Error Correction Quiz

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1. (A) We can?t handle this complicated case today / (B) unless full details are
not given/ (C) to us
by them. / (D) No error
2. (A) While Ram was away on a long official tour / (B) his office receive an im
portant letter / (C)
which was marked ?Urgent?. / (D) No error
3. (A) I have read an interesting book yesterday/ (B) and underlined the new wor
ds /(C) which
are simple but effective. / (D) No error.
4. (A) No state can long survive if its / (B) foundation were not laid deep / (C
) in the material
properly./ (D) No error
5. (A)Paramount Coaching Centre is making / (B) every possible effort to provide
the best facilities/
(C) and personal attention to each student. / (D) No error
6. (A) You have done everything / (B) that could be done/ (C)to avert the storm
which is now
coming on./ (D) No error
7. (A) Gopal loved his Guru immensely / (B) and gave him fullest loyalty / (C) y
et he had his own
independent way of thinking. / (D) No error
8. (A) The statement made by the writer / (B) appears to be correct / (C) as Gan
dhi ji was never
born in Ahmedabad./ (D) No error
9. (A) The reason why / (B) he was rejected / (C) was because he was too young /
(C) No error
10. (A) The proposal to offer uniform allowance / (B) to all the officers / (C)
were opposed by the
workers./ (D) No error
11. (A) The rulings of the traffic department/ (B) both affects the driver and t
hose/ (C) who enforce
the law./ (D) No error
12. (A) The constitution requires / (B) that the President gets / (C) advise fro
m the Prime Minister. /
(D) No error
13. (A) Honesty, integrity and being intelligent / (B) are the qualities which w
e look / (C) for when
we interview applicants. / (D) No error
14. (A) If the bystander had not been / (B) familiar with first aid techniques t
he driver / (C) which
had met with the accident would have died. / (D) No error
15. (A) People should not be / (B) misguided from the politicians / (C) who will
do anything/ (D) for

their personal interest.

16. (A)We have been always more / (B) concerned about race, religion / (C) and c
aste than about
our/ (D) being Indians national.
17. (A) The thousand-rupees notes / (B) that he gave them for the goods bought f
rom them/ (C)
looked genuine but later they learnt that the notes were all counterfeit. / (D)
No error
18. (A) The amount which you have given me / (B) are not enough / (C) and I requ
est you to give
me a little more / (D) No error
19. (A) When the Principal and his assistant were going for a walk / (B) the lat
er slipped and / (C)
fell into a pit. / (D) No error
20. (A) Geeta says / (B) that she is living in the flat for ten years / (C) and
does not want to leave. /
(D) No error
21. (A) I'm having a new car / (B) these days / (C) to go to work. / (D) No erro
22. (A) Whenever we are not sure / (B) about the meaning of a word / (C) take th
e help of the dictionary
/ (D) No error
23. (A) Now- a- days / (B) fifty rupees is / (C) a very small amount. / (D) No e
24. (A) This variety of shirt is / (B) superior than any other / (C) in the shop
. / (D) No error
25. (A) Rahul wears / (B) only clothes / (C) made of cotton. / (D) No error
1 (B); Remove 'not'
2 (B); Change 'receive' into 'received'
3 (A); Change 'have read (V3)' into 'read (V2)'
4 (B); Change 'were' into 'is'
5 (D)
6 (B) Change 'could be done' into 'could have
been done'
7 (B); Add 'his' after 'him'
8 (C); Change 'never' into 'not'
9 (C); Change 'because' into 'that'
10 (C); Change 'were' into 'was'
11 (B); 'Both' with come after 'affects'
12 (C); Change 'advise' into 'advice'
13 (A); Change 'being intelligent' into 'intelligence'
14 (C); Change 'which' into 'who'
15 (B); Change 'from' into 'by'
16 (A); Change 'Indians national' into 'indian

17 (A); Change 'thousand-rupees' into 'thousandrupee'
18 (B); Change 'are' into 'is'
19 (B); Change 'later' into 'latter'
20 (B); Change 'is' into 'has been'
21 (A); Change 'I'm having' into 'I have'
22 (C); Add 'we must' before 'take'
23 (D);
24 (B); Change 'than' into 'to'
25 (B); Remove 'only'. Only will be used before

