Petronas OSI Soft PI A Case Study
Petronas OSI Soft PI A Case Study
Petronas OSI Soft PI A Case Study
PETRONAS operates dozens of offshore oil and gas platforms, with significant growth on the horizon. Each platform
extracts oil, gas and/or gas condensate. No matter which
type, all of them are complex, isolated, operations that require specific systems to monitor each of the individual assets and processes on board.
Each of the platforms on-site processes has its own unique
local database. As a result, operational data was stored
across many systems. Platform operators were unable
to access real-time data they needed to actively monitor
when the operations were at risk of exceeding safe operating limits or critical operating limits.
Furthermore, PETRONAS was unable to quickly troubleshoot problems when they occurred. Data synthesis and
analysis was performed by PETRONAS on-shore engineering team. In the case of an event or performance issue, engineers had to travel to the platform via helicopter,
stay overnight and download the data onto a USB stick to
carry it back to regional offices for review and analysis. It
could take up to three weeks for engineers to retrieve the
data, analyze it and suggest corrective action. Additional
time was required to implement, report performance and
collect the data to report results to the companys management team in Kuala Lumpur.
To go to offshore is not a straightforward thing, said Musreen Azwan, Instrumentation Engineer at PETRONAS and
project manager for the PI System installation. Its very
time consuming, but we had no other way, because we had
to get the data back to the office.
This had a real financial impact on the company. On one
platform, for example, a pressure monitoring system regularly triggered platform shutdowns when pressure levels
surpassed a certain limit. Because it usually takes two to
three days to get a platform back up and running after an
automated shutdown, each incident resulted in millions
of dollars in operating losses. To more quickly address
such problems, PETRONAS needed reliable access to its
real-time data. It turned to the PI System.
By 2013, PETRONAS had installed PI Servers at 8 of its
52 mother platforms in Malaysia. It plans to install the
PI System at 23 additional platforms in 2014 and 15 platforms in 2015. At each platform, the PI System collects data
from various systems around the facility, creating a common, easily accessible, database for on-site operators to
monitor real-time conditions using visualization and notification tools.
Data from the local PI System is also sent upstream to
PI Servers at regional offices. The connections are highly
secure, with data flowing only one direction from the
platform to the regional offices over its own fiber optic
Installing the PI System on its offshore platforms is already
showing remarkable returns for PETRONAS. Engineers no
longer need to travel to the offshore platforms to access
data its available at the regional office level, in real-time
without any human intervention. That means PETRONAS
has been able to reduce the diagnostic and troubleshooting period from as long as three weeks to just a few minutes. Now, they can immediately access current data from
the platforms. Using PI System analysis tools, they can investigate causes of issues (as they happen) and suggest
local-level changes.
Business Challenge
Data was siloed across multiple
systems on the offshore platforms
and operators lacked real-time
visibility for performance.
To analyze data, engineers had to
fly to the platforms and download
the information to USBs for later
analysis at regional offices.
Slow troubleshooting, analysis
productivity and cost the company
significant money.
Local PI Servers were installed on
PETRONAS offshore platforms.
The local servers give operators
real-time visibility into platform
Real-time data from the platforms
is sent to regional and central
PI Servers (via fiber optic or VSAT
networks) for use by onshore
Customer Results
Accessing data to troubleshoot
problems now takes minutes, not
Platform operators and on-shore
engineers can collaborate to
troubleshoot problems using the
same, real-time data.
Monitoring operations in real-time
with the PI System prevented five
unplanned shutdowns at one
offshore platform in 2013.
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