Envrnmnt Flow PDF
Envrnmnt Flow PDF
Envrnmnt Flow PDF
The Chairman welcomed the members. The minutes of the 64th EAC meeting
were confirmed with the following amendment:
Agenda Item No. 2.11: Revision of capacity from 4000 MW to 3097 MW for Etalin
HEP in Dibang Valley District of Arunachal Pradesh by M/s.
Etalin Hydro Power Company Ltd For reconsideration.
Conditions contained vide sub-para-4 under last para to be replaced and to be
read as under:
The site specific study on minimum environmental flow will be conducted by the
project proponent. The study should include assessment of minimum environmental
flow requirement for three seasons i.e. lean, non-lean & non-monsoon and monsoon
Agenda Item No. 2.1 Papu HEP (90 MW) Project in East Kameng District of
Arunachal Pradesh by M/s Papu Hydropower Projects Ltd
for Consideration TOR.
The project proponent made a detailed presentation. The project is located in
East Kameng District of Arunachal Pradesh. It envisages utilization of flow of Papu
River, a tributary of Kameng River, for generation of electrical power through a run-ofthe-river scheme. The following features of salience emerged from the presentation:
The Project is on Papu River, just upstream of the confluence of River Pasa. The
project is envisaged as a run-of-the-river scheme with adequate capacity to provide 3
hours continuous peaking at full installed capacity. The diversion site and Power House
are proposed to be located at longitude 930211.05 E, latitude 271347.9 N and at
longitude 93027 E , latitude 271833 N respectively. There is only one more H E
project proposed on Papu river known as Papu Valley HE project located in the
upstream, and is in advanced stages of investigation. Tailrace of this project is at 23 km
distance from the tip of Papu HEP reservoir. The distance from Papu HEP diversion site
till confluence of Papu river with Kameng river is about 17.5 km. Power house is
proposed on left bank of Kameng river and water is to be discharged into Kameng
River through tailrace.
Papu river has a catchment area of about 444 sq.km at the proposed barrage
site. The submergence area at pond level is estimated as 6.01 Ha having a live
pondage of 0.3 MCM and gross storage of 0.311 MCM.
The proposed project is in proximity of Pakke Tiger Reserve (PTR) but, all
project components fall outside protected area boundary. The nearest point of protected
area is approximately at a distance of about 500 m for the project. Project proponents
have already submitted proposals for forest diversion and wildlife clearance.
The project envisages construction of a 16.5 m high barrage from foundation
level with FRL at 698 m and MDDL at 690 m elevation. The spillway consists of 5 bays,
with crest at El 685 m. Two underground De-silting chambers of size 170m (L) x 10.5m
(B) x 7m (H) have been proposed, to eliminate particles of size larger than 0.2 mm and
flush out through silt flushing tunnel, discharging back to Papu River. The project
involves head race tunnel, 3.5m (W) x 4.25m (H) modified D-shaped, about 9.28 km
long and terminating in a open to the sky surface Surge Shaft; 12.0m dia with top level
at El 715m & bottom level at 660.25m. One 2.9 m dia pressure shaft bifurcating into
three penstocks of 1.67 m diameter, takes water to a surface power house located on
the left bank of river Kameng having three units of 30 MW each Francis type of turbines
designed for a gross head of 320 m. A tail race channel with normal TWL at 378 m
elevation discharges tail water into Kameng River.
The total land requirement for various project activities is about 77 ha, of which
35.5 ha is forest land. Submergence will be spread for approximately 6.01 ha. The
project would yield design energy of 379.6 MU in 90% dependable year flows and 482.3
MU in 50% dependable year flows.
Since there is no discharge data available at the project site, the water availability
series has been worked out using the long term available observed flows at Bichom
dam site (CA = 2277 sq.km) for the period from 1969 to 1982, which has also been
approved by Central Water Commission (CWC). It was proposed to transpose the flow
series at Bichom to the Papu project site on a catchment area proportion basis after
considering the variability due to rainfall. The available data indicates that the average
rainfall at Bichom catchment is of the order of 1370.6 mm. The rainfall of Bichom basin
shows clear inconsistency with the runoff. For site specific observation, G&D site along
with rainfall observation station is being installed. The average rainfall in the Papu
catchment has been estimated as 2207.6 mm. Based on the above observations, a
variation of around 62% of rainfall between the two catchments is noticed. Again this
conclusion is based on the scanty data available, therefore, to account for the rainfall
variability between the Papu catchment (situated in East Kameng) and Bichom
catchment (situated in West Kameng), the flow series of Papu catchment has been
increased by only 5% in addition to catchment area proportion (The same criterion was
adopted for the DPR preparation of upstream Papu valley HEP (48MW).
In the PFR, it has been mentioned that adequate releases of water at
downstream to ensure adequate environmental flow will be maintained in the river in
lean season, monsoon season and other months and this has been appreciated by the
EAC. However, a site specific requirement and other environmental concerns should be
covered in detailed downstream Study which will be initiated on award of scoping
The Committee expressed satisfaction over provision of ecological flows which
are proposed as 20% of average of four leanest months of 90% dependable year (197879) during lean season, 30% of average of four wettest months of 90% dependable year
during monsoon season and 25% of average of four other months of 90% dependable
year during rest of months. It was also emphasized that Pasa Rivers contribution of
about 27% is also available in Papu River at about 500 m downstream thus taking the
available flows to the tune of more than 40% of existing discharges. Committee asked
to include a table clearly highlighting 10 daily flows in Papu River in 90% dependable
year, corresponding contribution from Pasa river, environmental releases including spills
and percentage releases with respect to combined flows of Papu and Pasa rivers.
After detailed deliberations, the EAC made following observations:
As per Terms of conditions of MOA with Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh the project
is to be implemented in a time bound manner by 23.4.2014 for commencement.
The EIA needs 3 seasons data covering a calendar year and thereafter
conducting Public Hearing and submission of project to MOEF for Environmental
Clearance and commencement of project by 23.4.2014 is not possible. Therefore
the project proponent at the beginning should take up the issue with State
Government for extension of time.
There is difference in the information given in PFR and Form 1 in respect of total
land requirement. In the EIA chapter of PFR total land requirement is projected
The PFR also discusses about formulation of green belt (p-14-26). But the land
requirement for different project component in Table 14-12 does not earmark any
land for Green belt! needs to be clarified.
Form-1 point no. 2.1 should clearly indicate the land-use of 41.5 ha of
community/private land. A map indicating the location of the project components
and the boundary of Pakke Tiger Reserve (PTR) and other Sanctuaries and
National Parks need to be provided. The project would require a clearance from
NBWL owing to its proximity with PTR.
For Muck disposal 10 ha land has been included in the total land requirement. It
should be identified on a scaled map with details of muck holding capacity of this
area while preparing EIA/EMP report
Owing to its proximity with PTR, special efforts should be made during EIA
studies to evaluate the use of the area by important and migratory faunal
species. Also since the area is rich in nocturnal fauna, special methods such as
camera traps should be resorted to, to document their presence besides the
regular sampling.
The project is located in one of worlds richest biodiversity areas and it should be
ensured that the personnel involved in documentation of flora and fauna should
be well versed with the biodiversity of the region.
The faunal lists given in the PFR are very preliminary and also have some glaring
mistakes (eg. inclusion of Black billed Magpie Pica hudsonia a bird known only
from North America and Yellow crowned woodpecker which is known only from
Indian mainland and not from North-east) which should be corrected.
Bamboo, cane, rattans & Musa species should be included in the list as part of
biological environment description under environmental baseline. Volume of
species getting submerged or affected need to be worked out and quantity along-
with their valuation is required to be carried out so that a proper cost benefit
analysis can be undertaken and payment for eco-services can be worked out.
The fish diversity recorded from the project area has serious mistakes, wherein
the coldwater fish (Schizothorax richardsonii) is mentioned along with warm
water fish (Cirrhinus mrigala). This is not reported from anywhere till date. The
video/photographs shown during the presentation indicate that the riverine
habitat is suitable for Schizothorax richardsonii and not for Cirrhinus mrigala.
Hence need be looked with great care during the study.
The fish Labeo pangusia has been repeatedly mentioned in the list of fishes need
be corrected.
The habitat seems suitable for mahseer species, therefore need to be sampled
and studied thoroughly. If mahseer is available in the system, suitable fish ladder
must be constructed to provide migratory path to the fish.
Provision of fish ladder for possible presence of fish species like Tor putitora may
be made in DPR. Fish diversity of Kameng River especially near tailrace
discharge point need to be studied as part of EIA.
Waterway for the barrage should be provided for SPF of 3166 cumec i.e. SPF in
place of 1 in 100 year flood.
The committee further remarked that the project may be awarded scoping
clearance, approved the TOR subject to submission of the information/clarification to
the MoEF in respect of points at sl (i) to sl (iv) above.
Agenda Item No. 2.2: Revision of Capacity of Sawalkote HEP from 1200 MW to
1856 MW in Ramban District of Jammu & Kashmir by M/S.
J&K Power Development Corporation.
The Executive Director, J&K State Power Development Corporation (JKSPDC)
made detailed presentation on the project and following emerged:
A total of 629 families comprising of 4400 individuals will be affected due to this
project. No national park/sanctuary/biosphere reserve/historical monument exists within
10 km radius of the project area. Total cost of the project is reported to be Rs. 10,542
Crores. As indicated, the Ministry has granted TOR for this project on 13-10-2011.
