Syllabus World Literature, by Cihan Artun
Syllabus World Literature, by Cihan Artun
Syllabus World Literature, by Cihan Artun
Academic honesty is expected, that is, plagiarism will not be tolerated; if caught there is
an automatic F on the assigned paper. For the university's policy on Academic Integrity,
As for the absence policy, after two missed classes, additional absences without any
legitimate excuse, such as illness or religious observance, will negatively impact your
class participation grade. You will receive a straight F if you miss more than 25% of
Cell phones must be turned off for the duration of class.
You are expected to bring to class whichever reading we are discussing on that day.
Grading System (value):
Attendance & Participation
Midterm Exam
Final Paper
% 15
% 20
% 25
% 40
Week 7: March 4: The first modern European novel: Don Quixote (excerpts)
March 6: Don Quixote continue
Quiz 3 (on Don Quixote)
Week 8: March 11: Selected Haiku by Yosa Buson, Matsuo Basho and Kobayashi Issa
March 13: Haiku continue
Midterm Papers due!
Week 9: March 25: The Last of the Four Great Classical Novels in Chinese Literature:
The Story of the Stone, or The Dream of the Red Chamber (excerpts)
March 27: The Story of the Stone, or The Dream of the Red Chamber continue
Quiz 4 (on The Story of the Stone, or The Dream of the Red Chamber)
Week 10: April 1: Romanticism: The Concept of Romanticism in Literary History
II: The Unity of European Romanticism by Rene Wellek pp. 147-172.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge Kubla Khan
Novalis Hymns to the Night
Recommended Reading: Preface to the Lyrical Ballads
April 3: The Queen of Spades by Alexander Pushkin
Week 11: April 8: Short Story as a Modern Genre: R. Akutagawas In a Grove
Jean-Paul Sartre The Wall
April 10: James Baldwin Sonnys Blues
Week 12: April 15: The Responses of the Colonized: A Tempest
Quiz 5 (on A Tempest)
Recommended Reading: Discourse on Colonialism by Aim Csaire
April 17: A Tempest continue
Week 13: April 22: Song of Lawino by Okot pBitek
Recommended Reading: Black Skin, White Masks
April 24: M. Butterfly
Quiz 6 on M. Butterfly
Week 14: April 29: Appropriation of a genre: The Palm-Wine Drinkard
Quiz 7 on The Palm-Wine Drinkard
May 1: The Palm-Wine Drinkard continue
Week 15: May 6: Final remarks
Final papers are due May 12!!!