Writing Assessment Released Writing Prompts: The Pennsylvania System of School Assessment

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The Pennsylvania

System of School Assessment

Writing Prompts

Pennsylvania Department of Education

Division of Evaluation and Reports



Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Mark Schweiker, Governer
Department of Education
Charles Zogby, Secretary
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education
Thomas P. Carey, Deputy Secretary
Bureau of Curriculum and Academic Services
Michael J. Kozup, Bureau Director
Division of Evaluation and Reports
Lee Plempel, Chief
Writing Assessment
Andrea S. Martine, Educational Assessment Specialist
Pennsylvania Department of Education
333 Market Street
Harrisburg, PA 17126-0333
The Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) does not discriminate in its educational
programs, activities, or employment practices, based on race, color, national origin, sex,
sexual orientation, disability, age, religion, ancestry, union membership or any other legally
protected category. Announcement of this policy is in accordance with State law including
the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act and with Federal law, including Title VI of the
Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 and the
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
If you have any questions about this publication, or for additional copies, contact: PDE,
Division of Evaluation and Reports, 333 Market Street, Harrisburg, PA 17126-0333. Voice
Telephone:717-787-4234, Text Telephone TTY: 717-783-8445, Fax: 717-783-6642.

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The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the
nondiscrimination policies:
Complaints regarding discrimination in schools:
Human Relations Representative
Intake Division
Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission
Harrisburg Regional Office: 717-787-9784
Pittsburgh Regional Office: 412-565-5395
Philadelphia Region Office: 215-560-2496
Complaints against a Pennsylvania Department of Education employee:
Pennsylvania Department of Education
Equal Employment Opportunity Representative
Bureau of Personnel
11th Floor, 333 Market Street
Harrisburg, PA 17126-0333
Voice Telephone: 717-787-4417
Fax: 717-783-9348
Text Telephone TTY: 717-783-8445
Information on accommodations within the Department of Education for persons with
Pennsylvania Department of Education
Americans with Disabilities Act Coordinator
Bureau of Management Services
15th floor, 333 Market Street
Harrisburg, PA 17126-0333
Voice Telephone: 717-783-9791
Fax: 717-772-2317
Text Telephone TTY: 717-783-8445
General questions regarding educational law or issues:
Pennsylvania Department of Education
School Services Unit
5th floor, 333 Market Street
Harrisburg, PA 17126-0333
Voice Telephone: 717-783-8445
Fax: 717-783-6802
Text Telephone TTY: 717-783-8445

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The Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) uses a school-based assessment system
that provides comparative data to schools and districts for use in planning and informing the
public. In the 2001-2002 school year, regulation provides for individual student scores to be
reported for Writing, Reading, and Mathematics assessments as the PSSA emphasizes a system
for increased student accountability.
This publication catalogues every prompt that has been field tested since the 19981999
Assessment. It is intended as an aid for teachers to prepare their students for the writing portion
of the PSSA. The Pennsylvania Literacy Framework PCRP IIISpring 2001 can also assist
classroom teachers in instructional methods and techniques that support and enhance the writing
process underlying the assessment.
Assessment handbooks are available for writing,
mathematics and reading. One copy of each of these documents can be obtained by sending a
mailing label to:
Pennsylvania Department of Education
Division of Evaluation and Reports
333 Market Street, 8th Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17126-0333
Or they can be downloaded or printed from the PDE Web site: http://www.pde.state.pa.us.

