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Health and Safety


Sheep dipping
Advice for farmers and others involved in dipping sheep
HSE information sheet
This leaflet will help farmers, farm workers and others
to protect their health when they are involved in
dipping sheep. It tells you how to plan and carry out
the work and decide what precautions are needed. It
also gives advice on how to dispose of used dipwash
and containers safely.

Before you start: Competent operators

Everyone involved in the dipping operation must be
properly trained and competent. It is an offence to
use sheep dip unless either you have a Certificate
of Competence in the Safe Use of Sheep Dips or,
alternatively, you are working under the supervision
and in the presence of a person who holds the
Certificates are issued in England, Wales and
Northern Ireland by City & Guilds (C&G), formerly
the National Proficiency Tests Council (NPTC), and
in Scotland by NPTC or the Scottish Skills Testing
Service. The certificate test covers human, animal and
environmental safety in planning, preparation, use and
disposal of dips.
Training courses are available from training groups
and local colleges. You can get further information on
training from NPTC assessment centres.
As well as the requirements for dipping operations,
any person who buys organophosphate (OP) sheep
dip must have the C&G or NPTC Certificate of
Competence in the Safe Use of Sheep Dips, or satisfy
the distributor selling the dip that they are acting on
behalf of somebody who does have the certificate.

How do I work safely with sheep dips?

You need to prevent or adequately control risks
to health arising from the use of sheep dips and
associated veterinary treatments in your work. You
must assess whether the product you intend to
use might have any harmful effects on you, anyone

Agriculture Information Sheet No 41

working with you, or anyone who may have contact
with your newly dipped sheep. See Further reading
for advice on the Control of Substances Hazardous to
Health (COSHH) Regulations 2002.
If you employ five or more people, you must record
your assessment. Follow this six-step process:
Step 1: Do you need to treat at all?
Sheep dip treatments are veterinary medicines. Only
use treatments when they are strictly needed for
animal health reasons. Seek advice from a vet where
necessary. Never dip sheep for cosmetic purposes.
Ask yourself:
What is the parasite (eg scab mite, blowfly, ticks,

keds or lice)?

Is there a problem in your flock or your area?

Is your flock closed or open?
Are weather conditions likely to help the spread of

the parasite?

Step 2: Look for the hazards

If you have to treat sheep for animal health reasons,
consider using a product or method which is the least
hazardous to human health.
Dip products contain hazardous substances. If
mishandled, they can make you ill, harm the sheep or
pollute the environment. Hazardous substances can
get into the body in three ways:
through the skin;
by swallowing them (eg by contamination of

human food and drink);

by breathing in vapour or aerosol containing them.

When dipping, or handling sheep afterwards,

you are most at risk from absorbing products
through your skin from splashes of dip
concentrate, dilute solution, or from skin
contact with contaminated materials (eg
contaminated clothing, the fleece of a recently
dipped sheep etc).
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Step 3: Decide who might be harmed and how

Step 5: What controls do you need?

As well as those who dip, think about people who may

also be affected (eg family members, those handling
recently dipped sheep, including at markets, during
shearing or scanning etc). If you are a contractor, you
are likely to be at greater risk from regularly using large
quantities of dip.

Properly designed and sited dip facilities

Good facilities should have:
adequate ventilation. Dipping inside buildings

Exclude all persons from dipping and associated

activities who have been advised against working with
OP-containing materials.

Step 4: Choose the treatment

When deciding which product to use you should

decide which is the better option:
to prevent/control the parasites; or
to reduce risks to yourself and other people who

may be affected.

Consider using authorised alternatives to plunge dips,

for example:
a pour-on product to control blowfly in a scab-free

an injectable treatment/product for scab control;
a pour-on product to control ticks.

It is easier to minimise your exposure, and protect the

environment, when alternatives to plunge dipping such
as pour-ons or injectables are used. Whatever product
you use, follow the label instructions carefully to make
sure it is effective.
which of the authorised products are effective

against the problem you are trying to treat;

if the treatment is appropriate for the size of your

flock and the way you manage it;

you have chosen the safest effective product;

you have planned safe disposal before you start.

