Turbo Code Performance and Design Trade-Offs: 1993, and Shown To Have A Near Shannon

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Raffi Achiba
Mehrnaz Mortazavi
Booz,Allen & Hamilton, Inc
McLean, Virginia
William Fizell
Falls Church, Virginia

turbo codes were introduced, the serial concatenated

convolutional codes (SCCC) and the hybrid
concatenated convolutional codes (HCCC).

Turbo codes were first proposed by Berrou and
Glavieux in 1993, and shown to have a near Shannon
limit error correction capability. Since then, turbo
codes have become the focus of research and study
among the coding community. Turbo codes are
particularly attractive to higher data rate applications
where the additional coding gain is necessary to
maintain the link performance level with limited power.
For instance, the Advanced EHF satellite system is a
candidate for implementing turbo codes, which offer a
superior performance compared to convolutional codes
currently used in the Milstar system.

There are a number of design parameters involved in

determining the performance of turbo codes. In order to
select a turbo coding scheme that offers the best
performance for a specific system, a thorough study of
the key design parameters and their effects on code
performance is essential.
The comparisons and analysis presented in this paper
introduce the reader to the most common types of turbo
codes, as well as the basic turbo code design parameters.

This paper presents a survey of turbo coding designs

based on existing research journals and publications. It
investigates the key design parameters for each coding
scheme, such as choice of component codes, memory
size, interleaver size, and the number of decoding
iterations. In addition, it examines the trade-ofls
between improvement in code performance, and the
overall delay and the computational complexity of the
coding algorithm. This paper also presents Bit Error
Rate (BER) performance comparisons between different
turbo code designs, both in additive white Gaussian and
Rayleigh fading environments.

Although the term turbo codes is used to refer to a
wide variety of concatenated coding schemes, it once
referred solely to a parallel concatenation of two
constituent codes separated by an interleaver as shown



Turbo codes consist of concatenation of two or more

component codes separated by interleavers. These
component codes can be either block codes or
convolutional codes. The initially introduced turbo
codes are parallel concatenated convolutional codes
(PCCC) whose encoder is formed by parallel
concatenation of two recursive systematic convolutional
codes joined by an interleaver. Later, a new class of

(C)2000 IEEE


1 (k)


Figure 1. Block Diagram of a Rate U3 Parallel Concatenated

Convolutional Code (PCCC)

In Figure 1, a rate 1/3 turbo code is obtained

concatenation of two rate 112 recursive
convolutional (RSC) codes separated by
random interleaver and is referred to as


by parallel
a pseudoa parallel

concatenated convolutional code (PCCC). For every

information bit, D(k), the PCCC outputs a three-bit code
word that consists of the systematic bit, Ys(k), followed
by the parity bits, Ypl(k) and Yp2(k), generated by the
two RSC encoders. The systematic bit of the inner code
is not transmitted. Figure 2 shows the BER performance
of a rate 1/3 turbo code and illustrates its superior
performance compared to a rate 1/3 convolutional code
with constraint length K=9.

number of shift registers in the encoder. The minimum

weight input, Wm, is equal to 1 for NRC codes and 2 for
RSC codes. The value of the minimum weight input is
very important because the upper bound of the
probability of error for a turbo code with interleaver
length N is proportional to the term N(l-wm)
([3], p.8).
So, for NRC codes the upper bound of the probability of
error will be proportional to 1, while for RSC codes it is
proportional to N-'.
Since turbo codes are block codes, it is necessary to
flush the encoder at the beginning of each block, to
prevent errors from carrying from one block to the next.
RSC codes, however, are more complicated to flush than
NRC codes. For NRC codes a sequence of M zeros is
used to bring the encoder to an all-zero state, whereas,
for RSC codes, a sequence of bits, called the tail
sequence, which depends on the state of the encoder, is
generated each time a block of data is coded.

The interleaver in a turbo code scrambles the bits in
each block of data before it enters the second encoder,
so that the inputs to the two encoders are not correlated.
The decoder also assumes that the inputs to the two
component encoders are not correlated. By de-coupling
the inputs to the two encoders, the interleaver provides a
good codeword weight distribution, which improves the
decoder performance.