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The Writing Assessment Advisory Committee (WAAC) identified three modes or types of
writing to be among the most important in school and in life, and to be most appropriate for the
state assessment.
Informational Writing
Informational writing is used to share knowledge and convey messages, instructions or ideas by
making connections between the familiar and unfamiliar. It is assessed because it is used as a
common writing strategy in academic, personal and job-related areas; as a tool that spans a range
of thinking skills from recall to analysis and evaluation, and as a means of presenting
information in prose. This type of writing has many functions: to present information through
reporting, explaining, directing, summarizing and defining; to organize and analyze information
through explaining, comparing, contrasting and relaying cause/effect, or to evaluate information
through judging, ranking or deciding.
Narrative Writing
Narrative writing relates a series of events of an actual occurrence or a proposed occurrence at a
particular time and in a particular place. It requires writers to closely observe, explore and
reflect upon a wide range of experiences. At all grade levels, the functions of this mode of
writing are to narrate or reminisce.
Persuasive Writing
Persuasive writing moves the reader to take an action or to form or change an opinion. This type
of writing is assessed for three reasons: 1) it requires thinking skills such as analysis, synthesis
and evaluation; 2) it requires writers to choose from a variety of situations and to take a stand,
and 3) it is a skill frequently used in school and the workplace. Persuasive writing has several
functions: to state and support a position, opinion or issue, or to defend, to refute or to argue.

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One of the most critical tasks in the design of the writing assessment is the development of the
writing prompts. A prompt is a statement or group of statements about a specific topic,
constructed to motivate students thoughts and elicit their best writing on the topic. Prompts that
specify the purpose and audience have been developed to elicit the mode of writing required.
Before prompts are used in an assessment, they are field tested to ensure that they are fair to all
students. All the prompts in this handbook have been field tested. Although these prompts were
field tested and released at one grade level, they may be appropriate for more than one grade
In the assessment, the prompts have a common set of directions that can be read by the test
administrator as the students read along silently. Following each prompt is a set of five guideline
statements. Each statement refers directly to one of the five domains that correspond to the
characteristics of effective writing. These statements are designed to assist students by making
assessment expectations known.
The assessment directions and guideline statements are not reproduced in this handbook. The
Pennsylvania Writing Assessment Domain Scoring Guide is reproduced on the next page.

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Writing Assessment Released Writing Prompts


The single controlling
point made with an
awareness of task (mode)
about a specific topic.

Sharp, distinct controlling

point made about a single
topic with evident
awareness of task (mode)

Apparent point made

about a single topic with
sufficient awareness of
task (mode)
No apparent point but

2 evidence of a specific

Minimal evidence of a

1 topic

The presence of ideas
developed through facts,
examples, anecdotes,
details, opinions, statistics,
reasons and/or
Substantial, specific and/or
illustrative content
demonstrating strong
development and
sophisticated ideas

The order developed and
sustained within and across
paragraphs using transitional
devices including
introduction and conclusion.
Sophisticated arrangement of
content with evident and/or
subtle transitions

Sufficiently developed
content with adequate
elaboration or explanation

Functional arrangement of
content that sustains a logical
order with some evidence of

Limited content with

inadequate elaboration or

Confused or inconsistent
arrangement of content with or
without attempts at transition

Superficial and/or minimal


Minimal control of content



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Is illegible; i.e., includes so many indecipherable words that no sense

can be made of the response
Is incoherent; i.e., words are legible but syntax is so garbled that
response makes no sense
Is insufficient; i.e., does not include enough to assess domains
Is a blank paper

The choice, use and
arrangement of words and
sentence structures that
create tone and voice.
Precise, illustrative use of a
variety of words and sentence
structures to create consistent
writers voice and tone
appropriate to audience
Generic use of a variety of
words and sentence structures
that may or may not create
writers voice and tone
appropriate to audience
Limited word choice and
control of sentence structures
that inhibit voice and tone
Minimal variety in word
choice and minimal control
of sentence structures

The use of grammar,
mechanics, spelling, usage
and sentence formation.

Evident control of grammar,

mechanics, spelling, usage
and sentence formation
Sufficient control of
grammar, mechanics,
spelling, usage and sentence
Limited control of grammar,
mechanics, spelling, usage
and sentence formation
Minimal control of grammar,
mechanics, spelling, usage
and sentence formation


Is readable but did not respond to prompt

Grade 6 Writing Prompts

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Each seasonspring, summer, fall or winteroffers special sights and sounds.
Select one season and describe its unique qualities.

