Farmer Survey Questionnaire

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State Code

District Code

Respondent No.

Centre for the Study of Developing Societies

29, Rajpur Road, Delhi - 110054, India

As in voter list


SURVEY - 2013
F1. State Name: ______________________ F2. District Name______________________
F3. Parliamentary Constituency (P.C.) Name: ____________________________________
F4. Assembly Constituency (A.C.) Name: ______________________________________
F5. Village Name: ______________________________________________
F6. Name of the Respondent: ________________________________________________
F7. Address of the respondent (Give landmark): _________________________________
F8. Date of interview (dd/mm/yyyy): ____________________
F9. Time of starting the interview: ___________________
F10. Name of the Investigator (Code Roll No.): ____________________________________

My name is ______________________________ and I have come from the Centre for the Study of
Developing Societies (also give your Universitys reference), a social science research organization
in Delhi. We are conducting a all india farmer survey to gauge the opinion of indian farmer on issues
related to their attitudes and perceptions about politics and governance. For this exercise we will be
interviewing thousands of farmers across the country. The findings of this survey will be used for
writing articles in various newspapers and other journals. This survey is an independent study and
is not linked to any political party or government agency. Whatever information you provide will be
kept strictly confidential. Participation in this survey is voluntary and it is entierly up to you to
answer or not answer any question that I ask. We hope that you will take part in this survey since
your participation is important. It usually takes 40 to 50 minutes to complete this interview. Please
spare some time for the interview and help me in sucessfully completing the survey.
Page 1


For how long have you been living here?

__________ (years) 97. From birth/entire life

98. No response



2. Female

1. Male

What is your marital status?

1. Married
3. Widowed

2. Married, gauna not performed (Married but not started living together)
4. Divorced
5. Separated
6. Deserted
7. Never married/Single 8. NR


What is your age? (In completed years) _________ 98. No answer (Recode 95 for age 95 years and above)


Is agriculture your main occupation?


Apart from agriculture do you do some other work for earning?


(If yes in Q2) Then what do you do apart from farming?(Note the answer and code according to the

1. Yes

2. No

8. Cant say
1. Yes

2. No

codebook) ____________________________________________98. DK/CS/NR


99. NA.

Are you the only member of your family engaged in agriculture?

1. Yes

2. No

8. Did not Tell

Q3a1. (If no in Q3) Then apart from you, how many members of your household are involved in farming?
(Total Members)_______________

98. DK/CS/NR

99. NA.

Q3a2. (If no in Q3) And how many members of your household are involved in farming during harvesting
(Total Members)_______________ 98. DK/CS/NR
99. NA.
For how many years have you been engaged in farming?__________(Years) 98. DK/CS/NR
Q5. Q5.Q5a Are the following members of your household involved in farming?Q5a. (If no, code 00)



b. School going children


What is the main source of income in your household?

2. Service

3. Business




4. Others___________

8. DK/CS

Do you or your family members consider farming as your ancestral occupation or it is something that
you have undertaken in the last few years?
1. Ancestral occupation


How many?

a. Women



No (If yes)

2. Undertaken few years ago/New farmers 8. DK/CS

Do you like farming? 1. Yes

2. No
8. Cant say
(If yes in Q8) Could you tell me the main reason for liking farming?
1. Proud to be a farmer

2. Traditional occupation

3. Good social status

4. Good income
6. I enjoy doing farming

5. Agriculture sector has a good future

7. Any other (specify) _________

8. No opinion

9. NA

(If no in Q8) Could you tell me the main reason for disliking farming?
01. Income is not good
02. No future in farming
03. Low social status
04. I am highly educated and this work is not of my level
05. Wish to do another job/business
06. Wish to live in a city 07. Had no other alternative/ came in farming due to family pressure
08. Agriculture sector is highly stressfull/Highly risky
09. Any other (Specify)_____
98. No opinion 99. NA
Do you or your family own any land? 1. Yes 2. No (If no go to Q10)
8. No Response

(If yes in Q9) How much land do you own? ( Add sum total of the farming land and other land(if
any) and convert in to in acre. if land is less than 1 acre than code it as 1.)
(all land in acre)_________


98. DK/CS/NR

99. NA.

(If yes in Q9) Out of the total land on how much do you do farming?
(In Acre)_______________

98. DK/CS/NR

99. NA.

Page 2


(If yes in Q9) Have you rented out your land?

1. Yes


2. No

8. No Response

9. NA.

98. DK/CS/NR

99. NA.

If yes in Q9c) How much land have you rented out?

(In Acre)_______________

Q9d1. If yes in Q9c) Then how much rent do you recieve? (If more than 1000000 then code 999999 )
(Rs per month.) ________ 000000. NA./DK


Have you or your family taken any land for agriculture on lease/rent?

