Korea Herald 20100504

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or story ideas to Matthew Lamers at

Submissions may be edited for length or clarity.

18 community TUESDAY MAY 4, 2010

Expat Living is a section dedicated to the daily

living of expatriates.
It is printed on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.
To share stories about your life abroad, send stories
or story ideas to Matthew Lamers at
Submissions may be edited for length or clarity.

Spreading the
magic of music
throughout Seoul
Expat Living is a section dedicated to the daily
living of expatriates.
It is printed on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.
To share stories about your life abroad, send stories
or story ideas to Matthew Lamers at While the company hires
By Laurine le Roux
mattlamers@heraldm.com a few professionals to fill in
Submissions may be edited for length or clarity.
Seoul is a city that is alive the holes in the choir and a
with the arts. It is vibrant and number of the orchestra are
brimming with creativity. There professional, many of the per-
are arts centers in every corner formers and musicians give of Castle Praha Granat Oktoberfest pilsner Castle Praha Granat
of the city and in the towns their time and talent freely.
around Seoul. The beneficiaries are Seoul’s
But there’s a little niche miss- public who get to hear the mu-

Seoul’s best beer – north of the river

ing. Or at least there was until sic of the great composers at a
arrived on the scene. fraction of the cost of profes-
Goessl is an American born sional concerts.
and raised in Wisconsin. About “One of the performance goals
four years ago he graduated of CMC is to introduce classical
from the University of South- music that is great, but may not
ern California with a Master’s be mainstream yet in Korea,” By Lucy Corne river here, but believe me — the trek
of Vocal Arts, and decided to he said. is worth it.
travel the world. He put on a
backpack and set off for Ko-
The choir performed “Handel’s
Messiah” to an audience of more
It’s no secret that Korea’s beer leaves
expats homesick for a flavorful pint
The expert’s view Clinging to the bank of a narrow
stream in Gapyeong, 70 km northeast
rea. than 1,000 last winter, and is that keeps its head longer than a coke. of Seoul, Ka Brew is one of the coun-
A little while later, still in currently rehearsing for a Req- A more closely guarded secret Rob Titley is a beer connoisseur and award-winning homebrewer. He founded home- try’s more adventurous breweries. As
backpack mode, he hopped over uiem Concert in May 2010, to be though, is that there are an ever- brewkorea.com and is on a mission to prove that there’s always an alternative to sipping well as being the fine people who work
to Japan, where he met his held at Changsin University’s growing army of brewpubs in Seoul a mass-produced lager. to import Alley Kat, they brew a range
sweetheart, a South Korean, Presbyterian College. brewing and serving their own beer. of beers including a rather average
who was also on a short vaca- But there’s another potential Earlier in the year, I started to explore Expat Living asked him about Korea’s beer scene and where he goes to find a fine pint: stout, a very drinkable German ale and
tion. Not long afterwards they set of beneficiaries of Cama- the emerging craft beer scene with a a flavorful wheat beer.
married. His original plan had rata. feature looking at six brewpubs south “I’d have to say that the beer scene in Korea is lacking. I think there is a demand for bet- Alas, they don’t have regular drink-
been to be in Korea for a year Goessl’s early childhood grow- of the Han. ter beer in this country, but the supply just isn’t there. Government regulations definitely ing hours, but keep an eye out for their
don’t make it easy — high import taxes on beer and large quotas for brewpub status
and then to backpack around ing up in humble circumstances Following is the sequel to that piece, special events — booze cruises on the
make it difficult for people to enter the business.
Europe auditioning for major on a family-operated farm led to this time venturing north in search of Han and all you can drink (and eat)
“The government needs to do more; make more changes to encourage growth and give
opera houses. his desire to create opportuni- the city’s top pint. barbeques on the deck outside their
more opportunities for the small, local breweries to enter the market. However, things
Goessl hung up his backpack ties for less privileged children are improving, albeit slowly. I’ve been in Korea for nearly seven years and have definitely
and looked around Seoul, his to develop musically. 5. Oktoberfest seen a change in the beer scene. While most of the big brewpubs were open or about When: Open for special events
home for the foreseeable future. His vision for the Camarata to open back then, not much bottled beer was available. A much wider selection is now Where: Gapyeong
What would a young music Music Company is not only Although the Gangnam branch available at the supermarkets, which is definitely a good thing — being able to get a bot- How much: Depends on the event
