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Designation: D 1310 01

Standard Test Method for

Flash Point and Fire Point of Liquids by Tag Open-Cup

This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 1310; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.

1. Scope *
1.1 This test method covers the determination by Tag
Open-Cup Apparatus of the flash point and fire point of liquids
having flash points between 0 and 325F (18 and 165C) and
fire points up to 325F.
1.2 This test method, when applied to paints and resin
solutions that tend to skin over or that are very viscous, gives
less reproducible results than when applied to solvents.

D 1015 Test Method for Freezing Points of High-Purity

D 1016 Test Method for Purity of Hydrocarbons from
Freezing Points2
D 1078 Test Method for Distillation Range of Volatile
Organic Liquids3
D 1364 Test Method for Water in Volatile Solvents (Karl
Fischer Reagent Titration Method)3
D 2268 Test Method for Analysis of High-Purity n-Heptane
and Isooctane by Capillary Gas Chromatography2
D 2699 Test Method for Research Octane Number of
Spark-Ignition Engine Fuel4
D 2700 Test Method for Motor Octane Number SparkIgnition Engine Fuel4
E 1 Specification for ASTM Thermometers5

NOTE 1In order to conserve time and sample, the fire point of a
material may be determined by the Tag Open-Cup Method by continuing
the heating of the specimen to its fire point. Fire points may also be
determined by Test Method D 92, which should be used for fire points
beyond the scope of this test method.

1.3 This standard should be used to measure and describe

the properties of materials, products, or assemblies in response
to heat and flame under controlled laboratory conditions and
should not be used to describe or appraise the fire hazard or
fire risk of materials, products, or assemblies under actual fire
conditions. However, results of this test may be used as
elements of a fire risk assessment which takes into account all
of the factors pertinent to an assessment of the fire hazard of a
particular end use.
1.4 This standard does not purport to address the safety
problems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the
user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health
practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

3. Terminology
3.1 Definitions:
3.1.1 flash pointthe lowest temperature, corrected to a
pressure of 760 mm Hg (101.3 kPa, 1013 mbar), at which
application of an ignition source causes the vapor of the
specimen to ignite by the procedure described.
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
3.2.1 fire pointthe lowest temperature at which a specimen sustains burning for a minimum of 5 s by the procedure
4. Summary of Method
4.1 The specimen is placed in the cup of a Tag Open-Cup
Apparatus and heated at a slow, but constant rate. A small test
flame is passed at a uniform rate across the cup at specified
intervals until a flash occurs. To determine the fire point, the
test is continued until the application of the test flame causes
the specimen to ignite and burn for at least 5 s.

2. Referenced Documents
2.1 ASTM Standards:
D 92 Test Method for Flash and Fire Points by Cleveland
Open Cup2
D 850 Test Method for Distillation of Industrial Aromatic
Hydrocarbons and Related Materials3

5. Significance and Use

5.1 Flash point and fire point of a liquid are physical
properties that may be used to define their flammability
hazards. The flash point may be used to classify materials in

This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D01 on Paint
and Related Coatings, Materials, and Applications and is the direct responsibility of
Subcommittee D01.22 on Health and Safety.
Current edition approved Dec. 10, 2001. Published February 2002. Originally
published as D 1310 52 T. Last previous edition D 1310 86(1997){1.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 05.01.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 06.04.


Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 05.05.

Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 14.03.

*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard.

Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

D 1310
government regulations.

described in detail in Annex A1.

6.2 Shield, as described in detail in Annex A1.
6.3 Thermometers, conforming to Specification E 1, as
listed in Table 1.

6. Apparatus
6.1 Flash TesterTag Open-Cup Apparatus (Fig. 1), as

Metric Equivalents




13 16

FIG. 1 Tag Open-Cup Apparatus

D 1310
TABLE 1 Thermometers

Flash Point/
Fire Point:
0 to 60F
18 to 15C
60 to 200F
15 to 93C
200 to 325F
93 to 165C