You are advised to check the status of these products

with the Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD) before
deciding to use them. Visit for
the latest news or telephone VMD on 01932 336911.
If in doubt about which product to use, seek advice
from your veterinary surgeon.
Some agricultural pesticides contain OPs or synthetic
pyrethroids (SP) as active ingredients. These products
are not authorised for use as veterinary medicines and
must never be used for this purpose.

increases the risk of breathing in vapour (as well as

stressing sheep and operators) so it is better to dip
outside. However, a roof can help stop rainwater
making the dip bath overflow;
a race to guide the sheep to the dip bath;
an entry slope to reduce splashing from sheep
dropping vertically into the dip bath;
a dip bath of the minimum size for your flock.
This reduces the cost of installation, the amount
of concentrate needed and the amount of used
dipwash to get rid of;
a dip bath with no leaks or drain holes, eg by being
a one-piece, prefabricated design. Inspect the bath
before dipping and repair any cracks or holes;
draining pens positioned away from the dip
operator which have a sloped, impermeable floor
to ensure drainings run back into the dip bath
and are big enough to allow the sheep to drain
a piped supply of clean water for top-up,
decontamination and rinsing. This supply must be
fed via an arrangement providing an adequate level
of backflow protection, such as a storage cistern
incorporating Type AA or AB air gap, to prevent the
water companys supply becoming contaminated
as a resut of dipwash being back siphoned.
Contact your water supplier for guidance on
preventing contamination of water.

Check all equipment thoroughly before use to make

sure it is working properly and for signs of damage,
corrosion or excessive wear.
Mobile dips need to be carefully sited every time they
are used since they introduce additional risks.
You must co-operate with mobile dipping

contractors on health and safety issues. For

example, clearly establish responsibility in advance
for the safe disposal of used dip.
Do not move any mobile system containing dip
solution unless it is specifically designed to be
Engineering controls
Use simple physical controls to help keep dip off
operators and avoid pollution, for example:
a screen across the dip entry slope to deflect


splash boards or screens up to waist height where

operators are likely to be splashed;

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Impermeable drip pens

draining back to dip bath

Decoy sheep

Dip bath

Check bath level

Exit route for
freshly dipped
sheep avoiding

Work carefully to
avoid splashes

splash screens

Exit ramp

Clean water supply with

hose outside dipper

Sheep held in pens until no

signs of dip solution dripping
from sheep fleece

Figure 1 A typical sheep dip bath


high-sided screens at the exit from the dip so that

All PPE should be clean and a good fit.

Before use, you should check all PPE for any

droplets from shaking sheep do not land on the

draining pen gates which can be opened/closed
by remote control, eg by rope and pulley;
a metal-handled crook. A tee-piece or rubber
ferrule at the end of the crook makes it easier to
handle and avoids damaging the operators gloves.
Personal protective equipment (PPE)
As well as using engineering controls, operators must
wear PPE to protect their health. When handling
concentrated dips, the operators should wear:

damage (tears, worn areas, holes etc).

Concentrated dip can permeate protective gloves

and clothing. Wash it off PPE immediately.

If you get a lot of dipwash on your skin, PPE or

non-lined synthetic rubber gloves (heavy duty

gauntlet-style PVC or nitrile at least 0.5 mm thick

and at least 300 mm long);
wellington boots;
waterproof leggings or trousers made of nitrile or
a waterproof coat or a bib apron made of nitrile or
PVC over a boiler suit or similar;
a face shield.

