Kepler's Laws
Kepler's Laws
Kepler's Laws
Keplers Laws
Some history
End of 16th century
Tycho Brahe (pronounced [takou bra:hi:]), a wealthy Danish nobleman, had a passion for
observation of stars. He was the director of the Prague Observatory. Since he was very rich,
he could afford to construct gigantic observational instruments, with which he collected a great
number of new data with precision unknown before him. (Note: a telescope was invented in
1610, nine years after Brahes death.)
Johannes Kepler, originally from Germany, served as an assistant to Tycho Brahe at the Prague
Observatory. He succeeded Brahe as the director and inherited a vast collection of observational
Keplers initial ambitious goal was to describe precisely the shape of the orbit of Mars. First,
he computed its period of revolution (about the Sun): TMars = 687(Earth)days ' 1.88 Earth
years. Then, knowing the distance from the Earth to the Sun and using other astronomical
data, Kepler, after many unsuccessful attempts, determined that the Mars orbit is an ellipse
and the Sun is one of its foci. Moreover, he found that Mars motion was not uniform: the
farther it is from the Sun, the slower it moves. These discoveries were heretical to Kepler
because they indicated that the Universe was not perfectly symmetric, something Kepler could
not believe for a long time. Indeed, why is the Sun in one foci and not in the other? Yet, the
data were too compelling for Kepler not to accept his new model of the elliptical motion. He
then extended his model to other planets. By 1609, he formulated his first 2 laws:
(i) Each planet moves on an ellipse with the Sun at one focus.
How could Kepler find the exponents 2 and 3? He used recently invented logarithms! Namely,
suppose that two given lists of data, x and y are related by
y = k xn .
How can we find k and n? Answer: Take the logarithm of the above equation to obtain
log y = log k + n log x .
This equation defines a linear relationship (a straight line) between log y and log x; its slope is
n and the intercept is log k.
At home you will be asked to verify Keplers Third law given the data for the planets from
Mercury to Pluto.
In 1680, Robert Hooke wrote a letter to Newton in which he, among other things, wrote about
his two new hypotheses:
the gravitational force of attraction between two bodies falls off as 1/r2 , where r is the
distance between them;
bodies in such a field move along ellipse-looking orbits. (Hookes scientific ethics did not
allow him to say ellipses because he did not have any rigorous proof that they were not
some other kind of ovals.)
This letter might have set Newton on the path of deriving the inverse-square law for the
gravitational force from the three laws of Kepler, and, vice versa, deriving the Keplers laws
from the Universal Gravitation law and Newtons Second law of mechanics (m~a = F~ ).
However, Newton never acknowledged the letter from Hooke. His argument to their common
friend Edmund Halley about not doing so was that all Hooke had done was to get an intuitive
idea, while it was Newton who rigorously proved it. Moreover, when Newton became the
President of the Royal Society, he ordered to destroy not only all works and apparatuses of
Hooke (who died by then; Hooke used to be the Curator of the Royal Society a person
responsible for demonstrations of new experiments at the Societys meetings), but even all
portraits of Hooke!
Although Newton knew Calculus, he did not use it in his famous book Principia Mathematica,
in which he derived the Universal Gravitation law and the Keplers laws. Instead, he used
elementary geometrical methods. An approach similar to Newtons is described in an article
by Hall & Higson, posted online. Here we will use the modern approach based on Calculus,
but will also try to reconstruct the main steps that Newton had to follow.
In this section, we describe the two steps that Newton had to accomplish to derive his
Universal Law of Gravitation (assuming that he knew his Second law, m~a = F~ ) from Keplers
laws. Namely, we will use Keplers laws to show that:
1. the gravitational force is central;
2. its magnitude follows the 1/r2 dependence.
' r2
2 t
1 d
= r2 .
2 dt
r2 = xy xy
x = r cos ,
y = r sin ;
sin ,
x = r cos r
cos .
y = r sin + r
Substituting these expressions into the r.h.s. of (2.2), we obtain its l.h.s. (verify). Since this
l.h.s. = const, then
(xy xy)
y xy = 0 (verify).
Next, (2.4) can be used to show that ~r ~r = ~0. Indeed, if ~r = hx, y, 0i, ~r = h
x, y, 0i, then
~r ~r = ~i 0 + ~j 0 + ~k(x
y xy) = ~0 (verify), which means ~r k ~r, or equivalently,
~r = f (r, )~r
m~r = F~
F~ = mf (r, )~r ,
The planets orbits are, in fact, nearly circular (and this was known to Kepler and Newton).
Let us assume for now that the orbits are exactly circular. Then, using the polar equation of
a circle, we have:
~r = hr cos , r sin i
where T is the period of the planets revolution about the Sun. By diffferentiating the
above expression, one finds (verify):
r = const ,
~r =
~r .
Side note: Kepler also thought of the inverse-square law for the gravitation, but rejected
the idea. His reasoning was approximately the following.
Kepler thought of the gravitational field emanated
by a body as being similar to light. The intensity
of light away from its source falls off as 1/r2 :
source strength
surface area
So, it then would be natural that the intensity of
the emanated gravitational field also falls off as
1/r2 .