1. Yes

2. No

Q10a. (If yes in Q10) Then how much land have you taken on lease/rent for agriculture?
(In Acre)_______________

98. DK/CS/NR

99. NA.

Q10a1. (If yes in Q10) And how much do you pay for this? (If more than 1000000 then code 999999 )
( Rs. per month) ________ 000000. NA./DK


What kind of farmer do you describe yourself as- land owner farmer, land owner and cultivator
farmer, land owner and farm laborer, land owner and tenant farmer, tenant farmer, crop-sharing
farmer, farm laborer or poultry farmer?
01.Owner farmer
02. Cultivator farmer
03. Owner and labor farmer
04. Owner and tenant farmer
05. Tenant farmer
06. Share cropper
07. Farm labor If the respondent is a farm labourer than dont ask Q13, 13a, 13b
08. Poultry farmer
09. Other (Specify)___________
98. Cant say


Do you do crop-sharing farming?

1. Yes

2. No

Q12a. (If yes in Q12) Then on how much land do you do crop-sharing farming?
(In Acre)_______________


98. DK/CS/NR

99. NA.

In the last six months have you employed any labour on your farm land?
1. Yes

2. No

8. Cant say

Q13a. (If yes in Q13) Then for how much time? (Record in months)
(In month)_______________

98. DK/CS/NR

99. NA.

Q13b. (If yes in Q13) On an average how much did you pay on daily basis? (If respondent has given
grain or some other things as wage then ask them about the current rate of the same and record that in rupee)
(In rupees)_______________
998. DK/CS/NR
999. NA.


Generally which tool do you use for ploughing your land- plough, tractor or any other tool?
1. Plough
2. Tractor
3. Both
4.Any other_______
5. My work does not require ploughing
8. No Opinion a


Now I will read out some of the schemes which are related to farming. Please tell me, have you
heard or read about these schemes? Q15a. (If heard/read in Q15) Have you or your family benefitted
from any of these schemes? Q15a If heard/read in Q15a)

Q15 Q15a



Benifited Benifited CS



a. Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana


b. Gramin Bhandaran yojana


c. National Food Security Mission (NFSM)


d. National Agriculture Insurance Scheme (NAIS)1

e. Agriculture Technology Management Agency (ATMA) 1

f. Gramin Beej Yojana

g. Krishi Vigyan Kendra

h. Apart from the above scheme have you

heard of any other scheme. (Name)_________ 1


Page 3


Thinking of how you have voted in the last few elections, how would you describe yourself? Which
partys supporter are you? (Record the name of the party & consult code book for coding)___________
96. Not a voter/I will vote for the first time/I dont vote
97. Not a supporter of any particular party

98. NR/CS

Have you purchased any land in the last five years?

1. Yes
2. No
Q17a. (If yes in Q17) Then how much land have you purchased? (Please record in acre, if more than 100 acre

then code 99 )

(In Acre)_______________

98. DK/CS/NR

00. NA.

Q17b. (If yes in Q17) How much money did you pay to buy that land? (If more than 1000000 then code
999999) ___________________

000000. NA./Cant say

Q17c. (If yes in Q17) Did you buy this land for farming or for other purposes like building house etc.?
1. For Farming
2. For other work
8. No Answer/Dont Remember
9. NA.


Have you sold any of your agriculture land in the last five years?

3. For both
1. Yes

2. No

Q18a. (If yes in Q18) Then how much land did you sell?
(In Acre)_______________

98. DK/CS/NR

99. NA.

Q18b. (If yes in Q18) For how much money did you sell your land? (If more than 1000000 then code 999999)

000000. NA./Cant say

Q18c. (If yes in Q18) Why did you sell your land?
01. Poor financial condition
02. Property was disputed and there was pressure to sell
03. Pressure of land acquision
04. Got a Good Deal
05. For business/education of son/daughter 06. Money required for family marriage
07. Had to return money to the money Lender
08. Pressure from private company/corporate house to sell the land
09. For medical expenditure/Treatment
10. Poor earning form the land
11. Wanted to leave village and shift to the city
12. To go/settle abroad
13. Other (Specify)___________


98. Cant say

99. NA.

How many crops do you grow in an year?__________________


Q19a. Mainly which crops do you grow?Please write down the name of crops and consult code book for coding)
Q19b. How many times do you cultivate it?
a. First crop





b. Second crop _______________



c. Third crop _______________



Have you heard about the Minimum Support Price (MSP)?

1. Heard

2. Not heard


Q20a. (If heard in Q20) Then, overall are you happy/satisfied with the rates of crops decided by the


1. Yes

2. No

Do you sell your crops to the government purchase centre?

8. Cant say

9. NA.

1. Yes

2. No

Q21a. (If no in Q21) Then, what is the reaon for not selling it to them?
01. Low profit/ Good prices in open market
02. Bad behaviour of Govt. officials
03. Corruption in trading
04. No information about govt. centre a
05. Have to wait for days to sell a crop
06. There is no such arrangement for storing crops brought by farmer/lack of storage facility at the centre
07. Delay in getting payment
08. Govt agency does not have facility to buy my crops
09. No Govt purchase centre in the nearby vacinity 10. Other (Specify)____________
98. Cant say
99. NA.