Figure 2. BER Performance of a Rate 1/3 Convolutional Code

with K=9 and a Rate 113 PCCC with Two Sixteen-State RC
Encoders and Interleaver Delay of 16,384 after 9 Iterations

The performance of a turbo code depends on several

parameters, including the choice of component codes
and interleaver type.

Turbo codes use an iterative decoding algorithm, where

the BER performance improves after each iteration. The
performance of the iterative decoder depends on both
the size and the strength of the interleaver. For a given
set of component codes, the turbo code with a longer
interleaver has a better performance.
interleavers are used for higher data rates where the
resulting latency is tolerable. For lower data rates,
however, long interleavers introduce long delays which
are not desirable. Similarly, for the same set of
component codes and interleaver size, the stronger the
interleaver the better the performance.

When convolutional codes are used alone the choice of

code is almost exclusively non-recursive (NRC). When
they are a part of a turbo code design, however, the use
of RSC codes can be crucial.


An RSC code has a feedback path that adds the content
of the shift register to the input bit. In addition, the first
output bit out of the encoder is called the systematic bit
because it is simply the input bit. An RSC code has an
infinite impulse response, while the NRC code has a
finite impulse response.
As a result, recursive
systematic and non-recursive convolutional codes have
different minimum weight input, Wm, values. Wm is
the minimum weight of a finite input sequence that
could generate an error sequence of length 2(M+1) in
the resulting codeword ([3], p.8). The weight of a
sequence is the number of non-zero bits, and M is the

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The S-random interleaver is a random interleaver that

maps any two bits, separated by a distance less or equal
to S, to new locations with a separation distance greater
than S, where S is an integer. Moreover, the spreading
pattern is randomly generated, and thus, the permutation
pattern is stored in a table, both in the encoder and the
decoder sides. For a large block size, however, the


search for an S-random interleaver can take a significant

amount of time.
The turbo interleaver is another strong interleaver that
yields good results and does not use a look up table. In
stead, the turbo interleaver uses a mapping algorithm
that is easy to implement, as shown below [6]. The
turbo interleaver algorithm works for large block size,
N. such that
N = 2" x 2",

n 2 3.

Each bit with row and column indices i and j is mapped

to a new location of coordinates i' and j' derived as
i' = (2"-' + 1 ) . (i + j)
mod 2"
mod 8
mod 2"
j = (j+ 1 ) . P(5) - 1
P(6) = { 17, 37, 19,29,41,23, 13,7}

Figure 3. BER Performance of Rate 1/3 PCCCs with Different

Memory Sizes and Interleaver Delay of 100 (Courtesy of [2])



One important measure in designing convolutional
codes is the constraint length, K, which is the maximum
number of bits in a single output stream that can be
affected by any input bit. In general, the constraint
length is taken to be the length of the longest input shift
register plus one, K = M+1. Component codes with
different constraint lengths (K) produce different results.
For example, given the same set of parameters, a 16state (K=5) turbo code has a better performance than a
4-state (K=3) turbo code. Figure 3 demonstrates how
the BER performance curves change for different
number of states ranging from 2 to 32. Moreover,
increasing the memory size does not affect the decoding
However, the computational complexity
increases, and thus, the implementation becomes more

1 OE-05 --

02 03








Figure 4. BER Performance of a Rate 113 PCCC for 6 and 9

Iterations with two 4-State RC Encoders and Interleaver Delay of
16,384 (Courtesy of [l])

However, this performance improvement is limited by

the interleaver length and strength.
For a given
interleaver length, the performance gain becomes
negligible after a certain number of iterations. Figure 4
shows the BER performance of a rate 1/3 PCCC for six
and nine iterations.


The superior performance of turbo codes can be
achieved by a relatively simple iterative decoding
algorithm. The number of iterations used in the
decoding algorithm affects the turbo code performance.
As the number of iterations increases the decoder
performance improves.