Identify an activity, such as a hobby, pastime or sport, you enjoy or do well.
Explain what you do and why you chose the activity.

Consider all the animals that could be pets.
Select one that would make a good pet and explain why.

Select a person that you would invite to speak to your class.
Explain why you would enjoy that speaker.

Choose what you think would be the best job for you when you become an adult.
Explain why that would be the best choice.

Most people have a special day that they enjoy. It can be a holiday, a birthday or a day of the
week such as Friday or Saturday. What day is special to you?
Write to explain why your special day is enjoyable for you.

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Jesse Jackson once said, Your children need your presence more than your presents.
Explain what this quotation means to you.

We all have a hero or heroinea person whose qualities, achievements or lifestyle we admire.
Choose a person you consider to be your hero or heroine.
Write to explain why this person is your hero or heroine.

You have an opportunity to relive a time from last year. This time could be a happy event, or it
could be an event that you would like to change.
Write why you want to relive this event.

Each class must take a science or social studies field trip. Choose a place you would like to go
for a field trip. Why will your choice be a good place to visit and what will you learn?
Write to explain what makes your choice a good place to visit for a science or social studies field
trip. Also explain what you hope to learn from the trip.

Think of someone whom you look up to or admire. What do you admire about that person? Why
has this person influenced you?
Write to explain what qualities you admire about this person and tell why he/she has influenced

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A new student from a faraway place has enrolled in the sixth grade at your school. How can this
student become successful? Why will these actions make him or her successful?
Write an essay explaining how this new student can become a successful sixth grader.

Think about different weather conditions such as snow, rain, heat, cold, and wind. What one
specific weather condition affects you the most? Why?
Write an essay explaining the effects of this weather condition.

Many people believe that we appreciate something that we earn more than something we are
Explain to your classmates why this statement is true and tell how it might relate to them.

The school district has a policy of no backpacks in the schools classrooms. Many students
feel this is very difficult.
Write to the principal to explain the difficulties for a student with the policy of no backpacks
and explain the reasons for these difficulties.

It is very important for a sixth grader to be organized in school.
Explain to a younger student how to be organized and tell why being organized is important for a

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There is a room available in your school. What suggestions do you have for the use of this
Explain the use of the room and the benefit to the students.

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You are a designer for a company that creates rides for carnivals, fairs and amusement parks.
Describe the ride you designed and explain why people would like it.

You are a pair of shoes. You may be any kind of footwear.
Describe yourself in detail and tell about your most memorable experience.

You are shipwrecked on an island for a month with only your backpack.
Tell how you survive with the items in your backpack.

Your teacher comes into the room and places a book on the desk. The book begins to move.
Write about what adventure occurs when the book is opened and tell what you learn from this

You can fly.
Write about an adventure you had when you were flying and tell what you learned from this

At different times in their lives, people face situations in which they need to be brave.
Write about a time when someone needed to be brave and tell why bravery was needed.

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You lived in an earlier time.
Write about your experience when you lived in an earlier time and tell why it was exciting.

Every clock in your town ran backwards for twenty-four hours.
Write about the adventures resulting from how your backwards day was different from a
normal day.

It is always fun to visit a zoo, but did you ever think about what the animals do when the zoo is
closed? You are in the zoo after it closes.
Write about what you see and learn when the zookeeper forgets to lock the cages.

Think of a time when you did something nice for someone else. What did this experience teach
you about yourself?
Write a narrative about doing something nice for someone.

Learning a new skill, such as painting a picture, playing an instrument, or riding a skateboard can
be challenging. Think of a time when you learned a new skill or taught someone else a new skill.
What happened? Why was this experience a challenge to you?
Write a narrative about learning or teaching a new skill.

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Most people can remember a day or event in their lives that they would like to relive. Think
about a particular time that you would like to relive. What happened? Why would you like to
relive it?
Write a narrative about a day or event you would like to relive.

All of us have favorite stories and especially favorite characters within those stories. What
would happen if your favorite character visited your class for a day? What would you remember
most about this adventure?
Write a narrative about an adventure at your school with your favorite character.

