Horticulture-Botany Syllabus 2016-2017
Horticulture-Botany Syllabus 2016-2017
Horticulture-Botany Syllabus 2016-2017
Instructor Information
Instructor: Amanda Jaramillo
Phone: 505-404-5199
E-mail: amjaramillo@bps.k12.nm.us
Location: Bernalillo High School Room 401
Course Information
Grade Level: 9-12
Course Description: The focus of this course is the study of plant (botany). Specific topics include photosynthesis
and respiration, analysis of the difference of plant and animal cell structure, genetics, taxonomy, and classification.
Also included are topics covering entomology, soil chemistry, and plant diseases; virus and bacteria life cycles and
effects on plant growth. Focus is on horticulture crops including greenhouses, landscape, and floral plants.
Writing utensil (pencils for shop and homework assignments; blue or black pen for note taking and class
Three-Ring binder
Loose-leaf paper
$20 dollar mandatory class fee (This will pay for membership into FFA and classroom supplies). If there
isnt a way to pay this fee, students will be responsible for fundraising the amount needed to pay.
Rules and Expectations:
Come to class prepared! The student is required to bring a writing utensil to class every day.
Please be respectful to other in the class that includes the instructor, fellow classmates, and others that
may enter our class. Also be respectful to the property in the classroom, refrain from writing on the
tables, posters, or boards.
No side bar conversations. We have a job to do and dont need the added distractions.
Participate in all discussion and activities we have in class.
Please no electronics in the classroom, this includes: cell phones, IPods/Mp3, or tablets
HAVE FUN!!! This class is supposed to be fun, follow these rules and we will have a blast!!
*Daily Participation Points will be issued when the students are engaged in a lab or classroom. Ten points per day will be the
maximum each student will be able to earn. The following is a guideline that the Instructor will use for evaluation and granting of
points to each student.
Grade Scale
Semester 1: 40%
Semester 2: 40%
Final: 20%
Please sign the below. This tells me that you read the syllabus and understand
what is expected of your child. Filled out bottom must be turned in NO LATER than
August 19th.
Signature:_______________________________________________________ Date:______________________