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Vernacular Architecture

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Technology advancement has enormous benefits to the humankind,

but at the same time it has its own destructions also. Lifestyle of people across
the globe has changed from their own ancestral lifestyle with respect to their
needs. While we adapt ourselves to the present needs we tend to forget the
glory of the past which our ancestors had taught us. Around 150 to 200 years
back, their life style was 100% sustainable (capable of being continued with
minimal long-term effect on the environment). This shows the concern of our
ancestors towards us and the future generation. The definition of sustainable
livelihood and Sustainable architecture is the architecture that utilizes
environmentally conscious design techniques (Maria 2009). In the present
years, the earth is facing the danger of global warming and there is a
perpetual worry of the depletion of fossil fuels (Helena 1998).


production of more energy or reduction of energy consumption will be the

priority for many countries. In India, the energy crisis is huge and as the
population grows day by day, it becomes more problematic in the future.
More than any other country, India has to worry much to find out the possible,
sustainable and viable solutions to this crisis. Many researches are taking
place across the country to find an answer to this query, but, yet there is a
long way to find an appropriate answer. As architects and builders here is an

attempt to search the best possible solution to reduce energy consumption in

building sector.


We generally acknowledge, that the building sector consumes

about one-third of the total energy consumption worldwide and this data may
vary according to building type and location (Olesen 2002). In 2010, the
building sector in India has occupied about 20% to 24% of the total national
energy consumption and this portion is expected to increase significantly
(International Energy Agency 1998). Reducing energy use, especially energy
used by occupants of buildings is an important issue in India as the country is
constantly in the state of energy crisis. Research to reduce energy
consumption in the building sector through climate responsive strategies
without compromising human comfort is essential (Nayak 2006). Vernacular
architecture is widely accepted as a real-world, operative and widespread
solution. Sustainable development recommends that architects and engineers
must seek solutions from vernacular buildings for the design of low energy
consumption, environmental friendly and localized identities while utilizing
modern materials and techniques (Paul Oliver 1997). Increasing concerns
about global warming present the building industry with a challenge to cut its
energy consumption. In India building sector consumes of order 40 - 50% of
the total delivered energy.

Of this, climate control systems, namely

ventilation, cooling and heating can account for as much as 70% of the total
energy use. However, this part of the energy consumption can be reduced
significantly by employing passive environmental solutions instead of
mechanical ones. For example, a well-designed naturally ventilated building
can consume only one third of the energy consumed by an air-conditioned
building, while arguably providing a comparable level of comfort. This is

because passive design allows buildings to adapt more appropriately to their

local climates and take better advantage of natural energy resources, such as
wind and thermal buoyancy, to help condition their interior environments.
Furthermore, passive, naturally ventilated buildings have potential to provide
more pleasant and healthier environments for the occupants compared to their
mechanically ventilated counterparts. In these days, the energy resources for
heating, cooling and lighting of buildings accounting for about 45% of total
global energy consumption and this is a major contributing factor to global
environmental pollution and global warming (Arvind Krishnan (2009). These
environmental damages (environmental pollution) are caused because of
unlimited and unwarranted use of energy in buildings so as to achieve comfort
conditions by mechanical means of ventilation, artificial lighting and cooling
which has led to severe depletion of non-renewable energy resources and
ended up in environmental degradation (Sayigh 1998).





Vernacular buildings are usually built on their own or with the help
of family and native builders of their tribe. Vernacular architecture provides
shelter and comfort with the evolution of craft passed down through
generations. Vernacular structures and techniques are easy to learn and
understand. They are mostly built up of local materials. They merge with
local climate, flora, fauna and ways of life in ecological means. Vernacular
buildings have good concern on the environment rather than serving as self
proclaiming design statements. They are human in scale. There are many
wonderful building styles from all over the world inform us their shapes,
materials, arrangements, decorations, concept for heating and cooling etc.
(Paul Oliver 1997).