Now, the project proponent has submitted the proposal for revised capacity of
1856 MW and has mentioned that no change in the parameters like dam height and
FRL etc of the Sawalkote project. The important parameters of original vis--vis revised
project giving comparative statement are present in the following table:
Original capacity
Revised capacity
1200 MW
1856 MW
197 m
193 m
Dam height
1099 ha
1099 ha
Forest land
600 ha
600 ha
Total submergence
900 ha
900 ha
6 x 200 MW
6 x 225 MW + 56 MW &
Phase-II 450 MW (2 x 225 MW)
The power potential aspects of the project were examined by Central Electricity
Authority (CEA) who suggested vide their letter no 2/J&K/19/03-(CEA/PAC/4104-05
dated 3rd June 2011 that Installed Capacity of 1200 MW proposed for Sawalkote HE
project by M/s JKSPDC is on the lower side. Incremental Energy per unit installed
capacity, annual load factor and potential utilization factor for this capacity have been
worked out as 2800 Kwh/kw, 51.49% and 59,33 % respectively. With the above, a good
chunk of power potential therefore, remained unexploited.
The issue was discussed in detail by JKSPDC. In order to taking a final decision
in the matter and to ensure optimum hydrological utilization, a meeting was held under
the Chairmanship of Member, Hydro CEA on 16-04-2012 where in CEA approved an
aggregate capacity of 1856 MW to be developed in two stages. The first stage would be
for an aggregate capacity of 1406 MW (1350 in the main plant and 56 MW in the
Auxiliary plant). The second stage of the project is envisaged for an installed capacity of
450 MW. It is worthwhile to mention here that the enhanced capacity shall not entail
change in the vital parameters like dam height and FRL of the Sawalkote project. As the
study area remains unaltered, baseline data collected during the year 2012 will hold
good for revised capacity as well. To ensure adequate environmental flow requirements,
adequate releases during lean, monsoon and other months, as per the original Scoping
Clearance condition will hold good for the revised installed capacity.
Detailed deliberations led to the following observations:
(II) Activity
(i) 1.1 - Land Use/Land Cover - details of total land required (Agriculture/Horticulture
325 ha; Private Land 14 ha) and its land use/land cover are to be
provided in hectares rather than in Sq km. The other project activities are to
be specified.
(ii) 1.2 land use/cover of State land = 325 ha to be specified; These have to be
addressed during EIA/EMP adequately and appropriately.
(III) Environmental Sensitivity
(i) Nos. 2 and 3 should be YES since 600 ha of forests will be affected and forests
are ecologically sensitive and protected.
A good location map and FCC showing the land use/land cover of the project area to
be provided.
(i) There should have been a Chapter on Environment & Ecology giving details of
forests, flora and fauna available from secondary information
Proposed TOR:
(i) Details of Methodology to Include- Source (s) of secondary information. This should
be cited wherever required and citations included in a Reference List;
(ii) Biological Environment should Include
(a) Valuation of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services provided by 600 ha of
forests should be studied.
(b) Number and species of trees in the submergence area and their basal
area to be provided
(c) GPS reading of occurrence of RET species should be recorded for
conservation and rehabilitation purpose.
(d) Compensatory afforestation and loss of biodiversity
After detailed deliberations and further scrutiny, the committee recommended the
project for awarding scoping clearance and approved the TOR subject to the above
additional ToRs/conditions to be accounted for during EIA/EMP.
Agenda Item No. 2.3: New Ganderbal HEP (93 MW) in Ganderbal District of
Jammu & Kashmir by M/s. J&K Power Development
Corporation For Reconsideration for Environmental
This project was first considered in 63rd meeting of EAC held on 26-27th
December, 2012. The EAC recommended the Environmental Clearance for the project
subject to submission of additional information considering various suggestions made
by EAC. The project proponent has accordingly submitted the information which was
placed before the committee. The Govt of J&K also clarified these issues.
The NGHEP project is a run-of-the river scheme conceived on river Sindh, a
tributary of Jhelum, in District Ganderbal, Jammu & Kashmir, with its head works
upstream of the existing weir of old Ganderbal HEP (15MW) which caters for drinking
water supply of Srinagar town and irrigation demand of 1578 ha command area through
sindh power canal. New Ganderbal HEP (93MW) is thus, conceived as replacement of
existing 15MW Ganderbal HEP, commissioned in 1951 Stage1st (9MW) and 1956
Stage-2nd (6MW), as the erstwhile project is giving recurring trouble due to damages /
slides in highly dilapidated water conductor system, de-rated machinery, which remain
under regular outage due to O& M problems. About 750m u/s of the proposed project,
the tail race of the existing USHEP-II (105MW) discharges into river Sindh. The Full
pond level has been fixed at EL 1746m so that the normal tail water of EL 1746.8m of
USHEP-II is not interfered. The scheme has been conceived with its head works 140m
up stream of the existing weir so that power generation and water requirement of
irrigation of drinking water supply are not adversely affected during the construction
phase. The head works shall comprise of 72.03 m long barrage with 7 bays, under
sluice portion with crest level at EL1736.5 masl and spill way bays with crest level at EL
1739.5 masl for passing high flood discharge of 2600 cumec. The Full pond level and
dead storage level have been fixed at EL 1746 and 1742 masl respectively. The
barrage shall have a very small pondage of 0.29 MCM.
The total land requirement is 63.70 ha of which forest, private and revenue land
is 27.2 ha, 24 ha and 12.5 ha, respectively. Sanction for diversion of 27.20 ha Forest
land accorded by Govt. Vide G.O. No. 175-FST of 2012 Dated: 2/04/2012. State land
stand fully transferred and 11 ha of Private Land already acquired.
The committee appreciated the bio-diversity and Wildlife management plan in its
63 meeting. The project proponent has further improved the same with incorporation of
various suggestions of the committee in the report which includes :
Indicating sampling sites and its location on area map in the report with
elaborated sampling location specific vegetation data.
Elaborated explanation of the data under phyto-sociology.
Bifurcation of faunal species (avifauna) into residential and migratory bird species
including terrestrial and aquatic species.
Increase in provision for establishing a hatchery from Rs.65 lakhs to Rs.85 lakhs
as suggested by the committee.
The project proponent has submitted copy of its NABET accreditation details of
the consultant. An explanation has been given by the consultant for inclusion of aquatic
expert from Kashmir University to enhance local ecological knowledge who has worked
with EQMS approved FAEs.The suggestion given regarding maintaining 25% of flow in
the river has been accepted by the project proponent.
After detailed deliberations, the EAC recommended environmental clearance for
the project.
Agenda Item No. 2.4: Lower Kopili HEP (120 MW) project in Karbi Anglong &
North Cachar Hill Districts of Assam by M/s. Assam Power
Generation Corporation Ltd for Reconsideration of TOR
The project proponent made a detailed presentation. This project was earlier
considered by the EAC in its meeting held on 26-27th December, 2012.
The Lower Kopili HEP is a downstream HEP of existing Kopili HEP. The project
envisages utilization of the regulated discharge from Kopili HEP, spills of Khandong and
Umrong Dam and the discharge from the intermediate catchment by creation of a
reservoir and utilizing a gross head of about 114 m. The live storage in the reservoir will
last for a few days only if the power generation is continued at full installed capacity in
the power house.
While presenting the project proposal on 26-27th December, 2012, the project
proponent explained that as per the PFR, it was envisaged to generate (3 x 50 MW) 150
MW of hydropower. The rated discharge was envisaged as 172 cumec. It was
confirmed by the project proponents that the scheme has been revised. The revised
proposal envisages construction of a 70.13 m high concrete gravity dam, about 20 km
downstream of Kopili HEP Stage-I Power House. The Intake Structure comprises of
trash racks located 35 m upstream of Lower Kopili Dam to carry a discharge of 118
cumec. A 7.25 m dia, 3.622 m long Head Race Tunnel is proposed. Surge Shaft of 25.0
m diameter, 52.69 m high with restricted orifice of 1.95 x 5.20 m rectangular shape
provided as a riser shaft of 30.21 m height is also proposed. Pressure Tunnel of 5.20 m
diameter, 648 m long up-to bifurcation at 75 m upstream of D-line in the power house is
also envisaged. 2 penstocks of 3.70 m diameter fully steel lined with lengths varying
from 75 to 80 meters from bifurcation point to the power house will be provided. A
surface power house with installed capacity of 110 MW, for utilizing the inflow from a
catchment area of 2076.62 sq. km with a gross head of 122.63 m is proposed. An
Auxiliary Power House of installed capacity of 10 MW is also proposed at the dam toe
for generation of Power. The rated discharge in this layout is 118 cumec.
The revised scheme envisages running at full potential in monsoon season and
operating as a peaking station in non-monsoon season. The installed capacity of Project
has been kept now as 110 MW comprising of 2 units of 55 MW each. As mentioned, an
auxiliary Power House having a capacity of 10 MW (2x2.5 MW+1x5 MW) has also been
planned at the toe of the dam for utilizing the mandatory releases for ecological
The design energy in a 90% dependable year with Installed capacity of 110 MW
is 437.68 MU at 45.42% load factor and 95% plant availability. However, the plant can
operate at 15% over loading in monsoon season and thereby the annual generation can
increase up-to 444.20 MU with 100% plant availability. Power generation studies have
been similarly carried out for 50% dependable year and the annual generation with
100% plant availability and 15% overloading is 414.23 MU (PLF 42.99%) In addition,
there will be generation of energy when the live storage of 77.29 MCM in the reservoir is
utilized completely, which is possible once in a year. If this is done just before the
monsoons, the reservoir water level will be replenished during the subsequent monsoon
period. With the design discharge of 117.98 m 3/s, additional generation at full capacity
of 100 MW is possible for 7.58 days. This will enable the plant to generate an additional
energy of around 20 MU every year.