Thermometer Range



36.5 to + 107.5F
38 to + 42C
20 to 230F
5 to 110C
194 to 338F
90 to 170C


mm) above the top edge of the glass cup when it is in place. It
is imperative that this adjustment be made as accurately as
possible. Raising or lowering the taper can be achieved by
bending it slightly or preferably by adding and removing thin
metal shims as required from between the taper and the vertical
supporting member of the swivel holder.
8.4 With the glass cup in place in the bath, adjust the
thermometer holder so that the thermometer is supported firmly
in a vertical position halfway between the center and edge of
the cup and on a line passing through the center of the cup and
the pivot of the taper. Place the thermometer so that the bottom
of the bulb is 14 in. (6.4 mm) from the inner bottom of the cup.
8.5 Set the draft shield around the tester so that the sides
form right angles with each other and the tester is well toward
the back of the shield.

6.4 Flasks, 500-mL, two, with rubber stoppers.

7. Materials
7.1 Water-Glycol Solution (1 + 1), for flash points from 0 to
200F (18 to 93C).
7.2 Solid Carbon Dioxide-Acetone or other Coolant.
7.3 Silicone Fluid, inert, high boiling, having a flash point
exceeding the test temperatures by at least 110F (60C) for
flash and fire points from 200 to 325F (93 to 165C).
7.4 n-Heptane,6 for determination of flash points from 0 to
60F (18 to 16C). See Annex A2 for specifications.
7.5 p-Xylene,6 for determination of flash points from 60 to
200F (16 to 93C). See Annex A2 for specifications.
7.6 Isopropanol (isopropyl alcohol),7 for determination of
flash points from 60 to 200F (16 to 93C). See Annex A2 for
7.7 Diethylene Glycol,8 for determination of flash points
from 200 to 325F (93 to 165C). See Annex A2 for specifications.

9. Procedure
9.1 Flash Points from 0 to 60F (18 to 16C) (Warning
Meticulous attention to all details relating to the taper, size of
taper flame, rate of temperature increase, and rate of passing
the taper over the sample is necessary for good results.)
9.1.1 Equip two 500-mL flasks with rubber stoppers through
which are inserted ASTM 33F (33C) thermometers. Cool a
quantity of 1 + 1 water-glycol solution in one stoppered
500-mL flask to approximately 20F (30C) by immersing
the flask in a solid carbon dioxide-acetone bath or other
coolant. Use extreme care not to contaminate the water-glycol
solution with either acetone or carbon dioxide.
9.1.2 Pour the cooled water-glycol solution into the tester
bath to a predetermined level 18in. (3.2 mm) below the top
when the cup is in place. An overflow is desirable for
controlling the liquid level in the bath.
9.1.3 At the same time the water-glycol coolant is being
chilled, cool a portion of the sample to approximately 10F
(25C) in the second stoppered 500-mL flask. If solid carbon
dioxide and acetone or other volatile solvents are used as a
coolant, extreme care must be exercised to avoid contamination of the sample. Cool the glass cup and place it in the bath.
Position the appropriate thermometer (Table 1) as described in
8.4 and fill the cup with cooled sample to a depth approximately 18 in. (3.2 mm) below the edge as determined by the
leveling device.

8. Assembly and Preparation of Apparatus

8.1 Place the tester in a level position on a solid table free of
vibration, in a location free of perceptible draft, and in a dim
light. Maintain a room temperature of 75 6 5F (24 6 3C)
throughout the test. Other room temperatures may be specified
on agreement between buyer and seller.
NOTE 2For materials with vapors or products of pyrolysis that are
objectionable, it is permissible to place the apparatus with shield in a fume
hood with the ventilation turned off. The ventilation can then be turned on
at completion of the test, or when and if fumes become objectionable.

8.2 Adjust the horizontal and vertical positions of the taper

so that the jet passes on the circumference of a circle having a
radius of at least 6 in. (150 mm). The jet should pass across the
center of the cup at right angles to a diameter passing through
the thermometer and in a plane 18 in. (3.2 mm) above the upper
edge of the cup as measured from the center of the orifice.
8.3 Using the leveling device as a gage, adjust the height of
the taper so that the center of the orifice is exactly 18 in. (3.2

NOTE 3Remove all bubbles from the surface of the liquid before
starting a determination.