When working with dilute dipwash:

wear the same type of gloves, boots, leg and body

protective clothing as for concentrated dips;

consider wearing a face shield or waterproof hat
during dipping to protect your face, head and hair
from splashes.

personal clothing, wash your skin immediately and

put on clean clothes and PPE.
Remove and replace damaged PPE such as
cracked gloves, waterproof clothing with tears
or that cannot be fastened properly, and leaking
Avoid touching the surface of PPE that may be
contaminated with dip chemicals with bare skin, eg
when removing gloves etc.
Wear the trousers or leggings over the boots. In
general, wear the sleeves of waterproof suits over
the gloves and overall sleeves inside the gloves.
Woollen pullovers, tee-shirts, tracksuits etc do not
keep dip off the skin. You should always wear the
recommended PPE.
Wear protective clothing when repairing or cleaning
contaminated equipment, particularly if it has been
used with concentrate.
Wear the same PPE to work with sheep still wet
from being dipped.
In the weeks that follow dipping, dip residues
remain on the sheep. If you have to handle them,
wear good quality synthetic rubber disposable
gloves, coveralls and wellington boots. If the sheep
are wet you should also wear waterproof trousers
and coat.
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Figure 3 Always use a closed transfer systems for OP dips

Figure 2 Operators must wear suitable PPE

Consult worker safety representatives and

employees if you have them if there is a change

to the work practice that has implications for health
and safety.

Before storing reusable PPE make sure it is clean.

Provide adequate storage for PPE to protect

it from contamination, loss or damage. Any

accommodation for PPE should be separate from
any provided for ordinary clothing.

Good working practice

PPE must be CE marked, which shows it has been

manufactured to specific design and testing criteria
under EC marketing law. It may not be sold specifically
for dipping and you must check that it is suitable for
that purpose if in doubt, ask the manufacturer or
your supplier.

Carry out stock tasks such as foot trimming before

Respiratory protective equipment (RPE)

RPE may not be needed if sheep are dipped following
the guidelines in this leaflet. You should, however,
consider using RPE if you cannot avoid the following
tasks and there is poor ventilation:

instructions and do not use after the expiry date.

Any product that has exceeded the expiry date
must be disposed of using a licensed waste
disposal contractor.
Where possible, avoid dipping during hot weather,
in humid, still or freezing conditions all are bad
for both sheep and operators. Excessive heat will
make wearing PPE more uncomfortable.
Do not dip sheep that are ill, heavily pregnant,
stressed, full of food or very wet.
Make sure the dipwash is well mixed and
maintained at the proper strength throughout the
dipping operation.
Work at a steady pace to avoid excessive
splashing. Allow enough breaks tired operators
cause more splashing.
Whenever you stop for a break, remove PPE
and wash thoroughly especially before eating,
drinking, smoking or using the toilet.
Take breaks at a distance from the dip bath.
Do not shear sheep for three months after dipping.


Only buy enough dip for immediate use and store it

in a safe place with a means of containing leakage.

Maintain the dip bath to avoid leaks. Check it each

time for cracks and other damage.

Read the product label, follow the manufacturers

pouring concentrate or cleaning up spillage in a

confined space;

dipping inside a building or other enclosed area;

working with freshly dipped sheep in still air


The RPE should be a full or half mask respirator with a

filter capable of removing particulates and gas/vapour
(eg A2P2). The filter should conform to the British
Standard BS EN 14387 (see Further reading).
Step 6: Has anything changed?
Review your assessment if there have been

significant changes, such as using different

products, application methods, or systems of
Consider any lower-risk products or application
equipment that become available and use them
instead if they will do the job and reduce the risk of
injury or ill health.

leave dip concentrate in an unmarked container;
use a hand dipper, ie where workers stand in an

adjacent trench to allow them to push sheep under

the dip solution with their hands;
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use your hands, arms or feet to immerse sheep;
allow untrained people to help with the dipping;
allow anyone not wearing PPE to come near the


use dip through a knapsack or hand sprayer.

Closed transfer systems

OP sheep dips should only be used with closed
transfer systems (CTS). These are devices designed to
reduce the risk of operators being exposed to the dip
concentrate while the dip bath is being filled. Follow
the manufacturers instructions carefully and ensure
that suitable PPE is worn when using the CTS.

Until further evidence is available, HSE is unable to

recommend the use of showers or jetting equipment
to apply products that are authorised for use as
plunge dips. Where users of such equipment decide
to use plunge dips in this way they will still need to
carry out a COSHH assessment and should follow
the guidance in this leaflet.

