Women Property Rights

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Property Rights of Women in Nineteenth-Century England

The property rights of women during most of the nineteenth century were
dependent upon their marital status. Once women married, their property rights
were governed by English common law, which required that the property women
took into a marriage, or acquired subsequently, be legally absorbed by their
husbands. Furthermore, married women could not make wills or dispose of any
property without their husbands' consent. Marital separation, whether initiated by
the husband or wife, usually left the women economically destitute, as the law
offered them no rights to marital property. Once married, the only legal avenue
through which women could reclaim property was widowhood. Women who never
married maintained control over all their property, including their inheritance.
These women could own freehold land and had complete control of property
disposal. The notoriety of the 1836 Caroline Norton Case highlighted the injustice
of women's property rights and influenced parliamentary debates to reform
property laws. The women's movement generated the support which eventually
resulted in the passage of the Married Women's Property Law in 1882. England's
mid-nineteenth century focus on married women's property rights culminated in
the transformation of the subordinate legal status of married women.
The property owned by women in Victorian England was usually inherited from
fathers. To protect the status of their daughters, most fathers included them in
the distribution of the patrimony, however, the type of property inherited by sons
and daughters differed. Amy Louise Erickson notes that "Fathers normally gave
their daughters shares comparable in value with those of their brothers, although
girls usually inherited personal property and boys more often inherited real
property" (19). The more valuable real property inherited by the sons refers to
freehold land, which is the actual land. Personal property referred to copyhold
land, which was usually a mansion and its land held by a lord at will, and
leasehold land, which was leased to individuals for life. Therefore, copyhold and
leasehold land were legally secured for the life of the tenant or longer, depending
on the agreement. Real property also included clothing, jewelry, household
furniture, food, and all moveable goods. However, social customs held that
household property and equipment belonged to the women. According to Susan
Staves, the personal property inherited by women was more vulnerable to loss in
contrast to the more secure land holdings inherited by men (219).

In the absence of a will or specification of land distribution, the rules of

primogeniture were invoked, giving the oldest son the rights to all real property.
Erickson explains that "primogeniture was applied more harshly in England" than
elsewhere in Europe and was "objected to more frequently by younger sons
rather than daughters" (71). Daughters inherited real property only in the
absence of a son, and it was held jointly between sisters. In the absence of a son,

"the law preferred a daughter to a collateral male" in England, unlike most of

Europe, according to Erickson (27). England's primogeniture laws remained intact
until 1925. Although sons were entitled to a more substantial inheritance,
daughters were beneficiaries of minimal or limited property distribution.

Unmarried women, legally identified as feme sole, had complete legal control of
their own property. They had the right to dispose of their property and only used
the assistance of a legal guardian if they chose. The distribution of property in
unmarried women's wills differed from men's in that that these women gave
preferences to their female relatives in dividing their property (Erickson 19). This
allowed female members of the family to live more comfortably, as women were
more susceptible to a life of poverty. Unmarried women maintained control of
their property as long as they remained unmarried.

However, whatever the distribution, the property which women took into
marriage, whether in goods, money, or land, passed into the ownership of their
husbands, which was dictated by common law doctrine of coverture. This law also
dictated that when women married, their legal personalities were subsumed into
their husbands' (Shanley 8). Therefore, after marriage, women had no control of
property disposal or distribution. Anne Laurence notes, "In English common law,
wives could hold no freehold land (real property) except through their husbands;
nor could they alter or dispose of property without their husbands' consent, even
if it was their own inheritance" (228). In response to the accusations of the
injustice of property laws, lawmakers claimed that "The rights of the husband
over the property of his wife are given him in consequences of the burthens
which on the marriage are imposed on the husband in respect to his wife" (Staves
52). A digest of the common law states, "After marriage, all the will of the wife in
judgment of the law is subject to the will of the husband; and it is commonly said
a feme coverte hath no will" (Laurence 227). The term feme coverte is the
common law term for wife, and "wife" is the only status entered for women in the
common law. The rationale of the law is that if husband and wife are "one body"
before God, they are "one person" in the law, and that person is represented by
the husband (Shanley 8). In recognition of this law, fathers often provided their
daughters with dowries to protect them from unscrupulous husbands. Prenuptial
marriage settlements provided a means for separate "pin" money to be put in
trust for a bride in order to provide her with income. Pin money is an estate which
the wife was to possess for her sole and separate use and was not subject to the
control of her husband (Staves 133). This dowry was the only separate property
that married women could own and control in accordance with the law of
coverture. Furthermore, married women were legal as well as economic nonentities.