9.1.4 Light the ignition flame and adjust it to form a flame

of spherical shape matching in size the 532-in. (4.0-mm) sphere
on the apparatus or the 532-in. hole in the leveling device.
9.1.5 Make the final adjustment of the specimen level in the
cup when the temperature is 20F (10C) below the anticipated
flash point. Two trial determinations may be necessary to select
the proper temperature at which to adjust the liquid level. A
hypodermic syringe or medicine dropper provides a convenient
means of adding or removing sample from the cup.
9.1.6 Allow the temperature of the specimen to increase
spontaneouslywithout applying any heatuntil the rate of
temperature rise decreases to 2F (1C)/min. At this point,
apply heat to maintain an increase in temperature at a rate of 2
6 0.5F (1 6 0.25C)/min.

Satisfactory n-heptane and p-xylene can be obtained from Special Products
Division, Chemical Department, Phillips Petroleum Company, Drawer O, Borger,
TX 79607.
Satisfactory isopropanol may be obtained from Exxon Chemical, Americus P.
O. Box 3272, Houston, TX 77001, Shell Chemical Co., One Shell Plaza, Houston,
TX 77002, or Union Carbide Co., P. O. Box 8361, South Charleston, WV 25303.
Satisfactory diethylene glycol may be obtained from Union Carbide Co., S.
Charleston, WV.

D 1310
9.3.5 Apply full heat to the liquid bath; when the temperature of the specimen reaches approximately 190F (90C),
adjust the heat input so that the temperature of the specimen
increases at a rate of 2 60.5F (1 6 0.25C)/min.

NOTE 4With viscous materials, this rate of heating cannot always be


9.1.7 Determine the approximate flash point by passing the

taper flame across the specimen at intervals of 2F (1C). Make
the first pass of the taper flame immediately after the final
adjustment of the specimen level, as in 9.1.5. The time required
to pass the ignition flame across the surface of the liquid should
be 1 s. Each pass must be in one direction only, and the taper
should be kept in the off position at one or the other end of
the swing except when the flame is applied to the specimen. In
case the material tends to creep over the edge of the cup,
carefully wipe the edge with absorbant tissue to remove frost
and liquid, just prior to passage of the taper over the cup.

NOTE 7The heaters on some testers do not have sufficient capacity to

maintain the proper rate of heating when the temperature approaches
250F (120C) or above. The heat input to the liquid bath may be
increased if necessary by using a variable transformer to increase the
voltage to the heater or by wrapping the bath with electrical heating tape.
The application of suitable insulation to the outside of the bath to prevent
heat loss is also permissible. The important factor is to maintain the rate
of temperature increase of the specimen at 2 6 0.5F (1 6 0.25C)/min.

9.3.6 Determine the approximate flash point by passing the

taper flame across the specimen at intervals of 2F (1C) as
described in 9.1.7.
9.4 Determine and record not less than three test values, as
9.4.1 After the initial test to determine the approximate flash
point of the materials, repeat the procedure by cooling a fresh
portion of the sample, the glass cup, the bath solution, and the
thermometer to more than 20F (10C) below the approximate
flash point. When the temperature of the specimen is exactly
20F below the approximate flash point, adjust the center of the
liquid level to 18in. (3.2 mm) below the upper edge of the cup
as determined with the leveling device placed across the
diameter of the cup.
9.4.2 Resume heating, or allow the temperature to rise
spontaneously in the case of materials flashing below 60F
(16C). Following the instructions given in 9.1.7, pass the taper
flame across the specimen at two intervals of 5F (3C) and
then at intervals of 2F (1C) until the flash point is reached.
9.5 Fire Point (Sustained Burning):
9.5.1 Except for the initial test, after determining the flash
point, continue heating the apparatus so that the temperature of
the specimen increases at the rate of 2 6 0.5F (1 6
0.25C)/min. At intervals of 2F (1C), pass the taper across
the surface of the specimen as described in 9.1.7 and in Note
6 and determine the temperature at which burning is sustained
for 5 s after ignition (fire point). Time the duration of burning
from the time the taper (ignition source) has completed its
passage across the surface of the liquid.
9.5.2 Determine and record the results obtained from the
continuation of three or more flash point tests (9.4).