It was confirmed by the project proponents that, after accounting for
Environmental Flows, installed capacity has been reduced from 150 MW to 110 MW.
The project proponent confirmed that Environmental Flow release shall be 20% of the
average of the four lean months of 90% dependable year. In non-monsoon non lean
season the release should be 20 to 25% of the average flows during the period in 90%
dependable year. The environmental releases / spill during the monsoon season shall
be 30% of average Monsoon flow for 90% dependable year
It is proposed to construct the project within a period of 4 years including
infrastructure development which is proposed to be completed within 9 months.
Therefore the main works of the project will have to be completed within 3 years 3
months time.
The EAC noted that the free riverine stretch between FRL of Lower Kopili HEP
and TWL of upstream Kopili HEP is about 6 km. There is no project downstream of the
proposed Lower Kopili HEP.
After thorough scrutiny and examination of the environmental related issues, the
committee sought additional information/clarifications as under:
In comparison to other HEPs being examined recently, the cost per unit of
installed capacity of this project is almost double!
The concept of the auxiliary power house of a small capacity may please be
explained as to whether it is a dam toe power house of 10 MW installed capacity
and how much flow it will entail release unhindered.
Existence or otherwise of any other HEP on Kopili River D/S to the present dam
site may please be explained, particularly in view of the unclear statement at Item
2.2 of Form 1. Page 22 of the Executive Summary that mentions of an U/S Kopili
HEP. A clear L section sketch indicating elevations of FRL to be given, TWL of
both U/S Kopili HEP and the D/S Lower Kopili HEP and the clear river flow
distance between the two projects also to be provided. Also it may be indicated
if any other HEP is planned D/S to the Lower Kopili HEP.
(I) Basic Information:23 to be informed whether any permission has been taken for
523.37 ha of land from the Forest Department/community
(II) Activity
(iv) 1.1 - Land Use/Land Cover - Give details of land use/land cover of total land
requirement of 1575.80 ha with separate extent of each land use; provide
FCC of the Project area in support of land use pattern.
(v) 1.2 Specify the land use/cover of Forest land, agriculture land and barren land,
State land = 325 ha;
(vi) 1.3 The reservoir will be a new land use.
Annexure-II. Land use/land cover of Government, forest private land
required/affected to be given.
(i) Details of Methodology:
(a) Source (s) of secondary information should be cited wherever required and
citations included in a Reference List; Valuation of Biodiversity and Ecosystem
Services provided by 523.37 ha of forests should be studied.
(ii) Physico-Chemical Environment: to include a Soil Map
(iii)Biological Environment: Include (a) Number and species of trees in the submergence area and their basal area
will have to be done.
(e) GPS reading of occurrence of RET species will have to be recorded for
conservation and rehabilitation purpose.
(f) Under faunal elements herpeto-fauna Amphibians should also be studied.
(i) 8.7 terrestrial flora: A good description has been provided on forest types.
(a) Rare and Threatened species: It is to be explained as to what type of
survey and when was it conducted with what methodology. The
information that there is no rare/ endangered plant species needs
verification. There are over 350 plants belonging to RET category in
Assam, including 24 under rare category. Proponent may consult Red
Data Book Plants of India (Nayar & Sastry 1987-88)
(ii) Documentation of lower groups of plants are to be provided
(iii) Table 8.1: Plants should be arranged family-wise not alphabetically!
(iv) Installed capacity (revised) of the project is 120 MW, not 150 MW.
The EAC recommended that the project will be reconsidered after receiving the
modified proposal incorporating the above information/clarifications.
Agenda Item No. 2.5: Discussion of Basin Study for Lohit River Basin in
Arunachal Pradesh by M/s. WAPCOS.
The study was initiated at the instance of MoEF while according environment
clearance to Demwe Lower and Demwe Upper Hydroelectric Power Projects of M/s
Athena Demwe Power Limited. The cost of the study has been shared on pro-rata basis
by various project developers proposing hydro power projects on Lohit River in
Arunachal Pradesh. The TOR for the study was communicated by the Ministry on 26 th
March, 2009, after discussing the same in four EAC meetings held on 16 th 17th July,
2008, 15th 16th December, 2008, 22nd January, 2009 and 16th 17th February, 2009.
Interim report of the study was discussed by EAC in its meeting held on 23 rd March,
2010. The final report of the study submitted by WAPCOS after incorporating the
suggestions of EAC was discussed on 12.11.2011.
The WAPCOS presented that originally when the study was awarded six (6)
hydroelectric projects were coming up in the Lohit river basin. The location of these
HEPs along the river course is shown on the map. However, as the Demwe Upper 1800
MW HEP of Athena Group involved large submergence, it has now been divided into
two separate projects. The capacity of Demwe Upper has been reduced to 1050 MW
and a new Barrage toe HEP with 280 MW capacity is proposed in between Hutong-II
HEP and Demwe Upper HEP. The new project of 280 MW is called Anjaw 280 MW
HEP and is proposed by the Athena Group. MoEF has issued amended TOR for
Demwe Upper 1050 MW HE Project on 22-12-2010 and TOR for Anjaw 280 MW HEP
on 8th November, 2011. Before this change, the capacity to be generated on this river
was 7918 MW and now the same is reduced to 7448 MW and the numbers of projects
have now become seven from six. Besides these two projects, the Ministry has issued
TOR clearance for Kalai-I, Kalai-II and Hutong-II. The Hutong-I has not yet been
awarded by the State Government. So far environmental clearance has been granted to
only one project i.e. Demwe Lower 1630 MW HEP. The projects now coming up on the
Lohit River is listed below as per their location, starting from the upper most project
namely Kalai-I HEP.
Project Name
Upper Demwe
Lower Demwe
Project Proponent
(MW) before
the revision
(MW) after
the revision
As per the TOR for this Cumulative Impact Assessment Study, the study area
covered is the entire Lohit river basin in India up to its emergence in plains i.e up to
Brahmakund. The catchment of Lohit Basin is 4000 Sq. km.
During the EAC meeting held on 12.11.2011, various comments were raised.
WAPCOS had submitted the replies to those comments, which were discussed during
the EAC meeting held on 22.3.2013. The details are given as below:
Comment No-1 It was suggested that WAPCOS should assess the feasibility of
gradually increasing the discharges from off peak to Peaking
hours by rescheduling of generation.
The feasibility of Gradual Ramping up of the units was studied for Demwe Lower
HEP. Gradual Ramping up from 72 MW (unit to be operated to utilize Environmental
Flows) to the installed capacity of 1750 MW has been studied duly considering the
CEA/CWC approved 10- daily discharge series at Demwe Lower HEP.
The following scenarios were considered
1. When the average river discharge is at the lowest 10-daily approved series of 17
yrs. The lean season minimum discharge for all the 17 years taken together is
263 cumec.
2. Minimum discharge of 90% dependable year (2003-2004) has been considered.
For this year, the minimum 10-daily discharge is 325.15 cumec and the same
has been considered for considering the effect of ramping up and ramping down.
3. In this case the 4 month consecutive lean month average discharge of 90%
dependable yrs (2003-2004); i.e. of November to February has been considered.
This works out to 377.87 cumecs
For each of the above scenario, two cases namely when no ramping up is
considered and When a 15 min ramping up is allowed were considered.
Based on all the three scenarios, it is seen that during the lean season, there will
be a clear peaking loss of 30 minutes each day, irrespective of the discharges in the
River during these lean months. If 15 minutes ramping up and down from/to
environmental flow to/from the installed capacity is resorted to, this effectively translates
into a loss of about 60 hrs of 1750 MW peaking during the four months of lean period of
a typical year. Thus, for having a ramping up/down of just 15 minutes, there will be a
9% peaking loss during four lean season months from Demwe Lower HE Project which
has got a large Installed capacity of 1750 MW. Further, if the flow goes down to lower
values below 270 cumecs i.e. worst possible 10- daily in all 17 year, then even 3 hours
of mandatory lean season diurnal peaking cannot be obtained from this project.
EAC was of the opinion that 15 minutes ramping is too low. The EAC, therefore,
suggested that WAPCOS should assess the feasibility of ramping in slots of 1 hour, i.e.
increasing the discharge from off-peak to peak flows low over a duration of 1 to 2 hours.
Comment No.-2 Depth and width of flows for various discharge scenarios
including environmental flows downstream of Demwe Lower
Hydroelectric Project also needs to be estimated
It was informed by the consultant that the cross-section of river Lohit at different
locations downstream of Demwe Lower Hydroelectric Project, was collected. Stage
discharge relationship was not available at this site. Therefore, a synthetic form of
normal depth discharge relationship was generated. As a part of the Study,
Environmental Flows have been estimated for 90% dependable year (2003-04). The
Environmental Flows were taken as 30% in and are listed as below:
Discharge in 90%
Dependable year (cumec)
Depth of flows for Environmental Flows for 90% dependable year (2003-04) at a
distance of 2000 m downstream of dam site
The EAC observed that in case of peaking operation there is sudden increase in
the depth by 1.3 to 1.5 m, especially in lean season. This could lead to casualties if
people are taking bath in or near to Parsuram Kund Area. It was, therefore, suggested
that proper precautionary measures in this regard be suggested.