graduate do in Seoul? Music. to bring performance oppor- topped the list in the southern cat- tle of Paulaner or Sam Adams from some convenience store is a huge step up.
Without fuss he leapfrogged the tunities to musically talented egory, Sinchon’s Oktoberfest leaves “As for draft beer, I naturally drink a lot of my own homebrew, but I’m always up for a pint 1. Alley Kat Pubs
conventional route of working for people of all cultures living or patrons somewhat disappointed. The of Platinum Ale or a pilsner at Oktoberfest. However, while Korean beers are getting bet-
a music company, and formed his working in Seoul, and the joy wheat, pilsner and dunkel beers that ter, I’d have to say that the best draft beer on offer right now has to be Alley Kat.” Available across the country, Alley
own. of listening to the city’s public, draw people to their larger pub are all Kat is a hoppy India Pale Ale imported
He got busy teaching music but to give orphans and low- available on tap, but brewed off the from Canada and is one of the most
and working as a voice actor. income children the chance to premises, leaving a less atmospheric (but quite palatable) pints of helles, north of the Han are so striking they palatable pints on the peninsula. In
But he had other ideas ferment- acquire a musical instrument bar (no brewing kettles) and sometimes weizen and dunkel. deserve their own write-up. The huge Itaewon there are a bunch of bars serv-
ing. and/or study music. a less-than-fresh beer. For top comedy value, opt for their Hongdae branch is known for its elabo- ing up this surprisingly well-priced
“There are very few opportu- At the moment he’s explor- Likewise, the breadsticks that draw liter yard of ale and attempt to drink rate castle-like exterior and the theme beer, including the cozy Three Alley
nities out there for amateurs ing some specifically targeted even non-drinkers to Gangnam aren’t your share without dousing your jeans continues inside with chandeliers hang- Pub and the ever-popular Sam Ryan’s
and semi-professional people low-income places in Seoul, and necessarily made to order, though they in booze. ing overhead and suits of armor hiding upstairs.
to perform. So I got a couple of talking to some orphanages. can be good for giving your jaw a work Since it’s such a slog to get out there, in dark corners. And really — is there any better
musicians together to form a “I’ve been working in an area out! Disappointing but infinitely prefer- make a day of it. Picnic first in nearby Enjoy a wood-fired pizza and a pint way to enjoy a fine pint than with
string quartet and small choir,” where they have a small music able to drinking Hite. Lake Park, home to South Korea’s of their granat beer and find a table in some food that reminds you of home,
he said when asked what program,” he told me. “There’s When: Every day 4 p.m.-1 a.m. largest man-made lake, and fit in some the cavernous bar — just don’t arrange whether it’s wings, ribs or a steak and
moved him to create a music a ‘band room’ with a drum set Where: Sinchon station, opposite shopping at the La Festa mall before to meet friends inside; you’ll never find ale pie?
company. “Soon we were think- and a piano. I’ll be starting a Outback How much: 500cc = 5,000 won moving on to the altogether more en- them! The Itaewon branch is small and When: Varied
ing of sponsorship, and the choir and music lessons, and tertaining business of getting slowly uber-stylish with chic decor, a bistro- Where: Throughout Seoul and the
initiative to form a choir and looking for sponsorship to pur- 4. Rosenbrau drunk. style menu and of course, the usual rest of the country, with the highest
orchestra gained momentum. chase musical instruments for When: Every day 5 p.m.-2 a.m. range of tasty beers. concentration in Itaewon How much:
“There are now musicians from the children.” If you live way up north or can be Where: La Festa, Ilsan (Jeongbalsan 500cc = 4,500 won
19 different countries, which is bothered with the trek from central Station, Line 3) How much: 400cc = 4,400 When: Every day 11:30 a.m.-midnight
amazing as a multicultural ex- Seoul, Rosenbrau is another brewpub won Where: Hongdae and Itaewon
perience. We felt such a sense of Goessl can be contacted at producing draft beer on the premises. How much: 400cc = 5,500 won To comment, e-mail mattlamers@her-
camaraderie, and it provided the goesslry@gmail.com To com- Like most Korean bars serving house 3. Castle Praha aldm.com; to contact the author, e-mail
perfect name, Camarata.” ment, e-mail mattlamers@her- beer, as it’s often known, the menu fea- 2. Ka Brew articles@lucycorne.com; the opinions
The Camarata Music Com- aldm.com; to contact the author, tures German-style brews, but includes OK, so we mentioned Praha in the expressed here do not necessarily repre-
pany does not fit the term “con- e-mail laurineler@yahoo.com.au a hoppy Kölsch alongside the standard south of the river article, but their pubs So we’re wandering way north of the sent those of The Korea Herald. — Ed.
ventional.” — Ed.