The typical vernacular houses that have existed with a sloping roof
surface to bear the rainfall or a circular house form to combat cyclonic winds
or a thick flat mud roof that keeps out the heat of the sun or an inner courtyard
are all born out of their own building knowledge of the people and of the
society as a whole. The building knowledge is developed by trial and error
and handed down the generations through local tradition s. Vernacular
buildings are continuously being evolved over a period of time to reflect the
environmental, cultural and historical context in which they exist.
Understanding of the locally available materials which suits climate of that
region and the architectural detailing are evident in such architecture. This
invites the researchers and scientists to have an extra knowledge in
Vernacular architecture (Indraganti 2007). The researchers intend to examine
these buildings qualitatively and quantitatively. The qualitative approach
involves the assessment of the environmental performance of different
elements of buildings in relation to the prevailing climatic conditions
(Kim et al 2007), whereas the quantitative approach is based on in situ
measurements with the help of the instruments by doing the experimental
investigation of different climatic parameters outside and inside the examined
buildings, which leads to conclusions concerning the thermal performance of
the houses (Krishnan et al 2011).
Vernacular architecture is believed to integrate certain building
features that were developed in a long process of adaptation and adjustment
and therefore may embody valuable solutions for maintaining desirable
indoor conditions. This claim, however, should not be taken for granted and
must be critically examined in different contexts and settings. The Vernacular
Architecture in the coastal region of Tamilnadu is an example of an
vernacular architecture that may prove to contain applicable design strategies
in confronting the hot and humid climate of the region's coastal plain. The

research proposes an assessment method for performing an indicative

measurement of the environmental features of various building typologies in
the coastal plain through the integration of Architectural and historical survey







The architectural and historical phenomenon of the traditional
houses in the coastal region of Tamilnadu was researched in the past focusing
on its cultural and typological aspects, while its more technical facets were
almost neglected and therefore its still technically remains relatively
This study focuses on coastal regions of Tamil Nadu, in an attempt
to detect, document and analyse the design principles and the elements of its
traditional architecture found in the four different building typologies of the
traditional or vernacular residences. The analysis of this research is being
carried out in two modules, the first one being the research on architectural
aspects and followed by the research on bioclimatic aspects. The architectural
aspect includes building typology, form, materials and construction
techniques, whereas the analysis of bioclimatic aspects involves the thermal
behaviour of building shell. In addition to the thermal behaviour, as a
supporting study aural and visual comfort conditions of these vernacular
residences are also analysed. The aim of the study is to document and assess
thermal performance of the traditional residences both qualitatively and
quantitatively. As said earlier, to reinforce further research, aural and visual
behaviour of the same houses were also analyzed. In this thesis, different
aspects of the vernacular architecture, namely typology, form, building
materials, thermal, visual and aural behaviour are qualitatively documented
and analysed for the sample study houses with respect to their study area and
the climatic zone.


Significance of Vernacular Techniques

Application of the passive architectural design solutions from the

old vernacular buildings into the modern buildings of day to day life towards
achieving thermal comfort (orientation, shading, passive cooling etc) will be a
greater answer to all these questions. So as to achieve this, in various part of
the world, investigations on natural and passive ventilation systems in
buildings providing thermal comfort are being explored in the form of
continuous evaluation of vernacular buildings. Passive means of attaining
thermal comfort (stalk ventilation and reverse stalk ventilation, venture effect
etc) inside the buildings are the absolute solution to deliver a healthy and
energy efficient built indoor spaces. This is of supreme importance for
buildings in the tropics where mechanical systems with high energy
consumption are used to condition the indoor environment for thermal
comfort (Hassan Fathy 2005). These passive methods are found to be absent
in day to day modern building designs where people are forced to depend on
artificial systems for controlling the indoor environment. In many cases, it is
found that the failure to provide required thermal conditions has resulted in
discomfort, ill health and efficiency loss (Madhavi Indraganti et al). Presently,
there is a constant need to evaluate the thermal conditions of indoor
environments to learn further and proceed with research in passive design.
Many of the early studies of vernacular architecture has failed to
pay much attention to the way in which should have been (Vellinga (2006)
contributed to the creation of future built environment. Even in developed
countries, the way in which vernacular knowledge and experience may be
used to respond to 21st century challenges has so far not been the subject of
many discussions (Oliver, 2003, p.14). Research projects that explicitly
address the application and use of vernacular knowledge and skills in
contemporary architectural practice are rare (Vellinga, 2006). Few attempts

have been made to investigate the vernacular architecture. Most of the

existing literature in this field does not deal with vernacular traditions in terms
of the application of vernacular strategies to a modern development context.
Moreover, there is no comprehensive study on the relationship between
temperature increase resulted from global warming and the effectiveness of
passive-cooling systems. The extent to which traditional systems could
provide comfort conditions in the buildings are not been the subject of studies
and the way buildings can withstand extreme hot summer temperatures are
not been well addressed.
Hence, this research is focused on experimenting the vernacular
passive-cooling strategies used amongst the vernacular residential buildings in
coastal areas. The coastal area is preferred because of the availability of
different house typologies along the coastal line of Tamilnadu as well as to
study and compare the performance of varied traditional buildings in same
climatic conditions and to find out the best performing traditional techniques.
These buildings are located in the area where the sea and the land meet with
scorching sun and high humidity and sudden rainfall with medium and heavy
wind blow. The overall aim of the research is to find out the useful techniques
that can be successfully incorporated into existing modern buildings to
improve their energy performance, carbon reduction, cultural acceptance and
thermal comfort of occupants. Hence there is an urgent need to undertake the
research in areas of natural means of energy use and energy management in
vernacular buildings.