The legal status of married women prevented them from unilaterally participating
in the civil legal system. Shanley explains that "From the legal 'unity' of the
husband and wife it followed that a married woman could not sue or be sued
unless her husband was also a party to the suit, could not sign contracts unless
her husband joined her" (8). The law of coverture also governed women's
premarital legal contracts. Laurence notes, "English common law did not
recognize pre-nuptial contracts; all contracts made by a woman were annulled by
her marriage" (233). Furthermore, married women lost the right to execute their
own wills since legally all their property belonged to their husbands. With their
husbands' consent, women executed wills to dispose of their personal property.

The laws that allowed married women to recapture property rights through
widowhood were revised in the early nineteenth century. Once widowed, women
were entitled to a dower, which was usually equivalent to one third of the
husband's estate. The dower is the portion of the deceased husband's estate that
his widow inherited for life. This inheritance did not represent a return of property
that had been brought by women into the marriages. Women's dower rights
during the eighteenth century were restricted by common law. Staves states,
"Dower only attaches to what is considered real property" (29). Dower rights
regarding real property changed to reflect economic changes in England.
According to Susan Staves, "New commodities like stock and bank annuities
replace land as major ingredients of wealth, and the law of dower changes to
reflect this, limiting widows' rights to land but giving them equivalents in newer
forms of wealth" (32). The Dower Act of 1833 ultimately proved to favor men's
property rights. Staves notes, "Its enactment allowed legal intellectuals to feel
that they had corrected an error but preserved for individual women no socially
enforced rights; an individual woman got nothing except what her own husband
privately elected to bestow" (49). This change was viewed as an erosion of
women's property rights as widows were only entitled to an equitable jointure of
their husband's estate. Jointure assignments were an arrangement by which a
husband settles property on his wife for her use after his death. The assignment
of jointures deprived widows of legal rights over their husband's estates and
allowed the valuable real property, which was land, to be left to male heirs.
Estates in jointure were no longer required to be an estate in freehold land.
Furthermore, men found other ways to defraud women of dower rights. Men in
contemplation of marriage could and often did convey their property to trustees
in order to, as they said, "avoid the inconvenience of dower attaching and for
other purposes" (Staves 49). Widows usually received substantially less valuable

property than male heirs. However, unlike married women, they exercised control
over the property and its disposal through wills.

Although widows were prevented from amassing great amounts of wealth,

through their repositioned legal status of feme sole, they reclaimed legal power
over their property. Widows were free to manage and establish businesses and to
secure freehold land. Widows who remarried also had legal rights to prevent
husbands from attaching themselves to the women's property. This autonomy
made widows less economically desirable than unmarried women because "The
growing sophistication of the trustee system . . . gave a widow greater ability to
protect from being squandered by her second husband for his own benefit"
(Staves 216). Most widows who remarried were interested in protecting their
property, especially on behalf of their children from their first marriage. Erickson
confirms that remarrying widows who had property or children from their
previous marriages used premarital settlements as a device which was
recognized and enforceable in law in order to protect their interest. (234).
Widowed women, like their unmarried counterparts, also gave special
consideration to female relatives in conveyance of their property. Although
widows maintained more autonomy than married women regarding property
rights, unhappy or abused women who sought refuge from marriage through
separation completely forfeited rights to their husband's financial support and

The Caroline S. Norton case attracted attention to the severe economic penalties
which women endured when they separated from their husbands. Mrs. Norton
was a popular poet, novelist, and a beautiful English socialite who attempted to
separate from her husband in 1836. After leaving her marital home, her husband
prevented her from seeing their three sons and severed her financial support.
After her husband's unsuccessful attempt to prove her guilty of an adulterous
affair, Caroline filed for divorce on the ground of cruelty. Her claim was rejected,
as English law did not recognize cruelty as just cause for divorce. Caroline Norton
had no rights to sue for divorce, and could not force her husband to maintain her
financial support. She was also unable to gain access to any of the marital
property. Abandoned financially by her husband, Caroline Norton began writing to
support herself. However, because she was still married, her husband was legally
able secure much of her earnings for himself. According to Dorothy M. Stetson,
Mrs. Norton "suffered all of the worst fates of a feme coverte as a result of her
separation. Her husband exercised his legal right to deny her visits to her

children" (31). The Caroline Norton case spotlighted the injustice of married
women's property rights in England.

