Issn 1808
Issn 1808
Issn 1808
Fabiana M. N. Rocha**,
Erika Y. Ikeda**,
Ctia M. R. Lemes***,
Giovana P.
Figure 7. Pressure of anterior pillar with the indicator finger of the opposite hand.
intubation; we placed Studer's mouth opener to expose the tonsils. We used anchored
gauze on the hypopharynx to protect the lower airways. Next, we placed the inferior pole
in the Studer guillotine (Figure 6), aided by the indicator finger of the opposite hand that
pressed the anterior pillar (Figure 7), trying to protect the uvula and the muscles. Next, we
pressed firmly the guillotine, making a clockwise upwards rotation movement on the right
tonsil site (Figure 8) and anti-clockwise on the left tonsil site, to the lateral, resulting in
medial, inferior and posterior vectors. At that point, after having dissected completely the
tonsil, we used the indicator finger in hook (Figure 9) and maintained the pulled guillotine
in order to extract the tonsils. Next, we proceeded with hemostasis using anchored gauze.
If necessary, we used simple catgut 2-0 for suture.
In order to analyze the results, we compiled data in tables.
Table 1 analyze the duration of surgery in minutes for both techniques. We observed,
after using independent t test (p), that Sluder's technique takes significantly less time than
the dissected technique (p<0.001). In Table 2, comparing blood loss in milliliters, there
Address correspondence to: Edson Carlos Miranda Monteiro - Av. Lencio de Magalhes,
750 - 02042-000 So Paulo/SP - Tel: (55 11) 6950-2339.
Article submitted on June 26. 2000. Article accepted on January 18, 2001.