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Kanittha Chamroonsawasdi, PhD.

Position: Assistant Professor

Ph.D (Medical Social Science and Public Health),
Mahidol University, Thailand
M.Sc. (Epidemiology), Mahidol University, Thailand
B.Sc. (Nursing and Midwifery),
Chaingmai University, Thailand

Research Interests and Field of Specialization

Teenage pregnancy, Teenagers
Strategic Plan Evaluation /Project Monitoring and Evaluation
Quality of Life

Selected Publications
1. Chamroonsawasdi K, Suparb J, Kittipichai W, Kajornchaikul P, Gender Role, Physical and
Sexual Violence Prevention among Primary extend to Secondary School Students in
Samutsakorn Province, Thailand. J Med Assoc Thai 2010; 93(3): 358-65.
2. Chamroonsawasdi K, Suparb J, Kittipichai W, Kajornchaikul P. Communication Skills to
Prevent Physical and Sexual Violence among Primary extend to Secondary School
Students, Samutsakorn Province. J Pub Health and Develop 2010; 7(1).
3. Phasuksathaporn P, Chamroonsawasdi K, Nanthamongkolchai S, Pitikuktung S. Factors
Influencing on Quality of Life among Early Adolescents in Samutprakarn Province. J Pub
Health 2010; 40(1): 29-39.
4. Suthinpeuk B, Chamronsawasdi K, Suparp J, Taechaboonsermsak P. Factors Influencing on
Sexual Abstinence among Secondary School Students in Samutprakarn Province. J Pub
Health 2010; 40(3): 302-12.
5. Praivicharn J, Taechaboonsermsak P, Nunthamongkolchai S, Chamroonsawasdi K. Factors
Influencing Happiness among Primigravida Who Attend Antenatal Care at the Health
Promotion Hospital, Central Regional Health Promotion Center. J Pub Health 2010; 40(2):
6. Suparp J, Boonyathan W, Kittipichai W, Chamroonsawasdi K. Life Skills Development
Program to Reduce Bullying and to Promote Good Practices among Primary School
Students, Samutsakorn Province, Thailand. J Pub Health 2010; 40(1): 7-16.
7. Chamroonsawasdi K, Phopoonklang S, Nunthamongkolchai S, Munsawaengsub C. Factors
Influencing Health Promoting Behaviors among the Elderly under the Universal Coverage
Programme in Buriram Province, Thailand. Asia J of Pub Health 2010; 1(1): 15-9.
8. Min K, Taneepanichskul S, Chamroonsawasdi K, Somrongthong R, Reinprayoon D. The
Model Development of Participatory Education on Adolescent Reproductive Life (PEARL)
Programme to Prevent Unintended Pregnancy among Myanmar Migrant Adolescent and
Youth in Samut Sakorn Province, Thailand: Situational Analysis. J of Med and Med Sci
2011; 2(3): 734-40.

9. Min K, Taneepanichskul S, Chamroonsawasdi K, Somrongthong R, Reinprayoon D. The

Model Development of Participatory Education on Adolescent Reproductive Life (PEARL)
Programme to Prevent Unintended Pregnancy among Myanmar Migrant Adolescent and
Youth in Samut Sakorn Province, Thailand: Immediate Outcome Analysis. J of Med and
Med Sci 2011; 2(4).
10. Chamroonsawasdi K, Insri N, Pitikultang S. Predictive Factors of Antiretroviral (ARV) Drug
Adherence among People Living with HIV/AIDS Attending at Taksin Hospital, Bangkok,
Thailand. J Med Assoc 2011; 94(7): 775-81.
11. Panthumas S, Kittipichai W, Pitikultang S, Chamroonsawasdi K. Self-care Behaviors among
Thai Primigravida Teenagers. Global Journal of Health Science 2012; 4 (3): 62-9.
12. Baingern S, Kongsin S, Silachamroon U, Chamroonsawasdi K. Acitivity-based Costing of
Admission among Patients with Malaria, Outpatient Department, Tropical Medicine
Hospital (Fiscal year 2009), Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University. J of Trop
Med and Parasito 2012; 34(2).
13. Min K, Taneepanichskul S, Chamroonsawasdi K, Somrongthong R, Reinprayoon D. The
Model Development of Participatory Education on Adolescent Reproductive Life (PEARL)
Programme to Prevent Unintended Pregnancy among Myanmar Migrant Adolescent and
Youth in Samut Sakorn Province, Thailand: Intermediate Outcome Analysis. J of Med and
Med Sci 2012; 2(5).
14. Chairak P, Chamroonsawasdi K, Kittipichai W, Taechaboonsermasak P, Khajornchaikul P.
Effects of Paternal Sex Education Program on Sexual Communication With 10-12 Year Old
Sons in Bangkok Vicinity. Journal of Public Health 2014; 44 (1): 17-29.
15. Singhor S, Chamroonsawasdi K, Charupoonphol P, Kittipichai W. Intention to Practice
Positive Behaviors of Transmission and accquistion among Teenagers with HIV in Risk
Areas of Thailand. Journal of Public Health Development 2014; 12 (2): 3-19.
16. Chamroonsawasdi K, Kongsin S, Srisorrachatr S, Boonreung N, Rongsumlee S. Monitoring
and Evaluation of a Model Development Project and Strategic Campaign on HIV/AIDS
Prevention among Muslim Communities in Thailand. J AIDS Clin Res 2014; 5(12): 5-12.
17. Chamroonsawasdi K, Soe M, Charupoonphol P, Srisorrachatr S. Rate of Utilization of
Skilled Birth Attendant (SBA) and the Influencing Factors in an Urban Myanmar
Population. Asia Pac J Public Health 2015.

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