26. (A) He did / (B) no work / (C) since yesterday. / (D) No error.
27. (A) She / (B) is working here / (C) since 1990. / (D) No error.
28. (A) Amitabh Bacchan is having / (B) a large / (C) fan following. / (D) No er
29. (A) I remember / (B) meet him / (C) many years ago. / (D) No error.
30. (A) He asked / (B) that how long / (C) I would be away from Delhi. / (D) No
31. (A) Everybody in the office / (B) has left early / (C) hasn t he? / (D) No err
32. (A) The teacher told them that / (B) the students should have gone to the li
brary / (C)
instead of having wasted their time / (D) No error.
33. (A) He is / (B) one of the tallest boy / (C) in the class / (D) No error.
34. (A) The reason why / (B)he was rejected / (C) was because he was too young /
(D) No error
35. (A) The Management requires / (B) a number of critereons / (C) for this post
. / (D)
No error.
36. (A) The Municipality has made / (B) littering public places / (C) a punished
offence. / (D) No
37. (A) On last Monday / (B) I came across a / (C) book on black magic. / (D) No
38. (A) He thinks / (B) himself / (C) as a great and charismatic leader. / (D) N
o error.
39. (A) I like / (B) the poetries / (C) of only a few great poets. / (D) No erro
40. (A) Unless / (B) you will not work hard and adopt right strategy / (C) you c
annot pass. / (D) No

41. (A) The Principal as well as staff / (B) are waiting for / (C) the chief gue
st. / (D) No error.
42. (A) Sheela doesn?t usually / (B) wear jewellery but last night / (C) she wor
e ring. / (D) No
43. (A) The organization / (B) is running a vocational course / (C) since 1998.
/ (D) No error.
44. (A) Neither Rahul nor Ravi / (B) has submitted/ (C) their homework in time.
/ (D) No error.
45. (A) There is a surprise party / (B) for him / (C) at 7 p.m. this evening. /
(D) No error

26. (A); Change did into has done
27. (B); Change is into had been
28. (A); Change is having into has
29. (B); Change meet into meeting
30. (B); Remove that
31. (C); Change hasn t he? into haven t they?
32. (C); Change having wasted into wasting
33. (B); Change boy into boys
34. (C); Change because into that
35. (B); Change Criterions into Criteria
36. (C); Change punished into punishable
37. (A); Remove on
38. (C); as is not used with think
39. (B); Change poetries into poetry
40. (B); Change will not work into works
41. (B); Change are into is
42. (C); Add a before ring
43. (B); Change is into has been
44. (C); Change their into his
45. (C); pm and this evening together
become superfluous
46(A) The two ministers shouted / (B) at one
another / (C) in public. / (D) No error.
47. (A) My father / (B) has left / (C) for Bombay
last Saturday./ (D) No error.
48. (A) Don?t think / (B) you can deceive me /

(C) like you did my mother. / (D) No error.

49. (A) After you will return / (B) from Mumbai/
(C) I will come to meet you. / (D) No error.
50. (A) Scenes from the film / (B) had to be
censured / (C) before it was released. /
(D) No error.
51. (A) When my sister was ill, / (B) I went to
see her/ (C) on alternative days. / (D)
No error
52. (A) The beautiful / (B) surrounding of the
place / (C) enchanted me. / (D) No error.
53. (A) As no Porter was available, / (B) I carried
/ (C) all my luggages myself. / (D) No
54. (A) He will not able / (B) to cope up with /
(C) the problems. / (D) No error.
55. (A) Lasers are / (B) indispensable tools /
(C) for delicate eyes surgery. / (D) No
56. (A) Sometimes / (B) I get angry / (C) on her.
/ (D) No error.
57. (A) I use to study / (B) till 10 pm and / (C)
and then I go to bed. / (D) No error.
58. (A) Neither of the two children / (B) said
their prayer / (C) before going to bed. /
(D) No error.
59. (A) I don?t / (B) want to / (C) loose it. / (D)
No error.
60. (A) Good heavens,/ (B) How has he / (C)
misbehaved ! / (D) No error.
61. (A) The doctor advised Mr. Mehta that, / (B)
because of his back ache, / (C) he
should lay in the bed for a few days. / (D)
No error.
62. (A) A variety of pleasant items in the shop
/ (B) attract / (C) everybody. / (D) No
63. (A) The table?s legs / (B) have been / (C)
elaborately carved. / (D) No error.
64. (A) The sceneries / (B) of Kashmir / (C) is
very charming. / (D) No error.
65. (A) I would appreciate if readers / (B) would
write to me / (C) about how they