Page 4


Now, I will ask you regarding seeds. Please tell me, generally which kind of seeds do you use for
1. Local/Traditional seeds

2. Hybrid seeds

3. Foreign seeds (GM)

4. Other (Specify)_______________

Q22a. (If local seed in Q22) What is the main reason for using local/traditional seeds?
01. Low consumption of water, fertilizers etc. 02. Good for soil
03. Long life of seeds
04. Good quality
05. Low cost
06. Good production
07. Quick production
08. Safety from pests
09. Greater capacity to bear the hot-cold weather
10. Standarised growth till harvesting
11. Lack of availability of hybrid seed
12.Cant afford expensive seeds
13. Other (Specify)___________________

98. Cant say

99. NA.

Q22b. (If hybrid seed in Q22) What is the main reason for using hybrid seeds?
01. More production
04. Greater capacity to bear the hot-cold weather
06. Lack of availability of local seed
08. Low consumption of water, fertilizers etc.
10. Long life for seeds
11. Good quality
14. Other (Specify)_____________


02. Quick production

03. Safety from Pests
05. Standarised growth till harvesting
07. The use of hybrid seed is the only option
09. Good for soil health
12. Low cost
13. More profitable
98. Cant say
99. NA.

People take suggestions from different quaters to gather information about seeds, fertilizers etc. in
order to increase their production. Generally from whom do you take suggestions on the following
Self Friend Agriculture Shop Govt. Kisan Other Other CS
Relative Experts


Agency Call-centre farmers

a. Regarding seeds

b.Regarding fertilizers

c. Regarding pesticides


d. Regarding loan
e. Regarding farming Equipments 0 1
Q24. Some farmer save seeds at their home, some exchange it with their neighbors and some purchase it
from shops. How do you arrange seeds for your next crop? ((If the respondent gives more than one
answer, then mark all those responses. For this question geometric codes have been given. Sum total of all
the answered codes need to be filled in the box. For eg: the respondent gives the answer 1 and 2 then
code it as (1+2=3 ) 03 )
1. Store at home
2. From friends/neighbour on credit 4. Purchase from govt. agency
8. Purchase from any seeds shops 16. Purchase from private company
32. Exchange with other farmers 64. Purchase from farmer coopratives
998. Cant say

Q24a. (If purchase seed from govt. dept.) What kind of seeds do they sell to you?
1. Local/ traditional seed
2. Hybrid seed
5. Other (Specify)_____________


2. Hybrid seed
8. Cant say

3. Both are good

There is a lot of debate amongst farmers in regard to the usage of foreign (GM) seed. Do you feel
that in order to attain higher profitablilty farmers should use foreign seeds in farming ?
1. Yes


4. Foreign seed (GM)

Some farmers believe that usage of local seeds lead to higher profitablility whereas others say that
hybrid seeds are more profitable? In your opinion which type of seed is more profitable?
1. Local seed
4. Both are bad


3. Both
8. Cant say
9. NA.

2. No

8. Cant say

Which kind of fertilizer do you use for farming- Organic or Chemical/Urea?

1. Organic fertilizers/Gobar

2. Chemical fertilizers/Urea

3. Both

8. Cant say

Page 5

Q27a. (If Chemical fertilizer is Q27) What is the main reason for using Chemical/Uria fertilizers?
01. Quick cultivation
02.Good impact on the plant health 03. Good production
04. Low cost
05. Works according to the soil
06. Lack of availibility of organic fertilizers
07. No need for crop rotation for this
08. Useful even for low productivity soil
09. Easy to mix
10. It has become a compulsion for production
11. Other (Specify)___________


98. Cant say

In your opinion which political party takes care of farmer interest the most? (Record party
name and consult codebook for coding)_______________________________________
97. No party a


98. Cant say

In your view which one farmer leader serves farmers interest the most? (Record leader name
and consult codebook for codinga)________________________________
97. No Leader


99. NA.

98. Cant say

Which of the following means of irrigation are present in your area?



a. Canal

b. Own pump/Bore/Boring/tubewell

c. Pond

d. River

e. Water tank


f. Govt. tubewell


g. Well


h. Sprinkle irrigation


i. Any other _____________________


For how much of your agricultural land is irrigation facility available?

(In Acre)_______________ 00. In All land
99. NA.
Q32. In order to provide irrigation faciltiy to farmers government undertakes a number of public utility
projects such as construction of canals, well etc. In the last 10- 15 years has government undertaken
1. Yes
2. No
8. Cant say
any such irrigation project in your area?
Q32a. (If yes in Q32) Overall are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the work done by government for
irrigation?(Probe further whether fully or somewhat satisfied or dissatisfied).


1. Fully satisfied
4. Fully dissatisfied


2. Somewhat satisfied

3. Somewhat dissatisfied
9. NA.

In the last seven days, for how many hours did you get electricity for the following purposes?

a. For Farming_____ (Hours)

000. No electricity


b. For Home______(Hours)

000. No electricity

Q33a. (If one gets electricity in Q33) Generally how do you pay your electricity bill?
1. By meter
2. Through a certain fixed amount
3. Have never paid
4. Here electricity is free for farmers 5. Other (Specify)_______________________________
8. Cant say
9. NA.

