PV Visualization With WinCC

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Efficient monitoring and control of

photovoltaic plants
Plant visualization with SIMATIC WinCC
SINVERT PVS and PVM inverters


Keeping a constant watch on performance

and energy yield
Cost effectiveness with a view to the long term is the top priority in photovoltaic plants.
For this reason, maximum availability must be guaranteed. It is also hugely important
that the technical status of the overall system should be optimum at all times.
SIMATIC WinCC offers all the facilities for meeting these requirements: efficient data capture
for fast, simple and low-cost monitoring of the performance and energy yield of the overall plant.

Industrial Ethernet
Inverter Station 1

DSL router


WinCC WebNavigator

Inverter Stations 2-n



ComBox 100

weather station

ComBox 100
Weather sensors

Industrial Ethernet fiber-optic ring

grid operator




Typical configuration of a PV plant with

SINVERT PVS inverters

Maximum transparency and efficient operation

thanks to innovative plant visualization
SIMATIC WinCC is the optimal solution for monitoring

Highlights at a glance

and controlling PV plants in which SINVERT PVS and

Gap-free transparency regarding the plant status

SINVERT PVM inverters are used. Our ground-breaking

Input to grid

visualization system makes the status and the energy

Performance ratio

flow of the PV plant transparent. It is suitable for representing all possible plant data and can also be easily
adapted and expanded at a later date.

Electrical parameters
Faults, warnings and events
(also available via SMS and e-mail)
Ambient temperature, module temperature, insolation
and other optional values such as wind speed or rain display (provided a weather station is available)
Overall plant status, including status messages
of the PV inverters and system components
Efficient operator input to the plant even remotely
Starting and stopping the PV inverters

Simple and efficient configuring:

Thanks to the use of a standardized PV library, customers
can make adaptations by means of intuitive configuring
with graphics support (drag&drop).

Adapting the SINVERT inverter settings

Changing the IP configuration
Acknowledging messages

Typical system monitoring view

Overview of meteorological data

Boundless human machine interfacing

via the local network (LAN) or the Internet

Analyzing and editing data

Monitoring using SIMATIC WinCC can take place either

via the local network (LAN) of a site or with the
WinCC/Web Navigator via the Internet or the company
intranet. This requires no modification of the existing
WinCC project. In every case, the PV inverters from our
SINVERT portfolio and the system components involved
are networked together on the basis of Ethernet. Internet
access is not absolutely necessary for remote access, since
solutions also enable access via GSM.

If desired, you can export selected data online to a file in

CSV format. This is necessary if the data is to be further
later, using other tools such as Microsoft Excel.

System requirements for remote access via the Internet

include DSL access, Internet Explorer (V6 SP1 or
higher), and a Windows 2003 Server (operating system
Windows XP or 7). In this connection, the WinCC/Web
enables independent access by several users simultaneously. The
WinCC Premium add-on AlarmControlCenter also allows
notification that can be converted to SMS.

Typical subplant view

No compromise in securing energy yield

thanks to full transparency
SIMATIC WinCC is crucial if you want to significantly
the availability of your plants: Alarms and messages facilitate
fast and simple troubleshooting and error identification
thus accelerating their correction. Fault messages
can be configured with maximum flexibility, and coordinated
with your individual plant management, using notification
SMS or e-mail, for example.
Faults are displayed not only on the relevant tab on the
message page, but also in a fault line. This is available
both on the plant page and on the statistics page. This
enables you to quickly take appropriate measures and
thus minimize or completely avoid any losses in energy
Last but not least, statistics functions facilitate the display
of current and historic data in the form of trend diagrams
or bar charts.

Visualization of plant locations on a map

Your plants at a glance

SIMATIC WinCC not only represents the monitored plants
on a map,
it also visualizes entire plants, subplants, and inverters,
including the associated detailed
The plant view shows, for example, the insolation,
and meteorological data, and the performance ratio
for the entire plant.
The subplant view shows the data of the inverters,
transformers, and other components of this subplant.
The inverter view shows the following information for
of the inverters connected to a transformer:
the electrical data (e.g. daily, monthly, annual and total
energy, active power, and rated output) upstream and
downstream of the inverter, the statuses of the inverter
contactors, and the operator panel of the inverter. The
display of the operator panel is modeled on that of the
actual inverter.

Further information
You can find an overview of our portfolio of
products and services on the Internet:
We will be pleased to respond, even personally,
to any questions you may have:
E-mail: sinvert.automation@siemens.com
Technical Assistance: +49 (0) 911 895-5900

Siemens AG
Industry Sector
Control Components and Systems Engineering
P.O. Box 23 55
90713 FRTH

Subject to change without prior

notice 05/11
Order No.:
Planning and Scheduling Dept. 46371
SCH/33461 MI.CE.PV.XXXX.51.1.13
WS 05112.
Printed in Germany
Siemens AG 2011

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