Rock Spring Master Plan: Community Meeting #8: Preliminary Recommendations

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Rock Spring Master Plan

Community Meeting #8:

Preliminary Recommendations

July 18, 2016 Walter Johnson High School

Andrea Gilles,

Meeting Agenda

Preliminary Recommendations

Concept Plan
Urban Design
Land Use and Zoning
Community Facilities
Parks, Trails, and Open Spaces


Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission

Next Steps


July 18, 2016

Community Meeting: Discuss Preliminary Draft Plan


July 28, 2016

Preliminary Draft Plan Recommendations to Planning Board

Sept 15, 2016

Staff Working Draft Plan to Planning Board

Oct 2016

Planning Board Public Hearing

Oct-Dec 2016

Planning Board Worksessions

Jan/Feb 2017

Transmit Plan to County Executive and County Council

Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission

Rock Spring Master Plan Area

Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission

Surrounding Area Context

Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission

Master Plan Design Guidance

To define potential neighborhood character by helping to
visualize the recommendations in the Master Plan.
To assist the implementation process by offering ideas about best
practices in building and site design.
To support the regulatory process by providing information on
how plan recommendations and Zoning Ordinance requirements
might be met, to meet Master Plan goals.

Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission

Building on Previous Plans

1992 North Bethesda/Garrett Park Master Plan

2009 Twinbrook
White Flint 2 (ongoing)
2010 White Flint

New development focused

around transit nodes (Grosvenor,
White Flint, Twinbrook).
Design for pedestrian-priority
within walking distance to transit
stops, to encourage transit use.
Connect to metro accessible
districts via a new transitway
system connecting Grosvenor
Metro and Montgomery Mall.

Grosvenor (ongoing)

Rock Spring
Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission

Building on Previous Plans

1992 North Bethesda/Garrett Park Master Plan
New Transitway system
would run along Rock
Spring Drive /Fernwood
Road, and connect
between Grosvenor
Metro & Montgomery
Redesign the axis as the
main visual organizing
element for new
Improve sidewalks,
bikeways, linkages, and
station stops.
Transit Path
Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission


Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission

Development Character

Village Center
Old Georgetown Road | Rock Spring Drive

Develop pedestrian oriented environment

with a mixed of uses that maintains existing
retail base.
Create connections and open spaces for
public use accessible to residents and
adjacent communities.
Consider appropriate transition to lowerdensity adjacent residential neighborhoods.
Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission


Development Character

Mixed-Use Business Campus

Fernwood Road | Rock Spring Drive

Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission

Enhance existing green areas to provide

amenities for current workers and visitors.
Introduce residential and retail uses to
balance office uses.
Prioritize development along the central
spine, to enhance pedestrian access between
all areas.
Improve connections throughout, both
internal and between the employment center
and adjacent communities.


Development Character

Mixed-Use Regional Marketplace

Westlake Terrace

Develop pedestrian oriented environment

with mixed uses that maintain existing retail.
Create open spaces for public use accessible
to residents and adjacent communities.
Focus development intensity along Westlake
Terrace, to enhance the area for pedestrians.
Consider appropriate transition to lowerdensity adjacent residential neighborhoods.
Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission


Central Spine
Old Georgetown Road to Montgomery Mall Transit Center

Protected bikeways
along both sides of the

Two-way bus rapid transit

along the north side of the

Improved streetscape
and comfortable
pedestrian areas.

New development
with open space at
transit nodes.




Open Space

Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission


Gateways and Transitions

Create architectural transitions
between plan areas with different
character and densities.
Promote development that uses
appropriate density and design to
transition between distinct areas
within the plan boundary.
Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission

Recommended zones include tools to
ensure development transitions
appropriately to adjacent lowerdensity communities.
Design guidance will highlight areas
where particular focus is needed.


Design Guidelines

Zoning Development Standards

Prioritize and focus zoning requirements; Concentrate
activating uses; give shape to the public realm.

Enhance pedestrian experience; Improve the public

Enhanced Intersections
Promote building articulation; Maintain vehicular
visibility; Increase pedestrian safety.

Landmarks and Gateways

Highlight prominent locations; Create identifiable forms;
Promote adequate transitions between neighborhoods.