In order to recieve uninturrupted electricity, if you were to pay more electricity bill than what you
pay today, would you agree to it?
1. Yes
2. No
8. Cant say
0. No electricity
Q35. Without electricity on what means of power do you depend upon for agricultural work?

1. Use own generator/engine

2. Use rented generator/engine

3. Fully dependent on electricity

4. Rain

6. Other (Specify)___________

8. Cant say

5. Canal

9. NA.

Page 6

Do you get information or help related to agricultural matters like soil test, use of fertilizers etc. from
officers of agriculture department?
1. Yes
2. No
8. Cant say/DK
Q36a. (If yes in Q36) Do you recieve this information regularly, occasionally, or rarely?

1. Regularly
3. Rarely

2. Occasionally
8. Cant say

9. NA

Q36b. (If yes in Q36) Overall, are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the information provided by them?

(Probe further whether fully or somewhat satisfied or dissatisfied).


1. Fully satisfied

2. Somewhat satisfied

3. Somewhat dissatisfied

4. Fully dissatisfied


9. NA.

Have you ever contacted the following Kisan call centre to enquire about farming?


a. Private Kisan call centre

b. Govt. Kisan call centre

Do you have a mobile phone?

1. Yes


Cant say

2. No

Q38a. (If yes in Q38) Have you ever got Kisan SMS on your mobile?
1. Yes


2. No

3. Never heard about this


9. NA.

In the last three years did any of the crops in your area get destroyed?
1. Yes

2. No

3. Do not remember

8. Cant say/DK

Q39a. (If yes in Q39) Then what was the main reason for desruction of the crop?(Try to get one answer)
01. Drought
02. Flood
03. Pest attack 04. More or less rain
05. Animal/ Bird Attack
06. Lack of electricity
07. Lack of irrigation facility 08. Hailstrom
09. Weather was very hot/cold 10. Unseasonal rain
11. Other (Specify)___________


How often do you use pesticides in your farming- regularly, occasionally, rarely or never?
1. Always


98. Cant say

2. Occasionally

3. Rarely

4. If need arises

5. Never

Do you use pesticides in your fields for all crops, for some of the crops or not for any crop?
1. All crops

2. Some crops

3. Not for any crop

4. Whenever needed

Q42. Have you taken any loan for farming in the last five years?
2. No If no go Q43)

1. Yes

Q42a. (If yes in Q42) The loan you took for farming was used mainly for which purpose?
0. To purchase land
1. To purchase fertilizers, seeds,pesticides etca
2. To purchase farming equipments like tractor, thraser etc.
3. For sons bussiness
4. For daughters marriage 5. To return money to the money lender
6. To return banks old debt
7. To purchase cattles

8. Other (Specify)___________

9. NA

Q42b. (If yes in Q42) From where all did you take the loan? (If the respondent gives more than one answer,
then mark all those responses. For this question geometric codes have been given. Sum total of all the answered
codes need to be filled in the box. For eg: the respondent gives the answer 1 and 2 then code it as (1+2=3 ) 03)
1. Public/Govt. bank
2. Private Bank
4. Cooperative bank
8. Friend or relative
16. Self help group
32. Money lender
64. Agricultural Trader
128. Commission agent/Adhatiya

256. Other (Specify)___________

999. NA.

Q42c. (If yes in Q42) At what rate of interest did you take the loan? Q42c1. Monthly or Yearly\

_________% (Percent)

1. Monthly

2. Yearly

9. NA.

Q42d. If ^Bank in Q42b) People say that they face various types of problems while taking loan from

banks. How much difficulty did you or your household members face while taking loan from a bank?
1. Very much

2. Little

3. No problem

8. Cant say

9. NA.

Page 7

Q42e. If Very much or Little in Q42d) What kind of difficulties did you face?


1. Bank deliberatily delayed the loan

3. Banks interest rate was very high

2. Bank was not transparent in passing the loan

4. Bank official demanded money or other benefit

5. Long paper work

6. Other (Specify)___________

9. NA.

Apart from agriculture have you taken a loan/credit for any other work in the last five years?
1. Yes

2. No


Q43a. (If Yes) For which of the following works did you or your family take loan? Q43b. (If Yes) From


Q43a Q43b

Yes Noa

(If yes) Money Friend NGO

Bank Lender Relative

Other CS



a. To purchase/construct a house


b. For business


c. For childrens education


d. For marriage


e. For medical treatment


f. For purchase of household assests like car,

1 2


Whenever your family faces a financial constraint, out of the following which is the main step do
you undertake - minimize the expenditure, reduce agricultural investment, take loan or sell the
property? (If the respondent gives more than one answer, then mark all those responses. For this question
geometric codes have been given. Sum total of all the answered codes need to be filled in the box. For eg:
the respondent gives the answer 1 and 2 then code it as (1+2=3 ) 003)
1. Reduce expenditure
2. Reduce investment in farming
4. Take credit 8. Sell property
16. Other (Specify)__________________ 32. Cant say
64. No problem

Q45. Have you heard about Kisan Credit Card?

