Application For Transfer of Registration
Application For Transfer of Registration
Application For Transfer of Registration
Yes: To buy or sell a vehicle with number plates attached and current registration2.
8 No: To buy or sell a vehicle without number plates and/or with cancelled registration,
do not use this form. For further information please visit
Seller instructions
Buyer instructions
You need to provide complete and accurate information so the registration can
be transferred successfully. Otherwise, you may be liable for any traffic
offences that the buyer (new registered operator) may incur.
You need to provide complete and accurate information so the registration can be
transferred successfully. Otherwise, the registration will not be transferred
and may be suspended.
Tell the buyer if your vehicle is recorded on the Victorian or an interstate writtenoff vehicles register. You must disclose this to the buyer in writing (by answering
Yes or No to this question in the Vehicle details section and provide any other
details to the buyer).
Confirm the seller has the right to transfer the vehicle (ask the seller for evidence,
eg. a certificate of registration) and their identity.
Confirm registration status is current (not suspended or cancelled).
Check that you do not have any outstanding fines, warrants or sanctions
issued by the Sheriff which may prevent this transfer more information at
Confirm that the vehicle is not reported stolen, not recorded written-off and is free
of encumbrance, outstanding fines, warrants or sanctions issued by the Sheriff
(eg. money owing).
Check these details by contacting the Personal Property Security Register (PPSR)
online at or call 1300 007 777 (1300 00PPSR)
If the registration is close to expiry, a renewal notice may have already been
issued to the seller. After the transfer is processed successfully, a new one
should be sent to you by mail.
a recreational motorcycle
certain types of vehicles that are not designed primarily for carrying
passengers or goods (eg. tractor, forklift, mobile plant)
Write a receipt for the buyer as proof of purchase and ownership and include
the registration number, VIN or chassis number and buyer and seller name.
(This transfer form cannot be used as a register of title).
Complete the Seller3 details and Vehicle details sections and sign this form
with the buyer.
OR: If you sell to an LMCT, you will need to complete the form provided by them.
Keep one of the copies as a record of the application for transfer and date of sale.
Ensure number plates are attached to the vehicle. If you buy a vehicle with
custom or personalised number plates attached and current registration2,
rights relating to the use of the number plates will pass to you.
Ask the seller for a written receipt as proof of purchase and ownership
for your records.
Record the market value12 and calculate the motor vehicle duty (see how
to calculate overleaf). Penalties may apply if a person under declares the
market value.
Give one copy to the seller and keep the other for your own records.
OR: If you buy from an LMCT you will need to complete the form provided by
them, and pay your transfer fee and applicable motor vehicle duty to the LMCT
who is required to forward this to VicRoads on your behalf.
Post: VicRoads, GPO Box 1644, Melbourne, Victoria, 3001 Call: 13 11 71 (TTY 13 36 77, Speak and Listen 1300 555 727) Web:
VRPIN00613 07.16 98426 Authorised and published by VicRoads, 60 Denmark Street, Kew, Victoria, 3101.
Transfer fees
Motor vehicle - $38.30
Motorcycle/Trailer/Caravan - $6.20
Fees are subject to change. A card payment fee will apply for Mastercard or Visa
payments. For further information visit
Market value
You must declare the correct market value (the price at which the vehicle might
reasonably be sold, free from encumbrances, on the open market; or the purchase
price whichever is greater).
The seller must give the buyer an original and current RWC to apply for transfer of
registration (some exemptions apply, see seller instructions on the previous page).
12. Market value also known as dutiable value, is the price at which the vehicle might
reasonably be sold, free from encumbrances, on the open market; or the purchase
price whichever is greater.
For example, if you paid $4000 but it would normally be worth $5000, the market value is $5000.
For example, if you pay greater than the normal market value due to a vehicles condition, the
dutiable value is the amount paid.
In most cases, yes. The amount of motor vehicle duty payable is $8.40 for every
$200 or part thereof of the market value. You do not need to pay motor vehicle
duty if the transfer falls under one of the following exemptions:
between spouses or domestic partners
a caravan or light trailer under 4.5 tonnes GVM
to a Licensed Motor Car Trader (LMCT) for re-sale, demo or provision
to a secondary educational institution for driver education purposes
to a primary producer (a special vehicle, special purpose vehicle, tractor,
trailer or item of agricultural equipment only)
For other exemptions please check VicRoads website.