0-7803-6521-6/$10.00(C) 2000 IEEE


As shown in figure 2, the slope of the bit error

probability curve for the PCCC is relatively high for low
E D , values but decreases considerably at higher E D ,
values where increasing the signal to noise ratio does
not impact the bit error rate significantly.
phenomenon is referred to as the "floor" behavior,
which is typical of PCCCs. The bit error rate value at
which the "floor" behavior appears varies among
different PCCC designs.
For example, longer


convolutional (RC) code, and an interleaver of size

N=16,384 that connects the two encoders. Unlike
PCCCs, the interleaver of an SCCC operates on coded
bits of the outer encoder. Therefore, for the same size
interleaver, the interleaver delay in terms of input bits
for an SCCC is reduced by Roc = outer code rate. In the
above SCCC example, for an interleaver size of N and
outer code rate of 112 , the interleaver delay in terms of
input bits is reduced to N/2. Likewise, for the same
interleaver delay, an SCCC can benefit from a larger
size interleaver compared to a PCCC .

interleavers or lower code rates cause the floor

behavior to appear at a lower bit error rate.
As was mentioned earlier, increasing the interleaver size
improves the performance of a PCCC. The improvement
in the BER performance as the interleaver size increases
is referred to as the interleaver gain. In order to
maximize the interleaver gain, a PCCC must use
recursive convolutional encoders as component codes
([2], p.1) ([5], p.14). An RSC code is described by its
generator polynomial. For a given number of shift
registers in an RSC, the PCCC code performance can be
optimized when the feed forward polynomial is of
degree equal to the number of shift registers ([2], p.9).
The PCCC, whose BER performance curve is shown in
Figure 2, follows these two design guidelines; it consists
of RSC component codes with four shift registers whose
feed forward polynomial is of degree four.

As in a PCCC, increasing the interleaver size improves

the performance of an SCCC. In order for an SCCC to
yield an interleaver gain, a recursive inner encoder must
be used ([3], p.12). In addition, an NRC outer code is
necessary to maximize this interleaver gain, since the
interleaver gain of an SCCC depends on the outer code
free distance, df,.
The interleaver gain (IG) as a
function of the interleaver size and df,, can be computed
as follows ([3], p.14):

A rate 1/2 PCCC can be generated with the same

constituent codes used to construct a rate 1/3 PCCC.
For instance, in the PCCC example of Figure 1, a rate
1/2 turbo code can be obtained by alternating between
the parity bits of the first and second encoders and hence
transmitting only one parity bit per code word. The
process is referred to as puncturing.

IG = R-(dfd2)
IG = ~ - [ ( d f o + l ) / 2 1

, when dfo is even,

, when dfo is odd.
R = N2/N1 is the factor by which the interleaver size is

Figure 6 shows the BER performance of a rate 1/3

SCCC and compares it to the performance of a rate 1/3
PCCC. The PCCC uses two rate 1/2 RSC codes, and the
SCCC uses a rate 1/2 RSC outer code and a rate 213
RSC inner code. The interleaver delay, in terms of input
bits, is 16,384 for both turbo codes. Both use 4-state
component codes. The iterative decoding algorithm for
both turbo codes uses nine iterations.

After the breakthrough discovery of turbo codes in 1993,
several attempts were made to apply the iterative
decoding to serial concatenation of convolutional codes.
In July 1996, analytical and simulation results on
performance of serial concatenated convolutional codes
(SCCC) were finally published [3].


An SCCC consists of two cascaded component codes, an

outer code and an inner code that are linked together by
an interleaver that de-couples the output of the outer
encoder from the input of the inner encoder.



Figure 5. Block Diagram of a Rate 113 Serial Concatenated

Convolutional Code (SCCC)








Figure 5 shows a rate 1/3 SCCC that consists of an outer

code that is a rate 1/2 non-recursive convolutional
(NRC) code, an inner code that is a rate 213 recursive

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Figure 6. BER Performance of a Rate 1/3 PCCC and a Rate 1/3

SCCC with two 4-State RC Encoders and Interleaver Delay of
16,384 after 9 Iterations (Courtesy of [l])


values. The BER value at which both turbo codes have

comparable BER performance varies depending on the
interleaver size.

As the BER performance curves show, the PCCC

performs better that the SCCC for BER values above 10Their performance at lo- is comparable. For BER
values below
the SCCC behaves significantly better
and does not manifest the floor behavior typical of
for instance, the SCCC has an
advantage of at least 0.5 dB over the PCCC.