Photographs often remind us of special people or events that we might have forgotten.
Write the story of a photograph for your family and tell why the photo holds a special memory
for you.

You are a yellow school bus that can take a group of young people anywhere.
Write a story for the teacher about the journey that you take, and tell what part of the trip the
children enjoyed the most.

You appreciate something that you have to earn more than something you are given.
Tell a story to your class about a time when you had to work hard to earn something and tell why
it was important to you.

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You have decided to give a favorite possession to charity.
Tell a story about the time when you gave this possession to charity and tell why the charity
would be willing to accept it.

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You have chosen an excellent book for sixth graders.

Persuade your classmates to read this book.

Many public places do not permit skateboarding/bicycling/rollerblading. Do you agree or
disagree with this rule?
Write to persuade community leaders to support your opinion.

Your class is having a snack on Friday afternoon.
Choose your favorite snack food and write to persuade your classmates why your choice should
be served.

Many boys and girls enjoy playing the same sport. Do you think boys and girls should be on the
same team?
Write to persuade the coach to agree with your opinion.

Your school district is considering a rule that students may not carry backpacks to school. Do
you agree or disagree?
Write to persuade your principal to support your opinion.

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Eating the proper foods is very important in order to stay healthy. Often, young people like to
eat junk foods and they do not eat healthy fruits and vegetables.
Write to persuade your friends that a balanced diet is important in staying healthy.

An elementary school principal has considered canceling recess for grades one through four so
children will spend more time in the classroom. The principal wants to know how older students
feel about this suggestion. Do you agree or disagree with this idea? Do you think that canceling
recess is a good idea?
Write to persuade the principal to accept your views on this issue.

You have just learned that your favorite television show is being taken off the air.
Write to persuade the broadcaster to keep your favorite show on the air.

Your principal wants all children to share in keeping the school neat and clean. Students will be
asked to spend one hour each week doing clean-up work. Do you agree or disagree with the
Write to persuade the principal to consider your opinion.

Some people believe that competitive sportsbaseball, volleyball, softball, and basketballcan
be helpful to elementary school students. The principal is considering adding competitive sports
in elementary school. Do you agree or disagree?
Write an essay persuading the principal to support your opinion that competitive sports should or
should not be added to the elementary school program.

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Your school is considering charging students a fee for participating in after-school activities. Do
you agree or disagree?
Write an essay persuading your principal that a fee should or should not be charged for afterschool activities.

You have thirty minutes of free time in school each week. Your teacher has asked your class to
suggest ways to use this free time. Think of a way to use this free time. Why is your idea the
best one?
Write an essay persuading your teacher to accept your idea on how this free time should be

Your community is searching for a student to send to the capitol to represent the young people of
your town. Choose someone you feel is a good student leader.
Persuade your community to agree with your choice.

Many boys and girls play the same sports. Is it a good idea or not to have boys and girls on the
same team?
Convince the coach of one particular sport in which boys and girls should or should not be on
the same team.

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The school district is reconsidering the policy on backpacks in the schools classrooms.
Decide whether backpacks should or should not be allowed in the schools classrooms.
Persuade the principal to agree with your decision.

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Grade 9 Writing Prompts

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High school is the time when some students begin to look for part-time employment.
What is a good part-time job for someone your age? Why would this job be appropriate for a

Identify an activity, such as a hobby, pastime or sport, you enjoy or do well.
Explain what you do and why you chose the activity.

Many people seem to be concerned about violence.
Write suggestions you may have to stop violence and tell why you think they may work.

Think about someone you admire.
Write to explain the admirable qualities that this person has.

Each student in your school has decided to volunteer forty hours of time to improve the
Explain what work you would do and tell how this work would make a difference in your

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Your school has just hired several new substitute teachers. The principal has asked each student
for a suggestion that will help the substitutes succeed.
Write to inform the new substitutes about the most important thing they must do to be successful
in your school.

