ITCF India Players Registration Form PDF
ITCF India Players Registration Form PDF
ITCF India Players Registration Form PDF
Registration N0:
I have read the rules and regulation of Twenty20 cricket game framed by the Indian Twenty20 Cricket Federation& (ITCF India) & I register myself with ITCF India also I
undertake to abide by its rules & regulations, guidelines and other terms & conditions T&C* set by ITCF-India. I am Mailing/submitting my registration from in favor of Indian
Twenty20 Cricket Federation& (ITCF-India) I will hole myself responsible for any injury/mishap/accident during the course of Practice/ Play/ Matches/ Trails/
Camps/journey in the field or out of the field. Further the player and his /her parents hereby undertakes that in case of any dispute regarding civil or criminal proceedings,
then the same is subject matter of local jurisdiction of Patiala district court and authorities. The parents or player also undertakes that they or he shall not file any civil or
criminal proceedings before any court or authority of his local residential jurisdiction.
Please Note: Fill the form & send us through speed post at :- INDIAN TWENTY20 CRICKET FEDERATION
& ITCF INDIA KALYANS 125/126,ST.NO.22, TRIPURI PATIALA 147001.Punjab (India)
Please Note: Contacted for any further information/ suggestions in this regard at the following nos :
WhatsApp: +91-94171-42575, Office: 0175-329-4486, Tele Fax: 0175-501-2575, GRAM: CRICTWENTY
Web site: , Email: ,
HEAD OFFICE: KALYANS 125/126, ST.NO.22, TRIPURI, PATIALA147001 (PB) INDIA Office: 0175-3294486, Tele-Fax: 0175-5012575, GRAM:CRICTWENTY