meditated. / (D) No error

1. (B) Use each other in place one another
2. (B) Drop has
3. (C) Use as in place of like
4. (A) Drop will
5. (B) Use consored in place of censured
51. (C) Use alternate in place of alternative
52. (B) Use surroundings in place of surrounding
53. (C) Use luggage in place of luggages
54. (B) Use cope with, drop up
55. (C) Use eye-surergies
56. (C) Use with in place of on
57. (A) Drop use to
58. (B) Use his in place of their
59. (C) Use lose in place of loose
60. (D) No error
61. (C) Use lie in place of lay
62. (B) Use attracts
63. (A) Use legs of the table
64. (A) Use The scenery
65. (B) Drop would
66. Having broken down (A)/the driver sent the
car (B)/to the garage. (C)/No error (D)
67. He is one of(A)/those writer (B)/who has
won acclaim the world over. (C)/No error (D)
68. The Mason will not (A)/do any work(B)/except
give the order.(C)/No error(D)
69. When students are ill (A)/they find that they
have a lot of work(B)/to catch up when they
return.(C)/No error(D)
70. Teachers of various schools (A)/ met to discuss
about (B)/how to improve the standard
of English.(C)/No error(D)
71. Right strategy as well as hard work (A)/ are
necessary (B)/for success. (C)/No error(D)
72. Last night (A)/my brother with his son(B)/
came to attend the function.(C)/No error (D)
73. I made him (A)/to apologize(B)/for his
rudeness.(C)/No error(D)
74. I am hearing that (A)/the meeting is(B)/
likely to be postponed(C)/No error(D)
75. The police can give any official statement(A)/

only after(B)/farther investigation.(C)/No

76. The long-distance train(A)/which met with
an accident(B)/was carrying some army
personal.(C)/No error(D)
77. I must complement you(A)/on your excellent(B)/
and good choice.(C)/No error (D)
78. Beside food, (A)/the pilgrims carried (B)/
some medicines. (C)/No error(D)
79. Even today (A)/it is incredulous to think(B)/
that men have walked on the moon and
many doubt this claim.(C)/No error(D)
80. Adults suffering chicken pox(A)/can
develop(B)/all kinds of complications.(C)/
No error(D)
81. The members of the opposition party in the
parliament(A)/shout upon the minister(B)/
if he makes a wrong statement.(C)/No
82. Knowledge of (A)/at least two programs(B)/
are required to get this job.(C)/No error(D)
83. She pretends as if she has(A)/never in her
life,(B)/told a lie, isn't it?(C)/No error(D)
84. The manager wanted to know who has
arrived(A)/early yesterday,(B)/the cashier or
the accountant.(C)/No error(D)
85. The items I liked most(A)/were the rosewood
carvings (B)/and the teak wood furnitures
of Dutch design.(C)/No error(D)
66. (A); No mention of car here makes 'the driver'
the subject of 'having broken down' which
makes the meaning of the sentence
67. (B); Change 'writer' into 'writers'.
68. (C); Change 'give' into 'giving'
69. (C); Change 'Catch up' into 'Catch up with'
70. (B); Remove 'about'
71. (B); Change 'are' into 'is'
72. (D);
73. (B); Remove 'to'
74. (A); Change 'am hearing' into 'hear'
75. (C);Change 'farther' into 'further'
76. (C);Change 'Personal' into 'personnel'
77. (A);Change 'Complement' into 'Compliment'
78. (A);Change 'beside' into 'besides'
79. (B);Change 'incredulous' into 'incredible'


(A); Add 'from' after 'suffering'

(B); Change 'upon' into 'at'
(C);Change 'are' into 'is'
(C);Change 'isn't it?' into 'doesn't she?'
(A); Remove 'has'
(C);Change 'furnitures' into 'furniture'

86. The minister for education(A)/ vehemently
refused the allegation(B)/ that he had
taken bribe.(C)/ No error. (D)
87. If I were Zubin (A)/ I would not attend (B)/
the wedding,come what may(C) /No
88. The strong breeze(A)/ blew(B/) his cap
off.(C) /No error(D)
89. He categorically suspected(A)/ that I was
a (B)/ thief.(C)/ No error./(D)
90. No sooner did the teacher(A)/enter the
class room(B) /the students got up(C)/ No
91. It is(A) /nothing else(B)/ than pride(C) /
No error. (D)
92. To the ordinary man, in fact, the pealing
of bells(A) /is a monotonous jangle and a
nuisance(B)/ tolerably only when mitigatedby remote distance and sentimental
association.(C)/ No error.(D)
93. The increasing mechanisation of life(A)/
have led us farther away from daily contact
with nature and(B)/ the crafts of the
farm.(C) /No error.(D)
94. Only if you have (A)/ administration
ability(B) /you should try for Civil Services
Exams.(C) /No error. (D)
95. Last week s sharp hike in the wholesale
price of wheat(A)/ is a strong indication
for(B)/ higher foodgrain costs to come.(C)/
No error.(D)

86. Put refuted/ denied

in place
of refused
87. come what may is in present tense. The
remaining part of the sentence is in past.
Use? came what might
88. Change Strong breeze into Strong wind .
Breeze is always gentle.
89. Categorically means absolutely
and this word doesn t go with suspect
A both are way apart. Categorically is without doubt
90. add than before the students. No sooner
...... than is a co-relative.
91. but in place of than
else....... but is a co-relative.
92. tolerable in place of tolerably
93. has in place of have .
94. administrative in place of administration
95. Cost in place of Costs . Cost as noun is
always in singular form.

and suspect is to doubt .