Most of us have all of our senses: sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste. Think about the role
each of these senses plays in your life. Which of your senses would be most difficult to live
Write to explain to your reader why it would be most difficult to live without this one sense.

Everyone is an expert at something. Some people are experts at making things while other people
are experts at doing things. Think about something that you make or do well.
Explain why you are an expert.

Think about inventions that have affected our lives.
Select one invention and write to explain why this invention has been good or bad for society.

Dress for success means different things to different people. Why does it matter how a person
Write an essay explaining what dress for success means to you.

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All of us have favorite people in our lives. We tend to like them because of specific qualities
they have or because of specific things they have done. Why has one person you know become
one of the favorite people in your life?
Write an essay explaining the qualities and interests that make you like this person.

Nothing ever stays exactly the same. Think of a person, place, or thing that is an example of this
idea. Think about what someone, someplace or something was like in the past and how
differences now exist. How has this change affected you?
Write an essay explaining how this person, place or thing has changed.

Among all our possessions, we usually consider one or two objects to be very precious. Choose
one possession that is very precious to you. Why is it precious to you?
Write an essay explaining this precious object and its meaning to you.

You are creating a menu to serve to your friends for a special occasion.
Recommend your menu; tell why you made the choices you made. Also explain how you will
effectively present this meal to your friends.

If you could have given advice to a well-known historical figure, who would that figure be, and
what advice would you give.
Write an essay identifying the historical figure and developing the specific advice.

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Students in Pennsylvania are being taught to recycle, renew and reuse.
Explain what students your age can do to benefit the environment by recycling, renewing and
reusing materials.

From kitchen appliances, to computers, to entertainment, to communication technological
innovations have affected everyone.
Identify one advancement in technology that you could not do without and explain why.

Technology is replacing many jobs today. Identify a job that is unlikely to be replaced by
Write an essay to explain why a person would be needed to perform the job.

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You can probably remember a time when you or someone else tried to prepare food.
Tell a story about a time when the experience was a complete success or a total disaster.

You are a pair of shoes. You may be any kind of footwear.
Describe yourself in detail and tell about your most memorable experience.

You are shipwrecked on an island for a month with only your backpack.
Tell how you survive with the items in your backpack.

Think about an experience that taught you an important lesson.
Write about an experience that taught you an important lesson.

Each year, students experience a first day and a last day of school.
Write about a memorable first or last day of school and why it was memorable.

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You have just won a contest in which you get to spend a day with a famous person.
Write about what you did, and what you learned during this day.

All of us have favorite people in our lives. We like them because of specific experiences we
have had with them. Select an individual you consider to be a favorite person with whom you
have had a special experience.
Write about an experience you have had with this favorite person and show how this experience
has made this person one of your favorite people.

You borrow an article of clothing from someone for a special occasion. Much to your horror,
disaster strikes, and you ruin the borrowed item.
Write about what happened and why you handled the situation the way you did.

Most people have strong feelings about something that has happened to them. Think about a
time when you felt happy, scared, excited or surprised. Think about what happened that made
you feel this way.
Write about an experience and why it caused such strong feelings.

You have taken a trip in a time machine that carried you fifteen years into the future. How will
you be different in fifteen years than you are now?
Write a narrative about the changes that will have occurred in your life fifteen years from now.

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Some people believe that we can survive as long as we keep our self-respect. Think of a
situation that could demonstrate the truth of this belief. What could happen to test a persons
self-respect? Why is self-respect important?
Write a narrative about someone surviving because they maintained their self-respect.

New beginnings can take many forms. For many, a new beginning comes with the start of a
new school year. For others, a new beginning could be starting a new sports season, moving to a
new home, or changing a habit. How has such a new beginning affected you?
Write a narrative about a time when you experienced a new beginning.

As a summer job volunteer, you have been chosen to be a guide at a living history exhibit in an
18th century Pennsylvania community. You are required to tell visitors about your characters
life in this community more than 200 years ago. What would you tell them?
Why is your historical life interesting?
Write a narrative about your character living in an 18th century Pennsylvania community.