As mentioned earlier, there is a need to search vernacular design
solutions that are prevailing in vernacular buildings which will make the
occupants thermally, aurally, and visually comfortable. In warm and hot

climates, most of 20th century buildings are not suitable for present day
climatic conditions. They are dependent on air-conditioning systems and
electricity, reliant on fossil fuels and increasingly unable to adapt to a
warming climate (Sayying et al 1998). A large proportion of modern
buildings are poorly designed for prevailing climate, leading to extreme use of
electrical equipment and energy to maintain desired indoor conditions
(Kimura 1994). In contrast to modern buildings, vernacular architecture in
these regions is more adaptable to the environment in many ways.
Traditionally, builders used knowledge passed from generation to generation
to ensure that their buildings could modify the impact of a hostile outdoor
environment (Giovini 1981).
Vernacular buildings, in general, are equipped with thick high
walls, courtyards, and vaulted chambers according to the changes developed
over generations. They used local construction materials, passive cooling,
passive heating and renewable energies. Vernacular resources, technologies
and forms are generally seen to be well adapted to local climatic conditions
and are often considered an appropriate base for environmental design
(Feriadi 2004). However, it is important to note that the materials, techniques,
etc varies with respect to the various climatic zones.








Bioclimatic design, by definition, satisfies the needs of human
beings (thermal, luminous and acoustics). It considers climatic conditions,
also uses techniques and materials available in that region and attempts to
integrate the building with its surroundings. Building physics exhibits ability
and knowledge of allowing sunlight, heat, and airflow through the building
envelope when necessary, at certain moments of each day and month of the

year (Maria 2009). Vernacular architecture may also be categorized as

bioclimatic as, traditional builders understood the bioclimatic concepts,
aspects of building physics, and the strong relationship between site, climate
and building. This made people aware of the consequences of design choices.
Vernacular architecture which considers the effect of climatic condition on
the buildings envelope suggests knowledge of the building physics at an
experimental level. Efforts have been made by many researchers world-wide
to explore the possibilities of evaluating the green principles in vernacular
architecture (Do-Kyoung Kim 2006). Maria (2009) conducted a study to
evaluate a sustainable Greek vernacular settlement by using subsequent
analysis based on two major steps: a study concerning the evolution of built
environment (typological analysis, site planning, construction materials and
techniques) and an evaluation of specific vernacular dwelling types and their
response to climate based on passive design principles (Maria 2009). The
vernacular settlement demonstrated an economical use of local building
resources adapting to climatic conditions without using much energy and
providing human comfort. Canas & Martin (2004) employed statistical
method to gather data about vernacular Spanish buildings and categorised
them into different bioclimatic strategies based on their locations. By doing
so, they found the most frequently used a strategy which corresponds to the
building locations and local climate. They had made it clear that the
vernacular settlement demonstrates an economical use of local building
resources, adapting to climatic conditions without using much energy and
providing human comfort (Canas & Martin 2004).