After dipping
Always allow sheep to drain thoroughly in the draining
pen. When dipping is over, or when stopping for a
meal, smoking or other break:
Cover or fence the dip bath securely if it is left

Closed transfer system for OP dips

Figure 5 CTS dispensing kit

Pump devices for transferring dip concentrate from

container to dip bath
Pump devices are supplied as a reusable
dispensing kit.
Once used for dispensing dip, you should not use
them for any other purpose.
You must use, remove, wash and store the kit as
specified in the instructions.
Rinse out empty containers according to the
instructions supplied with the kit.

Use of showers and jetters

Sheep dip products authorised for use as plunge
dips are not approved for use in sheep showers,
jetters or other similar equipment. No information
has been presented to VMD on the risks to
human health that may be associated with using
dip products in showers and jetters. Also, the
effectiveness of sheep dip products applied by
these methods is not known and so the desired
control of ectoparasites may not be achieved.

unattended, and keep children away. (Children

have drowned in dip baths so ensure suitable
precautions are taken throughout the year, not just
at dipping time.)
Rinse equipment such as the dipping crook.
Decontaminate PPE and remove protective
clothing after rinsing waterproof items thoroughly.
Check and replace any damaged PPE.
Treat discarded items that need disposal as
contaminated waste (see the section on disposal).
Wash your hands and any exposed skin, eg your
face and neck, with soap and clean running water.
Do not work among or handle recently dipped
sheep unless wearing the PPE described in the
Personal protective equipment section.
Wash your hands and any exposed skin after
handling recently dipped sheep.
Return any unused dip concentrate to a suitable
storage facility, eg a properly constructed farm
chemical store which meets the requirements set
out in HSE Agriculture Information Sheet AIS16
Guidance on storing pesticides for farmers and
other professional users (see Further reading).

Employers with five or more employees must assess
any health risks and record the significant findings as a
requirement of the Control of Substances Hazardous
to Health (COSHH) Regulations 2002 (as amended).
For example, the safety data sheet supplied with the
dip product should specify the type and standard of
PPE to be worn when working with sheep dips and
this information should be included in your COSHH

OP sheep dips are harmful to wildlife and the
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To dispose of used dip on land requires prior

authorisation from the Environment Agency (EA) in
England and Wales or the Scottish Environment
Protection Agency (SEPA). Full details of the disposal
requirements will be in the authorisation. Contact EA
or SEPA for further details (see Useful contacts).
Disposal of used dipwash
You must prevent or adequately control exposure
while disposing of used dipwash. Empty the dip bath
as soon as practicable, preferably using a pump. Wear
PPE to avoid skin contamination.
Never empty dipwash into watercourses.
Disposal of concentrated dip
Your supplier may accept unopened containers
returned to them. Unwanted concentrate must be
disposed of by a licensed waste disposal contractor.
Disposal of empty containers
Rinse at least three times and use the washings to
top up the dip bath. Crush or puncture to prevent
reuse but try to keep the label readable. Empty
containers must not be buried on site or on farmland.
They must be disposed of at a licensed waste
disposal site. Contact your local authority for details
of how to do this.
Contaminated clothing and PPE to be discarded
Package all items securely in sealed containers
or plastic bags for disposal at a licensed waste
disposal site.
Use absorbent material such as sand, earth or
sawdust to collect spillages of concentrate or diluted
dip. Place in a sealed container and label for disposal
at a licensed waste disposal site.
For more advice contact EA or SEPA see Useful

Health surveillance
Contractors using OP dips regularly should seek
advice on health surveillance from a medical
practitioner who is familiar with the risks of the
process and understands the principles of health
surveillance, eg an occupational health physician.
This might include sampling for cholinesterase before
the dipping season, and repeat sampling if there are
adverse effects or significant accidental exposures.

Urine analysis for OP metabolites, as a measure

of exposure, may also be useful to monitor the
effectiveness of your control measures.
COSHH requires that a record is kept whenever health
surveillance is undertaken. In some circumstances this
is all that is required. It is also good practice to record
details of when you use dip chemicals, what you use
and who is involved.