Some students prefer group work while others like to work alone.
Write a narrative about a time when you found it was better to work alone than to work in a

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We have often been told to think before we speak.
Tell a story about a time when you thought about or failed to think about what you were going to
say before you did it.

Most of us have worn an article of clothing that we did not want to wear.
Write a story about a time when this situation happened to you.

Many have said, It is far easier to start something than it is to finish it.
Tell a story about a time when you found it easier to start something than to finish it.

Your local TV station or your local newspaper has just hired you.
Write a positive news story to deliver on the evening news or for the evening newspaper.

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Time magazine is seeking nominations for the most influential person of the 20th century.
Write to persuade the nominating committee that the individual you chose is the best. Tell what
contributions and accomplishments this person has made to mankind and the world.

You have been assigned the task of creating a topic for a ninth grade writing test.
Create a prompt and defend why this topic would be interesting and appropriate for ninth grade

A foundation has offered to give $10,000 grants for community projects or charities. You have
decided to apply for one of these grants.
Persuade the foundation that your project or charity is worthy of selection.

Your school board is considering extending the school day to 5:00 p.m.
Write to the school board stating your opinion on extending the school day to 5:00 p.m.

A new radio station is going to start broadcasting in your area.
Write to persuade the station owners to play your favorite music.

NASA will select a student to accompany astronauts on their next space flight.
Persuade NASA that either you or one of your classmates would be the best choice.
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Your community has been awarded money to build a monument in honor of a person. Decide
who should receive this honor.
Persuade your community leaders to accept your choice.

Violence is in many television shows. Some adults believe that this television violence
contributes to teenagers being violent. Think about whether or not television violence influences
teenagers to be violent.
Write to persuade adults to accept your opinion on this issue.

Some state officials want to make the school year longer. Your local newspaper supports this
idea. Decide whether you agree or disagree with this idea.
Write to the editor of the newspaper stating your opinion.

Your school is planning to revise its rules. The principal has asked students to identify the best
school rules, the ones that should not be changed. Why should one of these rules definitely
remain in effect?
Write an essay persuading the principal to keep what you consider the best rule.

A foreign student is considering several American schools to attend. Why would your school be
the best choice?
Write an essay persuading the student that he or she should attend your school.

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You have a major project due in one of your classes. After talking with several of your
classmates, you discover that almost no one in the class will be finished on time. You have been
chosen to share this concern with your teacher and ask for an extension. Why should your
teacher consider extending the deadline?
Write an essay persuading your teacher to extend the project deadline for the entire class.

It doesnt matter if you win or loseonly if you win. Is winning the only thing that is
important to you?
Persuade the reader to agree with your position.

With advancements in technology some students have chosen to go to high school via the
Internet. Decide if public education in school buildings and classrooms or Internet education
anywhere is best for students.
Write an essay to persuade your reader of your choice.

Many teachers believe that an organized student finds it easier to be successful. Do you agree or
Write an essay that persuades other students to accept your position.

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Everyone does something well. During a job interview, you need to convince an employer that
you should be hired for a certain job because of your special skill.
Write an essay which details the reasons to convince the employer that you should be hired.

Some people believe that sports are an important part of school life. Others think that there is
too much emphasis placed on sports. Which position do you take?
Persuade the reader to accept your position.

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Grade 11 Writing Prompts

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High school students have made the journey from childhood to adolescence and are rapidly
approaching adulthood.
What changes have occurred during this journey?

Music is a part of every culture and plays different roles in peoples lives.
Tell how music plays a role in American culture or in your own life.

High school students are faced with making decisions about the world of work. Choose a
job/career/profession that interests you.
Explain why you might consider it, what preparation you need to pursue it, and what skills you
need to be successful.

You and a friend are having a conversation about what makes popular students popular. Your
friend tells you that being popular is important.
You decide to write an essay sharing your thoughts about popularity and why you think the way
you do.