NOTE 5When determining the flash point or fire point, or both, of

viscous liquids and those liquids that tend to form a surface film, the
following procedure is suggested: About 15 s before the taper is passed
over the surface, insert the end of a stirring rod to a depth of about 12 in.
(15 mm) in approximately a vertical position. Move the rod from
side-to-side of the cup for three or four complete passes following
approximately the path of the taper, remove, and make the test.
NOTE 6Discontinue heating and checking flash point if the specimen
boils before flashing. Record that the material has no flash point prior to

9.1.8 Continue with procedure in 9.4.

9.2 Flash Points from 60 to 200F (16 to 93C) (See 9.1
and Notes 3-5):
9.2.1 Fill the bath with cold water or water-glycol solution
to a predetermined level 18 in. (3.2 mm) below the top when
the cup is in place. The bath liquid should be at least 30F
(17C) below the anticipated flash point.
9.2.2 If necessary, cool a portion of the sample to at least
20F (10C) below the anticipated flash point. Exercise adequate care to avoid contamination of the sample with coolant
liquid or vapors. Fill the glass cup with the cooled sample to a
depth approximately 18 in. (3.2 mm) below the edge as
determined by the leveling device, with the proper thermometer (see Table 1) positioned as described in 8.4.
9.2.3 For final adjustment of the specimen level, see 9.1.5.
9.2.4 Light the ignition flame and adjust it as described in
9.2.5 Apply heat to the liquid bath and adjust so that the
temperature of the specimen increases at a rate of 2 6 0.5F (1
6 0.25C)/min.
9.2.6 Determine the approximate flash point by passing the
taper flame across the specimen at intervals of 2F (1C) as
described in 9.1.7.
9.2.7 Continue with procedure in 9.4.
9.3 Procedure for Flash Points from 200 to 325F (93 to
165C) (See 9.1 and Notes 3-5):
9.3.1 Fill the bath with a high-boiling inert silicone fluid to
a predetermined level 18in. (3.2 mm) below the top when the
cup is in place.
9.3.2 With the appropriate thermometer (see Table 1) properly positioned (8.4), fill the glass cup with sample at room
temperature to a depth slightly more than 18 in. (3.2 mm)
below the edge as determined by the leveling device.
9.3.3 For final adjustment of the specimen level, see 9.1.5.
9.3.4 Light the ignition flame and adjust it as described in

10. Instrument Verification

NOTE 8The height of the taper is very important. Raising the taper
0.01 in. (0.25 mm) increases the flash point about 2F (1C). Each
apparatus should be verified about once a week, if in constant use; or on
each occasion of use, when used only occasionally.

10.1 Flash Points from 0 to 60F (18 to 16C) (see Note

10.1.1 Make a determination of the flash point of n-heptane
that meets the specifications set forth in Annex A2, corrected
for barometric pressure (see 11). If the flash point differs from
23 6 3F (5 6 1.5C), adjust the height of the taper and rerun
n-heptane until the flash point is within the stated tolerance.
10.2 Flash Points from 60 to 200F (16 to 93C) (see Note
10.2.1 Make a determination of the flash point of p-xylene