In case of accident or illness

If you or any of your employees become ill during
dipping, consider whether this may be due to
exposure to dip chemicals. If necessary, remove
individual(s) from the operation and consider
suspending activities. Any contamination should
be washed from the skin and the affected person
should change into fresh clean clothing. Anyone
who experiences adverse effects within 48 hours of
dipping or any associated activities should be advised
to contact their doctor or local hospital, inform them
of their work with dip chemicals, and provide the
appropriate safety data sheet.
If OP dip gets onto or into your body, any adverse
effects will depend on the formulation, the route of
absorption and the level of exposure.
The effects can include:
headache, exhaustion and mental confusion,

together with blurred vision, sweating, salivation,

chest tightness, muscle twitching and abdominal
cramps. More severe effects can include a loss of
co-ordination, extreme difficulty with breathing and
convulsions which may lead to unconsciousness in
the absence of medical treatment.

Important advice on symptoms and first aid is given in

safety data sheets or on product labels.
If any dip splashes in your eyes, it should be rinsed

out with plenty of clean, cold water for at least ten

If anybody gets heavily contaminated, eg by falling
in the dip, it should be treated as an emergency.
Remove any contaminated clothing, wash any
contamination from the skin and take the person
straight to hospital.

It is important that you tell your doctor if you have
any persistent or long-term effects that may be linked
to sheep dipping. If your doctor thinks that your
symptoms may be related to sheep dip exposure,
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then your case should be reported to the Suspected

Adverse Reaction Surveillance Scheme (SARSS),
operated by VMD, using form MLA 252A (see Useful
Any ill health of animals resulting from exposure to
sheep dip should also be reported under SARSS.
VMD monitors any problems that may arise with
these medicines and, if necessary, reviews the
licensing provisions.
As well as reporting under SARSS, medically
confirmed cases of OP poisoning in people must
be reported to HSE under the Reporting of Injuries,
Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations
1995. Reports should be made by telephone (0845
300 9923), fax (0845 300 9924) or by completing an
online form found at
Environmental pollution must be reported to EA or
SEPA (see Useful contacts).

Useful contacts
Environment Agency (EA) General enquiry line
Tel: 03708 506 506 Pollution hotline Tel: 0800 807060
Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) Head
office Tel: 01786 457700 Pollution hotline
Tel: 0800 80 70 60 Website:
Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD) General
enquiry line Tel: 01932 336911 SARSS
Tel: 01932 338427 Website:
City & Guilds Landbased Services (formerly National
Proficiency Tests Council (NPTC))
Tel: 02476 857300 Website: or
Scottish Skills Testing Service Tel: 0131 333 2040
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
(Defra) Tel: 08459 33 55 77
The Scottish Government
Tel: 08457 741 741 or 0131 556 8400

Further reading
Working with substances hazardous to health. A brief
guide to COSHH Leaflet INDG136(rev5) HSE Books
BS EN 14387:2004 Respiratory protective devices.
Gas filter(s) and combined filter(s). Requirements,
testing, marking British Standards Institution
Guidance on storing pesticides for farmers and other
professional users Agriculture Information Sheet
AIS16(rev1) HSE Books 2012
SARSS brochure
Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous
Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR)
Groundwater protection code: Use and disposal of
sheep dip compounds PB12010 Defra August 2001
Prevention of environmental pollution from agricultural
activity: A code of good practice Scottish Executive
Medical aspects of work-related exposures to
organophosphates Medical Guidance Note MS17
(Third edition) No longer published by HSE, an
electronic version can be accessed via the internet
Open Library

Further information
For information about health and safety, or to report
inconsistencies or inaccuracies in this guidance, visit You can view HSE guidance online
and order priced publications from the website. HSE
priced publications are also available from bookshops.
This guidance is issued by the Health and Safety
Executive. Following the guidance is not compulsory,
unless specifically stated, and you are free to take
other action. But if you do follow the guidance you
will normally be doing enough to comply with the law.
Health and safety inspectors seek to secure compliance
with the law and may refer to this guidance.
This leaflet is available at:
Crown copyright If you wish to reuse this
information visit for
details. First published 07/13.

Published by the Health and Safety Executive



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