Caroline Norton proved to be a catalyst for changing women's property rights

laws in Victorian England. Caroline Norton was determined to use her personal
misfortune and suffering to gather support for legal reform. She gathered
attention and support for her cause through the publication of many pamphlets
and the influence of her friends in Parliament. Stetson notes that in 1855,
Caroline Norton published her most important pamphlet: A Letter to the Queen
on Lord Chancellor Cranworth's Marriage and Divorce Bill, in which she reviewed
the position of married women under English law:

1. a married woman has no legal existence whether or not she is living with her

2. her property is his property;

3. she cannot make a will, the law gives what she has to her husband despite her
wishes or his behavior;

4. she may not keep her earnings;

5. he may sue for restitution of conjugal rights and thus force her, as if a slave to
return to his home;

6. she is not allowed to defend herself in divorce;

7. she cannot divorce him since the House of Lords in effect will not grant a
divorce to her;

8. she cannot sue for libel;

9. she cannot sign a lease or transact business;

10. she cannot claim support from her husband, his only obligation is to make
sure she doesn't land in the parish poorhouse if he has means;

11. she cannot bind her husband to any agreement.

In short, as her husband, he has the right to all that is hers; as his wife she has no
right to anything that is his. (33)

Caroline Norton, along with other feminist writers, helped to promote support for
change in property rights for women.

In 1857, The Divorce and Matrimonial Causes Act was passed, establishing new
divorce and matrimonial property laws. Along with removing divorce matters
from the control of Parliament and the ecclesiastical courts, it also secured some
property rights for married women. The Act was not intended to change the
financial status of married women, only to grant property rights to wives who
were separated from their husbands. Stetson says, "Upon the judgment of legal
separation, the married woman immediately assumed the property rights and
status of a single woman or feme sole, equal with men, as long as she remained
apart from her husband" (19). It is important to note that the judgment, which
reestablished a legal status of feme sole to married women allowing for the rights
to earning, savings, and investments, was only granted to deserted wives.
However, the act maintained men's legal rights to all marital property. Although
the changes in law only slightly shifted to affect women's property rights, it
elevated separated married women to the same legal standing as their husbands
regarding lawsuits for contract and tort. Since The Divorce and Matrimonial
Causes Act did not affect the rights of women who were living with their
husbands, or those who were left by their husbands but not officially deserted,
feminists continued to demand equal rights for married women.

The English women's rights movement continued to intensify the campaign for
married women's property rights. As Stetson explains, The 1857 Divorce Act only
protected a small number of women; "It soon became clear that these small
concessions . . . would not be enough to even answer the worst hardship cases.
The act did not affect wives living with their husbands (56). The demands for
reform continued, and resulted in the passing of The Married Women's Property
Act in 1870. However, this act was criticized as it, "was fraught with compromise
and contradiction: it allowed women to keep possession only of their earnings
and to inherit personal property and small sums of money; everything else,
whether acquired before marriage or after, belonged to the husband" (Helsinger,
Sheets, and Veeder 21). Although women were not granted all the property rights
they demanded, the Act did represent an advance. The government resisted
granting any significant rights to women and the few rights they granted came
slowly and sporadically. Trevor May indicates that "Between 1857 and 1882
eighteen Married Women's Property Bills were introduced in Parliament" (276). In
1882, the twenty-seven year campaign for women's property rights culminated in
the Married Women's Property Act of 1882. The Act, according to Stetson,
"altered the common law doctrine of coverture to include the wife's right to own,
buy, and sell her separate property" (90). This act obligated the courts to
recognize a husband and a wife as two separate legal entities.

England's nineteenth century is signified by major reforms in the subordinate

legal status of women. The women's movement waged a long-term campaign to
create more equity within the English laws that included rights to education and
suffrage as well as property rights. Initially, this resulted in minor reforms of
divorce and property laws. Despite the fact that some legally separated women
were granted more power over property than was previously allowed the new
laws did not protect the overwhelming majority of married women. Unfortunately,
the legal system and individual men attempted to maintain the status quo of
keeping women firmly subordinate. It was not until 1882 that married women
were able to exercise separate rights over their inheritance, earnings and

Works Cited

Dickens, Charles. Great Expectations. Ed. Janice Carlisle. Boston: Bedford, 1996.

Erickson, Amy Louise. Women and Property in Early Modern England. London:
Routledge, 1993.

Helsinger, Elizabeth, Robin Lauterbach Sheets, and William Veeder. The Woman
Question: Social Issues 1837-1883. New York: Garland, 1983.

Laurence, Anne. Women in England: 1500-1760, A Social History. New York: St.
Martin's, 1994.

May, Trevor. An Economic and Social History of Britain: 1760-1970. New York:
Longman, 1987.

Shanley, Mary Lyndon. Feminism, Marriage, and the Law in Victorian England,
1850-1895. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1989.

Staves, Susan. Married Women's Separate Property in England, 1660-1833.

London: Harvard UP, 1990.

Stetson, Dorothy. A Woman's Issue: The Politics of Family Law Reform in England.
London: Greenwood, 1982.
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