Comment No.-3 Assessment of impact on free flow of river as well as the
tributaries also needs to be studied. Any projects coming up on
these tributaries may also be studied. Projects with capacity
more than 50 MW only may be covered and the Ministry shall
facilitate providing the data to WAPCOS for such projects, if
The consultants informed that data of projects proposed on tributaries was not
available. Even for most of the projects, even PFR is not available. Hence, this
comment could not be responded.
Comment No.-4 Since the area coming under submergence in various projects
has a very high tree density. The same could be minimized by
reducing the dam heights of various projects. WAPCOS may
review reduction in dam height vis--vis reduction in
submergence area and power potential for some projects.
The analysis has been done for the following three hydroelectric projects:
S. No.
FRL (m)
Average Dam
height above
General River
Bed level, m
Area at FRL (ha)
Area (ha)
S. No.
FRL (m)
Average Dam
height above
General River
Bed level, m
Area at FRL
Area (ha)
Area at FRL
Area (ha)
S. No.
FRL (m)
Average Dam
height above
General River
Bed level, m
Comment No.-5 During the meeting EAC members pointed out that WAPCOS
had conducted the downstream studies for Lower Siang HEP.
The lowest elevations of the Dibru-Saikowa Park at these 3 sections are given in
the following table:
Name of Section
Dibru - Saikowa
cross section
no - I
Dibru - Saikowa
cross section
no - II
Dibru - Saikowa
cross section
no - III
Before 1998, the flow scenario of Lohit, Dibang and Siang was different as
compared to present day. Before year 1998, Lohit River used to meet with Dibang River
and then the combined flow of Lohit and Dibang River used to meet with Siang River
before Dibru Saikhowa National Park. But, from the year 1998 to 2003, the transition of
flow path has occurred in Lohit River and as consequence to this, the flow path of Lohit
has changed. From the year 2003, Dibang river directly meets with Siang River on the
northern boundary and before Dibru Saikhowa National Park while Lohit River flows
along the Southern boundary of Dibru Saikhowa National Park and then after passing
along the southern boundary of Dibru Saikhowa National Park, flow of Lohit River meets
with the combined flow of Siang and Dibang River i.e. Brahmaputra River. The two
cases i.e. Flow scenario before 1998 and after 2003 have been considered in the
present study.
Five scenarios have been considered in the study for each of the 3 Dibru-Saikowa
cross sections for above referred two cases. These scenarios are:
1. When only Demwe Lower HEP is constructed and is doing peaking for 3 hours in
a day while Dibang and Siang are flowing in their natural regimes.
2. When only Lower Siang HEP is constructed and is doing peaking for 3 hours in a
day while Lohit and Dibang are flowing in their natural regimes.
3. When only Dibang Multipurpose HEP is constructed and is doing peaking for 3
hours in a day while Lohit and Siang are flowing in their natural regimes.
4. All three projects are constructed and are peaking for 3 hours.
5. No Project scenario
The study arrived at the following conclusions:
The EAC desired to know the impacts of increase in water level rise of 0.45 m at
Dibru-Saikhowa National Park. It was confirmed by WAPCOS that Study Area for Lohit
Basin Study was upto Parsuram Kund only. The assessment of impacts DibruSaikhowa National Park is beyond TOR of the study and hence, baseline data too was
not collected. Therefore, this impact could not be assessed under the present scope.
Comment No.-6 Consolidated recommendations of all the studies may be
combined by WAPCOS and presented before the Committee.
Various recommendations have been given as below:
Four main seasons are identified along the year:
Season-I -
Season II-
Season III- This season is considered as low or lean or dry flow season. It covers the
months from November to March. The proposed minimum flow is taken
as 20% of average flow during this period.
Season IV-
I (May to Sep.)
II (Oct.) (25%)
III (Nov.-March)
IV (April) (25%)
Schizothorax richardsonii
Acrossocheilus hexagonolepsis
Tor putitora
Tor tor
During peaking operations there is sudden increase in the depth by 1.3 to 1.5 m,
especially in lean season in Parsuram Kund Area. Proper precautionary
measures in this regard be suggested by WAPCOS to avoid casualties to people
to take bath in or near to Parsuram Kund Area.
If the water level keeps fluctuating from 116.22m to 118.56m on a daily basis, it
may have adverse effect on all such habitats and associated flora and fauna. It
may also lead to increased erosion of the banks with daily surge of increased
water-level. It would therefore, be important to assess the extent of such habitats
in DSNP and the associated flora and fauna. The approximate area of it can be
assessed in the GIS platform while an ecological study can help in assessing the
flora and fauna particularly the RET species affected.
Depths of flows are given but corresponding channel widths are not given nvalue of 0.04 is taken from Chow. It is to be clarified/explained as to whether it
could be found from prototype data or from model study from CWPRS.
Agenda Item No. 2.6: Jelam Tamak HEP (108 MW) Project in Chamoli District of
Uttarakhand by M/s. THDC India Ltd for Environmental
The project proponent made a detailed presentation on the project and the
following emerged:
This is a run-off-the-river scheme. The project is proposed on Dhauliganga river
(a tributary of Alaknanda river) for generation of 108 MW of hydropower. The barrage
site is near Jelam village (latitude 3003735.4 N; longitude (7904939.5) and
powerhouse is located near Tamak village (latitude 30 03645 N; longitude (7904715).
The total length of HRT is 4.4 km. Total catchment area at barrage site is 1666 sq. km.
Out of which snow bound area is 879 Sq. km & rain-fed area is 787 Sq. km. The total
land requirement is 96.27 ha. Out of which 9.8 ha is van panchayat land and 7.98 ha is
private naap land. An underground powerhouse is proposed near Tamak village with 3
units of 36 MW each. The distance between TWL of upstream Malari Jelam HEP and
tail end of reservoir of Jelam Tamak HEP is 1.0 km while distance between TWL of
Jelam Tamak HEP and tail end of reservoir of Tamak Lala HEP is nearly 200 m. A total
of 14 villages are likely to be affected by the project. A total of 94 families are directly
affected out of which 31 families are displaced. The total cost of the project is about
1290.25. crores and will be completed in 52 months.
The project proponent presented detailed discharge data for Jelam Tamak HEP
and was extrapolated from downstream site for 35 years. The average discharge at
barrage site ranges from 12.01 cumecs in February to 111.19 cumecs in July. The 10daily water discharge in 90% dependable year (1971-72) ranges from 12.9 cumecs in
February to 64.7 cuemcs in June. Likewise 10-daily water discharge in 50% dependable
year (1996-97) ranges from 6.7 cumecs to 135.8 cumecs. Four (4) tributaries namely
Dunagiri (LB) unnamed (Lb), Jumma Gad (RB) and Bhosing Gad join Dhauliganga
between barrage site and powerhouse site. Dunagiri is largest tributary, join at 0.52 Km
downstream. The water discharge in Dunagiri ranges from 1.17 to 10.67 cumecs.
The geology of the catchment area is characterized by Central Crystalline group
related to Ragsi, Josjimqath, Pandukeswar and Badrinath formations. The rocks
exposed around the project area are regionally metamorphosed high grade
metasediments with Paleoproterozoic intrusive granite gneiss and younger granites.
The entire project area lays in Seismic zone-V. Soil association Lithic Cryorthens
Lithic Cryorthens is predominat in the catchment. The soil is shallow, loamy on steep
slopes and prone to very severe erosion. In the influence area Typic Cryorthens Lithic
Cryorthens soil association is predominant. The soil is prone to severe erosion.
The land use and land cover in the catchment snow bound area is 37.97%.
Dense forest and open forest constitute 20.39% of the total catchment. In influence area
snow bound area is 14.25% while open forest is most predominant land use category
comprising 31.24% of the total area. Dense forest in influence area is 22.61%.
The forest present in the catchment area comprises moist deodar forest, mixed
coniferous forest and sub alpine birch fir forest. There are nearly 196 species (147
genera, 59 families) of angiosperms and 7 species (7 genera, 4 families) of
gymnosperms in the free draining catchment area. A total of 113 species of plants
(angiosperm and gymnosperm) including trees, shrubs, climber, herbs, etc were
recorded during ecological survey. No rare and endangered species were recorded
from the project area. However, some threatened and medicinally important species like
Allium stracheyi, Saussurea costus and Taxus baccata were spotted in the influence
area. Fauna in the catchment and influence area is represented by 30 mammalian, 64
birds, 5 herpetofauna and 17 butterfly species. The catchment area is inhabited by
many high altitude threatened species like musk deer, Himalayan Tahr, Bharal, black
bear, snow leopard, Himalayan monal, chir pine etc. In and around the project area
Goral, Rhesus macaque, Asian jackal and Kaleej pheasant are common species.
The Jelam Tamak project lies in the buffer zone of Nanda Devi Biosphere
reserve. The aerial distance between Project area and core zone (Nanda Devi National
Park and Valley of Flower National Park is more than 15 km.
The analysis of physical, chemical and biological characteristics of Dhauliganga
river revealed that water quality is good and there is no point source of organic pollution.
