Recent Research and Development in Molecular Communication Technology
Recent Research and Development in Molecular Communication Technology
Recent Research and Development in Molecular Communication Technology
Development in Molecular
Communication Technology
Molecular Communication: Biological
Communications Technology
NAKANO Tadashi, Michael Moore, ENOMOTO Akihiro, and SUDA Tatsuya
This article provides a comprehensive overview of state-of-the art research on molecular
communication a molecule-based communication paradigm for biological machines. Unlike current telecommunications based on electric or optical signals, molecular communication exploits
biological molecules as information carriers. In molecular communication, senders of communication encode information onto molecules and transmit to the environment. The information
coded molecules then propagate in the environment to reach receivers of communication, which
capture and biochemically react to the molecules (i.e., decode the information from the information carrying molecules). Since biological molecules are compatible with biological systems, molecular communication is expected to impact medical domains such as human health monitoring
where implant biological machines interact with biological cells through molecular communication. This article describes key concepts, architecture, potential applications of molecular communication as well as existing research on engineering molecular communication components
and systems.
Molecular communication, Biological communications, Communication engineering
1 Introduction
Biological nanomachines (or nanomachines, for short) are nanoscale to microscale
devices that either exist in the biological world
or are artificially created from biological
materials and that perform simple functions
such as sensing, logic, and actuation. Example
nanomachines from the biological world
include biological cells[4], molecular motors
that produce mechanical work using chemical
mation is encoded to and decoded from molecules, rather than electrons or electromagnetic
waves. Using electrons or electromagnetic
waves for communication is particularly limited at the nanoscale and microscale range
because of power constraints and physical
limitations in the size and nature of communication components (i.e., biological nanomachines). Because nanomachines are too small
and simple to communicate using electrons or
electromagnetic waves, molecular communication provides a novel mechanism for
nanomachines to communicate by propagating
molecules that represent information.
A promising area that molecular communication contributes to is medical domains[36].
Imagine that a biological system (e.g., the
human body) is composed of a large number
of cells (i.e., nanomachines), that each cell
performs simple and specific operations such
as uptake, processing, and release of molecules, and that cells interact to perform various functions of the body (e.g., distributing
molecules for metabolism and replication of
cells). Molecular communication provides
mechanisms to transport molecules between
cells, and thus, it may help perform targeted
delivery of drugs by providing mechanisms to
transport drugs (information-encoded molecules) between drug repositories embedded in
a human body (sender nanomachines) and
specific cells in a human body (receiver
nanomachines). Molecular communication
also provides mechanisms for nanomachines
to communicate, and thus, it may help drug
repositories (sender nanomachines) to coordinate and control the amount and timing of
drug release. Targeting delivery of drugs to
specific cells in a human body and creating
molecular communication for such applications involve understanding how molecules
are transported within a biological system,
how molecules are addressed to specific locations within a biological system (i.e., molecule-addressing mechanisms in a biological
system), or even adding receptor molecules to
a biological system to produce an addressing
2 Molecular communication in
biological systems
Molecule-based communication or molecular communication is a common and ubiquitous method by which biological nanomachines communicate. Various modes and
mechanisms of molecular communication are
found within and between cells. In the following, modes and mechanisms of molecular
communication are categorized based on how
signal molecules are propagated, namely,
whether signal molecules simply diffuse in the
environment or they directionally propagate
by consuming chemical energy. The former
type of communication is called passive transport-based molecular communication, and the
latter type active transport-based molecular
Journal of the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology Vol.55 No.4 2008
the bacteria start transcribing DNA to perform group functions (e.g., enough bacteria
to generate an infection, form a biofilm, or
generate luminescence)[16].
(b) Gap junction mediated diffusion-based
molecular communication: Diffusion of
signal molecules can be guided through
cell-cell communication channels called
gap junction channels [4] . Gap junction
channels are physical channels formed
between two adjacent cells, connecting the
cytoplasm of the two cells. Gap-junction
channels allow only connected cells to
communicate, enabling coordinated actions
among adjacent cells, such as synchronized heart-beating by cardiomyocytes.
(c) Diffusion-reaction-based molecular
communication: Diffusion of signal molecules can involve biochemical reactions to
achieve a different mode of communication that allows propagation of impulses.
As a result of the quick increase and
decrease of signal molecules in their concentrations, the signal molecules appear as
an impulse that propagates in the environment. For instance, some glial cells produce impulses of calcium ions (Ca2+) for
intercellular communication. The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in a cell gathers
and stores calcium ions, and when a cell is
stimulated (e.g., by a physical stimulus), it
releases the stored calcium ions from the
ER and the calcium diffuses to adjacent
cells through cell-cell junction channels.
