Supplemental Oxygen Administration and Congestive Heart Failure
Supplemental Oxygen Administration and Congestive Heart Failure
Supplemental Oxygen Administration and Congestive Heart Failure
November I. 1996:1432-5
careful retrograde mapping of the atrial exit site of the fast pathway
before radiofrequency ablation can help avoid inadvertent heart block
in these patients.
The New York Hospital-Comell Medical Cemer
525 East 68 Street
New York, New York 10021
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values are the result of a formula that includes CO, which implies a
certain amount of mathematical coupling between Vo 2 and oxygen
deliveU (Do2) calculated values, there is no guarantee that an external
factor did not modi~ Vo2 and, secondly, Do, and CO. It has been
previously hypothesized (3) that hyperoxia-related vasoconstriction
could decrease V02 by increasing peripheral shunting, which could
explain the increased mixed venous oxygen saturation (Sv02) and
decreased oxygen extraction ratios (ERo2) reported in the study of
Haque et al. (1). Another explanation could be that their patients were
already on the oxygen supply/V% dependency slope of their VOe/DO2
relations. This could explain the fact that V% decreased in response to
any reduction of CO and D%. Some factors support this hypothesis,
such as the extremely poor ejection fraction of the study patients or the
relatively low Svo2 measured. In contrast, the values of Do 2 calculated
in both experiments (Do: (21~) = 386.86 ml/min per m 2 and Do e
(100%) = 355.64 ml/min per m-" in experiment I and Do e (21%) =
401.56 ml/min per m 2 and D% (100%) = 333.5 ml/min per m 2 in
experiment 2, assuming a mean surface body area of 1.8 m-') remain
greater than the previously described Do~ critical limit of 330 ml/min
per m 2 (4) below which oxygen supply/Voa dependency appears. The
same can be said for ER% (ER% (21%) = 53.23% and ER%
(100%) = 49.65% in experiment 1 and ERo2 (21%) = 49.00% and
ER% (100%) = 46.86% in experiment 2), which remains lower than
the reported critical ERo2 limit of 70q (5). The latter two argue for a
o~gen supply/Voe-independent situation. If Haque et al. (1) had
reported the lactate serum levels of their patients, the question of
oxygen supply?do 2 dependency or peripherical shunting would have
been avoided. Actually, lactate serum level usually increases in situations of o~gen supply/V% dependency, as well as in any form of Do,
insufficiency (6), and should have been used as the final tracer of
oxy,gen imbalance. Despite these remarks, Haque et al. (1) have
opened an important and exciting debate that merits further development even if the clinical implications of such a study are not obvious.
Indeed, in a patient with severe heart failure steady state, why should
oxygen therapy be initiated? In contrast, if the same patient develops
any form of Do e insufficiency, he or she will undoubtly take advantage
of supplemental oxygen administration.
Department o[ Am'sthesiolog~'
UniversiO" Clinics UCL of Mont-Godhme
B-5530 Yvoir, Belgium
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4. ShibutaniK. KomatsuT, Kubai K. SarchalaV. Kumar V. Bizarri DV. Critical levelof
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5. SamselRW. NelsonDP. SandersWM.WoodLDH.SchumackcrPT. Effectsof endotoxin
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We appreciate the keen interest of Broka et al. in our work on the
hemodynamic effects of oxygen. They raised two concerns. The first
relates to the importance and mechanism of our observation demonstrating a diminished cardiac output in response to supplemental
oxygen. The second relates to the calculated oxygen consumption
values in our study and the fact that oxygen consumption decreased as
supplemental oxygen was added.
With regard to the first concern, the majority of subjects did not
become symptomatic as we gave supplemental oxygen. However, one
subject became short of breath and diaphoretic in response to this
intervention. Another subject who was studied after completing this
project also became diaphoretic as oxygen was delivered. We did not
include these data in the original report because we did not systematically examine symptoms and considered these data to be too anecdotal. However, as we emphasized in our report, pulmonary capillary
wedge pressure increased, confirming the finding that oxygen had a
detrimental hemodynamic effect. We agree that measurements of
plasma lactate would have been useful. Unfortunately, at the time of
these studies, we did not think of performing these measurements.
What is the mechanism for the decrease in cardiac output? We
would expect a change in cardiac output to be associated with either a
change in loading conditions or a change in inotropy. As mentioned
above, pulmonary capillary wedge pressure increased in response to
oxygen, providing evidence that preload increased. This would suggest
that cardiac output diminished at a time when Starling forces would
dictate that cardiac output should increase. Therefore, one could only
conclude that there must be a change in either inotropy or systemic
resistance. Although we did not measure inotropy directly, a decrease
in inotropy is typically accompanied by evidence of reflex sympathoexcitation. We found no changes in heart rate or peroneal nerve
muscle sympathetic nervous system activity. Thus, we would surmise
that inotropy did not decrease. We did calculate system vascular
resistance and found it to increase fairly dramatically. Therefore, our
data support the contention that oxygen acted as a direct vasoconstrictor, thereby increasing peripheral vascular resistance.
We have further pursued the issue of changes in systemic resistance
in our experiments in patients with a left ventricular assist device. We
have performed studies in six such patients and found a consistent
relation between increased systemic resistance and the administration
of oxygen (unpublished observations). Further, in normal subjects, we
have performed experiments on forearm blood flow in response to
10 min of forearm ischemia. We have observed that peak vasodilation
is reduced with the administration of supplemental oxygen (1). The
exact mechanism for this change in systemic resistance is currently
In terms of the insightful discussion on oxygen delivery of Broca et
al., we completely agree that the change in calculated oxygen consumption in our data would bring into question the dependency of oxygen
consumption on oxygen delivery. Ideally, one would measure oxygen
consumption during such experiments. Measuring oxygen consumption during oxygen delivery is fraught with a number of inaccuracies
and, accordingly, we did not pursue these measurements. The work
cited in their letter was performed in anesthetized patients with
coronary disease (2). These subjects differed considerably from those
in our study in that they were anesthetized, and there is no comment
on the presence or absence of congestive heart failure. These are
important considerations because spontaneous ventilation in the presence of increased filling pressures would substantially increase the
work of breathing and total oxygen consumption. This could substan-
1. Crawford P, Good PA, Gutierrez E. Feinberg JH, Silber DH, Sinoway L1. The effects of
oxygen on forearm dilator capacity [abstract]. FASEB J 1996;10:A590.
2. Shibutani K, Komatsu T, Kubai K, Sarchala V, Kumar V, Bizarri DV. Critical level of
oxygen delivery, in anesthetized man. Crit Care Med 1983;11:640-3.