Manpower Plannig
Manpower Plannig
Manpower Plannig
Manpower planning is very important in all the organization. It is very important activity and
very useful ingredient for long and successful growth of organization. There are certain ways
that are to be followed by every organization, which ensures that it has right number and kind of
people, at the right place and right time, so that organization can achieve its planned objective.
The objectives of Human Resource Department are Human Resource Planning, Recruitment and
Selection, Training and Development, Career planning, Transfer and Promotion, Risk
Management, Performance Appraisal and so on.
For every organization it is important to have a right person on a right job. Recruitment and
Selection plays a vital role in this situation. Shortage of skills and the use of new technology are
putting considerable pressure on how employers go about Recruiting and Selecting staff.
With reference to this context, this project is been prepared to put a light on Manpower planning.
This project includes Meaning and Definition of Manpower planning, Need and Importance of
Manpower planning, Limitations and benefits of manpower planning. It does include personnel
planning and manpower planning in organization. Next is recruitment and selection process
which includes various steps.
Manpower planning is very important component. It needs practical examples and explanation
this project includes.
Planning for manpower is more important than planning for any other resource as
demand for the latter depends upon the size and structure of the former whether it is in a country
or in an industry. Further, management of human resource hardly begins from human resource
planning. In fact it is the basis for most of the other functions.
Through planning management strives to have the right number and right kind of people
at the right places at the right time, doing things, which result in both the organization and the
individual receiving maximum long-run benefit. It is an integrated approach to performing the
planning aspects of the personnel function in order to have a sufficient supply of adequately
developed and motivated people to perform the duties and tasks required to meet Organizational
objectives and satisfy the individual needs and goals of Organizational members.
Manpower planning may be viewed as foreseeing the human resource requirements of an
organization and the future supply of human resources and (i) making necessary adjustments
between these two and Organizational plans; and (ii) foreseeing to possibility of developing the
supply of human resources in order to match it with requirements by introducing necessary
changes in the functions of human resource management. In this definition, human resource
means skill, knowledge, values, ability, commitment, motivation etc., in addition to the number
of employees.
Manpower planning like production planning, financial planning and marketing planning,
should be an unified, comprehensive and integrated part of the total corporation. Manpower
manager provides inputs like key HR areas, HR environmental constraints and internal HR
capabilities and HR capability constraints to the corporate strategists. The corporate strategists in
turn communicate their needs and constraints to the HR manager.
Identify prerequisites for successful planning and various barriers, which render
planning ineffective.
Literature Review
Manpower planning, also known as human resources planning (HRP), is the starting
point in staffing function. HR planning basically deals with forecasting of the additional human
resources required in an organization in future, though there is not complete agreement among
writers and practitioners on the exact scope of HR planning function. Although manpower
planning means different things to different people, general agreement exists on its ultimate
objectives---the most effective use of scarce talent in the interests of the labor and the
The employment function of the Personnel or Human Resource Manager is concerned
with the task of hiring people to fill current or future job vacancies in the organization. For
making the hiring practices most effective, answers must be sought to the following questions:
1. What are the requirements of the jobs to be filled?
2. What kinds of and how much manpower must be hired?
3. What sources of recruitment may be utilized for procurement?
4. What procedures should be adopted to screen the candidates for employment?
5. What is the utility of employment test and interviews in the selection process?
6. What is the place of transfers and promotions in employment and placement?
Manpower may be regarded as the quantitative and qualitative measurement of work
force required in an organization and planning in relation to manpower may be regarded as
establishing objectives to develop human resources in line with broad objectives of the
organization. Manpower Planning may thus be expressed as a process by which the management
ensures the right number of people and right kind of people, at the right place, at the right time
doing right things for which they are suited for the achievement of goals of the organization.
To quote Dale S. Beach, Manpower Planning is the process of determining and ensuring
that the organization will have an adequate number of qualified persons, available at the proper
times, performing jobs which meet the needs of the enterprise and which provide satisfaction for
the individual involved.
It is a better basis for planning employee development that is designed to make optimum
use of workers skills with in the organization.
