Literature Review
Literature Review
Literature Review
students who participated in the role-plays and collaborative exercises did better on subsequent standard
evaluations than their traditionally instructed peers. Presented here is a discussion of active learning,
descriptions of the two experiments, and an explanation of the outcomes and implications of the study.
Many have never learned effective strategies for learning; they offend use
strategies that take a long time and simply do not work, and they struggle in
Task such as learning spelling words, math facts, memorizing facts and
learning vocabulary word learned more easily and quickly if the student
learns them visually. When student learn visually, they tend to be more
interested and learn quickly and easily.
When a young person understands that he is intelligent, that he is a good
student, that he can learn easily and there is nothing wrong with him, that
has dramatic impact on every aspect of his life! Now we can move on to
teaching strategies foe mastering thoughts and emotions and taking action
on goals.
they need to do, invest time, effort and money in learning, and more. while I
believe leaders should want to learn foe their own purposes and reasons,
perhaps even more pragmatic reason why leaders cant avoid learning
because they dont have perfect teams or team members, every leader
wants their team members to grow, develop and get better in their current
job, or be preparing for the future job. You cant get the growth,
development, and change without learning; it is the part of the package.
The Most Effective Way To Learn A New Language
If you drag your feet over any foreign language course, you can be assured
of failure where you are required to put in a minimum of three hours weekly
and 15 minutes on a daily basis.
Some occasional review of all material you have learned previously is also
very important to your success for example, the vocabulary. Practice
speaking out loud on your own, in a group of friends studying the same
foreign language and with your pet such as dog or cat.
Write down a passage of the language as part of dictation from a friend and
then correct your own writing .some assorted helps: develop a good attitude,
have reasons and goals for studying the foreign language.
John Dunloasky 2013
Improving Students Learning with Effective Learning Techniques
J. Patrick McCarthy, Liam Anderson, June 2000
Active Learning Techniques Versus Traditional Teaching Styles
Marcia W Keyser, spring 2000
Active learning and cooperative learning: understanding the difference and
using both styles effectively