However, if this model were correct, then it would contradict to what happens during
the solar eclipse. In this event, the Moon blocks the Suns light (and, as Kepler thought,
gravitation) from reaching the Earth, and hence during solar eclipses, the motion of the Earth
should experience large perturbations. Since this was never observed, Kepler rejected the
inverse-square law for gravitation.
The reason this theory (and its rejection by Kepler) became known to us is that Kepler in
his publications did not try to cover his traces (unlike most scientists). He wrote about his
conjectures, failures, successes, errors, insights, etc. with great frankness. The downside of this
style is that when many competing ideas are presented in a paper, most readers are lost. So
it took Newtons genius to separate the wheat from the chaff and discern the importance of
Keplers three laws.
We will now proceed in the reverse direction: We will use Newtons Law of Universal Gravitation
to derive the three Laws of Kepler. For that, we need to remind or establish four auxiliary
Fact 1 For any three vectors ~a, ~b, ~c:
~a ~b ~c = (~a ~c) ~b ~b ~c ~a .
This formula can be established by direct calculation. However, there is an easier (and more
mathematically literate) method. Let
~a =
al e~l ,
~b =
bm e~m ,
~c =
cn e~n ,
where al are the usual cartesian coordinates of ~a, etc. Then the l.h.s of (2.7) can be rewritten
3 X
3 X
al bm cn (~
el e~m ) e~n .
n=1 m=1 l=1
Therefore, since al , bm , cn can be arbitrary, it suffices to verify that (2.7) holds for the unit
coordinate vectors {~i, ~j, ~k} in different permutations. (Note that out of 27 such permutations,
9 with l = m are immediately seen to be zeros.)
Fact 2
Fact 3 Suppose ~r(t), and hence ~r (t), are known. We can explicitly separate the length and
direction of this vector:
~r r
where r is the length and (~r/r) is the unit vector along ~r. Then what are r and (~r/r) ?
First, let us find r:
r2 = (~r ~r)
r =
(~r ~r)
(~r ~r) ~r (~r ~r)~r
Finally, using Eq. (2.7), we obtain a formula that we will use in the next section:
(~r ~r ) ~r
A conic section is a planar
curve whose points P satisfy the following
|OP | = e|P Q|
where the notations are as shown in the figure
and e is a fixed number called eccentricity.
On p. 71 of the book Inverse Problems by C.W. Groetsch (MAA 1999), it is shown that the
polar equation of a conic is
1 + e cos
where D = |OS| is the (given) distance between the focus and the directrix.
In a homework problem you will show that Eq. (2.11) reduces to more familiar Cartesian
forms of three different conic sections depending on the value of e.
With this background information, we are ready to derive the three Keplers laws from
Newtons Law of Universal Gravitation (Eq. (2.6)) and the Second law of motion, m~a = F~ .
We begin by restating Newtons Law of Universal Gravitation, (2.6), and the Second law of
motion as one differential equation:
~r = 3 ~r
where N is a proportionality constant. From this, we will derive the first two Keplers laws. In
fact, it is convenient to derive Keplers Second law before the First, and so below we will state
them in this order and also will slightly modify the statement of the Second law.
Keplers Second law, slightly modified
A planets trajectory around the Sun is a planar curve (i.e., lies in one plane), and the
radius-vector from the Sun to the planet sweeps out equal areas in equal time intervals.
The aforementioned modification is contained in the first clause of the previous sentence.
It is actually borrowed from the First law, where one does not specify the shape of that
planar curve. Then the First law specifies what that shape is:
Keplers First law
The trajectory of each planet is an ellipse with the Sun at one of its foci.
Derivation of Keplers Second law
Since we want to prove a statement about the
area of a sector swept by the radius-vector of
a planet, we begin by establishing a formula
for that area. It (the area) is shown in the
figure on the left and is seen to be approximately equal to the area of the triangle with
one side ~r and the base ~r . From vector Calculus, you should recall that this area equals
one half of |~r ~r t|. Thus, the area swept by
the radius-vector per time t is proportional
to |~r ~r |, and hence to demonstrate the second clause in the modified Second Keplers
law stated above, we need to show that
|~r ~r | = const.
(~r ~r ) = ~0 .
Similarly, to solve ~r = f~(t), one would integrate twice. However, in Eq. (2.12), the r.h.s. itself
depends on the unknown ~r(t). Moreover, the solution we are looking for does not have the form
~r = ~r(t) but, instead, has the form r = r(): see (2.11). So we have to devise a trick to find
that solution. This trick has two steps.
Step 1: Integrate (2.12) once to get an equation for ~r
In Section 2.3 we showed that (see (2.10)) for any law of motion,
~c ~r
= 3 ,
where ~c is defined in (2.14). The r.h.s. of Eq. (2.17a) resembles the r.h.s. of the Newtons
equation (2.12) if we multiply the latter by ~c:
~c ~r = 3 (~c ~r) .
Comparing (2.17a) and (2.17b) and using the fact that ~c = const,
we obtain:
= (~c ~r ) .
Integrating this once and using the identity ~c ~r = ~r ~c, we get
~r ~c = N ~e + ~r ,
where on the l.h.s. we have used (2.8). Using the definition of ~c from (2.16), we rewrite the
last equation as
c2 = N (~r ~e + r) .
Also, since ~e lies in the plane of motion, we can write:
~r ~e r e cos .
Finally, from the last equation and (2.19), we get (verify):
1 + e cos