As stated above, a large proportion (70%) of modern buildings are

poorly designed without any concern on existing environmental and climatic


The modern buildings in this coastal region of Tamil Nadu are


dependent on air-conditioning systems and electricity, reliant on fossil fuels

and increasingly unable to adapt to a warm climate. A large proportion(70%)
of these modern buildings are not designed considering prevailing climate,
leading to extreme use of electrical equipment and energy to maintain desired
indoor conditions. These buildings, without enough insulation, un-shaded,
tight-skinned and with inefficient air-conditioning, are using vast amount of
energy to provide thermal comfort, especially when weather conditions are
harsh and extreme. Development in many hot climate countries, including
India, is badly hindered by the crippling high cost of energy. At a point of
time brown-outs and black-outs are predicted and noted due to high
consumption levels; problems in electricity production and the increasing
summer temperature, people will not be able to stay inside building, if the
electricity fails particularly during daytime. In hot climates, if the airconditioning goes off, buildings become hard to occupy at a quicker rate
(Roaf 2004), and in a short time such structures will have soaring internal
temperatures in summer. In contrast to modern buildings, vernacular
buildings in coastal areas are equipped with thick high walls, courtyards and
vaulted chambers, according to principles evolved over many generations,
these principles include physical functionality, beauty, low-energy use,
comfort, durability and affordability. Such buildings uses local construction
materials, passive cooling and heating, and renewable energies. Vernacular
resources, technologies and forms are generally appear to be well adapted to
local climate conditions and are often considered as an appropriate base for
environmental design. Vernacular architecture across the world had the
concern on environmental and climatic factors (Hassan Fathy 2005). The
research originated from the assumption that, the historical phenomenon of
the different house typologies in the coastal regions of Tamilnadu may
embody practical strategies and features that were conceived for tackling the
climatic needs for the builders. The earlier vernacular residences which were
found in the hills have slowly speeded to the plains and coastal regions.


However, predominant vernacular residences were found all along the eastern
coast of Tamil Nadu stretching from Chennai to Kanyakumari. In contrast to
the modern buildings, the vernacular architecture in this coastal region is
more adoptable to environment in many ways. Many researchers have proved
that vernacular architecture are more climate responsive than modern
architecture. However in coastal belt of Tamil Nadu, it is found that there are
many typologies amongst the vernacular residences. These residences with
different typologies do not behave similar with respect to thermal comfort,
visual comfort and aural comfort. This research intends to find out the best
demonstrating vernacular residence amongst these vernacular residential
typologies found along the coastal line of Tamil Nadu. All the four typologies
are analysed qualitatively and quantitatively during summer as well as winter
to assess the behaviour of these residences with respect to the thermal
comfort, as a supporting research, the visual and aural comfort. Research is
also supplemented to fulfil the building physics phenomena. The four
different building typologies and their study area and sampling houses are
briefed in the third chapter.

The most important contribution of this present research is that it

discloses hidden and elapsed techniques and technology from the traditional
practice to design product in terms of indoor comfort. The proposed research
is used to design energy efficient residential buildings in warm humid
climates of coastal regions of Tamil Nadu which will reduce the energy
consumption in modern buildings which in turn will reduce the energy
consumption in the society. This similar type of research may be carried out
for different climatic regions like hot humid regions, hot and dry regions, cold
and cloudy regions etc. Buildings account for 45% of worldwide energy use
and hence significant amount of green house gas emissions to the


environment is related to this energy use (Singh et al 2009). To meet the

increasing energy needs, particularly in developing and less-developing
countries, the climate responsive buildings or solar passive buildings with
advanced active systems seem to be most appropriate and efficient solutions
to this problem (Kumar et al 1994). In general, human beings are relying on
finding out new means of technological solutions to overcome the crisis born
out of energy or environment. The energy consuming equipments viz
air-conditioners, refrigerators, mixer, wet grinders, washing machine, utensil
washer, etc have become a necessary commodity to contemporary houses.
Architecture of olden days was built along with nature and not against the
nature, that is why this architecture remains even today as examples of low
energy consuming buildings. By the end of the 20th century, a
pro-environmental or ecological architectural trend began to appear
(Do-Kyoung Kim et al 2006). The architects and builders today started
realizing this problem but unable to give appropriate solutions. No doubt that
Architecture needs to be synchronized with nature. What is needed is to
rediscover the methods to improve the coexistence between nature,
architecture, and human being. In particular, the solutions from vernacular
architecture across the world had given exemplary solution to build buildings
along with nature. With respect to this research, the architecture of the coastal
regions of Tamil Nadu in its approach to harmony with nature, which had
evolved traditionally over a period of time has formed a unique architectural
culture. During the process of research, it is found that, the features seen in
vernacular buildings of these coastal regions are more of green architecture,
because of their planning and construction techniques, energy efficient
materials, solar passive elements etc and they blend with nature. However, it
is needed that they have to be proved scientifically. This is achieved by
carrying out various experiments as explained in the research methodology.