D 1310
acceptability of results between 0 and 200F (18 and 93C) at
the 95 % confidence level).
13.1.1 RepeatabilityTwo results, each the mean of three
determinations, obtained by the same operator should be
considered suspect if they differ by more than 4F (2C).
13.1.2 ReproducibilityTwo results, each the mean of three
determinations, obtained by operators in different laboratories
should be considered suspect if they differ by more than 7F
13.2 The following criteria should be used for judging flash
points between 200 and 325F (93 and 165C) at the 95 %
confidence level.
13.2.1 RepeatabilityTwo results, each the mean of three
determinations, obtained by the same operator should be
considered suspect if they differ by more than 9F (5C).
13.2.2 ReproducibilityTwo results, each the mean of three
determinations, obtained by operators in different laboratories
should be considered suspect if they differ by more than 12F
13.3 On the basis of an interlaboratory test of the method,
using viscous, heavily-pigmented materials that tended to form
a surface film, the within-laboratory standard deviation was
found to be 3F (2C) and the between-laboratories standard
deviation was found to be 7F (4C). Based on these standard
deviations, the following criteria should be used for judging the
acceptability of results at the 95 % confidence level:
13.3.1 RepeatabilityTwo results, each the mean of three
determinations, obtained by the same operator on different
days should be considered suspect if they differ by more than
9F (5C).
13.3.2 ReproducibilityTwo results, each the mean of three
determinations, obtained by operators in different laboratories
should be considered suspect if they differ by more than 24F
13.4 The precision of fire points will be determined. See
Test Method D 92 for precision using the Cleveland Open Cup.
13.5 BiasNo estimate of bias of flash point and fire point
tests can be determined, as no absolute values are available.
The tests are equipment and method dependent.

that meets the specifications set forth in Annex A2, corrected

for barometric pressure (see 11). If the flash point differs from
92 6 3F (33 6 1.5C), adjust the height of the taper and rerun
p-xylene until the flash point is within the stated tolerance.
10.3 Flash Points from 200 to 325F (93 to 165C) (see
Note 8).
10.3.1 Make a determination of the flash point diethylene
glycol that meets the specifications set forth in Annex A2,
corrected for barometric pressure (see 11). If the flash point
from 295 6 10F (146 6 5C), adjust the height of the taper
and rerun diethylene glycol until the flash point is within the
stated tolerance.
11. Correction for Barometric Pressure
11.1 Observe and record the ambient barometric pressure at
the time of the test. When the barometric pressure differs from
101.3 kPa (760 mm Hg), correct the observed flash point or fire
point, or both, as follows:
Corrected flash point 5 C 1 0.25 ~101.3p!


Corrected flash point 5 F 1 0.06 ~760P!


Corrected flash point 5 C 1 0.033 ~760P!


C = observed flash point in C
F = observed flash point in F
p = ambient barometric pressure in kPa
P = ambient barometric pressure in mm Hg.
NOTE 9The barometric pressure used in this calculation is the
ambient pressure for the laboratory at the time of the test. Many aneroid
barometers, such as those used at weather stations and airports are
precorrected to give sea level readings and would not give the correct
reading for this test.

11.2 Round off the corrected flash point to the nearest 1F

12. Report
12.1 Report the mean of not less than three corrected
recorded tests, other than the initial test, to the nearest 1F
(0.5C). Three multiple runs are acceptable for averaging if the
difference between the extreme values does not exceed 7F
(4C) (95 % confidence level).
13. Precision 9
13.1 The following criteria should be used for judging the

14. Keywords
14.1 fire point; flash point; liquids; paints; resin solutions;
Tag tester

Supporting data are available from ASTM International Headquarters. Request
RR: D01 1002.

D 1310
(Mandatory Information)

A1.1 Tag Open-Cup Apparatus, shown in Fig. 1. It consists

of the following parts, which must conform to the dimensions
shown, and have the additional characteristics as noted:
A1.1.1 Copper Bath, preferably equipped with a constantlevel overflow so placed as to maintain the bath liquid level
18in. (3.2 mm) below the rim of the glass cup.
A1.1.2 Thermometer Holder, supplied with the tester as
shown in Fig. 1 to support the thermometer firmly in a vertical
NOTE A1.1The spring clamp holding the thermometer part may be
replaced by a set-screw facing out away from the bath as shown in Fig. 1.
This may make it easier and safer to extinguish the fire after the fire point
has been reached.

