Terms and Definitions
Terms and Definitions
Terms and Definitions
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Microsoft Access
Introduction to Terms and
1. Database A collection of data organized in a manner that
1. Create the database and its tables
Mouse Usage
1. Point Move the mouse across a flat surface until the
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Table Structure
1. Field Name An unique name for the data
a) Up to 64 characters in length
b) May contain letters, digits, spaces, and most
punctuation symbols
c) Cannot contain periods, exclamation points, or square
2. Data Type The type of information the field will contain
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perform tasks more quickly than using the menu bar; each
button contains an icon depicting its function
7. Taskbar Bottom of the screen; display the Start button,
any active window, and the time
8. Status Bar Immediately above the Windows 95 taskbar;
contains special information that is appropriate to the
task; such as Ready, NUM
9. Navigation Buttons Near lower left-hand corner of the
a. First Record Moves to the first record in the table
b. Previous Record Moves to the previous record
c. Next Record Moves to the next record
d. Last Record Moves to the last record in the table
e. New Record Moves past the last record in the table to
a position for a new record
View Data
1. Datasheet View All the data is displayed as a table; may
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