Installation of Vibration Sensors
Installation of Vibration Sensors
Installation of Vibration Sensors
Cabling requirements
Cabling is one of the most important aspects of vibration sensor installation.
Careful attention must be given to four major considerations: cable length and
capacitance, routing, grounding, and anchoring.
Cable length and capacitance
All cables have capacitance across their leads, therefore the capacitance load on
the output of the sensor increases with cable length. Generally this capacitance is
about 30 picofarads (pF) per foot, depending on the cable construction. After the
cable length has been determined, its effect on the sensor operation should be
evaluated. Capacitive loading reduces high level, high frequency vibration
Normal industrial applications are generally measuring frequency ranges of less
than 10,000 Hz and powered with 2 - 10 mA. For these normal industrial
applications, the effect of this capacitive loading is not a problem for cables less
than 250 feet in length between the sensor and the power source. For cables with
a capacitance of more than 30 pF per foot, or for measuring frequencies greater
than 10,000 Hz, additional analysis should be performed before installing cables
longer than 250 feet. Contact your local Wilcoxon representative for additional
information on calculating maximum cable lengths, or to evaluate your specific
Amplitude range versus cable capacitance
When the sensor amplifier drives a long cable, its performance is limited by the
current available from the CCD in the power supply to charge the cable
capacitance at high frequencies. If the cable capacitance cannot be charged fast
enough to follow the vibration signal, it will produce signal distortion and cause
false signals to appear at low frequencies. Sources of high frequency overload
could be gear impacts or the broadband hiss of a steam release valve. Most
Wilcoxon sensors are protected from distortions from moderate overloads by a
washover filter.
return. Normally, the cable shield is electrically isolated from the sensor housing.
This isolates the shield from the mounting point of the machine and prevents
ground loops. If a non-isolated sensor is used, it is recommended that an
isolated mounting pad be used to break possible ground loops.
For sensors using two conductor/shielded cable,
the signal and power are carried on one lead and
the signal common on the other. The cable shield
serves to protect the signal from EMI and ESD.
The shield should be grounded at only one point,
normally to the readout equipment (see figure 4). In
all cases, it is very important that the cable shield
terminations be properly grounded. Failure to do
so in high EMI/ESD environments can result in
damage to the sensor electronics.
Cable anchoring
After mounting the sensor, the cable should be anchored to reduce stress at the
cable terminations and to prevent false signals due to cable vibration and
slapping. When securing the cable, leave enough slack to allow free movement
of the accelerometer. (See figure 5.)
The mounting configuration depends
primarily upon dynamic measurement
requirements such as frequency and
amplitude range. Other factors to be
considered are mounting location,
prohibitions, accessibility, and
temperature. In general, there are four
techniques for mounting vibration sensors:
threaded studs, adhesives, magnets, and
probe tips. Figure 6 shows the effect on
mounting resonance and typical usable
frequency range associated with each of
these mounting techniques.
Stud mounting
Threaded stud mounting allows the widest dynamic measurement range. It is
recommended for permanent monitoring systems, high frequency testing, and
harsh environments. The surface should be faced 1.1 times greater than the
diameter of the mounting surface of the sensor. For measurements involving
frequencies above 1 kHz, the surface should be flat within 1 mil and have surface
texture no greater than 32 microinches.
The tapped hole must be perpendicular to within 1 of the mounting point and at
least two threads deeper than the stud. This will prevent a gap between the
sensor and the mounting surface.
Proper torque on the mounting stud is
also required. Under-torquing the
sensor reduces the stiffness of the
coupling. Over-torquing can cause
permanent thread damage to the
sensor. See figure 7 for surface
preparation and torque value that
applies to your application.
Before stud mounting the accelerometer, a coupling fluid should be applied to the
mating surfaces. The coupling fluid protects the mounting surface and optimizes
the frequency response by increasing the coupling stiffness. Suggested coupling
fluids are machine oil or vacuum grease. It is recommended that a thread
adhesive such as Loctite 222 serviceable thread adhesive be used on the
mounting stud.
Adhesive mounting
If the machine can not be drilled as described in the section above, adhesive
mounting would be the next alternative. The accelerometer could be attached to
the machine with adhesive, although, this method will usually damage the
accelerometer if removal is ever required. An adhesive mounting pad is the best
alternative after stud mounting.
The adhesive mounting pad is a disk, typically stainless steel, which is flat on one
side and has an integral stud on the other side. Other mounting pads are
available that have a threaded hole to except accelerometers with a captive
For optimum performance, the surface of the machine should be faced in the
same manner described in stud mounting. If this is not possible, prepare the
mounting surface of the machine by removing rust, loose paint or dirt. Abrade the
surface to allow maximum adhesion. Clean the prepared area with solvent.
Attach the mounting pad to the machine with an ample amount of adhesive
(follow manufactures direction for use of adhesive). There are a variety of
different adhesives that may be used. After the adhesive has cured, apply a thin
film of coupling fluid to the accelerometer seating area of the mounting pad.
Thread the accelerometer onto the mounting pad and torque to the
recommended value as noted in figure 7.
Typically, when attaching the mounting pad in this configuration, the mounting
pad may not be electrically attached to the machine. This could potentially be a
problem if the application requires the accelerometer case to be connected to
ground. Test the continuity between the mounting pad and the bare machine
surface. If case grounding is required and the mounting pad is electrically isolated
from the machine, you should use a cable assembly that will allow you to make
this connection. Typically, this would be a two conductor shielded cable, with the
shield tied electrically to the housing of the sensors. If the mounting pad is
electrically tied to the machine, it is crucial that case grounding is not provided by
the cable assembly.