alignment.
I also added a watermark but copying the logo and making way bigger.
I then lowered the opacity to about 35%.
On the second page I used the rectangle tool to create the front and
back of the business card, while using the guide lines to make sure it
was perfect size.I then copied my logo onto the business card outline
that I made grey. I changed a few details of the logo so that it looked all
unified. I made the contact information match and the name contrast
by using different typefaces all aligned together.


Letterhead and business card designed using a personally created logo.



Comm 130 Section 07
Lindsey LeFevre

Adobe InDesign


1. Create new logo for company

2. Use the basic tools of Illustrator and InDesign


I first used Adobe Illustrator to create a simple logo that described the
purpose of the business card. I imported a picture of a turntable and
traced over it using the pen tool and ellipse tool. Once I create the logo
I opened a new two page Indesign Document and placed my logo .AI
file into this document.
As I decided where to place my logo on the letterhead, I decided to
place the logo in the top left corner of my letterhead. I then placed
my contact information the on top left corner of my letterhead by
typing into a text box. I made my name about 30pts and the contact
information about 8pts to be able to fit all the information and also
create alignment.
I also added a watermark but copying the logo and making way bigger.
I then lowered the opacity to about 35%.
On the second page I used the rectangle tool to create the front and
back of the business card, while using the guide lines to make sure it
was perfect size.I then copied my logo onto the business card outline
that I made grey. I changed a few details of the logo so that it looked all
unified. I made the contact information match and the name contrast
by using different typefaces all aligned together.


Three Logo Variations for the same company



Comm 130 Section 07
Lindsey LeFevre

Adobe Illustrator


1. Create variety of logos to fit a company or personal image.

2. Learn and use basic tools of Illustrator


I really enjoyed working on this logo in Illustrator. I first tried

several different designs and ideas, once I had three solid
designs I asked a a couple different people to vote on it. I got
mixed feelings about all of my designs but I decided to go with
this one. After deciding which one I was going to refine, I wrote
down a few thinks people noticed and suggested I fix. First
thing was to center the title. I aligned the n with part of the
f because it made it seem more centered. I struggled to decide
if I should align the g with the end of the f but I decided
not to because it felt un-centered when I did that. I also used
the pen tool to shave off part of the f to add a curve to the top
right of the corner. I wanted to keep it simple and basic because
all my other designs were really complicated.


Two sided folding brochure



Comm 130 Section 07
Lindsey LeFevre

Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe InDesign


1. Set up and alighn a two sided, foled document

2. Wrap text around an image
3. Learn and use paragrpah styles in InDesign


I set up the gateway fold in Indesign. I split my layout into two sections
wit the concept of folding it down the middle.
I created a vector graphic of the outside socks on the inside. The strips
created repetition. it also created flow as you move from one sock to
the other. I chose different socks to show examples of what my idea
would look like. They all look the same so that it would create unity.
For the images of the socks, I used the quick select tool in Photoshop
to remove the background. I then used the refine mask dialogue box
to smooth, feather, shift edge and apply contrast to the outline of the
socks. I used this tool so that the cut out would not look so drastic,
but more softer. I then placed the socks into InDesign, and put text
around it using text wrap around the alpha channel
I created the logo using illustrator using the ellipse tool and then I
placed it into InDesign. I then used copy to copy the logo and used
free transform and flip horizontally to reject the logo.


A web page design with the purpose of showcasing a personally create




Comm 130 Section 07
Lindsey LeFevre

Adobe Photoshop


1. Size and optimize orignial logo as a .png

2. Write content to describe the process of the creation of the logo.
3. Use HTML to design a web page in order to display the logo and
4. Learn basic HTML and CSS
5. Pick out hex colors
6. Compress files in a zipped foler


I created this page using TextWrangler. Previously Ive worked with code
and HTML/CSS, but Ive never used TextWranger before so it was really
interesting seeing the differences. I really liked using http://www.W3.org
to look for things I didnt already know how to do. It really helped me see
if I had anything wrong with my page.
Once I wrote out my content and inserted my image, I attached a premade CSS document to my HTML. I then used the color i chose in my
logo for the color of the header. I opened up Photoshop and used the eye
drop tool to select all my colors. I also changed to fonts to Times New
Roman and Verdana. I choose some backup fonts just incase the viewers
browser didnt recognize the font. I tested out different amounts of px for
the padding around the image and the text. That was probably the most
time consuming part of the whole thing, getting all the padding right
where I wanted it.

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