A higher rate SCCC can be constructed using a different

set of component codes. Figure 8 shows the BER
performance of a rate 1/2 SCCC compared to a rate 1/2
PCCC. The rate 1/2 SCCC is formed by using a rate 1/2
four-state NRC outer code and a rate 1 two-state RC
inner code. The rate 1/2 PCCC uses two identical rate
2/3 RSC codes. The interleaver delay in terms of input
bits is 256 for both turbo codes.

As was mentioned earlier, the floor behavior of

PCCCs appears at a lower bit error rate for longer
interleavers. The bit error rate at which the floor
behavior of a PCCC starts affects the performance of a
PCCC compared to an SCCC. Figure 7 shows a
comparison of the performance of a rate 113 PCCC to a
rate 1/3 SCCC for a smaller interleaver delay of 1024.
Both turbo codes use the same component codes as in
the previous example, but they experience a much
smaller interleaver delay of 1024, compared to 16,384.
The results are shown for seven decoding iterations.









+SCCC 113


-&-SCCC 112


. .







- - -

tPCCC 112


Figure 8. BER Performance of a Rate 112 PCCC and a Rate 112

SCCC in AWGN with Interleaver Size of 256 (Courtesy of [4])





Figure 8 shows that for an interleaver delay of 256 and

higher code rate of 1/2, the PCCC does not outperform
the SCCC, even at high BER values. In addition, for
lower BER values, the SCCC provides a significant gain
over the PCCC. For example, at lo- the SCCC has an
advantage of at least 2 dB over the PCCC. Figure 8
reveals the floor behavior of both parallel and serial
turbo codes, however, in the case of the SCCC, this
phenomenon appears at a much lower bit error rate.



Figure 7. BER Performance of a Rate 1/3 PCCC and a Rate 1/3

SCCC with two 4-State RC Encoders and Interleaver Delay of
1024 after 7 Iterations (Courtesy of [3])

Figure 7 shows that for a smaller interleaver delay of

1024, the floor behavior of the PCCC starts at a much
higher BER value of lo3, compared to
when the
interleaver delay is 16,384. As a result the range of
BER values where the PCCC outperforms the SCCC is
reduced to values above
For BER values lower than
the SCCC performs better than the PCCC and does
not exhibit the floor behavior typical of PCCCs.

The decoding algorithm used in this example is the

maximum likelihood (ML) decoding algorithm.
However, for larger interleaver sizes the ML decoding
algorithm becomes very complex and physically
unrealizable ([5], p.1). For long interleavers, a suboptimum iterative decoding algorithm that is based on a
maximum a posteriori (MAP) decoder is implemented.
The iterative decoding technique approaches the ML
performance bound as the number of iterations increases

When comparing serial and parallel concatenated

convolutional codes, the following general statement
can be made for the specific encoder configurations
examined: PCCCs perform better for high BER values
while SCCCs perform. extremely well at low BER

0-7803-6521-6/$10.00 (C) 2000 IEEE

As was illustrated by several simulation results [3][4],

SCCCs outperform PCCCs at low BER values. At




higher BER values PCCCs perform. better than SCCCs

by a few tenths of a dB. Since the "floor" behavior
typical of turbo codes appears at a higher BER value for
PCCCs than for SCCCs, the additional coding gain
offered by SCCCs consistently improves for a longer
range of BER values. Furthermore, the maximum
interleaver gain PCCCs can provide is R-', where R is
the factor by which the interleaver size is increased. On
the other hand, the interleaver gain for SCCCs can be as
high as R-3or R-4for higher E&, values depending on
the value of df,.

In order to address the end-to-end link performance

requirements in a hostile environment (i.e., jamming,
scintillation), the performance of turbo codes in the
presence of jamming and scintillation must be studied.
Figure 10 shows the simulation results on the
performance of a rate 1/2 PCCC and a rate 1/2 SCCC in
a Rayleigh fading environment. This example uses the
same turbo codes as shown in Figure 8.


1 OE-01


:. .

1;1 1 OE-05 . . . . . . . . . .

1 OE-06 -~




. . .




. . . . . . .