In order to overcome, these researches are important so as to find

out the hidden sustainable principles of vernacular architecture. In Warm
humid climatic zone of the coastal regions of Tamil Nadu, the vernacular
architecture evolved is of with four distinct typologies. In this connection, it is
also necessary to explore which amongst these four are truly climate
responsive, and which among these consumes less energy on day-to-day
basis. Such principles can be directly or indirectly be used in the modern
buildings so as to reduce energy demand. The results of this experimental
study reveals that the vernacular architecture in the selected study area is built
along with nature which encompasses the solar passive techniques embedded
with the bioclimatic principles. Vernacular architecture of the coastal regions
of Tamil Nadu under the warm humid climatic conditions is necessarily built
with climate responsive principles. A greater essence from this architecture
can very well be utilized for modern or contemporary buildings so as to
overcome the energy and environmental crisis occurring in these days.
Therefore, this research has become an authentic solution provider to modern
builders and building designers, as to make them incorporate the traditionally
used design principles based on the climate responsive architecture to the
modern buildings with respect to the context and climatic zone.


The purpose of the study is to establish potential strategies for

contemporary buildings that passively promote thermal comfort in these

buildings, thereby reducing the need for external energy inputs and increasing
the quality of life for occupants. This research intends to seek ways to
document the traditional vernacular principles to promote a sustainable
community. To conclude, the study intends to test the assumption of,
vernacular houses in coastal regions that have high thermal comfort levels,
visual comfort levels and acoustic comfort without using any mechanical


means. Sample vernacular houses are chosen with the age of around 200 years
old along the coastal line of Tamil Nadu located at Parangipettai,
Tharangambadi, Nagappattinam and Thoothukudi which are incidentally
being age-old harbour towns of Tamil Nadu. These houses were undergone
experimental study during consecutive summer (April, May and June of the
year 2009 and 2010) and winter (December and January of the year 2009 and
2010).The in-situ experiments were conducted with the help of instruments
setup called as AES (Architectural Evaluation System Emcon- cochin) for
thermal comfort study and light meter (Lux meter) visual comfort study and,
in addition, the simulation was also carried by using the software (Ecotect) to
further reinforce the visual comfort study. The aural comfort study of all the
houses has been carried out with the help of sound level meter. This
instrument is designed to make acquisition of the related environmental,
climatological and behavioural parameters of architectural/ structural
buildings using 18 sensors and 20 channel data system. The system consist of
eighteen nos sensors, 20 channel electronic meter to make digital display of
the data, memory module to store the data with real time, software for
operating the system in automatic mode, sensor brackets, 12V battery and
battery charger. There are 18 sensors attached with the system. They belong
to parameters pertaining to air inside, air outside, deformation, shifts of
structures. The remote operation facility of the sensors up to certain lengths
enables integrated measurements and centralised monitoring for making
effective studies. The Relative humidity sensors which are positioned inside
the buildings measure the RH of that place. The sensor should be positioned
free from the direct hit of water spray and solar radiation. The Relative
Humidity Sensors which is place outside is provided with a protective screen
to prevent the direct hit of solar radiation and rain on it. This is kept outside
either directly or preferably at some shades. The Air Temperature inside
sensors is to be kept at the required position using suitable supports to get the
temperature at the position. The Air temperature outside sensors is provided


with a special screened cover to prevent the direct influence of rainfall or

solar radiation. The wind velocity sensors are provided with the stand and it
may be kept vertical for designing the wind velocity at that place or may be
kept in rooms , halls etc.
This research proposes a new approach for analysing and
evaluating vernacular dwellings in coastal region of Tamil Nadu in terms of
building physics. A survey has been conducted among the residents of the
villages of the study area to know the occupant thermal comfort range. The
data obtained were fed in different models and the results were arrived. This
approach includes six subsequent steps. It is also expected that both






encompassed in this research will reinforce the result findings. This thesis is
divided into six chapters. The first section is about literature review that
discusses the significance and background for this research. This section is
subdivided into three chapters. Chapter 1 deals with Introduction, background
of the research problem, Introduction of vernacular architecture and thermal
comfort, aim and objectives and thesis structure. Chapter 2 focuses on the
complete comprehensive literature review. Chapter 3 describes about the
climatic conditions of coastal regions in Tamil Nadu and discusses the
qualitative analysis of the four different typology of vernacular architecture in
coastal region. The second section of the thesis encompasses an in-depth
research study of specific cases of vernacular architecture in the coastal
regions of Tamil Nadu. This section is divided into three chapters. Chapter 4
describes the experimental investigation set up and experimental methodology
carried out in four different typology of vernacular houses in Thermal, Visual
and aural Comfort. Chapter 5 comprises of synthesis of data and analysis of
results and discussions. Chapter 6 concludes the research and suggests ways
of traditional or vernacular architecture principles to promote and apply in
todays construction and future studies that could broaden the results drawn
from this study, contains the analysis and conclusions of the research.

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