The water quality stands for the desirable limit as per ISO:10500 except turbidity in
monsoon season. River water harbours about 101 species of algae and more than 20
genera of macro-invertebrates. River stretch of Dhauliganga is identified as no fish
The environmental flow assessment has been carried out to target the biotic
communities in the river and other socio-economic aspects in the downstream. The
area is considered as no fish zone, therefore, the target groups in the downstream are
algae and macro-invertebrates. The water discharge of 2.97 cumecs has been
proposed to release from the barrage site in lean season and non monsoon season, in
the monsoon season 5 cumecs water is proposed from the barrage site. The simulation
results of proposed flow in the downstream indicated that average current velocity,
average surface width and maximum depth in the downstream would range from 0.85 to
1.74 m/s, 20.68 to 41.39 m and 0.15 to 1.02 m, respectively.
The project has been discussed several times between 2005 and now. The two
major contentious issues of leaving a free stretch of at least 1 km between contiguous
projects and seasonal releases from environmental considerations had defied solution
until the last EAC meeting of April 2012. Reading through the current documents, it is
seen that all the conditions stipulated by EAC in these regards could be favourably met,
albeit at certain amount of loss in power generation. While this has been stated in the
text of the documents, it could not be located in terms of actual data/pertinent
information. The details need to be submitted to the EAC for perusal.
After detailed deliberations, the committee observed the following:
In the chapter of faunal element references are not properly sited in the
bibliography. The source of data to be provided in Tables from secondary
In the Table 9.3 of EIA report, Vipera russelli should be replaced with
Himalayan Pit Vipera. It should be rechecked
In Table 11.1 of EIA report, unit of water discharge to be corrected.
(xii) In the EIA report, number of total affected families are 94, whereas at some
places it is mentioned as 86. It needs to be corrected.
(xiii) In R&R chapter of EMP report, Rs.10 lakh scholarship is inadequate. It needs to
be increased. The adoption of small families under R&R plan needs to be
(xiv) A separate budget provision needs to be kept under Local Area Development
(LADA) in addition to CSR budget.
(xv) The video recording of public hearing held at project site was displayed during
the EAC meeting. The issues raised during public hearing and action taken by
THDC may be incorporated in the EIA/EMP report.
(xvi) The area is fish less zone. The need of fish ladder in the barrage shall be
decided after final view by EAC.
(xvii) The habitat improvement (schedule I) may be elaborated from this zone. The
NDBR Management Plan needs to be followed during the implementation of the
(xviii) The mechanism for Joint Forest Management may be specified in the forest
protection plan/ EIA report.
(xix) In accordance with MOEFs circular dated 04th August, 2009, the EIA consultant
has to give TOR compliance certificate, which has not been given. This is to be
The copy of minutes of Public hearing is difficult to read, as some of the portions
are illegible. As per EIA notification 2006 draft EIA report is to be put up for public
hearing. Thereafter based on the discussion in P.H. the EIA report is to be
finalized. However, there is no mention about P.H. in the EIA report. This is to be
addressed adequately.
reserve (NDBR) have not been referred to even though the entire study area falls
within NDBR.
The area is a very low rainfall in the trans-Himalayas and is known for dry deodar
bearing forests while in the presentation moist deodar forest type was mentioned
to be occurring in the area. This needs to be corrected.
Amongst reptiles, Russells Viper is mentioned as a species found in the area
which needs to be checked and instead presence of Himalayan Pit Viper needs
to be checked and the listing revised accordingly.
Section does not make a mention of the van panchayats of the area
which are managed by the villagers themselves and civil forests. It is not clear
whether the JFM programme would be taken up in civil or reserved forests or
both. Since there are very few villages involved, more detailed village specific
account of the JFM suggestions need to be given.
In section instead of watchtower which is not effective in mountainous
terrain, tubular hut for the camping of forest guard should be erected. A fund
@Rs 2 lakh/year should also be provided as a part of forest protection to help in
controlling poaching of wild animals.
EIA Report
On the whole EIA Report is well prepared as far as Environment Chapter is concerned.
Methodology is adequate. Illustrations are legible and satisfactory.
However the following points should be addressed in the Report.
8.3 Vegetation Profile in the Influence Zone: Since we are not familiar with the
names of the places mentioned four areas for which the vegetation details are
given should be with respect to a particular project component with altitudes.
Table 8.1a/b, 8.8: List of Plant species to be provided in a scientific way. Plants
should be arranged family-wise and not alphabetically similar to Table 8.7; the
plant species belonging to Gymnosperms/Pteridophytes should be given
separately. Please correct the spelling of Popular as Poplar.
(v) Endemic and Threatened Flora: The statement that no rare and
endangered species are reported from the Project area appears to be premature
as the area is known to be a Part of Nanda Devi National Park (Buffer Zone) and
rich in Biodiversity!!! There should be a listing of Endemic Plant species which
are found in the project area.
EMP Report
Though EMP is adequately written there are a few lacunas as given below which
need to be addressed.
The meagre budget (Rs. 15 lakh) allocated for fisheries management plan is
inadequate. Hence need be enhanced substantially.
An amount of Rs. 25.0 lakh should be provided to the nearby fish hatchery
owned by state fisheries department for procurement of Hatching Troughs,
Hatching Trays, Feeding Troughs and development of rearing facilities for
Schizothorax richardsonii.
Further an amount of Rs. 15.0 lakh should be allocated for procurement of a Pick
up Van with required accessories for transportation of fish seed from hatchery
to the reservoir site.
carried out in the DPR of Greater Shillong Water Supply Scheme on catchment area
proportionate basis for a stretch of 27 years i.e. from 1979 to 2005. The same series
was used in the DPR of Mawphu HEP (90MW). The inflow series thus derived is utilized
in the Power Potential Studies. Design flood taken as 4370 cumec is actually PMF and
not 1 is 100 year flood as stated in the report.
Sediment data should be collected to find new zero elevation and life of reservoir.
The proposed Mawphu H. E. Scheme will utilize tail water discharge of Umduna
HEP including runoff from the intervening catchment. The available inflow data was
analysed on 10 daily basis. The inflow of the 90% dependable year has been utilised for
computing the power benefits. An installation of 85 MW comprising 2 generating units of
42.5 MW each has been proposed. The energy availability from the project in a 90%
dependable year is 360.07 GWhr.
The cost of the Project is estimated at Rs 382.95 crores at March 2010 price
level. The project is proposed to be completed in 4.5 years period in all respect.
In course of the presentation, it was informed by the project developer that two
projects are proposed upstream of the Mawphu HEP. These are Umjaut HEP (69 MW)
and Umduna HEP (90 MW). The free flow stretch between TWL of Umduna HEP and
FRL of Mawphu HEP is only 140 m. In view of this, the EAC pointed out the
inadequacy of free flow stretch and asked the project developer to alter the
project layout so that the clear riverine free flow between TWL of Umduna HEP
and FRL of Mawphu HEP becomes at least around 1 km.
The average rainfall considered for water availability studies is 3575 mm. The
EAC was of the opinion that annual rainfall considered is on the higher side, as annual
rainfall in the nearby meteorological stations is recorded lower than 3000 mm. The
EAC thus, advised the project developer to review the figure of annual rainfall and
adopt realistic values in design calculations.
It was observed by the EAC that water availability for the project has been
assessed based on the water availability study carried out for the dam project meant
for supplying water to Greater Shillong on catchment area proportionate basis. The
project developer was asked to give a proper justification for using this
discharge series for the Mawphu HEP. EAC also asked to review the discharge
series of upstream project (Umduna HEP) to derive the series for Mawphu HEP,
as this will give discharge data with greater accuracy.
The Developer was informed that the Environmental Flows to be considered shall
be 30% of inflows in monsoon season, 20% of average discharge in lean season and
25% of average discharge in non-monsoon non-lean season.
The land requirement for the project is 100 ha, which includes 89.375 ha of
private land and 10.625 ha of forest land. The project developer was asked to submit a
copy of the application of stage-I Forestry Clearance to the MOEF.
The EAC thus recommended that the project developer submits the PFR
incorporating the above suggestions and observations. Form-I and TOR also have to
be revised in line with the revised PFR.
The proposed Tuivawl Hydro Electric Project is proposed at a location near East
Phaileng village in Aizawl District of Mizoram. The co-ordinates of the proposed dam
site and powerhouse site are 235533.17N, 925929.44E and 92598.77E,
235655.60N respectively. Tuivawl River is a tributary of the Tuivai River and Tuivai
River flows into the Barak River. The nearest railway station is Bairabi located in
Kolasib district at a distance of about 232 km from dam site. The nearest road is NH54 up to Seling Point, at a distance of about 79 km from dam site. The capacity of the
project is less than 50 MW. But, since State Environmental Impact Assessment
Authority (SEIAA) in Mizoram has not yet been constituted, the project developer have
approached EAC for River Valley projects of Ministry of Environment and Forests for
Prior Environmental Clearance.
The dam site, is located about 28 km from East phaileng village, which is at a
distance of about 450 m downstream of the confluence of the river Tuivawl with Tuitual
Lul and about 26 km upstream of its confluence with Tuivai River. The catchment area
of Tuivawl River at the dam site is 644.98 km2 and lies between coordinates 2325N to
240N and longitudes 9255E to 9305E. The FRC and MDDL have been fixed as 380
m and 339 m respectively. The Maximum Water Level (MWL)has been fixed at at EL
382.0 m.