. . . . . . .


1 OE-09



Parallel code __+

Figure 10. BER Performance of a Rate 1/2 PCCC and a Rate 1/2
SCCC in a Fading Environment with Interleaver Size of 256
(Courtesy of [4])

Outer code


Figure 9. Block diagram of a rate 1/4 Hybrid Concatenated

Convolutional Code (HCCC).

Figure 10 shows that the SCCC maintains its superior

performance over the PCCC in a Rayleigh fading

The design criteria for HCCCs, in terms of the type of

component codes used, remains the same as for PCCCs
and SCCCs. The HCCC BER performance is optimum
when the parallel and inner codes are recursive to ensure
that the minimum weight input, Wm, is equal to 2, and
the outer code is non-recursive to guarantee that the
outer code free distance, dfo, is larger than 1 ([4],p.7).

The bit error rate performance of turbo code degrades in

a Rayleigh fading environment. Figure 11 demonstrates
a degradation of at least 2 dB in the performance of a
rate 1/2 SCCC when the environment is changed from
AWGN to Rayleigh Fading. The channel interleaver
can improve the turbo code performance in a fading

The drawback to HCCCs, however, is that they

introduce a considerable amount of delay. First, HCCCs
are known for their low coding rates, 114 at most.
Second, because HCCCs use more than two encoders
and one interleaver, the decoding delay is significant.
Therefore, HCCCs are ideal for extremely high data
rates, where the resulting delay is tolerable.

0-7803-6521-6/$10.00 (C) 2000 IEEE


1o m 0


1 os501
1 0602

[I] S. Benedetto, D. Divsalar, G. Montorsi, and F.

Pollara, Soft-Input Soft-Output Maximum A Posteriori
(MAP) Module to Decode Parallel and Serial
Concatenated Codes, Proceedings of ICC96, Dallas,
Texas, June 1996.


1 0606


[2] S. Benedetto, G. Montorsi, Design of Parallel

Concatenated Convolutional Codes, IEEE Transactions
on Communications, Vol. 44, No. 5 May 1996.

1 OE-07 -

1 0608




[3] S. Benedetto, D. Divsalar, G. Montorsi, and F.

Pollara, Serial Concatenation of Interleaved Codes:
Performance Analysis , Design, and Iterative Decoding,
The TDA Progress Report 42-1 26, Jet Propulsion
Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, Aug. 15, 1996.

Figure 11. BER Performance of a Rate 1/2 SCCC in AWGN and

Fading Channels with Interleaver Size of 256 (Courtesy of [4])


[4] D. Divsalar, and F. Pollara, Serial and Hybrid

Concatenated Codes with Applications.

Various independent studies and simulations have

shown that turbo codes achieve near Shannon limit BER
performances. In fact, turbo codes have a much stronger
error correcting capability than convolutional codes or
any other Block codes.

[ 5 ] S. Benedetto, and G. Montorsi, Unveiling Turbo

Codes: Some Results on Parallel Concatenated Coding
Schemes, IEEE Transactions on information Theory,
Vol. 42, No. 2, March 1996.

The turbo decoder employs an iterative decoding

algorithm that is of relatively low complexity, and can
easily be implemented.

[6] V. Kasemsri, Simulation of Turbo Codes for the

Advanced EHF SATCOM System, MITRE, Center for
Air Force C2 Systems, Bedford, Massachusetts,
September 1998.

The performance of a turbo code depends on the

memory size, generating polynomials, number of
decoding iterations, interleaver type, and interleaver

size. Increasing the interleaver size improves the BER

performance at the cost of a larger overall delay. On the
other hand, increasing the memory size improves the
BER at the cost of greater computational complexity.
Moreover, the method of concatenating the component
codes affects the turbo code performance. For example,
for a given interleaver delay and depending on the
desired BER value, serial concatenation could yield a
better performance than parallel concatenation.
Generally, the choice of turbo code will depend on the
data rate, desired range of BER values, and the expected
noise environment.
Finally, although simulation results have shown that
SCCCs are less susceptible to fading environment than
PCCCs, it is necessary in both cases to use a channel
interleaver to maintain the turbo code performance over
a fading channel.

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