Spaces for Public Use

Create connected and inviting places that encourage the
public to congregate.
Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission


Preliminary Land Use and Zoning

Strengthen the viability of existing uses.
Provide opportunities for complementary new development
to contribute to the reshaping of a well-integrated Rock
Spring District.
Reshape the character of the area through new development
and public open space.
Create opportunities for infill or redevelopment of single-use
commercial areas and surface parking lots with a greater mix
of uses, while encouraging increased mobility options,
commercial services, public facilities, and amenities.

Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission


Existing Land Use

Rock Spring Snap Shot
386 existing dwelling
168 pipeline dwelling
units under construction
1262 dwelling units
approved in pipeline
5.5 million office SF
Destination and local
retail centers
Major public institutional
use (WJHS)

Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission


Existing Zoning

Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission


Existing and Preliminary Proposed Zoning

Existing Zoning

Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission

Preliminary Proposed Recommendations


Zoning: Rock Spring East/Village Center

Existing Zoning

Preliminary Proposed Recommendations

Rock Spring

Rock Spring

Johnson HS

Johnson HS



Zoning: Rock Spring Central/Mixed-Use Business Campus

Existing Zoning



Preliminary Proposed Recommendations



Multi-layered Approach
Confirm the existing EOF Zone,
with the exception of the
Montgomery Row property.
Adjust the overall FAR to 1.5
for the EOF Zoned properties.
Consider a floating CRT Zone
for the EOF-zoned properties
within the office park. It would
have an FAR of between 1.5
and 2.5 and a height of up to
150 feet.


Zoning: Rock Spring West/Mixed-Use Regional Marketplace

Existing Zoning

Preliminary Proposed Recommendations

Montgomery Mall

Montgomery Mall



Preliminary Community Facilities


Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission


Preliminary Recommendations: Community Facilities

Wall Park

Farmland ES

Luxmanor ES

Tilden MS
Timberlawn LP
Garrett Park ES

Cabin John
Regional Park

Explore a wide range of

approaches to accommodate
school enrollment growth.
Increase publicly accessible green
spaces within the Plan area.
Promote the co-location of public
facilities to reduce public
expenditures and minimize land
area requirements.
Encourage new prototypes for
public facilities that promote
innovate design.
Potential School Opportunity Areas*


Proposed White Flint 1 Plan School Sites


Kensignton ES

Statton LP

Potential Rec/Community Gathering Space

Ashburton ES

F Existing Fire & Rescue nearest Rock Spring


Davis Library

R Proposed Rec Center, White Flint 1 Plan

Wyngate ES

Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning

N Bethesda

*no commitments have been made in any of these

areas. Feasibility should be further explored.

Parks, Trails, and Open Space Goals

Increase the number publicly accessible green spaces

within the Master Plan area
Improve the utility of existing publicly accessible open
Improve pedestrian and cyclist connections to park land
and trail networks surrounding the Master Plan area
Improve pedestrian and cyclist connections between
existing and proposed open spaces within the plan area

Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission


Parks, Trails, and Open Spaces

Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission


Parks, Trails, and Open Space Preliminary Recommendations

Section A:
Stormwater Pond Area
Central Gathering Place at the
Stormwater Retention pond
Community Open Space and
Active Recreation at the
Democracy Associates property

Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission


Parks, Trails, and Open Space Preliminary Recommendations

Section B:
Rock Spring Center
Incorporate County-owned
parcel into a larger active
recreation amenity, such as
rectangular fields
Create safe, visible crosswalks
and a safe mid-block crossing
between Walter Johnson High
School and open space
amenities / retail at Rock Spring

Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission


Parks, Trails, and Open Space Preliminary Recommendations

Section C: Walter Johnson /
Georgetown Square
Public plaza at Georgetown
Square with small recreational
features (spray ground,
interactive seating elements,
shade trees)

Greenway with walking trail and

safe road crossings along existing
MCPS should examine
opportunities to long-term lease
parking areas to convert surface
parking lots to athletic field
Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission


Parks, Trails, and Open Space Preliminary Recommendations

Section D:
Marriott and Medical Offices
Civic gathering space and active
recreation open space, such as
athletic fields
Greenway with walking trail and
safe road crossings along existing
Pedestrian entrance to Stratton
Local Park and pedestrian safety
improvements for crossing
Democracy Blvd at Fernwood.

Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission


Parks, Trails, and Open Space Preliminary Recommendations

Section E:
Montgomery Mall
and North of Westlake
Include plaza-style open spaces
with shade, landscaping, water
features, seating and play

Create a pedestrian entrance to

Cabin John Regional Park on
Westlake Terrace.

Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission


Sustainability: Background

Rock Spring Imperviousness

Tree Canopy Coverage

Rock Spring Imperviousness approximately 55 %

Existing Tree Canopy approximately 31%

Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission


Managing Carbon Emissions

In 2008, Montgomery County adopted Bill 32-07 establishing a goal to reduce
County- wide greenhouse gas emissions to 80% below the amount in the base year
of 2005, including a plan to stop increasing County-wide greenhouse gas (ghg)
emissions by 2010 and to achieve a 10% reduction every 5 years through 2050.
Carbon footprint is calculated by
estimating the greenhouse gas
emissions from construction and
operation of the projected
development. Embodied energy
emissions, building energy emissions,
and transportation emissions are the
three main components to greenhouse
gas emissions in projecting total
emissions for an area.
Accessed on 7/15/16 at:

Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission


Air Quality and Climate Protection

Promote energy efficiency and encourage net zero energy
site and building design.
Encourage on-site clean energy generation where possible
Improve the urban ecology, including goals to reduce heat
island effect and promote Environmental Site Design (ESD)
in stormwater management practices.
Retain existing wooded areas where possible, and provide
increased tree canopy throughout the Plan area.
Include sustainable solutions in the design of an attractive
public realm, to integrate green features, enhance mobility
options, and promote walkability.

Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission


Natural Resources + Water Quality

Preserving and Enhancing Natural Resources

Preserve the existing forested stream buffer on the Rock Spring

Centre site.
Plant native vegetation that is beneficial to pollinators to provide
food sources for declining populations of native pollinator species.
Establish green connections west to Cabin John Stream Valley Park.
Incorporate multiple layers of native vegetation in landscaping.

Water Quality
Prioritize environmental public benefit points for tree canopy
cover in the CR, CRT and EOF Zones.
Promote the use of environmental site design (ESD) techniques to
reduce impervious areas.
Minimize imperviousness/maximize pervious areas where feasible.
Increase forest and tree cover.
Use native plants that require less watering and fertilization in
landscaped areas and rainwater for watering planted areas.
Encourage green features (softscaping) in required open space
areas and the public realm.
Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission


Health + Wellness
Provide opportunities for healthful exercise and recreation
Parks and open spaces
Trails and sidewalks
Bicycle networks
Provide green spaces for physical and mental well-being
Use site design and noise attenuation to reduce noise levels near major roads
and interstate highways
Provide opportunities to buy or grow fresh produce at farmers markets or
community gardens

Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission


Preliminary Mobility
Bikeways Network
Pedestrian Safety
Other Recommendations

Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission


Proposed Bicycle Network

Create a low-stress bicycle
network within the office
park (reduce roads from 4
thru lanes to 2 lanes to
accommodate separated
bike lanes)
Create new connections to
neighborhoods to east and
west (Cabin John, Mall,
Wildwood Shopping Center
& Bethesda Trolley Trail)

Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission


Proposed Bicycle Network Improvements


Bike Lane

Bike Lane

Bike Lane /
Inside Office Park,
Bridge to Mall,
Old Georgetown Rd

Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission


Democracy Blvd,
Westlake Drive

Road Diets - Rock Spring Drive (4 to 2 through lanes)

68 ft curb-to-curb
5 lanes to cross
No bike lanes
Sidewalks next to
moving traffic
80 ft of ROW

32 ft curb-to-curb
3 lanes to cross
Protected bike lanes
Wider sidewalks
away from traffic
80 ft of ROW
Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission


Pedestrian Safety
Pedestrian Challenges
Wide Roads
Fast Moving Traffic
Sidewalks Close to Road
Long Superblocks
Lack of Grid Network
No/Small Ped Refuges
Missing Crosswalks
No stop/signal control
Free Right-Turn Lanes
Rock Spring Dr, looking east
from Rockledge Dr

Westlake Terrace, looking west

From I-270 ramps on bridge
Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission


Pedestrian Safety
Remove Free Right-Turns
Slows Traffic
Shortens Ped Crossing
Little or no impact on vehicle congestion

Right-Turn Lanes

Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission


Other Recommendations

Reclassify all streets in the office park from Arterials to Business Streets
Provides greater design flexibility w/bike lanes, lane widths, parking

Reclassify Westlake Drive from Primary Residential to Minor Arterial

Create new public and private streets throughout office park to break up large
blocks and establish a smaller grid network
Reduce the radius of large sweeping right-turn on-ramp to I-270 from
Democracy Boulevard

Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission



Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission


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