A Quick Guide To GD-PI-WAT PDF
A Quick Guide To GD-PI-WAT PDF
A Quick Guide To GD-PI-WAT PDF
Group Discussion (GD)
-schools conduct Group Discussion, commonly known as GD, to test the communication skills of the shortlisted candidates.
Though Group Discussion has been replaced
by WAT in several B-schools including many IIMs,
there are still many management institutes which conduct GD rounds to test the communication skills of the
shortlisted candidates. Hence, along with WAT and PI,
you need to prepare for GD as well.
B-schools conduct GDs to find out whether candidates possess the qualities that are critical to become
an effective manager. The rationale behind this exercise is that when a group of human beings are given
a task to accomplish within an unstructured situation,
they will try to accomplish it by establishing some
order or structure. In this process, they will reveal
some of their personality characteristics, he adds.
Vipasha Bhardwaj from MDI Gurgaon also suggests that candidates should build their own thoughts
on a given topic and bring fresh perspective to
it. Do not take any sides during the GD but present your thoughts and opinions in the discussion.
Also try to give the GD new directions by contributing fresh ideas related to the topic, he says.
During the personal interview with a candidate, the interview panel evaluates spontaneity in the character; confidence level of a candidates and also his stress management capabilities.
impress them by his answers. So, what do interviewers look into while interviewing a candidate?
The PI section of any IIM or B-school is structured in a way which can test the candidates on
different parameters like, Current affairs, Educational background and Personal Interests, or maybe
a general discussion on the GD experience and
your goals, shares Jyotsna Chadha of IIM Rohtak.
Have clarity on your MBA aspirations The inevitable question in the PI round would be Why MBA.
Prepare the answer carefully so that it does not
sound like a mugged up answer. It must be an honest answer to be given with conviction. As Gautam
Puri, Career Launcher Expert, mentions, One needs
to be honest with oneself and one need to think
objectively to the basic questions. There is no right
or wrong answer in an interview; it depends on how
the candidate offers his responses. The interviewers expect honest answers without any bluffing.
Kudva mentions, The selectors try to understand the kind of person the candidate is, what
all are his/her interests, motivation, aspirations etc.
differing views on an issue. You should be able to recognize the pros and cons of any issue, says Kudva.
Strategies to crack PI
Based on Experts analysis and toppers insights,
below are a few strategies to crack the PI
rounds of a B-schools management admissions.
A. Reflect confidence: During Personal Interview,
you should reflect confidence while answering to
different questions. Interviewers often tend to crossquestion you even on your right answers just to
check your confidence on your own answers. Amir
Khan from IIM Rohtak shares a question being
asked in the interview which was to check his positive approach and confidence. There was a question on estimating the number of 100 rupee notes
in all the ATMs of the country. I found this question
a bit tough since I was not aware of the method of
answering such guesstimate questions at that time
but it was fun analysing the same. In the end I understood that it was not the answer that mattered but
the approach I took to arrive to an answer, he said.
well for current affairs. Even if the first few PIs you
appear for do not go as well as planned, do not get
disheartened, and do not let that affect your performance anywhere else, suggests Nitish Bagai of MDI
Gurgaon about how to tackle and crack the PI rounds
of B-school admissions. It is important to be thorough, confident and honest for a positive selection.
WAT or Essay Writing is a comparatively new phenomenon for the MBA admission process. Over a past
couple of years, it has been observed that most of the
he second stage of the admission criteria- Written Ability Test or WAT is not just a 100-150
words write up, rather it is a test that measures
your critical thinking ability and how well you
can communicate your ideas on paper. No need to
panic if you are appearing for WAT soon, here are tips
from toppers on How they cracked WAT at IIMs or Top
Careers360 here brings you Tips and Guidance from the toppers from IIM and B-Schools;
and experts of various coaching institutes.
As WAT measures your analytical and structural skills it also evaluates your thought process
introspecting the reasons behind the given critique and argument in a write up. It is must that
before writing you first understand the topic, collect information, analyze the issue and communicate the same in the best possible structured way.
What to focus on
Arks Srinivas, CEO- Vista Mind, Director- Vanguard
Business School, explains the Evaluation parameters on which WAT is analyses. Hepoints out
the following parameters that WAT is evaluated on:
l Quality of content Facts
l Interpretation or Analysis
l Conclusion/Opinion/Solution
l Quality of Logical arguments
l Support your Conclusion
l Coherence
l Clarity of Language
l Basic Spelling and Grammar
While the mentioned parameters are exhaustive, each B-School decides which of these
parameters they should give more weightage to.