1. Yes

2. No

Q45a. (If yes in Q45) Do you have Kisan Credit Card?

1. Yes

2. No

Q46. Have you heard about governments loan waiver scheme?

1. Yes

2. No

9. NA.

Q46a. (If yes in Q46) Have you ever benefited from the loan waiver scheme?
1. Yes

2. No

8. Cant say

9. NA.

Q47. How often do you insure your crops - always, sometimes, never ?
1. Always

2. Sometimes

3. Never

8. Cant say

Q47a. (If Never in Q47) What is the main reason for not opting for crop insurance?


01. Shortage of money

02. Insurance policies not in favor of farmers

03. Dont Trust insurance companies

04. Never felt the need for insurance

05. Lack of information

06. Insurance facility is not available

07. Landless laborer

08. Never heard about crop insurancea

09. Other (Specify)___________

98. Cant say

99. NAa

In your knowledge has anybody in your village or area committed sucide in the last five years ?
1. Yes

2. No

8. Cant say

Q48a. (If yes in Q48) Do you know the main reason for which they committed sucide?
1. Credit/Loan
2. Crop Destruction
8. Other (Specify)___________
9. NA.

3. Family/Domestic Problem

Q48b. (If Loan in Q48a) Can you tell me for what purpose did he took loan/credit?
1. Farming

2. Household Purposes

8. Other (Specify)___________

9. NA.

Page 8

Q49. In your opinion what is the biggest problem faced by Indian farmers today? Write down the


answer and consult codebook for coding) ___________________________

98. Cant say

Have you heard about foreign direct investment (FDI)? 1. Yes

8. Cant say

2. No

Q50a. (If yes in Q50) I will read out two statement relating to FDI. You tell me whether you agree with the

first statement (1) or the second (2)?

Statement 1. FDI should be allowed in agriculture sector so that farmers can sell there crops directly to
the big companies.
Statement 2. FDI should not be allowed in the agriclture sector since farmers may not be able to bargain
well with these big companies and may incur losses.
1. Agree with Statement (1)



2. Agree with Statement (2)

1. Fully satisfied

2. Somewhat satisfied

4. Fully dissatisfied


2. Better
5. Much worse

3. Same
8. No Opinion

What do you think will be the economic condition of your household in the next Five Years. Will it
become much better, better, remain same, become worse or much worse?
2. Better
5. Much worse

3. Same
8. No Opinion

In this country there are a large number of people who sometimes are not able to get a proper meal
twice a day. In the past one year have you or any member of your family has to remain without food?
1. Yes


3. Somewhat dissatisfied

Compared to five years ago, how is the economic condition of your household today would you
say it has become much better, better, remained same, become worse or become much worse?

1. Much better
4. Worse


9. NA.

On the whole are you satisfied or dissatisfied with your current financial condition? (Probe further
whether fully or somewhat satisfied or dissatisfied)

1. Much better
4. Worse


8. Cant say

2. No

3. Dont Remember

8. No Answer

People have different opinion about agriculture related policies of the government. Some people believe
only rich and big farmers have benefited from these policies while others say that poor and marginal
farmers have also benefited. What is your opinion?
1. Only rich and big farmer have benefited
2. Poor and small farmers have also benefited

3. None

5. Other (Specify)___________

8. Cant say

4. Both

Have you heard about Direct Cash Transfer scheme? (According to this money for subsidy will go
1. Yes
2. No
8. Cant say
directly to your account)?
Q57. Some farmers believe that subsidy for agricultural inputs like seeds, fertilizers etc should be directly
deposited in farmers account so that they can use that money as per there needs, while the
others believe that government should continue with the subsidy. What is your opinion about the same?

1. Directly deposit into the account

2. Subsidy should continue on agricultural inputs like seeds, fertilizers etc
3. Both the methods lead to curroption
4. Other (Specify)___________ 8. Cant say


In your opinion how good is the city life in comparison with the village life. Is it -very good, somewhat
good or not at all good?
1.Very good
2. Somewhat good
3. Not good at all


8. No Opinion

Do you want your children to settle in a city?

1. Yes
4. It depends on there choice

2. No

3. Dont Have Children

8. Cant say

Q59a. (If yes in Q59)What is the main reason for which you would want your children to settle in a city?
1. Employment

2. Education

4.Other (Specify)___________

3. Better life style/ facilities/Sucessfull life

9. NA.

Page 9


Would you distribute your property amongst your sons and daughters in equal proprtion?
1. Yes


2. No

3. No Son or Daughter/Unmarried

8. Cant say

Have you heard about National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MNREGA)?
1. Heard

2. Not Heard

8. Cant say/DK.

Q61a. (If yes in Q61) Have you or any member of your household got work under this scheme?
1. Yes


2. No

8 Cant say

9. NA

Some people believe that work under MNREGA should be allotted when there is no need for agriculture
labor, while others feel that work under MNREGA should take place throughout. What is your

1. NREGA work should only happen when there is no need for agrigulture labor
2. NREGA work should always take place


8. Cant say

Few people believe that no matter how underpaid an agricultural laborer is, he stands in a better
condition when compared to a small/marginal farmers, While the others believe that small and marginal
farmers are in a much better condition than the laborers since they have very little but there own land.
Who according to you is in a better condition?
1. Labor

2. Small farmer

3. Both

4. None

5. Other (Specify)___________

8. Cant say/DK.

Q64. In the last five years apart from growing your tradtional crop, have you started growing any other crop?
1. Yes

2. No

8. Cant say/No Opinion

Q64a. (If no in Q64) What is the main reason?