Take your best shot at a free camera

By Aaron Raisey interesting landscapes or any- would be fine. Tripods are of
thing else that catches your eye. course perfectly acceptable. The
The Photo Challenge is spon- In the time given for the comp, other important restriction is
sored by Hyosung Camera (Eng- you can range far and wide to since the competition is an ex-
lish: (010) 7203-9599) and Babo suit your personal photographic pat challenge, it’s open only to
Shirts (www.baboshirts.com). tastes. people who hold a foreign (non-
Winners of the weekly competi- exposing expat photography in Competitions have prizes, so Korean) passport.
tion receive a 50,000 won store this country to the professional what’s up for grabs? There are Anything else I need to know?
credit at Hyosung Camera and Korean photographic commu- quite a few prizes. For fourth Entries are open until May 15
a Babo Shirt. To take part in nity. place, five images will be se- and the 20,000 won entry fee
the competition, simply upload The KPPA has also contrib- lected to receive a gift from covers transportation to and
your photo at www.flickr.com/ uted something very special and Hyosung Camera and three from the event, as well as a
groups/seoulphotoclub — Ed. unique in the way of a prize, third place images will pick lunch box. You can also make
PHOTO CHALLENGE — weekly challenge — A nighttime shot of the expressway near the Steelworks which I’ll mention later. up a Manfrotto tripod each. A your own way there and back if
in Gwangyang. Simon Bond Genuine photo competitions This is the general set up: a Sigma DP2 digital camera is you wish.
for expats in Korea are few busload or two of expats will up for the second placed photo- It will be a good challenge,
and far between. Of course, be transported out of town to graph and the top placed image and with 10 prizes available,
each week we have a challenge a specific location and have receives a Nikon D90 DSLR the chances of picking one up
within the Seoul Photo Club — four or five hours to nail a few with an 18-55mm VR lens. In are pretty good. Don’t be put-off
the last two week’s winners are choice images to be submitted addition to the camera for first by thinking maybe you aren’t
displayed in Expat Living, and for judging. place, remember that special good enough either, because
the SPC also runs the monthly So what are the details? and unique prize I mentioned the format and restrictions are
competition for Groove Korea Where is it exactly? Out earlier? In an incredible coup great levelers — anything can
magazine. But the competition near Paju, just north of Seoul for the foreign photographic happen on the day.
coming up on June 6 is very dif- — Shimhak Mountain to be community, the winner is also For further information or
ferent. exact. There is a floral festival granted membership in the to find out how to enter, about
What’s so unique about it? happening there at that time, KPPA. the travel, judging, or prize
Probably the biggest thing is but don’t think you’re restricted Any restrictions? There are a presentation event, e-mail me
that while being largely organ- to pictures of pretty flowers! couple of important restrictions. at aaron.raisey@gmail.com or
ized by the Seoul Photo Club, The festival is just a conven- First, in the interest of keeping call Paul at Hyosung Camera at
Flickr in Seoul, Seoul Strobist ient event and the competition it a reasonably even competi- 010-7203-9599 or e-mail him at
Club and Hyosung Camera, it’s theme is open, so anything goes tion for everyone, lighting rigs qortjdgns@hotmail.com You can
being run under the auspices of in terms of subject material. and excess external equipment also get all the details at the
the Korean Professional Pho- You could take advantage of the will be frowned upon. Basi- Seoul Photo Club on Flickr. I
PHOTO CHALLENGE — weekly challenge — A flock of white-naped cranes in flight over the Cheolwon tographers Association. This flowers for some nice macro or cally, just your camera(s), film look forward to seeing you there
Basin near the DMZ. Rich Lindie is very significant in terms of portrait shots, or step back for or digital, and a flash unit and good luck!

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