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Jnu MSC Biotechnology Syllabus: Atomic Structure: Bohr's Theory and Schrödinger Wave Equation Periodicity in

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Chemistry (10+2+3 level)

Atomic Structure: Bohr's theory and Schrdinger wave equation; Periodicity in
properties; Chemical bonding; Properties of s, p, d and block elements; Complex
formation; Coordination compounds; Chemical equilibria; Chemical thermodynamics
(first and second law); Chemical kinetics (zero, first, second and third order reactions);
Photochemistry; Electrochemistry; Acid-base concepts; Stereochemistry of carbon
compounds; Inductive, electromeric, conjugative effects and resonance;
Chemistry of Functional Groups: Hydrocarbons, alkyl halides, alcohols, aldehydes,
ketones, carboxylic acids, amines and their derivatives; Aromatic hydrocarbons,
halides, nitro and amino compounds, phenols, diazonium salts, carboxylic and
sulphonic acids; Mechanism of organic reactions; Soaps and detergents; Synthetic
polymers; Biomolecules - amino acids, proteins, nucleic acids, lipids and
carbohydrates (polysaccharides); Instrumental techniques-chromatography (TLC,
HPLC), electrophoresis, UV-Vis, IR and NMR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, etc.
Mathematics (10+2 level)
Sets, Relations and Functions, Mathematical Induction, Logarithms, Complex numbers,
Linear and Quadratic equations, Sequences and Series, Trignometry, Cartesian System
of Rectangular Coordinates, Straight lines and Family, Circles, Conic Sections,
Permutations and Combinations, Binomial Theorem, Exponential and Logarithmic
Series, Mathematical Logic, Statistics, Three Dimensional Geometry, Vectors, Stocks,
Shares and Debentures, Average and Partition Values, Index numbers, Matrices and
Determinants, Boolean Algebra, Probability, Functions, limits and Continuity,
Differentiation, Application of Derivatives, Definite and Indefinite Integrals, Differential
Equations, Elementary Statics and Dynamics, Partnership, Bill of Exchange, Linear
Programming, Annuities, Application of Calculus in Commerce and Economics.
Physics (10+2 level)
Physical World and Measurement, Kinematics, Laws of Motion, Work, Energy and
Power, Electrostatics, Current electricity, Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism,
Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Current, Electromagnetics waves, Optics,
Dual Nature of Matter and Radiations, Atomic Nucleus, Solids and Semiconductor
Devices, Principles of Communication, Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body,
Gravitation, Mechanics of Solids and Fluids, Heat and Thermodynamics, Oscillations,

Cell Biology and Genetics

Unit I : Cell Structure, Function and Cell Division : 1.1 Cells as basic units of
living organisms Viral, bacterial,fungal, plant and animal cells, 1.2 Ultra structure of
prokaryotic cell (Cell membrane, plasmids) 1.3 Ultra structure of eukaryotic cell (Cell
wall, cell membrane, mitochondria, chloroplast, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi
apparatus, vacuoles). 1.4 Chromosome organization in Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes,

1.5 Structure of specialized chromosomes (Polytene and Lamp Brush), 1.6 Cell
Division and Cell Cycle , 1.7 Significance of mitosis and meiosis,
Unit II : Mendels Laws and Mechanism of Inheritance, 2.1 Mendels
experiments Factors contributing to success of Mendels experiments, 2.2 Law of
segregation Monohybrid ratio, 2.3 Law of Independent assortment Dihybrids,
Trihybrids , 2.4 Deviation from Mendels Laws - partial or incomplete dominance, codominance , 2.5 Penetrance and expressivity, pleiotropism , 2.6 Epistatic gene
interaction Modified dihybrid ratios (12:3:1; 9:7; !5:1; 9:3:4:, 9:6:1; 13:3), 2.7 Genes
and environment phenocopies, 2.8 Linkage and recombination Discovery of linkage,
cytological proof of crossing over Recombination frequency and map distance
Interference and coincidence Mitotic crossing over inDrosophila, 2.9 Mechanism of sex
determination-genic balance theory - Drosophila Homogametic and Heterogametic
theory (Human, Mamalian, Birds), 2.10 X linked inheritance (eg. Haemophilia)
Microbiology and Immunology:
Unit I: Fundamentals of Microbiology : 1.1 Outlines of classification of microorganisms , 1.2 Structure
and general characters of Viruses, Bacteria, Fungi and Micro Algae (one example from each group) 1.3
Disease causing pathogens and their symptoms(examples; Typhoid, HIV only) 1.4 Isolation, identification and
preservation of microorganisms (Bacteria), 1.5Identification methods of Fungi and useful Micro Algae, 1.6
Methods of sterilization, 1.7 Bacterial reproductionand growth kinetics (Batch and continuous cultures), 1.8
Pure cultures and cultural characteristics