1. He said / that he wanted a room / and

(A) (B)that his luggage would follow. / No error.
(C) (D)
2. Our country / does not lack / in
(A) (B)
scientists of quality. / No error.
(C) (D)
3. What really matters / in the struggle for
(A) (B)
life / is to overcome one's fear. / No error.
(C) (D)
4. It is believed / that smoking is / one of
(A) (B)
the cause of cancer. / No error.
5. This watch is superior / and more
(A) (B)
expensive / than that one. / No error.
(C) (D)
6. It is feared that / hundreds of people /..(start here)
(A) (B)
have lost lives. / No error.
(C) (D)
7. He is / one of those students / who comes
(A) (B)
regularly. / No error.
8. No other newspaper / has so large a
(A) (B)
circulation / like this newspaper in India.
/ No error.

9. It was / me who telephoned / the fire

(A) (B)
service. / No error.
10. Though she appears to be very tall / she
(A) (B)
is just an inch / taller than me. / No error.
(C) (D)
11. This meteorological-disturbance in the
atmosphere of art criticism /
have crossed over to our own shores /
bringing mist and clouds in its wake. /
No Error.
12. The child / was run over / with a private
(A) (B)
bus. / No error.
13. Kambli is one of the players / who has
been selected / for the test match. / No
(C) (D)
14. We can decide it / only after / farther
(A) (B)
investigation /No error.
(C) (D)
15. On every Sunday / I play cricket / in the
(A) (B)
afternoon. /No error.
16. Please arrange / for my boarding and lodging
(A) (B)
/ in Tirupathi. / No error.
(C) (D)
17. Each boy and girl / in the class / bring a
(A) (B)
text book each day. / No error.
(C) (D)
18. Two millions people / attended the
(A) (B)
meeting / held in parade grounds. / No
(C) (D)
19. Had he worked hard / he would pass the
(A) (B)
examination / in first class. / No error.
20. He not only plays / tennis regularly / but
(A) (B)
also cricket /No error.

1. (D)
2. (C) Remove 'in'
3. (D)
4. (C) Change 'Cause' into 'Causes'
5. (A) Add 'to' after 'superior'
6. (D)
7. (C) Change 'Comes' into 'Come'
8. (C) Change 'like' into 'as'
9. (B) Change 'me' into 'I'
10. (C) Change 'me' into 'I'
11. (C) Change 'have' into 'has'
12. (C) Change 'with' into 'by'
13. (B) Change 'has' into 'have'
14. (C) Change 'farther' into 'further'
15. (A) Remove 'on'
16. (B) Remove 'for'
17. (C) Change 'bring' into 'brings'
18. (A) Change 'millions' into 'million'
19. (B) Change 'would pass' into 'would have
20. (B) Put 'not only' after 'plays'

1. Why / on earth, / has he not come ? / No

(A) (B) (C) (D)
2. Yesterday / it rained / like cats and dogs.
(A) (B) (C)
/ No error.
3. I would request to you / to consider my
(A) (B)
application / and grant me a job as early
as possible. / No error.
(C) (D)
4. Each of these boys / play games / in the
(A) (B)
playground. / No error.
(C) (D)
5. Not one of his lectures / have ever been /
(A) (B)
printed. / No error.
(C) (D)
6. Either Sohan or his friends / is to be
(A) (B)
blamed / for this mischief. / No error.
(C) (D)
7. I don t suppose / anyone will volunteer,
(A) (B)
/ will they ? / No error.
(C) (D)
8. I am / looking forward for / the day of my
(A) (B)
wedding. / No error.
(C) (D)

9. "Can you cope up / with all this / work?"