The diffused calcium in turn stimulates the
adjacent cells, causing a chain reaction of
calcium stimulation. Shortly after being
stimulated and releasing calcium, a cell
pumps calcium within the cell back into
the ER and suppresses further stimulation,
thus creating a short impulse of calcium
through the cell. Because the communication propagates in a short impulse of calcium concentration, cells can communicate
at a higher frequency. Neurons similarly
produce ion impulses (called action potentials) that propagate over the length of the
3 Molecular communication
As described in Section 2, there exist varieties of modes and mechanisms of molecular
communication in biological systems. One
may ask whether it is possible to generalize
necessary components and processes for molecular communication. Establishing a generalized architecture for molecular communication may help understand design principles of
biological systems as well as help engineer
artificial biological systems. In this section,
we attempt to describe an abstract architecture
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Journal of the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology Vol.55 No.4 2008
ference with the molecules in the environment. In addition, because of the possibly
large delay in the environment, information
molecules may remain in the environment for
a period of time and arrive at a receiver
nanomachine after a widely varying amount of
time (e.g., hours after release at the sender
The delay in an information molecule
propagating from a sender to a receiver
nanomachine determines various communication characteristics of molecular communication. If the information molecules stay in the
environment for an extended length of time
(e.g., DNA molecules can be chemically stable for months), a sender nanomachine must
delay a new communication until the information molecules used in an old communication
degrade in the environment to prevent the old
communication from interfering with the new
communication. Thus, the frequency at which
a sender nanomachine sends information molecules is determined by the length of time
information molecules stay in the environment
before degrading.
Molecule based coding
In molecular communication, information
is encoded in various characteristics of information molecules such as the type of information molecules used, three-dimensional structure, chemical structure (e.g., protein),
sequence information (e.g., DNA), or concentration (e.g., calcium concentration) of information molecules[48]. A physical substance
(i.e., the information molecule) propagates
from a sender nanomachine to a receiver
nanomachine, and the receiver nanomachine
chemically reacts to incoming information
molecules. Because information is encoded
onto molecules in molecular communication,
the amount of information that a sender
encodes onto a single information molecule
(or the amount of information that a receiver
nanomachine receives) is limited by the number of possible configurations in the receiver
Sender and receiver nanomachines in mol-
4. Engineered molecular
Advanced bio-nanotechnology and
improved understanding in cell and molecular
biology have made it possible to design and
engineer molecular communication systems.
A common approach for designing and engineering molecular communication systems is
to extend or modify existing biological systems. Accordingly, many molecular communication systems are engineered by exploiting
biological systems. This section overviews the
state-of-the-art research in engineering of molecular communication components and systems. A collection of molecular communication research including that in related areas is
categorized below into (1) engineering of
Journal of the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology Vol.55 No.4 2008
sender and receiver nanomachines, (2) engineering of transport mechanisms for propagating information molecules, and (3) engineering of communication mechanisms that are
necessary to build larger-scale integrated molecular communication systems.
4.1 Engineering of sender and
receiver nanomachines
Sender and receiver nanomachines need
communication functionality such as that to
synthesize, store and release information molecules for sender nanomachines, and to capture and react to specific information molecules for receiver nanomachines. There are
two basic classes of approaches for developing nanomachines: they are modifying existing biological cells, or producing simplified
cell-like structures using biological materials
that achieve communication functionality.
4.1.1 Synthetic biological cells
The area of synthetic biology has demonstrated that new communication capabilities
can be added to biological cells through genetic engineering [6][14][55][56] . In [6] , sender
nanomachines are engineered to synthesize
and release information molecules (AHL molecules) using specific metabolic pathways.
Receiver nanomachines are also engineered to
respond to the information molecules by synthesizing specific reporter proteins in a concentration dependent manner (if the concentration of the information molecule falls in a certain concentration range.) The information
molecules that sender nanomachines release
are membrane permeable and freely diffuse
from senders to receivers; therefore, they communicate through free-diffusion-based molecular communication.
Synthetic biology has also demonstrated that
many other capabilities can be introduced into
biological cells through genetic engineering.
Demonstrated functionality in the area
includes the following:
Logic functions: In [56] , computational
building blocks were engineered based on
DNA transcription and translation processes.