Unit II Basics of Immunology :

2.1 Introduction to immune system Organs and cells of the immune system, 2.2
Antigens,Haptens physico-chemical characteristics, 2.3 Structure of different
immunoglobulins and their functions Primary and secondary antibody responses, 2.4
Antigen - Antibody Reactions, 2.5 The Major Histocompatibility gene complex and its
role in organ transplantation, Generation of antibody diversity, 2.6 Hypersensitivity
Coombs classification, Types of hypersensitivity, 2.7 Autoimmune diseases
mechanisms of auto immunity,
Carbohydrates : Importance, classification and properties , Structure,configuration
and biochemical importance of monosaccharides (glucose and fructose),
Dissacharides Structures and biochemical importance of sucrose and trehalose
Physiologically important glycosides (streptomycin, cardiac glycosides, ouabain),
Structure and function of homo polysaccharides starch,inulin, cellulose and glycogen
Structure and function of heteropolysaccharides Hyaluronic acid,

Classification, structure and properties amino acids, Peptide bond Synthesis and
characters, Primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary structures of proteins,
Lipids : Fatty acids : Saturated and unsaturated, Triacylglycerols, Sphingolipids,
Sterols Phospholipids(phosphatidic acid, phosphatidylcholine)
Enzymes : Classification and nomenclature of enzymes Kinetics of enzyme catalyzed
reactions, Factors influencing enzymatic reactions (a) pH (b) Temperature (c)

Substrate concentration (d) Enzyme concentration, Enzyme Inhibition Competitive

and non-competitive ,
Intermediary Metabolism : Glycolysis, Citric acid cycle, Gluconeogenesis and its significance,
Mitochondrial electron transport Chemiosmotic theory of ATP synthesis, 2.5 -Oxidation of fatty acid ,
Deamination, decarboxylation and transamination reactions of amino acids, Catabolism of amino acids
phenyl alanine and tyrosine (Phenylketonuria and albinism), Photosynthesis Light reaction and
photophosphorylation, Carbon assimilation

Molecular Biology, Genetic Engineering and Immunology

Unit I : Gene and Genome organization 1.1 Organization of nuclear genome
Genes and gene numbers essential and non essential genes, 1.2 Denaturation and
renaturation of DNA - Tm values and Cot curves, 1.3 Kinetic classes of DNA - Single
copy sequences, and repeated sequences. Inverted, tandem and palindromic repeats,
1.4 Satellite DNA, 1.5 Mitochondrial genome organization (eg: Human), 1.6
Chloroplast genome organization in plants, 1.7 Organization of eukaryotic genes Exons, introns, promoters and terminators, 1.8 Gene families and clusters eg. Globin
gene, histones and ribosomal genes.
Unit II : Structure andFunction of Nucleic Acids : 2.1 DNA as the genetic
material Griffiths experiments on transformation inStreptococcus pneumoniae.
Avery, McEleod and Mc Cartys experiments. Hershey Chase experimentswith radiolabelled T2 bacteriophage, 2.2 RNA as genetic material Tobacco Mosaic Virus, 2.3
Structure of DNA Watson and Crick Model Forms of DNA A, B and Z forms of DNA,
Super coiled and related DNA Role of topoisomerases, 2.4 DNA Replication Models
of DNA replication (Semi-conservative, non-conservative models) Mechanisms of DNA
replication Linear and circular Rolling circle and theta mechanism of replication, 2.5
DNA damage and Repair.
Unit-III : Gene expression and Gene Regulation : 3.1.Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic
transcription , Post-transcriptional modifications (Capping, polyadenylation splicing
and alternate splicing), 3.2 Translation, Genetic code and its features, Wobble
Hypothesis Synthesis of polypeptides - initiation, elongation and termination
in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, 3.3 Regulation of gene expression in prokaryotes and
eukaryotes Operonconcept in bacteria Lac operon,
Unit IV : Recombinant DNA Technology : 4.1. Enzymes used in gene cloning :
Restriction endonucleases, Ligases, Phosphatases, Methylases, Kinases, 4.2. Cloning
vehicles Plasmids, Cosmids, Phage vectors, Shuttle vectors, 4.3. Baculovirus vector
system, Expression vectors - expression cassettes, 4.4. Construction of genomic and
cDNA libraries, 4.5. Identification of cloned genes,4.6. Principles involved in Blotting
Techniques Southern, Northern and Western, 4.7. Principles and Applications of PCR
Technology, 4.8. DNA Finger printing technique and its applications

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