New zero elevation after 70 years is 330m and the intake RL is 331.97m. As such
substantial amount of sediments will enter the HRT. So provision for either Higher
intake or desanding device may be adopted.
The power house of Tuivawl Hydroelectric Project is proposed on the north east
Phaileng village and east of Kepran village, at an aerial distance of about 7 km from
East Phaileng and about 5 km from Kepran on the left bank of the Tuivawl River.
The project envisages construction of an Earthfill dam to be located 450 m
downstream of the confluence of river, Tuivawl and Tuituai Lul. The gross storage
capacity is 125 MCM at FRL at EL 380 m. The maximum dam height is 110.60 m
above the deepest foundation level. The total length of the dam along the axis is
299.36 m.
The project envisages construction of concrete spillway in the left bank of earth
fill dam including a chute spillway with stilling basin, Ogee type overflow section with
radial gates and crest elevation overflow section at EL 362 m.
The water conductor system is situated on the left bank comprising of a Modified
horse shoe Head Race Tunnel of 3.85 m diameter and 3.165 km length. Two adits of
4.5 m diameter each, having length of 208 m and 113 m respectively are also proposed.
An open to air restricted orifice surge shaft of 8.5 m diameter and 72 m height will also
be constructed as a part of the project. An underground steel lined pressure shaft of 2.9
m diameter with 102.05 m in the vertical part and total length of 249.96 m (88.61 +
161.35) in the horizontal part.
The surface power house with dimensions of 49.6 m x 15.1 m is proposed to be
located on the left bank. Three nos. of Francis type turbine of 14 MW rating with
synchronous speed of 600 rpm along with vertical generators of 11 kV, 50Hz. The
power station of Tuivawl H.E. Project shall operate as a Storage scheme. The design
discharge shall be 30.04 cumec. The net operating head corresponding to the design
discharge at FRL 380.0 m shall be 158.10 m. The total annual energy from the project
after allowing for 95% machine availability in the 90% dependable year is estimated as
225.30 MU, and the net saleable annual energy, considering 1% for auxiliary
consumption and transformation losses and 13%.
During the meeting, it was confirmed by the project developer that rainfall data
for the catchment area is not available. The data from IITM website for Aizawal site has
been used This was necessary as no data is available for the basin area. In the
hydrological studies, the average rainfall was taken as 2776 mm. The EAC advised the
project developers to review the figure of annual rainfall.
The discharge series for the project has been derived after extrapolating the
discharge series of Tipaimukh dam. The EAC observed that Tipaimukh dam has a
much larger catchment and hence, it would be grossly erroneous to use flow series
used for Tuivawl project. It was informed by the project proponent that hey have
established the G&D site and rain gauge station near the site. The EAC advised to
revise the hydrology of the PFR and compare the IITM rainfall data with the observed
data. EAC also asked project developer to compare the derived flow series with the
observed data. The observed data of rainfall and daily discharge along with IITM data
should also be submitted to EAC.
It was observed that even in the monsoon season, peaking power will be
available only for few hours. EAC also recommended reducing the installed capacity of
the project, so that peaking operation is available at all times during monsoon season.
The land requirement for the project is 650 ha and the entire land is forest land.
EAC recommended to explore the possibility of changing from the present storage
scheme to the run of the river scheme. This would reduce the submergence area and
the overall land requirement. The EAC also asked the developer to reduce the proposed
colony area to be developed, which in the present proposal is 150 ha. It was also
suggested to shift the location of colony to non-forest area. This will help reduce
requirement of forest land.
. The Environmental Flows to be considered shall be 30% of inflows in monsoon
season, 20% of average discharge in lean season and 25% of average discharge in
non-monsoon non-lean season
The project developer was asked to submit a copy of the application of stage-I
Forestry Clearance to the MOEF.
The EAC recommended that the project developer submits the PFR afresh
incorporating above observations and suggestions. Form-I and TOR also have to be
revised in line with the revised PFR.
Agenda Item No. 2.9:
The project proponent made a presentation. The committee noted that this is a
Category-B minor irrigation project. The project is submitted to Central Level because
submergence area of 252 ha land is involved. The Ambabarva Sanctuary is within 10
Km radius of the project area. The project envisages construction of 20.08 m high and
4045 m long earthen dam across Kacheri nalla (tributary of river Purna) near Alewadi
village to store 13.1030 Mm3 of water and utilize 11.132 Mm3 of water for irrigating 1168
ha of land and 1.7620 Mm3 for drinking water purpose to nearby villages. The gross
command area (GCA) is 1825 ha and culturable command area is 1160 ha. The storage
of this project will be utilized to develop 1168 ha of land by flow irrigation. Total
catchment area is 27.05 Sq.km. Total land requirement is 299 ha. Total submergence
area is 252 ha., which is a private land. No forest land is involved. Total project cost is
about Rs. 4751.37 lakhs.
During the discussions, the project proponent admitted that the construction work
had already been started. Therefore, the committee noted that a violation has occurred
in the project as EAC can consider only fresh proposal beginning from scoping as
stipulated vide EIA Notification, 2006.
The EAC was further informed that such cases are to be dealt in terms with the MoEF
OM No. J-11013/41/2006-IA.II (I) dated 12.12.2012. Accordingly, the project proponent
is required to submit an affidavit with an undertaking not to execute works without
obtaining environmental clearance and furnish photographs of the site from all four
sides of the project.
The committee mentioned that the extant procedure may be followed in the
Ministry to deal with/examine such cases at the first instance. EAC may consider such
proposal on the event of such decision to be taken by the MoEF at appropriate level.
The project proponent admitted that the construction work had been started as
they were not aware of requirement of such clearances. It was also informed that State
Forest Department has asked to stop work in the project.
In both the Projects, in PFR Chapter VIII on Submergence, Population affected
has been shown as 'Nil', but it cannot be so, since private land will be affected. This
should be corrected.
Agenda Item No. 2.10: Alewadi Larger Minor Irrigation Project in Buldana District
of Maharashtra by M/s Minor Irrigation Division, Vidarbha
Irrigation Development Corporation, Government of
Maharashtra for Consideration TOR
The project proponent made a presentation. The committee noted that this is a
Category-B minor irrigation project. The project is submitted to Central Level because
submergence area of 184 ha land is involved. The Ambabarva Sanctuary is within 10
Km radius of the project area. The project envisages construction of 21.05 m high and
3380 m long earthen dam across nalla (tributary of river Purna) near Alewadi village to
store 10.756 Mm3 of water and utilize 4.523 Mm3 of water for irrigating 750 ha of land
and 2.34 Mm3 for drinking water purpose to nearby villages. The gross command area
(GCA) is 1333 ha and culturable command area is 1000 ha. The storage of this project
will be utilized to develop 750 ha of land by flow irrigation. Total catchment area is 45
Sq.km. Total submergence area is 184 ha., which is a private land. No forest land is
involved. Total project cost is about Rs. 3832.61 lakhs.
There is no mention of design flood for the waste weir and the size of channel
which transfers water to another basin
During the discussions, the project proponent admitted that the construction work
had already been started. Therefore, the committee noted that a violation has occurred
in the project as EAC can consider only fresh proposal beginning from scoping as
stipulated vide EIA Notification, 2006.
The EAC was further informed that such cases are to be dealt in terms with the MoEF
OM No. J-11013/41/2006-IA.II (I) dated 12.12.2012. Accordingly, the project proponent
is required to submit an affidavit with an undertaking not to execute works without
obtaining environmental clearance and furnish photographs of the site from all four
sides of the project.
The committee mentioned that the extant procedure may be followed in the
Ministry to deal with/examine such cases at the first instance. EAC may consider such
proposal on the event of such decision to be taken by the MoEF at appropriate level.
The project proponent admitted that the construction work had been started as
they were not aware of requirement of such clearances. It was also informed that State
Forest Department has asked to stop work in the project.
project was appraised in the 65th meeting of Expert Appraisal Committee for River
Valley Projects and Hydropower Projects held on 23.3.13.
EAC noted that total land (including Forest, Community land with vegetation
cover, Community Private Land (Agricultural/Jhum), River bed area etc) required for
construction of the project is around 493.50 ha, of which 10 ha is private land with
agriculture cover, 138 ha comprises of Private land and 345.5 ha comprises of land with
forest cover. Total submergence area is about 225 ha. Total area required for muck
dumping is around 52 ha.
It was suggested by EAC to locate the muck dumping area as per MoEF
guidelines i.e. in non- forest area. Project developer informed that actual land
requirement shall be finalized after the actual survey during DPR/EIA report. National
Parks/Wildlife Sanctuaries/Biosphere Reserve/Historical Monuments are not located
with-in 10 km radius of the project.
EAC suggested to review the length of Head Race Tunnel from 11.3 km in DPR
phase; as this shall make the river dry for long stretch. EAC also suggested reviewing
the dam height in DPR phase so as to reduce the submergence area.
EAC sought approval letters from State Govt. pertaining to change in Tail water
level of project from El. 630 m to El. 565 m. As per the MoA finalized with state
government of Arunachal Pradesh, river reach allotted to developer for development of
Yamne stage I HEP is till El. 600m only. The project developer informed, as
downstream stretch is also allotted to same developer from El. 600m to El. 400m
therefore, requested EAC to accept the proposal in ToR.
The requisite formal approval letters shall be submitted by the developer in due
course after the approval of TWL by concerned statutory authority and also shall be
incorporated in EIA/EMP reports.