An example of building blocks is a biochem-
ical inverter, where the input mRNA generates a repressor protein that prevents DNA
transcription processes, producing no output
mRNA. In the absence of the input mRNA,
DNA transcription processes proceed to generate an output mRNA. Other building
blocks were designed. Similarly, in[15], signal transduction pathways in eukaryotic cells
were modified by synthetic signaling proteins to demonstrate gating behaviors such as
AND or OR gates.
Toggle switches: In[23], a one bit memory
was implemented with two genes inserted
into a bacterium. Its bistability is achieved
by the two genes under the control of promoters that are mutually repressed by the
product of the other gene. Two inducers are
also introduced to suppress the product of
one of the two genes, which are used to
switch from one state to the other.
Oscillators: In[19], a bacterium has inserted
DNA sequences that cause the bacterium to
oscillate the concentration of three protein
products (TetR, cI, LacI) over time. The
DNA sequences to be inserted into the bacterium were selected, so that TetR blocked
the promoter sequence of cI, cI blocked the
promoter sequence of LacI, and LacI
blocked the promoter sequence of TetR.
Thus, at time t, TetR is active; cI is blocked;
and LacI starts being produced. At time t_1,
LacI becomes active; TetR is blocked; and cI
starts being produced.
These functions can be used to increase
the complexity of senders and receivers of
molecular communication. For example, logic
functions can be used at receiver nanomachines to produce programmed responses
based on received information molecules;
Toggle switches (i.e., 1 bit memories) can be
used to retain a communication-related memory inside cells (e.g,. a communication status
of whether sending or waiting); oscillators
(i.e., clocks) can be used at sender nanomachines to control the timing of release. However, it is noted that introducing multiple functions faces a technical difficulty of a possible
interference with existing functions (e.g., at
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Fig.3 An example communication sequence based on gap junction mediated diffusion-reaction based molecular communication
information molecules along the guide molecules[37][51]. This first example uses components and processes similar to the active transport mechanisms in biological systems. In biological systems, a network of guide molecules
(e.g., actin or microtubule filaments) is created
within a cell in a self-organizing manner
through dynamic instability of guide molecules, and molecular motors (such as dynein
and kinesin) transport information molecules
to specific locations within the cell by walking
along a network of guide molecules. Engineering of the self-organization of the filaments
can produce simple patterns of filaments (e.g.,
a star-shaped pattern or a random mesh pattern)[12][20]. Through designing self-organization processes of creating filament patterns
and through selectively transporting on the
designed filament pattern, molecular motors
may be guided to desired locations (e.g.,
desired receiver nanomachine or a desired set
of receiver nanomachines).
In the second example of engineered
active transport using molecular motors, the
arrangement of microtubules and motors is
inverted. A surface of a glass is coated with
the molecular motor (e.g., kinesin), and the
motors push the filaments along the surface.
In this arrangement, transport molecules (i.e.,
the filament) load information molecules at a
sender nanomachine and unload the information molecules at a receiver[26][28]. The direc-
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information molecule includes a single-stranded DNA with a sequence that specifies the
address of a receiver nanomachine. The
receiver nanomachine has an address DNA
that is complementary to and thus binds to the
single-stranded DNA on the information molecule. Using DNA sequences in addressing
provides a method for generating a large number of addresses, since DNA sequences may
be arbitrarily produced (with existing technology, DNA up to 10,000 base pairs in length)
and binding of DNA sequence is understood
(as evidenced by construction of various
shapes from designed DNA sequences).
Adding an addressing mechanism to molecular communication would allow the creation
of more complex molecular communication
5 Conclusions
Molecular communication integrates techniques from biology to interact with biological
systems, from nanotechnology to enable
nanoscale and microscale interactions, and
from computer science to integrate into largerscale information and communication processing systems. Although research in molecular
communication is in its infancy and has only
reproduced functionality already available in
biological systems, continuing research in
molecular communication will lead to integrated molecular communication systems in
which various components of molecular communication work together to provide full communication functionality. Molecular communication has significant potential, since it
interacts directly with biological systems at
nanoscales and microscales, and it may potentially impacts various technological domains
including health (e.g., nanomedicine[22] and
tissue engineering[8][25]), environment (e.g.,
environmental monitoring), IT (e.g., unconventional computing[1] and body sensor networks [57] ), and military (e.g., biochemical
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Michael J. Moore
Department of Computer Science,
University of California, Irvine
Computer Systems and Networking,
Design and Development of
Communication Systems using
Biological Molecules
Department of Computer Science,
University of California, Irvine
Computer Systems and Networking,
Design and Development of
Communication Systems using
Biological Molecules