It enables identification of the gaps of the existing manpower so that corrective training
could be imparted. Thus, the training programme becomes more effective.
It serves as a tool to evaluate the effect of alternative manpower actions and policies.
Demand forecasting.
Supply forecasting.
Employment plan.
Manpower planning is a continuous process as shown in Fig.1. The manager responsible for
manpower planning has to be concerned with all the steps at all time. He may have to revise
employment plan and training and development program from time to time depending upon
the changes in circumstances such as sudden changes in volume of production, unexpected
high rate of labor turnover, obsolescence of existing skills and so on. A brief explanation of
the steps in the manpower planning process is given below:
Objectives of Inventory
Human Resource
of Human
Skills (Finding
and Supply
Net manpower Requireme
Type :
Address :
Head Office
Indonesia, South Africa, Japan, Myanmar, China,
Vietnam, Bangladesh, and others.
g Office
Integra Apparels
Integra Apparels (Bangladesh) Ltd. started its journey by establishing the first unit in 1997. One
year later the second unit was established. The operation was started in 1997.Within a very short
time of span the company achieved some significance success. Integra Apparels (Bangladesh)
Ltd. receives Oeko-Tex standard 100 and ISO-9002 certificates in the year 2000. Authorized
capital of the company is tk. 1000 million. Its paid- up capital is tk. 251.90 million. 1,223
employees are working in this organization. The business lines of Integra Apparels (Bangladesh)
Ltd. are manufacturing and marketing of yarn. The factory is located in Kashimpur, Gazipur,
Bangladesh. Its office is located at Uttara in Dhaka
The mission statement of Integra Apparels (Bangladesh) Our mission is realization of
vision through maximum production of goods and services strictly on ethical and moral
standards at minimum costs to the society ensuring optimum benefits to the shareholders and
other stakeholders.
To strive hard to optimize profit through conduction of transparent business operations within
the legal and social framework with malice to none and justice for all
To create more jobs with minimum investments
To be competitive in the internal as well as external markets
To maximize export earning with minimum imported in-puts
To reduce the income gap between top and bottom categories of employees.
The entire management process comprises the following units:
Executive Management:
The Managing Director, the CEO is the head of the Executive Management Team which
comprises senior members of the Management Apparatus. Within the limits of delegated
authority and responsibility by the Board of Directors , Executive Management operates through
further delegation of authority at every echelon of the line management . The executive
Management operates within the framework of Policy & Planning strategies set by the Top
Management with periodic performance reporting for guidance . The Executive Management is
responsible for preparation of segment plans / sub segment plans for every profit centers with
budgetary targets for every items of goods & services and are held accountable for deficiencies,
with appreciation for outstanding and exceptional performances . These operations are
continuously carried out by the Executive Management through series of Committees , sub
Committees ,Committees & standing Committees assisting the line management .
Management Committee:
Comprising top executives , deal with entire organizational matters.
Standing Committee:
Standing Committee comprises the following committee:
Audit Committee:
Internal Audit Committee
ISO Audit Committee
Social / Environment Committee
Performance Evaluation Audit Committee
- Marketing Overview
The target market for products produced in Square Textiles Ltd. and Square Spinning Ltd. is
Export Oriented Readymade Garments Industry. Readymade Garments exporter that is Knit
Fabrics, Sweater and Denim manufacturer. In Bangladesh Beximco Kitting, Grameen Knitwear,
Shasha Denim, Knit Concern etc are the customers. Target market for products produced in
Square Fashion Ltd. is Europe and U.S.A. Square Textiles does not direct sales in overseas
market but sometimes India, Pakistan & other countries take their yarn.
Year - 2005
Year - 2004
Local sales
Total Sales
Local Sales
Only in few years back textile sector in Bangladesh was left behind but current scenarios is
different. In recent years a mentionable figure of money has been invested in this industry.
Government is also encouraging this sector. Government is making some favorable policies and
minimizing the regulations, so that this sector can be grown up.
Among the domestic companies Square is one of the leading one. The other potential competitors
are Padma Textiles, Shamim Textile etc. Competition will be severe after 2005, that is, during the
post multifiber agreement period. World market will be Quota free at that time. So Bangladesh
will have to compete with countries like Srilanka, China, Pakistan, Vietnam etc.