1. Labor cost has increased

2. Shortage of labor

3. Both

4. No appropriate market to sell the crop

5. Unappropriate soil/water for the crop

6.More labor required for a new crop

7. Other (Specify)___________

8. Cant say/DK.

9. NA

Suppose you get an employment opportunity in a city. Would you like to leave farming and and take
that opportunity for an income? ? (Note for investigator: Here we dont mean to sell the land)
1. Yes, absolutly


2. Yes, if I get good job

3. No

8. Cant say

4. Dont Have Children

8. Cant say

Would you like your children to do farming after you?

1. Yes

2. No

3. It depends on there choice

Q66a. (If no in Q66) Then why is it so? Please write down the answer and consult code book for coding)
______________________________________________________98. Cant say/DK.

99. NA

Last year how did you sell most of your crops?(If the respondent gives more than one answer, then mark
all those responses. For this question geometric codes have been given. Sum total of all the answered codes
need to be filled in the box. For eg: the respondent gives the answer 1 and 2 then code it as (1+2=3 ) 03
01. In the open Market/Mandi

02. Through the middle man

08. Other (Specify)___________________________


04. Through Bazar samiti @APMC

98. Cant say

99. NA

Have you heard about the Land Acquisition Law?

1. Yes

2. No

8. Cant say/Dont Know

Page 10

Q68a. (If yes in Q68) Then what is it? (Note for investigator: To purchase land through fair
compansasion for govt. or private work and the land acquisition through common concent of
1. Right
2. Wrong
9. NA
Q68b. If yes in Q68) In your opinion do farmers stand to benefit or lose from this law ?
1. Benefit



2. Lose

8. Cant say/Dont Know

9. NA

People have different opinion on the need of the government to acquire cultivable land from farmers
for various developmental work. Now I will read out some important areas of development. You tell
me whether for each of the work, is it correct or incorrect on part of the government to acquire
Correct Incorrect Cant say
cultivable land from farmers.
a. For building play ground/stadium

b. For building school/college

c. For building roads

d. For building flats

e. For building SEZ

f. For building shoping mall/complex

g. For building hospitals

h. For building factory

i. For building government parks


Some people believe that demonstrations, strikes, Gherao etc are the apporopriate ways through
which farmers can fight for there right, while the others believe that demonstration, strikes etc are not
the appropriate means? What is your opinion about the same?
1. Appropriate

2. Appropriate, as per the situiation 3.Unappropriate, but the only way out

4. Unappropriate 5. Other (Specify)___________


In the past five years, have you taken part in any demonstration/strike concerning farmer issues?
1. Yes


2. No


8. Cant say

How would you rate the overall condition of the farmers in this country- Is it very good, good,
somewhat good, bad or very bad ?
1. Very Good
2. Good
3. Somewhat Good
4. Bad


8. Cant say

5. Very Bad

8. Cant Say

Whom would you consider most responsible for the problems of farmers- MLA, MP, or Sarpanch/
01. MLA
02. MP
03. Sarpanch
04. MLA and Sarpanch
05. MP and Sarpanch

06. MLA and MP

07. Farmers themselves

08. No one

09. All

98. No Opinion

Who would you consider most responsible for the problems of farmers the Central government or
your State government?
1. Central govt
2. State govt
3. Both
4. Neither

5. Farmers Themselves

8. No opinion

What will be the single most important issue for you when you vote in the 2014 Lok Sabha
election? (Record the answer and consult code book for coding )
_______________________________________________________________ 98. DK/CS/NR
Q76. Suppose Lok Sabha elections were to be held tomorrow, which party would you vote for? I am
referring to the M.P. elections to elect the Government in Delhi. (Record the name of the party and
consult codebook for coding) _______________________________________ 98. DK/CS/NRs

Page 11


Is there any cold storage facility available in your area?

Q77a. (If yes in Q77) Then have you ever availed this facility?

1. Yes

2. No

8. Dont Know

1. Yes

2. No

9. NA

Q77b. (If no in Q77) Then what is the main reason for not availing the facility?
1. My Crop does not require cold storage

2. Its Expensive

3. Cold storage officials are not cooperative

4. Lack of facilities in the cold storage

5. Cold storage is too far

6. Dont trust such things

7. Other (Specify)___________


Are you a member of any farmer cooperative society?