A1.1.3 Glass Test Cup (Fig. A1.1), of molded clear glass,

annealed, heat-resistant, and free from surface defects.
A1.1.4 Leveling Device, or gage, for proper adjustment of
the liquid in the cup (Fig. A1.2) made of polished aluminum or
stainless steel 18 in. (3.2 mm) thick, with two projections for
adjusting the liquid level in the glass cup to 0.125 in. 6 0.003
in. (3.18 6 0.08 mm) below the top edge or rim of the cup.
This leveling device may also be used to adjust the size of the
test flame and for gaging the height of the taper above the edge
of the cup.
A1.1.5 Micro or Small Gas Burner, of suitable dimensions for heating the bath. A screw clamp may be used to help
regulate the gas. A small electric heater controlled by a variable
power transformer may be used.
A1.1.6 Ignition Taper, a small, straight blow-pipe type gas
burner with the tip approximately 116 in. (1.5 mm) in diameter
and the orifice 132 in. (0.8 mm) in diameter. The ignition taper
should be maintained in a fixed horizontal plane above the test
cup by means of a swivel device so that the test flame passes
on the circumference of a circle having a radius of at least 6 in.
(150 mm).
A1.1.7 Draft Shield, consisting of two rectangular sheets of
noncombustible material, 24 by 28 in. (610 by 710 mm),

Metric Equivalents








1 32
7 32

3 16

FIG. A1.1 Glass Test Cup

fastened together along the 28-in (710-mm) side, preferably by

hinges. A triangular sheet, 24 by 24 by 34 in. (610 by 610 by
860 mm), is fastened by hinges to one of the lateral sheets (to
form a top when shield is open). The interior of the draft shield
shall be painted a flat black. A draft-free fume hood may be

D 1310

Metric Equivalents


0.125 6

3.18 6 0.08

1 32


FIG. A1.2 Leveling Device for Adjusting Liquid Level in Test Cup, Height of Taper above Cup, and Size of Test Flame


A2.1 Specifications for n-Heptane8 (ASTM Knock Test

Reference Fuel)n-Heptane shall conform to the following
A2.1.1 Purity99.75 % when determined by Test Method
D 2268.

A2.3 Specifications for Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol)

91 % (Volume):9 Isopropanol shall conform to the following
A2.3.1 Specific Gravity0.8180 6 0.0005 at 20/20C as
determined by means of a calibrated pycnometer.
A2.3.2 Distillation RangeShall entirely distill within a
1.0C range that shall include the temperature 80.4C as
determined by Test Method D 1078.

NOTE A2.1This is the same grade of n-heptane specified in Test

Methods D 2699 and D 2700.

A2.2 Specifications for p-Xylene (Flash Point Check

Grade)8p-Xylene shall conform to the following requirements:
A2.2.1 Specific Gravity15.56/15.56C0.863 6 0.003
A2.2.2 Boiling Range 2C max from start to dry point,
when tested in accordance with Test Method D 850 or Test
Method D 1078. The range shall include the boiling point of
pure p-xylene, which is 281.03F (138.35C).
A2.2.3 Freezing point 11.23C, min calculated in accordance with Test Method D 1016, from the experimentally
determined freezing point, measured by Test Method D 1015.

A2.4 Specifications for Diethylene Glycol11Diethylene

glycol shall conform to the following requirements:
A2.4.1 Specific Gravity1.1185 6 0.0015 at 20/20C as
determined by means of a calibrated pycnometer.
A2.4.2 Distillation RangeShall entirely distill within a
5.0 range which shall include the temperature 245.8C as
determined by Test Method D 1078.
A2.4.3 WaterNot more than 0.2 % as determined by Test
Method D 1364.

D 1310
Committee D01 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue,
D 1310 - 86 (1997){1, that may impact the use of this standard.
(1) Deleted Note 3 and changed caution statement to a warning
that is included in 9.1.
(2) Deleted Section 10 and replaced it with a new Section 10
that simplifies instrument verification procedure.
(3) Added Section 11 on correcting for barometric pressure

using equation common to all other flash point methods.

(4) Deleted old Note 8 and add new Note 8.
(5) Deleted old Note 9 and added new Note 9.
(6) Renumbered subsequent section.

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or (e-mail); or through the ASTM website

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