You can calculate motor vehicle duty online at
13. Date of sale refers to the date of transfer or delivery, when the buyer acquires the
vehicle from the seller.
How to calculate
motor vehicle duty
Example calculation
Market value
Market value
The seller (disposer) must inform the buyer in writing if the vehicle is recorded on the Victorian or an interstate
written-off vehicles register. Failure to do so may result in a penalty of over $1000. The buyer (acquirer) must
complete and sign this application with the seller and submit to VicRoads with relevant documents and pay the
applicable motor vehicle duty and transfer fee within 14 days of sale. Failure to do so may result in a penalty of over
$500. If the buyer is not a Licensed Motor Car Trader (dealer) and acquires a vehicle from a dealer, the buyer must,
at the time of acquiring the vehicle, complete an application for transfer of registration form as acquirer, sign it and
give it to the dealer; and unless the dealer otherwise agrees, pay to the dealer the applicable motor vehicle duty and
transfer fee. Failure to do so may result in a penalty of over $1000. (Road Safety (Vehicles) Regulations 2009)
This application for transfer of registration of a motor vehicle is an assessment of duty (section 217A). A person who
under declares the market value is liable to a penalty equal to double the amount of duty underpaid (section 215). A
person who underpays the motor vehicle duty is also liable to a penalty equal to the amount underpaid plus interest
(section 217). (Duties Act 2000)
A person who underpays the motor vehicle duty may be also liable to penalty tax and interest.
(Taxation Administration Act 1997)
200 =
ROUND UP A to the
next whole number Motor
(no decimals)
vehicle duty
x 8.4 = $
Post: VicRoads, GPO Box 1644, Melbourne, Victoria, 3001 Call: 13 11 71 (TTY 13 36 77, Speak and Listen 1300 555 727) Web:
ROUND UP A to the
next whole number Motor
(no decimals)
vehicle duty
x 8.4 = $
Seller details
Buyer details
Date of birth
Date of birth1
Vehicle details
Registration number
Transfer details
Date of sale13
Body type
To avoid penalties the duty and fees should be paid when the application is lodged.
vehicle duty
Transfer fee
By signing this form, I declare that all information and/or documents provided by me is true and correct
and I understand the Privacy statement. I acknowledge that a copy of this form may be provided by
VicRoads to the seller (disposer) upon request. I have checked the vehicle details provided by the seller
match the vehicle and agree on the market value of the vehicle as declared on this form.
Signature of buyer
No You must attach a RWC for the form to be processed (unless exempt)11.
RWC serial number
Total payable
Signature of seller
Privacy statement
Personal information VicRoads collects from you may be used by VicRoads, as permitted by the Road Safety
Act 1986 and the Marine Safety Act 2010. VicRoads may disclose personal information it collects from you to
various organisations and persons as permitted by law, particularly by the Road Safety Act 1986. This includes
disclosing the information to contractors and agents of VicRoads, law enforcement agencies, other road and
traffic authorities, Austroads, the Transport Accident Commission, vehicle manufacturers (for safety recalls),
road safety researchers, courts and other organisations or people authorised to use the personal information.
You are required to provide this personal information. Failure to provide the information may result in this form
not being processed, or records not being properly maintained. For further information about our use of your
personal information and your right of access to it, see VicRoads brochure Protecting your privacy or contact
VicRoads on 13 11 71.
Providing false and/or misleading information or documents is a serious offence under
the Road Safety Act 1986 and/or Marine Safety Act 2010 and can result in you being fined
or imprisoned. Any authority or approval, given as a result of you providing such
information/documents, may be reversed and have no effect.
By signing this form, I declare that the information in this form and related supporting
documents is true, correct and complete, and I understand the privacy statement.
VRPIN00613 07.16 98426 Authorised and published by VicRoads, 60 Denmark Street, Kew, Victoria, 3101.