(A) (B)
he asked. / No error.
(C) (D)
10. He served as President / of the Lions
(A) (B)
Club / since fifteen years. / No error
11. That was / the most unique opportunity
(A) (B)
/ he got in his life. / No error.
(C) (D)
12. There is / no place of you / in this
(A) (B)
compartment. / No error.
(C) (D)
13. Mother Teresa asked a building / where
(A) (B)
she and her workers /could care for the
poor people always. / No error.
(C) (D)
14. Shelley is / superior than Byron / in his
(A) (B)
vision of democracy / No error.
(C) (D)
15. When at last / we got to the theatre, /
(A) (B)
the much publicized programme by the
Bollywood stars was begun. / No error.
(C) (D)
16. Several prominent figures / involved in
(A) (B)
the scandal are required to / appear to
the investigation committee. / No error.
(C) (D)
17. According to the radio / it can rain / this
(A) (B)
evening. / No error.
(C) (D)
18. Due to heavy work / in the office / I was
(A) (B)
unable to catch the five thirty train. / No
19. Hari was appointed leader / of a group of
(A) (B)
young social workers /that have
accepted to help and develop the village
in three months. / No error.
(C) (D)
20. No sooner / they had received the guests
(A) (B)
/ than they began entertaining them. /
No error.

1. (D)
2. (C) Remove 'like'
3. (A) Change 'would request to' into 'request'
4. (B) Change 'play' into 'plays'
5. (B) Change 'have' into 'has'
6. (B) Change 'is' into 'are'
7. (D)
8. (B) Change 'for' into 'to'
9. (A) Remove 'up'
10. (C) Change 'since' into 'for'
11. (B) 'Most' cannot be used with 'unique'
12. (B) Change 'place' into 'room'
13. (A) Add 'for' after 'asked'
14. (B) Change 'than' into 'to'
15. (C) Change 'was' into 'had'
16. (C) Change 'investigation' into 'investigating'
17. (B) Change 'can' into 'may'
18. (A) Change 'due to' into 'owing to'
19. (C) Change 'have' into 'has'
20. (B) Change 'they had' into 'had they'.
61. She is one of those people /who never
(A) (B)
listens /to the advice given by elders.
/ No error.
62. I was so angry / that I took the watch
broken to the jewellers /
to get my money back. / No error.
(C) (D)
63. I found the conversation most interesting/
and was glad / to practise my English /
(B) (C)
No error.
64. Ram and Raju are / twins brothers but they /
(A) (B)
do not look alike. / No error.
(C) (D)
65. He graduated in languages in June /
and is now thinking / of do a second
degree in psychology. / No error.
(C) (D)
66. The deputy manager works / on behalf at/
(A) (B)
his chief. / No error.
(C) (D)
67. The reviewers found / many faults at /
(A) (B)
the eminent author s new book. / No error.
(C) (D)
68. Every student / was selected for /

(A) (B)
their placement training in the college.
No error.
69. When I / first got the camera /
(A) (B)
it worked well. / No error.
(C) (D)
70. Jack and Jill were angry / with one another /
(A) (B)
but last night their finally made up. /
No error.
71. You must either / be regular with your
(A) / (B)
studies/ and study for longer period
before the examination. / No error
72. The new taxation rates / announced by
(A) (B)
the government / are bound to effect the
export sector. / No error
73. These days, job opportunities are not as
better / as they used to be / in the
early 70?s. / No error
(C) (D)
74. When viewed with his point of view, /the
entire episode assumes/ a different
colour altogether. / No error
(C) (D)
75. On many occasions / we did helped the
(A) (B)
poor / people by way of giving them food
and clothes to put on. / No error
76. Unless it is accepted to both the parties,
/ an arbitrator would be of no / use to
settle this dispute, / No error
(C) (D)
77. Although the manager was keen on
getting the work /done through Sudhir
yesterday, / he tries to avoid it. / No error
(C) (D)
78. The various consequences of/ the
decision taken by the/ finance ministry

was not foreseen by the bureaucrats./
No error
79. I never considered him to be a person who
would / go back on his promise and /
then do not even apologise,/ No error
(C) (D)
80. Having finished at school/ Raghu thought
(A) (B)
of going to Bombay in/search of some job./
No error
61. (C);Change 'listens' into 'listen'
62. (B); 'broken watch' is the correct formation
63. (C);Change 'most' into 'more'
64. (B); Remove 'brothers' that makes the
sentence superfluous.
65. (B); Change 'do' into 'doing'
66. (C);Change 'at' into 'of'
67. (B); Change 'at' into 'in'
68. (C);Change 'their' into 'his'
69. (B); Change 'worked' into 'was working'
70. (B); Change 'one-another' into 'each other'
71. (C);Change 'and' into 'or'
72. (C);Change 'are' into 'is'
73. (B); Change 'better' into 'good'
74. (A); Change 'with' into 'from'
75. (B); Change 'helped' into 'help'
76. (C);Change 'to settle' into 'in settling'
77. (C);Change 'tries' into 'tried'
78. (C);Change 'was' into 'were'
79. (C);Change 'do' into 'would do'
80. (A); Change at school into 'his schooling'

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