The school district in which you live plans to build a new high school. You have been asked to
serve as a student member of the planning committee. What is the single most important feature
to include in the new school?
Explain why this must be included in the new high school.

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Your social studies class has been studying important events that have made history during your
As an assignment, you are to write an essay describing an historical event that has happened
during your lifetime one you will always remember.

The local school board plans to change the school year from ten to twelve months. The school
board wants to know what students think about this plan.
Write to inform the school board of how this will affect you personally.

Your local newspaper is publishing a special issue about famous or celebrated people that its
readers would like to meet. You have decided to enter an essay about a person you would like to
Write to tell why you want to meet this person based on what this person has accomplished.

All communities or neighborhoods have concerns that affect their residents.
Write about a concern that has affected your community, your neighborhood or you.

In the last 100 years, which technological change has contributed the most to American life?
Write an essay explaining the effects of this twentieth century technological change on American

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Consider the role automobiles play in American culture. What are the most important effects
automobiles have had on American culture? Why?
Write an essay explaining the influence the automobile has had on American culture.

The needs of society are constantly changing. As a young adult, you will soon enter the
constantly changing work force. What skills will you need? Why?
Write an essay explaining what skills you will need to succeed in the changing work force.

Your school district plans to build a new high school. Your principal has asked students for
suggestions that can be given to the building committee. What important features should be
included in the new school? Why?
Write an essay explaining the important features that should be included in the plan for the new
high school.

Select a special field of interest to you and explain how and why it will be different thirty years
in the future. Some areas you might consider are: technology, fine arts, sports or others.
Write an essay explaining how your area of interest will be different thirty years from now.

Consider the role automobiles play in American culture. What are the most important effects
automobiles have had on American culture? Why?
Write an essay explaining the influence the automobile has had on American culture.

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As a young adult, you will soon enter the constantly changing work force. What skills will you
need to succeed?
Write an essay explaining how you will use these skills to succeed in the changing work force.

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Despite changes in color and shape, even todays fancy sneakers are still passive, put-them-on,
take-them-off footwear. A shoe company announces that it will hire the winner of an essay
contest to determine what creative changes can be made to improve its sneakers.
Write to the shoe company to explain what creative improvements you would make to todays

It has been said that people need to continually overcome obstacles to succeed.
Tell about a time that you had to overcome an obstacle to succeed.

Tell about something that happened in school that taught you a valuable lesson.

Growing up requires making decisions.
Write about a time when you had to make an important decision and what resulted from that

In our culture, a teenagers getting a drivers license is a rite of passage into adulthood. There
are other rites of passage that make teenagers feel grown up.
Write about an experience that helped you pass into the world of adulthood.

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Many times in life we miss out on things because we are afraid to do them or dread the thoughts
of a negative experience. Other times we have no choice and must do what we dread the most.
Often we learn that our fears were unjustified.
Write about an experience you dreaded but discovered was not nearly as bad as you had

When Shakespeare said, Sweet are the uses of adversity, he meant that sometimes good can
come from bad.
Write about an experience you had when something good resulted from something that, at first,
seemed bad.

Often we go to others for advice on solving our problems. There are times when their advice
should have been taken but was ignored. Think of a time when you were given advice but chose
not to take it.
Write about an experience when you asked for advice but chose not to follow the advice given.

It has been said that people learn to appreciate those things that have resulted from hard work.
Write about a personal experience you had that required hard work and taught you to appreciate
what you gained from working so hard.

All the worlds technologies have stopped working. How would you react to this situation?
Write a narrative about a day when all of the current technological devices have stopped

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So, how was your day at school? How would you answer this question if it was about either
your best or your worst day of school? Why was this your best or worst day at school?
Write a narrative about either your best or your worst day at school.

You have been asked to write to a foreign exchange student about a typical day at your school.
This person will spend next year at your school and needs to know what to expect. Why are the
events of a typical day meaningful to the exchange student?
Write a narrative about a typical day at your school.

