Korea Herald 20100504
Korea Herald 20100504
Korea Herald 20100504
Submissions may be edited for length or clarity.
Spreading the
magic of music
throughout Seoul
Expat Living is a section dedicated to the daily
living of expatriates.
It is printed on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.
To share stories about your life abroad, send stories
or story ideas to Matthew Lamers at While the company hires
By Laurine le Roux
mattlamers@heraldm.com a few professionals to fill in
Submissions may be edited for length or clarity.
Seoul is a city that is alive the holes in the choir and a
with the arts. It is vibrant and number of the orchestra are
brimming with creativity. There professional, many of the per-
are arts centers in every corner formers and musicians give of Castle Praha Granat Oktoberfest pilsner Castle Praha Granat
of the city and in the towns their time and talent freely.
around Seoul. The beneficiaries are Seoul’s
But there’s a little niche miss- public who get to hear the mu-