1. Yes

9. NAa

8. Cant say

2. No

8. Cant say

Q78a. (If yes in Q78) Then which one? ___________________

98. Cant say

99. NA

Q78b. (If yes in Q78) Did you get assistance/support from your cooprative when needed?
1. Yes


3. Never felt the need for support

8. Cant Say


Q78c. (If yes in Q78) Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the way your cooperative functions?

(Probe further whether fully or somewhat satisfied or dissatisfied).


1. Fully satisfied

2. Somewhat satisfied

3. Somewhat dissatisfied

4. Fully dissatisfied


9. NA.

Now I will read some important responsibilties of a human life. You tell me how much do you
worry about each of these responsibilties very much, to some extent, not much, not at all?


To some Not

at all


a. Buying a house

b. Education of Children

c. Marriage in household


d. Treatment of ill persons in the household


e. Employment


f. Farming related issues


g. Repayment of Loan



How regularly do you do the following activities daily, sometimes, rarely or never?






a.Watch TV


b. Listen to the radio


c. Read the newspaper


d. Use the internet/go online

Page 12


Personal Information
Up to what level have you studied?______________ 99. No Answer (Record exactly and
consult code book)


What is your Caste/Jati-biradari/Tribe name? __________________________(Record exactly and

consult code book)


And what is your caste group? 1. Scheduled Caste (SC)


What is your religion?


Are you the main earner of your household?


(If No in Z8) What is the occupation of the main earner of your household? ____________________

2. Scheduled Tribe (ST)

3. Other Backward Classes (OBC)
4. Other
1. Hindu
2. Muslim
3. Christian
4. Sikh 5. Buddhist/Neo Buddhist
6. Jain
8. No religion 9. Others (Specify) ______________________


1. Yes

2. No

99. NA (Record exactly and consult codebook for coding)


Are you a member of any farmer organization? 1. Yes


(If yes in Z8) Then which farmer organization are you a member of? (Record exactly and consult
codebook for coding)
a.___________________________ 98. Cant say
99. NA


b. __________________________

98. Cant say

99. NA

c.___________________________ 98. Cant say

99. NA

People take food/meals according to their lifestyle. How many times do you eat in a day- once, two
times or more than twice a day?
1. Once a day


2. Two times

3. More than twice

2. Breakfast and Dinner

5. Only Breakfast
8. Did not answer

How often do you buy fruits? 1. Daily

3. Lunch and Dinner

6. Only Lunch
9. NA

2. Two-three days in a week

4. Dont buy, have self cultivated fruits


8. Cant say/DK

(If answer 1,2,or 3 in Z10 ) So which meals do you take?

1. Breakfast-Lunch-Dinner
4. Breakfast and lunch
7. Only Dinner


2. No

3. Once in a week

5. Rarely

6. Never

How often do you buy vegetables\

1. Daily
2. Two-three days in a week
4. Dont buy, have self cultivated vegetables 5. Rarely

3. Once in a week
6. Never

Z13. Which ration card do you have?

1. Above Poverty Line

2. Below Poverty Line

3. Antyodaya

5. Do not have

6. Had, but lost it

7. Any other (Specify)_______

Z14. Do you or members of your household have the following:



4. Annapurna

Filled form


a. Bank/Post office account


b. UID/Aadhar card

Z14a. (If both in Z14) Then, is your bank/post office account connected to your UID/Aadhar card?

1. Yes

2. No

8. Cant say/DK

9. NA


Total number of members in the household: Adults:____ Children: :____ (If more than 9, then Code 9)


Type of house where respondent lives (own or rented)

1. Own

2. Rented

3. On lease

4. Others

9. NR

Page 13


Type of house where Respondent and respondents family lives (This question should not be asked to the
Respondent, investigator should figure out himself/herself)
1. Hut/(if wall materials used are plastic/polythene/mud /grass/leaves/stones/unburnt & there is either no roof
or it is made up of same materials used for walls)
2. Kutcha house (If wall materials include wood/bamboo/mud and roof is thatched/wooden/tin/asbestos sheets etc.)
3. Kutcha-pucca (If walls are made up of pucca materials such as burnt brick but roof is not concrete/cemented)
4. Mixed houses (If some rooms are pucca and other rooms are kutcha-pucca or kutcha)
5. Pucca independent house (Both walls and roofs are made up of pucca materials and built on separate plot)


Do you or members of your household have the following:




a. Cars/jeeps/vans


b. Scooters/motorcycles/mopeds


c. Cycle


d. Fridge


e. Television


f. Landline Telephone

g. Mobile Phone

h. LPG Gas

i. Washing Machine

j. Electric fan/cooler

k. Solar

l. Gobar Gas

m. Radio

n. Inverter

o. Generator

p. Tractor


q. Harvesting machine/Thresher


r. Pumping Set


s. Harrow


t. Tractor Harrow


u. Seed drill/Sowing machine


Total No.

v. Spray Machine

(If yes) Total No.


w. No. of Oxen


x. No. of Cow/Camel /buffalo: 1



y. No. of Goat /sheep:



z. No. of Hen/Duck


za. Any Others




Total monthly household income - putting together the income of all members of the household?