Everyone has a favorite celebritya TV or movie star, a politician, or someone from the world
of business or education. You have been given the opportunity to spend a day with your favorite
celebrity. Why is this a meaningful experience for you?
Write a narrative about a day you spent with your favorite celebrity.

One morning, all of the modern devices in your home stopped working.
Write a narrative about how you coped that day without any modern devices. Include your
reactions to the situation.

So, how was your day at school? How would you answer this question if it were about either
your best or your worst day of school?
Write a narrative about either your best or your worst day at school.

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You have been asked to write to a new student about a typical day at your school. This person
will need to know what to expect.
Write a narrative that would help the new student understand a typical day at your school.

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Scientists are developing a sneaker that will enable athletes to perform better. Though
technology affords athletes distinct advantages, people might say that the measure of the contest
should be the person rather than the product.
Write to persuade the Olympic Committee to adopt or to ban the use of technology-assisted
sneakers in international competition.

In a neighboring state, you must be at least 16 years old and a full-time student or possess a high
school diploma to obtain a drivers license. If you choose to drop out of school before
graduation, the state revokes this privilege. To regain your license, you must return to school to
Do you believe that a law like this would be a good idea in Pennsylvania? Write to persuade your
congressman to adopt or to veto this idea for a new law.

Some people think that physical education should no longer be a graduation requirement.
Individual school districts may choose to offer the program or to eliminate it as a requirement.
Write to your school board to persuade it to maintain or to eliminate the current program.

When you become a senior in high school and begin to plan for your upcoming graduation, you
could be asked to join the commencement speaker selection committee. Who would you invite
to be the main speaker at your commencement ceremony?
Write an essay to the members of the committee to convince them to accept your nominee for the
main speaker.

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As a citizen, you agree with some laws and disagree with others. If you could either create a
new law or eliminate a current law, what would it be and why?
Write to persuade others why you would create a new law or eliminate a current one.

Your best friend is considering dropping out of high school. You think he or she should stay in
school and graduate. You have also learned that the dropout rate in your school is higher than
you ever imagined.
Write an editorial in the school newspaper to convince all the students to stay in school and

Your social studies class debated the issue of students working at after-school jobs. You felt so
strongly about your ideas that you decided to write an article for the school newspaper.
Write the article to persuade readers to accept your views.

Extracurricular activities are regarded by some people as an important part of a total educational
program and by others as of little or no importance. Your school board may eliminate extracurricular activities.
Identify your position and write to persuade the school board to accept your ideas.

Your school district is considering a graduation requirement that will make each student work
two hours each week on a community project.
Write to persuade your school board to accept or reject this requirement.

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The English Language Arts curriculum is undergoing a change in your school district. The
committee in charge will allow the students to select pieces of literature for each course. What
piece of literature would you choose? Why?
Write an essay persuading the committee to select the piece of literature that you recommend for
the course.

Your school is considering a policy that would limit the amount of homework teachers may
assign. Do you agree with this policy? How would it affect your success in high school?
Write an essay persuading the principal to accept your ideas about limiting homework.

Your class is preparing a time capsule for graduation. Only a limited number of items will be
selected to place in the capsule. Why does the item that you have chosen represent your
Write an essay persuading the selection committee to accept the item you have chosen.

Your social studies class has studied social problems that face the United States today. These
problems range from poverty to illegal drugs. Identify a problem that needs immediate attention.
Why should the government help solve this problem?
Write an essay persuading your legislator to work on solving the social problem that you

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The English curriculum is undergoing a change in your school district. The committee in charge
will allow students to select pieces of literature. What piece of literature would you choose?
Write an essay persuading the committee to select the piece of literature that you recommend for
the new curriculum.

Your school is considering a policy that would limit the amount of homework teachers may
assign. Do you agree or disagree with this policy?
Write an essay persuading the principal to accept your ideas about the homework proposal.

Your class is preparing a time capsule to be opened in fifteen years. Only a limited number of
items will be selected to place in the capsule. What would you choose to best represent your
Write an essay persuading the selection committee to accept the item you have chosen.

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