EAC sought clarifications on methodology of deriving the Long Term series for
discharge data. The Developer informed that the series has been developed by
developing run-off relationship with adjacent right bank Siyom basin Raying and Pangin
stations available discharge and rainfall data and has been since approved by CWC
The installed capacity is worked out based on approved series which resulted to 135
MW installed capacity.
For confirmation and assessment of availability of design discharge at project
site, EAC called for observed discharge and rainfall data at project site being monitored
by the project developer.
It was confirmed during the meeting that Yamne stage I is upper most
development on Yamne river and at present between Yamne stage I HEP with TWL as
El. 565 m and downstream Yamne stage II HEP with FRL as El. 536 the free stretch is
3.68 km.
Regarding minimum flow, the developer informed that for sustenance of the
aquatic life a 20 % of the average lean season flow of the 90 % dependable has been
adopted for which 3.35 cumecs shall be released and power potential studies are being
done at PFR stage considering same resulting in Installed capacity of 135 MW with
design energy of 602 MU. The EAC recommended that an estimate for the
environmental release in monsoon and non-monsoon-non lean seasons should also be
carried out considering the current norms of MoEF. By considering the monsoon and
non-monsoon non- environmental release, the reduction in design energy, design
discharge and Installed capacity will be estimated by the developer in DPR studies and
got approved by statutory authorities concerned.
EAC was of the opinion that since the project has been shifted to new site, a
fresh 3 season field studies needs to be conducted. However, data collected earlier can
be used to the extent possible.
Regarding sediment load, it was suggested by the EAC to conduct sedimentation
studies for removal of silt by regular flushing methodology and reservoir of 4 km length
acting itself as de-silting basin, as being proposed in PFR. For flood calculation the
PMP and PMS value collected from IMD, shall be included in the DPR.
EAC also recommended to establish micro seismic earthquake monitoring
stations at project site and collect the data for 1 year and include the data in DPR.
EAC also recommended to include land required for green belt development in
the overall land requirement for the project. The Developer assured that the Greenbelt
development plan shall be covered in EIA/EMP report
After detailed deliberation and clarifications, the EAC recommended to resubmit the
proposal factoring the following:
The installed capacity of the HEP is reworked out to a realistic level factoring
release of minimum environmental flow required to be released during all major
three seasons. Notwithstanding a downstream study to be commissioned, the
minimum environmental flow release would be 20% of average of four lean
months of lean period, 20-30% of flows during non-lean and non-monsoon period
and 30% of average flow including spillage during monsoon period
corresponding to 90% dependable year. The EAC observed that the capacity will
obviously get reduced to factor this aspect.
Length of diverted stretch of river may be reduced to ensure that minimum length
is subjected to drying up. This could be done by exploring possibility to reduce
length of 11.3 km long HRT.
Approval letters from State Govt. pertaining to change in Tail water level of
project from El. 630 m to El. 565 m has to be produced.
The EAC recommended that the project be resubmitted accordingly for fresh
consideration for enhancement of capacity.
Agenda Item No. 2.12: Lendi Major Irrigation Project (Interstate) in Nanded
District of Maharashtra and Nizamabad District of Andhra
Pradesh by M/s. Godavari Marathwada Development
Corporation, Government of Maharashtra For
Reconsideration for Environmental Clearance.
The project proponent made a detailed presentation. This is a joint-venture
major Inter-State project on Lendi River providing irrigation and drinking water facility in
Nanded District of Maharashtra & Nizamabad District in Andhra Pradesh. The project
envisages construction of 27.83 m high (from the river bed) and 1651 m long earthen
dam across Lendi river to provide irrigation facility in Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh
States. The project proponent initially mentioned that the project is to provide irrigation
facility for 27,000 ha in Maharashtra and 22,000 ha in Andhra Pradesh. Total entire
catchment area of 1594 Sq. km falls in Maharashtra State. Total submergence area is
2338.06 ha. Nineteen (19) villages are likely to be affected (fully -10 + partially -2 + lose
only agricultural land-7) due to this project. A total of 4643 families consisting of 18,915
persons are likely to be affected due to this project only in Maharashtra State. No
person will be affected in Andhra Pradesh. Total project cost is Rs.554.54 Crores.
This project was earlier considered by the EAC in its meeting held on 11-12th
November, 2011. During the discussions, the committee noted that the non-availability
of adequate environmental flow in the river both in the monsoon and non-monsoon
seasons after abstraction of water for irrigation. A reservoir working table for 75%
dependable year was necessary for clearly exhibiting the release into the river on a 10daily basis. The EAC sought that a clear indication of environmental flow with
supporting hydrology along with the 10-daily discharge table to be provided to get a
clear picture of water availability in the project.
The project proponent has mentioned that the total catchment area is 1594 Sq.
km with a total yield is 241.30 Mm3 (8.52 TMC). The annual utilization is 180.11 Mm 3
(6.36 TMC). The average annual rainfall is 838 mm. Total submergence area is 2338.06
ha. The project envisages construction of 27.83 m high (from the river bed) and 1651.40
m long earthen dam with masonary spillway across Lendi River. The total length of the
common canal is 19 Km. The length of the canal in Maharashtra is 28.46 Km and length
of the canal is Andhra Pradesh is 35 Km. The gross command area (GCA) is 32,410 ha;
culturable command area (CCA) is 28,286 ha and irrigable command area (ICA) is
26,924 ha (Maharashtra- 15,710 ha + Andhra Pradesh -11,214 ha). Total Total land
requirement for the project is 2569.42 ha. Nineteen (19) villages are likely to be affected
(fully -12 + partially -7) due to this project. A total of 5731 families consisting of 30,680
persons are likely to be affected due to this project only in Maharashtra State. No
person will be affected in Andhra Pradesh. The project cost is Rs.554.54 Crores.
It has been shown that the 75% dependable yield is 241.30 Mm 3. After
considering the up-stream utilization of 85.52 Mm3, the net yield is only 155.78 Mm3.
The irrigation requirement is 180.11 Mm3 and the shortage of 24.33 Mm3 is supposed to
be met by groundwater supplementation. With this scenario, it appeared that during
monsoon, there will be hardly any spill into the river. Thus, the committee mentioned
that a 10-daily simulation table (reservoir working table for the 75% dependable yield)
with release towards environmental flow will be exhibited and presented in detail
keeping in view of the aquatic biodiversity and downstream user needs.
Doubts were expressed on the adequacy as to how the reservoir will be filled-up
with 75% DY flow scenario. The committee is of the opinion that perhaps a smaller
reservoir will be adequate requiring less submersion (i.e. 2338 ha of area) than 19
villages now getting affected and 12 villages are fully resettled. The proponent could not
provide convening facts/figures and analytical data to substantiate this. The committee
also enquired about the details of hydrology and irrigation planning clearance from
After thorough scrutiny and examination of all environmental related issues, the
committee sought additional information/clarifications on the following:
The overall irrigation efficiency has been brought down to a more reasonable value
of 50% from the earlier 65.52%, on the basis of CWC guideline (Page 137 Vol. I).
But, no field-measured value of the conveyance and the field application efficiency
from some of the currently operational irrigation projects are given, as was desired
by the EAC. In the period intervening between the earlier presentation and now, it
should have been possible by the department to get some firsthand data on these.
(ii) The lean season flow release to the D/S is 0.504 m 3/s (Page 148 Vol. I). But the
corresponding flow depth and velocity are not mentioned. It has also not been
clarified as how such a small flow was considered adequate to sustain aquatic life,
when the pristine flow might have been much higher. Besides, the average daily
flow (or 10-daily flow) in seasons other than the lean season also needs to be given
to understand the river condition D/S of the point of diversion of water elsewhere
for irrigation. In fact, the replies listed on Page 148 Vol. I, are more qualitative than
(iii) According to Compliance Report (Page 2 Vol. I), details regarding adoption of
efficient methods of irrigation are supposed to be in Page 115 of Chapter 8. But
there is no such page in Chapter 8 (it starts from Page 131). In Page 115 of
Chapter 5, the issue is cursorily mentioned as a statement of a known fact and is
for Andhra Pradesh. No such reference is found for the Maharashtra part in
Chapter 5. In Maharashtra part also there are loamy sand and sandy soils at
Sultanpet and Chainpur, where continued flood irrigation may be harmful in the
long run. Thus, the committee gets a feeling that the important issues of scientific
irrigation water management and adoption of water saving irrigation methods have
been glossed over. This is undesirable in the current times of fresh water scarcity
and in the progressive states of Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh. The proposed
cropping pattern in Maharashtra (Page 19 Chapter 1, Vol I) implies that at least for
some percentage of the Sugarcane, Chilli and Groundnut (Total area 19% of the
total), introduction of advance irrigation methods would be beneficial.
(iv) According to Compliance Report, (Item 3, Page 3), Pages 8 and 13 of Chapter 8 is
supposed to have discussions on adverse impacts on ground water due to
continued in-efficient flow irrigation. As mentioned earlier, the first page in Chapter
8 is numbered 131 and hence, the information given is misleading. The related text
found in pages 140 to 144 are imperative in nature and no concrete plan for
amelioration of groundwater table rise is found in the text. A concrete plan implies a
plan of development of groundwater, year-wise phasing, budget, etc. are to given
(v) In Page-16 of Ch 1, Page-153 of Ch-8 and Pages 98-100 of Chapter 16 do give
some secondary data on groundwater table, area irrigated by groundwater, etc.,
(Vide Compliance Report Page-1), but this was not asked during the earlier
presentation. This is very clear from the text at Item 4 of Page 1. Thus, the
committee has also a feeling that the Compliance Report has been prepared just
as a formality and the issues raised have not been meaningfully addressed with
work plans that can be monitored in terms of their progress.