_______(Record exact amount in Rupees. If respondent does not give any amount then record 000000)

Many-Many thanks to you, we will keep your name secret. Would you like to give me your phone no.
to contact you for further research in the future. Mob.
Page 14

State Code

Respondent No.

District Code

Female Respondent

As in voter list

What is your relation to the main respondent?

1. Wife

2. Daughter

3. Daughter-in-law

5. Sister

6. Other relation

8. No answer

4. Mother


What is your age? _____ (in completed years) 98. No Response (Code 95 for 95 yrs & above)


For how many years have you been part of this household?_____ (years) 97. From birth


Up to what level have you studied? ________________________ (Record exactly and consult
code book)

99. No response


Do you help your household in agriculture/farming?


(If yes in Q5) For how many hours a day do you do work related to agriculture?
_____ (Hours)



99. NA.

(If yes in Q5) In what way do you help in agriculture/farming

3. Weeding
4. Account related work
6. Other (give description)___________

Do you do any other work to contribute financially to your family?

2. No

8. No answer

(If yes in Q6) So which type of work do you do?

1.Private Job
4. Own work
8. No answer


99. NA.

98. DK/CS/NR

1. Yes


2. No

(If yes in Q5) For how many hours a day do you do household work?

1. Sowing
2. Harvesting
5. Work related to good loading
8. Cant say
9. Not applicable


1. Yes

98. DK/CS/NR

_____ (Hours)

98. N.R.

2. Government Job
3. Any work from home
6. Other work (give description)_______________
9. Not applicable

In your opinion, is the agricultural income sufficient to meet your household expenditure or does it fall
1. Sufficient
2. Falls short
8. Cant say
When your family faces a financial crisis, what steps do you take at a personal level?
(If the respondent gives more than one answer then mark all of them. This question has a geaometric code.
Add the codes of all the answers given and code the sum of all in the boxes. For eg. if the respondent gives 1
and 2 as answer, then add (1+2=3) and code 03 in the box)
1. Reduce food expenditure
2. Use saving
4. Take loan from friend/relative
8. Do some work to increase earnings
16. Other (give description)_______________
32. Cant say
64. Havent faced any problem


If your (cite relationship with main respondent based on Q1) had been in a profession other
than farming, then do you think your quality of life would have been - better, worse or it would have
remained the same?


2. Worse

3. Remained same

8. Cant say

In your opinion, what is the biggest problem in life faced by your family today? (Write down
answer, consult code book for coding)
98. Cant say
Page 15

District Code

Respondent No.

Youth Respondent, Male or Female (18 to 21 Years)

As in voter list

State Code


What is your relation to the main respondent?

01. Wife

02. Daughter

03. Daughter-in-law

04. Mother

06. Husband

07. Son

08. Brother

09. Son-in-law

10. Other relation_________

05. Sister

98. No answer


What is your age? _____ (in completed years) 98. No Response (Code 95 for 95 yrs & above)


For how many years have you been part of this household?_____ (years) 97. From birth 98. N.R.


Up to what level have you studied? ______________

(Record exactly and consult code book)


And what are you doing nowadays\

1. Studying


99. NR.

2. Working

3. Unemployed

8. No answer

3. Any work from home

8. No answer

4. Own work
9. Not applicable

(If Working in Q5) What work do you do?

1. Private Job
2. Government Job
6. Other work (give description)_____________


Do you help your household in agriculture/farming?


(If yes in Q6) How many hours a day do you do work related to agriculture?


__________ (Hours)
98. No any answer
(If yes in Q6) In what way do you help in agriculture/farming?
1. Sowing
2. Cutting
5. Work related to goods loading
8. Cant say
9. NA


99. NA.

3. Nikai(Weeding ) 4. Accounts related work

6. Other (give description)______________

2. Some other work

8. Cant say

(If Farming in Q7) What would be the main reason for choosing farming?
01. Proud to be a farmer
02. Traditional occupation
04. Good earning
05. Good future in this work
06. Feel happy doing work related to agriculture
08. Family pressure
09. If other(give details)
98. No opinion


2. No

If you get an opportunity to choose between farming and some other work then would you like to do
farming or would you like to do some other work?
1. Farming


1. Yes

03. Good social status

07. No other option

99. Not applicable

(If Some other work in Q7) What is your main reason for not opting for farming?
01. Earning is not good
02. Agriculture is a ruined area
03. Social status is lower
04. I am highly educated so this work is not for me
05. Interested in other job or work
07. Had no other choice/due to family pressure
08. Risky/mental tension
09. Other (Specify)____________ 98. No opinion 99. Not applicable


(If Some other in Q7) Which type of work would you like to do apart from agriculture/farming?
_____________________________________________________________(Write answer given
by respondent and then consult codebook for coding)


99. NA.

In your opinion, what is the biggest problem in life faced by your household today? (Write answer and
consult codebook for coding)


98. Can not say

Page 16

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