Recruitment is the process through which the organization seeks applicants for potential
employment. Selection refers to the process by which it attempts to identify applicants with the
necessary knowledge, skills, abilities and other characteristics that will help the company achieve
its goals, companies engaging in different strategies need different types and numbers of
employees. The strategy a company is pursuing will have a direct impact on the types of
employees that it seeks to recruit and selection.
Source of recruitment
There are two kinds of source SQUARE uses for recruitment .They are
1. External source
2. Internal source.
We try to discuss all relative sources which are used for recruitment in SQUARE.
Internal source
SQUARE thinks that current employees are a major source of recruits for all but entry-level
positions. Whether for promotions or for Lateral job transfers, internal candidates already know
the informal organization and have detailed information about its formal policies and procedures.
Promotions and transfer are typically decided by operating managers with little involvement by
HR department.
Job-posting programs
HR departments become involved when internal job openings are publicized to employees
through job positioning programs, which informs employees about opening and required
qualifications and invite qualify employees to apply. The notices usually are posted on company
bulletin boards or are placed in the company newspaper. Qualification and other facts typically
are drawn from the job analysis information.
The purpose of job posting is to encourage employees to seek promotion and transfers the help
the HR department fill internal opening and meet employees personal objectives. Not all jobs
openings are posted .Besides entry level positions, senior management and top stuff positions
may be filled by merit or with external recruiting. Job posting is most common for lower level
clerical, technical and supervisory positions.
Departing Employees
An often overlooked source of recruiters consists of departing employees. Many employees
leave because they can no longer work the traditional 40 hours work week .School, child care
needs and other commitments are the common reason. Some might gladly stay if they could
rearrange their hours of work or their responsibilities .Instead, they quit when a transfer to a parttime job may retain their valuable skill and training. Even if part-time work is not a solution, a
temporary leave of absence may satisfy the employee and some future recruiting need of the
External source
When job opening cannot be filled internally, the HR department of SQUARE must look outside
the organization for applicants. We discuss all the external source of recruitment at bellow:
Employee referrals:
Employees may refer job seekers to the HR department .Employee referrals have several
advantages .Employees with hard to find job skill may no others who do the same work.
Employees referrals are excellent and legal recruitment technique, but they tend to maintain the
status quo of the work force in term of raise , religions , sex and other characteristics , possibly
leading to charges of discrimination.
Want ads describe the job and the benefits, identify the employer, and tell those who are
interested how to apply .They are most familiar form of employment advertising .for highly
specialist requites, ads may be placed in professional journal or out of town newspaper in areas
with high concentration of the desired skills
General Manager- production (ref: PM)
-Age: 28-35 years; Graduate with specialization in garment mfg technology from NIFT or equiv.
Employers and employees each have their own sets of needs and values, and successful
relationship between these two sides requires that some sort of balance be struck. This balance
often takes the form of a psychological contract, an understood agreement between employer and
employees that defines the work relationship. This contract with or without support of a formal
collective bargaining, agreement influence the outcome achieve by each side.
SQUARE group the various into three channel categories those are
1. Employee safety
2. Employee health
3. Employee working condition
Employee safety
SQUARE provide the employee safety .It ensure the all kinds of job safety such as insurance of
each employee not this it provide insurance to the labor.
Employee health
Free medical checkup, provide health card and also provide necessary medical facilities for each
Employee working condition
The working condition of employee is very hygienic
SQUARE is ISO 9001-2000 Certified company
Compensation fluctuates according to
A pre-established formula
Individual or group goals because group goals are different from individual goals
Company earnings
Incentives adds to base pay
It controls costs because the employee is being paid for his/her extra effort and for the benefits
brought to the organization.
Motivates employees
Empowerment Pay Categories
Competitive Strategies
Lowest - cost
Lower output costs per employee
Individual & group incentive plans
Behavioral encouragement plans
Unique product or services
Creative, risk - taking employees
Long - term focus
Team - based incentives