(vi) The details need to be presented as to how the 75% DY of 9.687 TMC from
catchment was derived. Whether it is from rainfall or discharge measurement. The
run-off depth is found to be 168 mm and the corresponding run-off factor is 0.2
seems to be very low needs to clarified. And also a computation table should be
presented for spillway design flood of 11,660 cumec and its determination.
(vii) Provide inflow series for 75% DY i.e. table showing 75% inflow series, flow diverted
for irrigation and drinking water, environmental flow releases and the spill flow.
(viii) The details for sedimentation of the reservoir and separate computations for silting
of the reservoir need to be provided.
(ix) The project area lies in Seismic zone-II. However, the design of the project area is
planned for higher zone which needs to be explained. The detailed geomorphological and geological studies are recommended for the project area.
(x) A good location map with FCC should be provided to show all the project
components. An Index map showing the location of the project in Maharashtra and
Andhra Pradesh needs to be provided.
(xi) Chapter-2 of EIA detailed methodology needs to be provided for each parameter
studied in the project. Vegetation data should be given first and thereafter
ecological data should be presented. The documentation of forest types in the
catchment area and their tree flora should be given.
(xii) Chapter-9 of EIA Ecological Studies - detailed methodology followed for
vegetation studies including altitudes for various sampling sites data should be
(xiii) The documentation for trees, shrubs and herb should be provided. Methodology
and sampling details for calculation of frequency, abundance etc needs to be given.
Details of Shannon-Weiner Index should be given in respective tables along with
frequency, abundance etc and not separately. The spelling mistakes of the
Botanical names (eg. Pongamia paniculata) should be checked and corrected.
(xiv) The faunal list provided in the EIA report is quite exhaustive. However, specific
suggestions for the conservation of RET species have not been included in the
EMP. A chapter on Biodiversity conservation plan should be included in the EMP to
address this.
(xv) A highly promising Fisheries management plan has been submitted in the report,
but the target fish species are not mentioned properly. The details about the
construction of fish hatchery and seed stocking plan need further details. Fisheries
development activities, organisation of fishers, conservation of downstream river
bed etc. mentioned in the reports need further details.
(xvi) The financial details of the each plan under EMP should be given separately not a
consolidated amount/figure.
EAC recommended that the project will be reconsidered after receiving the
requisite information/clarifications on the above issues.
Too many discrepancies are there in the total number of project affected families
and persons (EIA report page Nos. 263-64, 290, 291). Actual number of PAF should be
enumerated as of 2012.
With the permission of the Chairman, the following item was considered:
The EAC in its meeting held on 23-24th November, 2012 considered this project
with the following broad recommendations/observations:.
1. The river holds cold water mahsheer and snow-trout fishes, which need
Flow-through Indoor hatchery system with hatchery trays, through and
feeding through. Therefore the Fishery Management Plan needs to be
revised with provision of Flow-through hatchery system.
The project proponent, in its response, has mentioned that Himachal Pradesh
Government has awarded the Cumulative Impact Assessment Study of Satluj
Basin to ICFRE who is taking up this study in collaboration with IIT, Roorkee,
Directorate of Coldwater Fisheries Research, Bhimtal and Salim Ali Centre for
Ornithology& Natural History, Coimbatore. The study also includes Luhri HEP
and therefore the outcomes of this study will be binding on the project. Further,
based on the environment flow recommendations, the design discharge has now
been reduced to 380 cumecfrom 480 cumec as originally mentioned. Therefore,
the capacity of the project has now been reduced to 600MW and the project
requested the committee to issue EC for 600 MW capacity.
On being appraised accordingly, the EAC in its meeting held on 1-2nd
February 2013 desired to know the revised position/status of environmental flow
due to proposed change in capacity and whether it will cause any significant
impact due to revised and realignment of HRT for example impact on muck
disposal and its planning, before taking a final view.
The project proponent, during EAC meeting held on 22-23rd March 2013 was
asked to explain these issues. It was clarified that environmental flow release of
177.78 cumes (30%) during monsoon period that is June to Sept, 40.50 cumec
(25%) during Non-monsoon Non-liner period I.e. Oct-Nov and April-May and
24.67 cumec (25%) during lean period will be released downstream of the dam in
line with the EAC recommendations and to ensure the above Environmental
releases a dam toe power house of 24 MW capacity matching with the
environmental flow in monsoon will be provided and shall be made operational
with the project.
Due to reduced capacity, the project proponent has now proposed a single
tunnel of 10.5 m diameter in place of twin tunnel 9 meter diameter each. It was
clarified that there will be no change in the alignment of HRT and in numbers and
locations of adits. The design discharge for power generation has, however,
come down from 480m cumecto 380 cumec.
During construction phase 99,77,327 m3 of the muck (with 45% swelling
factor) will be generated and 30% of this much will be utilized as aggregate and
for creating job facilities. The balance muck 69,84,129 m 3 will be dumped in 13
no originally pre identified dumping sites with a capacity of 90,45,704 m3
involving total land of 64.728 ha.
The revised DPR with an installed capacity of 588 MW with dam toe power
house of 24 MW has already been submitted to CEA. The capacity of the project
may vary from 588 MW to 600 MW since the detailed power potential studies are
List of EAC members and Officials of Project Proponents/Consultants who
attended 65th Meeting of Expert Appraisal Committee for River Valley & Hydro
Electric Power Projects held on 23rd- 24th March, 2013 in New Delhi
Members of EAC
Shri Rakesh Nath
Dr. B. P. Das
Dr. Arun Kumar
Dr. S. Bhowmik
Dr. K. D. Joshi
Dr. (Mrs.) Maitrayee Choudhary
Dr. S. K. Mazumder
Dr. A. K. Bhattacharya
Dr. Praveen Mathur
Dr. J. K. Sharma
Dr. Dhananjay Mohan
Shri B. B. Barman
Dr. P. V. Subba Rao
- Chairman
- Vice-Chairman
- Member
- Member
- Member
- Member
- Member
- Member
- Member
- Member
- Member
- Member Secretary & Director, MoEF
- MoEF
Papu HEP (90 MW) Project in East Kameng District of Arunachal Pradesh by
M/s Papu Hydropower Projects Ltd for Consideration TOR
Shri M. S. Gusain
Shri N. D. Arora,
Shri Narinder Kumar,
Shri Arun Bhaskar
Shri Vimal Garg
Vice President
Executive Director
Chief Engineer
Ex. Engineer
New Ganderbal HEP (93 MW) in Ganderbal District of Jammu & Kashmir by
M/s. J&K Power Development Corporation For Reconsideration for
Environmental Clearance.
Er. Zahoor Ahmad Chat,
Executive Director
Chief Engineer
Assistant Manager
EIA Coordinator
Ex. Advisor
Lower Kopili HEP (150 MW) project in Karbi Anglong & North Cachar Hill
Districts of Assam by M/s. Assam Power Generation Corporation Ltd for
Reconsideration TOR.
Shri Vijayendra,
Shri Atul Ch. Boruah,
Shri U. R. Subramanian
Shri Utpal Dutta
Shri Ashok Basistha
Shri R. Kapoor
Shri Aman Sharma
Managing Director
Sr. Consultant
General Manager
Additional General Manager
Additional General Manager
Sr. Manager
Sr. Manager
Sr. Manager
Deputy Manager
Research Fellow
Sr. Manager
Assistant Manager
Mawphu HEP (85 MW) Project in East Khasi Hills District of Meghalaya by
M/s NEEPCO Ltd for Consideration TOR.
Shri I. H. Hazarika
Shri Daya Shankar Rai
Shri Kamalendu Deb
Executive Director
Head of Project
Manager (C)
Chief (LAW)
Chief Ecologist
Tuivawl HEP (42 MW) Project in Aizwal District of Mizoram by M/s SPML
Energy Ltd for Consideration TOR.
Shri Amanullah
Dr. Monomoy Gorswami
Shri Dhruva Chakravorty
Chief Manager
Chief Manager
Shri R. B. Shukla
Shri R. P. Landekar
Shri U. M. Padamne
Dr. C. P. Vibhuti
Shri S. P. Arankalle
Shri A. M. Shejule
Shri R. B. Shukla
Shri R. P. Landekar
Shri U. M. Padamne
Dr. C. P. Vibhuti
Shri S. P. Arankalle
Shri A. M. Shejule
Chief Engineer
Superintending Engineer
Executive Engineer
Assistant Engineer
Sect. Engineer
Chief Engineer
Superintending Engineer
Executive Engineer
Assistant Engineer
Sect. Engineer
General Manager
Additional General Manager
Deputy General Manager
Sr. Engineer
Officer (Env.)
Reconsideration for Environmental Clearance.
Shri Q. S. Lokhande
Shri K. Sriram Reddy
Shri V. R. Guvale
Shri Uewale Adhikrao
Shri Laxman Sangnor
Shri S. D. Chate
Shri Sanjay Mahajan
Chief Executive
Superintending Executive
Executive Engineer
Superintending Engineer
Secretary Environment
Project Manager
Sr. Engineer
Managing Director
Sr. Manager
Advisor Manager