Exemption code
(office use only)
Card Type
Name of cardholder
Date of expiry
Buyer details
Date of birth
Date of birth1
Vehicle details
Registration number
Transfer details
Market value12 of the vehicle
Date of sale13
Body type
To avoid penalties the duty and fees should be paid when the application is lodged.
vehicle duty
Transfer fee
Total payable
By signing this form, I declare that all information and/or documents provided by me is true and correct
and I understand the Privacy statement. I acknowledge that a copy of this form may be provided by
VicRoads to the seller (disposer) upon request. I have checked the vehicle details provided by the seller
match the vehicle and agree on the market value of the vehicle as declared on this form.
Signature of buyer
No You must attach a RWC for the form to be processed (unless exempt)11.
RWC serial number
Signature of seller
Privacy statement
Personal information VicRoads collects from you may be used by VicRoads, as permitted by the Road Safety
Act 1986 and the Marine Safety Act 2010. VicRoads may disclose personal information it collects from you to
various organisations and persons as permitted by law, particularly by the Road Safety Act 1986. This includes
disclosing the information to contractors and agents of VicRoads, law enforcement agencies, other road and
traffic authorities, Austroads, the Transport Accident Commission, vehicle manufacturers (for safety recalls),
road safety researchers, courts and other organisations or people authorised to use the personal information.
You are required to provide this personal information. Failure to provide the information may result in this form
not being processed, or records not being properly maintained. For further information about our use of your
personal information and your right of access to it, see VicRoads brochure Protecting your privacy or contact
VicRoads on 13 11 71.
Providing false and/or misleading information or documents is a serious offence under
the Road Safety Act 1986 and/or Marine Safety Act 2010 and can result in you being fined
or imprisoned. Any authority or approval, given as a result of you providing such
information/documents, may be reversed and have no effect.
By signing this form, I declare that the information in this form and related supporting
documents is true, correct and complete, and I understand the privacy statement.
VRPIN00613 07.16 98426 Authorised and published by VicRoads, 60 Denmark Street, Kew, Victoria, 3101.
Exemption code
(office use only)
Buyer details
Date of birth
Date of birth1
Vehicle details
Registration number
Transfer details
Market value12 of the vehicle
Date of sale13
Body type
To avoid penalties the duty and fees should be paid when the application is lodged.
vehicle duty
Transfer fee
Total payable
By signing this form, I declare that all information and/or documents provided by me is true and correct
and I understand the Privacy statement. I acknowledge that a copy of this form may be provided by
VicRoads to the seller (disposer) upon request. I have checked the vehicle details provided by the seller
match the vehicle and agree on the market value of the vehicle as declared on this form.
Signature of buyer
No You must attach a RWC for the form to be processed (unless exempt)11.
RWC serial number
Signature of seller
Privacy statement
Personal information VicRoads collects from you may be used by VicRoads, as permitted by the Road Safety
Act 1986 and the Marine Safety Act 2010. VicRoads may disclose personal information it collects from you to
various organisations and persons as permitted by law, particularly by the Road Safety Act 1986. This includes
disclosing the information to contractors and agents of VicRoads, law enforcement agencies, other road and
traffic authorities, Austroads, the Transport Accident Commission, vehicle manufacturers (for safety recalls),
road safety researchers, courts and other organisations or people authorised to use the personal information.
You are required to provide this personal information. Failure to provide the information may result in this form
not being processed, or records not being properly maintained. For further information about our use of your
personal information and your right of access to it, see VicRoads brochure Protecting your privacy or contact
VicRoads on 13 11 71.
Providing false and/or misleading information or documents is a serious offence under
the Road Safety Act 1986 and/or Marine Safety Act 2010 and can result in you being fined
or imprisoned. Any authority or approval, given as a result of you providing such
information/documents, may be reversed and have no effect.
By signing this form, I declare that the information in this form and related supporting
documents is true, correct and complete, and I understand the privacy statement.
VRPIN00613 07.16 98426 Authorised and published by VicRoads, 60 Denmark Street, Kew, Victoria, 3101.
Exemption code
(office use only)